GDose is a convenient given dose calculator. It is set up to calculate the dose to dmax in radiotherapy SSD or SAD photon beams. The demo version includes beam data specific to one institution and is not accurate for any other radiotherapy department. GDose is especially useful for determining the expected given dose for each individual beam of a complicated treatment plan calculated by a treatment planning system which might not display individual beam dose contributions. The given dose for a clinical beam can then be clinically measured by an in vivo dose measurement with a diode or TLD and compared to the calculated given dose determined by GDose. Good agreement between calculated and measured given dose helps to verify correct beam and patient setup. Use of the program is simple. The rectangular fields in the top half of the screen must be filled with the appropriate information. Also, buttons for wedges and/or tray can be selected to indicate wedged and/or blocked fields. Once all information has been input, you simply hit "enter" or "return" and the program will fill the lower half fields and calculate and indicate the given dose for the input beam setup. Changes in any of the input parameters can be made at any time by selecting the field to be changed. The "enter" or "return" keys must be hit each time a change is made to get the program to recalculate the given dose. Quitting the program is accomplished by typing cmd "." at any time. The uploaded version of GDose is freeware. It has excellent use as a teaching tool, however, it does not have any real clinical use as it does not include your institution's beam data. If you would like to have a clinically useful copy of GDose, you must supply me with the following beam data for all beams that you would like included: collimator output factor (measured in air at nominal machine SAD as a function of collimator setting), relative dose factor (measured in phantom at dmax at nominal machine SSD as a function of collimator setting), peak scatter factor as a function of collimator setting, tray factor, wedge factors, and machine output at a known distance and setup (either cGy/MU for linacs or cGy/min for cobalt machines). Also, a nominal fee of US$10 per beam (note, this fee is charged for each beam for which you would like GDose to calculate the given dose) must be included. Registered users will also be supplied with a concise user's manual. Further information or clarification can be obtained by sending your comments, suggestions for improvement, and questions to: Matthew Podgorsak, Ph.D. GDose is copyright © 1995, Matthew Podgorsak, Ph.D.