Warning this is pre ALPHA software. It should however compile
and work in it's own limited way. Comments and suggestions welcome
What is it ?
CANTOR is a midi player/editor, at present it
talks to /dev/sequencer, can make a X11 beep and can simply report
midi events to the console.
What you need
The AWE32 support uses awedrv written by
Takashi Iwai .
I use version awedrv-0.4.2c (it may not work with earlier versions).
Down load
It also uses the Qt1.39 snapshot for the nice QListView widgets.
Menu Options
- File
- Open reads in a file (only .mid at present and it does not read all
the info yet).
- Save
- Structure
Track window
Track column,left mouse selects track for focus
Left mouse on a track name sets that track to the current focus.
Right mouse popups a current track options.
Mute column, middle button toggles the mute.
Score window.
The score window displays the current selected track.
- Time markers.
Left (green) is for loop start.
- Right (red) is for loop end.
- Current (black) is for current time.
Left mouse button will seek the left marker. Drag with button
down will move the marker. Shift then press will warp the marker.
Same for middle (current time) and right markers.
Editing is not complete yet, but there is something to play with.
the low level socre editting is keyboard (NOT MOUSE) based.
A track is broken down into parts which in turn is broken into
phrases. You can have a track with just one part with one phrase
if you desire. However the idea is that you can use the parts
and phrases to cluster sets of events into meaningful units.
The arrow keys are use to navigate a phrase. The focus will either
be attached to a phrase (note will be hightlighted with red) or free
(displayed as a red block).
- Free mode
- LEFT/RIGHT will move by the current note duration.
- UP/DOWN move pitch.
- INSERT enters a note.
- ENTER goes into attached mode.
- Attached mode
- LEFT/RIGHT will move to next/prev note (or detach if at the end).
- UP/DOWN move current note up/down by semitone.
- INSERT enters a note moving rest of the phrase to the right.
- SPACE enters a rest moving rest of the phrase to the right.
- BACKSPACE deletes the previous space or note.
- DELETE deletes the current note and deletes the space.
- ALT+INSERT starts a new phrase.
- ALT+UP/DOWN cycles around phrases in a track.
Note Palette Widget
Sets the current note duration (Lots of TODOS).
Transport Widget.
- Recording
To record you must first select a track.
- Record (red) arms the record.
- Press play to actually start recording.