The commands more and cat are used for viewing the contents of files. more displays a file, one screenful at a time, while cat displays the whole file at once.
To look at the file shells, we can use the command
/home/larry/foo# more shells
In case you're interested what shells contains, it's a list of valid shell programs on your system. On most systems, this includes /bin/sh, /bin/bash, and /bin/csh. We'll talk about these different types of shells later.
While using more, press to display the next page
of text, and
to display the previous page. There are other
commands available in more as well, these are just the basics.
will quit more.
Quit more and try cat /etc/termcap. The text will probably fly by much too quickly for you to read it. The name ``cat'' actually stands for ``concatenate'', which is the real use of the program. The cat command can be used to concatenate the contents of several files and save the result to another file. This will be discussed later.