Erebia ligea (Linnaeus, 1758)
EU, AN, AC, Kamchatka, Japan. See [maps]
Arran Brown
Górówka boruta
- Papilio ligea Linnaeus, 1758; Syst. Nat. (Edn 10) 1: 473; TL: Sweden
- Papilio alexis Esper, 1778; Die Schmett. Th. I, Bd. 1 (9): 369, (7): pl. 44, f. 1-2
- Erebia livonica Teich, 1866; Stettin Ent. Ztg 27: 133
- Erebia ligea ab. ocellata Strand, 1902; Nyt Mag. Naturv. 40: 140, 159
- Erebia ligea ab. subcaeca Schultz, 1908; Ent. Zs. 22 (1): 4
- Erebia ligea ab. huebneri Oberthür, 1909; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 3: 331
- livida Oberthür, 1909; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 3: 331 [ ?? ]
- Erebia ligea nikostrate Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 124; TL: Ampezzotal
- Erebia ligea carthusianorum Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 125; TL: Grande Chartreuse
- Erebia ligea permagna Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 125; TL: Alpes Maritimes
- Erebia ligea siscia Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 125; TL: Apennines
- Erebia ligea ab. caeca Kolisko, 1910; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien. 60 (s.b.): 7
- borisi Buresch, 1912; Arb. Bulg. Nat. Ges. 5: (20-56)
- Erebia ligea ab. quadripunctata Hoffmann & Klos, 1914; Mitt. Nat. Ver. Steierm. 50: 267
- Erebia ligea ab. subeuryale Strand, 1915; Archiv Naturg. 81 A (1): 94
- Erebia ligea ab. borsana Strand, 1915; Archiv Naturg. 81 A (1): 96
- Erebia ligea ab. triocellata Strand, 1915; Archiv Naturg. 81 A (1): 96
- Erebia ligea ab. helvetica Strand, 1915; Archiv Naturg. 81 A (1): 97
- Erebia ligea var. bryki Strand, 1915; Archiv Naturg. 81 A (1): 97; TL: Finland
- tenuifasciata Fruhstorfer, 1918; Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 126
- borealis Rowland-Brown, 1919; Entomologist 52: 27
- Erebia ligea ab. obsoleta Rowland-Brown, 1919; Entomologist 52: 27
- Maniola ligea f. monticola Vorbrodt, 1921; Mitt. schweiz. ent. Ges. 13 (4): 178
- ?pellea Fruhstorfer; Lep. Catal. 48; TL: 588
- ?postvorta Fruhstorfer; Lep. Catal. 48; TL: 589
- hermeti Derenne, 1923; Rev. Mens. Soc. ent. Namur. 23: 57
- nigropunctata Hartig, 1924; Ent. Rundschau 41: 42
- biocellatoides Hartig, 1924; Ent. Rundschau 41: 42
- Erebia ligea ab. reisseri Schawerda, 1924; Mitt. münchn. ent. Ges. 14 (1-5): 25
- latefasciata Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 121
- reducta Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 111
- meridionalis Goltz, 1926; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 40: 89
- alticola Goltz, 1926; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 40: 90
- inocellata Goltz, 1926; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 40: 95
- brevifasciata Cabeau, 1926; Lambillionea 26: 11
- pseudolivonia Pionneau, 1930; Echange (439): [?]
- tenuifasciata Hackray, 1934; Lambillionea 34: 126
- czekelii Goltz, 1937; Verh. siebenbürg. Ver. Naturw. Hermannstadt 85-86: 171
- apupillata Pionneau, 1937; Echange 53: 2
- violaceofasciata Kolar, 1938; Lambillionea 38: 174
- bieneri Grosse, 1938; Acta Soc. ent. Cal. 35: 87
- albofasciata Popescu-Gorj, 1948; Notat. biol. Bucharest 6: 141
- minuta Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 222
- macrosiscia Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 226
- Erebia ligea carthusianorum; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 50; [iNaturalist] ; [Heiner Ziegler]
- Erebia ligea huebneri; Oberthür, 1912, Étud. Lépid. Comp. 6: 327, pl. 124, f. 1102
- Erebia ligea livonica; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 108
- Erebia ligea; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 108, pl. 37 g; [H&R], 156; [SPRK]; [EBW]; [BOW]: pl. 6, f. 14; [BRU], 202; [MRS], 407; [Otakar Kudrna]; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 49; [FE]; [RFEL]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [MBE] ; [MBE] ; [SZMN] ; [SVF] ; [Mario Maier]
- alexis; Esper, 1780, Die Schmett. Th. I, Bd. 2 (1): pl. 54, f. 2
600x411 (~29Kb) FINLAND: Ab: Suomusjärvi, 669:31, 18.8.1996, Photo © Markku Savela
500x454 (~26Kb) Finland, Joutseno, 7/1995, Photo © Tero Piirainen
500x380 (~20Kb) upperside Finland, Sotkamo, Pihlajapuro, 7/1996, Photo © Tero Piirainen
600x480 (~40Kb) ♂ upperside Finland, Tampere, Hervanta, 6820:330, 13.7.1997, Photo © Tero Piirainen
600x418 (~31Kb) ♂ upperside FINLAND: Kb: Kiihtelysvaara, 692:68, 11.7.1997, Photo © Markku Savela
600x506 (~31Kb) ♂ upperside FINLAND: Kb: Kiihtelysvaara, 692:68, 11.7.1997, Photo © Markku Savela
700x587 (~56Kb) underside FINLAND: Kb: Kiihtelysvaara, 692:68, 11.7.1997, Photo © Markku Savela
600x800 (~68Kb) underside Sweden, Ekebo, Julita, 26.7.2003, Photo © Leif Wahlberg
706x563 (~92Kb) upperside Russia, Moscow area, 3.7.2010 (36°25'E, 56°00'N), Photo © D. Smirnov
676x635 (~99Kb) Russia, Moscow area, 29.7.2008 (36°25'E, 56°00'N), Photo © D. Smirnov
481x676 (~82Kb)
Larva on
Gramineae ,
Milium effusum,
Deschampsia caespitosa [SPRK],
Digitaria ,
Calamagrostis ,
Panicum ,
Poa ,
Carex [BRU],
Deyeuxia spp.,
Calamagrostis villosa var. langsdorffii,
Carex incisa [MRS]
E. l. eumonia Ménétriés, 1859 Altai - Magadan
533x400 (~56Kb) ♂ upperside The left bank of the Koksu River 2 km of its junction with the Dzhazatr River, 1600 m above sea level, the eastern spurs of the Katunskiy moutain range, Central Altai Mts., West Siberia, Russia. 24th July, 1988, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
533x400 (~52Kb) ♂ underside The left bank of the Koksu River 2 km of its junction with the Dzhazatr River, 1600 m above sea level, the eastern spurs of the Katunskiy moutain range, Central Altai Mts., West Siberia, Russia. 24th July, 1988, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
E. l. dovrensis Strand, 1902 Norway (Dovre)
E. l. kamensis Krulikovsky, 1909
E. l. takanonis Matsumura, 1909 Japan (Honshu)
- Erebia ligea var. takanonis Matsumura, 1909; Ent. Zs. 23 (19): 91; TL: Honshu, Yatsugatake, 7000ft
- Erebia ligea kisokomana Murayama, 1964; Zs. Wiener ent. Ges. 49: 37, pl. 4, f. 10-13; TL: Mt. Kisokomagadake, Nagano
E. l. sachalinensis Matsumura, 1919 Sakhalin
- Erebia ligea sachalinensis; Matsumura, 1926, Insecta Matsumurana 1 (2): 105; [BRU2], 215; Dubatolov, Korshunov, Gorbunov, Kosterin & Lvovsky, 1998, Trans. lepid. Soc. Japan 49 (3): 189; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 49; [RFEL]
E. l. rishirizana Matsumura, 1928 Japan
E. l. herculeana Warren, 1931 Transylvania
E. l. bulgarica Goltz, 1932 Bulgaria
E. l. mienschanica Goltz, 1939 Shansi
- ligea mienschanica Goltz, 1939; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 52: 161
E. l. shebalina Goltz, 1939 NW.Altai
- ligea shebalina Goltz, 1939; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 53: 83
E. l. petsamoensis Lingonblad, 1950 Petsamo
E. l. interposita Holik, 1954 Altai
E. l. urgaensis Holik, 1954 Mongolia
E. l. vitimensis Holik, 1954
E. l. suederlandica Arnscheid & Sterba, 1978 W.Germany
- ligea suederlandica Arnscheid & Sterba, 1978; Ent. Zs. 88 (22): 25
E. l. wutaishana Murayama, 1983
- Erebia ligea wutaishana; [MRS], 407
Erebia ajanensis Ménétriés, 1857
N.Korea, N.China, .... See [maps]
- Erebia ajanensis; [BRU2]: 215, pl. 83, f. 13-15; Dubatolov, Korshunov, Gorbunov, Kosterin & Lvovsky, 1998, Trans. lepid. Soc. Japan 49 (3): 180; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 50; [RFEL]; [iNaturalist] ; [SZMN]
- Erebia ligea ajanensis; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 108, pl. 37 g; [MRS], 407
E. a. arsenjevi Kurentzov, 1950 Ussuri
E. a. kosterini Gorbunov, Korshunov & Dubatolov, 1995 Magadan (Koni Peninsula)
- Erebia kosterini Gorbunov, Korshunov & Dubatolov, 1995; Butts. Asian Russia: 123; TL: Koni Peninsula, Magadan
Erebia euryale (Esper, 1805)
Cantabrian, Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians, Balkans, Urals, Altai. See [maps]
Liten skogsgräsfjäril
Large Ringlet
Górówka euriala
- Papilio euryale Esper, 1805; Die Schmett., Th I, Suppl. Th. 2 (11): 8, pl. 118, f. 2-3; TL: Sudety Mts., Czech Republic
- Papilio philomela Esper, [1804]; Die Schmett., Suppl. Th 1 (10): pl. 116, f. 4
- Papilio adyte Hübner, [1819]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: pl. 151, f. 759-760
- Erebia ocellaris Staudinger, 1861; in Staudinger & Wocke, Cat. Lep. (ed. 1): 11
- isarica Rühl, 1895; Palaearkt. Grossschm. 1: 812
- Erebia euryale ab. ochracea Wheeler, 1903; Butts. Switzerland: 135
- Erebia euryale ab. extrema Schawerda, 1905; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 55: 30
- ?virgata Tutt, 1904; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 16: 36 [ ?? ]
- Erebia euryale ab. huebneri Oberthür, 1909; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 3: 329
- Erebia adyte etobyma Fruhstorfer, 1909; Int. ent. Zs. 3 (24): 134; TL: Alpes Maritimes, Col de Tenda
- Erebia adyte clanis Fruhstorfer, 1910; Int. ent. Zs. 3 (40): 212; TL: "Bayerische Alpen", Gmain nr Reichenhaal, Dachstein in Steiermark
- Erebia euryale f. intermedia Schawerda, 1910; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien. 60 (s.b.): 220
- brutiorum Turati, 1911; Ann. Mus. Zool. Napoli 3 (18): 16
- ?Erebia euryale r. apenninicola Verity, 1911; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr.: 312; TL: Apennines
- Erebia euryale ab. helvetica Vorbrodt, 1912; Die Schmett. Schweiz 1: 82
- Erebia euryale var. tatrica Strand, 1915; Archiv Naturg. 81 A (1): 94
- Erebia euryale ab. basalis Strand, 1915; Archiv Naturg. 81 A (1): 95
- Erebia euryale ab. disjuncta Strand, 1915; Archiv Naturg. 81 A (1): 95
- Erebia euryale ab. simplex Strand, 1915; Archiv Naturg. 81 A (1): 95
- Erebia euryale ab. heyni Strand, 1915; Archiv Naturg. 81 A (1): 95
- Erebia euryale ab. depunctata Strand, 1915; Archiv Naturg. 81 A (1): 95
- Erebia euryale ab. tetrastigma Strand, 1915; Archiv Naturg. 81 A (1): 95
- Melanargia euryale f. excedentia Vorbrodt, 1917; Mitt. schweiz. ent. Ges. 12 (9-10): 440
- segregata Reverdin, 1918; Bull. Soc. Lep. Genève 4: 32, pl. 1, f. 1-2
- apicalis Reverdin, 1918; Bull. Soc. Lep. Genève 4: 34, pl. 1, f. 3 [?]
- tramelana Reverdin, 1918; Bull. Soc. Lep. Genève 4: 34, pl. 1, f. 3 [?]
- addenda Reverdin, 1918; Bull. Soc. Lep. Genève 4: 34, pl. 1, f. 4
- Erebia philomela phoreta Fruhstorfer, 1918; Soc. ent. 33 (11): 42; TL: Auvergne, Mt Dore
- Erebia philomela rusca Fruhstorfer, 1918; Soc. ent. 33 (11): 43
- Erebia euryale ab. extremioides Nitsche, 1918; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 68 (s.b.): 147
- Erebia euryale f. caeca Turati, 1919; Naturalista sicil. 23 (7-12): 218, pl. 3, f. 4
- bipunctata Hartig, 1924; Ent. Rundschau 41: 43
- defessa Hartig, 1924; Ent. Rundschau 41: 43
- latifasciata Hartig, 1924; Ent. Rundschau 41: 43
- pleniocellata Hartig, 1924; Ent. Rundschau 41: 43
- reducta Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 120
- antevortes Verity, 1925; Arch. Naturg. 91 A (9): 111
- Erebia philomela cantabricola Verity, 1927; Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 32 (11): 174
- Erebia euryale ab. mendolana Dannehl, 1927; Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 17 (1-6): 3
- Erebia euryale f. albofasciata Diószeghy, 1930; Verh. sieben. Ver. Nat. 79-80: 206
- ?Erebia euryale f. nana Diószeghy, 1930; Verh. sieben. Ver. Nat. 79-80: 207
- nana Diószeghy, 1930; Pub. Muz. jud. Hunedoara 27 (2): 9
- Erebia euryale r. böhmerwaldensis Warren, 1930; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 42 (11): 147
- Erebia euryale f. pyraenaeicola Goltz, 1930; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1 (Suppl.): 147
- Erebia euryale var. minima Goltz, 1930; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1 (Suppl.): 148; TL: Altai
- ?transsylvanica Warren, 1931; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 43 (3): 51 [ ?? ]
- jungens Goltz, 1932; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 47: 116
- Erebia euryale ab. sexpunctata Diószeghy, 1935; Verh. Sieben. Ver. Nat. 83-84: 110; TL: Hungary
- splendens Warren, 1936; Monograph of the genus Erebia: 68; TL: Simplon
- punctifera Kolar, 1938; Lambillionea 38: 174
- grandiuscula Riel, 1944; Bull. Soc. linn. Lyon 12 (2): 24 [? Riehl]
- bedei Loritz, 1951; Entomologist 84: 231
- parviuscula Loritz, 1952; Rev. franc. Lép. 13: 201
- fenestrata Loritz, 1952; Rev. franc. Lép. 13: 202
- nigrosubmersa Loritz, 1952; Rev. franc. Lép. 13: 202
- totenigra Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 217
- iremelica Korshunov, 1995; 123
- Erebia adyte; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 50
- Erebia euryale adyte; [H&R], 157; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [Heiner Ziegler]
- Erebia euryale boehmerwaldensis; [CoL]
- Erebia euryale böhmerwaldensis; [LepIndex]
- Erebia euryale etobyma; Fruhstorfer, 1910, Ent. Zs. 24 (7): 38
- Erebia euryale huebneri; Oberthür, 1912, Étud. Lépid. Comp. 6: 327, pl. 124, f. 1100-1101
- Erebia euryale isarica; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 107; [iNaturalist] ; [Heiner Ziegler]
- Erebia euryale ocellaris; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 107, pl. 37 g; [H&R], 157; [iNaturalist]
- Erebia euryale; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 107, pl. 37 g; [H&R], 156; [BRU], 202; [Otakar Kudrna]; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 50; [FE]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [MBE] ; [MBE] ; [SZMN] ; [SVF] ; [Mario Maier]
- Erebia euryale ab. extrema; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 107
- Erebia ligea adyte; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 108, pl. 37 g
- Erebia ligea iremelica; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 50
- Erebia philomela adyte; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Soc. ent. 33 (11): 42 (note)
- Erebia philomela etobyma; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Soc. ent. 33 (11): 42 (note)
- Erebia philomela euryale; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Soc. ent. 33 (11): 42 (note)
- Erebia philomela helvetica; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Soc. ent. 33 (11): 43 (note)
- Erebia philomela segregata; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Soc. ent. 33 (11): 43 (note)
Larva on
Digitaria ,
Milium ,
Festuca [BRU]
E. e. arctica Poppius, 1906 N.European Russia
- Erebia arctica Poppius, 1906; Acta Fauna & Fl. Fenn. 28 (3): 5; TL: Kanin Peninsula, Arkhangelsk Region
- Erebia boreomontanum Sedykh, 1979; Trudy vses. ent. Obsch. 61: 117
E. e. euryaloides Tengström, 1869
E. e. flaveoides Korshunov & Tatarinov, 1996 Polar Urals
E. e. zhuravskyi Nikolaev & Korshunov, 2004
- euryale zhuravskyi Nikolaev & Korshunov, 2004; 49
E. e. taiga Nikolaev & Korshunov, 2004
- euryale taiga Nikolaev & Korshunov, 2004; 51
Erebia jeniseiensis Trybom, 1877
Altai, Tuva, N.Mongolia - S.Siberia - Sakhalin, Magadan region. See [maps]
1188x748 (~228Kb) ♀ upperside A subalpine larch parkland on the southern principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range between the Chikty and Akbul Rivulets, 2300 m above sea level, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 15th July 1998, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1200x923 (~165Kb) ♀ upperside A road in a pine forest, the Stolby Nature Reserve, Krasnoyarsk Province, 10th July 1995, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
800x800 (~177Kb) ♀ upperside Russia, Siberia, Khakass Republic, Ust'-Abakan District, 28 km WWS of village Ust'-Byur, the very source of Terensug River, 53°46' N 89°50' E, alt. 900-1000 m, Pinus sibirica/Abies sibirica/Picea obovata taiga. 5/VII 2000, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
532x744 (~121Kb) underside An alpine meadow patch neighbouring with the most elevated larch wood outposts in the Kamdyt valley, a Tekelyu River right tributary which in turn is an Akkem River right tributary, the Katunskii Range northern principal slope, Central [Russian] Altai Mts., Ust'-Koksa District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 2rd July 2007, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
930x771 (~200Kb) underside An alpine meadow patch neighbouring with the most elevated larch wood outposts in the Kamdyt valley, a Tekelyu River right tributary which in turn is an Akkem River right tributary, the Katunskii Range northern principal slope, Central [Russian] Altai Mts., Ust'-Koksa District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 2rd July 2007, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1105x899 (~245Kb) upperside An alpine meadow patch neighbouring with the most elevated larch wood outposts in the Kamdyt valley, a Tekelyu River right tributary which in turn is an Akkem River right tributary, the Katunskii Range northern principal slope, Central [Russian] Altai Mts., Ust'-Koksa District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 2rd July 2007 (on Scorzonera radiata), Photo © Oleg Kosterin
Erebia eriphyle (Freyer, 1836)
Alps. See [maps]
Eriphyle Ringlet
Ähnlicher Mohrenfalter
- Hipparchia eriphyle Freyer, 1836; Neuere Beitr. Schmett. 2: 150, pl. 187, f. 3-4
- Erebia tristis Herrich-Schäffer, [1851]; Syst. Bearb. Schmett. Europ. 6 (48): 11, f. 387-390
- Erebia moerens Westwood, [1851]; Gen. diurn. Lep. (2): 380
- Erebia eriphyle var. intermedia Frey, 1887; Ent. Soc. 1 (21): 161
- Erebia eriphyle ab. impunctata Höfner, 1887; Soc. Ent. 2 (16): 121
- Erebia eriphyle ab. reducta Vorbrodt & Müller-Rutz, 1911; Die Schmett. Schweiz 1: 73
- Erebia eriphyle f. obscura Hoffmann & Klos, 1914; Mitt. Nat. Ver. Steierm. 50: 255
- Erebia eriphyle f. tripuncta Hoffmann & Klos, 1914; Mitt. Nat. Ver. Steierm. 50: 255
- luxurians Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 109
- nigra Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 109
- Erebia eriphyle tristis ab. secundo-tertiopunctata Eisner, 1946; Zool. Meded. Leiden 26 (10): 271; TL: Reichenstein
Erebia manto ([Schiffermüller], 1775)
Alps, Styria, Tatra, Carpathians, Pyrenees, Dolomites. See [maps]
Yellow-spotted Ringlet
Górówka manto
Gelbgeflecter Mohrenfalter
- Papilio manto [Schiffermüller], 1775; Ank. syst. Schmett. Wienergegend: 169; TL: Vienna, Austria
- ?Papilio pyrrha Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775; Ank. syst. Schmett. Wienergegend: 167
- Papilio erina Fabricius, 1787; Mantissa Insectorum 2: 41
- maccabaeus (Herbst, 1796) (Papilio); in Jablonsky, Naturs. Schmett. 8: 185, pl. 209, f. 5-6
- Papilo caecilia Hübner, [1803]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: pl. 46, f. 213-214
- Papilio mantoides Esper, 1805; Die Schmett., Th I, Suppl. Th. 2 (11): 15, pl. 119, f. 6
- bubastis Meisner, 1818; Neue Anz. Schweiz: 78
- Erebia pyrrha var. pyrrhula Frey, 1880; Lep. Schweiz.: 37
- Erebia pyrrha var. vogesiaca Christ, 1882; Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. 6 (5): 239
- Erebia manto var. ocellata Wagner, 1904; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien. 54: 611
- Erebia manto constans Eiffinger, 1907; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 99
- Erebia gavarniensis Warren, 1913; Ent. Rec. 25: 273
- Erebia manto f. impunctata Hoffmann & Klos, 1914; Mitt. Nat. Ver. Steierm. 50: 259
- Erebia manto f. farinata Turati, 1919; Naturalista sicil. 23 (7-12): 219, pl. 3, f. 3
- Erebia manto f. saphrana Fruhstorfer, 1920; Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 90; TL: Wallis
- Erebia manto gnathene Fruhstorfer, 1920; Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 91; TL: S.France, Auvergne
- albofasciata Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 111
- effusa Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 111
- fasciata Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 111
- latefasciata Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 111
- nigra Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 111
- pallida Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 111
- reducta Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 111
- Erebia manto mod. media Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 53
- Erebia manto mod. minor Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 53
- Erebia manto mod. major Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 53
- Erebia manto mod. castanea Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 53
- Erebia manto mod. obscura Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 53
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-typica Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 53
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-rufata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 53
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-nigrobadiata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 54
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-obsoleta Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 54
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-grisea Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 54
- Erebia manto mod. luteo-fasciata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 54
- Erebia manto mod. rufo-fasciata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 54
- Erebia manto mod. purpureo-fasciata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 54
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-luteofasciata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 54
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-rufofasciata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 54
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-brunnea Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 54
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-ferruginea Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 54
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-bicolor Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 54
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-aurantiaca Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 54
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-ochrea Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 54
- Erebia manto mod. macularis Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 55
- Erebia manto mod. reducta Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 55
- Erebia manto mod. reductissima Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 55
- Erebia manto mod. fasciata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 55
- Erebia manto mod. postmacularis Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 55
- Erebia manto mod. postreducta Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 55
- Erebia manto mod. plurimacula Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 55
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-benesignata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 55
- Erebia manto mod. subtusminussignata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 56
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-completa Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 56
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-reducta Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 56
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-fasciata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 56
- Erebia manto mod. subtus-privata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 56
- Erebia manto mod. impunctata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 56
- Erebia manto mod. depuncta Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 56
- Erebia manto mod. bipunctata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 56
- Erebia manto mod. tripunctata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 57
- Erebia manto mod. quadripunctata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 57
- Erebia manto mod. parvipuncta Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 57
- Erebia manto mod. ocellata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 57
- Erebia manto carpathica Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 69, 78
- Erebia manto ab. reductissima Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 66
- Erebia manto ab. diffusa Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 70
- Erebia manto ab. progressiva Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 70, 92
- Erebia manto ab. regressiva Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 70, 96
- Erebia manto ab. subtus-cinnamomea Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 70, 97
- Erebia manto ab. subtus-imitans Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 70, 97
- Erebia manto ab. subtus-cinerea Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 70, 97
- Erebia manto ab. subtus-grisea Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 70, 97
- Erebia manto ab. subtus-maccabeus Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 70, 97
- Erebia manto ab. subtus-lutescens Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 71
- Erebia manto ab. subtus-fasciata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 71
- Erebia manto ab. subtus-semifasciata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 71, 97
- Erebia manto ab. subtus-unicolor Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 71, 97
- Erebia manto ab. subtus-basimacula Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 71, 97
- Erebia manto ab. subtus-privata Müller, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78: 71
- Erebia manto var. retyezatica Diószeghy, 1930; Verh. sieben. Ver. Nat. 79-80: 204, pl. 2, f. 4-5
- Erebia manto ab. ligata Goltz, 1930; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1 (Suppl.): 137
- Erebia manto ab. rubroligata Goltz, 1930; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1 (Suppl.): 138, pl. 9
- Erebia manto f. tenebrosa de Sagarra, 1930; Butll. Inst. catal. Hist. nat. (2) 10 (7): 112; TL: Spain
- argentoligata Goltz, 1936; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 50: 20
- storcki Fischer, 1937; Amat. Papill. 8: 280; TL: France
- Erebia manto ab. isabellina Schultz, 1937; Festschr. E. Strand 3: 562
- hormuzakii Niesiobowski & Wojtusiak, 1937; Bull. int. Acad Cracovie 1937 B II: 117
- albomaculata Kolar, 1938; Lambillionea 38: 175
- Erebia bubastis bubastis; [iNaturalist]
- Erebia manto constans; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 91; [H&R], 159
- Erebia manto erina; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 86
- Erebia manto mantoides; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 87; [iNaturalist] ; [Heiner Ziegler]
- Erebia manto pyrrhula; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 99, pl. 36 h; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 88; [H&R], 159
- Erebia manto subtuslutescens; [CoL]
- Erebia manto vogesiaca; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 99; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 85; [iNaturalist]
- Erebia manto; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 99, pl. 36 g; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 83; [H&R], 158; [BRU], 203; [Otakar Kudrna]; [FE]; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 51; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [MBE] ; [MBE]
- Erebia manto ab. bubastis; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 99
- Erebia manto ab. caecilia; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 99, pl. 36 g
- Erebia manto f. bubastis; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 89
- Erebia manto f. caecilia; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 88
- Erebia manto f. maccabaeus; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 89
- Erebia vogesiaca; [LEPIFORUM]
Larva on
Gramineae [H&R]
E. m. trajanus Hormuzaki, 1895 Mt. Goverla
E. m. osmanica Schawerda, 1909
E. m. praeclara Niesiolowski, 1929 Tatra Mts.
- manto praeclara Niesiolowski, 1929; Prace Monor. Kom. Fiz. Krakow 5: 37
E. m. valmaritima Floriani, 1965 Italy
- manto valmaritima Floriani, 1965; Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 95: 152
Erebia claudina (Borkhausen, 1789)
Alps. See [maps]
Weißpunktierter Mohrenfalter
White Speck Ringlet
- Papilio claudina Borkhausen, 1789; Naturges. Eur. Schmett. 2: 204
- Papilio arete Fabricius, 1787; Mantissa Insectorum 2: 42
- Erebia arete var. albofasciata Höfner, 1883; Wiener ent. Z. 2 (8): 193
- Erebia arete f. reducta Hoffmann & Klos, 1914; Mitt. Nat. Ver. Steierm. 50: 256
- Erebia arete f. preisseckeri Hoffmann & Klos, 1914; Mitt. Nat. Ver. Steierm. 50: 256
- Erebia arete f. flavescens Hoffmann & Klos, 1914; Mitt. Nat. Ver. Steierm. 50: 256
- Erebia arete f. tripuncta Hoffmann & Klos, 1914; Mitt. Nat. Ver. Steierm. 50: 256
- Erebia arete f. ♀ ocellata Thurner, 1922; Zs. Öst. EntVer. 7 (Schluss): 38
- Erebia arete f. marginata Thurner, 1922; Zs. Öst. EntVer. 7 (Schluss): 38
- Erebia arete ab. reducta f. ♀ marginata Thurner, 1922; Zs. Öst. EntVer. 7 (Schluss): 38
- Erebia arete ab. reducta f. ocellata Thurner, 1922; Zs. Öst. EntVer. 7 (Schluss): 38
- caeca Hoffmann, 1950; Wien ent. Rdsch. 2: 30
- de-fasciata Hoffmann, 1950; Wien ent. Rdsch. 2: 30
- semipupillata Hoffmann, 1950; Wien ent. Rdsch. 2: 30
Larva on
Gramineae ,
Aira caespitosa [H&R]
Erebia flavofasciata Heyne, [1895]
Alps. See [maps]
Yellow-Banded Ringlet
Larva on
Gramineae ,
Festuca ovina [H&R]
E. f. thiemei Bartel, 1904
Erebia epiphron (Knoch, 1783)
Pyrenees, Alps, Balkans, Apennines, Bulgaria. See [maps]
Górówka epifron
Mountain Ringlet
- Papilio epiphron Knoch, 1783; Beitr. Insektengesch. 3: 131, pl. 6, f. 7
- ?Papilio melampus Esper, 1782; Die Schmett. Th. I, Bd. 2 (5): 131, pl. 78, f. 2
- Papilio cassiope Fabricius, 1787; Mantissa Insectorum 2: 42 (?preocc. Papilio cassiope Cramer, [1775]); TL: Alps
- Papilio egea Borkhausen, 1788; Naturges. Eur. Schmett. 1: 77
- Papilio alcyone Borkhausen, 1788; Naturges. Eur. Schmett. 1: 96
- Papilio janthe Hübner, [1799-1800]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: pl. 44, f. 202
- Papilio aetheria Esper, 1805
- Papilio mnemon Haworth, 1812; Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1: 332
- Melampias rhodia Hübner, [1819]; Verz. bek. Schmett. (4): 63 #611
- ?aethiops Villiers, 1834; Entom. 2: 37
- Erebia cassiope var. nelamus Boisduval, 1840; Genera Index Eur. Lepid.: 26
- Erebia cassiope var. bernensis Meyer-Dür, 1852; Verz. Schmett. Schweiz 1: 152, pl. 2, f. 3
- Erebia cassiope var. valesiana Meyer-Dür, 1852; Verz. Schmett. Schweiz 1: 152, pl. 2, f. 4
- Erebia cassiope var. silesiana Meyer-Dür, 1852; Verz. Schmett. Schweiz 1: 154, pl. 2, f. 7
- Melampias epiphron ab. obsoleta Tutt, 1896; Brit. Butts: 427
- Erebia epiphron var. transsylvanica Rebel, 1908; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (s.b.): 77
- Erebia cassiope ab. albinescens Oberthür, 1909; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 3: 287
- Erebia epiphron amisus Fruhstorfer, 1910; Ent. Zs. 24 (7): 38; TL: Allgau, Nebellhorn
- Erebia epiphron cydamus Fruhstorfer, 1910; Ent. Zs. 24 (7): 38; TL: Alpes Maritimes
- Erebia epiphron cydamus f. privata Turati & Verity, 1911; Boll. Soc. Ent. Ital. 42 : 214
- Erebia epiphron vogesiaca Goltz, 1914; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 28 (2): 107
- Erebia epiphron v. mackeri Fuchs, 1914; Int. Ent. Zs. 8 (15): 82
- effusa Turati, 1914; Att. Soc. Zool. Ital. 54: 483
- Erebia epiphron ab. intermedia Schwingenschuss, 1914; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 64 (s.b.): 171; TL: Engadin
- Erebia epiphron var. sudetica Petry, 1919; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 33: 128
- Erebia epiphron var. hercynica Petry, 1919; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 33: 133; TL: Harz
- Erebia epiphron r. amplevittata Verity, 1921; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 33: 211
- exannulata Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 108
- Erebia epiphron nelamus ab. nigerrima Le Charles, 1927; Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 32 (8): 138, pl. 2, f. 5
- Erebia epiphron transsylvanica f. latefasciata Diószeghy, 1930; Verh. sieben. Ver. Nat. 79-80: 204, pl. 2, f. 3
- Erebia epiphron transsylvanica r. retyezatensis Warren, 1931; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 43 (3): 51; TL: Retyezat
- ornatissima Hormuzaki, 1937; Ent. Rdcsh. 54: 278
- clorinda Hartig, 1940; Mem. Soc. ent. ital. 18: 186
- scotica Cooke, 1943; Entomologist 76: 105; TL: Scotland
- Erebia fauveaui de Lesse, 1947; Rev. franç. Lépid. 11: 103
- cebennica de Lesse, 1947; Rev. franç. Lépid. 11: 105
- valdeonica Hospital, 1948; Trab. Mus. Cienc. nat. Barcelona 1 (2): 13; TL: Spain
- inalpina Warren, 1949; Entomologist 82: 103
- mixta de Lesse, 1951; Rev. franç. Lépid. 13: 8
- minor Popescu-Gorj, 1952; Bull. sti. Acad. Repub. rom. (Biol.) 4: 172
- reducta Popescu-Gorj, 1952; Bull. sti. Acad. Repub. rom. (Biol.) 4: 172
- Erebia epiphron clorinda; [LepIndex]; [CoL]
- Erebia epiphron cydamus; Turati & Verity, 1911, Boll. Soc. Ent. Ital. 42 : 214
- Erebia epiphron inalpina; [LepIndex]; [CoL]
- Erebia epiphron mackeri; [iNaturalist]
- Erebia epiphron mixta; [LepIndex]; [CoL]
- Erebia epiphron mnemon; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 95; [iNaturalist]
- Erebia epiphron scotica; [LepIndex]; [CoL]
- Erebia epiphron valesiana; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 95; [iNaturalist] ; [Heiner Ziegler]
- Erebia epiphron; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 95; [H&R]; [EBW]; [BOW]: pl. 6, f. 11; [Otakar Kudrna]; [FE]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [MBE] ; [MBE]
- Erebia epiphron ab. nelamus; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 95
- Erebia epiphron ab. obsoleta; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 95
- Erebia epiphron f. cassiope; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 95, pl. 36 a
- Erebia sudetica inalpina; [iNaturalist]
- Papilio cassiope; Hübner, [1806-1808], Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: pl. 123, f. 626-629
- Papilio egea; Borkhausen, 1789, Naturges. Eur. Schmett. 2: 202
450x341 (~66Kb) upperside Mt. Canigou, Pyrenees Orientales, France 27/7/96, Photo © Simon Coombes
Larva on
Gramineae ,
Deschampsia caespitosa [H&R]
E. e. silesiana Meyer & Dür, 1852
- Erebia epiphron silesiana; Kuras, Benes, Konvicka & Honc, 2001, Atalanta 32 (1/2): 190, pl. XII, f. 2, 6 (larva)
Larva on
Festuca supina,
Avenella flexuosa Kuras, Benes, Konvicka & Honc, 2001, Atalanta 32 (1/2): 193
E. e. pyrenaica Herrich-Schäffer, [1844]
E. e. orientpyrenaica Eisner, 1946 Pyrenees
E. e. roosi Arnscheid & Sterba, 1978 Yugoslavia
- epiphron roosi Arnscheid & Sterba, 1978; Ent. Zs. 88 (22): 258
Erebia orientalis Elwes, 1900
SEEU. See [maps]
Formerly ssp. of E. epiphron
E. o. infernalis Varga, 1971
Erebia serotina Descimon & de Lesse, 1954
Pyrenees. See [maps]
Descimon's Ringlet
- Erebia serotina Descimon & de Lesse, 1954; Rev. fr. Lep. 14: 119; TL: Pyrenees
625x449 (~84Kb) Cauterets (65), pont del Raillère, 6-IX-1970, Photo © B. Lalanne-Cassou leg.
A hybrid Erebia epiphron × Erebia manto?
Erebia christi Rätzer, 1890
Alps. See [maps]
Raetzer's Ringlet
Larva on
Festuca ovina [H&R]
Erebia pharte (Hübner, [1803-1804])
Alps, Tatra. See [maps]
Górówka farte
Unpunktierter Mohrenfalter
Blind Ringlet
- Papilio pharte Hübner, [1803-1804]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: 33
- Papilio pharte Esper, 1805; Die Schmett., Th I, Suppl. Th. 2 (11): 17, pl. 120, f. 3-4
- Erebia pharte var. phartina Staudinger, 1894; Dt. Ent. Z. Iris 7 (2): 245
- Erebia pharte var. fasciata Spuler, 1908; Schmett. Eur. 1: 35, pl. 9, f. 1
- Erebia pharte ab. punctata Höfner, 1908; Jb. nat. Mus. Kärnten 27: 205
- Erebia pharte thynias Fruhstorfer, 1911; Soc. ent. 26 (6): 24; TL: Dauphine
- Erebia pharte ab. extrema Schwingenschuss, 1912; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 62 (s.b.): 117
- Erebia pharte pellene Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 96; TL: Tauernkette, Gross Glockner
- Erebia pharte flaccilla Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 97; TL: San Bernhardino, ca. 1400m
- ab. ♀ pallida Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 110
- effusa Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 110
- dilucescens Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 110, pl. 10, f. 20
- Erebia shajitsuzanensis Mori & Cho, 1935; Zephyrus 6: 11; TL: Korea
- romaniae Hormuzaki, 1937; Ent. Rdcsh. 54: 279
- ?spuleri Higgins
- Erebia (Magda) fasciata; [P&N23]
- Erebia pharte fasciata; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 98; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 98
- Erebia pharte pharte; [iNaturalist]
- Erebia pharte phartina; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 96
- Erebia pharte thynias; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 96
- Erebia pharte; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 97, pl. 36 d; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 94, 97; [H&R], 166; [Otakar Kudrna]; [FE]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [MBE] ; [MBE] ; [Mario Maier]
- Erebia pharte ab. phartina; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 97, pl. 36 d
E. p. eupompa Fruhstorfer, 1918
E. p. silbernageli Slaby, 1947
Erebia kefersteinii (Eversmann, 1851)
Altai, Sayan, Tuva, N.Mongolia. See [maps]
528x361 (~21Kb) ♂ upperside Subalpine Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) parkland, 2000 m above sea level, Semiskii Pass, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 8th July 1998, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
514x381 (~19Kb) ♂ upperside Subalpine Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) parkland, 2000 m above sea level, Semiskii Pass, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 8th July 1998 (on _Bistorta bistora), Photo © Oleg Kosterin
600x429 (~62Kb) ♂ upperside Subalpine Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) parkland, 2000 m above sea level, Semiskii Pass, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 8th July 1998 (on _Bistorta bistora), Photo © Oleg Kosterin
400x421 (~32Kb) ♂ underside Subalpine Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) parkland, 2000 m above sea level, Semiskii Pass, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 8th July 1998 (on Bistorta bistorta), Photo © Oleg Kosterin
404x616 (~13Kb) An alpine meadow in the valley of an anonimous rivulet between the Chikty and Akbul Rivulets, 2300 m above sea level, the southern principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West SIberia, Russia. 11th July 1998, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
684x845 (~85Kb) An alpine meadow in the valley of the left headwater of the Chikty Rivulet, 2600 m above sea level, the southern principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 13th July 1998 (on Allium schoenoprasum, prepared themselves to overnighting), Photo © Oleg Kosterin
442x574 (~22Kb) An alpine meadow in the valley of an anonimous rivulet between the Chikty and Akbul Rivulets, 2300 m above sea level, the southern principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 16th July 1998, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1072x853 (~301Kb) ♂ upperside An alpine meadow patch neighbouring with the most elevated larch wood outposts in the Kamdyt valley, a Tekelyu River right tributary which in turn is an Akkem River right tributary, the Katunskii Range northern principal slope, Central [Russian] Altai Mts., Ust'-Koksa District, Altai Rapublic, West Siberia, Russia. 3th July 2007, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
E. k. kholsunica Lukhtanov, 1990 Altai
- Erebia kefersteinii kholsunica Lukhtanov, 1990; Vestn. zool. 6: 14; TL: Kazakhstan, Altai, Kholsum mtn range, ca. Zyryanovsk, 2000m
E. k. amica Churkin, 1999 Buryatia
- Erebia kefersteini amica Churkin, 1999; Atalanta 29 (1/4): 111; TL: Russia, Buryatia, Barguzin Mts, Nesterikha River, Kedrovoe Lake, 1600m
E. k. otteni Murzin & Sinyaev, 2003
- kefersteinii otteni Murzin & Sinyaev, 2003; Helios 4: 202; TL: Kuznetskyi Alatau, Taije Su R., 53°56N, 89°10E, 1650m
Erebia kindermanni Staudinger, 1881
Altai. See [maps]
400x300 (~27Kb) ♂ upperside An alpine meadow, at 2200 m above sea level, on the eastern spurs of the Katunskiy Mt. Range, the valley of the Argem (Direntai) stream, Central Altai Mts., West Siberia, Russia. 19th July, 1988, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
314x300 (~22Kb) ♂ upperside An alpine meadow, at 2200 m above sea level, on the eastern spurs of the Katunskiy Mt. Range, the valley of the Argem (Direntai) stream, Central Altai Mts., West Siberia, Russia. 19th July, 1988, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
E. k. sarytavica Lukhtanov, 1990 S.Altai
- Erebia kindermanni sarytavica Lukhtanov, 1990; Vestn. zool. 6: 15; TL: Kazakhstan, S. Altai, Kurtshumsky mtn range, Sarytau, 2300m
Erebia brimo (Böber, 1809)
E.Kazkhstan (mountains), S.Siberia, Mongolia (Tarbagatai, Altai - Baikal). See [maps]
- Erebia brimo; [BARU], #263
- Erebia maurisius maurisius; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 53
- Erebia maurisius; Lukhtanov & Lukhtanov, 1994; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 98, pl. 36 e; [BOW]: pl. 200, f. 16; [BRU], 204; [BRU2]: pl. 84, f. 16-18; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 53; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist]
- Erebia maurisius maurisius (= Erebia stubbendorfi); [BRU]: pl. 50, f. 10-12
There is some contention about what is the correct name for this species, maurisius or brimo.
E. b. elwesi Staudinger, 1901 Altai
907x610 (~108Kb) ♂ upperside A dry rocky southern slope of a ridge between the headwaters of the Chikty Rivulet, 2700 m above sea level, the southern principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 15th July 1998 (on Juniperus pseudosabina), Photo © Oleg Kosterin
400x300 (~32Kb) ♂ underside A southern steppefied slope of the mountain on the Chuya River right bank between the villages Kurai and Chagan-Uzun, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Mts., West Siberia, Russia. 7th July 1988, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
Erebia stubbendorfii Ménétriés, 1847
Altai, Sayan. See [maps]
1084x918 (~337Kb) ♂ An alpine meadow patch neighbouring with the most elevated larch wood outposts in the Kamdyt valley, a Tekelyu River right tributary which in turn is an Akkem River right tributary, the Katunskii Range northern principal slope, Central [Russian] Altai Mts., Ust'-Koksa District, Altai Rapublic, West Siberia, Russia. 3th July 2007 (on Alchemilla), Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1220x1099 (~395Kb) ♂ An alpine meadow patch neighbouring with the most elevated larch wood outposts in the Kamdyt valley, a Tekelyu River right tributary which in turn is an Akkem River right tributary, the Katunskii Range northern principal slope, Central [Russian] Altai Mts., Ust'-Koksa District, Altai Rapublic, West Siberia, Russia. 3th July 2007 (on Alchemilla), Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1324x1219 (~319Kb) ♂ upperside An alpine meadow patch neighbouring with the most elevated larch wood outposts in the Kamdyt valley, a Tekelyu River right tributary which in turn is an Akkem River right tributary, the Katunskii Range northern principal slope, Central [Russian] Altai Mts., Ust'-Koksa District, Altai Rapublic, West Siberia, Russia. 3th July 2007 (on Alchemilla), Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1168x900 (~289Kb) ♂ upperside An alpine meadow patch neighbouring with the most elevated larch wood outposts in the Kamdyt valley, a Tekelyu River right tributary which in turn is an Akkem River right tributary, the Katunskii Range northern principal slope, Central [Russian] Altai Mts., Ust'-Koksa District, Altai Rapublic, West Siberia, Russia. 3th July 2007 (on Alchemilla), Photo © Oleg Kosterin
Erebia pawloskii Ménétriés, 1859
Sayan, N.Mongolia - Yakutia - Kamchatka, Alaska, Rocky Mountains. See [maps]
- Erebia (Erebia) pawloskii; [P&N23]
- Erebia pawloskii; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 415; [MPG] ; [iNaturalist] ; [BOA]
- Erebia pawloswkyi[sic, pawloskii]; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 98; [BOW]: pl. 200, f. 16 (text only)
- Erebia pawlowskii; [LEPIFORUM] ; [BAMONA]
- Erebia pawlowskii[sic, pawloskii]; [BRU], 204; [Opler]; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 54; [RFEL]
- Erebia pawlowskyi; [LepIndex] ; [CoL]
Larva on
Carex spp.,
(in N.America) [BRU]
E. p. ethela Edwards, 1891 Wyoming
E. p. sajana Staudinger, 1894 E.Sayan Mts.
E. p. alaskensis Holland, 1900
- Erbia sofia var. alaskensis Holland, 1900; Ent. News 11 (3): 387; TL: Eagle City, Alaska
E. p. canadensis Warren, 1931 Manitoba
E. p. demmia Warren, 1936 Colorado
- Erebia theano demmia Warren, 1936; Monograph of the genus Erebia: 235; TL: San Juan Mtns of Colorado
E. p. narymica Cupedo, 2007
Erebia melampus (Fuessly, 1775)
Alps. See [maps]
Lesser Mountain Ringlet
Kleiner Mohrenflater
- Papilio melampus Fuessly, 1775; Verz. bekannt. schweiz. Ins.: 31?, pl. 1, f. 6
- Papilio aetherius Esper, 1805; Die Schmett., Th I, Suppl. Th. 2 (12): 26, (11): pl. 122, f. 4
- Papilio janthe Hübner, [1805-1806]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: pl. 122, f. 624-625
- Erebia arete Bellier, 1858; Ann. Soc. ent. Fr. (3) 6: 485
- Erebia melampus impunctata Oberthür, 1909; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 3: 288
- Erebia melampus momos Fruhstorfer, 1910; Ent. Zs. 23 (53) 24 (1): 4; TL: S.Tirol, Dolomites
- Erebia melampus tigranes Fruhstorfer, 1910; Ent. Zs. 24 (7): 37; TL: Mt Blanc region
- Erebia melampus augurinus Fruhstorfer, 1910; Ent. Zs. 24 (7): 37; TL: Simplon, Laquintal
- Erebia melampus randae Vorbrodt & Müller-Rutz, 1911; Die Schmett. Schweiz 1: 72; TL: Randa
- Erebia melampus ab. caeca Gramann, 1913; Int. Ent. Zs. 7: 163
- Erebia melampus ab. reducta Gramann, 1913; Int. Ent. Zs. 7: 163
- Erebia melampus ab. ziegleri Gramann, 1913; Int. Ent. Zs. 7: 163
- Erebia melampus f. kodermanni Hoffmann & Klos, 1914; Mitt. Nat. Ver. Steierm. 50: 254
- Erebia melampus var. radnaensis Rebel, 1915; Rovart. Lapok 22: 180; TL: Hungary
- ?andineus Fruhstorfer; Lep. Catal. 48: 607
- luteofasciata Goltz, 1939; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 52: 163
Larva on
Gramineae ,
Poa annua [H&R]
Erebia sudetica Staudinger, 1861
fr, Carpathians, Tatra, Altwater, Retezat. See [maps]
Górówka sudecka
Sudeten Ringlet
E. s. sudetica
- Erebia sudetica sudetica; Kuras, Benes, Konvicka & Honc, 2001, Atalanta 32 (1/2): 188, pl. XII, f. 1, 5 (larva)
Larva on
Festuca supina,
less Deschampsia caespitosa Kuras, Benes, Konvicka & Honc, 2001, Atalanta 32 (1/2): 188
Erebia aethiops (Esper, 1777)
fr, Alps, Germany, Balkans, Apennines, Asia Minor, Urals, Caucasus, Sajan. See [maps]
Scotch Argus
Górówka medea
Le Grand Nègre
- Papilio aethiops Esper, 1777; Die Schmett. Th. I, Bd. 1 (9): 312, (5): pl. 25, f. 3; TL: S.Germany
- Papilio ocellatus Goeze, 1779; Ent. Beyträge 3 (1): 297
- Papilio blandina Fabricius, 1787; Mantissa Insectorum 2: 41
- ?medusa Borkhausen, 1788; Naturges. Eur. Schmett. 1: 75
- ?Papilio medea Hübner, [1799-1800]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: pl. 48, f. 220-222
- ?alcyone Stewart, 1817; Elem. Nat. Hist. 2: 132
- neoridas Freyer, 1833; Neuere Beitr. Schmett. 1: pl. 55, f. 3-4
- Erebia aethiops var. leucotaenia Staudinger & Wocke, 1871; Cat. Lepid. eur. Faunegeb. (Edn. 2): 26
- Erebia aethiops ab. flavescens Tutt, 1896; Brit. Butts: 432
- Erebia aethiops ab. obsoleta Tutt, 1896; Brit. Butts: 432
- Erebia aethiops ab. ochracea Tutt, 1896; Brit. Butts: 431
- Erebia aethiops ab. pallida Mousley, 1902; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 14: 20
- Erebia aethiops ab. inequalis Mousley, 1902; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 14: 19
- Erebia aethiops ab. nigra Mousley, 1902; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 14: 19
- Erebia aethiops ab. stricta Mousley, 1903; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 15: 168
- Erebia aethiops ab. pallidior Mousley, 1903; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 15: 168
- Erebia aethiops ab. violacea Wheeler, 1903; Butts. Switzerland: 137
- ?freyeri Oberthür, 1909; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 3: 326 [ ?? ]
- ?fritschi Oberthür, 1909; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 3: 326 [ ?? ]
- Erebia aethiops derufata Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 125; TL: S.Tirol, Primiero, Val di Canali
- Erebia aethiops rubria Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 126; TL: Tessin, nr. Fusio
- Erebia aethiops ab. dehermanni Dehermann, 1910; Naturaliste 32: 35; TL: Norvaux, d'Amancey
- Erebia aethiops ab. caeca Rebel, 1910; in Berge, Schmetterlingsbuch (edn 9): 43
- Erebia aethiops ab. abbreviata Hirschke, 1911; Jber. Wien. ent. Ver. 21: 94
- Erebia aethiops r. caledonia Verity, 1911; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr.: 311, pl. 1, f. 1
- Erebia aethiops r. taurinorum Verity, 1911; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr.: 312, pl. 1, f. 2
- Erebia aethiops huebneri Oberthür, 1912; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 6: 327, pl. 124, f. 1099
- Erebia aethiops parvisi Verity, 1914; Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 45: 217, pl. 1, f. 14
- Erebia aethiops parvisi ab. emialbina Verity, 1914; Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 45: 217
- Erebia aethiops ab. ochrea Osthelder, 1916; Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 7 (1-5): 38 (ochracea Tutt)
- Erebia aethiops ab. semialbina Verity, 1916; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 28 (6): 133
- Erebia aethiops ab. royi Clément, 1916; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1916: 126
- Erebia aethiops altivaga Fruhstorfer, 1917; Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 53; TL: Davos
- Erebia aethiops salaria Fruhstorfer, 1917; Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 55; TL: S.Tirol, Klausen
- ?cosinida Fruhstorfer; Lep. Catal. 46: 532
- depupillata Steiner, 1918; Ent. Jb. 27: 93; TL: Croatia
- Erebia aethiops ab. croesus Schawerda, 1921; Zs. Öst. EntVer. 6: 2
- Erebia aethiops r. crattiae Verity, 1923; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 35: 135
- Erebia aethiops r. apuana Verity, 1923; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 35: 135
- magna Rocci, 1923; Mem. Soc. Ent. 2: 7
- biocellata Hartig, 1924; Ent. Rundschau 41: 42
- reducta Hartig, 1924; Ent. Rundschau 41: 42
- albofasciata Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 118
- perfumosa Dannehl, 1925; Ent. Zs. 39 (13): 52 [ ?? ]
- purpurea Sibille, 1927; Lambillionea 27: 74
- Erebia aethiops ab. paradoxa Schawerda, 1928; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 78 (s.b): 21; TL: Veldes (Bled), N.Yugoslavia
- infasciata Warren, 1936; Monograph of the genus Erebia: 136
- pupillifera Kolar, 1938; Lambillionea 38: 174
- amplevittata Goltz, 1939; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 53: 53
- Erebia aethiops ab. perfusa-semicaeca Eisner, 1946; Zool. Meded. Leiden 26 (10): 274
- inocellata Owen, 1952; Entomologist 85: 92
- binotata Popescu-Gorj, 1955; Bull. sti. Acad. Repub. rom. (Biol.) 7: 726
- demarginata Popescu-Gorj, 1955; Bull. sti. Acad. Repub. rom. (Biol.) 7: 726
- enucleata Popescu-Gorj, 1955; Bull. sti. Acad. Repub. rom. (Biol.) 7: 726
- mesorubria Popescu-Gorj, 1955; Bull. sti. Acad. Repub. rom. (Biol.) 7: 728
- jigodini Popescu-Gorj, 1955; Bull. sti. Acad. Repub. rom. (Biol.) 7: 730
- magdalena Krzywicki, 1963; Ann. Zool. 21: 202, 217
- Erebia (Magda) magdalena magdalena; [P&N23]
- Erebia (Magda) magdalena; [P&N23]
- Erebia aethiops blandina; Fruhstorfer, 1917, Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 52
- Erebia aethiops caledonia; Fruhstorfer, 1917, Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 52
- Erebia aethiops derufata; Fruhstorfer, 1917, Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 55
- Erebia aethiops jigodini; [LepIndex]; [CoL]
- Erebia aethiops leucotaenia; Fruhstorfer, 1917, Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 53
- Erebia aethiops parvisi; Fruhstorfer, 1917, Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 56
- Erebia aethiops rubria; Fruhstorfer, 1917, Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 54; [Heiner Ziegler]
- Erebia aethiops taurinorum; Fruhstorfer, 1917, Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 56
- Erebia aethiops; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 105, pl. 37 e; Fruhstorfer, 1917, Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 52; [H&R], 168; [EBW]; [BOW]: pl. 6, f. 9; [BRU], 201; [Otakar Kudrna]; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 50; [FE]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [Heiner Ziegler] ; [MBE] ; [MBE] ; [Mario Maier]
- Erebia aethiops ab. leucotaenia; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 105, pl. 37 e
500x517 (~69Kb) ♂ ♀ underside Glen Fhinnlaidh, Scotland 26/07/95, Photo © Simon Coombes
500x353 (~67Kb) upperside Glen Fhinnlaidh, Scotland 26/07/95, Photo © Simon Coombes
510x400 (~35Kb) ♀ underside A fir/lime forest on a ridge in the Malyi Tesh and Bolshoi Tesh Rivers interfluve 8 km E of the village Kuzedeevo, the famous "lime-tree island" of the forest of a relic species Tilia sibirica Fisch., piedmonts of the Gornaya Shoria Mts., Novokuznetsk District, Kemerovo Province, West Siberia, Russia. 28th July 1996, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
Larva on
Gramineae ,
Dactylis ,
Poa annua [H&R],
Agrostis [BRU]
E. a. melusina Herrich-Schäffer, [1847] Caucasus
E. a. fogarasica Warren, 1931
E. a. depressivaga Verity, 1935
E. a. peneplana Berger, 1936 Belgium
- aethiops peneplana Berger, 1936; Lambillionea 36: 199
E. a. isolata Goltz, 1939 Shansi
- aethiops isolata Goltz, 1939; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 52: 162; TL: Shansi
E. a. goltzi Korshunov, 1998
- Erebia aethiops goltzi Korshunov, 1998; (repl. Erebia aethiops f. uralensis Goltz, 1930)
- Erebia aethiops f. uralensis Goltz, 1930; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1 (Suppl.): 146 (preocc. Erebia medusa var. uralensis Staudinger, 1861)
Erebia neriene (Böber, 1809)
S.Altai - S.Siberia - Ussuri, N.China, Korea. See [maps]
533x400 (~44Kb) ♀ upperside A mossy larch forest in the Polovinnaya Pad' valley few kilometres of the Argun' River left bank 13 km S of the village Uryupino, Gazimurskozavodskoi District, E Chita Province, E Transbaikalia, Siberia, Russia. 28th July 1997, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
300x400 (~26Kb) ♂ underside A steppefied southern left slope of the Budyumkan River valley 5 km of its confluence with the Argun' River 6 km S of the village Uryupino, Gazimurskozavodskoi District, E Chita Province, E Transbaikalia, Siberia, Russia. 26th July 1997, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
Larva on
Calamagrostis ,
Dactylis ,
Poa ,
Festuca ,
Carex [BRU]
E. n. neriene Böber, 1809 Altai, Sayan, Transbaikalia
E. n. alcmenides Sheljuzhko, 1919 Amur, Ussur
Erebia scoparia Butler, [1882]
Larva on
Poaceae ,
Cyperaceae [RFEL]
E. s. expleta Churkin, 2005 Sakhalin
- Erebia niphonica expleta Churkin, 2005; Helios 6: 142; TL: Sakhalin
E. s. doii Nakahara, 1926 Kuriles
Erebia niphonica Janson, 1877
-. See [maps]
Larva on
Carex ,
Calamagrostis [BRU]
E. n. niphonica Japan
E. n. mikuniana Nakahara, 1942 Japan
E. n. mikudai Nakahara Japan
- niphonica mikudai Nakahara; ; TL: Mt. Mikuni
- Erebia niphonica mikudai; Okano & Doi, 1957, Tyô Ga 8 (1): 7 (note)
E. n. sakae Torii, 1945 Japan
E. n. okadai Torii, 1945 Japan
E. n. hayachineana Okano, 1954 Japan
- niphonica hayachineana Okano, 1954; Rep. Gakugei Fac. Iwate Univ. 6 (2): 39; TL: Mt. Hayachine
E. n. sugitanii Shirôzu, 1957 Japan
- niphonica sugitanii Shirôzu, 1957; Sieboldia 2: 40 (?preocc.)
E. n. shibutsuana Shirôzu, 1957 Japan
- niphonica shibutsuana Shirôzu, 1957; Sieboldia 2: 39
E. n. gassana Okano & Doi, 1957 Japan (Honshu)
- Erebia niphonica gassana Okano & Doi, 1957; Tyô Ga 8 (1): 7; TL: Mt. Gassan (ca. 1980m), N.Honshu
E. n. yakeishidakeana Okano, 1958 Japan (N.Honshu)
- Erebia niphonica yakeishidakeana Okano, 1958; Tyô to Ga 9 (2): 22; TL: Mt. Yakeishidake, ca. 1300-1500m
E. n. shirahatai Okano, 1958 Japan (N.Honshu)
- Erebia niphonica shirahatai Okano, 1958; Tyô to Ga 9 (2): 23; TL: Mt. Chôkai, Yamagata Pref., N.Honshu
E. n. asahidakeana Okano, 1958 Japan (N.Honshu)
- Erebia niphonica asahidakeana Okano, 1958; Tyô to Ga 9 (4): 57; TL: Mt. Asahidake, Yamagata Pref., N.Honshu
E. n. nyukasana Murayama, 1963 Japan
- Erebia niphonica nyukasana Murayama, 1963; Zs. Wiener ent. Ges. 48: 102, pl. 19, f. 5-6, pl. 20, f. 11-12; TL: Mt. Nyukasayama, Nagano
E. n. tateyamana Murayama, 1963 Japan
- Erebia niphonica tateyamana Murayama, 1963; Zs. Wiener ent. Ges. 48: 102, pl. 19, f. 3-4, pl. 20, f. 9-10; TL: Mt. Tateyama, Toyama
E. n. yoshisakana Murayama, 1963 Japan
- Erebia niphonica yoshisakana Murayama, 1963; Zs. Wiener ent. Ges. 48: 103, pl. 19, f. 1, 7; TL: Mt. Hakusan, Ishikawa
E. n. amarisana Murayama, 1964 Japan
- Erebia niphonica amarisana Murayama, 1964; Tyô to Ga 15 (1): 16, f. 1-3; TL: Japan
E. n. togakusiana Murayama, 1964 Japan
- Erebia niphonica togakusiana Murayama, 1964; Tyô to Ga 15 (1): 16, f. 4; TL: Japan
Erebia alcmena Grum-Grshimailo, 1891
Tibet, W.China, Japan. See [maps]
E. a. minschani Bang-Haas, 1933 Kansu
- Erebia alcmene[sic] minschani Bang-Haas, 1933; Ent. Zs. 47 (12): 97; TL: Kansu mer. or., Min, Minschan Gebirge, 3000m
Erebia triarius (de Prunner, 1798)
SEU, CEU. See [maps]
de Prunner's Ringlet
- Papilio triarius de Prunner, 1798; Lepid. Pedemont.: 70
- Papilio evias Godart, 1819; Encyclopédie Méthodique 9 (1): 21
- = Erebia triaria triaria; [H&R], 169
- = ; [FE]
- Papilio bonellii Hübner, [1826]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: pl. 181, f. 892-895
- pyrenaica Staudinger, 1871; Catal. Lep. Pal. Fauna 2: 26
- ?hispanica Zapater, 1883; Ann. Soc. Esp.: 300 [?302]
- ?Erebia evias var. hispanica Gumppenberg, 1888; Stettin Ent. Ztg 49: 379
- ?Erebia evias var. hispanica Chapman, 1905; Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1905 (1): 34, pl. 2, f. 9-10, pl. 3, f. 5-6 (preocc.)
- Erebia evias ab. depupillata Schultz, 1908; Ent. Zs. 22 (1): 4
- Erebia evias granjana Oberthür, 1909; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 3: 308
- Erebia evias ab. caeca Oberthür, 1909; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 3: 308
- Erebia evias ottonis Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 124
- Erebia evias eurykleia Fruhstorfer, 1910; Int. ent. Zs. 3 (40): 211; TL: Wallis, nr. Martigny
- Erebia evias letincia Fruhstorfer, 1910; Int. ent. Zs. 3 (40): 211; TL: Engadin
- Erebia evias var. orientalis Rebel, 1914; S.B. Akad. Wiss. Wien 123: 1117 (preocc. Erebia orientalis Elwes, 1900)
- Erebia evias venaissina Fruhstorfer, 1917; Ent. Zs. 30 (25): 100; TL: Mt Ventoux
- Erebia evias victorialis Fruhstorfer, 1921; Ent. Rundschau 38 (12): 53; TL: "Meran."
- Erebia evias rebeli Warren, 1932; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 44 (12): 167 (repl. Erebia evias var. orientalis Rebel, 1914)
- Erebia triarius ab. reducta Eisner, 1946; Zool. Meded. Leiden 26 (10): 274; TL: Alpes Maritimes
- Erebia evias pyrenaica; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 101
- Erebia evias venaissina; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Ent. Zs. 31 (20): 77
- Erebia evias; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 101, pl. 35 g
- Erebia pyrenaica; [LepIndex]
- Erebia triaria hispanica; [H&R], 170
- Erebia triaria triaria; [H&R], 169; [iNaturalist]
- Erebia triaria; [H&R], 169; [Otakar Kudrna]; [MBE] ; [MBE]
- Erebia triarius; [FE]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [Heiner Ziegler]
Erebia vidleri Elwes, 1898
British Columbia. See [maps]
Vidler's Alpine
Northwest Alpine
900x1126 (~130Kb) USA: Washington, Skagit Co., Sauk Mountain Trail Head & Trail, 15.8.2012, Photo © Markku Savela
900x871 (~100Kb) USA: Washington, Skagit Co., Sauk Mountain Trail Head & Trail, 15.8.2012, Photo © Markku Savela
Larva on
Poaceae ? [NAB]
Erebia semo Grum-Grshimailo, 1899
N.Siberia, W.Chukot Peninsula, Far East. See [maps]
Erebia medusa (Fabricius, 1787)
CEU, SEEU, Asia Minor. See [maps]
Woodland Ringlet
Górówka meduza
Le Franconien
- Papilio medusa Fabricius, 1787; Mantissa Insectorum 2: 40
- medea Borkhausen, 1788; Naturges. Eur. Schmett. 1: 74
- Papilio medusa Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775; Ank. syst. Schmett. Wienergegend: 167 (nom. nud.); TL: Vienna, Austria
- mergus (Fabricius, 1793) (Papilio); Ent. Syst. 3 (1): 159
- themistocles (de Loche, 1801); Mem. Acad. Torino 6 (2): 142, pl. 7
- hippomedusa Meisner, 1818²; Nat. Anz. Schweiz. 12: 15
- Hipparchia hippomedusa Ochsenheimer, 1820
- eumenis Freyer, 1833; Neuere Beitr. Schmett. 1: 156, pl. 85, f. 3-4
- Erebia medusa var. subalpina Gumppenberg, 1888; Stettin Ent. Ztg 49: 375; TL: "Mont. Bav."
- Erebia medusa ab. procopiani Hormuzaki, 1892; Ent. Nachr. 18 (1): 2
- florinensis Lambillion, 1903; Rev. Mens. Soc. ent. Namur. 3: 15; TL: Belgien
- pseudomedusa Strand, 1903; Archiv for Math. Natur. 25 (9): 3
- Erebia medusa ab. eviades Wheeler, 1907; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 19: 132
- Erebia medusa ab. pherusa Schultz, 1908; Ent. Zs. 22 (1): 4; TL: Schlesia
- Erebia medusa ab. astigmatica Schultz, 1908; Ent. Zs. 22 (1): 4; TL: Schlesia
- Erebia medusa ab. mantoides Gramann, 1910; Int. Ent. Zs. 4 (16): 87
- Erebia medusa ab. dilucescens Gramann, 1910; Int. Ent. Zs. 4 (16): 88
- Erebia medusa ab. virago Cabeau, 1910; Rev. mens. Soc. ent. Namur. 10 (9): 69
- Erebia medusa ab. amazon Cabeau, 1910; Rev. mens. Soc. ent. Namur. 10 (10): 76
- Erebia medusa ab. infulata Cabeau, 1910; Rev. mens. Soc. ent. Namur. 10 (10): 77
- difflua Blachier, 1910; Bull. Soc. Lep. Genève 2: 53, pl. 1, f. 7
- Erebia medusa ab. satoryi Zelezny, 1915; Ent. Rdsch. 32: 59
- Erebia medusa meisneri Fruhstorfer, 1917; Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 46; TL: "Schwarzwald, Titisee"
- Erebia medusa charila Fruhstorfer, 1917; Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 48; TL: Basel, Genf
- Erebia medusa generosa Fruhstorfer, 1917; Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 49; TL: Mt Generoso, Wallis
- Erebia medusa cercida Fruhstorfer, 1917; Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 50; TL: S.Tirol
- Melanargia medusa f. ticina Vorbrodt & Müller-Rutz, 1917; Mitt. schweiz. ent. Ges. 12 (9-10): 439 (Krüger i.l.)
- Erebia medusa f. hyperappennina Turati, 1919; Atti Soc. ital. Sci. nat. 58: 165
- Maniola medusa f. postnigra Vorbrodt, 1921; Mitt. schweiz. ent. Ges. 13 (4): 177
- albinotica Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 112
- albofasciata Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 112
- depupillata Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 112
- luxurians Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 112
- mairloti Cabeau, 1925; Rev. mens. Soc. ent. Namur. 25: 6
- effusa Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 112
- semigrisea Cabeau, 1927; Lambillionea 27: 73
- ?Erebia medusa r. altissima Warren, 1931; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 43 (6): 98; TL: E.Switzerland; N.Tyrol
- alpestris Warren, 1936; Monograph of the genus Erebia: 192
- dolomitica Warren, 1936; Monograph of the genus Erebia: 192; TL: Dolomites
- sylvatica Warren, 1936; Monograph of the genus Erebia: 193; TL: Alps
- honei Goltz, 1937; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 51: 188
- manchurica Matsumura, 1939; Bull. biogeogr. Soc. Japan 9 (20): 350
- paradoxa Slaby, 1950; Acta Soc. ent. Cal. 47 (1-2): 51
- infralbosparsa Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 180
- macrommata Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 183
- pulchrappenina Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 183
- parumgenerosa Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 184
- Erebia medusa loricarum Kovács, 1966; Ann. hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 58: 458; TL: Csákvár
- botevi Slaby, 1979; Ent. Zs. 89: 82
- Erebia medua themistocles; Fruhstorfer, 1917, Dt. ent. Z Iris 31 (1/2): 51 (note)
- Erebia medusa botevi; [LepIndex]; [CoL]
- Erebia medusa dolomitica; [LepIndex]; [CoL]
- Erebia medusa hippomedusa; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 100, pl. 35 g; [H&R], 174
- Erebia medusa honei; [LepIndex]; [CoL]
- Erebia medusa loricarum; [LepIndex]; [CoL]
- Erebia medusa subalpina; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 100
- Erebia medusa; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 100, pl. 35 f; [H&R], 171; [BRU], 212; Kudrna & Belicek, 2005, Oedippus 23: 28; [Otakar Kudrna]; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 51; [FE]; [RFEL]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [MBE] ; [MBE] ; [SVF] ; [Mario Maier]
- Erebia medusa ab. procopiani; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 100
470x273 (~93Kb) upperside Czech Republic, Blansko, 1.6.2004, Photo © Michal Koupý
470x331 (~96Kb) underside Czech Republic, Blansko, 1.6.2004, Photo © Michal Koupý
1064x854 (~338Kb) upperside Russian Federation, Adygea Republic, Caucasian nature reserve, Lagonaki Plateau, the Blyam Mt. environs, alpine meadows, 12 July 2008, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1010x752 (~220Kb) upperside Russian Federation, Adygea Republic, Caucasian nature reserve, Lagonaki Plateau, the Blyam Mt. environs, alpine meadows, 12 July 2008, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
887x841 (~222Kb) underside Russian Federation, Adygea Republic, Caucasian nature reserve, Lagonaki Plateau, the Blyam Mt. environs, alpine meadows, 12 July 2008, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1110x1088 (~381Kb) ♂ ♀ Russian Federation, Adygea Republic, Caucasian nature reserve, Lagonaki Plateau, the Blyam Mt. environs, alpine meadows, 12 July 2008, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1085x710 (~235Kb) ♂ ♀ underside Russian Federation, Adygea Republic, Caucasian nature reserve, Lagonaki Plateau, the Blyam Mt. environs, alpine meadows, 12 July 2008, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1022x885 (~301Kb) underside Russian Federation, Adygea Republic, Caucasian nature reserve, Lagonaki Plateau, the Blyam Mt. environs, alpine meadows, 12 July 2008, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
Larva on
Festuca ovina [SPRK],
Gramineae ,
Digitaria sanguinale,
Milium effusum [H&R],
Panicum ,
Setaria ,
Brachypodium ,
Festuca ,
Bromus [BRU]
E. m. psodea (Hübner, 1804) Caucasus
E. m. uralensis Staudinger, 1861
E. m. transiens Heyne, [1895]
E. m. euphrasia Fruhstorfer, 1917 Bulgaria, Bosnia
E. m. brigobanna Fruhstorfer, 1917
E. m. chatiparae Sheljuzhko, 1937
E. m. schansiana Goltz, 1937
E. m. turkestana Eisner, 1946 Turkestan
E. m. kutkh Gorbunov & Churkin, 2007
Erebia polaris Staudinger, 1871
Lappland, Boreal Asia. See [maps]
Arctic Woodland Ringlet
600x511 (~55Kb) underside FINLAND: Li: Utsjoki Kirkkotuvat, 775:50, 7.7.1997, Photo © Markku Savela
394x574 (~49Kb)
Larva on
Poa palustris,
Milium effusum [BRU]
Erebia hewitsoni Lederer, 1864
NE.Turkey, W.Transcaucasia. See [maps]
Larva on
Poa annua,
Agropyron [BRU]
E. h. sideris Fruhstorfer, 1918 Armenia, N.Iran
Erebia turanica Erschoff, [1877]
S.Altai - Tien Shan. See [maps]
533x400 (~43Kb) underside A long-forb meadow within a Tien Shan spruce (Picea schrenkiana Fisch. & Mey.) open forest at 2500 m above sea level at the junction of the Tyshkan and Tyshkanbas Rivers, 40 km NEN of Zharkent, 15 km NEN of village Sarybel', mountain massif Tyshkantau, the Southern Dzhungarian Alatau mountain chain (NE part of Tien Shan), Zharkent District, Taldy-Kurgan Province, SE Kazakhstan. 25th July 1994, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
E. t. laeta Staudinger, 1881
E. t. jucunda Püngeler, 1904
E. t. confluens Goltz, 1935
E. t. grumi Lukhtanov, 1994
E. t. susamyr Lukhtanov, 1999 Kirghizia (Suusamyr)
- Erebia turanica susamyr Lukhtanov, 1999; Atalanta 30 (1/4): 139; TL: Kirgisia, Suusamyr, Kysyloi, Kobyk, 2100m
Erebia radians Staudinger, 1886
Tien-Shan, Alai, Transalai. See [maps]
- Erebia radians Staudinger, 1886; Stett. Ent. Ztg. 47 (7-9): 240; TL: S. of Osh, Alaisky Mts.
- Erebia radians Lang, 1884; Rhopalocera Europa Descripta et Delineata 1: 320 (Stdgr.)
- Erebia radians; Grum-Grshimailo, 1890, in Romanoff, Mém. Lép. 4: 453, pl. 13, f. 1; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 111, pl. 35 c d; [BOW]: pl. 200, f. 21; [BRU], 210; [BRU2]: 219, pl. 85, f. 11-16; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 52; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [LEPIFORUM]
E. r. radians N.Tian-Shan, Inner Tian-Shan, Alai, Transalai
- Erebia radians radians; [BRU2], 219; Churkin & Tuzov, 2000, Atalanta 31 (1/2): 89, pl. I, f. 1-3, pl. III, f. 9; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 52
- Erebia radians ab. magna; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 112
- ?Erebia radians ab. magna; Staudinger
- Erebia radians radians (= Erebia sokolovi colorata); [BRU]: pl. 51, f. 18
E. r. koreana Goltz, 1935 Korea
E. r. zhdankoi Churkin & Tuzov, 2000 Inner Tien-Shan
- Erebia radians zhdankoi Churkin & Tuzov, 2000; Atalanta 31 (1/2): 92, pl. I, f. 4-6; TL: Inn. Tian-Shan, SW edge of of At-Bashi, near Chatyr-Kel, L., Karasu r., 3700-3900m
E. r. uzungyrus Churkin & Tuzov, 2000 Kirgizky Mts.
- Erebia radians uzungyrus Churkin & Tuzov, 2000; Atalanta 31 (1/2): 93, pl. I, f. 8-9; TL: Tian-Shan, Kirgizsky Range, Uzyngyr Mts., Chon-Kurchak r., 2700m
E. r. rhea Churkin & Zhdanko, 2001 N.Tien-Shan
- radians rhea Churkin & Zhdanko, 2001; Tethys Ent. Res. 3: 150; TL: N.Tien-Shan, Zailyisky Alatau, Talgar, 3200-3400
Erebia sokolovi Lukhtanov, 1990
-. See [maps]
- Erebia radians sokolovi Lukhtanov, 1990; Vestn. zool. 6: 13, f. 1 (1); TL: [Upper reaches of Karatkystak River, Kirghizsky Mts, Kazakhstan]
E. s. sokolovi E.Talassky Alatau, W.Kirgizky Mts., N.Tian-Shan, W.Tian-Shan
E. s. usgentensis Heyne, [1894]
- Erebia usgentensis (= Erebia radians uzungyrus); [BRU]: pl. 51, f. 13-15
E. s. severa Churkin & Tuzov, 2000 W.Kokshaal-Too Mts.
- Erebia sokolovi severa Churkin & Tuzov, 2000; Atalanta 31 (1/2): 98, pl. II, f. 7-9, pl. III, f. 8; TL: Int. Tian-Shan, W edge of Kakshaal Range, Sary-Beles Mts., upper stream of Kuldzha-Bashi r., 3700-3800m
E. s. colorata Churkin & Tuzov, 2000 Dolon Pass, Moldo-Too Mts.
- Erebia sokolovi colorata Churkin & Tuzov, 2000; Atalanta 31 (1/2): 104, pl. II, f. 4-6; TL: Int. Tian-Shan, Moldo-Too Mts., 10km S from Song-Kel L., Moldoo pass
E. s. arcana Churkin & Tuzov, 2000 Dzhetim-Bel Mts.
- Erebia sokolovi arcana Churkin & Tuzov, 2000; Atalanta 31 (1/2): 105, pl. III, f. 1-3; TL: Tian-Shan, Dzhetim-Bel Mts., Ekurgen-Kel L., 3700-4000m
Erebia progne Grum-Grshimailo, 1890 Alai
E. p. progne Kichick-Alai Mts.
E. p. samodurovi Tschikolovez, 1992 Transalai Mts.
Erebia kalmuka Alphéraky, 1881
Tien-Shan (inner, central and east). See [maps]
- Erebia kalmuka Alphéraky, 1881; Horae Soc. ent. Ross. 16 (3-4): 414, pl. 15, f. 18-19; TL: Arshan River valley, upper basin of Kunges River, Boro-Khoro Mts, China
Erebia ocnus (Eversmann, 1843) Dzhungarsky Alatau
- Erebia mongolica; Grum-Grshimailo, 1890, in Romanoff, Mém. Lép. 4: 452, pl. 14, f. 3; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 52; [iNaturalist]
- Erebia ocnus mongolica; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 112
- Erebia ocnus; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 112; [BRU], 211; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 52; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [LEPIFORUM]
E. o. tianschanica Heyne, [1894] Dzhungarsky Alatau (massif Tyshkantau)
- Erebia tianschanica Heyne, [1894]; Palaearkt. Grossschm. 1: 501
- Erebia tianchanica [= tianschanica] Lang, 1884; Rhopalocera Europa Descripta et Delineata 1: 320 (Stdgr.)
504x343 (~43Kb) underside An alpine meadow at 3000 m above sea level in the Tyshkan River headwaters, 42 km NEN of Zharkent, 18 km NEN of village Sarybel', mountain massif Tyshkantau, the Southern Dzhungarian Alatau mountain chain (NE part of Tien Shan), Zharkent District, Taldy-Kurgan Province, SE Kazakhstan. 26th July 1994, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
Erebia sibo Alphéraky, 1881
Tian-Shan. See [maps]
- Erebia sibo Alphéraky, 1881; Horae Soc. ent. Ross. 16 (3-4): 416, pl. 15, f. 20-21; TL: Arshan River valley, upper basin of Kunges River, Boro-Khoro Mts, China
Erebia eugenia Churkin, 2000
Kirghizia (Kokshaal-Tau Mts.). See [maps]
- Erebia eugenia Churkin, 2000; Helios 1: 30; TL: Kirghizia, Inn. Tian-Shan, Kokshal Mts., Kulja-Bashi R., 3800m
Erebia mopsos Staudinger, 1886
-. See [maps]
E. m. alexandra Staudinger, 1887 Tian-Shan
E. m. melanops Christoph, 1889 Tian-Shan
E. m. manuevi Churkin & Zhdanko, 2001 N.Tian-Shan
- mopsos manuevi Churkin & Zhdanko, 2001; Tethys Ent. Res. 3: 149; TL: N.Tien-Shan, Zailyisky Alatau, 20km S Almaty, 2700-2900m
Erebia alberganus (de Prunner, 1798)
CEU. See [maps]
Gelbäugiger Mohrenfalter
Almond-eyed Ringled
- Papilio alberganus de Prunner, 1798; Lepid. Pedemont.: 71
- Papilio ceto Hübner, [1803-1804]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: pl. 112, f. 578-579
- Erebia ceto var. obscura Rätzer, 1890; Mitt. Schweiz. ent. Ges. 8: 222
- Erebia ceto ab. leto Schultz, 1908; Ent. Zs. 22 (1): 4; TL: Alps
- Erebia ceto cetra Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 125; TL: Alpes Maritimes
- Erebia ceto ab. albomacula Rebel, 1910; in Berge, Schmetterlingsbuch (edn 9): 40
- Erebia ceto tyrsus Fruhstorfer, 1911; Soc. ent. 26 (6): 24
- Erebia ceto frenus Fruhstorfer, 1911; Soc. ent. 26 (6): 24; TL: Dauphine, Col du Lautaret, ca. 2000m
- Erebia ceto r. abetonica Verity, 1919; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 31: 124
- Erebia ceto crobyle Fruhstorfer, 1920; Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 104
- Erebia ceto rhodocleia Fruhstorfer, 1920; Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 104
- extincta Goltz, 1930; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1 (Suppl.): 138
- phorycoides Goltz, 1933; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 47: 116
- albifasciata Goltz, 1939; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 52: 166
- caradjae Caflisch, ?; Fauna Graubünden, 2 Nactr.: 15
- Erebia alberganus; [H&R], 174; [Otakar Kudrna]; [FE]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [Mario Maier]
- Erebia ceto cetra; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 106
- Erebia ceto frenus; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 106
- Erebia ceto obscura; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 106
- Erebia ceto tyrsus; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 105
- Erebia ceto; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 99, pl. 36 h; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 103
- Erebia ceto ab. obscura; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 100, pl. 36 h
- Erebia ceto f. caradjae; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 100
Larva on
Gramineae ,
Poa annua,
Festuca [H&R]
E. a. phorcys (Freyer, [1836]) Bulgaria, ...
- Hipparchia phorcys Freyer, [1836]; Neuere Beitr. Schmett. 3: 4, pl. 193, f. 2; TL: Bulgaria, central Stara Planina
- = Erebia alberganus; [FE]
Erebia theano (Tauscher, 1806)
S.Siberia (mountains), Mongolia. See [maps]
Theano Alpine
- Papilio theano Tauscher, 1806; Mém. Soc. Nat. Moscou 1: 207; TL: Altai Mts.
- Erebia maurisius lederi Goltz, 1930; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1 (Suppl.): 136; TL: Altai
- Erebia theano (= Erebia pawloskii); [NACL], #4597
642x450 (~72Kb) ♀ underside A steppefied meadow at a larch wood edge on a southern slope of small mountains on the Dzhazator River right bank in front of the Akbul Rivulet mouth, 2000 m above sea level, between the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range and the Ukok Plateau, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 19th July 1998 (on Allium), Photo © Oleg Kosterin
804x516 (~83Kb) ♂ underside A subalpine larch parkland on the southern principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range between the Chikty and Akbul Rivulets, 2300 m above sea level, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 11th July 1998 (on Aster alpinus L.), Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1230x994 (~268Kb) ♂ upperside An alpine meadow patch neighbouring with the most elevated larch wood outposts in the Kamdyt valley, a Tekelyu River right tributary which in turn is an Akkem River right tributary, the Katunskii Range northern principal slope, Central [Russian] Altai Mts., Ust'-Koksa District, Altai Rapublic, West Siberia, Russia. 2rd July 2007 (on Alchemilla), Photo © Oleg Kosterin
918x1058 (~210Kb) ♂ upperside An alpine meadow patch neighbouring with the most elevated larch wood outposts in the Kamdyt valley, a Tekelyu River right tributary which in turn is an Akkem River right tributary, the Katunskii Range northern principal slope, Central [Russian] Altai Mts., Ust'-Koksa District, Altai Rapublic, West Siberia, Russia. 2rd July 2007 (on Alchemilla), Photo © Oleg Kosterin
Larva on
Poaceae ? [NAB]
E. t. approximata Warren, 1930 Altai
831x1078 (~274Kb) ♀ upperside Russia, West Siberia, NW Altai Mts., Ust'-Kan District, Bashchelakskii Range, meadow steppe 1 km SSW of Keley village. 3th July 2005, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1125x893 (~279Kb) ♂ ♀ underside A meadow on the Peschanaya River left bank between the villages of Baragash and Ilyinka, Shebalino District, Altai Republic, West Siberia. Russia. 1st July 2005, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
E. t. tshugunovi Korshunov & Ivonin, 1995 W.Siberia
E. t. shoria Korshunov & Ivonin, 1995 Kuznetsky Alatau
E. t. dyachenkoi Yakovlev, 2006 W.Mongolia
- Erebia theano dyachenkoi Yakovlev, 2006; Eversmannia 6: 19; TL: W.Mongolia, Bayan-Ulegei aimak, 2100-2300m
Erebia haberhaueri Staudinger, 1881 Saur, Tarbagatai Mts.
- Erebia pawloswkyi var. haberhaueri Staudinger, 1881; Stettin ent. Ztg 42 (7-9): 268; TL: Tarbagatai Mts, Kazakhstan
- Erebia haberhaueri tunkuna Goltz, 1930; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1 (Suppl.): 136; TL: Sajan
- Erebia haberhaueri f. hilaris Goltz, 1930; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1 (Suppl.): 136 (Stdgr. i. l.)
Erebia youngi Holland, 1900
E.Chukotka. See [maps]
Young's Alpine
Yukon Alpine
- Erebia youngi Holland, 1900; Ent. News 11 (3): 388; TL: mtns between Forty-Mile and Mission Creek, NE.Alaska
- Erebia (Erebia) youngi youngi; [P&N23]
- Erebia (Erebia) youngi; [P&N23]
- Erebia youngi; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 29; [NACL], #4598; [NAB], 694; Belik & Zamolodchikov, 2002, Nota Lepid. 25 (1): 62; [Opler]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 416; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 53; [RFEL]; [MPG] ; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [SZMN] ; [BOA] ; [BAMONA]
Larva on
Poaceae ?,
Cyperaceae ? [NAB]
E. y. youngi Yukon, Alaska
E. y. tschuktscha Herz, 1903 Chukotka
E. y. herscheli Leussler, 1935 Yukon
E. y. rileyi dos Passos, 1947 Alaska
Erebia deputatska Hirano & Hirano, 2011
- Erebia deputatska Hirano & Hirano, 2011; Lepid. Sci. 62 (4): 143; TL: Sakha Repub., Ust'-Yansky Distr., Deputatskiy, ca. 700m
Erebia epipsodea Butler, 1868
Alaska - Colorado. See [maps]
Butler's Alpine
Common Alpine
Larva on
Poaceae [NAB]
E. e. epipsodea
- Erebia epipsodea hopfingeri Ehrlich, 1954; J. Kansas ent. Soc. 27: 80; TL: Black Canyon 1000ft, South of Methow, Okanogan Co., Washington
E. e. brucei Elwes, 1889 Colorado
E. e. sineocellata Skinner, 1889 Saskatchewan, Alberta
- Erebia sine-ocellata [= sineocellata] Skinner, 1889; Can. Ent. 21 (12): 239; TL: Fort Qu'Appelle
- Erebia epipsodea freemani Ehrlich, 1954; J. Kansas ent. Soc. 27: 80; TL: Lloydminster, Alberta
E. e. remingtoni Ehrlich, 1952 Yukon
Erebia pluto (de Prunner, 1798)
Alps. See [maps]
Sooty Ringlet
- Papilio pluto de Prunner, 1798; Lepid. Pedemont.: 20
- morio (Giorna, 1791) (Papilio); Calend. Ent. ...: 102
- Papilio atratus Esper, 1794; Die Schmett., Suppl. Th 1 (3-4): 60, (5-6): pl. 104, f. 1
- petrosus (de Prunner, 1798) (Papilio); Lepid. Pedemont.: 71
- Papilio glacialis Esper, [1804]; Die Schmett., Suppl. Th 1 (10): 117, pl. 116, f. 2
- Papilio tisiphone Esper, 1805; Die Schmett., Th I, Suppl. Th. 2 (12): 28, (11): pl. 122, f. 5 (tissiphone)
- Papilio persephone Esper, 1805; Die Schmett., Th I, Suppl. Th. 2 (11): 21, pl. 121, f. 5-6
- beelzebub Costa, 1839²; Eserc. Acad. 2: 27, pl. 2, f. 1-2; TL: Abruzzen
- Erebia melas nicholli Oberthür, 1896; Ent. Mon. Mag. 32: 3; TL: Brenta
- Erebia duponcheli Oberthür, 1897; Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 1897: 290
- Erebia glacialis ab. aretoides Hirschke, 1911; Jber. Wien. ent. Ver. 21: 93
- Erebia glacialis dolomitana Schawerda, 1911; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 61 (s.b.): 35, 38; TL: Dolomites
- Erebia glacialis ab. eutaenia Schawerda, 1911; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 61 (s.b.): 36, 38
- Erebia glacialis triglavensis Schawerda, 1911; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 61 (s.b.): 36, 38; TL: Triglav
- Melanargia glacialis ab. biocellata Vorbrodt, 1917; Mitt. schweiz. ent. Ges. 12 (9-10): 440
- Erebia alecto plutonides Fruhstorfer, 1918; Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 148; TL: Dauphiné, Maurienne, Col de Galibier, ca. 2000m
- Erebia alecto anthracites Fruhstorfer, 1918; Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 158; TL: Schnalsertal
- Erebia alecto f. turbo Fruhstorfer, 1918; Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 158, pl. 1, f. 21-22
- Erebia glacialis var. nicholli ab. caeca Schawerda, 1919; Z. öst. EntVer. 4 (4): 31
- pupillata Riehl, 1923; Bull. Soc. Linn. Lyon 2: 61
- Erebia glacialis var. kaseria Schawerda, 1924; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 73 (s.b): (3)
- Erebia glacialis var. teriola Schawerda, 1924; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 73 (s.b): (3)
- Erebia glacialis var. carolia Schawerda, 1924; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 73 (s.b): (3)
- Erebia pluto glaciale Warren, 1929; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 41 (10): 146 (repl. Papilio glacialis Esper, [1804])
- Erebia pluto ab. plutonius Warren, 1929; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 41 (10): 146
- Erebia pluto oreas Warren, 1933; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 45 (2): 22 (repl. Papilio glacialis Esper, [1804])
- Erebia alecto beelzebub; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 148
- Erebia alecto dolomitana; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 161
- Erebia alecto duponcheli; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 147
- Erebia alecto glacialis; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 149, pl. 2, f. 8
- Erebia alecto nicholli; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 160, pl. 2, f. 7
- Erebia alecto triglavensis; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 165
- Erebia glacialis duponcheli; Oberthür, 1909, Étud. Lépid. Comp. 3: 304
- Erebia glacialis glacialis; Schawerda, 1911, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 61 (s.b.): 37
- Erebia glacialis nicholli; Schawerda, 1911, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 61 (s.b.): 37
- Erebia glacialis; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 102, pl. 37 b
- Erebia manto morio; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 90
- Erebia melas nicholli; Calberla, 1896, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 9: 379
- Erebia pluto oreas; [iNaturalist] ; [Heiner Ziegler]
- Erebia pluto; [H&R], 175; [Otakar Kudrna]; [FE]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [MBE] ; [MBE]
- Erebia pronoe persephone; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 93
Larva on
Gramineae ,
Poa annua [H&R]
E. p. alecto (Hübner, [1803-1804])
- Papilio alecto Hübner, [1803-1804]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: pl. 104, f. 528-529
- Erebia nerine var. stelviana Curò, 1871; Boll. Soc. Ent. Ital. 3 (4): 347; TL: Stelvio
- Erebia nerine var. italica Frey, 1880; Lep. Schweiz.: 39
- Erebia glacialis stelviana Schawerda, 1911; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 61 (s.b.): 38 (preocc. Erebia nerine var. stelviana Curò, 1871); TL: Ortlergebiet
- Erebia alecto nicholli ab. homogena Wagner, 1912; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 62 (s.b) (8/9): 210
- orobica Turati, 1914; Att. Soc. Zool. Ital. 54: 484
- ?Erebia nerine turatii Fruhstorfer, 1918; Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 137, pl. 1, f. 15, pl. 2, f. 3
- ?Erbeia nerine herzegowinensis Turati, 1914; Atti Soc. ital. Sci. nat. 53: 41
- Erebia alecto anteborus Fruhstorfer, 1918; Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 151
- ?Erebia alecto anteborus ab. aeolia Fruhstorfer, 1918; Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 152
- Erebia alecto velocissima Fruhstorfer, 1918; Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 163 (repl. Erebia glacialis stelviana Schawerda, 1911)
- ?vorbrodti Fruhstorfer, 1918; Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 144 [ ?? ]
- depupillata Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 115
- exannulata Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 115
- olivaceofasciata Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 115
- Erebia nerine var. mendolensis Dannehl, 1925; Ent. Zs. 39 (2): 6
- Erebia alecto; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 146, 155
- Erebia glacialis alecto; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 102; Schawerda, 1911, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 61 (s.b.): 37
- Erebia nerine italica; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 101
- Erebia nerine orobica; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 138
- Erebia nerine stelviana; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 101; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 140
- Erebia nerine var. mendolensis; Dannehl, 1925, Ent. Zs. 39 (13): 52
- Erebia pluto alecto; [LepIndex]; [CoL] ; [Heiner Ziegler]
- Erebia pluto anteborus; [iNaturalist]
- Erebia pluto velocissima; [iNaturalist]
- Erebia turatii; [LepIndex] ; [CoL]
E. p. berniae Warren, 1939
- pluto berniae Warren, 1939; Entomologist 72: 96
E. p. burmanni Wolfsberger, 1969 Italy
- pluto burmanni Wolfsberger, 1969; Mem. Mus. civ. stor. nat. Verona 17: 238; TL: Monte Baldo, Italy
Erebia gorge (Hübner, [1803-1804])
CEU, Alps, Pyrenees. See [maps]
Górówka gorge
Silky Ringlet
- Papilio gorge Hübner, [1803-1804]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: 39, pl. 99, f. 502-505 [?]
- Papilio erynis Esper, 1805; Die Schmett., Th I, Suppl. Th. 2 (11): 19, pl. 121, f. 3
- Erebia ramondi Pierret, 1848; Ann. Soc. ent. Fr. (2) 6: 398
- Erebia triopes Speyer, 1865; Stettin Ent. Ztg 26 (7-9): 248
- Erebia gorge var. gigantea Oberthür, 1884; Étud. d'Ent. 8: 24, pl. 1, f. 7; TL: Pyrenees
- Erebia ramondi Oberthür, 1909
- hercegovinensis Rebel, 1910; Jb. Wien. EntVer. 21: 121
- Erebia gorge ab. impunctata Hoffmann, 1913; Ent. Zs. 27: 60
- Erebia triopes f. monotonia Kammel, 1913; Ent. Zs. 27 (15): 83; TL: Stilferjoch
- Erebia gorge carboncina Verity, 1916; Bull. Soc. Ent. ital. 47 (1): 54
- albanica Rebel, 1917; Jb. nat. Orient. Ver. Wien 21: 20
- Erebia gorge pirinica Buresch, 1918; Z. wiss. InsektBiol. 14 (9/10): 224, f. 8-10
- effusa Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 118
- Erebia gorge var. karwendeli Zusanek, 1925; Zs. Öst. EntVer. 10 (5): 43; TL: Karwendel, N.Tirol
- Erebia gorge var. karwendeli ab. herzi Zusanek, 1925; Zs. Öst. EntVer. 10 (5): 44
- Erebia gorge ab. semicaeca Goltz, 1930; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1 (Suppl.): 144
- erinoides Higgins, 1930; Entomologist 63: 182
- fuorni (Pictet, 1935) (Maniola); Mitt. Schweitz. ent. Ges. 16 (6-7): 423
- elisabethae Warren, 1936; Monograph of the genus Erebia: 267
- triocellata Testout, 1945; Bull. Soc. Linn. Lyon 14: 202
- crollensis de Lesse, 1947; Rev. franç. Lépid. 11: 110
- bisocellata Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 167
- caeca Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 167
- quaterocellata Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 167
- semelocellata Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 167
- terocellata Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 167
- erynisocellata Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 169
- Erebia erynis; [iNaturalist]
- Erebia gorge erynis; [H&R], 179
- Erebia gorge gigantea; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 104
- Erebia gorge ramondi; [H&R], 179
- Erebia gorge triopes; [H&R], 179; [iNaturalist] ; [Heiner Ziegler] ; [Mario Maier]
- Erebia gorge; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 104, pl. 37 d; [NAB], 178; [Otakar Kudrna]; [FE]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [MBE] ; [MBE]
- Erebia gorge ab. erynis; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 104, pl. 37 d
- Erebia gorge ab. triopes; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 104
- Erebia triopes; [iNaturalist]
- Papilio gorge; Esper, 1805, Die Schmett., Th I, Suppl. Th. 2 (11): 14, pl. 119, f. 4-5
500x333 (~45Kb) upperside Mt. Canigou, Pyrenees Orientales, France 27/7/96, Photo © Simon Coombes
Larva on
Gramineae [NAB]
E. g. rudowskii Bang-Haas, 1933 Poland
- Erebia gorge rudowskii Bang-Haas, 1933; Ent. Zs. 47 (12): 97; TL: Poland, Tatra region
Erebia rhodopensis Nicholl, 1900
Bulgaria. See [maps]
?E. r. sharsta (Higgins, 1965)
- Erebia aethiopellus sharsta Higgins, 1965; Entomologist 98: 11; TL: "Yugoslav Macedonia, Schar Planina"
Erebia aethiopellus (Hoffmannsegg, 1806)
CEU, Alps, Bulgaria. See [maps]
False Mnestra Ringlet
Erebia mnestra (Hübner, [1803-1804])
Alps, S.France. See [maps]
Mnestra's Ringlet
- Papilio mnestra Hübner, [1803-1804]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: 33, pl. 106, f. 540-543
- ?Papilio mnestra Esper, 1805; Die Schmett., Th I, Suppl. Th. 2 (11): 18, pl. 120, f. 5-6
- Erebia mnestra ab. obsoleta Tutt, 1905; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 17: 4
- Erebia melampus f. impunctata Vorbrodt & Müller-Rutz, 1914; Die Schmett. Schweiz 2: 612
- Erebia mnestra ab. pupillata Dannehl, 1927; Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 17 (1-6): 2; TL: Mt. Roën, Gantkofe, Nonsberg
- ocellata Goltz, 1930; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1 (Suppl.): 135
- loritzi Dujardin, 1945; Rev. franc. Lép. 10: 171
- warreni Testout, 1946; Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon 15 (7): 82
Erebia gorgone Boisduval, 1832
Pyrenees. See [maps]
Gavarnie Ringlet
Erebia epistygne (Hübner, [1819])
Spain, SW.France. See [maps]
Spring Ringlet
- Phorcis epistygne Hübner, [1819]; Verz. bek. Schmett. (4): 62 (repl. Papilio stygne Hübner, [1806-1808])
- ?Papilio stygne Hübner, [1806-1808]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: pl. 125, f. 639-640
- Erebia epistygne andera Fruhstorfer, 1911; Soc. ent. 26 (6): 23; TL: Spain, Castilia
- Erebia epistygne var. viriathus Sheldon, 1913; Entomologist 46 (607): 331
- aspera Marten, 1948; Trab. Mus. Cienc. nat. Barcelona 1 (2): 15
- fuliginosa Marten, 1948; Trab. Mus. Cienc. nat. Barcelona 1 (2): 16
- ribasi Marten, 1948; Trab. Mus. Cienc. nat. Barcelona 1 (2): 16
- gentyi Droit, 1951; Rev. franc. Lép. 13: 108
Erebia ottomana Herrich-Schäffer, [1847]
Greece, Bulgaria, Balkans, Alps, Asia Minor. See [maps]
Ottoman Brassy Ringlet
E. o. durmitorensis Warren, 1932
E. o. bureschi Warren, 1933
Erebia tyndarus (Esper, 1781)
Alps. See [maps]
Schillernder Mohrenfalter
Swiss Brassy Ringlet
- Papilio tyndarus Esper, 1781; Die Schmett. Th. I, Bd. 2 (3): 97, pl. 67, f. 1
- Papilio herse Borkhausen, 1788; Naturges. Eur. Schmett. 1: 94
- Papilio dromus Fabricius, 1793; Ent. Syst. 3 (1): 224
- Papilio tyndarellus Herbst, 1796; in Jablonsky, Naturs. Schmett. 8: 135, pl. 202, f. 5-6
- cleo Hübner, [1799-1800]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: f. 209-212
- Satyrus coecodromus Guenée & Villiers, 1835; Tabl. Synop. 1: 87
- Erebia dromus Herrich-Schäffer, [1844]; Syst. Bearb. Schmett. Europ. 1 (4): 59, (5): f. 168-169
- Erebia tyndarus v. nevadensis Staudinger, 1861; in Staudinger & Wocke, Cat. Lep. (ed. 1): 11
- Erebia tyndarus ab. circodromus Dürck, 1887; Soc. Ent. 4 (5): 41
- ?Erebia tyndarus ab. triopes Dürck, 1887; Soc. Ent. 4 (5): 41
- pyrenaica Rühl, 1895; Palaearkt. Grossschm. 1: 812
- bosniaca Nicholl, 1902; Ent. Rec. 14: 143
- addenda Tutt, 1904; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 16: 37 [ ?? ]
- Erebia tyndarus goya Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 124
- Erebia tyndarus majellana Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 124
- Erebia tyndarus aquitania Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 125; TL: Alpes Maritimes
- Erebia tyndarus carmenta Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 125; TL: Courmajeur
- depupillata Reverdin, 1909; Bull. Soc. Lépid. Genève 1: 213
- caeca Reverdin, 1909; Bull. Soc. Lépid. Genève 1: 232, pl. 10, f. 9
- pseudocassioides Reverdin, 1909; Bull. Soc. Lépid. Genève 1: 287
- addenaapicalis Reverdin, 1909; Bull. Soc. Lépid. Genève 1: 290, pl. 10, f. 7
- murina Reverdin, 1909; Bull. Soc. Lépid. Genève 1: 294
- Erebia tyndarus ab. albana Oberthür, 1911; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1911: 311
- Erebia tyndarus cassioides r. tusca Verity, 1914; Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 45: 148
- galvagnii Hellweger, 1914; Jahrb. Gymnas. Brixen. 38: [?]
- Erebia tyndarus r. infrargentea Verity, 1919; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 31: 125
- Erebia tyndarus r. subcassioides Verity, 1927; Ent. Rec. 39: 124
- Erebia tyndarus r. subcassioides f. paracleo Verity, 1927; Ent. Rec. 39: 124
- Erebia tyndarus var. retyezatica Diószeghy, 1930; Verh. sieben. Ver. Nat. 79-80: 207, pl. 2, f. 6-7; TL: Hungary
- dolomitana Goltz, 1930; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 44: 80
- Erebia tyndarus var. transylvaniensis Warren, 1932; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 44 (12): 166 (repl. retyezatica Diószeghy, 1930); TL: Hungary
- Erebia tyndarus v. goya ab. minuspunctata Stetter-Stättermayer, 1933; Int. ent. Zs. 27 (28): 312
- Erebia tyndarus v. goya ab. dentata Stetter-Stättermayer, 1933; Int. ent. Zs. 27 (28): 312
- punctata Pionneau, 1936; Echange 51: 18; TL: Pyrenees
- exannulata Warren, 1936; Monograph of the genus Erebia: 288
- ochrea Sheljuzhko, 1937; Festschr. Embrik Strand, Riga 2: 381
- buronica Hospital, 1948; Trab. Mus. Cienc. nat. Barcelona 1 (2): 12
- infradiffusa Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 161
- Erebia cassioides murina; [iNaturalist]
- Erebia dromus; [MBE] ; [MBE]
- Erebia pyrenaica; [CoL]
- Erebia tyndarus dromus; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 113, pl. 37 i
- Erebia tyndarus pyrenaica; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 113
- Erebia tyndarus; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 113, pl. 37 i; [H&R], 183; [BOW]: pl. 6, f. 20, 21; [Otakar Kudrna]; [FE]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [Heiner Ziegler] ; [MBE] ; [MBE] ; [Mario Maier]
- Erebia tyndarus ab. coecodromus; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 113
- Erebia tyndarus v. nevadensis; Haig-Thomas, 1929, Ent. Rec. J. Var. 41 (2): 30
?E. t. banacensis Dannehl, 1933 Italy
E. t. semimurina Warren, 1936
- tyndarus semimurina Warren, 1936; Monograph of the genus Erebia: 288
E. t. dolomitensis Warren, 1936
- tyndarus dolomitensis Warren, 1936; Monograph of the genus Erebia: 293
E. t. maritima Testout, 1946 France
E. t. illyromacedonica Lorkovic, 1953 Macedonia
- tyndarus illyromacedonica Lorkovic, 1953; Bull. int. Acad. J. Sci. (N.S.) 10: 176
E. t. campestris Warren, 1955 Austria
- tyndarus campestris Warren, 1955; Entomologist 88: 231
E. t. pseudomurina de Lesse, 1956 Pyrenees
- tyndarus pseudomurina de Lesse, 1956; Lambillionea 56: 104; TL: Pyrenees
E. t. pseudocarmenta de Lesse, 1956 Pyrenees
- tyndarus pseudocarmenta de Lesse, 1956; Lambillionea 56: 106; TL: Pyrenees
E. t. warreniana de Lesse, 1957 Switzerland
- tyndarus warreniana de Lesse, 1957; Lambillionea 57: 7
E. t. tridentina Mentzer, 1958 Italy
- tyndarus tridentina Mentzer, 1958; Ent. Tidskr. 79: 8
E. t. cavallus Lorkovic & de Lesse, 1960 Italy
- tyndarus cavallus Lorkovic & de Lesse, 1960; Boll Soc. ent. ital. 90: 129
E. t. noricana Mentzer, 1961
- tyndarus noricana Mentzer, 1961; Ent. Tidskr. 82: 207
Erebia arvernensis Oberthür, 1908
- Erebia arvernensis; [Otakar Kudrna]; [LEPIFORUM]
- Erebia cassioides arvernensis; [H&R], 184; [FE]
Erebia nivalis Lorkovic & de Lesse, 1954
Alps. See [maps]
De Lesse's Brassy Ringlet
- Erebia nivalis Lorkovic & de Lesse, 1954; Bull. Soc. zool. Fr. 1954: 31-39
- ?Erebia nivalis Lorkovic & de Lesse, 1954; Lambillionea 54: 66
Erebia calcaria Lorkovic, 1953
Alps. See [maps]
Lorkovic's Brassy Ringlet
- Erebia calcaria Lorkovic, 1953; Bull. int. Acad. J. Sci. (N.S.) 10: 170
Erebia cassioides (Reiner & Hochenwarth, 1792)
Cantabria, Alps, Balkans. See [maps]
Common Brassy Ringlet
- Papilio cassioides Reiner & Hochenwarth, 1792; Bot. Reise Ob.-Kärnten: 262, pl. 4, f. 1
- neleus Freyer, 1831²; Neuere Beitr. Schmett. 1: 48, pl. 80, f. 3-4
Larva on
Gramineae [H&R]
E. c. cassioides
- Erebia cassioides cassioides; [H&R], 183; [FE]
E. c. macedonica Buresch, 1918 Bulgaria (Pirin Mts.)
- Erebia cassioides macedonica Buresch, 1918; Z. wiss. InsektBiol. 14 (9/10): 226, pl. 2, f. 10-13; TL: Bulgaria, Pirin-Planina, "Papas-Gjol-Tale"
E. c. illyrica Lorkovic, 1953
- cassioides illyrica Lorkovic, 1953; Bull. int. Acad. J. Sci. (N.S.) 10: 175
E. c. tonalensis Arnscheid & Roos, 1976
- cassioides tonalensis Arnscheid & Roos, 1976; Ent. Zs. 86 (7): 69
E. c. konshitai Beshkov, 1996 Bulgaria
- Erebia cassioides konshitai Beshkov, 1996; Phegea 24 (3): 110; TL: Bulgaria, Central Stara Planina Mts, under Ravnetz Top, 1920m
Erebia hispania Butler, 1868
Pyrenees. See [maps]
Spanish Brassy Ringlet
Erebia rondoui Oberthür, 1908
Pyrenees. See [maps]
Erebia iranica Grum-Grshimailo, 1895
Caucasus - N.Iran, Turkey. See [maps]
E. i. dromulus Staudinger, 1901 NW.Iran, Armenia, Turkey
E. i. sheljuzhkoi Warren, 1935 Caucasus
Erebia churkini Bogdanov, 2008
- Erebia churkini Bogdanov, 2008; 165
Erebia graucasica Jachontov, 1909
Caucasus - N.Iran, Turkey. See [maps]
E. g. graucasica Jachontov, 1909 Caucasus Major
- Erebia hippocoon Niesiolowski, 1937; Ann. Mus. zool. polon. 11 (28): 466, pl. 54, f. 3, pl. 55, f. 1-5; TL: SE.Elbrus [?]
- caucasica Korshunov, Antonova & Kotshetova, 1984
E. g. transcaucasica Warren, 1950 Caucasus Major
- graucasica transcaucasica Warren, 1950; Entomologist 83: 229
?E. g. savalanica de Lesse, 1956 Armenian Highland
Erebia callias Edwards, 1871
Colorado, New Mexico, Tarbagatai, Altai, Sayan, Tuva, Mongolia, E.Yakutia. See [maps]
Colorado Alpine
Larva on
Poaceae ?,
Cyperaceae ? [NAB]
E. c. altajana Staudinger, 1901 Altai Mts.
533x400 (~70Kb) ♀ upperside A tundrous ridge of a cirque, at 2500 m above sea level, on the eastern spurs of the Katunskiy Mt. Range, the valley of the Argem (Direntai) stream, Central Altai Mts., West Siberia, Russia. 15th July, 1988, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
339x400 (~44Kb) ♀ underside A tundrous ridge of a cirque, at 2500 m above sea level, on the eastern spurs of the Katunskiy Mt. Range, the valley of the Argem (Direntai) stream, Central Altai Mts., West Siberia, Russia. 15th July, 1988, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
600x453 (~59Kb) ♀ underside Highland tundras of Kobresia myosuroides on of the southerm principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain at the the Chikty Rivulet headwaters, 2400 m above sea level, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 15th July 1998, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
738x829 (~145Kb) ♀ underside Highland tundras of Kobresia myosuroides on of the southerm principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain at the the Chikty Rivulet headwaters, 2400 m above sea level, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 15th July 1998, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
700x889 (~148Kb) ♀ upperside Highland tundras of Kobresia myosuroides on of the southerm principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain at the the Chikty Rivulet headwaters, 2400 m above sea level, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 15th July 1998, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
E. c. simulata Warren, 1933 Sayan Mts.
E. c. tsherakiensis Dubatolov, 1992 Far East
- Erebia callias tsherakiensis; [RFEL]
- Erebia callias tsherskiensis; [SZMN]
- Erebia callias tsherskiensis[sic, tsherakiensis]; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 54
Erebia sibirica Staudinger, 1881 Saur, Tarbagatai Mts.
Erebia przhevalskii Yakovlev, 2012
W.Mongolia. See [maps]
- Erebia przhevalskii Yakovlev, 2012; Nota lepid. 35 (1): 80; TL: W.Mongolia, Hovd aimak, Bulgan-Gol basin, Uljastyin-Gol Valley, Shadzgat-Nuruu Mtns, 2800-3000m
Erebia chastilovi Churkin, 2003
S.Mongolia. See [maps]
- Erebia callias chastilovi Churkin, 2003; Helios 4: (160-178); TL: S.Mongolia, Gobi-Altai Aimak, 30km S Ir. BigerSomon, 2700-3000
E. c. nomada Yakovlev, 2012 W.Mongolia
- Erebia chastilovi nomada Yakovlev, 2012; Nota lepid. 35 (1): 82; TL: W.Mongolia, Khovd aimak, Ikh-Nuruu Mtns, Ikh-Daba pass, 2900m
Erebia pronoe (Esper, 1780)
Pyrenees, Bavarian, Alps, Styria, Carpathian, Bulgaria. See [maps]
Górówka pronoe
Water Ringlet
- Papilio pronoe Esper, 1780; Die Schmett. Th. I, Bd. 2 (1): 23, pl. 54, f. 1
- Papilio arachne Hübner, [1799-1800]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: pl. 47, f. 215-217
- Papilio pitho Hübner, [1803-1804]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: 36, pl. 112, f. 574-577
- Erebia pronoe var. subalpina Gumppenberg, 1888; Stettin Ent. Ztg 49: 381; TL: "Mont. Bav."
- Erebia nerine var. almangoviae Staudinger, 1896; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 8 (2): 287, pl. 5, f. 1-2
- Erebia pronoe var. pithonides Schultz, 1908; Ent. Zs. 22 (1): 4
- Erebia pronoe ab. depuncta Schultz, 1908; Ent. Zs. 22 (1): 4
- Erebia pronoe ab. virgata Tutt, 1908; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 20: 206
- Erebia pronoe ab. pallescens Tutt, 1908; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 20: 206
- Erebia pronoe ab. ochracea Tutt, 1908; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 20: 206
- Erebia pronoe ab. pallida Osthelder, 1916; Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 7 (11-12): 91
- Erebia pronoe ab. fasciata Osthelder, 1916; Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 7 (11-12): 91
- Erebia pronoe ab. obscura Osthelder, 1916; Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 7 (11-12): 91
- Erebia pronoe glottis Fruhstorfer, 1920; Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 93; TL: Pyrenees
- Erebia pronoe psathura Fruhstorfer, 1920; Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 96; TL: Pizzo Leone, ca. 1300-1600m
- Erebia pronoe zulines Fruhstorfer, 1920; Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 99; TL: Pontus
- Erebia pronoe ab. ederi Schawerda, 1922; Zs. Öst. EntVer. 7: 19
- Erebia pronoe ab. koliskoi Schawerda, 1922; Zs. Öst. EntVer. 7: 19
- Erebia pronoe var. gardeina Schawerda, 1924; Mitt. münchn. ent. Ges. 14 (6-12): 85
- Erebia pronoe var. gardeina ab. depuncta Schawerda, 1924; Mitt. münchn. ent. Ges. 14 (6-12): 85
- Erebia pronoe var. gardeina ab. leukophtalma Schawerda, 1924; Mitt. münchn. ent. Ges. 14 (6-12): 85
- Erebia pronoe ab. nocturna Schawerda, 1924; Mitt. münchn. ent. Ges. 14 (6-12): 86
- latefasciata Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 116
- luxurians Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 116
- altissima Goltz, 1930; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 44: 78
- irisescens Goltz, 1930; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1 (Suppl.): 144 [?]
- Erebia pronoe r. varia Warren, 1932; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 44 (12): 165
- isabellina Goltz, 1939; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 53: 44
- nigra Schawerda, 1942; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 55: 10
- totonigra Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 152
- presolanae Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 153
- Erebia (Magda) fasciata fasciata; [P&N23]
- Erebia pronoe almangoviae; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 97; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 103
- Erebia pronoe pitho; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 103, pl. 37 c; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 94
- Erebia pronoe pithonides; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 98
- Erebia pronoe presolanae; [LepIndex]; [CoL]
- Erebia pronoe varia; [LepIndex]; [CoL]
- Erebia pronoe; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 103, pl. 37 c; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 92; [H&R], 186; [BOW]: pl. 6, f. 18; [Otakar Kudrna]; [FE]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [MBE] ; [MBE]
- Erebia psathura; [iNaturalist]
E. p. fruhstorferi Warren, 1933
E. p. vergy (Ochsenheimer, 1807)
E. p. tarcenta Fruhstorfer, 1920 S.Tirol
Erebia lefebvrei (Boisduval, [1828])
Pyrenees, Cantabrian. See [maps]
Lefèbvre's Ringlet
450x323 (~53Kb) upperside Mt. Canigou, Pyrenees Orientales, France 27/7/96, Photo © Simon Coombes
E. l. astur Oberthür, 1884 Pyrenees
E. l. pyrenaea Oberthür, 1884 Pyrenees
E. l. myrialda Fruhstorfer, 1918 Pyrenees
Erebia scipio Boisduval, 1832
Alps. See [maps]
Larche Ringlet
Blassbindiger Mohrenfalter
Erebia stirius (Godart, [1824])
Alps. See [maps]
Styrian Ringlet
Larva on
Gramineae ,
Poa alpina,
Sesleria coerulea [H&R]
E. s. stirius
- Erebia stirius stirius; [H&R], 189
E. s. gyrtone Fruhstorfer, 1918
Erebia styx Freyer, 1834
Alps. See [maps]
Stygian Ringlet
- styx Freyer, 1834; Neuere Beitr. Schmett. 2: 44, pl. 121, f. 4
- Erebia reichlini Herrich-Schäffer, 1860; CorrespBl. Ins. 1: 5
- Erebia nerine triglites Fruhstorfer, 1918; Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 145, pl. 1, f. 16, 18, pl. 2, f. 5; TL: Mt Generoso
- trentae Lorkovic, 1952; Z. Lepid. 2: 172
- Erebia nerine reichlini; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 101; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 143, pl. 1, f. 9
- Erebia nerine triglites; [LepIndex]; [CoL]
- Erebia styx styx; [H&R], 190
- Erebia styx trentae; [H&R], 191
- Erebia styx triglites; [H&R], 191; [Heiner Ziegler]
- Erebia styx; [H&R], 190; [Otakar Kudrna]; [FE]; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [Heiner Ziegler]
Larva on
Gramineae ,
Poa annua?,
Sesleria ? [H&R]
Erebia montanus (de Prunner, 1798)
Alps, Apennines. See [maps]
Marbled Ringlet
- Papilio montanus de Prunner, 1798; Lepid. Pedemont.: 71
- Papilio scaea Hübner, [1799-1800]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: 39, pl. 50, f. 233-234
- Papilio goante Esper, [1804]; Die Schmett., Suppl. Th 1 (10): pl. 116, f. 1
- ?Erebia goante var. zermattensis Tutt, 1905; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 17: 174
- Erebia goante ab. excessa Tutt, 1905; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 17: 174
- ?Erebia goante ab. lineolata Tutt, 1905; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 17: 174
- Erebia goante ab. pallidapunctata Tutt, 1905; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 17: 174
- ?Erebia goante ab. suffusa Tutt, 1905; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 17: 174
- Erebia goante ab. jolanthe Schultz, 1908; Ent. Zs. 22 (1): 4; TL: Engadid
- Erebia goante rosae Constantini, 1916; Atti Soc. Nat. Modena (5) 3: 15; TL: Apennin
- Erebia goante homole Fruhstorfer, 1918; Ent. Zs. 31 (21): 81; TL: Digne
- Erebia goante r. valderensis Verity, 1919; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 31: 124
- Erebia goante r. apenninigena Verity, 1919; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 31: 124
- Maniola goante nana Vorbrodt, 1921; Mitt. schweiz. ent. Ges. 13 (4): 178
- heinrichi Zobel, 1923; Int. Ent. Zs. 16: 212
- isabellina Goltz, 1930; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 44: 81; TL: Tyrol
- Erebia goante trinsensis Sterzl, 1936; Zs. Öst. EntVer. 21: 77
- neoridasoides Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 145
- sabulosus Dujardin, 1945; Rev. franc. Lép. 10: 172
- Erebia montanus ab. reducta Eisner, 1946; Zool. Meded. Leiden 26 (10): 278; TL: Brenner
- Erebia montanus ab. minorisocellata Eisner, 1946; Zool. Meded. Leiden 26 (10): 278; TL: Lötschental, Wallis
- Erebia montanus ab. luxuriosa Eisner, 1946; Zool. Meded. Leiden 26 (10): 278; TL: Pontresina
- Erebia goante homole; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 101
- Erebia goante montanus; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Ent. Zs. 31 (21): 82
- Erebia goante; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 103, pl. 37 c; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 100
- Erebia montana goante; [H&R], 194
- Erebia montana montana; [H&R], 191
- Erebia montana; [H&R], 191; [Otakar Kudrna]; [MBE] ; [MBE] ; [Mario Maier]
- Erebia montanus; [FE]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [Heiner Ziegler]
Erebia zapateri Oberthür, 1875
Spain (central). See [maps]
Zapater's Ringlet
- Erebia zapateri Oberthür, 1875; An. Soc. espan. Hist .nat. 4: 370
- caeca Pionneau, 1926; Echange 42: 7
- Erebia zapateri castiliana Romei, 1927; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 39 (10): 137
- Erebia zapateri ab. excessa Pether, 1927; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 39 (10): 137
- Erebia zapateri ab. lutescens Pether, 1927; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 39 (10): 138
- Erebia zapateri ab. argenteopuncta Pether, 1927; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 39 (10): 138
- Erebia zapateri ab. punctifera Schawerda, 1928; Zs. Öst. EntVer. 13: 102; TL: Aragon
- Erebia zapateri ab. ocellaris Eisner, 1946; Zool. Meded. Leiden 26 (10): 278; TL: Albaracin
- Erebia zapateri ab. excessima Eisner, 1946; Zool. Meded. Leiden 26 (10): 278; TL: Albaracin
- Erebia zapateri ab. fasciata Eisner, 1946; Zool. Meded. Leiden 26 (10): 278; TL: Albaracin
540x810 (~57Kb) Puerto de Orihuela del Tremedal, province of Teruel, Spain, (around 1500m), 30.8.1988, Photo © Enrique Garcia-Barros
Larva on
Nardus stricta,
Festuca sp. Munguira, García-Barros & Martín, 1997, Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología, 21: 41
Erebia neoridas (Boisduval, [1828])
Alps. See [maps]
Autumn Ringlet
- Satyrus neoridas Boisduval, [1828]; Eur. Lepid. Index Meth.: 23
- Erebia margarita Oberthür, 1896; Feuille J. Natural 26 (306): 110; TL: Pyrenees-Orientales
- Erebia neoridas var. etrusca Verity, 1904; Entomologist 37 (490): 55, pl. 4, f. 6-7
- Erebia neoridas f. magnocellata Turati & Verity, 1911; Boll. Soc. Ent. Ital. 42 : 227
- Erebia neoridas sibyllina Verity, 1914; Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 45: 236; TL: Mt Sibillini
- Erebia neoridas ab. albovittata Verity, 1904; Entomologist 37 (490): 55, pl. 4, f. 8
- venturiensis Chobaut, 1913; Feuille J. Natural. 43: 104
- Erebia neoridas nicochares Fruhstorfer, 1920; Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 107; TL: Alpes Maritimes
- epineoridas Turati, 1923; Boll. Soc. Ent. Ital. 55: 116; TL: Piemont
- Erebia neoridas ab. parva Eisner, 1946; Zool. Meded. Leiden 26 (10): 279; TL: Dourbes, Basses Alpes
- rubroriluta Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 143
- magnocellata Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 143
- Erebia neorida margarita; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 105
- Erebia neoridas etrusca; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 107
- Erebia neoridas sibyllina; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 108; [H&R], 195
- Erebia neoridas; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 105, pl. 37 d; Fruhstorfer, 1920, Archiv Naturg. 84 A (7): 106; [H&R], 195; Munguira, García-Barros & Martín, 1997, Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología, 21; [Otakar Kudrna]; [FE]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [MBE] ; [MBE]
Larva on
Festuca liniensis Munguira, García-Barros & Martín, 1997, Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología, 21: 41
E. n. lozerica Warren, 1932
E. n. pyrenaeensis Stetter-Stättermayer, 1933 Pyrenees
- Erebia neoridas pyrenaeensis Stetter-Stättermayer, 1933; Int. ent. Zs. 27 (28): 311; TL: Pyrenees
- Erebia neoridas pyrenaeensis ab. vernetensis Stetter-Stättermayer, 1933; Int. ent. Zs. 27 (28): 311; TL: Pyrenees
- Erebia neoridas pyrenaeensis ab. semiocellata Stetter-Stättermayer, 1933; Int. ent. Zs. 27 (28): 311
- Erebia neoridas pyrenaeensis ab. bella Stetter-Stättermayer, 1933; Int. ent. Zs. 27 (28): 311; TL: Pyrenees
- Erebia neoridas pyrenaeensis ab. additionalis Stetter-Stättermayer, 1933; Int. ent. Zs. 27 (28): 311; TL: Pyrenees
- Erebia neoridas pyrenaeensis ab. maculata Stetter-Stättermayer, 1933; Int. ent. Zs. 27 (28): 311; TL: Pyrenees
- Erebia neoridas pyrenaeensis ab. unicolor Stetter-Stättermayer, 1933; Int. ent. Zs. 27 (28): 311
- Erebia neoridas pyrenaeensis ab. canigoulensis Stetter-Stättermayer, 1933; Int. ent. Zs. 27 (28): 311; TL: Pyrenees
E. n. ina Roos & Arnscheid, 1977 S.France
Erebia melancholica Herrich-Schäffer, [1846]
Asia Minor, Caucaus, Transcaucasia. See [maps]
Erebia melas (Herbst, 1796)
SEEU. See [maps]
Black Ringlet
- Papilio melas Herbst, 1796; in Jablonsky, Naturs. Schmett. 8: 191, pl. 210, f. 4-7
- Papilio maurus Esper, 1798; Die Schmett., Suppl. Th 1 ([7]): 75, (8-9):93, ([7]): pl. 107, f. 3-4, (8-9): pl. 110, f. 4
- Papilio nelo Hübner, [1799-1800]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: 39, pl. 45, f. 105-106
- Erebia lefebvrei ab. nigra Schawerda, 1915; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 65 (S.B): 85
- latefasciata Steiner, 1918; Ent. Jb. 27: 92; TL: Croatia
- obsoleta Steiner, 1918; Ent. Jb. 27: 92; TL: Croatia
- velebitica Steiner, 1918; Ent. Jb. 27: 92; TL: Croatia
- Erebia melas melas f. carbonaria Fruhstorfer, 1918; Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 131
- finitima Goltz, 1939; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 53: 43
- Erebia melas ab. parva Eisner, 1946; Zool. Meded. Leiden 26 (10): 279; TL: Ostaria
E. m. leonhardi Fruhstorfer, 1918 Balkans
E. m. nanos Fruhstorfer, 1918
E. m. acoris Fruhstorfer, 1918 Bulgaria
- Erebia melas acoris Fruhstorfer, 1918; Archiv Naturg. 82 A (7): 132, pl. 1, f. 7-8, pl. 2, f. 1; TL: Bulgaria, Rhodope [E Rila Mts.], Rila Planina, 1900m, Kaloverski Balkan 1700m
E. m. vetulonia Fruhstorfer, 1918
E. m. schawerdae Fruhstorfer, 1918
E. m. sigeion Fruhstorfer, 1918 Greece
E. m. koenigiella Popescu-Gorj, 1961 Romania
- melas koenigiella Popescu-Gorj, 1961; Comun. Acad. Repub. Ro. 11: 945
E. m. runcensis König, 1965 Carpathians
- melas runcensis König, 1965; Entomologist 98: 163
Erebia atramentaria Bang-Haas, 1927²
China. See [maps]
Erebia oeme (Hübner, [1803-1804])
CEU, Balkans. See [maps]
Doppelaugen Mohrenfalter
Bright-eyed Ringlet
- Papilio oeme Hübner, [1803-1804]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: 34
- ?Papilio caecilia Esper, 1805; Die Schmett., Th I, Suppl. Th. 2 (11): pl. 121, f. 1
- ?psodea Freyer, 1834; Neuere Beitr. Schmett. 2: 44, pl. 121, f. 3
- Erebia oeme var. spodia Staudinger, 1871; Cat. Lepid. eur. Faunegeb. (Edn. 2): 24
- Erebia oeme ab. lugens Staudinger & Rebel, 1901; Cat. Lep. palaearct. Faunengeb. 1: 45
- Erebia oeme pyrenaea Oberthür, 1909; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 3: 295 (preocc.); TL: Pyrenees
- Erebia oeme pacula Fruhstorfer, 1910; Int. ent. Zs. 3 (40): 211; TL: Jura, nr. Genf, Fuacille
- Erebia oeme tanita Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 85; TL: Grande Chartreuse
- Erebia oeme lugina Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 85; TL: Savoy
- Erebia oeme nilas Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 87; TL: Dent du Midi
- Erebia oeme philiata Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 88; TL: Erstfeldertal, Kanton
- Erebia oeme seliza Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 89; TL: San Bernhardino
- Erebia oeme f. noctua Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 90; TL: S.Tirol
- Erebia oeme mythia Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 91; TL: Allgäu, Bad Oberdorf
- Erebia oeme clisura Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 92; TL: Tegernsee; Gmain nr. Reichenhall
- ?caeca Osthelder, 1925; Schmett. Südbayerns 1: 113
- bonisa Verity, 1925; Arch. Naturg. 91 A (9): 110
- melara Verity, 1925; Arch. Naturg. 91 A (9): 110
- joachimi Goltz, 1930; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 44: 81
- Erebia oeme lugens; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 88; [iNaturalist] ; [Heiner Ziegler]
- Erebia oeme pacula; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 87; [iNaturalist] ; [Heiner Ziegler]
- Erebia oeme pyrenaea; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 84
- Erebia oeme spodia; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 100, pl. 35 g; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 93; [H&R], 198
- Erebia oeme; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 100, pl. 35 g; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 83, 90; [H&R], 195; [BOW]: pl. 6, f. 17; [Otakar Kudrna]; [FE]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [MBE] ; [MBE]
- Erebia oeme ab. lugens; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 100
Larva on
Luzula [H&R]
E. o. zagora Fruhstorfer, 1918 Bulgaria
Erebia meolans (de Prunner, 1798)
Alps, es. See [maps]
Gelbbindiger Mohrenfalter
Piedmont Ringlet
- Papilio meolans de Prunner, 1798; Lepid. Pedemont.: 71
- Papilio irene Hübner, [1799-1800]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: 37
- Papilio pyrene Esper, [1804]; Die Schmett., Suppl. Th 1 (10): 117, pl. 116, f. 3 (pirene)
- Papilio stygne Ochsenheimer, 1807; Schmett. Europa 1 (1): 276
- pyrenaica Rühl, 1894; Palaearkt. Grossschm. 1: 489
- Erebia stygne ab./var.? valesiaca Elwes, 1898; Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1898: 177
- Erebia stygne var. bejarensis Chapman, 1902; Proc. ent. Soc. Lond. 1902: xxxv
- abocula Favre, 1903; Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. 11 (Suppl.): 7
- Erebia stygne var. penalarae Chapman, 1904; Proc. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1904: xlviii
- Erebia stygne var. penalarae Chapman, 1905; Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1905 (1): 34, pl. 3, f. 7-9
- Erebia stygne var. hispanica Chapman, 1905; Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1905 (1): 34, pl. 3, f. 3-4
- Erebia stygne gavarnica Oberthür, 1909; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 3: 298, 411, pl. 25, f. 130, 134
- Erebia stygne praerutilia Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 123; TL: "Obersavoyen, Defilée von Dingy"
- Erebia stygne cubei Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 123; TL: Alpes Maritimes
- Erebia stygne castiliana Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 124; TL: Spain, Castilia
- Erebia stygne rühli [= ruhli] Fruhstorfer, 1909; Soc. ent. 24 (16): 124
- Erebia stygne charea Fruhstorfer, 1910; Int. ent. Zs. 3 (40): 211; TL: "Haute Savoie, teile de Wallis"
- Erebia stygne var. styriaca Hirschke, 1910; Jber. Wien. ent. Ver. 20: 140; TL: Steiermark
- Erebia stygne posidonia Fruhstorfer, 1911; Soc. ent. 26 (6): 24; TL: Schwarzwald
- Erebya stygne ab. abannulata Rowland-Brown, 1914; Entomologist 47: 283
- Erebia pyrene freyeri Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 101; TL: Allgäu, Voralberg, Orlergebiet
- Erebia pyrene calaritas Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 106; TL: Basses Alpes, Digne
- Erebia pyrene almada Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 108; TL: Puerto de Pajares, ca. 4000
- Erebia pyrene algernon Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 108
- Erebia pyrene zagazia Fruhstorfer, 1918; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 109; TL: E.Pyrenees
- ?jerasa Fruhstorfer; Lep. Catal. 48: 615
- ?laconia Fruhstorfer; Lep. Catal. 48: 615
- Erebia stygne r. etruriae Verity, 1919; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 31: 124
- Erebia stygne f. constantinii Turati, 1919; Atti Soc. ital. Sci. nat. 58: 148, 166
- Erebia pyrene tetrica Verity, 1923; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 35: 136; TL: Sibillini Mts
- Erebia stygne ab. semicaeca Bubacek, 1926; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 74 (s.b): 9
- Maniola stygne f. bodenmanni Vorbrodt, 1928; Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. 14 (2): 51
- Erebia stygne paradisi Dannehl, 1929; Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 19 (5-9): 98
- Erebia stygne f. thuringiaca Goltz, 1930; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1 (Suppl.): 140
- Erebia stygne altivolans Verity, 1935; Ent. Rec. J. Var. (Suppl) 47: 57
- albiligata Goltz, 1939; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 52: 171
- rieli Testout, 1948; Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon 17 (6): 93
- olivaceofasciata Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 133
- meolansella Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 137
- Erebia albiligata; [LepIndex] ; [CoL]
- Erebia meolans bejarensis; [H&R], 199
- Erebia meolans stygne; [H&R], 199; [iNaturalist]
- Erebia meolans valesiaca; [H&R], 199
- Erebia meolans; [H&R], 198; Munguira, García-Barros & Martín, 1997, Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología, 21; [Otakar Kudrna]; [FE]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [Heiner Ziegler] ; [MBE] ; [MBE]
- Erebia pyrene castiliana; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 108
- Erebia pyrene charea; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 103
- Erebia pyrene cubei; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 106
- Erebia pyrene irene; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 104
- Erebia pyrene posidonia; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 102
- Erebia pyrene praerutilia; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 103
- Erebia pyrene styriaca; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 101
- Erebia pyrene valesiaca; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 105
- Erebia pyrene; Fruhstorfer, 1918, Dt. ent. Z. Iris 31 (3/4): 98
- Erebia stygne pyrenaica; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 101
- Erebia stygne; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 100, pl. 35 g
- Erebia stygne ab. valesiaca; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 101
- Erebia stygne var. bejarensis; Chapman, 1904, Proc. Ent. soc. Lond. 1903 (5): xlv
- Papilio pirene[sic, irene]; Hübner, [1799-1800], Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: pl. 48, f. 223-224
450x419 (~50Kb) upperside Mt. Canigou, Pyrenees Orientales, France 27/7/96, Photo © Simon Coombes
337x450 (~40Kb) underside Mt. Canigou, Pyrenees Orientales, France 27/7/96, Photo © Simon Coombes
Larva on
Gramineae [H&R],
Nardus stricta,
Festuca iberica Munguira, García-Barros & Martín, 1997, Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología, 21: 41
E. m. meolans
- Erebia meolans meolans; [H&R], 198
E. m. guttata Goltz, 1914
Erebia palarica Chapman, 1905
Spain. See [maps]
Chapman's Ringlet
Erebia dabanensis Erschoff, 1872
Sayan - W.Chukot Peninsula, .... See [maps]
- Erebia dabanensis; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 106, pl. 37 f; [BRU], 207; [BRU2]: 216, pl. 84, f. 1-9; Troubridge & Philip, 1983, J. Res. Lepid. 21 (2): 109; Belik & Zamolodchikov, 2002, Nota Lepid. 25 (1): 62; [Otakar Kudrna]; [FE]; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 53; [RFEL]; [LepIndex] ; [CoL] ; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [SZMN]
- Erebia dabanensis; [NACL], #4601
Larva on
Festuca ? [BRU]
E. d. dabanensis E.Sayan, S.Transbaikalia
E. d. troubridgei Dubatolov, 1992 Yakutia - W.Chukot Peninsula
- Erebia dabanensis troubridgei Dubatolov, 1992; Vestn. Zool. 6: 43; TL: Yakutia, 232 raod-km from Khandga to Magadan, upper flow of Khandyga River
- Erebia troubridgei; [BRU], 208
- Erebia troubridgei (= Erebia kozhantshikovi); [BRU]: pl. 49, f. 16-18
E. d. olshvangi Gorbunov, 1995 Polar Urals
E. d. chingiza Churkin, 1999 N.Transbaikalia
- Erebia dabanensis chingiza Churkin, 1999; Atalanta 29 (1/4): 108; TL: Russia, Chita, Kodar Mts., near Sul'ban river, 1600-1900m
E. d. sokhondoensis Belik, 2001
- Erebia dabanensis sokhondoensis Belik, 2001; Atalanta 32 (1/2): 203, pl. XIII, f. 9-12; TL: E.Russia, Chita, Kyra, Sokhondo Mts., ~67km WNW of village Kyra, 1990-2025m
Erebia kozhantshikovi Sheljuzhko, 1925
Transbaikalia - Chukot Peninsula, N.Mongolia. See [maps]
- Erebia kozhantshikovi Sheljuzhko, 1925; Ent. Anz. 5 (2): 9; TL: Dzhelinda River, Dzhugdzhur Range, Transbaikalia
Erebia fletcheri Elwes, 1899
Altai - NE.Yakutia. See [maps]
E. f. fletcheri Altai, Sayan, NW.Transbaikalia
E. f. chorymensis Korshunov, 1995
- Erebia fletcheri chorymensis Korshunov, 1995; Butts. Asian Russia: 132; TL: Kuznetsky Alatau, Bobrovaya mountain region
E. f. chajataensis Dubatolov, 1992 NE.Transbaikal - Magadan, E.Amur?
- Erebia fletcheri chajataensis Dubatolov, 1992; Vestn. Zool. 6: 43; TL: Yakutia, 180km ENE of Khandyga, upper stream of R. Vostochnaya kahndyga
E. f. daurica Belik, 2001
- Erebia fletcheri daurica Belik, 2001; Atalanta 32 (1/2): 209, pl. XIV, f. 11-14; TL: E.Russia, Chita, Kyra, Sokhondo Mts., ~67km WNW of village Kyra, 1650-1820
Erebia occulta Roos & Kimmich, 1983
Alaska, Arctic Canada, E.Chukot Peninsula. See [maps]
- Erebia occulta Roos & Kimmich, 1983; Ent. Zs. 93 (6): (69-75); TL: 150km, Demptster Hwy, Yukon Territory
E. o. jakuta Dubatolov, 1992 NE.Yakutia
- Erebia anyuica jakuta Dubatolov, 1992; Vestn. Zool. 6: 44; TL: Yakutia
E. o. sokhondinka Dubatolov & Zintshenko, 1995 S.Siberia (mountain tundra), E.Sayan Mts.
- Erebia anyuica iltshira Belik, 1996; Phegea 24 (4): 157; TL: Vostochnyy Sayan mtns
- Erebia kozhantschikovi ab. rubescens Warren, 1930; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 42 (2): 27; TL: Sajan Mtns
- Erebia occulta sokhondinka Dubatolov & Zintshenko, 1995; 128
- Erebia anyuica iltshira; [BRU2], 217
- Erebia anyuica sokhondinka; [BRU2], 217
- Erebia iltshira; ; [SZMN]
- Erebia occulta iltshira;
- Erebia occulta sokhondinka; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 53; [SZMN]
E. o. udokanica Streltzov, 1998
- Erebia occulta udokanica Streltzov, 1998; Far Eastern Ent. 53: 2; TL: Russia, Chitinskayua oblast, vill. Naminga vic., Udokan Range, 1300m
- frodo Korb, 2005
E. o. martynenkoi Dubatolov, 2005
- Erebia occulta martynenkoi; [RFEL]
Erebia anyuica Kurentzov, 1966
.... See [maps]
E. a. anyuica Magadan
- anuyka [= anyuica] Kurentsov, 1970; 44, 57
- anjuika [= anyuica] Tuzov, 1993; 32
E. a. occultoides Korb, 2003
- anyuica occultoides Korb, 2003; 1368
E. a. argentea Churkin, 2003 Kamchatka
- anyuica argentea Churkin, 2003; Helios 4: 206; TL: Kamchatka, Elisovskyi Distr., Petropavlovsk vic., Avachinskyi volcano, 200m
Erebia lafontainei Troubridge & Philip, 1983
Yukon. See [maps]
Erebia pandrose (Borkhausen, 1788)
. See [maps]
Dewy Ringlet
Górówka pandroza
Graubrauner Mohrenfalter
Le Grand Négre Bernois
- Papilio pandrose Borkhausen, 1788; Naturges. Eur. Schmett. 1: 95 (repl. Papilio castor Esper, 1781); TL: Steyermark, Austria
- Papilio castor Esper, 1781; Die Schmett. Th. I, Bd. 2 (3): pl. 67, f. 2 (preocc. Papilio castor Cramer, 1775)
- Papilio pollux Esper, 1781; Die Schmett. Th. I, Bd. 2 (3): pl. 67, f. 3
- dubius Füssley, 1783; Neu. Mag. 2: 331 [ ??Fuessly ]
- zilia Borkhausen, 1789; Naturges. Eur. Schmett. 2: 209
- manto Fabricius, 1793; Ent. Syst. 3 (1): 231 [?]
- aglauros Herbst, 1796; in Jablonsky, Naturs. Schmett. 8: 138, pl. 203, f. 1-2
- Papilio baucis Schrank, 1801; Fauna Boica 2 (1): 177
- Erebia mantoides Butler, 1868; Cat. diurn. Lep. Satyridae Brit. Mus.: 87, pl. 2, f. 6; TL: Lappland
- ?stelviana Gumppenberg, 1894; Palaearkt. Grossschm. 1: 500
- Erebia lappona ab. caeca Strand, 1901; Nyt Mag. Naturv. 39 (1): 28, 50
- Erebia lappona albina Oberthür, 1909; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 3: 332
- Erebia lappona caeca Oberthür, 1911; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 5 (1): 327, pl. 73, f. 670
- Erebia lappona ab. ♀ clossi Heinrich, 1917; Int. ent. Zs. 11: 80, f. 3; TL: "Muott bei Preda", Albula (ca. 2700m)
- semicaeca Hoffmann, 1919; Zs. Öst. EntVer 4: 37
- nowickii Prüffer, 1923; Spraw. kom. fisiog. 57: 94
- Erebia lappona ab. anniviersa Strand, 1925; Arch. Naturg. 91 A (12): 281
- nigrescens Vorbrodt, 1928; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 42: 27
- Erebia lappona ab. transiens Diószeghy, 1935; Verh. Sieben. Ver. Nat. 83-84: 110; TL: Hungary
- lapponoides Goltz, 1939; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 53: 85; TL: Lappland
- Erebia pandrose ab. uniformis Eisner, 1946; Zool. Meded. Leiden 26 (10): 280; TL: Simplon
- orba Verity, 1953; Le Farfalle diurn. d'Italia 5: 129
- Erebia lappona mantoides; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 112
- Erebia lappona ab. castor; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 112
- Erebia lappona ab. pollux; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 112
- Erebia lappona ab. stelviana; Eiffinger, 1907, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 112
- Erebia pandrose; [SPRK]; [H&R], 200; [Otakar Kudrna]; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 54; Yakovlev, 2012, Nota lepid. 35 (1): 82; [FE]; [iNaturalist] ; [LEPIFORUM] ; [Heiner Ziegler] ; [MBE] ; [MBE] ; [SVF] ; [Mario Maier]
Larva on
Festuca ,
Poa [SPRK]
E. p. pandrose Alps
- Erebia lappona ingana Fruhstorfer, 1911; Soc. ent. 25 (24): 95; TL: Val Aosta
E. p. lappona Thunberg, 1791 N.Scandinavia
392x255 (~20Kb) ♀
425x275 (~31Kb) ♂ upperside
540x397 (~45Kb) upperside FINLAND: Li: Utsjoki Ailigas, 775:50, 6.7.1997, Photo © Markku Savela
900x711 (~107Kb) underside FINLAND: Li: Utsjoki Ailigas, 775:50, 12.7.1998, Photo © Markku Savela
E. p. roberti Peschke, 1920 NW.Carpathians
E. p. sibiniaca Dannehl, 1927 E.Carpathians, S.Carpathians
E. p. gracilis Goltz, 1930 Pyrenees
- pandrose gracilis Goltz, 1930; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 44: 79
500x313 (~43Kb) upperside Mt. Canigou, Pyrenees Orientales, France 27/7/96, Photo © Simon Coombes
E. p. ambicolorata Varga, 1971 Rila Mts
E. p. sevoensis Willien, 1974 Apennines
E. p. yernikensis Korshunov, 1995 Altai, Sayan, Transbaikalia
484x400 (~52Kb) underside A dwarf birch (Betula rotundifolia Spach.)/Kobresia myosuroides (Vill.) Fiori et Paol. montane tundra at 2200 m above sea level in the Argem (Direntai) Stream basin, 15 km W of the village Dzhazatr, on the eastern spurs of the Katunskiy Mt. Range, Kosh-Agach District, Central Altai Mts., West Siberia, Russia. 13th July, 1988, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1006x758 (~205Kb) upperside A boggy alpine meadow, 2400 m above sea level, in the valley of the rivulet descending from the southern principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range between Chikty and Akbul Rivulets, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 11th July 1998, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
617x392 (~66Kb) upperside A boggy alpine meadow, 2400 m above sea level, in the valley of the rivulet descending from the southern principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range between Chikty and Akbul Rivulets, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 11th July 1998, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
781x600 (~105Kb) underside An alpine meadow in the valley of the left headwater of the Chikty Rivulet, 2600 m above sea level, the southern principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 10th July 1998, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
808x600 (~112Kb) underside An alpine meadow at the bank of the left headwater of the Chikty Rivulet, 2500 m above sea level, the southern principal slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, the Altai Mts., West Siberia, Russia. 10th July 1998, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
752x796 (~159Kb) upperside A mountain tundra on the Saylyg-Khem-Taiga mountain range being a part of the West Sayan mountain chain, at the Sayanskii pass of the road Abaza-Ak-Dovurak, 2300 m above sea level, 51°42' N 89°52' E, the border of Khakass and Tyva Republics, Siberia, Russia. 7th July 2000, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
Erebia sthennyo Graslin, 1850
Pyrenees. See [maps]
False Dewy Ringlet
E. s. marmolata Dannehl, 1927 Alps
Erebia saita Korb, 2010
Kirghizia. See [maps]
Erebia tsengelensis Suwa, Hirano & Hirano, 2002
E. t. tsengelensis Mongolian Altai
E. t. alag Churkin, 2005 Alag-Khairdan Mtns
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.