Abstracts from files in info-mac/per/newt as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### TEXT newt-news-03-13.txt **** From: sholden@cod.nosc.mil (Steve Holden) Subject: NewtNews-03.13.95-0212 Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 17:17:39 GMT NewtNews-03.13.95-0212 ====================== by Steve Holden <sholden@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us> This is a summary of the information that I come in contact with that deals with the Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-95 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end. Table of Contents ----------------- 1. email 2. Usenet News #### BINHEX newt-news-045-book.hqx **** Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 13:03:44 -0500 From: j5rson@halcyon.com (J5rson:='Jeff Iverson';) Subject: NewtNews 045 #### BINHEX newt-news-046-book.hqx **** Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 19:29:18 -0500 From: j5rson@halcyon.com (J5rson:='Jeff Iverson';) Subject: NewtNewsBook 046 Attached is NN046.pkg in stuffit format. If you would prefer a different format, let me know. #### BINHEX newt-news-047-book.hqx **** Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 23:51:25 -0500 From: j5rson@halcyon.com (J5rson:='Jeff Iverson';) Subject: NewtNewsBook-L NN047.sit Enclosed is NewtNews 047 in package format. Cheers! J5rson! #### BINHEX newt-news-048-book.hqx **** Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 14:19:48 -0500 From: j5rson@halcyon.com (J5rson:='Jeff Iverson';) Subject: NewtNewsBook-L NN048 Enclosed is NewtNews 048 in Newton package format, compressed with StuffIt and encoded with Binhex. If you require a different format, just let me know at j5rson@halcyon.com. Sorry this is a day late, I lost a 200MB drive yesterday AND my backup failed... good grief! #### BINHEX newt-news-049-book.hqx **** Date: Tue, 6 Jun 1995 15:43:55 -0500 From: j5rson@halcyon.com (J5rson:='Jeff Iverson';) Subject: NewtNewsBook-L NN049.sit Enclosed is NewtNews 049 in Newton Package format, compressed with StuffIt, encoded with BinHex. Questions or comments should be directed to j5rson@halcyon.com. #### BINHEX newt-news-050-book.hqx **** Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 18:52:04 -0500 From: j5rson@halcyon.com (J5rson:='Jeff Iverson';) Subject: NewtNewsBook-L NN050.sit Enclosed is NewtNews-050 in Newton Book format, compressed with StuffIt, encoded with binhex. Problems or comments can be sent to j5rson@halcyon.com. #### BINHEX newt-news-065-book.hqx **** From: sholden@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us (Steve Holden) Subject: NewtNews-065 This contains the 65th issue of NewtNews - a weekly newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. It contains a Newton .pkg of the newsletter, a text version, a current version of the NewtNews FAQ document, and a Read Me document. #### BINHEX newt-news-066-book.hqx **** From: sholden@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us (Steve Holden) Subject: NewtNews-066 This contains the 66th issue of NewtNews - a weekly newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. It contains a Newton .pkg of the newsletter, a text version, a current version of the NewtNews FAQ document, and a Read Me document. #### BINHEX newt-news-067-book.hqx **** From: sholden@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us (Steve Holden) Subject: NewtNews-067 This contains the 67th issue of NewtNews - a weekly newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. It contains a Newton .pkg of the newsletter, a text version, a current version of the NewtNews FAQ document, and a Read Me document. #### BINHEX newt-news-068-book.hqx **** From: sholden@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us (Steve Holden) Subject: NewtNews-068 This contains the 68th issue of NewtNews - a weekly newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. It contains a Newton .pkg of the newsletter, a text version, a current version of the NewtNews FAQ document, and a Read Me document. This issue has major info about Apple's new Newton 2.0 operating System! :-) #### BINHEX newt-news-069-book.hqx **** From: sholden@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us (Steve Holden) Subject: NewtNews-069 This contains the 69th issue of NewtNews - a weekly newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. It contains a Newton .pkg of the newsletter, a text version, a current version of the NewtNews FAQ document, and a Read Me document. #### BINHEX newt-news-070-book.hqx **** From: sholden@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us (Steve Holden) Subject: NewtNews-070 This contains the 70th issue of NewtNews - a weekly newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. It contains a Newton .pkg of the newsletter, a text version, a current version of the NewtNews FAQ document, and a Read Me document. #### BINHEX newt-news-072-book.hqx **** From: sholden@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us (Steve Holden) Subject: NewtNews-072 This contains the 72 issue of NewtNews - a weekly newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. It contains a Newton .pkg of the newsletter, a text version, a current version of the NewtNews FAQ document, and a Read Me document. #### BINHEX newt-news-074-book.hqx **** From: sholden@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us (Steve Holden) Subject: NewtNews-074 This contains the 74th issue of NewtNews - a weekly newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. It contains a Newton .pkg of the newsletter, a text version, a current version of the NewtNews FAQ document, and a Read Me document. #### BINHEX newt-news-077-book.hqx **** From: sholden@ridgecrest.ca.us (Steve Holden) Subject: NewtNews-077 This contains the 77th issue of NewtNews - a weekly newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. It contains a Newton .pkg of the newsletter, a text version, a current version of the NewtNews FAQ document, and a Read Me document. #### BINHEX newt-news-95-03-20.hqx **** From: sholden@cod.nosc.mil (Steve Holden) Subject: NewtNews-038-20Mar95 Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 16:35:24 GMT by Steve Holden <sholden@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us> This is a summary of the information that I come in contact with that deals with the Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-95 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end. Table of Contents 1. email 2. Usenet News 3. Mac*Chat#66/12-Mar-95 4. The HiTek Report, March 13, 1995, Vol 2, Num 6 5. TidBITS#266/06-Mar-95 6. Edupage 3/12/95 thru 3/17/95 7. MacWeek, 03.13.95 8. INNOVATION, 13 March 1995 9. Metropolis, March 1995 10. iNews 11. MUST READS! 12. Product and Service Information 13. Sharper Image: Zaurus 14. Comments from the Editor 15. Administrivia #### BINHEX newt-news-pro-12-book.hqx **** From: sholden@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us (Steve Holden) Subject: NewtNews_Pro.1.2 This contains the 2nd issue of NewtNews_Pro - a monthly summary of the weekly NewtNews newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. This version is in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format so that it can viewed on the Macintosh, Windows, and Unix machines; and can be printed via Acrobat. #### BINHEX newt-news-pro-v01-03-book.hqx **** From: sholden@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us (Steve Holden) Subject: NewtNews_Pro.1.3 This contains the 3rd issue of NewtNews_Pro - a monthly summary of the weekly NewtNews newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. This version is in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format so that it can viewed on the Macintosh, Windows, and Unix machines; and can be printed via Acrobat. #### BINHEX newt-news-pro-v01-04-book.hqx **** From: sholden@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us (Steve Holden) Subject: NewtNews_Pro.1.4 This contains the fourth issue of NewtNews Pro - a monthly summary of the weekly NewtNews newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. This version is in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format so that it can viewed on the Macintosh, Windows, and Unix machines; and can be printed via Acrobat.