Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #39
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Info-Mac Digest             Sun, 11 Mar 01       Volume 18 : Issue 39

Today's Topics:

      [*] SnapMail 3.0
      [Q] Apple CD/DVD driver; [R] x-platform prob's
      Adobe Illustrator v.8 & Fonts
      Can a G4 533 use a shared serial printer?
      CD Labeling software
      CD labels - a warning
      IP Forwarding
      iTunes with OS8, Re: System 9.1 on Wall Street G3 
      LaCie Silverlining Updater and Mac OS 9.1
      Printer output to Mac screen
      Sherlock quit working on IE 5

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Date: 9 Mar 2001
From: Adam King <>
Subject: [*] SnapMail 3.0

SnapMail is the complete chat, messaging and communication 
application for your Mac office. Using peer-to-peer technology on 
your local network, SnapMail keeps all of your messages and documents 
safely in-house. It doesn't require a mail server, Internet 
connection, or any administration. Send messages, files, and voice 
mail instantly. Combining an intuitive user interface with 
trouble-free installation and maintenance, SnapMail offers a dynamic 
and friendly mail system for Macintosh networks.

** Easy to Install and Use **

SnapMail is plug and play software. It installs in a minute and is 
immediately usable. SnapMail configures itself and finds other users 
on the network. No system administration is ever needed.

** Powerful and Flexible **

SnapMail features include

The Essentials...

*	Send attachments with your mail (including files, folders, 
and the clipboard).
*	Search for old mail items with find.
*	Use multiple addressing options including To, cc, and bcc.
*	Request return receipts to find out when your mail is read.
*	Reply to mail sent to you or forward it to others.
*	Customize SnapMail with many preferences.
*	Add optional Internet connectivity using InterSnapTM.
*	Restrict access to your mail with various levels of password security.
*	Create folders to organize your mail.
*	Track mail that you have sent with a delivery log and a 
delivery log window.
*	Keep track of people and give them nicknames using your address book.
*	Create groups, which allow you to send mail to a number of 
people with one easy selection

... And Much More

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/snap-mail-30.hqx; 1934 K]


Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 14:01:08 -0500
From: Donald Webb <>
Subject: [Q] Apple CD/DVD driver; [R] x-platform prob's

1.   Crashed driver
OS 8.6, PowerBook G3:
Yesterday my Apple CD/DVD driver turned up foul and corrupt.  I've 
poked around on the net, mainly the Apple and VersionTracker sites, 
but have been able to find nothing of the same name.

Instead, I did find the "Apple CD-ROM 5.4" extension, which seems to 
work.  However, it is two years older than the other.

Can I get by with the older extension in the long run?
If not, is the later one available elsewhere on line?

2.  About the cross-platform difficulties I mentioned in an earlier digest:

Apparently, the technicians are using Quicktime and are doing all 
they can to make a hybrid educational CD.   The problem is not really 
with Mac programming or anything of that nature, as far as I can make 
out.  They're just plain running out of space.  There's not only a 
15-minute film but also a lot of other sound files and video clips. 
Ideally, a DVD disk would be best, but they have to consider that not 
all potential users would have that.

Don Webb


Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 10:48:00 -0500
From: Kazik Stys <>
To: <>
Subject: Adobe Illustrator v.8 & Fonts

Illustrator does not recognize all the fonts that are in my Fonts folder
which is located, of course, in System folder. All the fonts in in my Font
folder are True Type. Is there a remedy to rectify it?
Kazik Stys 


Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 12:46:18 -0800
From: (Thom Ryan)
Subject: Can a G4 533 use a shared serial printer?

        I'm having difficulty sharing a Color SW 2500 between three Macs
(G4 533, PB 3400 and PM 8500) running OS9.1
        The Macs are connected via ethernet (MacSense XH-120 Router) and
easily share large files and an internet connection.
        The printer is connected to the PM 8500 serial printer port and
works without problem. The PB 3400 shares this printer normally. 
        "Share this printer" is chosen in the Chooser and also appears
in the G4s Chooser which reports that the fonts on both machines are
        An application on the G4 (Appleworks, SimpleText) will attempt
to print to this shared printer and an icon appears next to its desktop
printer. The Finder then interrupts and gives a "File not found." error
message. No print job ever appears in the queue of the 8500's desktop
printer. If the G4s print monitor queue is "stopped" then the print jobs
will accumulate without error but,  when started, the Finder error
message returns and there is no printing.
        I have verified the ColorSync files and am now baffled. The G4
has had the Mac OSX beta installed and run but is not the startup disk.
What am I missing? Can a G4 533 use a shared serial printer? Is there a
conflict with the USB printer sharing?
        TIA for any helpful reply.


Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 11:35:19 -0600
From: "Matthew W. Schmeer" <>
Subject: CD Labeling software

Try The Disk Label Printer Pro 1.2 --> $25 shareware.

It has templates for:

  Avery CD-R labels [#5824]
  Avery CD/DVD labels [#5931 and #8931]
  Avery Address labels 1" x 2.625" [#5160, #5960, #8160, #8460, and #8660]
  Avery Address labels 1" x 4" [#5161, #5261, and #8161]
  Avery Address labels 1.33" x 4" [#5162, #8162, #8656, #8462, and #8662]
  Avery Return Address labels 0.75" x 2.25" [#8257 and #8760]
  Avery Small Return Address labels 0.5" x 1.75" [#5267, #8167, #8567, 
and #8667]
  Avery Labels for Zip Disks [#5925 and #8925]
  CD Stomper Pro CD labels
  Neato CD/DVD labels (2 labels per page)
  Neato Floppy Disk labels
  Neato Zip Disk labels
  Memorex CD/DVD labels

Additional Plug-Ins available free for download from their web site include:

  Avery Shipping Labels (6) [#5164, #5264, #5664, and #6464]
  Avery Shipping Labels (10) [#5163, #5263, #5663, and #5963]
  Avery Audio Tape labels [#5198 and #5998]
  Avery Video Tape Face labels [#5199 and #5997]
  Avery Video Tape Spine labels [#5199 and #5997] and
  Neato VHS Spine labels

These guys also make the Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.5.1


Matthew W. Schmeer


Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 19:54:05 -0500
From: "" <>
Subject: CD labels - a warning

Dear Digest readers,
This tale comes from the dark side...all my CDs with labels became 
unreadable, because they cause too much imbalance on my CD drive. 
If you must label the CD, give it a number using a felt tip marker, 
nowhere near any edges inside or out.   And use of course the jacket 
that usually comes in the jewel box to associate that number with the 
disk.   After that happened I decided to chunk out all the  CD labels 
I got as I saw they were a waste of money and sticking to all my 
papers.   And this was Avery CD labels.   I am very skeptical that 
the current stompers will really stomp solid enough you won't have 
problems in the future.


Come visit an internet index of 14 topics and over 800 links at:
All links verified monthly. 


Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 08:21:30 -0800
From: Bill Rausch <>
To:, Kee Nethery <>
Subject: IP Forwarding

Thanks for the help.  The OT Advanced Tuner program shows that YES the Macs
are set up for IP Forwarding by default (although it only applies if
multiple network adapters are active in the box).  This apparently means
that when/if a user dials out via SLIP or PPP that the potential exists for
a potential exploit through that Mac to the other boxes on the local area

 Bill Rausch, Software Development, Unix, Mac, Windows
 Numerical Applications, Inc.  509-943-0861


Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 12:27:11 -0500
From: Anne Judge <>
Subject: iTunes with OS8, Re: System 9.1 on Wall Street G3 

There's a patch that is supposed to make iTunes work with 8.6. It's
currently at
but it seems to be moving around ("server problems") - it was
somewhere else when I downloaded it.  Reports on VersionTracker are
that it works well.  I haven't tried it yet.


> Paul Brians <> wrote:
> > I'm thinking about upgrading my Wall Street G3 to System 9.1 so I can
> > run iTunes on it. It's now running 8.6.�


Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 09:08:52 -0700
From: Bruce Johnson <>
Subject: LaCie Silverlining Updater and Mac OS 9.1

> LaCie Silverlining Updater and Mac OS 9.1 (C)
> From:
> Christian F Buser <>
> Date:
> Thu, 8 Mar 2001 12:14:08 +0100
> To:
> Info-Mac Digest <>
> Ted Logan <> wrote
>> LaCie has two Silverlining Updaters online for Mac OS 9.1, but I have
>> been told to use *only* Silverlining Updater 6.4 with Mac OS 9.1.  Do
>> not use Updater 6.3.2, which has Airport (and maybe other) problems.
>> Don't know why LaCie doesn't remove the bad updater from their
>> site
> Well maybe the earlier version is okay for earlier OS versions, and 
> the newer would not work there?
>> And I was told that Silverlining Updater 6.4 has not been designed to
>> work with Mac OS X.
> Just the Updater won't work under OS X, or the updated application 
> won't be usable? I thought that OS X offers a "classic" MacOS 
> environment for applications which don't run natively on OS X? At 
> least that's what we were told here.

Most applications, like Photoshop, ClarisWorks, etc, yes. 

Utilities like disk formatters will not work in classic mode under OSX. Why would you want to, OSX hadnles the disk stuff, and it's considerably different 'under the hood' than the Classic environment.

Anything that messes directly with the Mac hardware (Nortons Utilities, 
TechTool Pro, SpeedDisk, Disk Warrior, etc) MUST be rewritten to 
function under OSX.

The Mac Classic environment in OSX is, in many ways, like running SoftPC 
to use a Windows app on a current Mac.

It's enormously faster, of course, because you're not emulating an 
entire machine, just parts of the OS, and it lets you have multiple 
windows (the original version did not) but you're _emulating_ the Mac OS 

There's no Classic Mac disks in an OSX installation for these utilities 
to work on.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group


Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 19:39:52 -0800
From: Doug Hardie <>
Subject: NFS

Is there a NFS client available for Mac?  I didn't find any in the 
info-mac archive.
-- Doug


Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 08:07:14 -0800
From: "Cyrus Roton" <>
To: "info-mac letters" <>
Subject: Printer output to Mac screen

Saint John <> wrote:

> At 16:33 -0500 3/7/01, Trebor Nesnarf <> wrote:
>>I have been using a so-called Receiver Multi-Reader (a radio readout
>>device) what has a Centronics 25 pin printer output. Not willing to connect
>>a printer  to it since it would waste great amounts of paper does any one
>>know how to connect this Centronics printer output to a Mac so that it
>>shows up on the screen?? I think it can be done but how.

> It's probably going to require some tweaking, but my guess is that it can
> be done.
> First thing to do is to connect the thing. There are parallel to serial
> adapters available; you may need a parallel to USB connector, depending on
> your Mac. Griffin Technologies can help with either of these:
> <>.
> Next thing is to run a terminal emulator such as ZTerm. I know it's possible
> to get it to use the serial port to connect to a device, but never having done
> it myself, I can only wish you good luck.

I have not seen a "parallel-to-serial" adapter, and don't see why such would
have been made (but, then, I don't know everything). Also, I have never
found a "paralell-to-USB" adapter. On the other hand, there are
serial-to-parallel adapters, so that a Mac serial port can drive a parallel
printer. But the ones I have seen are one-way data flow (from serial to
parallel), and probably will not let data flow the other direction. Same for
USB-to_parallel (from a USB port to a parallel printer). I checked Griffin
web site, and did not find such an adapter.

I don't think "sending" parallel data "to" a serial or USB connector is
going to be a simple thing to do. Even if one constructed the proper
adapter, there might still be a matter of driver software to write for it.

Still, if there is a solution to that problem, I would be interested in
knowing about it.

Cyrus W. Roton <>
MITA tech
Chairman, Ridgecrest Apple User Group


Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 23:04:41 -0800
From: Jim Robertson <>
To: "Andy Dannelley" <>, <>
Subject: Sherlock quit working on IE 5

On 3/8/01 10:06 AM, Andy Dannelley at stated

>A couple of days ago I noticed that the Sherlock Icon/option on IE 5 was
>greyed out.

Happened to me, too. I don't know the reason. If you find out, please 
post a message to the info-mac list.



End of Info-Mac Digest