Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #14 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Wed, 24 Jan 01 Volume 18 : Issue 14 Today's Topics: (A) JDKCLASSES.ZP what is it (Q) what is it? [*] app/DesktopMagician201 [*] Dot What? 1.0 [*] Extension Overload v5.7 [*] Geometry Calculator 2.0 English [*] Geometry Calculator 2.0 Espanol [*] GrantWriter Pro [*] Interarchy 4.0 (formerly Anarchie) [*] Lei Fang StartupScreen.img.bin [*] Pressrelease GraphicConverter 4.0.2-SE [*] Pressrelease GraphicConverter 4.0.2-SE AirPort base station configuration FTP madness! FTP madness! Info-Mac Digest V18 #12 Info-Mac Digest V18 #13 Info-Mac Digest V18 #13 Interarchy drops I-M URL completion feature what is it? Laserwriter 16/600 & PoerBook G3 Laserwriter 16/600 & PowerBook G3 opening Info-Mac Digest V18 #12 Photoshop 5.5 under 9.1 Two DVD questions The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Working with the Info-Mac Digest: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with the words subscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with the words unsubscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. * Please send administrative queries to <>. Downloading and Submitting Files from the Info-Mac Archive: * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at: <> * Search the archive via the MIT HyperArchive at: <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. * To submit files larger than 2 MB, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts" and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Hugh Lewis, Tom Coradeschi, Shawn Bunn, Christopher Li, Patrik Montgomery, Ed Chambers, and Chris Pepper. America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine <>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V18 #14" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 12:40:46 -0500 From: Duane DeVries <> To: Subject: (A) JDKCLASSES.ZP what is it My thanks to several kind souls who took the time to respond to me directly. It seems that MAC Runtime Java (and others) use these to store JAVA programming code. Browsers unzip these when they encounter a web site with Java. In essence: DO NOT DELETE! Thanks again for the information. Duane De Vries ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 10:01:42 -0600 From: "Chaz Larson [mailing lists]" <> To: Duane DeVries <>, Subject: (Q) what is it? At 10:39 PM -0500 1/18/01, Duane DeVries wrote: >I've found some .zip files stored as follows: >system folder, extensions, MRJ libraries, MRJclasses >and inside this last folder are these: > JDKCLASSES.ZIP 8.7 meg > MRJCLASSES.ZIP 705K > PROPERTIES.ZIP 45K > >Also, in the MS LIBRARY folder are additional >ones....CLASSES.MS.ZIP 3.3 meg >and elsewhere I found JAVA40.JAR at 1.6 meg >and JOPTIO40.jar at 2.2 meg.. I have no clue what these are either. > >I thought that .zip files were a compressed form from the >PC world. Are these actually used by the MACOS and if not, is it >safe to delete them? If you never use Java, you can delete them. All of those archives contain "class files" used for the Java Virtual Machine. You can think of them as being somewhat analogous to the MacOS ROM, in that they comprise a set of base services that Java code can call on. Those first two are "_J_ava _D_evelopment _K_it Classes" and "_M_acintosh _R_untime for _J_ava Classes". They're wrapped up into ZIP archives to save space. The JDKClasses file decompresses into 89 Mb of gunk on my HFS Standard boot drive. The Java system has the ability to "reach inside" a ZIP archive and pull out the bits that are needed. ZIP is a compression scheme that is mostly used with Windows machines, but its use is not limited to that platform. The new version of Stuffit creates ZIP archives as well as SIT archives. For cross-platform archiving, it's a good choice, as SIT is still gaining traction in the Windows world. JAR is a Java-specific file format. Hope this helps. chazl -- If you begin to feel overload, consider your Earth ... what it feels ... - Hive, Ultrasonic Sound Chaz Larson - chaz at spamcop dot net - ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 2001 From: Eric Long <> To: Subject: [*] app/DesktopMagician201 Desktop Magician 2.0.1 offers a wide range of options for saving an restoring your Mac's running environment for whatever purpose you need. Now you can easily save and restore your complete desktop environment, including content and placement of icons, open windows, running applications, open documents, mounted servers, mounted disk images, and monitor settings. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/desktop-magician-201.hqx; 782 K] ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 2001 From: "Nick D'Amato" <> To: Subject: [*] Dot What? 1.0 Dot What?? 1.0 Written by Nick D'Amato � 2001 No-U-Turn Inc. Requirements Any Mac running Mac OS 7.6 or higher. This program works with Mac OS 8.x and 9.x. Older 68k Mac users please be sure to download the 68k version. What is Dot What? Did you ever receive a file from a friend or from an internet download and wonder how to access it? Now-a-days, many files have some sort of 3 digit extension at the end of the name (ie. sit, hqx, bin), rendering it very difficult to determine the correct application to associate with them. Currently there are thousands of applications available for most systems, with more constantly on the way, each with its own corresponding file extension. How can you possibly remember all of these file extensions? Enter Dot What?... Simply launch Dot What?, type in the questionable file extension, and instantly be presented with its description, recommended application to open it with, and even a corresponding web site for each application! Dot What? currently has a database of over 1,500 file extensions and is constantly updated by No-U-Turn Software. These updates will be available to registered users at no additional cost. If you have suggestions for file extensions, please email us. A Carbonated (Mac OS X) version of Dot What? will be released closer to the release of OS X. Registered users will be entitled to this version for free. Dot What? will be even more practical when Mac OS X is released. Every file in OS X will require a file extension. Are you going to be able to remember what they all mean? [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/dot-what-10.hqx; 461 K] ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 2001 From: Teng Chou Ming <> To: Subject: [*] Extension Overload v5.7 Extension Overload is an extensions, control panels, control strip modules and contextual menus management application. It offers detail information of 4265 extensions and control panels, control strip modules and contextual menu items in your system. It also lets you activate and deactivate them, so that you can always easily tailor your system to your current requirements. In addition, Extension Overload includes a useful collection of helpful information and tidbits. Version history for v5.7 * Contains descriptions of 2900 Extensions. * Contains descriptions of 1065 Control Panels. * Contains descriptions of 200 Control Strip Modules. * Contains descriptions of 100 Contextual Menu Items. * Total of 4265 extensions, extensions, CSM and CMM plugins. * Better support for non English Mac OS. * Covers extensions and control panels from Mac OS 9.1. Extension Overload require a 601 or newer processor with 2 MB of free RAM. System 7 to Mac OS 9.1 are supported. The official homepage for Extension Overload is [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/extension-overload-57.hqx; 1492 K] ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 2001 From: Econ software <> To: Subject: [*] Geometry Calculator 2.0 English Geometry Calculator 2.0 English PPC 17/01/2001 -The program Use Geometry Calculator to calculate the area of triangles, trapezoids, rectangles, squares, circles with surface area and volume of cubes, pyramids, cones, prisms, cylinder and spheres, you can use the measurements as "Non specific units" or you have the option of entering a specific unit and have the calculations converted to many other imperial and metric units. Runs as full 30 day tryout, after this time registering the program will enable it fully again. -Changes in this version Addition - Cone and Sphere windows. Addition - Volume calculations in all the solid windows. Addition - Option to do Frustum calculations for a Pyramid or cone. Addition - Option to calculate either Total surface area or Lateral surface area with both Pyramid and Cone windows. Addition - Conversion window for converting back and to Yards, Feet , Inches and fractions to Decimal Yards, Feet, Inches and Fractions. Addition - Circumference or perimeter calculations in the area windows. Addition - Help Text and Sound with the options of using them or not. -This program is Shareware with a cost of $19 US. -Requirements: Power Mac running OS7.6.1 or above. -Compressed BinHex size: -1000k -This program can be used on CD distribution. -Web: -Enquires and questions should be directed to: [Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/geometry-calculator-20.hqx; 1315 K] ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 2001 From: econsoftware <> To: Subject: [*] Geometry Calculator 2.0 Espanol Geometry Calculator 2.0 PPC Espa�ol 17/01/2001 -El programa �ste es un programa de calculacion y conversin, para hacer calculo en area de triangelos, rectangelos, trapezoide, circulos con superfice y volumen de cubos, pirimides, conos, prismas, esferas y cilindros y convers�on en m�trico a imperial o imperial a m�trico del mismo. Shareware. -Cambios en este versin Anad� - Ventanas para el calculo de conos y esferas. Anad� - calculo de volumes el las ventennas de formas solidas. Anad� - Optin de calculo en truncos de pirimide ( tambien en conos ). Anad� - Optin de calculo la superfica total or solo lateral en las ventannas de pirimide y cono. Anad� - ventanna de conversin en yardas, pies , pulgadas y fracciones a decimal yardas, pies, pulgadas y fracciones. Anad� - Circumferencia y per�metro el las ventanas de area planos. Anad� - Texto de ajuda y sonido con el opti a pagar desde la ventana de preferencias. -Requerimientos: Power Mac con sistema 7.6.1 or mas -Tomano BinHex: 1000k Web: Enquires and questions should be directed to: [Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/geometry-calculator-20-es.hqx; 1310 K] ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 2001 From: GWPro <> To: Subject: [*] GrantWriter Pro Submission. Thank you. [Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/grantwriter-pro-27.hqx; 757 K] ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 2001 From: Andrew Tomazos <> To: Subject: [*] Interarchy 4.0 (formerly Anarchie) Interarchy 4.0 (formerly Anarchie) Web: Email: Interarchy is a powerful and flexible Internet application for Mac OS. Interarchy can download and upload files via FTP and also download using HTTP, search the Internet to find the files you want, provide a wealth of information about your Internet connection, help manage remote servers and let you remotely control your Macintosh across the Internet. The latest version, 4.0, adds improved and reorganized connection diagnostics, custom interfaces called interfaces, reorganized menus, seven UNIX-like daemons (also called 'servers' -- see Settings:Safe Daemons and Settings:Telnet Daemon), and a new name. Interarchy requires Mac OS 8.0 and PowerPC. The installer is freely distributable as long as it remains in installer form. Interarchy is free to try out in it's fully functional form but if you decide to keep it you must purchase a license at <>. [AT] [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/interarchy-40.hqx; 2299 K] ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 2001 From: Laura Richter <> To: Subject: [*] Lei Fang StartupScreen.img.bin Description: A StartupScreen featuring Lei Fang from the Dreamcast/Playstation 2 video game _Dead or Alive_. Requires 800x600 resolution or greater (big enough to use as a desktop picture). Needs Disk Copy and a MacBinary III decoder to install. [Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/lei-fang-startupscreen.hqx; 411 K] ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 2001 From: Mats-Ola Jonsson <> To: Subject: [*] Pressrelease GraphicConverter 4.0.2-SE Ramona Shareware sl�pper nu en uppdatering av GraphicConverter till version 4.0.2 -SE PPC och 68k. GraphicConverter �r det program som kan �ppna, importera och exportera de flesta p� marknaden f�rekommande bildformaten och dessutom utf�ra ett stort antal bildoperationer. Med andra ord n�stan oumb�rligt. F�rb�ttringarna och nyheterna i version 4.0.2 �r m�nga: * Nytt filter f�r r�da �gon-reducering * Import och export av WBIN MacWavelet 2d m�jlig * Export av TealPaint m�jlig * M�jlighet att st�lla in importeringsrastret p� 16 bitars TIFF-bilder added * Kommentarer kommer nu att ligga ovanp� bilderna i bildspelet * Visningen av kommentarer i bildspelet anv�nder nu det typsnitt etc som valts i inst�llningarna * Bildspelet st�der nu tiondels sekunder f�r tidsangivelsen * Om man v�ljer radera i bildspelet flyttas nu bilden till papperskorgen * M�jlighet att sortera bildspel efter mapp eller efter alla bilders namn i bokstavsordning finns nu * M�jlighet att �ppna senast �ppna mapp�versikt efter start av programmet finns nu * M�jlighet att separera alla lager i en Photoshopfil till separata filer finns nu i Konvertera mer * Kommandot avbryt vid avl�sning med Photoshopkompatibla insticksprogram fungerar nu * AppleScript st�der nu sparande f�r webben * Andra f�rb�ttringar av AppleScript-st�det * JPEG- and LWF-dialogrutorna ryms nu p� sk�rmar med 640x480 punkters uppl�sning * Omritningsbugg r�rande verktygsl�dan fixad * Visningsbugg r�rande startbilden under �ldre systemversioner fixad * Kontextmenyn f�r filf�rteckningen f�rb�ttrad * Felmeddelande vid import av 2 bitars png-filer fixad * Uppdateringsproblem i mapp�versikten vid identiska mappnamn fixad * Standardinst�llningarna f�r sk�rm �ndrade * Krasch vid import av roterade HPGL-texter fixad * Krasch vid import av roterade WMF-texter fixad * Uppdateringsbugg i inst�llningarna fixad * Kraschrisk i mapp�versikten fixad * Bugg i importen av 2 bitars PSION-filer fixad * Bugg r�rande klickande bakom den senaste knappen fixad * Bugg i visning med zoom fixad * Bugg r�rande bildspelslista med f�rre �n 10 bilder fixad * Bugg i �terst�llningen av f�rger fixad * Bugg i H�mta igen fixad * Bugg i ritade objekt utanf�r f�nstrets gr�nser fixad * Andra buggfixar och �ndringar ********** ABSTRACT CROPPED ********** [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/graphic-converter-402-68k-se.hqx; 2771 K] ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 2001 From: Mats-Ola Jonsson <> To: Subject: [*] Pressrelease GraphicConverter 4.0.2-SE Ramona Shareware sl�pper nu en uppdatering av GraphicConverter till version 4.0.2 -SE PPC och 68k. GraphicConverter �r det program som kan �ppna, importera och exportera de flesta p� marknaden f�rekommande bildformaten och dessutom utf�ra ett stort antal bildoperationer. Med andra ord n�stan oumb�rligt. F�rb�ttringarna och nyheterna i version 4.0.2 �r m�nga: * Nytt filter f�r r�da �gon-reducering * Import och export av WBIN MacWavelet 2d m�jlig * Export av TealPaint m�jlig * M�jlighet att st�lla in importeringsrastret p� 16 bitars TIFF-bilder added * Kommentarer kommer nu att ligga ovanp� bilderna i bildspelet * Visningen av kommentarer i bildspelet anv�nder nu det typsnitt etc som valts i inst�llningarna * Bildspelet st�der nu tiondels sekunder f�r tidsangivelsen * Om man v�ljer radera i bildspelet flyttas nu bilden till papperskorgen * M�jlighet att sortera bildspel efter mapp eller efter alla bilders namn i bokstavsordning finns nu * M�jlighet att �ppna senast �ppna mapp�versikt efter start av programmet finns nu * M�jlighet att separera alla lager i en Photoshopfil till separata filer finns nu i Konvertera mer * Kommandot avbryt vid avl�sning med Photoshopkompatibla insticksprogram fungerar nu * AppleScript st�der nu sparande f�r webben * Andra f�rb�ttringar av AppleScript-st�det * JPEG- and LWF-dialogrutorna ryms nu p� sk�rmar med 640x480 punkters uppl�sning * Omritningsbugg r�rande verktygsl�dan fixad * Visningsbugg r�rande startbilden under �ldre systemversioner fixad * Kontextmenyn f�r filf�rteckningen f�rb�ttrad * Felmeddelande vid import av 2 bitars png-filer fixad * Uppdateringsproblem i mapp�versikten vid identiska mappnamn fixad * Standardinst�llningarna f�r sk�rm �ndrade * Krasch vid import av roterade HPGL-texter fixad * Krasch vid import av roterade WMF-texter fixad * Uppdateringsbugg i inst�llningarna fixad * Kraschrisk i mapp�versikten fixad * Bugg i importen av 2 bitars PSION-filer fixad * Bugg r�rande klickande bakom den senaste knappen fixad * Bugg i visning med zoom fixad * Bugg r�rande bildspelslista med f�rre �n 10 bilder fixad * Bugg i �terst�llningen av f�rger fixad * Bugg i H�mta igen fixad * Bugg i ritade objekt utanf�r f�nstrets gr�nser fixad * Andra buggfixar och �ndringar ********** ABSTRACT CROPPED ********** [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/graphic-converter-402-ppc-se.hqx; 3276 K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 20:57:18 -0800 From: Doug Hardie <> To: Subject: AirPort base station configuration I am trying to configure an AirPort Base Station and keep running into a problem that it won't dial on a phone line. The configuration I want is PBs connected via wireless, and older desktop units via the ethernet port. When I use the Airport Admin Utility to configure I set the parameters for the serial line and then for the ethernet port. Then reboot the unit. It always shows up with a funny ethernet address 192.xx.xx.12 (can't remember all of it) regardless of what I have set and then won't dial the modem. How do I get that configuration to work? -- -- Doug ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 20:27:29 -0500 From: Saint John <> To: Subject: FTP madness! At 10:31 -0500 1/23/01, Ad <> wrote: >Can anyone tell me where I can get a FTP program for Mac so that I can >upload JPEG files to a online website that I'm trying to create? >Why can't I find any Mac FTPs to download? There's tons of 'em. The basic one (which I use for my website) is Fetch. Interarchy will also do a wonderful job, and I remember an author on this List mentioning a Finder-like FTP client. Any of them will do the job. +- Saint John <> <> -+ | "In the seventeenth century, the British built canals like paint | | over 'left turn only'." (most surreal class notes I ever took; | +- in Dr. Cecil Smith's "Technology in the World Community") --------+ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 18:47:16 -0500 From: Mari Bontrager <> To: Subject: FTP madness! -put "ftp" in the search- you'll get 38 titles. Mari At 10:31 AM -0500 1/23/01, The Info-Mac Network wrote: >Can anyone tell me where I can get a FTP program for Mac so that I can >upload JPEG files to a online website that I'm trying to create? >Why can't I find any Mac FTPs to download? -- ~~**~~**~~**~~**~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 11:44:08 -0500 From: Ivonne =?iso-8859-1?Q?Carri=F3n?= <> To: Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #12 I am beginner in a some programs for graphic desing, i would like to learn about digital video editing programs, like Adobe After Effects and Softimage. Is there any place on the web where i can download some manuals to learn myself a bit more??... i hope someone can help me... thanks a lot. with my best wishes Ivonne : ) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 09:25:32 -0800 From: Doug Hardie <> To: Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #13 >Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 00:24:23 +0000 >From: Ad <> >To: <> >Subject: FTP madness! > >Can anyone tell me where I can get a FTP program for Mac so that I can >upload JPEG files to a online website that I'm trying to create? >Why can't I find any Mac FTPs to download? > Fetch is in the info-mac archive. It is a goot FTP client. -- -- Doug ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 14:22:36 -0700 From: Bruce Johnson <> To: Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #13 > > Subject: PDF and OS X > Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 10:55:02 +0200 > From: "Michael S. Silverstein" <> > To: Info-mac <> > > I understood that the files in OS X are related to the PDF format. > > Does this mean that Acrobat Writer will not be needed to generate a > PDF using OS X and a PDF can be generated from any program, or will > one still need Acrobat Writer? PDF is an open format. Yes the basis of Quartz' display model is based on pdf. Most programs will create pdf files by default; the SimpleText replacement in OSX Beta does. But even today you don't need Adobe Acrobat to create PDF files. Print To PDF (mentioned on a regular basis here in Info-Mac) is a $20 shareware printer driver that allows you to create a PDF file. See: Ghostscript ( ) also lets you make .pdf files. -- Bruce Johnson University of Arizona College of Pharmacy Information Technology Group ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 20:07:51 -0600 From: "Gib Henry" <> To: "Info-Mac List" <> Subject: Interarchy drops I-M URL completion feature Interarchy 3.8 and 4 have dropped their I-M partial URL completion feature. I was very disappointed in the downgrade and mentioned to producer Andrew Tomazos who indicated it has been logged and hopefully will be added back. In case you're not familiar with it, Anarchie through 3.7 would allow you to copy the partial URL from the digest and paste it as a full URL to your preferred mirror into the Get dialog box, thus expediting your download. Now, we have to manually complete it (its path varies from one mirror to the next), and it's a colossal pain. If you miss the feature, please contact Andrew and ask him to add it back: Cheers, -- Gib Henry ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 11:41:36 -0700 From: Bruce Johnson <> To: Subject: what is it? > Subject: (Q) what is it? > Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 22:39:39 -0500 > From: Duane DeVries <> > To: > > Greetings! > Now that I've retired and have time to poke around inside > my Mac, I'm finding all manner of strange things. I do know > enough NOT to delete anything unless I'm ABSOLUTELY sure > it is safe and even then, BACK IT UP!! > > Anyway, I've found some .zip files stored as follows: > system folder, extensions, MRJ libraries, MRJclasses > and inside this last folder are these: > JDKCLASSES.ZIP 8.7 meg > MRJCLASSES.ZIP 705K > PROPERTIES.ZIP 45K > > Also, in the MS LIBRARY folder are additional > ones....CLASSES.MS.ZIP 3.3 meg > and elsewhere I found JAVA40.JAR at 1.6 meg > and JOPTIO40.jar at 2.2 meg.. I have no clue what these are either. > > I thought that .zip files were a compressed form from the > PC world. Are these actually used by the MACOS and if not, is it > safe to delete them? > Duane Java uses zip files, (though not in compression mode) as a means to manage many small files in one. All of those files are vital to the operation of MRJ. Jar files are Java ARchive files, which are compiled Java program files. (not standalone executeable, but they need the Java Runtime stuff) -- Bruce Johnson University of Arizona College of Pharmacy Information Technology Group ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 06:42:03 -0800 From: Jim Robertson <> To: "Christian F Buser" <>, <> Subject: Laserwriter 16/600 & PoerBook G3 The original poster said he wanted to connect a G3 PowerBook to a LaserWriter 16/600. Both devices have 10bT ethernet. All that's needed is a dirt-cheap 10bT hub or an even-cheaper crossover cable. No need for any Ethernet<->LocalTalk adapter. In fact, both devices with current software support tcp/ip, and the printer can easily be used on a mixed Mac and other OS network. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 21:31:01 -0800 From: Harriet Lord <> To: Subject: Laserwriter 16/600 & PowerBook G3 John Hutchens asked: "I am looking for a way to use my Apple Laserwriter 16/600 with my PowerBook G3. I considered a USB to Serial adapter but found that the adapters on the market (do far as I know) will not connect to the LaserWriter. Keyspan tells me that that the reason is that this printer supports Localtalk, a proprietary Apple protocol." I am using a Personal LaserWrite NT with my Pismo (G3 PowerBook). I use a Farallon PhoneNet connector with Farallon's Ethernet iPrint adaptor, which is plugged into my ethernet hub. I purchased both the PhoneNet connector and iPrint adaptor at You may want to visit Farallon's website, and then use the email link to ask them for advice before actually purchasing their products. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 07:46:37 -0500 From: "Mann, Susan" <> To: Subject: opening Info-Mac Digest V18 #12 sometimes i don't get all of the info mac-digest, when i try to open the icon attachment nothing happens -how can i open this sue ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 18:51:23 -0700 From: (john fitzgerrel) To: Subject: Photoshop 5.5 under 9.1 Thanks for the suggestions on my powerbook "stall" problem. I got rid of it for a time by zapping the PRAM - it came back once, but that may have been ligitimate per the suggestions (ethernet, mail check, etc) I have a new problem. I installed 9.1 on my blue & white g3 (I wish apple would give them numbers). Photoshop 5.5 will not launch. It crashes when "initializing type engine". I installed the Adobe ATM 4.6 from the OS 9.1 CD, but that didn't work. I downloaded ATM 4.6.1 from Adobe, but no improvement. the Apple site says that older ATMs cause problems, but the solution is just getting the new version. ImageReady in the same folder crashes when "starting type engines", I assume it uses the photoshop code. Adobe Acrobat reader works fine. I have a demo copy of Illustrator and it works fine also. My wife uses Photoshop so I'm going to have to go back to 8.6 if Ican't find a solution TIA john Fitzgerrel ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 23:46:35 +0100 From: Jean-Philippe Pellet <> To: David Ferrington <>, Subject: Two DVD questions > 1. Is there a hack, shareware or otherwise that will enable me to play both > R1 & R2 DVD�s (after the 5 switch limit is up)? I have a PowerBook G3 Bronze with a DVD-ROM drive. I have found a little utility, which I'll be happy to send you (mail me offlist), which resets the number of times you're allowed to change the DVD zone to 5. However, I'm not sure it can be used on your machine. AKAIK (but correct me if I'm wrong) I have an MPEG decoder card in my PB and Apple DVD Player version 1.3, whereas you must have version 2, where all decoding happens in software. It is well possible that the little program won't work with your machine. But it doesn't hurt trying... :-) JPP -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************