This directory contains the downloadable files associated with an ENCODE composite track. For more information about this data, including release status, track description, methods, and a filterable file list with the associated metadata go to: In addition to data files, this directory may also contain some or all of the following: * files.txt - a file listing each data file and its metadata. * md5sum.txt - a list of the md5sum output for each data file. * supplemental - a directory containing any additional files provided by the submitting laboratory. * releaseN directories - these are part of our development process and are seen when viewing data on hgdownload-test. * obsolete files - these are previous versions of data files which have been revoked or replaced for some reason. If the data file is not listed in files.txt or has a tag of objStatus= revoked or replaced, then the file is obsolete. WARNING: Please make every effort to determine that you are using the latest version of the data. Revoked and replaced data files may be present in this directory. The best way to determine that you are seeing the most recent data files is by accessing the recommended 'Downloadable Files' user interface via the URL provided above. WARNING: Data files on hgdownload-test have not been verified or released to the public. Data files on hgdownlaod-test are subject to change without notice and should be used with discretion. WARNING: Data files are RESTRICTED FROM USE in publication until the restriction date noted for the given file in files.txt and in the recommended 'Downloadable Files' user interface, which can be accessed via the URL provided above. The full policy is available at