Abstracts from files in info-mac/per/im/infomacv16 as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### TEXT       infomacv16-001.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q)  PB3400 and Umax Astra 600S
      (Q) TCP/IP Errors
      8x CD-ROM like a 2x
      [*] PictureSnooperV1.3  AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off NewsGroups
      [A]  PB3400 and Umax Astra 600S
      [A] Help: system error 11 with QT
      [A] Macs and PC network
      [Q] Epson printer slow with Appletalk card
      [Q] pmac G3 - IDE
      [Q] SupraFax 144
      [Q] VRAM memory utility needed
      batteries in keyboards?
      batteries in keyboards?
      Beware of NewerTech (RANT)
      Compact Pro
      Config PPP 2.x and Apple Event Manager
      Contextual Menu help needed.....
      Customising Now UpToDate printouts?
      FoxBase and MacOS 8.0
      Getting rid of Now Utilities
      Getting rid of Now Utilities
      Green display on a 15" Multiscan
      Help Me...help me...AppleTalk Quandry
      Help with monitor
      I think it stands for Miserable Irritating Dehumanizing Interfaces
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #286
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #289
      Keyboard questions
      mac compatible fax/printers
      Mac weatherstation (Q)
      Macs and PC network
      Mystery Attachment
      Mystery attachment??
      new 56KB internal modem
      no cut and past with Navigator v4?
      Print Preview in Internet browser
      Punch Clock 
      SAM 4.5 and "big" apps
      Sick SCSI port
      Sound Manager question
      Startup problems
      Title Bar Truncation & Netscape Freezing (Java!)
      Word's old Screen Test

#### TEXT       infomacv16-002.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#411/05-Jan-98
      [*] "Styles" Bunnies for Kaleidoscope 1.8
      [*] Conbelin - knotwork clip art
      [*] Fetch-O-Matic 2.0.3 automated website maintenance via FTP
      [*] Hyperize v2
      [*] IC 1.2 (updated)
      [*] India Ink 1.4 - stylized Photoshop halftones
      [*] Mac INIT Strings (mis.sea)
      [*] RoyalOrchid+ 1.5.6 - Kaleidoscope
      [Q] OS8 CMM
      Cd-ROM Drive problem...
      Claris Folder missing in MacLinkPlus 9.0
      Filemaker Pro: text file input to specific field?
      Personal LaserWriter LS & Ram
      PPP Connect Problems

#### TEXT       infomacv16-003.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Alphie 1.0
      [*] Cricket (Test Match Simulator) v1.3
      [*] Language Toolkit Reader 1.3.2 - foreign languages learning
      [*] MacTimeClock 1.8b4 (68k)
      [*] MacTimeClock 1.8b4 (FAT)
      [*] PowerReplace 6.3;  a text conversion utility
      [*] Software Tracker 2.1
      "PowerDimmer" permanently dim! (fwd)
      [A] Personal LaserWriter Memory Upgrade
      Announce: MacWorld Netter's Dinner
      excel can't open saved files?
      Files Directories
      further questions on networking to NT
      Keyboards and Water
      Microphone for PPC (Q)
      Mystery attachment??
      Old PowerBook model question...
      Performa 6116CD question
      print preview in netscape
      Settings not being retained

#### TEXT       infomacv16-004.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

          Batteries in Keyboards
      [*] "Styles" Bunnies for Kaleidoscope 1.8
      [*] Conbelin - knotwork clip art
      [*] Fetch-O-Matic 2.0.3 automated website maintenance via FTP
      [*] Hyperize v2
      [*] IC 1.2 (updated)
      [*] India Ink 1.4 - stylized Photoshop halftones
      [*] Mac INIT Strings (mis.sea)
      [*] RoyalOrchid+ 1.5.6 - Kaleidoscope
      [*] TidBITS#411/05-Jan-98
      [A] Files Directories
      [A] further questions on networking to NT
      [A] Os8 CMM
      [A] PPC Microphone
      [A]: Print  preview in Netscape
      [Q] OS8 CMM
      [Q] print missing under Netscape 3.0
      [Q] Ti-35 Problem
      Battery in IIci
      Beware of NewerTech (A)
      Cd-ROM Drive problem...
      Cd-ROM Drive problem...
      Claris Folder missing in MacLinkPlus 9.0
      CM help needed......
      Desktop Patterns?
      Filemaker Pro: text file input to specific field?
      Files Directories
      further questions on networking to NT
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #3
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #3
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #3
      mpw available for free?
      Navigator 4.0.4
      Performa 6116CD question
      Personal LaserWriter LS & Ram
      Personal LaserWriter LS & Ram (A)
      PM 7500 & 21" Colour Display
      PPP Connect Problems
      Quicken 98 R2
      rhapsody SCSI
      SAM 4.5 and "big" apps
      switching printers epson 600 <-> LW Select
      Web  Page Maker 

#### TEXT       infomacv16-005.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]     Abstract for ScaleCalc (PPC)ScaleCalc		ScaleCalc is a set of si
      [*] Alans Solitaire 1.03
      [*] blobsculptor-12.hqx
      [*] bonYx 2.02 (update/new release)
      [*] Brick Attack PPC 1.0 (brick-attack-ppc-10
      [*] CMScript 1.0.1 - AppleScripts in the Context Menu
      [*] Cricket (Test Match Simulator) v1.3
      [*] Curvus Pro 2.1E
      [*] Digital Wipeout 1.0
      [*] DragStrip 3.1.1 
      [*] Epoch Extreme 3D Icons
      [*] Extra Textures for BladePro
      [*] Filip's Word Macros 1.6
      [*] Find Home Folder 1.0 - CM plugin
      [*] First Strike
      [*] GEOCAD 1.2.6 german submission
      [*] GEOCAD 1.2.6 international submission
      [*] Ili's Alphabet Icons
      [*] Imitari TrueType/Postscript Font
      [*] Internet Bolo Buddy 1.1
      [*] le must de CARTIER 1.0 - Kaleidoscope
      [*] le must de CARTIER+ 1.0 - Kaleidoscope
      [*] MacCurveFit 1.4
      [*] MacOSZone! 1.5.6 - Kaleidoscope
      [*] MacOSZone!+ 1.5.6 - Kaleidoscope
      [*] MB's Entomylogical Icons
      [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 1.1
      [*] Net-Print 8.0.2
      [*] Once in a Lifetime
      [*] PICTInText
      [*] PowerReplace 6.3;  a text conversion utility
      [*] ScrollMagick 1.0.1 - Innovative gesture-driven scrolling.
      [*] ScrollMagick 1.0.1J - Japanese version.
      [*] SFX Machine Demo 1.11
      [*] SmallMines
      [*] Software Tracker 2.1
      [*] Tomato Head
      [*] Valentine Time
      2 FileMaker Pro ?s: Printing long fields & starting other apps...
      [Q] 6116 & Word
      Apple 15" monitor problem
      Games for Babies?
      Jim Leitch
      QuickTime 3.0
      telnet ftp failures

#### TEXT       infomacv16-006.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Akua Sweets V1.17 (AppleScript extensions with progress & alert
      [*] Alphie 1.0
      [*] Amtrak schedules
      [*] ArchiveCM 1.0.1
      [*] BookCase 2.0
      [*] California Desktop Pictures 1024x768
      [*] California Desktop Pictures 640x480
      [*] California Desktop Pictures 832x624
      [*] CP Villes 2.0 (HC stack)
      [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 047
      [*] EasyAccount 2.2
      [*] English-Italian 4.0 - Dictionary
      [*] Format-Chart Version 1.2.9
      [*] HandyMan20
      [*] Language Toolkit Reader 1.3.2 - foreign languages learning
      [*] LogLoader 0.2.1
      [*] logloader-0.2.1
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.3.3
      [*] MacTimeClock 1.8b4 (68k)
      [*] MacTimeClock 1.8b4 (FAT)
      [*] maczpoint-195
      [*] MagicalKeys 1.3.6
      [*] MicNotePad Lite 4.3.1
      [*] MiniWinDemo 3.3
      [*] Multiplication Stack
      [*] Nu Serif 1.0 PostScript Font - A scalable Espy Serif
      [*] Nu Serif 1.0 TrueType Font - A scalable Espy Serif
      [*] PowerMenu v2.2.1: A Contextual Menu Utility for MacOS 8 and 7!
      [*] Premiers Mots 2.0 (HC stack)
      [*] PrintGuard 1.0.4 (maintenance release)
      [*] Raven 1.3.1 Examples.sit
      [*] Raven 1.3.1.sit
      [*] Spell-11
      [*] Startup Doubler 1.1 -for faster startups!
      [*] Stock Tracker V2.7
      [*] TradingPost
      [*] VTC18b5BW.hqx
      [*] VTC18b5FAT.hqx
      [*] Yooz 1.60FR
      Windows 95 longer file names

#### TEXT       infomacv16-007.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) QuickTime 3.0
      1705 help please...
      [A] 6116 and Word
      [A] Win95 long file names
      [Q] Need help with Desktop DB
      [Q] Need help with Desktop DB
      [Q] pre OS 8 utilities for OS 8
      [Q] sound in 
      Anarchie & Fetch
      Apple II Euro Plus
      Dead Performa636 after RAM Upgrade
      Free Default Folder (Q)
      Games for Babies?
      Jim Leitch
      MacWorld Magazine Subscriptions
      Need help.
      Norton Util "B-Tree" Errors on Mac IIci
      Norton vs Disk Essentials
      Printing speed on Epson 600 / Mac IIci
      Zip Disk Problem

#### TEXT       infomacv16-008.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Seashell II, complete, for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Amadeus 1.5.7 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Animals for Singer
      [*] BanzaiReader - for newton message pads
      [*] Be 2 platinum - KALEIDOSCOPE SCHEME!
      [*] BeBamBoo; Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] Club MID v1.0.4
      [*] clut8pf.hqx (Color Picker Manager Extension)
      [*] Computer Icons 3.0
      [*] Concordance 2.1
      [*] CoolViews 1.0 - Enhance Finder list views
      [*] CPIC (CompuPic) for Mac 68K Graphics & MM Browser / Viewer / Ed
      [*] CPIC (CompuPic) for Mac PPC Graphics & MM Browser / Viewer / Ed
      [*] EasyTester 1.0
      [*] Endangered for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Enveloper 1.0b2 - BRMs and CRMs for QuarkXPress
      [*] FinderPop 1.5.5 - Contextual Menu Enhancer
      [*] FontView 1.58
      [*] furbo-designer-20.hqx
      [*] furbo-webmaster-10.hqx
      [*] GURU 2.6
      [*] Heart's Aflutter Macintosh Icons for Valentine's Day
      [*] Infinity Quest II Demo
      [*] InstallerMaker (4.6)
      [*] John's WP GREP 1.0.1
      [*] KeyStrokes 1.0
      [*] Kinga
      [*] MacMod Pro 5.1
      [*] MacTypingTutorDv4.1
      [*] PCBWarrior
      [*] Popup Navigator 1.2b1J - Japanese Version
      [*] powermenu2.2.1j.sit
      [*] PPC Gallery 1.0
      [*] PublicSpace 1.1 final
      [*] QuickChi 1.1
      [*] Saul's Hard Disk Icons v1.2.0
      [*] Screwy HTML Fixer 1.2.1
      [*] Singer 1.1
      [*] Sloup 2.1 (uploaded: sloup-21.sit.hqx)
      [*] TableCloths 3.0
      [*] The Parts of Speech 1.1
      [*] THE REAL =?iso-8859-1?Q?DEAL=C6?= Video Poker (68k)
      [*] THE REAL DEAL Video Poker (PPC)
      [*] TidBITS#412/12-Jan-98
      [*] WC II nine maps V.3.0

#### TEXT       infomacv16-009.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] A MacHead's LARGE Bookmarks v.1.4
      [*] A SmallBusiness B-marks 1.0.0
      [*] ATPM3.11
      [*] AutoClock 1.4.4
      [*] C-Map, a free flowchart program
      [*] CapsBeep 1.0
      [*] Desktop Picture - South Pacific Sunset
      [*] Diamonds&Pearls Desktop by Start Gallery
      [*] Fractal Desktop Vol. 2 - Desktop pictures for 24-bit displa
      [*] Fractal Desktop Vol. 2, Desktop pictures for 8-bit displays
      [*] HELLOWORLD 2.0.3
      [*] ICFileDiverter 1.2.2
      [*] ICTypeChanger 1.3.1
      [*] Jubilee Jobs Quicktime movie
      [*] Keep Trying 1.0.3
      [*] Keystone v1.3 Pennsylvania Keystone Lottery Manager hypercard g
      [*] NetFinder 1.2.1 [English]
      [*] NoShift Needed 1.0.1
      [*] Periodic Table of the Elements 2.2.2
      [*] PictFader 1.02
      [*] Pretty Scroll 1.0.4 - animate scrolling - Johnny C N Lee
      [*] Set Daylight 1.0.1
      [*] Sierra Style Engine in Lingo
      [*] SpotCheck1.0.1
      [*] SpotCheck1.0.1
      [*] StartupDoubler 1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Stock Tracker V2.7.1
      [*] StuffCM 1.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.0v1J - Japanese Version

#### TEXT       infomacv16-010.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) QuickTime 3.0
      6116 and Word
      [A] Need help with Desktop DB
      [A] Need help with Desktop DB
      [A] Need help with Desktop DB
      [A] pre OS 8 utilities for OS 8
      [A] pre OS 8 utilities for OS 8
      [Q] Jaz Drive Problem
      [Q] Upgrade v-ram on Perf 6320
      Anarchie & Fetch
      Anarchie & Fetch
      Anarchie and Fetch
      Composer's Mosaic 1.45 (music notation) now free
      Curious to know if...
      Disk Tools for PPC 6100/60
      File Directories
      Free Default Folder
      Free Default Folder (Q)
      IE 4.0 and Java applications on a Mac
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #7 Jim Leitch
      info-mac mirrors
      ISO: QT Utility
      Jim Leitch
      Monitor Gamma Correction
      Need help.
      Norton Util "B-Tree" Errors on Mac IIci
      Norton Util "B-Tree" Errors on Mac IIci
      Norton Util "B-Tree" Errors on Mac IIci
      OS8 Chicago font
      PB3400 & netword printers?
      Poweruser cd drive?
      Printing speed on Epson 600 / Mac IIci
      Subject: [Q] sound in  
      Typing Problems LCIII
      Utility for allowing drag-and-drop onto items in Apple Menu?
      why did your last post get cut off?
      Yooz Home Page
      Zip Disk Problem
      Zip Disk Problem #2

#### TEXT       infomacv16-011.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 01-98 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter
      [*] Amadeus 1.5.7 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Anacrostics 1.21 
      [*] Apollo 2.0
      [*] Apollo J-2.0
      [*] Baby Games Dutch Plug-In
      [*] Be OS Startup 1.2
      [*] Cluny for Kaleidoscope
      [*] CMScript 1.0.2 - AppleScripts in the Context Menu
      [*] CURLPushButton 2.4 - a PowerPlant class
      [*] CVersCaption 1.4 - a PowerPlant class
      [*] DPC Bundle 1.1 - A Desktop Picture Changer
      [*] Dumpster 2.63
      [*] Ericsson(tm) GH788,768,688 Melody Maker
      [*] Funnel Web 1.5
      [*] Have a nice day  HAND
      [*] HELLOWORLD-204
      [*] ik's donut shop icons
      [*] ImageViewer-J 4.5 PPC
      [*] JDicomViewer1.2
      [*] JW's Kaleidoscopes 1&2.hqx
      [*] JW's Textures 7&8.hqx
      [*] JW's Textures 9&10.hqx
      [*] Learn To Type v1.5.1a 68k - Dvorak or QWERTY?
      [*] Learn To Type v1.5.1a BW - Dvorak or QWERTY?
      [*] Learn To Type v1.5.1a PPC - Dvorak or QWERTY?
      [*] LineSort Floater
      [*] MailNotify 1.5.5
      [*] MovieCD103
      [*] Noah! 1.03
      [*] NRJ-dule, energy in life multimedia interactive simulation
      [*] Nu Serif 1.1 PostScript Font - A scalable Espy Serif
      [*] Nu Serif 1.1 TrueType Font - A scalable Espy Serif
      [*] QuitApp INIT 1.0.1 68k
      [*] QuitApp INIT 1.0.1 ppc
      [*] RGB Calculator
      [*] Seinfeld for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Startup Lock 2.0.2 68k
      [*] Startup Lock 2.0.2 PPC
      [*] StartupQuote 1.0
      [*] Temple of Doom
      [*] TitlePop 3.0.3
      [*] Trilite 1.1
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.2.1 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator
      [*] WC II, nine maps V.4.0

#### TEXT       infomacv16-012.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] CONTACTS 2.7v1Note: 
      [*] Digital_Diary_v1.8
      [*] Go ! 1.1
      [*] MacMania icons
      [*] morphology.sit
      [*] Squeaky Clean icons
      [*] Sundial 2.02 Demo
      [*] Yechi Startup 1.1
      15" monitor problem
      6116 & Word
      [Q] Mount a UNIX Drive onto a Mac Desktop?????
      [q] OS8/OT woes on 68040 machine
      a pretty serious question...
      Batteries for original Powerbook 100 available?
      How to add memory to a PB520c?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #10
      MacOS 8 & Performa 6360?
      Page Maker printing night-mare
      Quadra 840 deceased?
      Reformatting a partition?
      shut down screen?
      Sick SCSI Port Part 2
      Word Macro Viruses Hit Office 98?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-013.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) SCSI to PP
      5300cs memory module question
      8600/300 Label
      [Q] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8
      [Q] PPP Problems
      [Q]Printer Question
      [Q]Speech manager programs
      Archive submissions
      Feedback re Nort Util B Tree errors on Mac IIci
      Free Default Folder (R)
      FW: Me, too!
      Need help with Desktop DB (R)
      Non PDS NuBus 24 or 16 bit video card for 8100
      QuickCam plug in
      Screen-saver, screen-dimmer clash; repairing the damage.
      Scsi devices & IDE Hard Drive conflict
      Software and Hardware Questions
      Upgrading Performa 5200
      video cards for 5300cs computer
      Windows 95 longer file names
      {Q} applescript

#### TEXT       infomacv16-014.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] A MacHead's Bookmarks v1.2 UPDATE!
      [*] A MacHead's LARGE Bookmarks v1.4
      [*] A MacHead's+MEGAmac COMBINED B-Marks v1.2 UPDATE
      [*] ACE! 1.2 - An extendable 'save game' editor
      [*] BanzaiSlider
      [*] Blues Brothers
      [*] Colloque - fun clock utility
      [*] Command-Trash/Fake-8 info.
      [*] Cool Mail 1.0.5
      [*] DC20/25 Link 1.1 - for Mac users with Kodak DC20 and DC25 camer
      [*] DollyDots 2.0 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DollyDotsBeetle 1.0 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Finder Windows Pro - add a window menu to the Finder
      [*] FindText 1.3.3
      [*] Folder Jumper 1.0 - automates "Save As" dialogs
      [*] FretPet 1.0.1  Guitar sequencer for everyone
      [*] Full-der preview 1.1.1/Fake-8 info.
      [*] Jeremy's Control Strip Modules 1.8.0
      [*] Jorges's_Bookmarks_v3.8
      [*] NewCM 1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] NoShift Needed 1.0.1
      [*] On-Line Joke Book 2.0
      [*] OpenBox preview 1.0.1/Fake-8 info.
      [*] OS World
      [*] OS World Lite
      [*] OTTool 1.0
      [*] PandoFrame-MacOS program to place pictures on your desktop,
      [*] PandoStickers - Put stickers on your desktop.
      [*] SimpleText Color Menu 3.3 - greatly enhances SimpleText
      [*] SmallBusiness B-marks v. 1.0.0
      [*] SuperMacFreecell 1.5.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] System 8-er preview 1.0/Fake-8 info.
      [*] TableCloths 3.0
      [*] TBID's Industrial 1.0 - Dark Hightech Desktop Picture
      [*] Tektonic Kaleidoscope Scheme Sounds
      [*] TidBITS#413/19-Jan-98
      [*] TiDes 1.0
      [*] View 8-er/Fake-8 info.
      [*] Vokabeltrainer 3.02 Upd
      [*] WannaBe+ 1.5 - Kaleidoscopie
      [*] zipples.sit

#### TEXT       infomacv16-015.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) pre OS 8 utilities for OS 8
      (Q) GREP guide?
      8600/300 Label
      [A] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8
      [A] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8
      [A] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8
      [Q] Need help with Desktop DB
      Anarchie & Fetch (A)
      Booting from a Network
      Desktop file visible
      Double folder sizes
      FWB CD-ROM Toolkit -- where can 1 get it?
      hooking up a PM 7500 to a AS400 network
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #13
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #13
      Kensington Trackball and Adesso Keyboard touch screen
      Mac 0s8 Internet connection Problem
      Need advice on locking file/folder/drive names...
      Need help. (A)
      Networking (just) Macs
      Now Tabs window-definition resource question...
      Online Bible
      OS 8.1 Printing
      PPP Problems (R) 
      Printer Question (R)
      Screen-saver, screen-dimmer clash; repairing the damage.
      SCSI drives for 6100
      SCSI to PP (R)
      shut down screens?
      Software and Hardware Questions
      Student Priced Fortran
      Subject: Feedback re Nort Util B Tree errors on Mac IIci
      Windows 95 longer file names
      Windows 95 longer file names
      Windows 95 longer file names
      wireless system

#### TEXT       infomacv16-016.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Alphie 1.1
      [*] BeEdit v1.5.1
      [*] C-Futuro Justice 1.8
      [*] Cayo Hueso (KeyWest) for Kaleidoscope
      [*] CoolViews 1.0.1 - Enhance the OS 8 Finder
      [*] Desktop Patterns
      [*] Despair 1.6 - a wrath simulator
      [*] EB_1.15.sea
      [*] FinderPop 1.5.5Fr
      [*] Glidel France 3.6
      [*] Glidel U.S. 3.6
      [*] Gone fishin' -- a set of Mac Icons
      [*] Grand Tour for Kaleidoscope
      [*] gst/grf/pict-pocket-132.hqx
      [*] Holiday Lights 3.1.2
      [*] Icons
      [*] Joshua's Schemes
      [*] JumpZampoli 1.02
      [*] Kaleidoscope 1.8.1
      [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.8.1
      [*] Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.8.
      [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.8.1
      [*] Kids Animation Maker 1.0 - Creativitiy tool for children
      [*] Kines&Kinetics
      [*] MacMod Pro 5.1
      [*] maybe-153.hqx
      [*] MazeworldAbyss152.sit
      [*] menu-grabber-131
      [*] OtherMenu 2.0 (a hierarchical menu extension)
      [*] PiPhilology 9.0 : A collection of Pi mnemonics in several langu
      [*] Power Windows 2.0
      [*] PowerCalc 2.5
      [*] ScaleCalc 0.2
      [*] ScaleCalc 0.2
      [*] Steve's Icon Set 2 for Info Mac Arc
      [*] System 8-er preview 1.1/Fake-8 info.
      [*] The Flower Garden-A large Set of Floral Icons
      [*] The great JOAL font!
      [*] THE REAL DEAL Video Poker
      [*] THE REAL DEAL Video Poker
      [*] Upright Smiley Face Font 3.0
      [*] vrealityengine
      [*] WebColor v2.2

#### TEXT       infomacv16-017.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Diesel Horn" Alert Sound (16-bit/44.1kHz)
      [*] "Diesel Horn" Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] Akua Sweets V1.18 (Scripting Additions)
      [*] Alertia 1.0
      [*] five-ten-twenty.sea
      [*] Funnel Web 1.5.1
      [*] Gradekeeper 4.84
      [*] GTQ Scripting Library 1.2.1
      [*] Hogwasher1.0b2_Installer
      [*] Hull-Fair D/top Pictures.sea
      [*] Kaleidoscope Classic Pack 1.8.1
      [*] menu-events-131
      [*] Monsieur Fourmi 2.0
      [*] Mr. Fixitup 3.0
      [*] Multiplication Stack (Update)
      [*] NameCleaner 1.8.0 - Cross-platform file naming and typing
      [*] Oriental Express for MacOS
      [*] Pan-Asia Language Environment for MacOS
      [*] Paperinik Startup Screen
      [*] Personal Librarian 3.11
      [*] Purge OSL 1.0.3
      [*] Resolute 1.0 (override display resolutions)
      [*] RKD's Bookmarks v. 1.1
      [*] SndSampler 3.5.1
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.6
      [*] Solid Apple Bookmarks v. 1.2
      [*] Start-A-Business 1.0
      [*] trash-bag-122.hqx
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.8.4 - foreign language learning
      [*] Word Stars 1.0
      (Q) hardware problem
      [!] I've lost everything HELP!
      [Q] Internet Connection Question
      [Q] Mac OS 8.1 Update kit

#### TEXT       infomacv16-018.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Classical" Kaleidoscope Scheme Sounds
      [*] "Photon" Kaleidoscope Scheme Sounds
      [*] "Subhuman" Kaleidoscope Scheme Sounds
      [*] "SunGod" Kaleidoscope Scheme Sounds
      [*] "Technica" Kaleidoscope Scheme Sounds
      [*] "Vortek" Kaleidoscope Scheme Sounds
      [*] Apollo 2.0 (German)
      [*] AutoShare 2.1, a freeware list server
      [*] Color scheme for Kaleidoscope
      [*] CoolViews 1.0.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Default Folder 2.8 - Mac OS 8.1 compatible Open/Save dialog
      [*] Diaper Dash v1.2
      [*] DP Autochanger
      [*] DPC Bundle 1.1.1 - A Desktop Picture Changer
      [*] Emailer Autoresponder (AppleScript)
      [*] EV BlueColoumn 1.0
      [*] FFTs-for-RISC-2-c
      [*] Fractal Domains v1.2.2 - Fractal Exploration (PPC)
      [*] GifgIfgiF
      [*] GifgIfgiF
      [*] Gradekeeper 4.8.5
      [*] Henry VIII for Kaleidoscope
      [*] HotlineHelper 1.0
      [*] ICTypeChanger 1.3.2
      [*] II2Mac-1.0.9.sea.hqx
      [*] Jon's Commands 2.0.3
      [*] KeyStrokes
      [*] MacSlack 1.0: Disk Space Analysis Tool
      [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 1.2
      [*] NewCM 1.1
      [*] NewsWatcher 2.2+jp1 patch
      [*] Newt's Cape 1.5 (browse web, create books)
      [*] Newt's Cape 1.5 docs as books [newtscape-15-books.sit.hqx]
      [*] NRJ-dule, energy in life multimedia interactive simulation
      [*] PackerLand for Kaleidoscope
      [*] pkzip-203
      [*] PowerCalc Lite 2.5
      [*] RGB Calculator II
      [*] Satin-Rift-Preview
      [*] Speed Dice stack
      [*] StuffCM 1.2
      [*] The Demuth Province
      [*] TicTacBug - play a game in MacsBug
      [*] TidBITS#414/26-Jan-98
      [*] WoW #1 Reissue

#### TEXT       infomacv16-019.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] AppleScripts for Outlook Express
      [*] Diamonds&Pearls
      [*] FibonacciBlues.02.hqx
      [*] GNTAX97
      [*] kathy's cookbook v1.0
      [*] MiniWin 3.4 Demo
      [*] OS 8.1 to OS 7 List Views
      [*] Personal Calendar
      [*] PictFader 1.1
      [*] PrintGuard 1.0.5
      [*] Snitch 2.5.1
      (A) hardware problem
      2nd Hard Drive?
      68010 Processor
      [!] I've lost everything HELP!
      [Q] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8
      [Q] Internet Connection Question
      [Q] Mac OS 8.1 Update kit
      [Q] Mac OS 8.1 Update kit
      [Q] Mac OS 8.1 Update kit
      [Q] MacOS8.1, disk mount problem conflict with QuickTime
      [Q] Monitor Gamma Correction
      [Q] Sportster Voice Modems Utility or drivers 
      Apple Express Modem prob
      Desktop Printer Error
      Dilbert uses a Mac!!
      Download query
      Getting info off Classic with dead monitor
      Hayes Accura 56K Modems
      Mac OS 8.1 Update kit
      Mangia - exporting recipes
      Need Apple Stock Prices
      OpenTransport 1.3/OS 8.1 bug (Q)
      OS 8.1 Update Problem
      Powerbook + Sleep
      Q: Extended Format in 8.1
      Spigot VDIG won't load on IIsi
      two questions
      Windows 95 longer file names
      WYSE 50 Emulation
      {Q} applescript

#### TEXT       infomacv16-020.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      12-tone Matrix Generator
      [A] 68010 Processor
      [Q] Can the Zip drive of a PM G3 be disabled to free its SCSI ID?
      [Q] HD partitions mount with generic folder icon
      Apple Express Modem prob
      Desktop Trash
      Double folder sizes
      G3 EtherNet problems
      Getting info off Classic with dead monitor (R)
      Macweek with dishonest advertsising tricks
      OpenTransport 1.3/OS 8.1 bug
      OpenTransport 1.3/OS 8.1 bug (Q)
      text to speech to file?
      WriteNow and OS8+
      Zip Drive/CD-ROM incompatibilities in the Macintosh

#### TEXT       infomacv16-021.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Autumn Leaves for Kaleidoscope 
      [*] "Styles" Elegance Argent, update for Kaleidoscope 1.8+
      [*] "Styles" Elegance Hunter, update for Kaleidoscope 1.8+ 
      [*] "Styles" Elegance update for Kaleidoscope 1.8 and higher
      [*] A Hat for All Reasons Icon Set for the Mac
      [*] ACE! 1.2.1 - An extendable save game editor
      [*] Bargello for Kaleidoscope
      [*] BeBamBoo; Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] Bubblomania 1.5.1
      [*] Bubblomania updater 1.5 to 1.5.1
      [*] C Reference Card 3.0
      [*] CMScript 1.0.4 - AppleScripts in the Context Menu
      [*] ConvertUnits Pro v1.6
      [*] CopyPrep v1.0
      [*] Dark Corona PEGASUS 1.0.5
      [*] Desktopper 1.1
      [*] DollyDotsBeam 1.0 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DollyDotsBeluga 1.0 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DollyDotsBluey 1.0 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DollyDotsDark 1.0 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DollyDotsMime 1.0 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Font Gander Pro 1.2.8
      [*] GeekTalk 2.0.sit - Chat Plugin for CU-SeeMe
      [*] Gone fishin Icon Set for Mac
      [*] Invasion of the Goofy Aliens 1.0.0
      [*] joal... a new cool font!
      [*] John's RAM Disk Backup 1.0.2
      [*] John's WP GREP 1.1
      [*] John's WP UltraClip 1.0.7
      [*] List View Editor 3.4
      [*] MIMEconvert 1.05
      [*] Newt 3.4 (Newton development) [newt-devenv-34.sit]
      [*] PsychScheduler10
      [*] QuickShot Deluxe 1.03
      [*] QuitAllPrograms
      [*] Saving Face 1.2
      [*] Scan-O-Matic - scanning utility for novice scan makers
      [*] Scrollites "Phoenix" Color Scheme
      [*] SeaDreams 1.1.1
      [*] She sells sea shells Icon Set for Mac
      [*] Silvergol 1.4
      [*] Sunrise, sunset Icon Set for the Mac
      [*] TotoTurbo 1.4
      [*] Updated color scheme
      [*] Your Family on Kaleidoscope scheme

#### TEXT       infomacv16-022.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Finder Windows Pro 2.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] MacLHA 2.21
      [*] Oriental Express Release
      [*] PictureSnooperV1.3.1 Update
      [*] SplitIt-20.sit.hqx
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.0v3J - Japanese Version
      [A] Can the Zip drive of a PM G3 be disabled to free its SCSI ID?
      [Q] Geoport Modem at 31200baud
      [Q] HD partitions mount with generic folder icon - Correction
      [Q] Jaz Drives
      [Wanted]: Macintosh 1984 commercial in .hqx format
      Apple Express Modem prob
      Apple IIGS
      Caps Lock
      Communicator 4.0.4 problem
      Desktop Trash
      Diagnosing LC630 DOS 
      Disk Set Up Question (HELP)
      Double folder sizes
      font suitcases
      G3 Macs and Ethernet
      Getting info off Classic with dead monitor
      GV x2 and Timbuktu Pro
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #17
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #20
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #20
      Java Classes for AppleEvents?
      Laserwriter NT
      Lost Control Panel
      NN & OS 8.1
      OpenTransport 1.3/OS 8.1 bug
      OpenTransport 1.3/OS 8.1 bug (Q)
      OT 1.3/System 8.1 bug summary
      please... help...?
      Powerbook & Sleep
      searching for US postal barcode font 
      SIMM Compatability Question
      Whatever happened to Kaos?
      Word's old screen test
      Word: Documents automatically saved as Templates
      Write Now and OS8.x/G3
      Zip Drive/CD-ROM incompatibilities in the Macintosh
      Zip Drive/CD-ROM incompatibilities in the Macintosh

#### TEXT       infomacv16-023.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#415/02-Feb-98
      [A] OT 1.3 BUG-NOT A BUG!
      Apple needs to promote testimonials like this...
      BonzaiReader, adobe doobie doo
      Desktop Trash
      Diagnosing LC630 DOS 
      Diskcopy on smi files for various machines
      font suitcases
      Getting info off Classic with dead monitor
      Hitachi CDR-7930, OS8 and StarMax
      Info on PM 6100/60 and 4GB HD problems
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #22
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #22
      Now Utilities and OS 8.0
      OpenTransport 1.3/OS 8.1 bug (Q)
      please... help...?
      searching for US postal barcode font
      Utilities for MacOS 8.1
      Whatever happened to Kaos?
      Word: Documents automatically saved as Templates

#### TEXT       infomacv16-024.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Amadeus
      [*] Anarchie Retry 1.0
      [*] ArchiveCM 1.0.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Ballistik 5.3.1_de
      [*] Ballistik 5.3.1_e
      [*] BSmooth II.3 - 2.5 D Terrainmodeler
      [*] CombiStat 1.1
      [*] Digital Wipeout 1.1
      [*] DKC Forever 1.0 - PS/TT font
      [*] Egglien 1.0 - PS/TT font
      [*] Emailer Autoresponder V1.01 (AppleScript)
      [*] finder-window.hqx
      [*] font utility
      [*] HierArc 1.0 - PS/TT font
      [*] II2Mac-1.1.0.sea.hqx
      [*] Jorge's_Bookmarks_v.3.9
      [*] LinkPad 1.0: Free, Indespensable Link Scratchpad
      [*] LinkPad 1.0: Free, Indespensable Link Scratchpad
      [*] Look mam, No hands! 1.5.1-SE
      [*] macattack-197.sit
      [*] Macintosh Application Development Essentials 1.1
      [*] MacOS_Ext_Calc_Installer
      [*] Master Spell 3.1 Spelling Tester
      [*] MercutioGND bug fix patch
      [*] Night Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] Nu Sans PostScript font 8.1 - a scalable Espy Sans!
      [*] Nu Sans TrueType font 8.1 - a scalable Espy Sans!
      [*] Pan-Asia Language Environment
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] Piglet: scheme for Kaleidoscope
      [*] PopChar Pro 1.1
      [*] PowerBook Keyboard Remapping
      [*] PowerCM 1.0b1J - Japanese Version
      [*] putawaycmm2.0
      [*] RTGMathCards!Demo
      [*] rule-13
      [*] Saul's Hard Disk Icons 1.3.0
      [*] Small Talk
      [*] SpellRight
      [*] Sticky Newts 2.0
      [*] Stock Calculator for Newton
      [*] Sultan for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Super Othello 2.3.2 -- Othello for the Mac
      [*] SuperReplace 1.0.1;  a text conversion utility
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.2.2 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator

#### TEXT       infomacv16-025.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] A programm to manage your appointments
      [*] Astrolith(large).mov
      [*] Astrolith(small).mov
      [*] Burp Alert System Alert Sound (16-bit/44.1kHz)
      [*] Burp Alert System Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] Coffee Break 3.2
      [*] MYM2QIF
      [*] MyZip 1.0
      [*] MyZip 1.0
      [*] TattleTech 2.58 Update
      [*] Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.0.2

#### TEXT       infomacv16-100.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Blue Jay" Alert Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] "Blue Jay" Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] "Different" StartupScreens
      [*] "Song of India" Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Anodized Case 1.0 Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] Anodized Case 1.0 Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] Bejewelled for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Bejewelled for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Catacombe Fotocopy
      [*] Catacombe Fotocopy
      [*] Cavalier for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Cavalier for Kaleidoscope
      [*] D-SoundPRO 3.5: the professional sound editor
      [*] Dominoes 1.0
      [*] DP Autochanger
      [*] DP Autochanger
      [*] Droplet, a wet scheme for Kaleidoscope
      [*] EM-Merge 1.0 - A Filemaker Pro, email mail merge applescript
      [*] Email Effects 1.5 - Get even more out of email
      [*] EscapePPC
      [*] GLMStat 3.1.2;Generalised linear models
      [*] GLMStat 3.1.2;Generalised linear models
      [*] InformINIT 8.1
      [*] InformINIT 8.1
      [*] Intelligent Chaos 1.7
      [*] Intelligent Chaos 1.7
      [*] iView 3.0.2
      [*] LEXIKON-SONATE - interactive realtime composition
      [*] Living Album Pro 98 Submission
      [*] Lunar Commando 1.0.4
      [*] MacAmp PPC 1.0a10 Silver Patch
      [*] McPoet 4.4
      [*] Nu Serif 2.0 PostScript Font - A scalable Espy Serif
      [*] Nu Serif 2.0 TrueType Font - A scalable Espy Serif
      [*] PubPro
      [*] Slick Willie III
      [*] Steve's Icon Set5
      [*] the inverses.sit
      [*] URL Manager 2.0v4 italian
      [*] virtual-desktop-192.hqx
      [*] virtual-desktop-192.hqx
      [*] WorldClock CSM 1.3.3
      [A] Hard Disk Defragmenter
      [A] Web site catalog search
      Question: Problem with Deltagraph 4.0.4

#### TEXT       infomacv16-101.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#428/04-May-98
      (A) Web-site catalog/search
      (Q) Fixing Open Transport
      (Q) NetCaster Missing
      *** READ THIS. Rhapsody: A Call to Arms
      [A] Hard Disk Defragmenter (Rynd)
      [Q] can't FTP from Netscape
      [Q] Cross-platform Graphics Conversion and MS Word
      A - Ofc 98
      A Curious Behavior Of Disinfectant With Recent Documents
      CD-Sunrise v.2.2c and Zip disks
      Clariwroks 5.0 v2 updater
      Converting huge document
      Decoding an .icl file?
      empty trash warning
      Findit Problem
      HD chirps in time with cursor
      How to transfer files?
      improving the source code
      Info-Mac Data Detector
      Jazz Help!
      Job:  Macintosh Game Developer
      Memory settings
      paper feed problems on StyleWriter 2200
      SMS messages to GSM cellular phones and back
      UnReal Audio
      weird printer behavior
      weird printer behavior 2

#### TEXT       infomacv16-102.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 3D Parametric Equations - Export math figures to Rotater
      [*] 4OP Librarian v1.0.4
      [*] Aardvark Ultra 1.9 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] ACE! 1.3 - An Extendible Save Game Editor
      [*] Be's , Kaleidoscope Color Schemes
      [*] boogaloopers v1.2
      [*] BouncyOS 1.1 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] comparadocs-lite-demo.sit.hqx; ComparaDocs Lite Demo
      [*] cool cat icons Vol.1
      [*] DarkLight 1.0.1, a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] EV Target Graphics Override
      [*] Gargoyles Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Geographax 1.1
      [*] gophergolf310
      [*] GuitarTuner2
      [*] Harlequin Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] NetherWorld v1.2.1
      [*] P-in-P 1.1.2 - Picture-in-Picture - Johnny C N Lee
      [*] Play it Cool 2.8
      [*] PopCalendar 1.1
      [*] secret
      [*] SigmaChess4Lite  - Free Chess wi 3D board
      [*] Sim Tape Dispenser v1.0
      [*] spiralgraphics200.sit.hqx
      [*] Sprout Search
      [*] Startup Chooser 1.2.1
      [*] Steve's Native American Icons Set 4
      [*] Sunflowers for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Syllogism
      [*] WolfEdit 2.0 1st/2nd Encounter Patch, version 2
      [*] WorldClock CSM 1.3.4
      (Q) Interoperable videoconferencing software
      ?????chmod on a Mac?
      [A] UnReal Audio
      [Q] Getting rid of Appleshare Autoconnect alert
      [Q] MIDI Translation
      [Q] startup schedule software or tricks for older Mac?
      Converting huge document
      Fixing Open Transport 
      Hard pressure needed key on old keyboard
      Help: Dead Powermac 6100/66
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #101
      Locating items in Archive
      Video Ram
      Why can only one item be dragged from the FindFile window

#### TEXT       infomacv16-103.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] AddressBook 3.7.2
      [*] bm10d7.hqx (PPC) and bm68k10d7
      [*] bm10d7.hqx (PPC) and bm68k10d7
      [*] Cinnamon WebMaster Suite 1.2.2 -- Specialized HTML Editor
      [*] giza2.1.4
      [*] MusiCalc v.4.4 Music and Time Calculator
      [*] PublicSpace v1.4
      [*] Sentinels of Ceth v1.5
      [*] Troi FM Plug-in 1.1
      [*] Year 2000 Countdown Program binary

#### TEXT       infomacv16-104.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Converting huge document
      (A) Fixing Open Transport
      (Q) slow window updates & FFT utilities
      ?????chmod on a Mac?
      ?????chmod on a Mac?
      [A] - Keyboard "repair"
      [A] Cross-platform Graphics Conversion and MS Word
      [A] empty trash warning
      [A] Getting rid of Appleshare Autoconnect alert
      [A] MIDI Translation
      [A] READ THIS. Rhapsody: A Call to Arms
      [A] Word on slower PPC
      [A]: Converting huge document
      [A]: Help: Dead Powermac 6100/66
      [A]: How to transfer files?
      [A]: Video Ram
      [Q] GeoPod, voicemail and OS 8.1
      [Q] HP printer woes
      [Q] Three Questions re 7.6 vs 7.6.1
      Appleshare Autoconnect alert
      Auotstart Virus
      comments on mac products
      Desktop Printer Error
      Finder Loses Font Preference Setting
      Fwd: A - Ofc 98
      hires desktop pictures from normal TV (A)
      Office 98 (C)
      OS 8.1 sound keeps muting
      OT config. information
      QUICKEN & multi-currency personal finance programs for the Mac
      Retrospect Express?
      startup schedule software or tricks for older Mac?
      Trashing multiple items from Find
      Virtual PC Version 1.0
      Why can only one item be dragged from the FindFile window
      Windows 95 long file names.

#### TEXT       infomacv16-105.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]     Format-Chart Version 1.3.3
      [*] "Styles" Eagle update for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2
      [*] * RGB Calculator III
      [*] Apollo 2.0 NL
      [*] Argentinian Football Icons
      [*] AutoShare 2.3, a freeware list server
      [*] black-night-conn-tools-104.sit
      [*] Botanika Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Bubblomania 1.5.3
      [*] Bubblomania updater 1.5.2 to 1.5.3
      [*] CESLab2.8b1.sit.hqx: 3-D cardiac electrophysiological simulator
      [*] Civilization II real world map
      [*] Computer Cuisine 5.0 RELEASE
      [*] Cricket v3 (Test Match Simulator)
      [*] CrystalDiffract 2.0.2 (FAT binary)
      [*] CrystalMaker 3.0.0 demo (replaces earlier 217 demo)
      [*] Deco Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Default Folder J-2.8.2 - Japanese version of Open/Save dialog e
      [*] DX7 Librarian v1.2.1
      [*] ExtensionsStrip package, french translation
      [*] Fast Smack 'Em V2.0
      [*] Fractal Program
      [*] Gradekeeper 4.9
      [*] Help to Icon 1.0.1
      [*] HyperGames 1.0
      [*] Inverses for Kaleidoscope.sit
      [*] Jason's Kanga Icons v1.0
      [*] John's WP Citations 2.0
      [*] KingsEdit(E)120b
      [*] Knot documentation (francais)
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.3.7
      [*] MacAssist2.0 (Snd Util) Radio Live Assist & Automation
      [*] MacX-Window v1.2.sit
      [*] Mulligan's Golf Personal 1.0.5
      [*] Navi iRae 1.1.2
      [*] Number Target1.12 - Explode Correct Arithmetical Answers
      [*] NZ Codes
      [*] Quote Of The Moment v2.0
      [*] Sizer
      [*] Small Claims Pro module
      [*] Splash!
      [*] Steve's Native American Icons Set 4
      [*] Wallaby 1.1.3 FAT
      [*] Wapp 1.1.1
      [*] Wapp pro 1.0.2

#### TEXT       infomacv16-106.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Par Four" Email Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] "Par Four" Email Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] 2079 Northbound desktop picture
      [*] 2079 Southbound desktop picture
      [*] Biohazard desktop picture
      [*] Chronomenon 2.0 (An Alarm Clock and Timer)
      [*] comp.sys.mac.comm FAQ (v 2.0.2) May 1 1998
      [*] Epitaph DeBaun desktop picture
      [*] hink Bitter. StarupScreen
      [*] John's Alarming Applescripts
      [*] Lock-Me! 1.0
      [*] The Arson Network Live desktop picture
      [*] The Wall of Dilemma desktop picture
      [*] Ultravolt desktop picture
      (A) Converting huge document
      (A) How to transfer files?
      [A] - Keyboard "repair"
      [A] Dragging multiple items from the FindFile window
      [A] HP printer woes
      [Q] Duo 2300 goes silent with System 8.1?
      Apple's new process
      Converting PC files To Mac with System 7.1? Is it possible?
      Desktop Printer Error
      Digital Scanning of Old Slides and Photos for CD Family Albums?
      Error 41 - Finder error
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #104
      Locating items in Archive
      Mac - Steam Tables
      OS 8.1 sound keeps muting
      Powerbook 150 Memory
      removing Offfice
      Retrospect Express
      Rhapsody: A Call to Arms
      Seeking correct System File for LCII
      Why can only one item be dragged from the FindFile window
      WIERD crash...
      Windows 95 long file names.

#### TEXT       infomacv16-107.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Beryl 1.0.3 for Kaleidoscope!
      [*] "Ikat" Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] 03-98 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial
      [*] 04-98 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial
      [*] Aetiket Label Printer
      [*] Aetiket Label Printer
      [*] Arithmeticus
      [*] Atom in a Box - Real-time Quantum Orbitals for Macintosh
      [*] BerylBe 1.0 for Kaleidoscope!
      [*] Bevark 1.0.4 for Kaleidoscope!
      [*] Catalogue english
      [*] Catalogue french
      [*] Chronomenon 2.0.1
      [*] Custom Folder 3.5.0
      [*] dataComet dataComet4.5.1
      [*] DingbatMagician_v201
      [*] Elysium 1.1 for Kaleidoscope!
      [*] Eradicator kills new Mac worm. Freeware.
      [*] FeatherGIF 1.9.5  - Web transparency filter
      [*] FrameBlenderQT
      [*] FretPet 1.3.4 - Improvise, compose, play, explore, learn, enjoy
      [*] Hogwasher 1.0 demo
      [*] Icon Machine 1.3.2
      [*] iMac iCon by Pixelhaus!
      [*] India Ink 1.4.5 - stylized Photoshop halftones
      [*] John's WP Note Editor 4.0
      [*] Language Reader 1.4 - foreign language learning
      [*] Language Writer 1.4 - foreign language learning
      [*] Lazer Zone
      [*] mac-font-30-de.hqx
      [*] Nova Ikona 95
      [*] Nova Zembla 1.0.5 for Kaleidoscope!
      [*] Photocat 2.0
      [*] Photocat 2.0 et PhotoCat Player
      [*] PictTrasher 1.0
      [*] Poppet 1.0v1 - Mac OS 8 Pop-up Window enhancer
      [*] ramBunctious 1.3 -- a Mac OS RAM disk
      [*] Spades_Monkey.sit
      [*] Spades_Titanic.sit
      [*] Spades_Zeb.sit
      [*] SpadesDlx10
      [*] Steve's Icons Set 6
      [*] Tide Stamp North America
      [*] Tide Stamp World
      [*] WordPerfect conversion filters

#### TEXT       infomacv16-108.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] HL Base 1.1.1
      [*] TidBITS#429/11-May-98
      (A) Converting PC Files
      (A) Converting PC files To Mac with System 7.1
      (A) Windows 95/NT long file names... compiled answers.
      (Q) G3 & SoftWindows 95
      (Q) Petition for John Madden Football
      [A] Converting PC files To Mac with System 7.1? Is it possible?
      [A] Digital Scanning of Old Slides and Photos for CD Family
      [Q] Configuring Mac for newbie
      Avid Video Woes
      Black border around monitor
      Digital Scanning of Old Slides and Photos for CD Family Albums?
      disappearing colors
      Error 41 - Finder error
      ESR, G3 v. PII
      EXE. files
      FONTS-How do I make the ones from this site work?
      G3,Appletalk and Ethernet
      HD problems in a Quadra 605
      PC Exchange
      QuickDraw GX & Epson Color Stylus 500
      Quicktime 3.0 vs. SimpleText
      Rhapsody: A Call to Arms
      upload FAQ?
      Web-Page Design

#### TEXT       infomacv16-109.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  DarkLight 1.0.2
      [*] AliasCrony 2.1.0; Alias management.
      [*] B'9 Shine 1.0
      [*] ChatNetv2.1
      [*] Converter
      [*] Diablo set for kaleidoscope
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.3.2.sit
      [*] PrompterPro 68k 1.0 DEMO
      [*] PrompterPro PPC 1.0 DEMO
      [*] QuickEncrypt 3.0; a flexible and secure encryption utility.
      [*] Tubular Chrome 1.0 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Twistory 1.0 PPC - History Browser
      [*] Very Green Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Word Search 2.1.0 (68K)
      [*] Word Search 2.1.0 (PPC)
      (Q) adb port on 3400'c & G3 PBs?
      Auto save in Word 6

#### TEXT       infomacv16-110.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

            Noisy Performa 5200
       adb port on 3400'c & G3 PBs?
      (A) adb port on 3400'c & G3 PBs?
      (A) Auto save in Word 6
      (A) Black border around monitor
      (A) Converting PC files To Mac with System 7.1? Is it possible?
      (Q) movies from mac to NT?
      (Q)Cable Modem Conniction
      [A] adb port on 3400'c & G3 PBs?
      [A] Configuring Mac for newbie
      [A] Configuring Mac for newbie
      [Q] PlainTalk and Performa 575
      [Q] Zip Plus--not?
      a file at infomac dealing with the Hong Kong worm...
      AppleTalk and TCP/IP
      cannot use desktop pictures for jigsaw puzzle
      Compare program (diff) for Mac?
      Converting PC files To Mac with System 7.1? Is it possible?
      Corrupted StuffIt Archive
      Decoding an .icl file?
      english speech recognition
      EXE. files
      EXE. files
      Fwd: EXE. files
      G3 vs PII
      Getting a Thinkpad to talk to a Personal Laserwriter 320
      I need Datebook/Touchbase 4.2
      large text document
      Mac IIsi and Monitor
      My problem connecting a powerbook and a mac via scsi disk mode revisited
      Netscape Navigator - Dialing in from different *locations*
      Norton and 8.1
      Open Transport 1.1.2/Mac OS 7.6.1
      OT/PPP Configurations (Q)
      pentium II, pc hp laserjet 4L on a mac?
      Performa 630CD Start-up Problem
      Printing Netscape 2 up
      Providing for NoFrame Browsers
      Random stalls (Q)
      SCSI Disk MOde Questions
      Stylewriter 2200 & 8.1J-Any problems?
      Symantec GreatWorks to any other format conversion
      Tech Tool Pro 2.0.2 (C)
      Texas Instruments OmniLaser 2108 with Mac?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-111.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Year 2000 Countdown Program
      [*] ComparaDocs Lite Demo
      [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 053
      [*] GrafEq 2.04 / 680x0
      [*] GrafEq 2.04 / PowerPC
      [*] HOW-TO Tutor for Mac SCSI
      [*] John's WP Citations 2.1
      [*] John's WP Find Manager 1.0.2
      [*] John's WP GREP 1.1.3
      [*] John's WP Scripting Guide
      [*] John's WP Tips & Macros 1.6
      [*] text-cleaner-lite-102.hqx
      [*] The Azalea UPC-EAN Barcodes XTension Demo
      [*] TidBITS#430/18-May-98
      [*] WormFood 1.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-112.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Cable Modem Connection
      (A) movies from mac to NT?
      (A) movies from mac to NT?
      (A) PC HP LaserJet 4L on a Mac
      [A] AppleTalk and TCP/IP
      [A] Configuring Mac for newbie
      [A] OT/PPP Configurations (Q)
      [A]: Noisy Performa 5200
      [A]: Performa 630CD Start-up Problem
      [Q] AppleWorks
      [Q] Feeble-minded Mac OS 8.x
      [Q] modifying my PowerBook
      Compare program (diff) for Mac?
      Converting Icon Libraries
      G3 vs PII (R)
      GCC PLP II printer to PM7300/180, Random stalls
      Giving away free monitor
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #110
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #110
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #110
      Invisible Icons
      OT/PPP Configurations [A]
      pc files to mac
      pentium II, pc hp laserjet 4L on a mac?
      Porting FileMaker Pro database to a PC
      Stylewriter 2200 & 8.1J-Any problems?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-113.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Elegance Argent for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2
      [*] "Styles" Elegance Hunter for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2
      [*] Baroque Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] CopyPaste 4.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] FinderPop1.6.2F
      [*] GenKey Version 1.9
      [*] HTML Table Macros 2.0 for Nisus Writer
      [*] John's WP GREP 1.1.4
      [*] John's WP Scripting Guide
      [*] MiniMandelbrot Applet: bite-sized fractal explorer for the Net
      [*] Mystic Textures II
      [*] Prime Desktop Patterns
      [*] quit open apps 1.0
      [*] YP Reflection 1.0.2
      [*] YP Reflexion 1.0.2 F (french version)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-114.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]     Default Folder F-2.8.2 - French Open/Save dialog enhancer
      [*]  Peter's Player 1.3
      [*] "Gideon, cockerspaniel" Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] "Styles" Elegance update for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2
      [*] "Styles" Pinstripe update for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2
      [*] Bo's NHL Icons 2.0
      [*] Botticelli Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Catacombes
      [*] Catacombes
      [*] Catalogue
      [*] Catalogue french update
      [*] Catalogue italian update
      [*] ClockWork 1.0.3 68K - Networkable Day Planner for MacOS
      [*] ClockWork 1.0.3 PPC - Networkable Day Planner for MacOS
      [*] Computer Admin 1.3
      [*] CopyPaste 4.2
      [*] Default App 1.0; a Finder-enhancing utility
      [*] DropDEM/S(68k) - USGS SDTS DEM Translator
      [*] Elixir20.hqx
      [*] Finder 8.1 Fr Menu Patch v2.0
      [*] Finder 8.1 Menu Patch v2.0   (this is an update)
      [*] FM Multi-URL Opener v1.0
      [*] iMac System Icons
      [*] image-sxm-161-6
      [*] Internet Launcher 1.0.5F (French version)
      [*] MacHead Bookmks for Internet Explorer1.6
      [*] Mercutio MDEF 1.5.1
      [*] MWCalculus 2.7.1
      [*] NetChronometer 1.0.1
      [*] Newer version of ][2Mac
      [*] Omikron_Basic.hqx
      [*] PlayMovie CMM Update
      [*] Reanimator 2.0.2
      [*] Slippy(E) 1.1.0 ,the action puzzle game!
      [*] TidBITS#431/25-May-98
      [*] VideoIN 3.1 PPC
      [*] Virtual Viagra v1.0
      [*] Wildflower Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] WWW.Where.com 2.00 Netscape Global History Stack
      [*] Yipe!III
      [*] YP Circulaire 1.0.1 (French version)
      [*] YP Circular 1.0.1
      [*] YP Projectiles 1.0.5 E
      [*] YP Projectiles 1.0.5 F (french version)
      [*] Zafir21

#### TEXT       infomacv16-115.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] ClockWork German 1.0.3 68K - Networkable Day Planner for MacOS
      [*] ClockWork German 1.0.3 PPC - Networkable Day Planner for MacOS
      [*] ClockWork Japanese 1.0.3 68K - Networkable Day Planner for MacO
      [*] ClockWork Japanese 1.0.3 PPC - Networkable Day Planner for MacO
      [*] Consultant 2.2
      [*] PriorityOne1.75
      [*] StarDrive 3.5
      LaserWriter Paper Size defaults
      Netscape problem
      Shareware/freeware to measure Ethernet LAN speed?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-116.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) movies from mac to NT?
      (A) OT/PPP Configurations 
      (A) Performa 630CD Start-up Problem
      (A)Mac IIsi and Monitor
      (A)Netscape Navigator - Dialing in from different *locations*
      (Q) Quicktime Conferencing
      [A] modifying my PowerBook
      [A] Zip Plus--not
      [Q] CD-RW media readable in CD-ROM drives?
      [Q] Configuring Mac for newbie
      [Q] Performa 6320 sound input
      AppleTalk and TCP/IP
      cable modem
      can't download text from web to hard disk
      Disappearing cursor
      Eudora Pro 3.1->3.1.3??
      Express modem problems
      File sharing not enabled
      free monitor
      Fried PB3400 Network Card
      Fwd: (Q)Cable Modem Conniction
      Fwd: Compare program (diff) for Mac?
      Fwd: OT/PPP Configurations (Q)
      Getting a Thinkpad to talk to a Personal Laserwriter 320
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #112
      launching an application from netscape
      looking for IN CONTROL
      Mac IIsi and Monitor
      Mac OS 7.6.1 and Claris Works 4.0v5
      Macplus and Zip drive
      New Web based chat server.
      Open Transport 1.3
      Opening Email File Attachments
      OT/PPP Configurations
      pc files to mac
      pc files to mac
      Performa 6320 and 8.1?
      Porting FileMaker Pro database to a PC
      printing PostScript to an HP Laserjet 1 lookalike
      Providing for NoFrame Browsers
      Quadra 605 PPC601 Video Problem
      question for digest
      Reclaiming partition
      Sound Decoder
      Window tiling utility

#### TEXT       infomacv16-117.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Cathay-Red Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] "CAthay" Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Aardvark Professional 1.0.5 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] AliasMenu 2.0
      [*] AppleWindows 2.0.2
      [*] Autostart Worm Cleaner lite 98/05/22
      [*] Ballistik 6.0_e (fat)
      [*] Bielle-Manivelle 1.0.5 (french version)
      [*] BouncyOS 1.1.1 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Box 1.2.9 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Calculate Size CMM Plug-in 1.0 and 1.0J
      [*] Celtic-Knot Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] CESLab2.8.sit.hqx: 3-D cardiac electrophysiological simulator
      [*] Desktop Resetter 1.2
      [*] DockZone 1.0.6 update
      [*] Glidel 3.7b2 France
      [*] Glidel 3.7b2 U.S.
      [*] Icon Archiver 3.0 - the best icon database for the Mac
      [*] IdleTime init
      [*] KvLsPatterns1.sit.hqx - Mac Desktop Patterns
      [*] KvLsPatterns2.sit.hqx - Macintosh Desktop Patterns
      [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 2.2 and 2.2J
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] Restart Controller 1.0.0 68k
      [*] Restart Controller 1.0.0 ppc
      [*] strtupicndblr-10.hqx
      (Q) PowerBook 160 vs System 7.6.1
      Backup driver for Lacie (?)
      Curve fitting
      Find file in OS 8.0 Dialog boxes (Q)
      FTP (Q)
      Integrating Macs with Win NT
      ISO LaserWriter II NT Tech/Service Info
      Netscape & helpers problem
      Outlook Spell Checker
      Random stalls update (I)
      Rescinding Holdout Status on FinderPop / OS8.X
      Riven vs MAXpowr PRO G3?
      scsi manager
      TechTool Pro 203 (C)
      That @#$! paperclip
      WORD 98
      ZIP External to ZIP Internal?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-118.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Pastel Roses for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2
      [*] "Styles" Precious Metals update for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2
      [*] Agitate 2.1
      [*] Akua Sweets V1.22 (Scripting Additions/osax)
      [*] Animation Maker DE-3.1 (68k)
      [*] Animation Maker DE-3.1 (PPC)
      [*] Animation Maker FR-3.1 (68k)
      [*] Animation Maker FR-3.1 (PPC)
      [*] Animation Maker US-3.1 (PPC)
      [*] BSmooth_29
      [*] CachexThin, a TrueType Font
      [*] cdclef-09.hqx
      [*] Cinnamon WebMaster Suite 1.2.4
      [*] DepecheOS v1.2 - A Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Divine Mercy Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] DOS-Namer 2.0
      [*] English-Italian 5.1 - Dictionary/Dizionario
      [*] Flashcard Maker 3.0.hqx - A QUICK & EASY to use learning aid
      [*] Flashcard Maker 3.0.hqx - A QUICK & EASY to use learning aid
      [*] Kabuki (Kaleidoscope color scheme)
      [*] Kids Animation Maker DE-1.0.1
      [*] Kids Animation Maker FR-1.0.1
      [*] Kids Animation Maker US-1.0.1
      [*] KvLsLRLevels.sit.hqx
      [*] LazerZone1.3
      [*] MacFooty96
      [*] MacFooty97
      [*] MacPipes 2.2.4
      [*] MacVCR+ 2.0b2
      [*] MojibakeFixer 1.31 - Eudora Plug-in
      [*] Mulligan's Golf Personal 1.0.5
      [*] northpole-vst-plugin-1.24.hqx
      [*] Once in a Lifetime 1.1
      [*] Photo Index 1.0.1
      [*] Poison's Native American icons
      [*] RGB Calculator
      [*] Shattered Stone
      [*] Stereomaker 2.0.1 US
      [*] Stereomaker 2.0.1 US
      [*] swrx-artist-basic-1.00.hqx
      [*] SysEx 4.02 - Universal MIDI Librarian
      [*] Titanic1.0
      [*] Verbs and Nouns Russisch - foreign language learning
      [*] Winslow Homer Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] WordCoach-Dictionary: English-French

#### TEXT       infomacv16-119.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Godwarning" Alert Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] "Godwarning" Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] ATPM4.05
      [*] Calculate Size CMM Plug-in 1.0 and 1.0J
      [*] CoolViews 1.1 F - Ameliorez le Finder sous MacOS 8!
      [*] Count WWWebula Plugin 1.2/CGI 1.4
      [*] MailKanjiFixer 1.31
      [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 2.2 and 2.2J
      [*] Navi iRae 1.1.3
      [*] On-Line Joke Book Volume 3
      [*] OneApp Address Book 1.0 Italian Version - Manages Phone and Add
      [*] People Lister 1.0.1
      [*] Santa Cruz Sunset
      [*] SimplePPP Scripts
      [*] TidBITS#432/01-Jun-98
      [*] YaCalculator 1.2
      [*] YP Slider Crank 1.0.5

#### TEXT       infomacv16-120.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Finder 8.1 Menu Patch v2.0.1
      [*] "Styles" Eagle compatibility update for K2
      [*] "Styles" Pastorale compatibility update for K2
      [*] "Styles" Pinstripe compatibility update for K2 
      [*] "Styles" Twilight compatibility update for K2
      [*] "Styles" Winter Wonderland compatibility update for K2
      [*] "Styles"Red Rose compatibility update for K2
      [*] Calculate Size CMM Plug-in 1.2 and 1.2J
      [*] Calculate Size CMM Plug-in 1.2 and 1.2J
      [*] Chagall Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Clicker 4.5.1
      [*] CMScript 1.2 - AppleScripts in the Context Menu
      [*] comp.sys.mac.comm FAQ (v 2.0.3) June 1 1998
      [*] CPIC (CompuPic) for Mac 68K v1.8 build 277
      [*] CPIC (CompuPic) for Mac PPC v1.8 build 277
      [*] Finder 8.1 DE Menu Patch v2.0.1
      [*] Finder 8.1 FR Menu Patch v2.0.1
      [*] Game Doctor 1.0 68K - Game Cheat Application (doctor_68k.hqx)
      [*] Game Doctor 1.0 PPC - Game Cheat Application
      [*] Hang2000 - A Killer Word Game
      [*] Kineticon 1.2 - animated icons on your desktop!
      [*] Layout Freeware 7.65 (circuit board CAD)
      [*] Leibniz
      [*] Lotto Tracker II
      [*] Lotto Tracker II
      [*] LottoCalc 1.0
      [*] MacRun 1.1b1
      [*] MenuCapture 1.0.2 (a free screen snapshot utility)
      [*] MIDI Pack'en v1.1.4
      [*] Midi Thru 2.1 fat - A Software Midi Thru Box
      [*] MyEyes 2.3b1 (BETA version)
      [*] NaturePatterns
      [*] Polychem2
      [*] QuickTimeTcl-2.0.2
      [*] RGB Calculator III
      [*] SoundFront FX 1.0
      [*] Tail Dragger 1.0.1
      [*] TarotReader 1.0b1
      [*] Tesselation 1.25 - seamless tile filter
      [*] Tlingit scheme for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Tracer 1.0
      [*] Virtual 2.0 - the Mac Virtual Desktop is back!
      [*] WormFood-1.2.2.hqx
      [*] Zobaa Zobaa

#### TEXT       infomacv16-121.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Apple Wizards June 1998
      [*] ASCII Generator.SIT
      [*] Digital Diary v1.8.8
      [*] DPC Bundle 1.1.2 - A Desktop Picture Changer
      [*] EnBricMac (FileMaker)
      [*] FindErrorLib v1.2
      [*] FONTASTIC! samples.sit
      [*] FreePPP 2.6.2, PPP client software
      [*] Gasp! Alert Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] Girrl Hand Pointers
      [*] List Pad 1.1 68k Demo
      [*] List Pad 1.1 PPC Demo
      [*] Lucky Numbers 1.1
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.3.8
      [*] OS-X Files Starup Screen
      [*] PictFader12-Pict playing Screensaver update
      [*] STARFIGHT-FINAL(E) 1.1.0
      [*] Trip Calculator.fat.SIT
      [*] VisualFont 1.04
      [*] WC II, nine maps V.6.0
      [*] WordCoach-Eng-Ger-Dict

#### TEXT       infomacv16-122.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  BladePro 2.0.9 - Metallic reflections filter
      [*] Alistel 1.6.1
      [*] AppWatcher Lite 1.0
      [*] Area Properties 3.4
      [*] Art Nouveau II for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Autostart Worm Cleaner lite 1.1.1
      [*] Be =?iso-8859-1?Q?=D7?= Schemes
      [*] Cameraid_101
      [*] Catacombe Fotocopy
      [*] Color Picker Pro 2.0.3
      [*] colour scheme "Pipe Scheam"
      [*] Convert Central European & Romanian HTML files
      [*] Convert Cyrillic HTML files
      [*] Convert Office97 to MacCyrillic
      [*] CopyPaste 4.2.1
      [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 054
      [*] DarkLight 1.0.3 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DragThing F1-2.5 released
      [*] Dream Wars! 1.0
      [*] Enemy Bomber Balloons
      [*] Finder 8.1 SE Menu Patch v2.0.1
      [*] Finder 8.1 SE Menu Patch v2.0.1
      [*] Flip Out 1.0.1
      [*] FrameBlenderQT
      [*] GrafEq 2.04a
      [*] GrafEq 2.04a
      [*] icondropper-30.hqx
      [*] ImageViewer 4.61 68K (New Version)
      [*] ImageViewer 4.61 PPC (New Version)
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.4.sit
      [*] MacWinText 1.0
      [*] MacWinText 1.0
      [*] Mr BagelButt
      [*] Painting 1.5.1 - A graphics editor
      [*] Postage $aver
      [*] Re: Midnight Express
      [*] Shattered Stone
      [*] SIDPLAY 1.36a
      [*] SpriteWorld 2.1
      [*] strtupicndblr-101.hqx
      [*] Tactics 1.0 Managment Suite
      [*] The Oliva Collection for Kaleidoscope
      [*] TidBITS#433/08-Jun-98
      [*] VideoIN 3.1.1 PPC
      [*] Waste of time

#### TEXT       infomacv16-123.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Akua Sweets V122 (osax)
      [*] AutoBoot 1.6.1
      [*] bedlam-2-104.hqx
      [*] Combadge 1.0.1
      [*] FnsBorf 1.2.5
      [*] HexEdit1.20
      [*] HotlineHelper 1.5
      [*] Internet Launcher 1.0.6
      [*] List View Editor 4.0
      [*] Master Spell 3.5
      [*] MovieUtilities CMM 1.3
      [*] PingReporter v1.2 ---68K/PPC, ICMP Logger data extracter & orga
      [*] Powerball-Freeware
      [*] SELDON- Mac Decison Analysis and Support
      [*] Twistory 1.0 FAT - History Browser
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.0.1 - foreign language learning
      [*] WordCoach Spanish-German Dictionary

#### TEXT       infomacv16-124.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]     English for Beginners - language learning
      [*] "Styles" Air Signs color scheme, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Earth Signs color scheme, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Fire Signs color scheme, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Water Signs color scheme, enhanced for K2
      [*] Agitate 2.1
      [*] ASHCAN 1.5
      [*] AudioCD WebInfo 1.0 (d) - Internet Search Tool (german)
      [*] AudioCD WebInfo 1.0 (e) - Internet Search Tool
      [*] Audubon Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] CCallisto 1.1
      [*] ClippingNamer.SIT
      [*] CopyPaste 4.2.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Disinfector 1.0
      [*] Disk Charmer 3.1.3; disk erase/copy/verify utility
      [*] DropIcon 1.0
      [*] Equus Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] FeatherGIF 1.9.6  - Web transparency filter
      [*] Flower-HourGlass.jpg
      [*] image-sxm-161-7.hqx
      [*] India Ink 1.4.6 - stylized Photoshop halftones
      [*] iView MultiMedia 3.0.3 (Italian)
      [*] Jon's Commands 2.0.4
      [*] Key XFCNs V1.0
      [*] Language Reader 1.4.3 - foreign language learning
      [*] Language Writer 1.4.3 - foreign language learning
      [*] Lingotto 1.0
      [*] MailNotify 2.0
      [*] MandelMovie 1.0.3
      [*] Mocha Mac TN5250
      [*] NudgeMouser 2
      [*] Pigmenta
      [*] Remember? version 3.2
      [*] Silvergol 1.4.1
      [*] softracker-301
      [*] Startupscreens for iMac
      [*] SW++2.1-Base.sit
      [*] SW++2.1-Extras.sit
      [*] TotoTurbo 1.4.1
      [*] TykeWriter 200
      [*] Ultimate Blackjack(tm) 1.3.3
      [*] WEB FM 4.0 for FileMaker Pro
      [*] Westminster Chimes System Clock Sounds (Mono)
      [*] Westminster Chimes System Clock Sounds (Stereo)
      [*] WordPerfect Conversions 1.0.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-125.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 3D_Desktop_patterns
      [*] ASCII Translator
      [*] AudioCD WebInfo(d)1.0.2-Internet Search Tool (german)
      [*] AudioCD WebInfo(e)1.0.2-Internet Search Tool
      [*] BookMark sorter for netscape
      [*] BrainJacker 1.0
      [*] buds-golf-handicapper
      [*] CD Lister 1.0
      [*] ClippingNamer 1.0.3
      [*] Extension Overload v2.7
      [*] FinderPop1.6.4F - Cliquons Autrement! Rehausse les menus contex
      [*] Font Image Library 3.56
      [*] FontLister v1.0.4
      [*] FractalDesigner 1.1
      [*] Game of the Winds 2.1 (german)
      [*] Game of the Winds 2.1e - Solitaire Mahjongg
      [*] gasket-11.hqx
      [*] Gauguin in Tahiti Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Help to Icon 1.0.2
      [*] Isoptikon
      [*] John's WP Citations 2.2
      [*] John's WP Note Editor 4.1
      [*] Lotto tracker II
      [*] Lotto Tracker II
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.4.1 F.sit
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.4.1 I.sit
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.4.1.sit
      [*] macattack-198
      [*] Maya
      [*] McPoet4.5
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PictureSnooperV1.5  AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off NewsGroups
      [*] ProcessWatcher 3.1
      [*] ProcessWatcher 3.1 French
      [*] Sail! Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Scorpion BarCode 1.30
      [*] Screwy HTML Fixer 1.5
      [*] SmallMines 2.0
      [*] Squirt 3.1
      [*] TidBITS#434/15-Jun-98
      [*] VisualFont 1.05
      [*] VOODOO 1.81
      [*] WebScanner-1.1
      [*] Wolf! Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Yank 3.0.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-126.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" April Violets, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Bunnies, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Garden, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Geometric, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Greek Key, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Swan, enhanced for K2
      [*] Animation Maker US-3.1 (68k)
      [*] Ballet Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] BathroomInfo.Server
      [*] Bluebox10
      [*] BMAPEdit 4.0 Bolo map editor
      [*] clut-maker-17.hqx
      [*] CopyPaste 4.2.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Custom Menus 1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Drop Zone
      [*] File Buddy 4.3.4
      [*] FlightMath 1.1
      [*] Folder Icon Maker 1.5.1
      [*] FreeCell for Mac 1.1
      [*] Galactic Revolt 1.01
      [*] GLMStat 3.1.3;Generalised linear models
      [*] Icon Machine 1.3.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] iMacGeddon.sit
      [*] Innoculator 1.0
      [*] Installers!.sit.hqx: Install new extensions/control panels in a
      [*] iView Multimedia 3.1 Now Reads Canvas, Freehand, Text and Quark
      [*] MacRun 1.1 Final
      [*] MacSpice 3f4 2.4
      [*] MacSpice 3f4 2.4
      [*] MacSpice 3f4 2.4
      [*] Mini Conversion
      [*] MintE Kaleidoscope Colour Scheme
      [*] pangaea-12.hqx
      [*] PictTrasher 1.1.1
      [*] Program Switcher 4.5.0
      [*] protractor-24
      [*] quickdraw-3d-viewer-11.hqx
      [*] QuizMaker Pro 3.1
      [*] rule-14
      [*] Soi 1.7
      [*] SpeedType 1
      [*] typotapps-1-11.hqx
      [*] Uptime 2.1.1 - Uptime & Free Memory Indicator for your Mac 
      [*] Web Page Creator 3.1
      [*] Yank 3.0.1J - Japanese Version

#### TEXT       infomacv16-127.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] ][2Mac v1.2.0
      [*] Akua Sweets V123 (Scripting Additions)
      [*] BuggySoft DepthLib v1.0.4
      [*] BuggySoft MenubarLib v1.0.3
      [*] BuggySoft OffscreenLib v1.0.7
      [*] BuggySoft PictureLib v1.0.4
      [*] BuggySoft SoundLib v1.0.4
      [*] busstop-12.hqx
      [*] Different StartupScreens Vol II
      [*] gasket-11.hqx
      [*] IP Poster Script 1.0
      [*] lupe-14
      [*] Mac F2C v1.4.1
      [*] Multi-Album-98.hqx
      [*] Peek-a-Boo 1.3 -- A MacOS Process Monitoring Utility
      [*] PictFader12-Pict playing Screensaver update
      [*] PowerPC StartupScreen
      [*] SpriteWorld 2.1 Extra Demos
      [*] SpriteWorld 2.1.1
      [*] THE BLOCK v2.0 - Macintosh Password Protection System
      [*] WEBformation

#### TEXT       infomacv16-128.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#435/22-Jun-98
      (A) Re: LaserWriter Paper Size defaults
      (Q) default editor
      [A] Backup driver for Lacie (?)
      [A] Curve fitting
      [A] PowerBook 160 vs System 7.6.1
      [A] PowerBook 160 vs System 7.6.1
      [A] WORD 98 (asking for CD)
      [Q] Sample sound in 44khz on Performa 6320
      Bizarre Monitor behavior
      Font Utility
      FONTASTIC, you say?
      Further Explanation Of Photoshop 5 Bug
      Fwd: Find file in OS 8.0 Dialog boxes (Q)
      Fwd: Rescinding Holdout Status on FinderPop / OS8.X
      G3 servers
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #117
      Internal modem PowerMac 5500
      Laserwriter paper size defaults
      LaserWriter Paper Size defaults
      Macplus and Zip drive 
      Micromat - on the "good guy" list?
      Monitor-Got the red out
      MS Employee said . . .
      Netscape 4.05 problem
      Netscape programming
      Outlook Express 4.0.1 can't read the Info-Mac Digest!
      Performa 5260 and MacOS 8
      Possible Serious Photoshop 5 Bug? - Further Confirmation, Please.
      PowerBook 160 and OS 7.6.1
      Q: Finding Sound Tracks on Enhanced CD's
      scsi hell
      shortcut to finder (Apollo)
      Slowwwww Network Backup
      Sorting Out Photoshop 5 Glitch
      System 8 and Quadra 950?
      That @#$! paperclip
      That @#$! paperclip
      Two-button mouse; video issues on IIci
      Umax Apus 2000/200, Mac OS 8.1 and MacsBug
      using a ext cdrom drive on a IIci?
      WP menus problem

#### TEXT       infomacv16-129.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

            Summary:  Noisy Performa
      (Q) Toggling remote access configurations
      (Q) Where did E.Bennet's site go?
      [Q] Norton Utilities alternatives under HFS+
      [Q] Occasional freezes at the end of boot up
      [Q] Printer module on Control Strip
      [Q] UK ISPs - Experience with Zetnet?
      [Q]Internet "connection keeper"
      audio cd
      Backup driver for Lacie (?)
      Beta Testers Wanted for Music, Chess, and Puzzle Apps
      Check Writer
      Driving Motorola into the enemy camp (C)
      Finder freeze w/ copy over network
      Findit and Disk Fit Problem
      Fwd: Re: Threading in Eudora
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #126
      Kudos to Dataviz (C)
      Looking for Automotive diagnostic software
      mac driver for 3com 10/100 ethernet card wanted
      Opening Word6(PC) files in Clarisworks
      outlook express
      please resend...
      powermac as a server
      Printing Netscape 2 up
      Problem with a Quadra
      realaudio - error 31
      sources for used computer equipment
      Using Japanese Mac software on non-JP Macs?
      Virus protection software
      Where is dropg++ ?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-130.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] a greyscale kaleidoscope for Kaleidoscope 2.0
      [*] A Smaller GIF 1.0.8-SE
      [*] A Smaller GIF 1.0.8-SE
      [*] Calendar 1.1
      [*] ChordLab 1.6
      [*] Cinnamon WebMaster Suite 1.3.1 -- Specialized HTML Editor
      [*] Consultant 2.21
      [*] Creatix Texture Collection Vol.1 - royalty-free textures
      [*] Desktopper 1.2
      [*] DigitalGermnay 1.1
      [*] Disk Charmer 3.1.4; disk erase/copy/verify utility
      [*] DragThing 2.1J
      [*] Etchelon Tracer 1.0.3 Vector graphic Image Tracing Morphing Ani
      [*] Glidel France 3.7
      [*] Glidel U.S. 3.7
      [*] Griff's Set 8.sit
      [*] HoverWeb 1.0
      [*] MacHead LG. Bkmrks Netsca
      [*] MacPhoneSoup 1.0, A Nifty Telephone Utility
      [*] Nature's Gallery Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Psy-Q's Textures Volume 1
      [*] Psy-Q's Textures Volume 2
      [*] QuicKey Cookie macro
      [*] Rah-Jurs Bryce 3D Mac Desktop
      [*] SOFTracker 3.0.2
      [*] spice-3f4-176 Analog Circuit Simulator
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.3.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] THE BLOCK 2.0 - Powerful Macintosh Password Protection

#### TEXT       infomacv16-131.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Nu Serif 3.0 TrueType Font - A scalable Espy Serif
      [*]  Pipes 1.0b3 - a scheme for Kaleidoscope 2
      [*] "Styles" Lace and Sapphires, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Pinstripe, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Ultratech, enhanced for K2 
      [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?=B5War?= mWar-10b2.hqx
      [*] A Get Info Applet
      [*] AutoShare 2.3, a freeware list server
      [*] Blackjack Deluxe 2.4.1
      [*] Burning StartupScreen
      [*] Chaotic Desktops Volume 3
      [*] Course 1.6.1
      [*] DieBlo 1.0, cheater for MacDiablo
      [*] Digital Darkroom 1.2
      [*] DragThing 2.1J available
      [*] Drop*Preview1.0.3(FAT)
      [*] DWM_4.0.1_PPC_Demo_Min
      [*] Kaleidoscope scheme FVWM95
      [*] Keep It Up 1.4.1
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.5
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.5
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.5
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.3.9
      [*] MacWaves v2.1 IRC automation, sound and wave player utility for
      [*] My Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] Nu Serif 3.0 PostScript Font - A scalable Espy Serif
      [*] Pizzeria 1.1 - a java/pizza development environment
      [*] PW Disk Guard v2.5 (MOS)
      [*] Rabbit Base 1.0.1
      [*] Rampe(EM)3.0.5
      [*] Regress+ 2.0
      [*] Rinaldi's X-Archive 5.0
      [*] SAFARI
      [*] Sheepshead101.hqx
      [*] SmartKeys 3.3.1
      [*] SoundApp2.5 68K - sound player and converter
      [*] SoundApp2.5 Fat - sound player and converter
      [*] SoundApp2.5 PPC - sound player and converter
      [*] Sum-It 1.0.4
      [*] Texter
      [*] TidBITS#436/29-Jun-98
      [*] TimeSlice 1.7.2
      [*] Trash*Desktop 1.1.2(FAT)
      [*] Turquoise Deco for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Video Player 3.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-132.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) default editor
      (A)using a ext cdrom drive on a IIci
      (Q) Key Finder
      (Q) keyboard selection of menu items
      (Q) Pagemill 2.0.1
      [A] [No Subject]
      [A] audio cd
      [A] default editor
      [A] powermac as server
      [A] Sample sound in 44khz on Performa 6320
      [A]: G3 servers
      [A]: scsi hell
      [A]Internet "connection keeper"
      [Q] Scanning resolution
      Aliases going AWOL
      Bizarre Monitor behavior (Summary)
      Booting from Zip
      finding on FTP sites (was Info-Mac Digest V16 #126)
      Findit and Disk Fit Problem
      Fwd: Re: Threading in Eudora
      Fwd: Re: Threading in Eudora
      G3 Configuration suggestions wanted
      Getting the #%&*@ Get QuickTime Pro icon off my desktop?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #128
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #129
      ISO L.A.-area desktop video equipment rentals
      Key Finder on Mac OS 8.0
      Mac access to NT 4 server
      MAC Users! Finally a free easy CD to Hard Drive recorder program
      NOT selling a Newton
      On Location replacement (indexed disk search)
      pdf files don't print
      Problems with Total Recall, Inc.
      Q: Incomplete Digest Issues
      Scanner SCSI problem
      Searching Info-Mac discussion archives
      Serving files (Q)
      TechTool Pro reports hard drive failure and OS error code -1806
      UK ISPs - Experience with Zetnet?
      using a ext cdrom drive on a IIci?
      Virus protection software
      Weird WordPerfect menus
      WordPerfect mailing list (was: WP menus problem)
      Yamaha CDR400 

#### TEXT       infomacv16-133.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  NOVA Saverlet 4-PACK
      [*]  NOVA Saverlet 4-PACK
      [*] MacBPM 3.3 - a bpm counter, bpm database and a playlist compile
      (C) Poor service from MacPowerHouse and OrangeMicro
      (Q) Sitemill alternative
      ***Looking to Purchase*** Webcast Proserver or similiar product
      [A] Incomplete Digest Issues
      [A] Scanning resolution
      [A]Internet "connection keeper"
      [Q] Scanning resolution
      accessing Info-Mac archives
      Aliases going AWOL
      bigger harddisk for LCIII
      Delays and shutdown problems
      Files in reverse order by alphabet
      freezes with 1,44 Mb discs
      Getting the #%&*@ Get QuickTime Pro
      Help : Daystar Digital Turbo 040 Accelerator
      Internet "connection keeper
      keyboard selection of menu items
      KeyFinder on Mac OS 8.0
      Mac files to AOL
      MacOS 8.5 (Q)
      Need Help With NTSC Black and White Output
      On Location replacement
      Pagemill 2.0.1
      pdf files don't print
      price for an old monitor
      Q) keyboard selection of menu items
      RAM jumpers for IIci??
      RealAudio AGONY!
      Some tough questions on OS 8 disk cache memory settings.
      Thanks to everyone who answered my question...
      WORD 98 requiring CD
      WTB: cables
      Yamaha CDR400 
      Zip drive failure, please help
      {A} Flaky Internet Explorer
      {A} Re: Scanner info online

#### TEXT       infomacv16-134.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#437/06-Jul-98
       [A} Zip drive failure, please help
      (C) Poor service from MacPowerHouse and OrangeMicro
      [A]Internet "connection keeper"
      bigger harddisk for LCIII
      Bigger HD for LC III.
      Files in reverse order by alphabet
      Flashing Icon
      freezes with 1,44 Mb discs
      Getting the #%&*@ Get QuickTime Pro
      Hypercard Player 2.4 not running
      Hypercard Player 2.4 not running (R)
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #133
      keyboard selection of menu items
      MacOS 8.5
      No RAM jumpers for IIci!!
      OrangeMicro Alternative
      Printing PDF-files on a QMS-410
      video editing, hmtl pics

#### TEXT       infomacv16-135.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]     GEOBox 2 ppc (german)
      [*] "FireBomb" Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] beyond-html-103
      [*] BOLDfinger PS/TT font 1.0 from Weedhopper Press
      [*] BOOM 1.1.1
      [*] Carnation Desktop Pictures
      [*] ChecksQuick 1.1
      [*] Click Scripts 2.01
      [*] Codebook 3.01 July 98
      [*] Command-Trash preview 1.2.2
      [*] Domain 1.0
      [*] Dominoes 1.1
      [*] Dvorak Lefty keyboard layout
      [*] English-Polish Dictionary (Demo) - language learning
      [*] Finder 8.1 JP Menu Patch v2.1
      [*] GEOBox 2 ppc (international)
      [*] GEOBox cbd-coordinates Africa
      [*] GEOBox cbd-coordinates America
      [*] GEOBox cbd-coordinates Europe
      [*] GEOBox cbd-mapset Asia
      [*] Guillotine 1.0b1
      [*] Hipper Mail 1.2.sit
      [*] HTML TagWriter 2.3 - A HyperCard HTML editor
      [*] idin 2.0 
      [*] Internet Launcher 1.1
      [*] Javasearch
      [*] Language Reader 1.4.8 - foreign language learning
      [*] Language Reader 1.4.9 - foreign language learning
      [*] Memory Mapper 1.5
      [*] Mini Conversion 1.1
      [*] MWCalculus 3.0.1
      [*] new truetype font
      [*] NuClipConverter
      [*] people book address manager submission
      [*] PictureSnooperV1.5.1 AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off NewsGroup
      [*] QuoEdit 0.40
      [*] SimpleEnvelope
      [*] SimpleImage 1.0 - A simple image and movie viewer
      [*] SnapMail
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.0.3
      [*] THE BLOCK 2.0J - Powerful Macintosh Password Protection
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.0.3 - foreign language learning
      [*] Web Confidential 1.0 - a password organizer
      [*] Web Page Creator 3.1.1
      [*] WWW.Where.com 2.01 Netscape Global History Stack

#### TEXT       infomacv16-136.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Binary Calculator 1.0.3
      [*] GraphicConverter 3.3
      [*] GraphicConverter 3.3
      [*] Life 2.1
      [*] Lingotto 1.0.1
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] synk-252
      [*] UpdateAgent 2.6 68k
      [*] UpdateAgent 2.6 PPC
      ? MacComCenter
      [Q] HFS+ and .zip files
      [Q] Threads in Eudora (new)
      [Q] Upgrading a Quadra 840AV...
      Filesharing in OS 8.1 & 2GB Jaz Drives
      Iomega blues
      Jaz deathclicks, too
      Mac Plus Freeze & Bang
      Making Boomerang work?
      OrangeMicro Alternative
      Pagemill 2.0.1
      Photo file conversion
      Printing PDF-files on a QMS-410
      Seeking a DaynaFile II...
      Sitemill alternative
      video editing, hmtl pics

#### TEXT       infomacv16-137.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  MacWaves v2.1 IRC utility, sound and wave player for Macintosh
      [*] 1997 Hubble Space Telescope Images
      [*] 3 Coll Be; Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] BBEdit Plug-Ins for MacPerl Rel. 6.0
      [*] Bye-Bye Bill 2.1.1.sit
      [*] BYGONES
      [*] Convert Central European & Romanian HTML files
      [*] Convert Cyrillic HTML files
      [*] DesignWorks
      [*] Educational Caregiver
      [*] eyepop3
      [*] FileT&C 2.2.0
      [*] ForMig2.pkg
      [*] Gothic Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Hardwood solitiare
      [*] Hardwood solitiare
      [*] Job Pointer 2.4
      [*] JorgeMacBookmarks_v4.0
      [*] Kaleidoscope 2.0.1
      [*] MacCDDBv0.8.5
      [*] macchess4.exa.hqx - MacChess4-ExaChess interface
      [*] MaCsX1.0b1r3
      [*] MusicMentor 1.1
      [*] Nuts And Bolts
      [*] Ornament Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PandoMural-Freeware MacOS desktop picture program.
      [*] PandoStickers - Put stickers on your desktop.
      [*] PopChar Pro 1.1.1
      [*] Power Windows 2.0.2
      [*] QT Pad v1.0.1
      [*] QuitMenu 8
      [*] Schedule-it Demo 1.0b7 - plug-in for FileMaker Pro 4
      [*] SerialLinker 1.0.2 demo
      [*] smartGIF 1.0.2
      [*] SmoothType 2.0.1
      [*] Supercard scripting utility
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.3.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.0.5J - Japanese Version
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.2.5 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator
      [*] Vremya 2.0
      [*] Wallaby 1.1.4
      [*] Witchdoctor 1.0.1
      [*] WormFood 1.3
      [*] YaCalc131.sit.hqx

#### TEXT       infomacv16-138.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] ClockWork 1.0.4 68K - Networkable Day Planner for MacOS
      [*] ClockWork 1.0.4 PPC - Networkable Day Planner for MacOS
      [*] ClockWork German 1.0.4 68K - Networkable Day Planner for MacOS
      [*] ClockWork German 1.0.4 PPC - Networkable Day Planner for MacOS
      [*] ClockWork Japanese 1.0.4 68K - Networkable Day Planner for MacO
      [*] ClockWork Japanese 1.0.4 PPC - Networkable Day Planner for MacO
      [*] KnowledgeMiner 2.2.3 Revolutionary Modeling & Prediction Tool
      [*] MacOS X Screen
      [*] TidBITS#438/13-Jul-98
      [*] WormFood 1.2.2->1.3
      (A) Key Finder
      (A) keyboard selection of menu items
      (A) Photo file conversion
      (C) RAM Prices - caveat emptor
      [A] CD-RW media readable in CD-ROM drives?
      [A] Scanning resolution
      [A] Threads in Eudora (new)
      [A} Zip drive failure, please help
      [Q] scheduling file launches automatically?
      [Q] Upgrading a Quadra 840AV...
      Best WWW Browser for 68k Mac
      Booting from Zip
      Disappearing Desktop Icons
      Extension Icon Shapes
      Get More Info (A CDEV/INIT)
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #136
      Key Finder
      Mac files to AOL
      Mac Plus Freeze & Bang
      Odd text in I.E.4.0
      On Location replacement (indexed disk search)
      Photo file conversion
      Printing PDF-files on a QMS-410
      Quicktime 3.0 reliability
      SCSI Question
      simplest network
      Slooooow Backup -- solved
      StarMax graphics card
      video editing, hmtl pics

#### TEXT       infomacv16-139.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Griff's Icon Set 10
      [*] "Pillars Revisited"  for K2, final version
      [*] "Styles" Pastorale, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Precious Metals, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Seashell II, enhanced for K2
      [*] AppWatcher Lite 1.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] cats-eye-view-vol5-R1
      [*] Create SMI 1.0 createsmi.img
      [*] Disk Copy Scripts 2.0
      [*] ElemFin
      [*] Fabric Flowers Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme
      [*] FastOpen 1.0; open documents very easily
      [*] Figheadh TrueType - a knotwork font
      [*] Figheadh Type 1 - a knotwork font
      [*] Forest Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme
      [*] Golden Frames kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme
      [*] Griff's Icons Set 11
      [*] Griff's Native American Icons Set 5 
      [*] HyperGames 1.4
      [*] JCdux.sit
      [*] Master Spell 3.5.1 -- Spelling Drills for all ages
      [*] MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled MULTIPLICATION for Special L
      [*] MindThump 1.0
      [*] MonsterParty.sit
      [*] MultiCD - an audio CD player and sound recorder
      [*] Play it Cool 3.0
      [*] Play It Cool 3.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] PowerSPrint V1.0 (Sharing Epsons on the Network)
      [*] Pretty Scroll 2.0b2 - animate scrolling - Johnny C N Lee
      [*] PTGrapher
      [*] QPict2.3
      [*] Quick Recorder 1.0, a hard disk sound file recorder
      [*] Regress+ 2.0
      [*] Rotate 1.0
      [*] Russian Lacquer Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Sankavyn.sit
      [*] Screen Ratio 0.1
      [*] Small Multiplication Flashcard Masters
      [*] SpaceMaker Demo
      [*] Tarot Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] TheZone 1.5; a shareware arcade game
      [*] Trash*Desktop1.1.3
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.2.7 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator
      [*] VSE REALbasic Utilities Plugin
      [*] VSE REALbasic Utilities Plugin 1.0.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-140.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Byzantium final release for K2
      [*] "Styles" Daffodils, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" new Swan (K2) scheme 
      [*] Analog 3.0 - Fast, professional WWW logfile analysis
      [*] ATPM4.06
      [*] ATPM4.07
      [*] Bartender's Friend 1.0
      [*] cdarchandplay-10en-fm
      [*] cdarchandplay-10it-fm
      [*] Creatix Photo Collection Vol.2 - royalty-free photosz
      [*] Decode da Code, a Base64 and uuencoded file decoder
      [*] Digital Diary v1.8.8a
      [*] Format-Chart Version 1.3.4
      [*] Gestalt Selectors List 4.2
      [*] Heckler Alert Sound " (8-bit/44kHz)
      [*] Heckler Alert Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] MagicalKeys 1.4.1
      [*] MultiHomedPresenz 1.0.2
      [*] MultiTimer Pro 3.0
      [*] OneApp Address Book 1.0.2 - Italian Version
      [*] OneApp Address Book 1.0.2 - telephone and address program.
      [*] PingReporter1.3.sit
      [*] priority-one-1.8.hqx
      [*] SerialLinker 1.0.2 demo
      [*] Simple Scripts 0.8
      [*] Squealer
      [*] StripCam 0.4
      [*] Sumatra Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme
      [*] Summary 1.0.2
      [*] Window Monkey 1.2.4 English
      [*] Window Monkey 1.2.4J - Japanese Version

#### TEXT       infomacv16-141.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] A Smaller GIF 108-SE
      [*] A Smaller GIF 108-SE
      [*] AfterStep Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] AliasMenu 2.0.1 (English-French version)
      [*] BoilerPlate
      [*] Bond Street 1.0 a Kaleidoscope 2.0 Scheme
      [*] BOOM 1.1.2
      [*] CalcStrip v1.0.3
      [*] ChaosGalaga
      [*] Club MID v1.0.8
      [*] Computer Kids 1.2
      [*] Convert Celtic (Welsh) TrueType Fonts
      [*] Convert Central European TrueType Fonts
      [*] Convert Cyrillic TrueType Fonts
      [*] Convert Greek TrueType Fonts
      [*] Convert Latin-3 (Esperanto, Maltese) TrueType Fonts
      [*] Convert Romanian TrueType Fonts
      [*] Convert Turkish TrueType Fonts
      [*] DarkLight X2-a Kaleidoscope 2 Color Scheme
      [*] Default Folder 2.9 - Open/Save Dialog Enhancer
      [*] DesignWorks 4.0 - Schematic Editor
      [*] Downtown Map 1.0
      [*] Fanorona board game (freeware)
      [*] Fast Sound Player
      [*] iMaciConsiMade@niftyserve.or.jp
      [*] Jeremy's CSM's 1.9.2
      [*] John's RAM Disk Backup 1.1
      [*] MicNotePad Lite 4.5
      [*] MILDEW68k10
      [*] MILDEWPPC10.sit.hqx
      [*] New Touch-3D Version 2.1 Released - Now Create Real 3D Models!
      [*] Plot3D 2.1.0, QuickDraw3D models of functions and data
      [*] Rennacs font
      [*] Singapore Map 1.1
      [*] SoundCalc
      [*] Startup Lock 2.5
      [*] STATsimple 1.2.0
      [*] Studio TakeLogger
      [*] the FC3 Icon Museum
      [*] TidBITS#439/20-Jul-98
      [*] tilery40
      [*] TruFolder K2 Theme
      [*] Unicycle! 1.3
      [*] VSE Animation Maker IT-3.1 (68k)
      [*] VSE Animation Maker IT-3.1 (PPC)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-142.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Ballistik 6.1 (fat)
      [*] Apple Wizards July 1998
      [*] Asset Basset 2.3   
      [*] AutoShare 2.4, a freeware list server
      [*] BOOM 1.1.2 Update (smaller updater)
      [*] Chronomenon 2.1
      [*] Computer Admin 1.4
      [*] CP290 Director 1.1 - Control of X10 CP290 Home Automation Syste
      [*] DropUNIX1.3
      [*] Gestalt.Appl 2.7.9, freeware
      [*] Gestalt.Appl F-2.7.9, freeware
      [*] glue-factory.hqx
      [*] Infodex 0.8
      [*] Jon's Commands 2.0.5
      [*] Kids Animation Maker IT-1.0.1
      [*] medical billing and scheduling software
      [*] PictFader122-A pict playing screensaver latest release
      [*] SlashMUD 1.0d11r3
      [*] SlashMUD 1.0d11r3
      [*] SwitchRes 1.4 (french version)
      [*] SwitchRes 1.4 (US version)
      [*] WebChecker 1.2.0
      [*] Witchdoctor 1.0.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-143.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Get More Info (A CDEV/INIT)
      (A) SCSI Question
      (Q) OT bps measurer?
      (Q) screen redraw errors on a G3
      (Q) WebSideStory not returning my calls
      [A] Best WWW browser for 68k Mac
      [A] CD-RW media readable in CD-ROM drives?
      [A] Printing PDF-files on a QMS-410
      [A] scheduling file launches automatically
      [A] scheduling file launches automatically?
      [A] scheduling file launches automatically?
      [A] video editing, hmtl pics
      [Q] AppleShare over TCP/IP?
      [Q] Monitor resolution
      [Q] Where is Apple Interactive Music Toolkit ?
      Audio capture/input -- Vinyl to CDR
      Best WWW Browser for 68k Mac
      Best WWW Browser for 68k Mac
      Em@iler 2.0.2 long-standing problem...
      EUDORA Address Book madness
      Eudora Error When Sending Formatted Text
      Extension Icon Shapes
      Extension Icon Shapes
      G3 and Aptiva E26 network
      Get More Info
      Get More Info (A CDEV/INIT)
      Get More Info -> Snitch
      Iomega Drive Problems
      JavaScript development on a Macintosh
      Kaleidoscope / MS Word conflict?
      Key Finder
      Macintosh E-mail Resource Page
      My Mac won't shut down!
      Net configurations for 68K Macs
      Odd text in I.E.4.0
      Odd text in I.E.4.0
      Plus analog board failure
      Powerbook Duo 2300 upgrade?
      QD3D questions
      Quicktime 3.0 reliability
      simplest network
      simplest network (summary)
      What happened to the Digest V16 #129 ??
      Where is TTConverter?
      WORD 98 File Formats

#### TEXT       infomacv16-144.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

            Q: Drop down  menue in System 7.5?
      (Q) Computing day number
      (Q) Font management question
      (Q) WDEF Leopard
      [Q] Looking for a Font Called Hog Book
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #141
      No dial tone
      Q: Applescript task
      The Mac Revival
      Two new technologies

#### TEXT       infomacv16-145.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#440/27-Jul-98
      (A) OT bps measurer?
      (Q) Font management question
      (Q) My Mac won't shut down!
      [A] Scanning resolution
      [A] video editing, hmtl pics
      [A] WORD 98 File Formats
      [A] WORD 98 File Formats
      [A]: WORD 98 File Formats
      [A]:Audio capture/input -- Vinyl to CDR
      [Q] Looking for a Font Called Hog Book
      Anarchie 2.0.1 twice as fast as Fetch on Cable internet
      Attachment (R)
      beware of ScanAce
      DiskCopy Problem
      EUDORA Address Book madness
      EUDORA Address Book madness
      Fwd: Q: Applescript task
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #144
      Japanese Keyboard Mapping
      My Mac won't shut down!
      Net configurations for 68K Macs
      Net configurations for 68K Macs
      Q: Applescript task
      Q: Performa hard disk upgrade?
      Quickbooks 4.0 Fatal Error message
      Simple Applescript backup
      sound through reciever
      suggestion for web page verifier program

#### TEXT       infomacv16-146.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]     RGB Calculator III v3.3 (update replaces all prior)
      [*]  Wapp Pro 1.1
      [*] "Styles" Blue Glass, enhanced for K2 update
      [*] "Styles" Bravado  K2 color scheme
      [*] "Styles" Ceremond, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Textura K2 color scheme
      [*] "Styles" Winter Wonderland, enhanced for K2
      [*] ][2Mac v1.2.1
      [*] Alphie 1.3.1 (update - replaces all prior)
      [*] Avalonia MailRouter 1.10 trial
      [*] Batik Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] BibGene, freeware BibTeX-compatible bibliographic database
      [*] Bookends Plus 4.1 Demo
      [*] Clean-Install Assistant 1.0J
      [*] Combadge 1.1
      [*] Condorito Icons
      [*] CyberSense Search Center 3.0
      [*] DarkLight X2
      [*] DieBlo 1.2, cheater for MacDiablo
      [*] Diet Something 1.1.0
      [*] Florentine Kaleidoscope 2.1 scheme
      [*] Fractal Studio 2.1.2
      [*] Gaps 2.1
      [*] Griff's Icon Set12.sit
      [*] GrooveMaker Demo
      [*] Hebrew FontConverter 1.0.4a.
      [*] Help to Icon 1.1
      [*] iMac System Icons 2
      [*] Izmena! TCP
      [*] MacFont 3.01 (FR)
      [*] Mt. Everything 1.5.0a1
      [*] MultiMode 0.9.2
      [*] Odd Icons Vol. 1
      [*] Program Switcher v4.5.1
      [*] Rotate1.0-68kPatch
      [*] SelectiKines StarterSet - ANIMATED Icons for use with Kineticon
      [*] Sunset Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme
      [*] SwitchRes 1.4 (german version)
      [*] TFSounds 1.0.1
      [*] URL Extractor 1.0.0 68k
      [*] URL Extractor 1.0.0 PPC
      [*] Web Devil 3.5
      [*] WebChecker 1.2.0
      [*] Windows of San Francisco Kal. 2.0 scheme
      [*] WormScanner 2.0.1 (an AutoStart worm remover)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-147.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Creatix Alphabet Collection Vol.1 - royalty-free 3D alphabet
      [*] EMW
      [*] EMW
      [*] EMW
      [*] GIFConverter 2.4.3
      [*] Graphing Calculator 2.0 Demo
      [*] Griff's Icon Set 13.sit
      [*] Invoice Builder
      [*] Invoice Builder
      [*] MacCDDBv0.8.6
      [*] MakePerlDroplet 1.0
      [*] Net-Print 8.0.8
      [*] NetChronometer 1.1.1
      [*] OmTatSat StartupScreen
      [*] people book 1.0.1 address manager
      [*] PurpleMoon StartupScreen
      [*] RecCheckv111.sit
      [*] Respond! - preemptive multitasking
      [*] toidy icon

#### TEXT       infomacv16-148.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

            Q: Problem with MO drive and PowerBook 160
      (A) Font management question
      (A) G3 and Aptiva E26 network
      (A) Net configurations for 68K Macs
      (A) No dial tone
      (C) MacWorks Sales doesn't know how to treat potential customers
      (Q) Font management question
      (Q) Toggling remote access configurations
      5215CD Problem
      Best WWW Browser for 68k Mac
      Can't shut down
      Dead 1710 Monitor
      Equation numbering in MS Word 98
      Invisible File
      Local Network
      moRe: [A] CD-RW media readable in CD-ROM drives?
      my mac won't shut down!
      PowerMac 7200 logic board power pinout?
      SCSI scanner drivers.
      system install from zip disks?
      Weird problem...

#### TEXT       infomacv16-149.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#441/03-Aug-98
      (?) App to catalog CD's?
      (Q) emailer got corrupted
      (Q) lpdaemon ??
      100 FE ethernet PCMCIA cards (Q)
      Anarchie 2.0.1 twice as fast as Fetch on Cable internet
      Audio capture/input -- Vinyl to CDR
      delrina daily planner 3.0 extension?
      DisplayLib? What is it and where can I get it...?
      Eudora NOT recognizing plug-ins
      HP Deskwriter 320 probs
      mail servers and Macs
      my mac won't shut down!
      old info-mac file archives
      peeping, whistling monitor
      Problem Mac
      Q: Problem with MO drive and PowerBook 160
      Quickbooks 4.0 Fatal Error message -- please help!
      RealPlayer problems
      Req: Scanner extension
      UnModal Dialog

#### TEXT       infomacv16-150.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Greek Key update, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Rainbow Blues, enhanced for K2
      [*] BookofDecks.sit
      [*] Bright Chick 2.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] BSmooth 3.0
      [*] Codebook 3 July 98 PPC
      [*] ComputerModern
      [*] Formula Club Game
      [*] GraphicConverter 3.3.1 - de
      [*] GraphicConverter 3.3.1 - es
      [*] GraphicConverter 3.3.1 - fr
      [*] GraphicConverter 3.3.1 - us
      [*] Griff's Icon Set 14.sit
      [*] GSF-Gaskill.sit
      [*] GST-ClipNSave.sit
      [*] GST-MMWDemo.sit
      [*] GST-PSPort.sit
      [*] GST-SmartClip =?iso-8859-1?Q?=9F.sit?=
      [*] GST-SmartClip.sit
      [*] GST-XP8Demo.sit
      [*] Gubbstrutt - a Kaleidoscope-sheme
      [*] Hi-Platinum Scheme
      [*] Icon Tools 1.1
      [*] iMac Cursor
      [*] iMacSelectIcons - Finest quality custom iMac icons!!!
      [*] johnsCalc.1.3
      [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.9
      [*] Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.9
      [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.9
      [*] kamband 1.3
      [*] Kinga 3.0.2
      [*] Laser Green Icons
      [*] Lettre Mac 2 Lettre HTML
      [*] PandoMural-Freeware MacOS desktop picture program.
      [*] PandoStickers - Put stickers on your desktop.
      [*] PCIprober 1.2
      [*] Production Calculator v1.02 (german version)
      [*] Puzzler 1.0.3
      [*] Roach v3.5
      [*] Rotate 
      [*] Skylight 1.0 a Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme
      [*] Snack Attack 1.0.0 - Board Game
      [*] snood21.hqx
      [*] Umlautkonverter
      [*] zoink

#### TEXT       infomacv16-151.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Andrew's Disk Copy Scripts 2.1" dcscripts-21.hqx
      [*] "Styles" Classical Blues, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Red Rose, enhanced for K2
      [*] AAO-Clusters and Nebulae
      [*] AutoRename 1.0.  A useful utility
      [*] Bartender V1.31
      [*] BetterAlarms.sea - Alarm/Reminder Program
      [*] Calendar Menu 1.0
      [*] Catalogue Polices 1.5 Fr
      [*] CDFinder 2.1.1
      [*] Control Panels Strip 3.2
      [*] Countdown 1.0b2
      [*] Date Reminder 1.3 68k
      [*] Date Reminder 1.3 PPC
      [*] DynSiteConfig - DynSite account editor
      [*] eMerge 1.5.3 -- Powerful bulk email merge for the Macintosh
      [*] Extensions Strip 1.8
      [*] Girrl Pointers.sit
      [*] Gradebook Plus Demo 7.1
      [*] GST-CatSeven.sit
      [*] GSU-STPDemo.sit
      [*] Hardotheque98
      [*] Hotel102.hqx
      [*] hypermanager-15
      [*] IcePick 4.0.4 - MacApp view editor! - IcePick-404-ppc
      [*] IndexMaker
      [*] Language Reader 1.5.5 - foreign language learning
      [*] Mac Seats
      [*] MacMidas
      [*] MYM2QIF v5.4.sit
      [*] PageMark 1.0.2: Scrollbar extension shows page end 
      [*] PingReporter 1.31
      [*] Portnumbers - search tool for ports and protocols
      [*] profit_511t_fat
      [*] RemoteMouse&Keys 1.0.1
      [*] Rhapsody K2.sit
      [*] Shift Key Suite v1.0
      [*] sLog 2.0fc1  -  "Your personal system manager."
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.1
      [*] UtilScript 1.0
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.0.5 - foreign language learning
      [*] Web Confidential 1.0.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] WebMiner 1.0
      [*] WherePPC.sea.hqx
      [*] zero.1.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-152.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Pretty Scroll 2.0b2 - animate scrolling - Johnny C N Lee
      [*] TidBITS#442/10-Aug-98
      [*] toontime
      (?) Bind fn to ctrl on a G3?
      (Q) Card for a second monitor
      (Q) Font organization utils?
      (Q) Timbuktu Pro and Network
      [A]: Quickbooks 4.0 Fatal Error message -- please help!
      [Q] Damaged master disks
      A: Problem with MO drive and PowerBook 160
      app to catalog cd's
      App to catalog CD's?
      App to catalog CD's?
      Audio capture/input -- vinyl to CDR
      Ethertalk for two
      Fwd: (?) App to catalog CD's?
      Fwd: Eudora NOT recognizing plug-ins
      Help with CD graphics
      How does X-plane stack up to MS FS 98?
      Need Applescript to close all finder windows
      peeping, whistling monitor
      Problem Mac
      Problem Mac
      Q Memory for a 4400 (help)
      Shrunken System Font, Word 98 Triggers It 
      Text reader with a bookmark
      WTB-8100/100 operator's manual

#### TEXT       infomacv16-153.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Caesura.sit
      [*] Enhanced WordPerfect Outlining 1.01
      [*] HTMLDictionary
      [*] JChecker68K104(E).sit - HTML Validation Checker
      [*] JCheckerPPC104(E).sit - HTML Validation Checker
      [*] John's WP Outlining Keystrokes
      [*] John's WP QuickCorrect 1.2.2
      [*] PSAssembler 1.0/68K - A PostScript File Merging Utility
      [*] PSAssembler 1.0/PPC - A PostScript File Merging Utility
      [*] QuoEdit 0.41
      [*] ShawBerry.sit
      [*] SimpleText2Html 1.0.2
      [*] TE+ 2.3.3
      [*] TGhostDemo.sit
      [*] TorqueDemo.sit
      [*] Wallaby 1.1.6
      (A) Eudora NOT recognizing plug-ins
      (A) Font organization utils?
      (Q) Virtual CD Rom Drive for MAC
      5215CD Problem
      [A] Damaged master disks
      [A] Help with CD graphics
      [A] Need Applescript to close all finder windows
      [Q]  MS word default documet type
      [Q] Damaged master disks
      [q] MAD Apple cool bag?
      After Dark conflicts
      Annoying Monitor
      App to catalog CD's?
      App to catalog CD's?
      broken switch to internal speaker audio out on powerbook G3 (Q)
      Cleansing Hard Disk
      Damaged master disks
      Ethertalk for two
      Font Organization utls
      Fwd: (Q) Font organization utils?
      Fwd: Help with CD graphics
      Help with CD graphics
      icon desktops
      Library Cataloguing System
      Printing with Acrobat 3.0 problem
      Quest for SoftPC...
      re Font organization utils?
      Scripts to close Finder windows
      The Slowest PowerCenter Ever! (Q)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-154.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Ancient Scrolls" K2 scheme
      [*] "Styles" Celtic Knot update for K2
      [*] "Styles" Classical Blues, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Goldfire, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Rainbow Blues, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Red Rose, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles", Greek Key update for K2
      [*] apollo-21.hqx
      [*] apollo-21.hqx
      [*] apollo-21.hqx
      [*] apollo-21.hqx
      [*] apollo-21.hqx
      [*] Appearance Designer
      [*] barfey.hqx
      [*] Beached II 1.0
      [*] Bubbles
      [*] ClippingNamer update
      [*] Club MID v1.0.9
      [*] comp.sys.mac.comm FAQ (v 2.0.4) Aug 1 1998
      [*] ConvertUnits Pro v1.7a
      [*] CrystalDesigner 6.0.3, a tool for visualising crystal structure
      [*] EG&G/MCS file converter 1.5
      [*] FastOpen 2.0; open documents very easily
      [*] Girrl Pointers.sit
      [*] Griff's Set 15.sit
      [*] Hi-Platinum 1.01
      [*] IliCon_IconElectronics
      [*] Instant Folders 2.2, the ultimate folder navigation solution!
      [*] Laser Green System Icons
      [*] Mystic Textures IV
      [*] names - a filemaker pro database for the newton
      [*] NetCD 1.2/PPC - An Internet-saavy CD Player Program
      [*] Newton Book
      [*] NudgeMouser update
      [*] Odalisque Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme
      [*] Oscar.sit
      [*] Production Calculator 1.02E
      [*] Production Calculator 1.03 (german version)
      [*] QuickNailer 1.6.5--The Preview in Bulk & HTML Tool
      [*] RGB Calculator III v3.4
      [*] Riot of Roses Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] SndSampler 3.6
      [*] StripLaunch v1.2
      [*] texturation-sampler-832.sit
      [*] WappPro 1.1.3

#### TEXT       infomacv16-155.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] ][2Mac v1.2.2
      [*] Amanuensis.sit
      [*] Apple Wizards August 1998
      [*] ClickPad II 2.2.5
      [*] ClockSync II 1.3.2
      [*] Cropper
      [*] DARTS
      [*] ddd.hqx
      [*] Decode da Code 1.0.1, MIME and UU decoder
      [*] Diet Something 1.3.0
      [*] Digital Wipeout 2.0
      [*] DynSiteConfig 1.1 - A Monolith DynSite client
      [*] Eartraining 2.6
      [*] Eartraining 2.6 (D)
      [*] EmptyTrash v1.0.2
      [*] Extensions Strip 1.8.1
      [*] Extensions Strip F-1.8.1 (French)
      [*] FnsBorf 1.2.7
      [*] FONDetective.sit
      [*] Font List Creator 1.1E
      [*] Football-Manager2.hqx
      [*] GSU-BootLog.sit
      [*] HexKey.sit
      [*] IcePick 4.0.4 - MacApp View Editor!
      [*] ident-d.sea
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.4.0
      [*] MacProp 2.0.0
      [*] MediaWrapper Light 2.0
      [*] mygod.hqx
      [*] Once in a Lifetime 2.0
      [*] Rasputin.sit
      [*] Recent Additions
      [*] StoryProject 3.5 [story development software]
      [*] WebPainter 3 Demo
      [*] world files
      [*] world files
      [*] world files
      [*] world files
      [*] world files
      [*] world files
      [*] world files
      [*] world files
      [*] world files
      [*] world files
      [*] YAAF v1.0a3

#### TEXT       infomacv16-156.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] macos8_startupscreen
      [*] Midius ProjectPlanner 1.1.1 updater
      [*] NetCD 1.2/68K - An Internet-saavy CD Player Program
      [*] PictFader123-A pict playing screensaver latest release
      [*] Texturations Subscription Series Sampler (1024x768)
      [*] TNT Nag! 1.2
       icon desktops
      (A) Cleansing Hard Disk
      (Q)  Sound Always Muted
      (Q) Help with damaged file
      (Q) Old equipment questions
      [A] After Dark conflicts
      [Q] Open Transport PPP does not recognize busy signal?
      About Cleansing Hard Disk
      Connecting switches to a Mac
      Ethertalk for two
      Fax servers
      recording vinyl to cd-r
      Testing ethernet card
      wanted: a cash-register-like calculator

#### TEXT       infomacv16-157.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#443/17-Aug-98
      (A) Fax servers
      (A) Old equipment questions
      (Q) Ethernet iMac to Pow Mac 7100
      100 FE ethernet PCMCIA cards (Q)
      [A] After Dark conflicts
      [Q] Open Transport PPP does not recognize busy signal?
      Annoying Monitor
      can Eudora handle vcards?
      CD-writer for backup
      Connecting switches to a Mac
      Crossover cable
      Equivalent Mainframe Tools (Q)
      found: a cash-register-like calculator
      Help! GlobalFax has taken over!
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #152
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #156
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #156
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #156
      Looking for the Original B&W Version of Risk
      Mac 4400
      Power Center Pro 210 Problem
      Power Supply
      Summary - Help with CD graphics

#### TEXT       infomacv16-158.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]     b.iron - Poser afterburner
      [*] "Ancient Scrolls" K2 color scheme
      [*] "Styles" Autumn Leaves, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Byzantine, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Diana's Candle, freeware scheme enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Elegance 2.5.5, updated  for K2
      [*] "Styles" Spring Plaid, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Tarot Angels enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles"original Swan, enhanced for K2
      [*] Alan's Euchre
      [*] Alan's Euchre
      [*] Alan's Euchre
      [*] Alan's Euchre
      [*] Astronomica 1.0 [Sky Map Generator]
      [*] bondi desktop patterns
      [*] c&c.sit.hqx
      [*] California 2.03 - calculator
      [*] ClippingNamer update
      [*] done-right-model
      [*] Drop Zone 1.0.1
      [*] Football-Manager2.03.hqx
      [*] GangToBonoIII scheme K2
      [*] Griff'sIconsSet16.sit
      [*] GSU-Upgraders.sit
      [*] Heraldry Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Hi-Platinum 1.1.1
      [*] HTML-Tag-Companion-12.hqx
      [*] Icon Tools 1.2
      [*] Icon Tools 1.2.1
      [*] image-sxm-161-8.hqx
      [*] Let it Snow Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] mabasoft_world_clock_csm_25.sit
      [*] MacChess 4.0 ITA [Italian] Free Chess program
      [*] MacRun 1.2
      [*] My Butterfly Icons
      [*] My Butterfly Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] MyEyes 2.3 (final version)
      [*] Phonemic Font Pack 1.1.1
      [*] PowerReplace 6.5;  a text conversion utility
      [*] PrinterSwitch 1.3.2
      [*] Random Numbers
      [*] SailorMoon character icons 1.0
      [*] SuperReplace 2.0.1;  a text conversion utility
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.3.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] Tic-Tac-Toe 1.0

#### TEXT       infomacv16-159.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "System Initiation" StartUp Sound (Mono)
      [*] "System Initiation" StartUp Sound (Stere)
      [*] Ambry 1.2.4
      [*] Click Scripts 2.1
      [*] ControlKey XFCN 1.3
      [*] Decode da Code, version 1.0.1
      [*] Die Osax
      [*] Email, a FileMaker Pro 4 database for email
      [*] Figheadh 1.1 (PostScript) - a knotwork font
      [*] Figheadh 1.1 (TrueType) - a knotwork font
      [*] Font List Creator 1.2E
      [*] Gebhrenrechner 3.1
      [*] Help! Network Demo
      [*] HyperBook 1.21 - book catalog
      [*] IP Poster Script version 1.1 update
      [*] Kids Bath Duck Desktop Pic (14in)
      [*] Kids Bath Duck Desktop Pic (17in)
      [*] Language Writer 1.5.1 - foreign language learning
      [*] Macmake WebCollection set#1 (Textures) - royalty-free image
      [*] Macmake WebCollection set#2 (Alphabet) - royalty-free images
      [*] Macmake WebCollection set#3 (Phrases) - royalty-free images
      [*] Macmake WebCollection set#4 (Symbols) - royalty-free images
      [*] Macmake WebCollection set#5 (Alphabet) - royalty-free images
      [*] Macmake WebCollection set#6 (Cartoon) - royalty-free images
      [*] Math Stars 4.0
      [*] MediaWrapper2.0
      [*] NewsTicker - a new shareware
      [*] OneApp English-Italian 5.2 - Dictionary/Dizionario
      [*] Recent Additions 1.2.1
      [*] SerialSpeed 230 v1.7
      [*] ShockBox 1.0.1
      [*] sLog 2.0 - "Your personal system manager."
      [*] Symbats 1.1 (PostScript) - a Pagan dingbats font
      [*] Symbats 1.1 (TrueType) - a Pagan dingbats font
      [*] Troi Coding Plug-in 1.1.1
      [*] Troi Dialog Plug-in 1.2
      [*] Troi File Plug-in 1.2
      [*] Troi Number Plug-in 1.0
      [*] Troi Text Plug-in 1.2
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.0.5r2J - Japanese Version
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.2.8 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator
      [*] White Apple
      [*] WhoInstalled? 1.0.2 -System Folder managing utility
      [*] Wobble
      [*] WordCoach 1.1.1 -- Wordtrainer for foreign languages

#### TEXT       infomacv16-160.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Event Countdown 1.0
      [*] HCPhone 2.02 - phone dialer/address book
      [*] Help! Demo
      [*] MacMedic Demo
      [*] PIP
      [*] SpaceMaker
      [*] Stock Tracker v3.0
      [*] TidBITS#444/24-Aug-98
      [*] uCalendar - New
      [*] uCalendar - New

#### TEXT       infomacv16-161.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Aetiket Label Printer
      [*] Alien Conspiracy: A cocoa action game
      [*] Arithmeticus-de.hqx
      [*] Arithmeticus.hqx
      [*] Back-Drop for Decor - A better drag-n-drop desktop picture util
      [*] Back-Drop for OS 8 - Drag and Drop a desktop picture
      [*] BackgroundWarper 1.1 PPC
      [*] bb-sweepstakes-demo.sit
      [*] ClippingNamer
      [*] Compress2Impress
      [*] D-Sound Pro 3.5.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Font List Creator 1.4E
      [*] Garden of the Gods Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Glidel 3.8 France
      [*] Glidel 3.8 U.S.
      [*] GraphicBrowser
      [*] gregs-great-icons.sit
      [*] Griff'sIconSet17.sit
      [*] iMACikCON icon set
      [*] Librarian 1.1
      [*] LineSort 4.2
      [*] LineSort 4.2
      [*] Lingotto 1.4.3
      [*] MacTaipei-1.0.0
      [*] Om Desktop Patterns
      [*] PCIprober 2.0
      [*] PCText 1.0
      [*] Peguimin J 1.1.2 - Utility for JPEGs
      [*] Picture Key - small jpg of screenshot key combos
      [*] Power HTML Lite 1.1 [macro suite for Nisus Writer]
      [*] Quadraverb+/GT Editor 1.2.sit
      [*] SafePicker 2.0
      [*] Silvergol 1.4.3
      [*] slideways15.sit.hqx
      [*] SoundAppFat_2.5.1.sit - Sound player and conversion utility
      [*] SpeedType 1.1
      [*] StoryProject 3.5.2 [story development software]
      [*] SUMO - action game, now Freeware!
      [*] tglba_v132.sit.hqx (first person adventure game)
      [*] The Icthian Project- Prelude
      [*] Tic Tac Toe 1.0
      [*] TotoTurbo 1.4.3
      [*] Trilite 1.5
      [*] X-Files Trivia 68K
      [*] X-Files Trivia PPC

#### TEXT       infomacv16-162.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] ][2Mac v1.2.3
      [*] BetaScan v102
      [*] CookWare 3.5
      [*] data-rescue-20-fat.sit (a data recovery tool for crashed volume
      [*] data-rescue-20.sit (a data recovery tool for crashed volumes)
      [*] Depth Charge - Automatic Monitor Bit Depth Switcher
      [*] eMerge 1.5.4 -- Powerful bulk email merge for the Macintosh
      [*] eMerge 1.5.4 -- Powerful bulk email merge for the Macintosh
      [*] Guia Internet
      [*] HLBase1.1.1 68K
      [*] HLBase1.1.1 PPC
      [*] IM Away 1.0
      [*] iMac Desktop Pattern
      [*] LeFranglophile1.01 Bilingual French-English dictionary
      [*] Mac CallerID 1.1.9d
      [*] Master Spell 3.6 Spelling Tester
      [*] Midius ProjectPlanner 1.1.2
      [*] Midnight Download
      [*] Midnight Express
      [*] Midnight Mail
      [*] MouseHouse 2.0, X-10 for Mac
      [*] Rinaldi's X-Archive 5.1
      [*] Room Service 1.0.hqx
      [*] Scorpion BarCode 1.40
      [*] SoulDance StartupScreen
      [*] Soundset
      [*] SpeedDial 1.0
      [*] SwitchRes 1.4.1 - english version
      [*] SwitchRes 1.4.1 - french version
      [*] Tiny Cipher 1.4
      [*] TranslateRes5.sit.hqx
      [*] Twistory 1.1 - History Browser
      [*] VersionFinder v2.0
      [*] WebStar SSI 301 Depth Patch - More SSI Levels
      [*] Window Monkey 1.2.5
      [*] Window Monkey 1.2.5J - Japanese Version
      [*] World Calendar v1.1 uploaded.
      [*] WorldClock CSM 1.5

#### TEXT       infomacv16-163.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Ethernet iMac to Pow Mac 7100
      (A) Ethernet iMac to Power Mac 7100
      (C) cavaet emptor - Norton Utilities and i-Mac
      (Q) Netscape and clippings
      (Q) slowing down ethernet
      *Local Users Group
      1.4M disk images with 800K drives
      [Q] Full-sized Clock Screensavers
      [Q] Good disk partitioning sw
      Addendum to my last email re 1.4M Images
      basement network
      can Eudora handle vcards?
      Clarisworks -> Appleworks?
      Equivalent Mainframe Tools (Q)
      Ethernet to LocalTalk router
      Eudora Attachments
      Eudora Ligte and OTUtilityLib
      extra dialog box
      Fax servers
      How do I start up a Mac Classic from it's ROM-disk
      i-Mac first impressions/Norton
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #156
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #157
      Internet Phone 3.1 & Powerbook 190cs
      Mac 4400 (R)
      More old hardware questions
      Navigator 4.0 Problems/Reading Preferences
      Opening VCards or almost anything with BBEdit Light (free)
      OpenStep on a Mac (Q)
      Optimal system for 68030?
      OT and Appletalk
      PictPickup! 1.0 ?
      Power Center Pro 210 Problem
      Powermac 7200 won't boot from anything
      Printing Webpages
      Q: Performa hard disk upgrade?
      Question on PB G3 Fan/Ram Disk
      Req:Mac RealPlayer Help
      serialspeed 230
      Startup Problems
      Summary - Help with CD graphics
      TI-83 linking cable
      wanted: a cash-register-like calculator

#### TEXT       infomacv16-164.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#445/31-Aug-98
       [A] Good disk partitioning sw
      (A) slowing down ethernet
      (C) Norton Utils and MacOS 8.1
      (half an A) Netscape and clippings
      (Q) Netscape and clippings
      (Q) Netscape and clippings
      1.44MB disk images on 800K
      1.4M disk images with 800K drives
      1.4M disk images with 800K drives (R)
      [A] Clarisworks -> Appleworks?
      [A] Ethernet to LocalTalk router
      [A] Good disk partitioning sw
      [A] Good disk partitioning sw
      [Q] Good disk partitioning sw
      [Q] Good disk partitioning sw 
      [Q] Modem regularly disconnecting
      basement network
      basement network
      basement network
      Clarisworks -> Appleworks?
      Clarisworks -> Appleworks?
      Clarisworks -> Appleworks?
      Eudora Attachments (R)
      Eudora Ligte and OTUtilityLib
      Fwd: (Q) Netscape and clippings
      Good disk partitioning sw
      Good disk partitioning sw (R)
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #163
      One serial port: modem & printer ???
      Open Transport PPP does not recognize busy signal? [summary]
      Opening VCards or almost anything with BBEdit Light (free)
      OT and Appletalk
      PPP Redial
      Printing Webpages
      Printing Webpages
      Seeking older GraphicConverter
      Sun monitor on a Mac?
      Symbiosis program?
      what does the getinfo information mean

#### TEXT       infomacv16-165.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Le Grand Jardin Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] "Styles" Bravado update for K2.0.1
      [*] "Styles" Byzantium Blue for K2.0.1
      [*] "Styles" Byzantium update for K2.0.1
      [*] "Styles" Peach Lace, enhanced for K2.0.1
      [*] "Styles" Renaissance Black, enhanced for K2.0.1
      [*] "Styles" Swan (K2) scheme update
      [*] "Styles" Textura update for K2.0.1
      [*] Alan's Euchre
      [*] Cetacea Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme
      [*] Crazy for Dogs Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Crystal Palace Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] D-SoundPRO 3.5.1: Graphical Sound Editor
      [*] Deco for Kaleidoscope 2.0
      [*] Default Folder 2.9.1 - Open/Save Dialog Enhancer
      [*] Default Folder F-2.9.1 - French Open/Save dialog enhancer
      [*] DX7 Librarian 1.2.2
      [*] EarSaver 1.0 Demo
      [*] FaceTheDayIcons v1.0
      [*] FacialTextures 1.7
      [*] Function viewer
      [*] Googolator 1.0 - arbitrary precision calculator
      [*] green desktop patterns
      [*] GST-TEXT->HTML->Javascript.sit
      [*] Hi-Platinum 1.3.3
      [*] Kaleidoscope 2.0.1 Scheme
      [*] Let it Snow Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] mac06-0.93
      [*] More Roses! Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] MyEyes 2.3 final fixed
      [*] Navi iRae 1.2
      [*] Navi iRae 1.2 F
      [*] PhotoCat
      [*] PhotoCat PLAYER
      [*] QuoEdit 0.42
      [*] ScaleCalc 1.0 (Model Railroad Calculator)
      [*] Stereogram Studio 1.0
      [*] Style Master 1.0 68k
      [*] Style Master 1.0 ppc
      [*] Wapp pro 1.2
      [*] Wapp pro 1.2 F
      [*] WorldClock CSM 1.5.1
      [*] WormGuard 1.0
      Disk partitioning software

#### TEXT       infomacv16-166.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]     *Web Media Finder 1.0  - updated text 
      [*] Akua Sweets V1.24 (Scripting Additions & Example Scripts)
      [*] AliasCrony 2.1.1; Alias management.
      [*] AppleTree Bookmarks for Cyberdog
      [*] ATPM4.08.sit.hqx
      [*] Cryptograms!
      [*] data-rescue-202-fat.sit (a data recovery tool for crashed volum
      [*] data-rescue-202.sit (a data recovery tool for crashed volumes)
      [*] Diet Sleuth 1.4.0
      [*] Email Effects 1.5.5 - Enhanced eMail for your (i)Mac!
      [*] Funnel Web
      [*] Funnel Web Pro
      [*] Hyper-Stack Player Pro 2.4.1-68k - submission
      [*] Hyper-Stack Player Pro 2.4.1-PPC - submission
      [*] Internet Config J 2.0
      [*] MacHead Bkmrks for IE 1.6
      [*] MacHeads Bookmarks 1.2
      [*] MacHeads LARGE Bkmrks. For NN
      [*] MacTypingTutor4.5
      [*] MacTypingTutor4.5 Dvorak
      [*] MacZip 1.00
      [*] Multi-Resolutions 2.1
      [*] NewsTicker
      [*] NoShift Needed 1.0.1
      [*] Odd Jobs 1.2 - powerful file processing tasks
      [*] PageComm - Paging Software
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] Pre Version, a lifesaver for data
      [*] Random Wisdom 68K
      [*] Reanimator 2.0.3
      [*] RWasm 1.1.2 -- An assembler for Robowar and BBEdit plugin.
      [*] Script Scribe 2.2
      [*] SmallMines 2.1
      [*] Snit 2! v1.0
      [*] Student Resources
      [*] Substitute 1.7.1 FAT; Process Manager and General Utility.
      [*] SwitchRes 1.4.1 - German version
      [*] The Organizer 2.7 for 1999
      [*] utilities
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.3.1 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator
      [*] VersionFinder v2.0
      [*] VSE File Pirate 2.0 (68k) - Find treasures on your hard disk
      [*] VSE File Pirate 2.0 (PPC) - Find treasures on your hard disk
      [*] WhoInstalled? 1.0.4 -System Folder managing utility
      [*] Yank 3.0.2

#### TEXT       infomacv16-167.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Netscape and clippings
      (C) Numerous Windows 98 installation bugs encountered
      (Q) Outlook Express 4.0.1 failed---help!!!
      (Q) Security on Netscape 4.0.6 decreased from 4.0.5
      100 FE ethernet PCMCIA cards (Q)
      [A] Eudora Attachments
      [A] Good disk partitioning sw
      [A] Good disk partitioning sw
      [A] Sun monitor on a Mac?
      [Q] Modem regularly disconnecting
      [Q] Second Video Card for PCI Macs???
      [Q] Second Video Card for PCI Macs???
      [Q] Uploading files to Personal Net Finder
      broken cd on powerbook G3 (Q)
      c-key and cd-rom
      CD app - how to increase memory size
      Contextual Menu Problems and IE 4.0.1
      Editing Extensions Manager Info ???
      Eudora 4.0 for Macintosh features (Q)
      extra dialog box
      Harddisk trouble
      How do I do a system install from a zip drive?
      iMac, Laserwriter and 8600/200
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #164
      Memory Cache Question
      Memory Upgrade for Xclaim VR
      MS Word Doc problem
      Netscape Clipping
      NUM 4
      OS update help
      PGP Freeware 6.0
      PPP Redial
      printing from web pages
      printing web pages
      Printing Webpages
      Problem with MDBF virus
      Should I be using PowerFPU?
      Steve Jobs outlines OS plans
      Utility for checking memory configuration
      what does the getinfo information mean
      what does the getinfo information mean

#### TEXT       infomacv16-168.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Security on Netscape 4.0.6 decreased from 4.0.5
      (Q) FTP with Finder like interface
      (Q) setting the time on PB and desktop via Enet
      [A] NUM 4
      [A] OS update help
      [Q] Uploading files to Personal Net Finder 
      c-key and cd-rom
      c-key and cd-rom (A)
      Can I make a removable with separately bootable S7.0.1 and OS8.0
      Contextual Menu Problems and IE 4.0.1
      How do I do a system install from a zip drive? (R)
      macintosh system error -109?
      No Startup Chord
      OT/PPP vs. MacPPP
      Summary - Fax Servers
      Translator Needed
      Utility for logging documents sent to the printer?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-169.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

       [A] Eudora Attachments
      (A) Security on Netscape 4.0.6 decreased from 4.0.5
      (A) Security on Netscape 4.0.6 decreased from 4.0.5
      (Q) FTP with Finder like interface
      100 FE ethernet PCMCIA cards (Q)
      Editing Extensions Manager Info ???
      Fwd: (Q) FTP with Finder like interface
      Hard Drive Icons
      Harddisk trouble
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #168
      Looking for a World Atlas for Mac
      MacBoy Organizer
      Netscape encryption (summary)
      No Startup Chord (A)
      Print Log
      Security on Netscape 

#### TEXT       infomacv16-170.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  hitam desktop patterns
      [*] Apollo 2.2
      [*] Apollo 2.2, Dutch version
      [*] Apollo 2.2, French version
      [*] Apollo 2.2, German version
      [*] Apollo 2.2, Japanese version
      [*] Cobwebber 3.0
      [*] Default Folder D-2.9.1 - German Open/Save dialog enhancer
      [*] Default Folder J-2.9.1 - Japanese Open/Save dialog enhancer
      [*] digital-wipeout-30
      [*] Glory that was Greece Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Griff's Icons#18.sit
      [*] Griff'sIconSet19.sit
      [*] Groove Buddy
      [*] Gun Icons
      [*] Hi-Platinum 1.5
      [*] Jeremy's CSM's 1.9.3
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.6 de.sit
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.6 fr.sit
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.6 I.sit
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.6.sit
      [*] Mac's Calc 1.0
      [*] My Butteryfly Bulbs for Holiday Lights
      [*] MyEyes 2.3.1
      [*] Power HTML 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2 Update
      [*] Power HTML Lite 1.4 [macro suite for Nisus Writer]
      [*] RGB Calculator III v3.4.1 (update)
      [*] Running From the Law
      [*] Santa Folder icons
      [*] SAnta's Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Teddy Bear Icons
      [*] Teddy Bear Kal. 2.0 scheme
      [*] TicTacToe4D
      [*] Trick Candles 1.0.0
      [*] VideoZoom F-1.0
      [*] virtual-desktop-193
      [*] VSamp 2.3
      [*] Wapp pro 1.2.1
      [*] Wapp pro 1.2.1F
      [*] X-Words Deluxe 1.3 =?iso-8859-1?Q?=9F.sit?=
      (A) Security on Netscape 4.0.6 decreased from 4.0.5
      [A] Can I make a removable with separately bootable S7.0.1 and
      [A] Good disk partitioning sw NOT APPLE
      [A] OT/PPP vs. MacPPP
      Q: Japanese WWW sites with US MacOS 8.1?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-171.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  BuddyHelper 1.0 - buddy list companion
      [*] A startup-sound-quashing app for you...
      [*] Align Utilities
      [*] Apple Wizards September 98
      [*] audiofile401.hqx, Audiofile: Organize Your Entire Music Collect
      [*] BetterAlarms.sea - Alarm/Reminder Program
      [*] BootClock (hyperarchive submission)
      [*] Bubblomania 1.5.4
      [*] CastleChaos.sit.hqx
      [*] Clipboard Services 1.0
      [*] Comic Box
      [*] comp.sys.mac.comm FAQ (v 2.0.5)
      [*] Diet Sleuth 1.4.1
      [*] euro98
      [*] File Buddy 4.3.6
      [*] Hotliner Helper 1.6
      [*] HyperLaunch 1.2 - program launcher
      [*] ident-d.sea v1.0.1
      [*] Key XFCNs V2.0
      [*] List Pad 68k
      [*] List Pad PPC
      [*] Mac CallerID 1.2
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.4.1
      [*] MacPhoneSoup 1.0.1, A Nifty Telephone Utility
      [*] MacPhoneSoup 1.0.1, A Nifty Telephone Utility
      [*] Midnight Express 1.1.1
      [*] Midnight Mail 1.1.1
      [*] MyBattery 3.3.5
      [*] ObjectPlant 2.0, object-oriented analysis and design tool
      [*] OneApp English-Italian 5.3 - Dictionary/Dizionario
      [*] PowerGet by gemjm
      [*] PrintCalendar FAT 1.0b8 calendar printer viewer
      [*] Resource Extractor v1.0
      [*] Rinaldi's X-Archive 5.1
      [*] Script Scribe 2.3
      [*] Simple List 1.0 PPC
      [*] Test Pilot Typer II
      [*] Text to STR# 1.1 - create STR# data from a text file
      [*] Times Plus 1.2
      [*] Tiny Cipher 1.4.1
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.1.5 - foreign language learning
      [*] Web Confidential 1.0.1 - German version
      [*] Web Confidential 1.0.1 - Macintosh password organizer
      [*] Whats that Number 1.0
      [*] Yo Quiero Macintosh

#### TEXT       infomacv16-172.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Invoice Builder Update
      [*] John's Disk AutoCheck
      [*] Language Reader 1.5.7 - foreign language learning
      [*] NewsTicker 1.1b2
      [*] TidBITS#446/14-Sep-98
      [*] TidBITS#448/28-Sep-98
      (A) FTP Program (summary)
      (A) FTP with Finder like interface
      (A) Security on Netscape 4.0.6 decreased from 4.0.5
      (C) CBS Marketwatch reporting Apple sales surpass Dell and Compaq
      (Q) Netscape has no e-mail address for suggestions
      (Q)Help with 6400/180 Performance - disk slow?
      7.5 to 7.5.3-DON'T
      [A] Ethernet distances
      [A] Full-screen clocks for a school network...
      [A] Hard Drive Icons
      A place to buy used copies of DTP Mac programs
      access speed
      Apple Data Data Detectors
      CD Player
      CD ROM boot problem-reply
      Compuserve binary files
      Dicey Office 98
      Extra devices in monitor power out socket
      Faxclitate on non-Supra Modems
      ftp client
      FTP with Finder like interface
      FTP with Finder like interface
      Hard Drive Icons
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #169
      Looking for a World Atlas for Mac
      Looking for Jean Camil TT font
      Modem Not Connecting At Optimal Speed
      Norton 3.5.3 and System 8.1 and G3 All-in-One SERIOUS BUGS
      Problems Making Login Script
      Quicktime Jukebox
      re modem disconnects 'lack of activity'
      Security on Netscape
      SILVERLINING 5.8.3
      Silverlining startup partition (A)
      Startup Disk Problems
      Summary - Fax Servers
      Using Radius Monitor
      Utility for logging documents sent to the printer?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-173.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Eagle, enhanced for K2
      [*] A touch of Red_System Icons
      [*] Alliance 2.1.2
      [*] cd-key 1.2.1 - control audio cd's from the keyboard
      [*] CheminDeFer-fr.hqx
      [*] contaxt-Freeware-de.hqx
      [*] Creatures & Chaos 1.5
      [*] CrystalMaker 3.0.3 demo
      [*] E.S.Curtis Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] ExtractIt! for System 2.1
      [*] FlatPlan
      [*] GangToBonoIV scheme K2.sit
      [*] Griff's Icon Set 20.sit
      [*] Hi-Platinum 1.5.3
      [*] Hi-Platinum 1.6
      [*] iView Multimedia 3.3 Now Available
      [*] Jeff'sCalc-1(68k)
      [*] Jeff'sCalc-1(PPC).hqx Metric Conversion Calculator
      [*] Kal OS8 1.5
      [*] My Secret Identity
      [*] Newport 1.1
      [*] Outback Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Phapsody home directory icon for Mac OS 8
      [*] Play It Cool 3.0.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Play it Cool 3.01
      [*] Relax 2.1
      [*] RGB Calculator III v3.4.2 (update)
      [*] Small Screen 1.3 - show smaller screen boundaries
      [*] Speech Tabulator
      [*] Springtime
      [*] STATsimple 1.2.1
      [*] StonerSound 1.0 - a meditative musical toy
      [*] YP Refraction 1.0 (for physics teachers)
      Appletalk and TCP/IP
      CD app - how to increase memory size (IMD V16 #167)
      FWB HardDiskToolkit 2.5 problem
      I killed my StarMax, need new tanzania motherboard
      Internal modem for G3 Powerbooks?
      Mac9500 Memory Installation
      OT/PPP vs. MacPPP
      OT/PPP vs. MacPPP (IMD V16 #168)
      Spanish Tutor
      StarMax 3000/160 -- I killed it ... need new motherboard?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-174.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] ][2Mac v1.2.4
      [*] AD&D Complete Handbook of Outcastia
      [*] BigPicture38
      [*] Bol Processor
      [*] Bol Processor
      [*] Bol Processor
      [*] Brickles Deluxe v1.0 Attached, etc
      [*] Captain Comic Installer
      [*] Character Creator Installer
      [*] Crime City Installer
      [*] Deck Converter 1.0
      [*] FGP131b3
      [*] FishCard 2.1 - flash card review
      [*] Font List Creator 1.44E
      [*] Graphics Calculator
      [*] Helvetica Fractions T1
      [*] Helvetica Fractions TrueType
      [*] Josh's_Apple_Game10.sit.hqx
      [*] JW's Spherical Gradients #1
      [*] Layout WorkShop v1.0 Beta
      [*] MIDI Pack'en v1.1.5
      [*] MiniSubstitute 1.7.1; MiniFinder.
      [*] Movie 2000 Installer
      [*] Murder Mystery Installer
      [*] New York Blast Out Installer
      [*] Overload
      [*] PCText 1.0.5
      [*] PhotoCat Patch #1
      [*] PongWars PPC, the Return of the Paddle!
      [*] Rocket Launch Installer
      [*] Sewer Trouble Installer
      [*] SimpleImage 1.5 - image and movie viewer
      [*] Slime House Installer
      [*] Substitute 1.7.1 FAT; Process Manager and General Utility.
      [*] Substitute 1.7.2 FAT; Process Manager and General Utility.
      [*] Super Dice Installer
      [*] Trash*Desktop1.1.4(FAT)
      [*] Valley of the Vampire Installer
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.1.7 - foreign language learning
      [*] Vocables 1.10 - learn a language!
      [*] WieGross
      [*] WieGross
      [*] Word Search V.2.2 (68K)
      [*] Word Search V.2.2 (PPC)
      [*] Wrapper2.0.3.sit -->MediaWrapper2.0.3

#### TEXT       infomacv16-175.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Akua Sweets V1.25 (Scripting Additions & Example Scripts)
      [*] AliasCrony 2.1.1; Alias management.
      [*] BootClock submission via ftp
      [*] Bowling Treasury
      [*] Computer Admin 1.51
      [*] cookware 3.6
      [*] Macmake WebCollection set#7 (Vignette) - royalty-free images
      [*] Macmake WebCollection set#8 (TV Buttons) - royalty-free images
      [*] MultiMode 1.0.0
      [*] NetChronometer 1.2.0 is Available!
      [*] networkz-1.0-68k.sit.bin
      [*] networkz_1.0_ppc
      [*] PictFader125-A pict playing screensaver latest release
      [*] PrintCalendar FAT 1.0b8 calendar printer viewer
      [*] RNG*v1.0.1 =?iso-8859-1?Q?=9F.sit.hqx?=
      [*] StarDrive 3.5.1
      [*] Startup Screen Randomizer.hqx - Randomly Chooses StartupScreens
      [*] StartupQuote 1.3
      [*] StartupQuote 1.3Fr
      [*] superhex
      [*] The Book of Changes
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.0.5
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.0.5 - French Version
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.0.5 - German Version
      [*] WorldClock CSM 1.6
         PSA      Avoid Total Recall Software!
      (A) separately bootable S7.0.1 and OS8.0
      (A) setting the time on PB and desktop via Enet
      (Q) control strip modules for specific functions
      7600 Restart problem
      Black print Quality
      Business card scanner
      Eudora & PURE VOICE Sound Quality
      Eudora Word Services & Spell Checker
      Followup: Older Graphic Converter
      Good source for used Mac Software
      Mac events in Boston Oct 3-8
      No Subject
      Pandora's Box (6500)
      Power Mac G3  All-in-One  won't sleep
      Power Macintosh G3 All-in-one: External Zip Causing Freeze
      Q: Hoe to copyprotect ?
      Sysytem File: damaged
      Translator Provided
      what are plug ins

#### TEXT       infomacv16-176.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 3dpaddle131
      [*] Babylon Mac 1.5
      [*] Bubblomania 1.5.4
      [*] Coffee Break 3.2.1a
      [*] Creative Minesweeper
      [*] DarkLight 1.1
      [*] Desktop Magician
      [*] Esprit Desktop Patterns
      [*] GraphicBrowser
      [*] Griff's Icons Set #21
      [*] J&H Plugins 2.0 Mask Filter for PhotoShop
      [*] Kool Icons
      [*] MIDI Pack'en 1.1.6
      [*] Musee' Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] MyEyes 2.3.2
      [*] Mystic Textures V
      [*] Oliva 1.1.1
      [*] Oliva 2, a Scheme for Kaleidoscope 2
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PictTrasher 1.1.2
      [*] QT Pad 1.0.2
      [*] SimpleImage 1.5.1 - An image and movie viewer
      [*] StarrReport icon set
      [*] The Grandeur that was Rome Kal. scheme
      [*] TidBITS#447/21-Sep-98
      [*] ULTIMATE MUSIC PLAYER 1.5.5(E)
      [*] Watermelon Cursor
      [*] Yellow Extensions Toolkit 1.0
      [*] YellowEdit 1.0.0
      "Insufficient System Memory to Run Word"
      (Q) 13 PCI slot G3, and 7 PCI slot G3 Powerbook
      [Q] Epson via JetDirect to Ethertalk?
      [Q] PowerBook 540c and date
      Dual-Port SCSI Disks?
      Font Prints
      G3 Hard Drive partitions?
      iMac Printing Problems
      LaserJet 6P printer
      my friend has a small (OK, so maybe it's NOT so small) problem...
      Need help with seemingly Finder-related CD-R burning problem
      Plain Talk, Speech Recognition and a PC Card modem
      Recovering files overwritten by Save
      Viewing AVIs on a Mac?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-177.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Foggywood Hijinx
      [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Geb=B8hrenrechner?= 3.2
      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.2
      [*] AliasCrony 2.1.1; Alias management.
      [*] backup_by_stuffit_212e/AppleScript
      [*] backup_by_stuffit_221e/AppleScript
      [*] CharterBT Fonts X11 Distribution
      [*] Click Scripts 2.1.5
      [*] DiplomacyLog.181
      [*] DoubleTouch 1.0
      [*] Emailer 2.0 FedEx Tracking Script
      [*] FM Egg Timer 1.1 Control Strip Module
      [*] Font Gander Pro 1.3.1
      [*] Food Chain 1.0
      [*] Funnel Web
      [*] Funnel Web Pro
      [*] Gaps 2.2a
      [*] hipparchus
      [*] hipparchus
      [*] Keep It Up 2.0
      [*] loancalc
      [*] loancalc
      [*] Manic Minefields 1.2
      [*] Matlab_MacGzip_Scripts.sea
      [*] Midnight Express & Midnight Download
      [*] Midnight Express & Midnight Download
      [*] Midnight Express & Midnight Download
      [*] MiniSubstitute 1.7.1; MiniFinder.
      [*] moonclock
      [*] moonclock
      [*] MoreFiles 1.4.9
      [*] Mt. Everything 1.5.0a2
      [*] NewsTicker 1.1 Released
      [*] People Lister 1.1b1 - An addressbook that remembers birthdays
      [*] Power20 2.1.2, Commodore C64 Emulator
      [*] Reanimator 2.0.4
      [*] Smart Cookies 2.0.1
      [*] Star Patrol 2.0
      [*] Substitute 1.7.2 FAT; Process Manager and General Utility.
      [*] Sunset Over Savannah
      [*] suntar 2.2.0
      [*] terrachrone
      [*] Twisted! 1.6
      [*] X-Files Trivia Challenge
      [*] YAVsRADtools

#### TEXT       infomacv16-178.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Extension Folder organization
      7.5 to 7.5.3-DON'T
      [A] Black print quality
      [Q] OT vs. MacTCP (was OT/PPP vs. MacPPP)
      [Q] Problem Downloading PGP 6.0
      [Q] Where can I find XTND (or MacLinkPlus) translators?
      Amount of free space when formatting a La Cie hard drive
      anybody know of an INTERNAL modem for a UMAX 900?
      Bad BBox
      Desktop: Strange Files
      EasyMail no longer supported
      Eudora & PURE VOICE Sound Quality
      FWB HardDiskToolkit 2.5 problem
      Fwd: 7600 Restart problem
      Fwd: Business card scanner
      Fwd: Eudora Word Services & Spell Checker
      Fwd: No Subject
      Fwd: RE: Really Basic OT/PPP Question / Global Village modem
      Fwd: Sysytem File: damaged
      Fwd: Utilities?
      How to set up an Ethernet network?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #170
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #173
      Install system update 7.5 from (MS Mac Office-)CD
      Internal modem for G3 Powerbooks
      Mac Discovery Day
      Mac+ with Zip
      Mac9500 Memory Installation
      New Norton and Tech Tool
      PowerBook 3400 right shift key dysfunction?
      PWRbook G3 series PCMCIA cardreader
      Q: Japanese WWW sites with US MacOS 8.1?
      SCSI and SCSI2
      Startup Disk Problems
      Suppress RAM Disk warning?
      Switching TCP/IP configs on PB3400C answers
      Using Radius Monitor
      Utility for logging documents sent to the printer?
      Viruses: Mac & IBM
      what to mac of a Boston trip...
      Wtd: Mac friendly service provider

#### TEXT       infomacv16-179.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Pizza Cursor
      [*] 4OP Librarian v1.0.5
      [*] Appearance Designer1.1
      [*] Babylon Mac 1.5
      [*] BeatTheDragon-25
      [*] Bullseye Software's Flying Circus Demo
      [*] Canada Puzzle
      [*] CheckerWarz
      [*] Creative Minesweeper (Mac Game)
      [*] DevEdit 2.0
      [*] eMailCleaner 0.5.2
      [*] Enigmatic Movements 1.5
      [*] Gaps 2.2a
      [*] Grab Bag-Frame plug-ins for use with PandoFrame and PandoCalend
      [*] GraphicConverter 3.4
      [*] GraphicConverter 3.4
      [*] Halloween Cursor 2
      [*] Hi-Platinum 2.2 (final)
      [*] idin 2.1
      [*] JUNO Librarian v1.1.9
      [*] K1 Librarian v1.1.3
      [*] KKGames
      [*] Mac Drumset 1.0.1
      [*] Masiak
      [*] MazeBall
      [*] Newton's inappropriate relationship
      [*] nosey V1.1 - A cool multiplayer game
      [*] Overload
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop
      [*] PandoFrame-MacOS program to place pictures on your desktop
      [*] Power HTML Lite 1.5 [Nisus Writer macro suite]
      [*] Program Switcher v4.5.2
      [*] RandomNotes
      [*] RGB Calculator III v3.5 (update)
      [*] SimpleImage 1.5.2 - An image and movie viewer
      [*] SimpleSong 1.4
      [*] Soft Impressions-Frame plug-ins for use with PandoFrame
      [*] Spades_15
      [*] StonerSound 1.1 - a meditative musical toy
      [*] StonerView 1.1 - a meditative visual toy
      [*] StonerView 1.1 - a meditative visual toy
      [*] TaxCalc 1.0.4
      [*] TicTacToe4D update
      [*] TruFolder K2 Theme
      [*] USA jigsaw

#### TEXT       infomacv16-180.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] A Better Finder Rename 1.2
      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.2
      [*] Club Manager 1.2a
      [*] Delete File Extensions v1.0 (AppleScript)
      [*] Editcard1.1
      [*] Email Merge 1.7 - Easy email customization
      [*] English - Spanish Dictionary 1.1
      [*] Girrl Left Pointers
      [*] Hardotheque 98 v5.2i
      [*] Macmake WebCollection set#9 (Tiles) - royalty-free images
      [*] PowerGet 1.01
      [*] Scratch.sit
      [*] SlashMUD 1.0d22 - The Mac OS hosted MUD server
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.1.1
      [*] SuperPhonId
      [*] SurfJet Agent Demo
      [*] ToDo List 2.2
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.0.5r2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Verbs and Nouns Russisch (Russian/German)
      [*] vocables
      [*] Word Find v1.5
            Font editing
            Transit FTP
      (A) 13 PCI slot G3, and 7 PCI slot G3 Powerbook
      (A) 7600 Restart problem
      (A) System File: Damaged
      (Q) broken alias to remote volume
      [A] "Insufficient System Memory to Run Word"
      [A] control strip modules for specific functions
      [Q] Multiple ISP accounts?
      [Summary] Japanese on USA MacOS
      Creating a database of archived files.
      Cross-platform calendar program
      duo 280 problem
      Eudora Pro disconnects
      Font Prints
      LaCie Control Panel
      PCI modem drivers...
      switching TCP/IP configs
      System File: damaged
      Sysytem File: damaged
      Viewing AVIs on a Mac?
      Viewing AVIs on a Mac?
      Why doesn't my printer port work?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-181.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.2
      [*] BlackWatch 1.3
      [*] Coffee Break 3.2.1a
      [*] Editcard1.1
      [*] FreeTime 1.2
      [*] Graphics Accelerator.sit.hqx
      [*] Loafer 1.2
      [*] Mortgage Simulator
      [*] Organizer 2.7 for 1999
      [*] Power64 2.1.2 - Commodore C64 Emulator for the PowerMac
      [*] SwitcherSetter 1.0
      [*] terrachrone
      [*] TNT Nag! 1.21
      [*] Venus Oracle
      [*] VideoScript 1.1. Real-time video processing

#### TEXT       infomacv16-182.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      "Insufficient System Memory to Run Word"
      (A) LaserJet 6P printer
      (A) system update from MS Office CD
      (A) Type 10 crashes
      (Q) Extension Folder organization
      [Q] Fonts and monitor resolution
      [Q] OT vs. MacTCP (was OT/PPP vs. MacPPP)
      [Q] Scripting additions
      [Q] Sticky Cursor for sys7?
      [Q] Sunrise/sunset times
      Ancient Manuscript Backgrounds
      Bad BBox
      Caution about Norton Utils 8.0
      Corrupted Desktop Icon
      Disk Problems on G3s?
      From 7.5 directly to 7.5.5
      FWB HardDiskToolkit 2.5 problem
      FWB HardDiskToolkit 2.5 problem
      Fwd: >>>'s
      Fwd: Sysytem File: damaged
      Fwd: Sysytem File: damaged
      G3 Hard Drive partitions?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #178
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #178
      Macintosh SE Fish Tank
      MacPlus and Zip
      Micropoils hard drive
      PCText 1.5 Problem
      PPT graphics filter
      Printing Webpages
      Q: Japanese WWW sites with US MacOS 8.1?
      Q:Netscape 4.06 and bus error
      Start Up
      Subject: >>>'s 
      SuperBoomerang like shareware
      Suppress RAM Disk warning?
      Suppress RAM Disk warning?
      System Update Disks
      Techtools Pro 2
      Virtual Reality
      Viruses: Mac & IBM

#### TEXT       infomacv16-183.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#449/05-Oct-98
      (C) QuickTime 3.0.2 -warning
      [A] Macintosh SE Fish Tank
      [A] Sunrise/sunset times
      [A] Sunrise/sunset times
      [Q] OT vs. MacTCP (was OT/PPP vs. MacPPP)
      Freehand mailinglist
      New Info on Mac Discovery Day
      SuperBoomerang like shareware
      SuperBoomerang like shareware
      SuperBoomerang like shareware Info-Mac Digest V16 #182
      Update on Mac Discovery Day
      Y2K assessment software

#### TEXT       infomacv16-184.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      "Insufficient System Memory to Run Word"
      [Q] CD-Rom vibrations
      ergonomics software package
      Freehand mailinglist
      Macintosh SE Fish Tank
      Print Lag from Hell - HP LaserJet
      Problem printing to DJ870 via AT
      Red titled error mess.: Not enough memory (Duh!) [Q]
      Repair of disk questions
      Viruses: Mac & IBM

#### TEXT       infomacv16-185.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]     LottoPicker
      [*] "Styles" Dusty Rose K2, Plain Cursor for K2
      [*] "Styles" Seashell II Lite for K2
      [*] Abusatron
      [*] Anonymous(tm) 1.2.1
      [*] BitMapMusic 1.41
      [*] Blank Icons 2.1.1
      [*] Carrot Patch 3.0 - submission
      [*] Cathedral Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] CD MacEdit 1.5.1
      [*] CiNDY
      [*] Clicker 4.6
      [*] codebook_3.2.sit
      [*] Control Commander
      [*] ConvertTextInfos 1.0.3
      [*] CSDebugger1.0.3
      [*] DaVinci Startup Screen
      [*] Deck the Halls Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Diet Sleuth 2.0.2
      [*] Digital Diary v1.9
      [*] Editcard 1.1.1
      [*] English-Polish Dictionary (Demo) - language learning
      [*] Eudora Batch Find 1.0 AppleScript
      [*] euro-font
      [*] ExtensionConflict 1->1.1 Update
      [*] Family Address Book
      [*] Financial Assistant 3.01
      [*] Find In Files 2.1
      [*] FootballManager2.07Demo
      [*] Funny Quotes 1.2
      [*] Gander Quill 1.3.2 patch
      [*] Gantt Chart for FMPro
      [*] GeNE v. 1.0.1 I.E.
      [*] GrafEq 2.05 68K - Mathematical relation graphing software
      [*] GrafEq 2.05 PPC - Mathematical relation graphing software
      [*] Griff's Icon Set 23.sit
      [*] Halloween Hand Pointers
      [*] hanmac-word-k-205.hqx
      [*] Kaleidoscope 2.1
      [*] Language Reader 1.5.8 - foreign language learning
      [*] Learn Polish - multimedia Polish language lessons
      [*] Liquid Light submission
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.4.2
      [*] Melody Pilot 1.0.0
      [*] MicroWar 1.0b3

#### TEXT       infomacv16-186.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] MacLearnWord 1.1-SE
      [*] Mikes PowerMac Icons v98r2
      [*] Newton Book of Kai Lung's Golden Hours 
      [*] OneApp CineSlider 4.0 - Movies, sounds and images projector
      [*] Overload
      [*] PanALE-UniText 2.0 release
      [*] planet-earth-1.0
      [*] Polish Adjectives 1.0.2 - foreign language learning
      [*] Polish Nouns 1.3.1 - foreign language learning
      [*] Polish Verbs 2.2.1 - foreign language learning
      [*] Power HTML Lite 1.6 [macro suite for Nisus Writer]
      [*] Powerball
      [*] PowerMail 2.1 demo enclosed
      [*] QuoEdit 0.431
      [*] RGB Calculator III
      [*] Run DFA 1.0
      [*] SchemeChecker 1.4.1 - Kaleidoscope 1.x and 2.x scheme utility
      [*] ScribblingWorks 1.0 -- A notepad for the Macintosh
      [*] sms-1.4.8
      [*] SndSampler 3.7.1
      [*] Sound Shuffler 1.0.5
      [*] StoryProject 3.6 [story development tool]
      [*] TombolaPro v. 1.2 I.E.
      [*] Troi Dialog Plug-in 1.2.1 for FileMaker Pro
      [*] Troi Graphics Plug-in 1.0b1 for FileMaker Pro
      [*] TrueKeys v3.0 release
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.3.4 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.1.8 - foreign language learning
      [*] WebScanner 1.5
      [*] WordCoach 1.1.2 -- Wordtrainer for foreign languages
      [*] X-Files Trivia Challenge 1.5

#### TEXT       infomacv16-187.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#450/12-Oct-98
      "Insufficient System Memory to Run Word"
      (C) National Geographic Maps
      (Q) i-Mac SCSI, ADB, and HP 870cse support
      [!] Regarding the Graphics Accelerator virus
      [Q] 1 GB max?
      [Q] Lost sound
      [Q] power manager reset on G3 Series Powerbook
      [Q] What is the maximum length for a Serial Cable?
      ergonomics software package
      Fast scrolling
      Global Village PC Card software
      Have I got a memory leak?
      Help needed to conet Mac & Win NT
      hidden Desktop files
      I need help or im dead on monday
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #176
      Internet Explorer 4.0: CRASHES
      Internet Explorer: Merging Preference Panels
      Is Mac software available?
      it was desperate, but it worked...  : D
      Monitor; Blinking. To Death?
      Need 56K modem info
      Pmac 7100 and Possible bad VRAM (?)
      PPP: How to accept incoming calls ? (Q)
      Print Lag from Hell - HP LaserJet
      Print Lag from Hell - HP LaserJet
      Problem printing to DJ870 via AT
      Problem printing to DJ870 via AT solved (sort of)
      quark Express file to word or nisus writer?
      Repair of disk questions
      Set default editor with Sys 7.5?
      Solution to Browsing Hell?
      Sonnet Sonata Pro 24 Problems
      Third-party CD Drives for PowerMacs
      UMAX Astra 610S for Mac and PC?
      What is the maximum length for a Serial Cable?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-188.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) TCP Equivalent to Chooser Entry AppleShare
      [Q] Postscript errors with PDF files.
      [Q] What is the maximum length for a Serial Cable?
      Download Problem
      ergonomics software package
      Fast scrolling
      Have I got a memory leak?
      help needed
      i-Mac SCSI, ADB, and HP 870cse support
      Insufficient System Memory to Run Word
      Internet Explorer 4.0: CRASHES
      Movies! COnverters & MPEG
      need laser printer advice
      Please recommend a 3D Accelerator card for Open GL Rendering and Animation
      Problem printing to DJ870 via AT solved
      Set default editor with Sys 7.5?
      Signatures in NisusWriter
      Third-party CD Drives for PowerMacs
      Weird font behavior---Netscape vs Maple
      What is the Name?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-189.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Macsbug meaning?
      (Q) TCP Equivalent to Chooser Entry AppleShare
      Apple's news is sparkling (C)
      Control Strip management?
      Free PPP and OS 8.1
      Fwd: "Insufficient System Memory to Run Word"
      Fwd: application/octet-stream.
      Have I got a memory leak?
      hidden Desktop files
      memory leak
      messed up bookmarks
      MS Office 98 for Mac
      Netscape Navigator auto-completion
      Screen Problem with a Powerbook 520
      Set default editor with Sys 7.5?
      Someone to help me read this MO disk?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-190.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 3D-Box
      [*] AppSwitcherControl1.1
      [*] AutoShare 3.0, a freeware list server
      [*] backup_by_stuffit_222e/AppleScript
      [*] Blobs 2.0
      [*] Bookmark Thing 1.0b10.
      [*] cheaphtml-10-jp.hqx
      [*] cheaphtml-10.hqx
      [*] Color Picker Pro 2.5.0
      [*] DockZone 1.0.7 update
      [*] Duplicate Type/Creator Database v1.0
      [*] EasySwitcher
      [*] Falcon NC 2.0 RPN/Algeabraic calculator
      [*] FinderPop1.7.2F - Rehausse les menus contextuels sous MacOS8
      [*] Function Generator 2.3(PPC)
      [*] Gantt Chart for FMPro
      [*] GrooveMaker1.1
      [*] Mac CallerID 1.2.1
      [*] MacTypingTutor
      [*] OneApp CineSlider 4.0 Italian Version - Movies, sounds and 
      [*] Palms Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Pharaoh Kaleioscope scheme
      [*] PictureSnooper98
      [*] Power Windows 2.0.4
      [*] ShockBox Version 1.0.2
      [*] Smile 1.5.2, a free AppleScript editor
      [*] tetratrap-10.hqx
      [*] TidBITS#451/19-Oct-98
      [*] Un-SourceSafe Abstract
      [*] YellowView 2.1.1
      [*] YP Refraction (french version)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-191.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) MacOS 8 first impressions
      (Q) batch conversion of MS Word (PC) to Mac
      (Q) FreePPP
      (Q) Mac Mail order
      (Q) Macsbug meaning?
      (Q) Monitoring TCP/IP communication
      8.5 and accellerated clones
      [A] 1 GB max
      [A] Lost sound
      [A] What is the maximum length for a Serial Cable?
      [Q] Internet-telephone for 840 AV
      Apple Audio CD problem
      Control Strip management?
      Eudora lite 3.03 Address book
      Fast scrolling
      Fwd: "Insufficient System Memory to Run Word"
      Have I got a memory leak?
      Help! Convert Database to Quark 3.3
      hidden hard drive activity
      How to View TidBits Files?
      Is there a Java decompiler?
      Need to update browser!
      Print Lag from Hell - HP LaserJet/ ends at G3!
      profiles and filters in Communicator 405
      Retrospect and Autodoubler
      Soft Windows on Mac?
      TCP Equivalent to Chooser Entry AppleShare
      Tiger Electronics and Apple = Learning Computer?
      Unimplemented trap and other woes
      What is the Name?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-192.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Monitoring TCP/IP communication
      (QA) Norton Update released
      [Q] Turn Word98 hyperlinks off?
      American Macs in Europe
      AVI downloaded files
      Catalog problems with Eudora 4.0
      Control Strip management?
      Cyrillic conversion [Q]
      Desktop Pictures
      Enforcing Quotas of PPP Usage
      Eudora Pro Address Book crash [Q]
      Free PPP and OS 8.1 (R)
      Help! Convert Database to Quark 3.3 
      How to View TidBits Files? 
      iMac as a server ?
      logic board upgrade?
      Need to update browser!
      newton connectiton utilities
      sleeping mac

#### TEXT       infomacv16-193.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Emerald Peridot, enhanced for K2.1
      [*] "Styles" Pastel Roses, enhanced for K2.1
      [*] Alpha Text Editor
      [*] Cary Draw
      [*] Chess Set Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] DDT Calc 1.3.5 fat - A Digital Delay Time Calculator
      [*] Decor 3.0.4
      [*] Decor 3.0.4de
      [*] Decor 3.0.4fr
      [*] Decor 3.0.4J
      [*] DragAnyWindow 4.5 fat - Live window dragging
      [*] Gargoyles, the K2 sequel
      [*] Graphics Accelerator Antivirus program
      [*] Halloween'98_Icons
      [*] iBook System Icons
      [*] John's WP GREP 1.1.5
      [*] KinkyBeep1.0.0
      [*] MacLearnWord_11-SE
      [*] Mystic Textures VI
      [*] PandoMural-Freeware MacOS desktop picture program.
      [*] PandoStickers - Put stickers on your desktop.
      [*] PC Exchange Mappings v1.1
      [*] Poinsettias Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] ScribblingWorks 1.1 --  A notepad for the Macintosh
      [*] StoryProject 3.6 to 3.6.1 updater
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5 - English version
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5 - French version
      [*] VSE HTML Turbo 1.0 (68k) - Accelerate your web site
      [*] VSE HTML Turbo 1.0 (PPC) - Accelerate your web site
      [*] WormGuard 1.0.2
      [*] Yooz1.62FR
      [*] Yooz1.62US
      (Q) Saving files with Netscape 4.06
      [A] logic board upgrade?
      [A] Turn Word98 hyperlinks off?
      American Macs in Europe
      Can AOL and PPP account co-exist?
      Cyrillic conversion [A]
      frequent crashes
      mp2100 serial connection dying (Q)
      Q Word 5.1a on G3 PowerBook?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-194.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Acid Daze Two.sit
      [*] AppleScript Utilithingies, a few AS utilities.
      [*] Application Switching Manager v1.1.0
      [*] Beached 1.3
      [*] Beached II 1.1 (Tropical Adventure/Strategy Game)
      [*] Blobs 2.0
      [*] CoCo 3.0 DEMO
      [*] ConvertMachine 1.0.2v1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Cross Platform 1.0.1 - Mac to Windows Consultant
      [*] Eartraining 2.6.1
      [*] Eartraining 2.6.1
      [*] Easy Writer 3.5
      [*] FeatherGIF 1.9.7  - Web transparency filter
      [*] FGP15UD
      [*] Finnisch V&N 1.0 - foreign language learning
      [*] FractalDesigner 1.21
      [*] Harmony Noel PPC
      [*] HVS Animator
      [*] HVS ColorGIF 2.0
      [*] HVS JPEG 2.0
      [*] iMac iCon by Pixelhaus!   67k
      [*] iMacGeddon1.5.sit
      [*] India Ink 1.4.7 - stylized Photoshop halftones
      [*] Jewel of Arabia: Dreamers 1.0 to 1.0.1 Patch
      [*] KidsGames 1.0 (68K)
      [*] KidsGames 1.0 (PPC)
      [*] LeFranglophile1.03.cpt Bilingual French-English dictionary
      [*] MacTypingTutor
      [*] MacTypingTutor4.5.1
      [*] MarathonSounds2.sit
      [*] Midi Delay 3.0.1 fat-A Realtime Midi Effects Application
      [*] Mohunt 1.0b0
      [*] mykonos101
      [*] OrgASM 3.1 (MPW Tool)
      [*] Overload
      [*] PreSchool Playtime Vn 3.0
      [*] QT Pad v1.0.3
      [*] QuizEditor
      [*] ramBunctious 1.3.1 (a Mac OS RAM disk) Available Now
      [*] Solitaire House 1.0
      [*] Tesselation 1.26 - seamless tile filter
      [*] Uspuzz98
      [*] Vespasian 2.0 T1 - a freeware uncial typeface
      [*] Vespasian 2.0 TT - a freeware uncial typeface
      [*] Which Number is Increasing?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-195.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] ][2Mac v1.2.5
      [*] Access
      [*] AlwaysONline 2.03 Released
      [*] Austrian Patch for Mac OS 8.5
      [*] Austrian Patch for Mac OS D-8.1
      [*] Banana Peeler
      [*] ComicSaver 2.01
      [*] E(asy)-mail 1.0
      [*] Ernestine version 1.0.5
      [*] ExtensionConflict 1.1->1.2
      [*] FantasyscapesV1
      [*] FantasyscapesV2
      [*] FileMaker Text Reader, Import a folder or disk full.
      [*] Finder 8.5 Patch
      [*] Formula 1 Lite 1.1.9r4 Freeware
      [*] Gestalt Selectors List 4.3
      [*] Handy v1.0
      [*] htmElevation--Web page optimizer for the Macintosh
      [*] hyper-talk-quick-ref.hqx
      [*] ICFileDiverter 1.2.4
      [*] ICTypeChanger 1.3.4
      [*] Kineticon 1.3 - animated icons on your desktop!
      [*] LogEdit
      [*] MacOS 8.5 Managers
      [*] MacSaver 1.0
      [*] Monolith DYNDNS Register
      [*] mouse-house-205.hqx'
      [*] Nivek Control Strip Collection 1.1
      [*] Noflet 2.2.1 (formerly known as Teflon)
      [*] Oriental Express for Asian Languages Release
      [*] Pan-Asian Language Environment - Oriental Express bundles
      [*] PandoFrame-MacOS program to place pictures on your desktop, its
      [*] Play it Cool 3.1
      [*] powertask
      [*] PrintGuard 1.0.7
      [*] problemtracker-10
      [*] Simple List 1.0.1 PPC
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.1.2
      [*] SpinDaWatch - MacOS Busy Cursor Routines
      [*] Squirt 3.1
      [*] TSK_1.0   Keep track of serials
      [*] Unreal File Organizer 1.0
      [*] Unreal iniPatcher 1.0
      [*] WeatherTracker 2.3.1
      [*] WebCatalog

#### TEXT       infomacv16-196.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Address Book 4.0
      [*] Chronos 2.4
      [*] Coffee Break 3.2.2
      [*] Journal_1.05 - Personal journal for FileMaker
      [*] MakeItGrow2.4DEMO
      [*] Mighty Barman - FREE 1000 drinks recipies
      [*] NOVA 3.0 68K/PPC
      [*] NOVA 3.0 68K/PPC
      [*] people book 2 68k
      [*] people book 2 ppc
      [*] SunClock 1.1.1
      [*] SwitchBox 1.1
      [*] universal-lottery-demo
      [*] Virtual-TimeClock-1.91.hqx

#### TEXT       infomacv16-197.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#452/26-Oct-98
      (A) Sleeping Mac
      (C) QuickKeys 3.5.3 crashes MacOS 8.5
      (C) Removable storage
      (Q) Easy View and Digester no longer work
      : Turn Word98 hyperlinks off?
      [A] Turn Word98 hyperlinks off
      [A] Turn Word98 hyperlinks off?
      [Q] Turn Word98 hyperlinks off?
      Advice for the Port-deprived?
      ANNOUNCE: Security Suites for AppleShare IP and WebSTAR 3.0
      Appearance Control (Q)
      Can AOL and PPP account co-exist?
      Can't Dock My PowerBook
      Can't tap-and-drag on PB trackpad
      Catalog problems with Eudora 4.0
      Desktop Pictures 
      Drivers for 44 & 20 meg bernoulli iomega
      Ethernet & G3
      FreePPP on MacOS 8.5
      Graphics may disappear from Word 98 documents
      Help! Convert Database to Quark 3.3
      How to View TidBITS Files?
      How to View TidBits Files?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #192
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #193
      Need Advice for Monitor Purchase
      Netscape 4.5 and Stuffit
      newton connectiton utilities #192
      newton connectiton utilities #192
      NN - IE4
      PR: Dr. Watson is now here to help Sherlock
      Q "HD errors"
      Q Word 5.1a on G3 PowerBook?
      Soft Windows on Mac!
      Thanks for hyperlink help
      Trash warning persists!
      Virtual PC 2 - 16/32 bit color

#### TEXT       infomacv16-198.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

       Cookie question re IExplorer
      (C) QuickKeys 3.5.3 crashes MacOS 8.5
      (C) QuickKeys 3.5.3 crashes MacOS 8.5
      (R) help (ISP needs Mac knowledge)
      Advice for the Port-deprived?
      ATI graphics accellerator (software extension)
      Auction Tracking
      Can't Dock My PowerBook
      Can't tap-and-drag on PB trackpad
      Desktop Pictures
      Drivers for 44 & 20 meg bernoulli iomega
      Fwd: Appearance Control (Q)
      Fwd: NN - IE4
      Fwd: Trash warning persists!
      How to View TidBITS Files?
      Microsoft Office98
      Netscape 4.5 and Stuffit
      newton connection response
      NN - IE4
      OS 8.5 (C)
      outlook express
      Problems with Zip Plus and All-in-one G3-FREEZING
      sleeping mac

#### TEXT       infomacv16-199.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (R) help (ISP needs Mac knowledge)
      ATI graphics accellerator
      CD-R as the medium of choice
      Digital Camera Wanted
      eMate styli (styluses)?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #197
      NN - IE4
      OS 8.5 (C)
      outlook express
      Trash warning persists! (A)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-200.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      Can't Trash a Hell Folder
      Desktop "Fluttering"
      Digital Camera Wanted
      Fetch 3.0.3 conflict
      FreePPP and OS 8.5
      IDE Controllers for PCI Mac?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #197
      MS Word chokes
      Problems with Zip Plus and All-in-one G3-FREEZING
      re CD-R as the medium of choice

#### TEXT       infomacv16-201.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Bravado K2 update for OS8.5
      [*] "Styles" Byzantium Blue K2 update for OS8.5
      [*] 3D Klondike for iMac!
      [*] AliasMenu 2.0.2
      [*] AppleScript Utilithingies 1.1, a collection of utility scripts.
      [*] aworm-100
      [*] Baby Games 2.0
      [*] BugScan 1.0b1 Revision
      [*] Cianan T1 - a font inspired by an old Irish manuscript
      [*] Cianan TT - a font inspired by an old Irish manuscript
      [*] DarkLight 1.1.1
      [*] DarkLight...Tabs
      [*] Default Folder 2.9.3 - Open/Save Dialog Enhancer
      [*] DragThing 2.6
      [*] DragThing F1-2.6 
      [*] efault Folder F-2.9.3 - French Open/Save dialog enhancer
      [*] EpiMail 1.0
      [*] Fast Font Menu 1.1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Font Gander Pro 1.5/UD.sit
      [*] HTML TagWriter 3.0.1 - a HyperCard HTML Editor
      [*] HTML-Tag-Companion-13.hqx
      [*] Icon Tools 1.5
      [*] IconDropper 3.2
      [*] IconDropper 3.2
      [*] John's Find Manager 1.1
      [*] John's WP Citations 2.3
      [*] Journal 1.0.5 to 1.0.6 - Personal Journal in FileMake
      [*] Latin-English dictionary - foreign language learning
      [*] Mac OS 8.5 TMPLs for ResEdit - change Appearance fonts!
      [*] Master Spell 3.6.2 (PPC) Spelling Drills for all ages
      [*] McSerialNumber to 1.1
      [*] Morphile 1.5
      [*] NOVA 3.0 68K/PPC
      [*] NOVA 3.0 68K/PPC
      [*] Ocean11.hqx
      [*] Oliva 1.1.2
      [*] Play it Cool 3.11
      [*] PPPop2-PPC  PPP operator application
      [*] QuoEdit 0.44
      [*] SiB Database 1.0
      [*] Simple List 1.1
      [*] Switcher_PowerUp132.sit - configures the application switcher
      [*] The Serial Keeper 1.0
      [*] Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.1.1
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.0.5 - Spanish Version

#### TEXT       infomacv16-202.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 32bitBEiconsb5.sit.hqx
      [*] A Better Finder Rename 1.3
      [*] A Better Finder Select 1.4.1
      [*] Address Book 4.0
      [*] DeskPix 1.1
      [*] Desktop Cleaner 1.0
      [*] eudora-batch-find-101.hqx
      [*] FileMaker Text Reader 1.1
      [*] Formula 1 Lite 1.1.9r4 Freeware
      [*] iMacGeddon 1.5
      [*] Image-In Engine 1.0.1
      [*] Irish Accessories
      [*] OneApp Address Book
      [*] PageMark 2.0: Scrollbar extension shows page end  
      [*] PrintCalendar FAT 1.0 calendar printer/viewer
      [*] SoundThemeChanger
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5 - German version
      [*] Web Confidential 1.0.2 - French Version

#### TEXT       infomacv16-203.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

       (R) help (ISP needs Mac knowledge)
      (C) MacOS 8.5 features
      3 problems
      3Com fails again!
      [A] Fetch 3.0.3 conflict
      automated server logon under At Ease
      Can't tap-and-drag on PB trackpad
      Can't Trash Hell Folder - Summary of Replies
      Claris 4.0v5
      clarisworks translator for word pc ? help 
      Fetch 3.0.3 conflict
      Fetch 3.0.3 conflict
      Fetch 3.0.3 conflict
      Fetch 3.0.3 conflict
      Fetch 3.0.3 conflict  TRY ANARCHIE PRO 3
      flashcards for studing foreign language
      FreePPP and OS 8.5
      FreePPP and OS 8.5
      Fwd: Info-Mac Digest V16 #200
      Fwd: Info-Mac Digest V16 #200
      How to View TidBits Files?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #200
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #200
      keeping file sharing active on G3 pbk/266
      Mac printing to HP LaserJet via NT
      MacOS 8.5 and virtual memory (summary)
      MacOS 8.5 breaks the TCP/IP speed record on @home
      OS 8.5 and Free PPP
      OT/PPP modem scripts
      PowerComputing with OS 8.1 & 8.5
      Summary: Monitor purchase advice (kinda long)
      tricking the processor (OS installation)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-204.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]     MacPipes 2.2.5
      [*]  BOOM 1.1.3
      [*] Area Properties 3.5
      [*] AudioFusion TWS 1.0.1
      [*] Bol Processor software
      [*] Bol Processor software
      [*] Bol Processor software
      [*] Cameraid 1.1
      [*] Cary Draw 3.1
      [*] ChunBoKun
      [*] Desktop Resetter 1.2.1
      [*] DOCMaker v4.8.4
      [*] ElemFin-PPC-120-fr
      [*] FinderPop1.7.3F - Rehausse les menus contextuels sous MacOS8
      [*] FindText 1.3.5 (FAT)
      [*] Fractal Domains v1.3 - Fractal Exploration (PPC only)
      [*] Fractal Domains v1.3 - Fractal Exploration (PPC only)
      [*] FretPet 2.0
      [*] Griff'sSet24.sit
      [*] Halloween Icons
      [*] Help to Icon 1.2.1
      [*] Keystroke Recorder 1.9
      [*] Kids Animation Maker iEdition - For iMac fans
      [*] Klimt Kal. scheme
      [*] MaBaSoft World Clock CSM 2.5v1
      [*] mo-disk-icons
      [*] MyEyes 2.3.3
      [*] Navi iRae 1.2.1
      [*] Neatnik 2.0.3
      [*] NetLuff
      [*] PCBWarrior 1.09e
      [*] PhotoCat 2.3
      [*] PhotoCat Player 1.3
      [*] Play it Cool 3.12
      [*] PopChar Pro 1.1.2
      [*] Restore Diacritics 1.0 - text-conversion utility
      [*] ScrapIt Pro 5.42
      [*] SimpleImage 1.6 - image and movie viewer
      [*] solitaire-house-10.hqx (card game)
      [*] TableCloths 3.3
      [*] TidBITS#453/02-Nov-98
      [*] Wapp pro 1.3.2
      [*] WebShocker1.0Trial
      [*] WormFood 1.5
      [*] YA-Viewer Lite 2.0.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-205.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] AddBallonApp/AddBallonCM
      [*] AddBallonApp/AddBallonCM
      [*] BeEdit v1.5.2
      [*] BowlingStatsPro
      [*] Cianan T1 1.1
      [*] Cianan TT 1.1
      [*] Codice Fiscale
      [*] Coffee Break 3.2.3
      [*] Command-Trash 1.3
      [*] DaemonCron Lite v1.0.2 update
      [*] Demon Roar Alert Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] Demon Roar Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] DOCMaker Document Patcher for 8.5
      [*] Doublet Scan 1.1 PPC
      [*] FindText 1.3.5 (FAT)
      [*] FM Egg Timer 1.2 Control Strip Module
      [*] Gebhrenrechner 3.3
      [*] German Diacritics 1.0 - text-conversion module
      [*] German-Spanish dictionary - foreign language learning
      [*] Halloween Skull Desktop Picture
      [*] hypermanager-20.hqx
      [*] LetterWorld20 - New Version 2.0 of the famous childrens gam
      [*] List View Editor 5.0
      [*] Mac-HaBu 5.0
      [*] Millennium Bug - gives you Y2K info
      [*] MiniCalendar 2.1
      [*] PPPop2d-PPC  PPP Operator Utility
      [*] Prestissimo 1.0.1 - Mac OS 8.5 Utility
      [*] ProcessWatcher 3.2
      [*] ProcessWatcher 3.2 French
      [*] ramBunctious1.3.1F - l'Application de Disque Virtuel
      [*] Raven 1.5 Examples.sit
      [*] Raven 1.5.sit
      [*] Reanimator 2.0.5
      [*] Replace! 1.0.1
      [*] Savitar v1.0
      [*] SherlockSets 1.0b7
      [*] Sigerson 1.0: Sherlock Search Sets Management
      [*] Simple List 1.1
      [*] StartupScreen Randomizer 0.9b2
      [*] Switcher_PowerUp133.sit - configures the application switcher
      [*] System 8-er 1.2
      [*] TypePopper_1.2
      [*] View 8-er 1.3

#### TEXT       infomacv16-206.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Area Properties 3.5
      [*] aWorm 1.0.0
      [*] bedlam-2-106
      [*] Colonisation
      [*] DarkLight...Tabs Update
      [*] Desktop Resetter 1.2.1
      [*] DHNetworker 1.0b
      [*] Diet Sleuth 2.0.3
      [*] Digital Content Delivery/Compression - Media Cleaner Pro 3.1
      [*] Doublet Scan 1.1.2 FAT
      [*] DuplicaXT1.01Demo.sit
      [*] FileWhacker! 1.0 Submission
      [*] Finder Shortcut Utility: Launch Key 1.5
      [*] Gander Quill 1.5.1 update.sit
      [*] GraphicBrowser 2.0
      [*] HawkOS 1.0.1
      [*] HTML TagWriter 3.0.2 - a HyperCard HTML Editor
      [*] John's WP Find Manager 1.2
      [*] Jon's OS 8.5 mods
      [*] Kurti's Kool Ikons 2.0
      [*] LibraryCataloger1.1.0 tracks books and articles
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.4.3
      [*] MacBattleChat 1.0
      [*] MODPlayer 1.1.2
      [*] MultiMode 1.2.0
      [*] OTCFM68KGlue abstract
      [*] PictTrasher 1.2
      [*] PlayerPRO-5-Beta-PPC-Music-Software
      [*] QPict 3.0
      [*] Rhapsody in Blue Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] SoundRecorder 1.0
      [*] Speak Text CM 1.1
      [*] StoryProject 4.0.1 [fiction writing outliner]
      [*] Text Cleaner Lite 1.5
      [*] Textureality One - Syn-Aesthetics of Sight & Touch
      [*] TidBITS#454/09-Nov-98
      [*] Troi Graphics Plug-in 1.0 for FileMaker Pro
      [*] Tropicalities 1.0 -- Download Monitor for Macintosh
      [*] Ultra-Recorder241
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.3.5 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.2.3 - foreign language learning
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.2.4 - foreign language learning
      [*] WCCacheCleaner v1.8 - Fast Netscape Cache Utility
      [*] Web Confidential 1.1
      [*] Xconq 7.2.2 Multi-Player Strategy Game

#### TEXT       infomacv16-207.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  The Lightsaver 2.0.2
      [*] Absolute Stocks 1.5 
      [*] AD Launcher 1.0 - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] AD Launcher 1.0 Fr - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] Apple Wizards November 1998
      [*] ChordBook v2.0 -- An Interactive Chord Book for Guitar
      [*] DoubleTimer 2.0
      [*] Family Address Book v1.0.1
      [*] Keep It Up 2.0.2
      [*] L'Astrologue 2.0 fr
      [*] Mac OS 8.5 Patchers 1.0
      [*] MacDim 2.1 - screensaver/dimmer with many features
      [*] MacDim 2.1 Fr - screensaver/dimmer with many features
      [*] MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled ADDITION & SUBTRACTION for S
      [*] Merry Christmas Gifs Collection
      [*] Mountains/Montagnes Startup Screen
      [*] Powertask v2.11
      [*] PPF 1.4.7 demo
      [*] ShadeCluster 1.0 - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] ShadeCluster 1.0 Fr - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] Sherlock -- Amazon
      [*] Sherlock Add Remover 1.0
      [*] Speech Typer v1.0.4
      [*] Speed Profiler 1.0
      [*] StarDrive 3.5.5
      [*] SunMoonEarth327: Sun, Moon & Earth Applet
      [*] TitlePop 3.0.4
      [*] Transponder 2 Email Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] Transponder 2 Email Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] VersionFinder
      [*] Windowshade ONLY Soundset for Mac OS 8.5

#### TEXT       infomacv16-208.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

       flashcards for studing foreign language
      (A) apparant virus was only an INIT conflict
      (Q) Netscape: Open as new web page option with system 8.5
      (Q) PB 3400 upgrades
      (Q) PM6100/DOS Problem 
      (Q) Virus and Virex upgrades
      (Q)a good AV drive for PowerMacs?
      (Q)Registering QuickTime Pro with MacOS 8.5
      [A] CD app - how to increase memory size
      [A] PowerComputing with OS 8.1 & 8.5
      [Q] G3/266 and SCSI devices
      [Q]Modemless G3 Powerbook
      [Q]modemless PowerBook
      AppleScript question...
      Can't print \not = on Epson 600 using Textures
      Can't tap-and-drag on PB trackpad
      Can't Trash Hell Folder
      Can't Trash Hell Folder
      Claris 4.0v5
      clarisworks translator for word pc ? help  
      clarisworks translator for word pc ? help (R)
      Connecting Windoze to an Ethertalk Network?
      flashcards for studing foreign language
      Fwd: RE: Can't Trash Hell Folder - Summary of Replies
      How to View TidBits Files?
      How to View TidBits Files? -> Follow Up
      HTML Viewing ?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #203
      Internet Phone 3.5 and a PowerMac 6500/225
      keeping file sharing active on G3 pbk/266 MORE
      MacTCP invisible
      monitor problems
      optimizing color proformance on a 1400c with 8.5
      OT/PPP modem scripts
      PB5300 screen is too bright
      PowerComputing with OS 8.1 & 8.5
      PowerComputing with OS 8.1 & 8.5
      PowerComputing with OS 8.1 & 8.5
      Print to Postscript file
      PrintMonitor default memory allocation of any use?
      Simple page layout program?
      System Crashed
      TCP/IP: Internet Setup Assistant generates broken TCP/IP
      Word-Perfetto ;-)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-209.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#455/16-Nov-98
      10/100 Nubus Card ?
      ARA Personal Server/OS 8.5
      Audio and CD-R
      Finder memory errors?
      FreePPP and OS 8.5
      Frustrating 8.5 error in Finder
      Graphics card for my clone?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #206
      lock Netscape new window location?
      Lost ...
      Netscape Communicator's mailto: -> Eudora Pro 3.1.1
      open transport
      PC Exchange SCSI Drivers
      Plotting Software needed.
      Plotting software reccomendation =?iso-8859-1?Q?needed=85?=
      Prob from .vcf files
      recommended disk maintenance utility?
      Scrap-it Pro  A great product
      Soundmaster-frivolous problem
      tricking the processor (OS installation) (A)
      Type -192 error on Launcher
      Type -192 error on launcher?
      Umax clone - Syjet problems
      Virtual Memory Bomb
      VirtualPC or RealPC?
      your posts

#### TEXT       infomacv16-210.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Netscape Communicator's mailto: -> Eudora Pro 3.1.1
      10/100 Nubus Card ?
      [A] PowerComputing with OS 8.1 & 8.5
      [Q] Does OS8.5 support Joliet?
      [Q] Security Software
      Determining net line speed
      Display modem speed?
      Ethernet 8.5 Eng & 8.1 Jap
      Fwd: ARA Personal Server/OS 8.5
      Fwd: MacTCP invisible
      Fwd: Netscape Communicator's mailto: -> Eudora Pro 3.1.1
      Fwd: System Crashed
      Hell Folder/HFS+ crash
      IE - Contextual Menus Conflict
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #209
      MacTCP invisible
      Modem query
      Mouse tracks fouls up Powerbook applications
      Netscape Communicator's mailto: -> Eudora Pro 3.1.1
      Origin of "_Keyboard" FFIL? (font)
      PowerComputing with OS 8.1 & 8.5
      Print to Postscript file
      Prob from .vcf files (A)
      Q:ARA/PPP modem script for USR/3Com 56k PC card?
      Squirrly Trackpad
      Type -192 error on Launcher (A)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-211.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  killer-dice-146.hqx
      [*] awesome-resurrection
      [*] bedlam-2-106
      [*] BeHierarchic3.1.1
      [*] Brickles Deluxe v1.1
      [*] Burn 2.5
      [*] Bye-Bye Bill
      [*] CDArchAndPlay-15.fp3
      [*] China Cat True Type Font
      [*] Compact Maps Set 5
      [*] data-rescue-211-fat.sit (a data recovery tool for crashed volum
      [*] data-rescue-211.sit (a data recovery tool for crashed volumes)
      [*] Diet Sleuth 2.0.4
      [*] Ejecter 1.0 - Eject disks while files are open
      [*] Festive Desktop Patterns
      [*] FretPet 2.0.1 - A unique QuickTime music tool
      [*] Gerry's Mandelbrot Set v1.2 (Fractal image/movie generator)
      [*] GIFConverter 2.4.4
      [*] GIFConverter 2.4.4
      [*] Grafyxx for the Macintosh v1.3
      [*] Guillotine 1.0b2
      [*] Icon Archiver 4.0 - Powerful Icon Database for 8.5
      [*] Jewel of Arabia: Dreamers Version 1.0.1
      [*] LibraryCataloger1.1.0 tracks books and articles:
      [*] LogEditor
      [*] Mackintosh kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] MacLaunchIt 1.0
      [*] macspice3f4-ppc-25b
      [*] NOVA 3.0.1 68K Submission
      [*] NOVA 3.0.1 PPC
      [*] OneApp CineSlider 4.1 - Slideshow for movies
      [*] PageSucker-Mac-2.0.sit.hqx - Web Hierarchy Downloader
      [*] PhotoCat 2.3
      [*] PlayerPRO 5.0b2
      [*] problemtracker-101
      [*] QuickEditor
      [*] ramBunctious 1.3.1 SE
      [*] Romanian fonts for Newton
      [*] StatDoctor
      [*] StoryProject 4.0.3 [fiction writing outliner]
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5.1 - english version
      [*] Troi Grabber Plug-in 1.0 for FileMaker Pro
      [*] TrueKeys v3.2 release
      [*] Ultra Recorder 2.4.1 
      [*] Web Confidential 1.1r2J - Japanese version

#### TEXT       infomacv16-212.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Application Commander v1.0.0
      [*] AppSwitcher Config AS
      [*] Banana Peeler 1.01
      [*] Clean-Install Assistant 1.1 - Easier System Folder updates & ba
      [*] DisableForceQuit11
      [*] EasySwitcher
      [*] Finder 8.5 Patch 1.1
      [*] Mac CallerID 1.2.2 Update Notice
      [*] MacScaleClock
      [*] Merry Christmas Gifs Collection
      [*] Millenium
      [*] Navigator Enhancer 1.3 freeware
      [*] NET/Mac 2.3.67
      [*] OneApp Address Book 1.3.1 - Net-Savvy Address Book App
      [*] PictureSnooper98
      [*] ScaleCalc 1.1
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5.1 - german version
      [*] THE BLOCK v2.1 - Macintosh Password Protection System
      [*] THE BLOCK v2.1 - Macintosh Password Protection System
      [*] The MacLocksmith 2.3.0
      [*] WebChecker 1.2.1
      [*] YellowExtractor 1.3.0 FAT

#### TEXT       infomacv16-213.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Kaleidoscope 2.1.1
      [*]  Kaleidoscope 2.1.1
      [*]  Kaleidoscope 2.1.1
      [*] "Ancient Scrolls", K2 update
      [*] "Styles" Autumn Leaves , enhanced for K2 update
      [*] "Styles" Dusty Rose K2 update for OS8.5, Rose Cursor
      [*] "Styles" Earth Signs, enhanced for K2 update
      [*] "Styles" Textura K2 OS8.5 update
      [*] Aaron+Plus
      [*] Ashcan
      [*] Black Lacquer Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] BookofDecks1.1.sit
      [*] Brickles Deluxe v1.1
      [*] Chaotic Pianola 1.0
      [*] Codice Fiscale 1.2
      [*] DansBePeopleVol1
      [*] DarkLight X2, a Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] E-Angels_Setup.
      [*] Escape
      [*] Extension Overload v3
      [*] FileWhacker! 1.1
      [*] French_Placement_Test
      [*] Gerry's Attraction v1.3
      [*] Gerry's Mandelbrot Set v1.2
      [*] Hang2000 v1.1 attached
      [*] Icon->.ICO
      [*] Josh's_Apple_Game101
      [*] Kalaha v1.1
      [*] Leonar33
      [*] MacKitty Version 2.0 Demo
      [*] macspice3f4-ppc-25
      [*] Mavicadabra! 1.1
      [*] Mosaic kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme
      [*] OTCFM68KGlue
      [*] Phonebook Plus 3.7
      [*] SeasonsGreetings font
      [*] Tab City, a Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Teachers Toolbox Pro 2.0 FMP
      [*] TeachText Flipper 1.0
      [*] Text ta' See initial release
      [*] The Book of Changes 1.3
      [*] TidBITS#456/23-Nov-98
      [*] Ultra Recorder 2.4.1
      [*] Word List Maker 2.0 - text conversion utility
      [*] YP Projectiles 1.1F (French version)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-214.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Image-In Engine 1.0.2
      [*] A Better Finder Rename 1.4
      [*] Analog Helper 1.0 - Easy Web Log Analysis Configuration
      [*] ATPM4.10
      [*] ATPM4.11
      [*] AutoShare 3.0.2, a freeware list server
      [*] Background Hider to watch TV on your Macintosh
      [*] Better Amazon Sherlock plug-ins
      [*] Blue Box Invoices
      [*] Decode da Code, version 1.0.2
      [*] Desktop Pictures: The Aurora Collection
      [*] Desktop Pictures: The Planets
      [*] Dracula's Castle v2.4
      [*] eMailCleaner 0.7
      [*] Instrument Dater version 1.0
      [*] MacDim 2.1 J - screensaver/dimmer with many features
      [*] MacZip 1.00 beta 7
      [*] Magic Program Menu
      [*] Natural Order 1.4
      [*] Netscape Cache Control 1.0.3
      [*] NewNOTEPAD II 1.7.1
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PictTrasher 1.3
      [*] Polish Diacritics Light 1.0 - text-conversion module
      [*] ShadeCluster 1.0 J - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] SpeedDial 2.0
      [*] The Lightsaver 2.0.2
      [*] TimeCache 2.0
      [*] Web Confidential 1.0.2 - French Version
      [*] Web Confidential 1.0.2 - German Version
      [*] WorldClock CSM 1.6.1
      [*] YP Projectiles 1.1 (for physics teachers)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-215.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  YP Collisions 1.0 (French version)
      [*] "Styles" Swan K2 update for OS8.5
      [*] "Styles" Winter Wonderland K2 update
      [*] ASCME
      [*] bolo-map-4-isles-of-doom
      [*] Chinese Lacquer Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Conjug any French Verbs
      [*] CrystalMaker 3.1 demo
      [*] Deskpop 1.0.4
      [*] Eartraining 2.6.1 (DK)
      [*] Ebola Monkey Bingo v2.0.0
      [*] Espi Font in the MacOS 8's
      [*] FantQuestgame.
      [*] FileT&C 2.2.0; type & creator changing.
      [*] Gardyloo Golf: A unique golf game
      [*] GLMStat 3.2.1;Generalised linear models
      [*] Gold Plated_System Icons
      [*] GPSView 1.0.0
      [*] Help to Icon 1.2.2
      [*] Holy Roller 2.1
      [*] Kineticon 1.4.1 - animated icons on your desktop!
      [*] Kool Icons II
      [*] Link Looker 1.0
      [*] mac06-0.95
      [*] macwordlearner
      [*] Mosaica Francais Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] NamePrinter 1.4a
      [*] Navi iRae 1.2.2
      [*] PlayerPRO5b3(Fat)
      [*] Polish for All - multimedia Polish language lessons
      [*] quick-editor
      [*] RGB Calculator III v3.7
      [*] Say It!
      [*] SchemeChecker 1.4.2 - Kaleidoscope 1.x and 2.x scheme utility
      [*] skinconverter102
      [*] Spades Delux 1.6 - Best Spades Game
      [*] TeachText Flipper 1.0
      [*] The Atomic Mac 2.0.0
      [*] TidBITS#457/30-Nov-98
      [*] Tiffany Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] VSE Animation Maker 3.2 (68k) - Award-winning GIF animation too
      [*] VSE Animation Maker 3.2 (PPC) - Award-winning GIF animation too
      [*] YA-Viewer Lite 2.0.3
      [*] Yogurt Commercial: A Game
      [*] YP Collisions 1.0 (for physics teachers)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-216.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] ][2Mac v1.2.6
      [*] AD Launcher 1.0 J - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.3 Update
      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.3 Update
      [*] Anarchie Pro 3.5
      [*] Application Switcher editor
      [*] Application Switcher editor FR
      [*] cadviewer-light
      [*] CalorieCounter.sit
      [*] ClockWork 1.0.5 68K - Networkable Day Planner for MacOS
      [*] ClockWork 1.0.5 PPC - Networkable Day Planner for MacOS
      [*] ClockWork German 1.0.5 68K - Networkable Day Planner for MacOS
      [*] ClockWork German 1.0.5 68K - Networkable Day Planner for MacOS
      [*] ClockWork German 1.0.5 PPC - Networkable Day Planner for MacOS
      [*] ClockWork Japanese 1.0.5 PPC - Networkable Day Planner for MacO
      [*] Conjug any French Verbs (FMPro users)
      [*] CornerClock v2.1
      [*] Deskpop 1.0.3
      [*] DevEdit 2.0
      [*] DropBin v1.5
      [*] Funnel Web and Funnel Web Pro
      [*] Funnel Web and Funnel Web Pro
      [*] KIX-barcode for Dutch postal services
      [*] Mac Grayliner 2.0.0
      [*] Mortgage Simulator
      [*] Mouse2
      [*] NewNOTEPAD II 1.7.1 (E)
      [*] Pearls
      [*] PPPop2.0.1-PPC  PPP Operator Utility
      [*] RanPassword 1.4
      [*] Revenge Planner.sit
      [*] Search 1.0.1
      [*] sherlock plug-in
      [*] suntar 2.2.1
      [*] the packrat v2.0
      [*] TimeCache 2.0 upload
      [*] URLManagerPro_205-SE
      [*] VersionFinder
      [*] Wallaby 1.1.8 FAT.sit
      [*] Web Confidential 1.1 - German version
      [*] WFLE40

#### TEXT       infomacv16-217.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Pillars Revisited" K2.1.1 update
      [*] 3dbrick131
      [*] Acme 1.0 Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Al Morale
      [*] Better Amazon Sherlock plug-ins 1.1 update
      [*] Blue Mutant -- TT font
      [*] Brand-Me-GKON
      [*] David's BackGammon2.6.2
      [*] Deskpop 1.0.5
      [*] Desktop Screenshots 1.0
      [*] DX7 Librarian 1.2.3
      [*] Font Gander Pro 1.5.5.sit
      [*] Format-Chart Version 1.3.6
      [*] Fortress of Fear
      [*] GLMStat 3.2.2;Generalised linear models
      [*] Gold Band 2.0 Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Gramotki_1.5.8
      [*] Holmes
      [*] Icon Tools 1.6
      [*] Kool Icons II
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Euro Assistant v1.0
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.4.4
      [*] MacDNSLogConverter 1.0
      [*] Macintosh Book Catalog
      [*] MankatoHalfwitPS1.sit.hqx
      [*] MultiMode 1.2.1
      [*] Oculus.2.0
      [*] OnScreen-Particle-Demo.sit.hqx
      [*] OralExpulsivePS1.sit.hqx
      [*] preternatural_PS1
      [*] respondsrc - preemptive multitasking w/source code
      [*] ScrapIt Pro 5.43
      [*] ScribblingWorks 1.2  -- Web publishing with a notepad
      [*] Styles Elegance Hunter update for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles Swan (K2) update
      [*] Styles Ultratech for K2 update
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5.2
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5.2, french version
      [*] Temple of Doom 1.5-Second Release
      [*] TidBITS#458/07-Dec-98
      [*] Twistory 1.2 - History Browser
      [*] Ultimate Blackjack(tm) 2.0
      [*] Wapp pro 1.3.3
      [*] Wapp pro 1.3.4
      [*] WebFinder401LE.sea

#### TEXT       infomacv16-218.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Extensions Strip 1.9
      [*] A Better Finder Select 1.2.1
      [*] Address Pad Preview Release 1
      [*] Apple Wizards December 1998
      [*] Castle Wolfenstein Deluxe First Release
      [*] Catakig 1.10
      [*] Christmas Screensaver 98
      [*] Christmas Screensaver 98
      [*] CP290 Director 1.2 - Control of X10 CP290 Home Automation Syste
      [*] Diet Sleuth 2.1.0
      [*] eMailCleaner 0.7.1
      [*] Food Service Navigator
      [*] Hide Folders 2.2
      [*] MiniCalendar 2.1.1 - "A calendar for your Mac"
      [*] On-Line Joke Book 4.0
      [*] PandoDownload.sit
      [*] Process Manager 1.4
      [*] QuickEncrypt 3.0.2; a flexible and secure encryption utility.
      [*] QuoEdit 0.45
      [*] QuoEdit 0.45
      [*] QuoEdit 0.451
      [*] Sanakirja v1.0
      [*] Skylight 1.1 Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] StatistFunctions2.1 / HyperCard stack statistical PDFs and CFDs
      [*] StatistFunctions2.1 / HyperCard stack statistical PDFs and CFDs
      [*] TimeCache 2.0.2

#### TEXT       infomacv16-219.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#459/14-Dec-98
      [*] TidBITS#460/15-Dec-98
      (A) mailto: ->
      (A) open transport
      (A) Type -192 error on Launcher
      (Q) After Dark and MacOS 8.5
      2 questions
      [A] Type -192 error on Launcher
      [Q] Applescript for this?
      [Q] Fixing aliases with OS 8.5...
      [Q] looking for 8.1 WYSIWYG fonts menu
      [S] Mac printing to HP LaserJet via NT
      Amico limits?
      Contextual Menu problems?
      Determining net line speed
      Disappearing Folders / OS 8.5
      Display modem speed?
      Display modem speed?
      Frustrating 8.5 error in Finder
      Frustrating 8.5 error in Finder
      Fwd: RE: Can't Trash Hell Folder - Summary of Replies
      Graphics card for my clone?
      HD problems with Q800
      How can I become "Apple Authorized"?
      How to View TidBits Files? -> Follow Up
      IE - Contextual Menus Conflict - solved!!
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #209
      Is there a utility like this?
      Lace making program
      Lost ...
      marble madness
      Modem query
      Modemless G3 Powerbook [R] 
      Netscape Communicator's mailto:
      Outlook Express
      PB 540C/Paperport 3.0/OS 8.0
      Postscript *Viewing* and Power Computing OS Upgrades
      PowerMac 7500 RAM installation
      Q:ARA/PPP modem script for USR/3Com 56k PC card?
      Questions on inherited computers
      Standalone Mac WWW server?
      Type -192 error on Launcher (A)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-220.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      "view source" problems in Netscape
      (Q) Adobe PhotoDelux and Kodak Picture Easy Software
      (Q) screen saver
      (Q) Where to find no interest 3 month purchases
      [A] MacTCP invisible
      [Q] List view
      [Q] Speakerphone software
      [Q]Amazing Expanding Fonts
      A new G3 that doesn't work!
      A Wintel Counterpart to Info-Mac Digest
      advice on modem purchase
      Answer: Audio and CD-R
      Belay that last question!
      Bitsurfr ISDN and 8.5
      Chroma Tuner wanted
      Default paper size changes spontaneously on moving between machines
      Digester back on-line
      Eudora: Attached Images Not Longer Display In Message
      FileMaker Pro and 8.5
      Finding Fonts
      help: CD-Rom not recognized???
      HFS+ crashes
      Incremental page-counting s/w for Epson Stylus Color 600?
      Info on OneScanner Driver Please
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #213
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #213
      LC-PDS 10BT Workaround for 56kbps limit?
      Lost ...(Stuffit Expander upgrade to 5.0)
      Megahurtz Cruisecard 56.6 - scam!!!
      Moments of Madness
      NetClip or alternatives?
      OS 8.5
      OS 8.5 and Stylewriter 4100 pgroblem
      OT/PPP problem with ELSA Microlink 56k under V90
      Performa 630CD upgrade hard drive
      Pic-to-Icon array doohickey?
      PowerComputing with OS 8.1 & 8.5
      problems with adobe gamma colorcalibration
      Quadra 605 help
      StuffIt Browser window won't close
      Type -192 error on Launcher (A)
      Virtual PC
      Where to find SyQuest Utilities or equivalent?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-221.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Alaska Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Application Switcher editor 2.0
      [*] Application Switcher editor FR 2.0
      [*] bevark 2.0.3 for Kaleidoscope 2.1.1
      [*] Conjug.sit
      [*] Conjug.sit
      [*] ElemFinPPC120fr.sit.hqx
      [*] extensionlist2
      [*] Fractstc.hqx  Full Screen Fractal Drawing Program
      [*] GLMStat 3.2.3;Generalised linear models
      [*] Griff'sIconSet 25.sit
      [*] IconToPict10.sea.hqx - Resource Icons Reader and Converter
      [*] iMaciConsiMade vol.2.
      [*] jam 2.1.5 for Kaleidoscope 2.1.1
      [*] Kineticon 1.4.2 - animated icons on your desktop!
      [*] MacBreadboard
      [*] MacPipes 2.2.6
      [*] MacPipes 2.2.6
      [*] MacTypingTutor4.5.2
      [*] Mcgannahan True Type Font
      [*] Morse Mania
      [*] OptimizeHCScripts 1.0
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] Pinochle 3.0
      [*] PlayerPRO DevKit 5b1
      [*] PrinterSwitch 1.3.3
      [*] PsychoactivesPS1
      [*] QuoEdit 0.46
      [*] RealView2.6
      [*] Romanov Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] SmallWorm 1.2
      [*] Spectrum Analyser
      [*] Stacked Roller 1.0
      [*] StoryProject 4.1 [fiction writing outliner]
      [*] Styles Winter Wonderland update for K2
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5.2 - german version
      [*] T.A.G. Editor 2.0 for QuickTime 3
      [*] theGRADER 2.0.3
      [*] thunderhead 2.0.2 for Kaleidoscope 2.1.1
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.3.6 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.2.5 - foreign language learning
      [*] Wadtool: a Quake texture editing utility
      [*] Xmas'98_icons
      [*] YA-Viewer 2.1.0

#### TEXT       infomacv16-222.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] A Better Finder Rename 1.5
      [*] autoscriptfm105a.hqx -- scripting utility for FileMaker Pro
      [*] Biggy-Light Demo 3.3
      [*] BookofDecks1.1.sit
      [*] CalorieCounter.sit
      [*] Cat'sEyeView vol.6 R2
      [*] DiskSurveyor 1.4
      [*] Eudora Thing 1.6
      [*] GEDitCOM 1.0
      [*] Hi's Universal Saver v.1.5
      [*] MAC CALLERID 1.2.3
      [*] Mac Grayliner 2.1.0
      [*] MacDNSLogAnalyzer 1.0
      [*] NetChronometer 1.3.0
      [*] OneApp Address Book 1.4 - Net-Savvy Address Book App
      [*] OT/PPP Strip 1.0.4
      [*] PageMark 2.0.1: Scrollbar extension shows page end  
      [*] PowerMail 2.3
      [*] PreviewFile110
      [*] Snow v2.3
      [*] Speed Profiler 1.2
      [*] Startup Doubler 1.2.1 - For Faster Start-Ups!
      [*] StartupScreen Randomizer 1.0fc1 - Randomize Your StartupScreen
      [*] StayUP
      [*] Switcheroo 1.0
      [*] The Comic Box
      [*] theGRADER 2.0.3
      [*] Web Confidential 1.1 - French version
      [*] WebMiner 1.0.1
      [*] WWW.Where.com 3.0 Netscape Global History Stack
      [*] YA-Decoder 2.4.0
      (C) MacOS 8.5.1
      1. HFS+ 2. Netcaster
      [A] How can I become "Apple Authorized"?
      Contextual Menu problems?
      creating a photo cd
      Empty Trash Warning Checkbox
      Fwd: Postscript *Viewing* and Power Computing OS Upgrades
      PB 540C/Paperport 3.0/OS 8.0
      Postscript *Viewing* and Power Computing OS Upgrades
      Questions on inherited computers
      SE30 hardware troubles 
      unable to have more than one app visable on screen 

#### TEXT       infomacv16-223.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Recommendations for a free email service?
      [Q] RJ45 to Cat5 cable crimp - integrity test for novice?
      changing to HFS+
      Eudora: Navigation: Moving From Message To Message
      How to batch-change creation dates on files?
      Microsoft going to Hell?
      Netscape Netcaster
      Problem with CD Drive
      Save an alias
      Save an alias
      serving appletalk printers, how? [Q]
      Steve Jobs(Time Man of the Year)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-224.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Mr. Relaxer!
      [*] ACE! 1.4 - an extendable save game editor
      [*] Anti MegSPAM 1.2 - Mail Action form Emailer
      [*] aWorm 1.0.2
      [*] BarWare 3.5
      [*] Be My Valentine Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] BitMapMusic 1.5
      [*] C2I
      [*] ComputerAdmin
      [*] DarkLight ...Tabs 1.1.0
      [*] DarkLight 1.2.0
      [*] dumptruck
      [*] extensionlist-201
      [*] GEOBox 2.1 german
      [*] GEOBox 2.1 ppc international
      [*] GLOBO ICONZ by KaySha
      [*] HTML Cleaner
      [*] iconbuilder-20.hqx
      [*] iMaciConsiMade vol.2
      [*] image-sxm-161-9
      [*] iText 1.1E / iMac's Text Editor
      [*] JustEditPromo.sit
      [*] Language Reader 1.5.9 - foreign language learning
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Euro Assistant v1.0.1
      [*] MacRun 1.5 (mrun15.hqx)
      [*] MailRetreiver 1.0B7
      [*] McPoet4.6
      [*] Multimedia 3.4 Now with Multiple Windows and Applescr
      [*] Navi iRae 1.5
      [*] Net-Print 8.1
      [*] NetworkRun 2.0
      [*] NetworkRun 2.0
      [*] PiPhilology 9.5 : A collection of Pi mnemonics in several langu
      [*] PPPop 2.0.2J PPC  PPP Operator Utility Japanese
      [*] RandomNotes 1.03
      [*] RealView 2.5 (correction)
      [*] SimpleSong 1.5
      [*] Solar System Icons, volume 1
      [*] T-Minus Ten 2.0 - Task Manager
      [*] Tracer
      [*] VSE HTML Turbo 2.0 (68k) - Make your web pages twice as fast!
      [*] VSE HTML Turbo 2.0 (PPC) - Make your web pages twice as fast!
      [*] Wapp pro 1.3.5
      [*] Websafe ColorChooser
      [*] WindowMenu v1.2.1J

#### TEXT       infomacv16-225.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Address Pad 1.0
      [*] BibleViewer 2.0 - read, browse, and search the Holy Bible
      [*] BlackWatch 1.4
      [*] Codebook 3.3.1 available!!
      [*] FolderWatcher 1.2
      [*] FreePPP Control
      [*] Lenny Loosejocks Holiday Bash Screen Saver & Game
      [*] Mac Grayliner 2.1.1
      [*] money_and_happiness
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PPPop 2.0.2 PPC  PPP Operator Utility
      [*] Process Manager 1.4.1
      [*] Spear of Destiny
      [*] URLRelyer 1.0

#### TEXT       infomacv16-226.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) Eudora now reads digests!
      (Q) After Dark and MacOS 8.5
      (Q) Free email service, take 2
      (Q) Norton Anti-virus and RAM Disks
      (Q) Pipes screen saver for the Mac?
      (Q) Pixel resolution control strip and IE 4.0.1
      (Q) Stuffit & DataViz
      1. HFS+ 2. Netcaster
      [A] Eudora: Navigation: Moving From Message To Message
      [A] Eudora: Navigation: Moving From Message To Message
      [A] Save an alias
      [A] SE30 hardware troubles
      [A]: unable to have more than one app visable on screen
      can't find SimpleText
      Eudora instead of Netscape Mail
      Eudora: Navigation: Moving From Message To Message
      Eudora: Navigation: Moving From Message To Message
      Free email services
      Fwd: Eudora: Navigation: Moving From Message To Message
      Fwd: How to batch-change creation dates on files?
      Fwd: unable to have more than one app visable on screen
      Home controls
      How to batch-change creation dates on files?
      How to batch-change creation dates on files?
      How to batch-change creation dates on files?
      HP ScanJet 4c & PowerMac
      Import into Eudora's address book?
      Info-Mac Digest 223
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #221
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #223
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #223
      LCIII Monitor Problems
      Memory Problems
      Microsoft going to Hell?
      Microsoft going to Hell?
      Netscape N. 4.08 - sort bookmarks.
      News via e-mail
      PowerComputing with OS 8.1 & 8.5
      Type -192 error on Launcher
      unable to have more than one app visable on screen
      Where to find SyQuest Utilities or equivalent?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-227.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) I overlooked something in my MacOS 8.5 install
      (a): Free Email Services
      (C) RealPlayer G2 beta for the Mac is fake!
      (Q) Norton Filesaver Crashes
      (Q) WriteNow enhancer & MacOS 8.5.1
      [A] looking for 8.1 WYSIWYG fonts menu
      [A]: changing to HFS+
      Applescript to hide running apps
      Appletalk defaulting to printer port
      ASIP Web Admin Beta Seed 1
      broken clicker on PowerBook 2400
      cd kopieren
      cd kopieren
      Finder Problems?
      FONT Tool - You know what would be cool?
      G3 capabilities
      G3 speed
      Iomega Jaz / IomegaWare 1.0
      Keyboard Woes
      Modemless G3 Powerbook [R]
      No Netcaster
      os 8.5.1 increases system heap
      OT/PPP freezes Mac using v90 but not v32bis
      PB 540C/Paperport 3.0/OS 8.0
      Sluggish Netscape 4.5 and Mac OS 8.5.1
      WordPerfect and OS 8.5

#### TEXT       infomacv16-228.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [Q]-Where is OT/PPP Contol Panel (OS 8.5.1)?
      Appletalk defaulting to printer port
      At Ease 2.0 and game CD's
      Finder Problems?
      Floppy drive for PowerBook 100
      Fwd: Sluggish Netscape 4.5 and Mac OS 8.5.1
      grep xfcn
      help with backups
      LaserWriter Bridge
      Sudden blackout, then back on

#### TEXT       infomacv16-229.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      2 questions
      [A]-Where is OT/PPP Contol Panel (OS 8.5.1)?
      [non-Answer] At Ease 2.0 and game CD's
      A Very Strange Thing
      Any LaserWriter  Select 310 + Mac OS 8.5 solutions?
      ATTN APPLE ENGINEERS: Appletalk defaulting to printer port
      cd kopieren
      Finder Problems?
      info mac download
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #228
      One scanner driver
      Possible Outlook Problem for Macintoshes
      Sluggish Netscape 4.5 and Mac OS 8.5.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-230.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Elegance Hunter update for K2.1.1
      [*] Ancient Scrolls, K2 update
      [*] Audio Xmas 1.0 - Sound Activated Christmas Tree
      [*] AutoCat 2.0
      [*] BigPicture4
      [*] Breakthrough Deluxe
      [*] Brickles Deluxe v1.2
      [*] CDFinder 2.6
      [*] Clarion 1.0.1 
      [*] data-rescue-211-fat-j.sit
      [*] DDLabelMaker
      [*] Digital Wipeout
      [*] Dinosaur icons
      [*] Duraci- Chapter 1
      [*] English - German Dictionary 1.2
      [*] Fine Desktop Patterns
      [*] Hang2000 v1.2
      [*] HunterDeer 1.0
      [*] iRCrsr 1.0.1
      [*] Kineticon 1.5 - animated icons on your desktop!
      [*] LanguageMaster2.0.sit
      [*] Macedonia Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Macinstein 3D folder.sit.hqx
      [*] MacMod Pro 5.2
      [*] MardiGras Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Open Directory Plugin for Sherlock
      [*] PlayerPRO50.sit
      [*] programswitcher4.5.2j.sit
      [*] RealView2.5.1(68k)
      [*] Silvergol 1.4.5
      [*] Slug-Man TVG
      [*] Styles" Let It Snow! for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles" Tarot Angels update for K2.1.1
      [*] SuperReplace 2.0.3;  a text conversion utility
      [*] Tartan K2 Kaleisdoscope scheme
      [*] Through the Portal
      [*] Toga Party Kaleidosocpe scheme
      [*] Turquoise Lacquer Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Ultimate Blackjack
      [*] Valentine in Black and White Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.2.7 - foreign language learning
      [*] Word Translator for the Macintosh 2.7.5
      [*] Word-Search-V221
      Mounted disk image?
      netscape hanging

#### TEXT       infomacv16-231.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Elf - Merry Christmas Mr. Claus! Alert
      [*] atpm4.12.sit.hqx
      [*] Canadian English Keyboard
      [*] Chronocalculator 1.0
      [*] Church Membership Keeper 4.0
      [*] CONTACTS
      [*] Countdown Reminder v1.0
      [*] data-rescue-211-j.sit
      [*] Disk Recall 1.0
      [*] File Submission
      [*] File Utility FM A FileMaker 4 doc for cataloging files
      [*] HotlineHelper 1.6.4
      [*] InternetHelper1.0
      [*] Jewish - Happy Hanukkah! Alert Sound
      [*] MacSOUP 2.4 - an offline reader for news and mail
      [*] MacTicker 1.0 -- Put the stock market on your desktop
      [*] Metal Bells Holiday StartUp Sound
      [*] Mountain Flyer
      [*] mt-everything-150a3.sit
      [*] MTM_PPCinstaller.hqx (abstract)
      [*] NewsTicker 1.5
      [*] Not A Computer Was Stirring StartUp
      [*] OneApp Address Book 1.4 - Net-Savvy Address Book App
      [*] PanALE-UniText v2.1
      [*] People Lister 1.1b4 (English) - An addressbook
      [*] PhotoText 2.0 Solo.sit
      [*] Rainbox 1.3
      [*] RealView2.5.1 (PPC)
      [*] Santa - Be Good Little Boys & Girls!
      [*] Santa - Ho Ho Ho! Alert Sound
      [*] Santa - Seasons Greetings! Email Sound
      [*] Screen_Gear3.1
      [*] Scrooge - Bah Humbug! Alert Sound
      [*] SkipPrint 1.0.2e
      [*] Sleeper 3.1 - Sleep utility for all Macs
      [*] Sleigh Bells Email Sound
      [*] StellasMover
      [*] Stereo 3D
      [*] TelePro Gold (068)
      [*] TelePro Gold (PPC)
      [*] Tide Stamp Australia
      [*] Tide Stamp Canada
      [*] Tide Stamp North America
      [*] Tide Stamp World
      [*] Trilite 3.0

#### TEXT       infomacv16-232.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] People Lister 1.1b4
      [*] People Lister 1.1b4 (Italian) - An addressbook
      (A) 3D cursors for the Mac
      (A) Home controls
      (RE) Memory Problems
      8.5 and Bitsurfr Pro
      [A?] At Ease 2 and game CDs
      [A]: changing to HFS+
      [A]: Floppy drive for PowerBook 100
      [A]: Keyboard Woes
      Any LaserWriter  Select 310 + Mac OS 8.5 solutions?
      Claris Import Problems
      CloseView missing in German OS 8
      Color StyleWriter 2500
      Difference between AV and non AV, differences between minitower and desktop
      Highlight colour changes? What gives?
      Home controls
      how to use two printers on a G3?
      Mac OS 8.5.1 slow....in a weird way!
      More freezes under 8.5 & 8.51
      OS 8.5 Themes and Patterns
      OT/PPP with V90 modem
      palm pilots and other handheld's
      Speed of MacInTax 1998
      Text Redraw
      Trouble with icons
      Use Mac OS Help! In 8.5, it's great!
      Virtual PC/modem connect

#### TEXT       infomacv16-233.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Color StyleWriter 2500
      (A) Home controls
      (C) New modem scripts for Remote Access-OT/PPP
      6500 Sound Probs
      [A]: Difference between AV and non AV, differences between minitower and desktop
      chooser on pwrbook 1400 to connect to Cw 1500
      CloseView missing in German OS 8
      CloseView missing in German OS 8
      differences between MT and desktop
      Epson Stylus Color 740 technical printing question help needed.
      Fix for sluggish Netscape 4 under OS 8.5
      Fix for Suitcase 3.0 crashing OS 8.5
      Freezes/Please Help
      Fwd: OS 8.5 Themes and Patterns
      Fwd: Trouble with icons
      Highlight colour changes? What gives?
      Home controls
      how to use two printers on a G3
      how to use two printers on a G3?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #232
      Info-Mac Digest with Cyberdog
      Looking for a font
      Macintosh 'ping' application
      Note pad not working
      OT/PPP with V90 modem
      OT/PPP with V90 modem
      OT/PPP with V90 modem
      OT/PPP with V90 modem
      palm pilots and other handheld's
      re using freeppp

#### TEXT       infomacv16-234.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#461/04-Jan-99
      (A) Color Stylewriter 2500
      (C) Surprise! OrangePC now works with Cable internet
      (Q) Key command for "move to trash"?
      [A] Macintosh 'ping' application
      Epson Stylus Color 740 technical printing question help
      Finder problem
      Fwd: Epson Stylus Color 740 technical printing question help
      Fwd: Incredible
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #233
      Macintosh 'ping' application
      Macs Print to HP1120c
      Netscape hanging
      Note pad not working
      Pent II 300 system 10575
      Stylewriter 1200 refills

#### TEXT       infomacv16-235.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Diet Sleuth 2.1.1
      [*]  MaBaSoft Quit CSM v1.7 D (German Version)
      [*] Austrian Keyboard Patch for OS D-8.5
      [*] AutoCat 2.0.1
      [*] AutoShare 3.0.3, a freeware list server
      [*] Blue Box Invoices 1.1
      [*] Bottin 1.0
      [*] Collateral Damage TT -  True Type font
      [*] Dao De Jing
      [*] Doublet Scan 1.1.3
      [*] Empire Master 3.0
      [*] FastOpen 2.5;  open document quickly
      [*] First Strike II
      [*] Jerry's Finder 8 Patch 1.2.1
      [*] John's Window Manager
      [*] LazySearch 2.0
      [*] LibraryCataloger1.1.1
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM v1.7 F (French Version)
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM v1.7 I (Italian Version)
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM v1.7 N (Dutch Version)
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM v1.7.1 D (German Version)
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM v1.7.1 F (French Version)
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM v1.7.1 I (Italian Version)
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM v1.7.1 N (Dutch Version)
      [*] Mac CallerID 1.2.4 Update Notice
      [*] MacBzip 0.0b0
      [*] NewsTicker 1.5
      [*] Nu Sans TrueType font 8.5--A scalable Espy Sans
      [*] Palace of Sand
      [*] PandoFrame-MacOS program to place pictures on your desktop
      [*] PictureSnooper98
      [*] Program Switcher v4.5.3
      [*] Program Switcher-J v4.5.3
      [*] Quit It PPC v2.0
      [*] ROOTLOCS 3.0 - a Root Locus plotting program
      [*] SimpleVCD 1.0;  an easy to use vcd player
      [*] Software submission - Quit It 68K v2.0
      [*] speeddial21
      [*] The Castle Demo
      [*] Ugly-CD-Player.sit.hqx (small audio CD Player)
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.5
      [*] Wolfenstein Around the World
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 3.1.6
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 4.0.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-236.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] BaschzCons for IconTools 1.0
      [*] Blue MC Desktop Pattern
      [*] Cameraid 1.1.1
      [*] Canadian Beaver Desktop Pic (14in)
      [*] Europrice 1.0
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM v1.7
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM v1.7.1
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM v1.7.1 P (Portuguese Version)
      [*] MacBzip 0.0b0
      [*] Nu Sans PostScript font 8.5--A scalable Espy Sans
      [*] The Eraser 2.5.1
      [*] TimeCache 2.03

#### TEXT       infomacv16-237.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Key command for "move to trash"?
      (A) Key command for moving files to trash in System 8
      (A) Macs Print to HP1120c
      (C) Netscape pausing
      (Q) Can Power Computing CPU Cards be Used in Apple Desktops
      (Q) How to do automated shut down with RAM Disk activated?
      (Q) Key command for "move to trash"?
      [A] Epson Stylus Color 740 technical printing question help
      [A] Finder problem
      [A] Macintosh 'ping' application
      [Q] Appletalk vs Patchbay: releasing printer port?
      [Q] Modem init string needed!
      Apple Script
      BB Edit Help Needed
      Claris Works 5.0 Case Conversion
      Finder problem
      Finder problem
      Finder problem corrected - here's how
      FreePPP & Netscape dropout
      HELP Sys 7.1.1 Emergency Disk needed
      IE 4.5 & Quicktime Plug-in
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #234
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #234
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #236
      Info-Mac manuals
      ISDN and ARA
      ixmicro HELP!!!!
      Key command for "move to trash"?
      Macintosh 'ping' application
      Macintosh 'ping' application 
      Macintosh Programming Reference
      MacPack and Newton?
      More Modem Questions (Help!)
      MSIE 4.5 and Symbol Font
      MSIE v4.01 Problem
      My Finder Froblem - Now Fixed
      Need Help W/ Acrobat & Sound Files
      Netscape hanging
      New Euros
      Note pad not working
      palm pilots and other handheld's
      Stylewriter 1200 cartridges
      Stylewriter 1200 refills
      The 'New' & 'Old' Apple 15" TFT (LCD) Studio Displays
      Using AOL and OS 8.5

#### TEXT       infomacv16-238.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#462/11-Jan-99
      (A) Finder problem
      (A) Note pad not working
      (Q) FTP with a Finder interface
      (Q) What happened to the After Dark directory on info-mac?
      [Q] Apple Telecom Fax and a 3Com 56k PCMCIA
      Cannot make Temporary Items [Q]
      Changing the trash and other locked icons
      EPSON Stylus Printers and iMac/USB information
      making a startup CD for G3
      Netscape hanging  Why not try 4.0.8? (A)
      New Sherlock Plug-ins web site
      PowerBook 170 - missing modem script
      Teletext and tv cards for PCI Mac
      USB Modems

#### TEXT       infomacv16-239.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (?) CorrectPrint 300
      (Q) FTP with a Finder interface
      [A] Macintosh 'ping' application
      [Fwd: Returned mail: User unknown]
      Any low cost Mac-way to convert speech to text?
      BB Edit Help Needed
      BB Edit Help Needed
      BBEdit Help
      Cannot make Temporary Items [Q]
      ClarisWorks 5.0 Case Conversion
      FreePPP Disconnection?
      FTP with a Finder interface
      FTP with a Finder interface
      Fwd: (Q) How to do automated shut down with RAM Disk activated?
      IE 4.5 and OS 8.5.1 memory problems
      imac upgrade
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #237
      Info-Mac manuals
      Ink Jet Printers Question
      ixmicro HELP!!!!
      MAC HEPL!!!
      making a startup CD for G3
      Need Help W/ Acrobat & Sound Files
      Need Help W/ Acrobat & Sound Files
      Netscape 2.x and alternatives
      Netscape Hanging
      New Sherlock Plug-ins web site [Corrected URL]
      Newton Battery Packs
      Re Claris case conversion
      Sherlock Plug-ins for this newsgroup
      Stylewriter ink cartridges
      Virtual PC/modem connect
      Voice modem as sound input device?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-240.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (?) CorrectPrint 300
      (A) How to do automated shut down with RAM Disk activated?
      (A) Turning off Apple RamDisk
      (Q) FTP with a Finder interface
      FTP with a finder interface
      Ink Jet Printers Question
      ISP Recommendation - NY
      Palmpilot Mac Pac
      SCSI Differences
      Startup with File sharing on?
      Thanks so much
      USB Modems

#### TEXT       infomacv16-241.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Euro Coin Icons (32 bit and 8 bits)
      [*]  Gif.gIf.giF (68K) 1.2.4J- Japanese Version
      [*]  Gif.gIf.giF (ppc) 1.2.4J- Japanese Version
      [*] "Styles" Byzantine update for K2.1.1
      [*] "Styles" Celtic Knot update for K2.1.1
      [*] "Styles" Elegance Argent, update for K2.1.1
      [*] Bubbles 1.3.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] ClippingConverter 1.0
      [*] Custom Cursor update
      [*] DollyDots Family 1.0 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DonDen
      [*] Fractal K2 Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] G3 Cursor
      [*] GameMaker v2.61
      [*] GetChar FKEY 1.0
      [*] Griffs Set 26
      [*] Icon->.ICO version 0.98b
      [*] icondropper-321
      [*] Icons - Home made icons!
      [*] JEC 1.0 - Just An Euro Calculator
      [*] KD Screenwriting System - Nisus Writer 4.1 tools
      [*] Left-handed Custom Cursors
      [*] Navi iRae 1.5.2
      [*] Newton's Aquarium 1.1 Demo PPC: A Solar System Construction Set
      [*] Nix Icons v2.0
      [*] pict-pocket-132
      [*] Play It Cool 3.1.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] PlayerPRO_5.0.1.sit
      [*] PowerSPrint V12 (Sharing Epson printers)
      [*] Quit It PPC v2.0
      [*] ROOTLOCS 3.0 - a Root Locus plotting program
      [*] ScribblingWorks 1.2.1  -- Web publishing with a notepad
      [*] Style 1.6; a scriptable styled text editor
      [*] Styles" Diana's Candle, enhanced for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles" Pinstripe update for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles" Precious Metals for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles" Rainbow Blues update for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles" Seashell, complete, update for K2.1.1
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] Type Clipboard 1.01
      [*] Wapp pro 1.3.6
      [*] Wood Nymph, "Styles" K2 scheme
      [*] YA-Viewer 2.1.2
      [*] YaCa150

#### TEXT       infomacv16-242.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Rolodesk for Macintosh
      [*] 5 language vocabulary
      [*] Analog Helper 1.0.2 - Graphical Configuration Tool for Analog
      [*] Awesome Resurrection II
      [*] ClassicalMongolianFont
      [*] Clean-Install Assistant 1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] ClockSync II 1.4.0
      [*] ContActInformtionSystem 1.0
      [*] CopyPaste 4.2.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Disk Recall 1.0.2
      [*] Electrickle.sit
      [*] Enigma 2.8
      [*] FinderFriend 1.1
      [*] Food Service Navigator
      [*] internethelper1.2
      [*] iScreen
      [*] Japanese WordMage v5.0 demo
      [*] MacAttack 1.9.9J - Japanese Version
      [*] MacChess -5.0-ESP: Chess program, in spanish language.
      [*] MacHead LARGE for IE 1.8
      [*] MacHeads Bookmarks 1.3
      [*] MacHeads large 1.8
      [*] Macintosh Application Development Essentials 1.2
      [*] Master Spell 4.0 (68K) Spelling Drills for all ages
      [*] Master Spell 4.0 (PPC) Spelling Drills for all ages
      [*] Memo+ ( =?iso-8859-1?Q?M=E9mo=2B=5F1.0.img.hqx?=  )
      [*] Multiplication Stack
      [*] QuickRename1.0-FAT.sit.hqx
      [*] ramBunctious 1.3.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] SimpleAccounting1.0
      [*] SmallWorm 1.4
      [*] Snak version 2.0
      [*] Snak version 2.0
      [*] StoryProject 4.2 [fiction writing outliner]
      [*] Trash It! 3.6
      [*] typotapps-plustapps.hqx
      [*] UHS for MacOS 4.0 - Game Cheat Application (uhsmac40.hqx)
      [*] Ultimate Blackjack v2.1
      [*] Unicycle! 1.4
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.5J - Japanese Version
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.2.8 - foreign language learning
      [*] Warcraft II Maps v7.0.sit
      [*] Word List Maker 2.0.5 - text conversion utility
      [*] XLaunch14.sit -- application launcher
      [*] YA-Decoder 2.4.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-243.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  aeaea-11
      [*]  crooked-sky-11.sit
      [*]  Format-Chart Version 1.3.7
      [*]  green-music-12
      [*]  Keep It Up 2.1
      [*]  People Book 2.1.1 68K
      [*]  Power64 2.2.1 Upload
      [*]  VersionFinder
      [*]  Yank 3.0.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Abstract of new version of Y2KCD version 1.03
      [*] AliasMenu 2.0.3
      [*] Apple Wizards January 1999
      [*] astronomica-15
      [*] AtmOps Library
      [*] Bartender's Friend 1.5 - An electronic bartending guide
      [*] I Ching Connexion 2.3.3 patch
      [*] I Ching Connexion 2.3.3; The Book of Changes with a new view
      [*] icondropper-321
      [*] MaBaSoft Euro Assistant v1.1
      [*] Mac-HaBu 5.1
      [*] MagicProgramMenu
      [*] mortgage simulator 2.1
      [*] NameCleaner 1.9.1 - Cross-platform file naming and typing
      [*] Odyssey-14
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] parade-11
      [*] People Book 2.1.1 PPC
      [*] Photo Quest 2.5.3 - Shareware Image Cataloging
      [*] Power HTML 1.7 - macro suite for Nisus Writer 
      [*] Power20 1.1.1 Upload
      [*] PowerSPrint V11 (Sharing serial printers)
      [*] QTSpeed 1.0
      [*] QuickTrash1.0
      [*] Startup Doubler 1.2.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Styles" Geometric for K2.1.1
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5.3 - English version
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5.3 - French version
      [*] Virtual Desktop: window manager

#### TEXT       infomacv16-244.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#463/18-Jan-99
      (Q) Eudora e-mail to AOL problem
      (Q) Trouble getting ahold of the Macinsearch.com webmaster
      (Q) Trying to save a vintage MacII
      [Q] Application Switcher Applescripts (Mac OS 8.5 help viewer)
      [Q] Hunt the event eater
      [Q] Text Clippings and MacOS 8.5.1
      Adobe Type Manager 4.0.2 and MacOS 8.5.1
      CDROM eject button
      Couple Questions
      Disabled sound output under OS 8.5
      Giving away older stuff to help the Macintosh community
      Looking for beta testers
      mac access
      modem port problems
      New G3 questions
      Newton Battery Packs
      Optimizing G3s
      Personal experiences with the G3 Powerbook
      Powerbook keyboard problems
      Scriptorium Update #59 - Too Much New Stuff
      Starmax CD Problems
      Startup with File sharing on?
      strange font behaviour
      transfer rate app
      Unrecognizable pdf files
      Used Laptop

#### TEXT       infomacv16-245.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Drive Setup and Unsupported Drives
      [A] Application Switcher Applescripts (Mac OS 8.5 help viewer)
      [A] Application Switcher Applescripts (Mac OS 8.5 help viewer)
      [A]: Starmax CD Problems
      [Q] DOS card printing to Laserwriter Plus
      [Q] MSIE 4.5 and Newsreader
      Alarm Clock and Y2K
      G3 PB, 12" or 14"?
      Initio U2W, Softraid, Viking II LVD
      Net problem with 8.5.1
      Newton Battery Pack: summary of responses
      Newton Battery Packs Info-Mac Digest V16 #244
      Optimizing G3s
      PB 5300 issues
      SE30 blank Screen problem

#### TEXT       infomacv16-246.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Aetiket Label Printer
      [*] Aetiket Label Printer
      [*] Cameraid 1.1.1
      [*] Chapbook 2.0 TrueType - 17th century type
      [*] Chipmunk_Basic_3.5.6.hqx
      [*] Clac EuroCalc ITA 1.0.0b4 FAT Freeware
      [*] ContactAssist 2.5 Lite
      [*] Diet Sleuth 2.1.2
      [*] Electrickle.sit
      [*] GEDitCOM
      [*] Guillotine 1.0
      [*] JW's BladePro Presets #1 & #2
      [*] Kineticon   - Japanese Version
      [*] Language Toolkit Writer 1.5.3 - foreign language learning
      [*] Le Franglophile1.1
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.7.1 Japanese
      [*] Math Stacks
      [*] Memo+
      [*] Modern Greek Verbs 2.0
      [*] OneApp CineSlider 4.2 - Slide show and presentation tool.
      [*] OneApp English-Italian 5.4
      [*] Open Directory Plugin for Sherlock
      [*] Optimize Scripts 2.0
      [*] Power Windows 2.0.5
      [*] quickdraw-3d-viewer-12.hqx
      [*] Round Window 2.0
      [*] Safari Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] save-the-world-102.hqx
      [*] SmoothType 2.1
      [*] StonerSound 1.2 - a meditative musical toy
      [*] TetsubinStamp1.5.1
      [*] The Musician 3.0.0
      [*] typerighter-suite-1.0.sit.hqx
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.2.9 - foreign language learning
      [*] White Gold: K2 theme
      [*] Word List Maker 2.0.8 - text conversion utility
      (Q) Drive Setup and Unsupported Drives
      (Q) Norton Utilities 4.0 and OS 8.5?
      <no subject>
      [Q] Scanner recommendations?
      Net problem with 8.5.1
      Personal experiences with MacResQ
      Voice Modem/Speakerphone Software Recommendations?
      Wanted: Proxy Server Software
      Which keyboard to use in CANADA? BRAVO TO APPLE

#### TEXT       infomacv16-247.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] AddressBook4.0.4
      [*] click-music-03.hqx:  electronic music show with flashy graphics. 
      [*] Desktop Pictures: Aerial / 1024x768
      [*] Desktop Pictures: Aerial / 1152x870
      [*] Desktop Pictures: Aerial / 640x480
      [*] Desktop Pictures: Aerial / 800x600
      [*] Desktop Pictures: Aerial / 832x624
      [*] Desktop Screen Saver
      [*] Dictionary Pictures 1.0 - foreign language learning
      [*] GC/MS Reader
      [*] HandyMan204.hqx
      [*] Image-In Engine 1.1
      [*] Index & Shutdown
      [*] Kineticon 1.5.1 - animated icons on your desktop!
      [*] MaBaSoft World Clock CSM 2.5v1 Japanese
      [*] Macmake Spam Trasher 1.0 Italiano - Mail Action anti Spam
      [*] Macmake Spam Trasher 1.0- Mail Action anti Spam
      [*] MultiMode 1.5.0
      [*] OneApp Address Book 1.4 Italian Version
      [*] Optimize scripts 2.0.1
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] parade-11
      [*] people book 2.1.4 68K
      [*] People Lister 1.1b4 (German) - An addressbook
      [*] PictFader13-A pict playing screensaver latest release
      [*] PictureSnooper98 V1.1
      [*] PlayerPRO 5.02 Freeware
      [*] QuickTrash 1.0.1
      [*] Recent Additions 1.2.2
      [*] RTUDEMO
      [*] Stock Tracker V3.1
      [*] StoryProject 4.2 [fiction writing outliner]
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5.3 - german version
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] time-machine-music-11
      [*] Wessel Family Deskop Pics
      [*] WorldClock CSM 1.7
      [*] Y2K_CountDown
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 3.1.7 (68k version)
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 3.1.7 (PPC version)
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 4.0.2

#### TEXT       infomacv16-248.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#464/25-Jan-99
      (C) Eudora tip - multiple e-mail accounts
      (C) Warning - OS Booster shareware has unusual installation
      (Q) CD Recorder
      (Q) Drive Setup and Unsupported Drives
      (Q) Freeze on Shutdown
      (R) Drive Setup and Unsupported Drive
      (R) Thanks be to Info-Mac people
      Change alert sounds?
      Couple Questions (Answered)
      File Size
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #244
      Net problem with 8.5.1
      Page setup defaults
      Personal experiences with MacResQ (R)
      The Musician 3.0.0
      Trying to save a vintage MacII
      Unable to open NCSA Telnet 2.7b4
      VM problem

#### TEXT       infomacv16-249.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) CD Recorder
      (C) Eudora tip - multiple e-mail accounts
      [Q] Powerbook 5300ce
      Change alert sounds?
      File Size
      File Size 
      Fwd: Change alert sounds?
      Fwd: File Size
      Fwd: Page setup defaults
      G3/300 E-net woes
      Music software for Macintosh
      OS Booster
      Page setup defaults
      Page setup defaults
      Page setup defaults
      Personal experiences with MacResQ (R)
      sound (Bob Wall)
      spell checker (Bowersox)
      views (Ed Ver Hoef)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-250.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Drive Setup and Unsupported Drives
      (C) Eudora tip - multiple e-mail accounts
      Apple Enet Extension
      DAT to Mac connections
      G3/300 E-net woes
      HELP! Casio BOSS and Macintosh assistance needed!
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #249
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #249
      LaserWriterSelect 310
      Modifying CD-ROM driver with ResEdit
      Powerbook 5300ce
      REQ: Information on Pippins.
      SCSI to Ethernet
      system sound turning itself off
      Word 6.0.1 and Mac OS 8.5.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-251.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [A]: DAT to Mac connections
      Annoying Netscape Bookmark Submenu Placement
      Apple Data Detectors
      Apple Enet Extension
      Drives for Performa 6400/180
      Failed paperport?
      Funky Helvetica Screen Fonts
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #248: File/Folder size
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #250
      LaserWriterSelect 310
      Mapping software
      PB G3/233 & Kingmax modem v90
      Powerbook 5300ce
      Powerbook 5300ce
      Printing over a NT network
      Replies to G3/300 woes
      SCSI to Ethernet
      Word 6.0.1 and Mac OS 8.5.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-252.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  KvLsPatterns4.sit.hqx - Macintosh Desktop Patterns
      [*]  Smart Scroll 3.5J - Japanese Version
      [*] "Styles" Left-Handed Custom Cursors
      [*] "Styles" More Left Cursors (freeware)
      [*] 32-bit Solar System Icon Set
      [*] ACE! 1.4.1 - an extendable save game editor
      [*] ASCII Converter
      [*] Ball & Stick 3.7.5b1 demo
      [*] DeskPuzzle - turn your desktop into a puzzle!
      [*] Digital Wipeout
      [*] Digital Wipeout min
      [*] Dupree True Type Font
      [*] EjectDisk 3.0 - Eject disks with a single key!
      [*] Enye 1.0
      [*] FinderPop1.7.6F - Rehausse les menus contextuels sous MacOS8
      [*] FoldIt (light) 4.4.2
      [*] FX KinePak SAMPLE - animated icons for Kineticon
      [*] Griffs Icon Set27.sit
      [*] Hyperspeed 1.1.0
      [*] Jade 1.2
      [*] MacCentric Icons v.1.0.sit.hqx
      [*] Math/Statistics Program: Regression 2.1
      [*] Midius ProjectPlanner 1.2
      [*] Nix Iconsv2.sit
      [*] PlayerPRO 5 French Version
      [*] PNG Prime Number Generator
      [*] PowerCalc
      [*] PowerCalc Lite
      [*] PreviewScanner 1.1b16
      [*] RGB File Finder
      [*] SchemeChecker 1.4.3 - Kaleidoscope 1.x and 2.x scheme utility
      [*] SmartKeys 3.4.1
      [*] Styles Earth Signs update for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles Fire Signs update for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles Goldfire update for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles Water Signs update for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles" More Custom Cursors (freeware)
      [*] Styles"Custom Cursors update (freeware) 
      [*] The Musician 3.0.0;
      [*] TopCalculette F-1.6.1, calculator with tape, currency converter
      [*] TopCalculette U-1.6.1, calculator with tape, currency converter
      [*] Trilite
      [*] Twistory 1.3 - History Browser
      [*] Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.1.3
      [*] Wood Nymph, "Styles" K2 update

#### TEXT       infomacv16-253.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Mac-HaBu 5.2
      [*]  NameChum 2.1.0; names management.
      [*] "Cyberfem:Denied" Alert Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] ][2Mac v1.2.7
      [*] A Better Finder Rename 1.6
      [*] AMICO 2.1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Andy's Pay Calculator 0.1 abstract
      [*] ATPM 5.01
      [*] BibleViewer 2.01 - read, browse, and search the Holy Bible
      [*] Cyberfem:Denied" Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] DST Renamer 1.0b
      [*] dumptruck.sit.hqx
      [*] fantasy baseball
      [*] HandyMan205
      [*] HTML TagWriter 3.1 - a HyperCard HTML Editor
      [*] John's AutoCheck 2.0
      [*] Kensington USB scroll mouse driver
      [*] Keyboards DVORAK and more languages Drag-and-drop
      [*] KeyQuencer Lite 2.5.5
      [*] MacHeads LARGE Bookmarks for IE 1.8
      [*] McPoker 1.0
      [*] Midnight Download 1.2
      [*] Midnight Download 1.2
      [*] Midnight Express
      [*] Midnight Express
      [*] Midnight Mail 1.2
      [*] Millennium Bug 1.0.1
      [*] Mini Conversion
      [*] people book
      [*] PNG Prime Number Generator
      [*] Power Menu 2.2.2aJ - Japanese Version
      [*] PowerGet 1.5.1
      [*] QuickTrash1.0.2.sit.hqx
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.1.3
      [*] speeddial22.hqx
      [*] Styles Freeware Gemstone Icons
      [*] Switcher_PowerUp135.sit
      [*] WEBBYS Best Web Sites For 1999
      [*] Weedhopper Commands 1.0 - OSAX

#### TEXT       infomacv16-254.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) A Cautionary Tale - Eudora is time expiring
      (Q) Stuffit Deluxe contextual plugin not registered?
      (Q) video mirroring and the Powerbook
      [A]: DAT to Mac connections
      [Q] vivisecting the PowerBook 5300
      Apple Data Detectors
      Apple Data Detectors
      Apple Enet Extension
      Bootable ZIP Disk
      Copy Problems
      Drives for Performa 6400/180
      Drives for Performa 6400/180
      Drives for Performa 6400/180
      Electronic organizer via serial port to Mac
      G3 MT won't sleep
      Hard Disk Toolkit vs Zip disks  A BIG JOKE
      Help with IRTalk on iMac
      How to create a small network?
      iMac 266 & Epson 440 Printer
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #251
      Mapping software
      Modifying CD-ROM driver with ResEdit
      Netscape 3.0
      PaperPortVX (Barlow)
      Printing Over an NT Network
      setting view defaults in Word 98
      Word 6.0.1 and Mac OS 8.5.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-255.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#465/01-Feb-99
      (A) iMac 266 & Epson 440 Printer
      (C) A Cautionary Tale - Eudora is time expiring
      (C) A Cautionary Tale - Eudora is time expiring
      (C) A Cautionary Tale - Eudora is time expiring
      (Q) Math flash card software
      (Q) More Powerbook Questions
      (Q) Stuffit Deluxe contextual plugin not registered?
      4 serial ports on an iMac!
      <no subject>
      [A] How to create a small network?
      [A] How to create a small network? 
      [A] video mirroring and the Powerbook
      [A] vivisecting the PowerBook 5300
      [A]: DAT to Mac connections
      [A]: DAT to Mac connections again
      [A]: Net problem with 8.5.1
      [Q] vivisecting the PowerBook 5300
      A Cautionary Tale - Eudora is time expiring
      A Cautionary Tale - Eudora is time expiring
      A Cautionary Tale - Eudora is time expiring
      addressbook on infomac no good?
      Antivirus for Performa 630
      Apple Enet Extension
      Audio filter question
      Default e-mail application
      HELP! Casio BOSS and Macintosh assistance needed!
      Help! Keeps re-connecting to ISP!
      Imation SuperDisk for iMac
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #254
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #254
      Mitsubishi Diamondtron 21" monitors...
      Netscape 3.0
      Old Mac Colour Monitor on new G3?
      Printing Over an NT Network
      setting view defaults in Word 98
      Stuffit Deluxe 4.5
      Word 6.0.1 Mac OS 8.5.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-256.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  MacMod Pro 5.2
      [*] ][2Mac v1.2.8
      [*] Amphiareo Caps Font
      [*] ASHCAN, version 1.8
      [*] Austronaut Plugins for Sherlock
      [*] AutoCat 2.1 - Catalog Different
      [*] Boingo Electro 1.1.2
      [*] Bumbler Bee-Luxe 1.0.3
      [*] ChaosGalaga
      [*] Data Management: MusiCatalog 3
      [*] daxaif audio compression program
      [*] Decode da Code, version 1.0.3
      [*] EAC1.0
      [*] GetChar FKEY 1.01
      [*] HeartCalc
      [*] JustMailPromo.sit
      [*] Lingotto 1.4.5
      [*] MacHeads LARGE Bkmrks 1.9
      [*] MacJikes Java Compiler v1.0
      [*] MacJikes Java Compiler v1.0
      [*] MacJikes Java Compiler v1.0
      [*] MultiMode 1.5.4
      [*] Nu Sans 3.2 PostScript font - A scalable Espy Serif
      [*] Nu Sans 3.2 TrueType font - A scalable Espy Serif
      [*] Overload
      [*] PhotoCat Player 1.5
      [*] PowerCalc Lite 3.1
      [*] PSI CaptionEZ-JPEG File Info/IPC Editor
      [*] Sharelook Plugin for Sherlock
      [*] SmallMines 2.51
      [*] Smart Scroll 3.5 extends Finder 8.5's 'Smart Scrolling' to most
      [*] SoftDock Journal Demo
      [*] SoftDock Journal Demo
      [*] Tahitian Pearl Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme
      [*] The Book of Changes 2.0
      [*] the-typerighter-suite-101.hqx - File Type Management Utils
      [*] Ugly-CD-Player-1.1
      [*] wedding planner- freeware
      [*] WordMix
      [*] Xtra Desktop Patterns
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 3.1.8 (68k version)
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 3.1.8 (PPC version)
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 4.0.3
      [*] YA-Viewer 2.1.3
      [*] Yooz 1.625US

#### TEXT       infomacv16-257.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Austrian Keyboard Patch 1.1 for German MacOS 8.5.x
      [*]  PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] Andy's Pay Calculator 0.2
      [*] Bi-Product
      [*] Cheesy Group New Mail Sound
      [*] Cuzco Regular
      [*] DesignWorksLite 4.0.2
      [*] DocJet 1.3.1
      [*] European Actress Icon (32 bits)
      [*] Europrice 1.0
      [*] HeartCalc
      [*] MacAT - A New Task Scheduling Application
      [*] MacCRO PPC 1.0
      [*] MacTicker 1.0.3 -- Put the stock market on your desktop
      [*] Many Moons 1.0.0, offbeat calendrical program
      [*] NavCom Cache Control 1.1.1
      [*] PhotoCat 2.5
      [*] PowerCalc 3.1
      [*] StuffCM 2.1.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Tape Measure.sit- macshareware & web tool

#### TEXT       infomacv16-258.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#466/08-Feb-99
      (C) A Cautionary Tale - Eudora is time expiring
      (Q) Modem for Classic
      (Q) New G3 with old peripherals
      (Q) Non-LocalTalk Printer on Network
      (Q) RealPlayer G2 too buggy for viewing
      An easy to make Powerbook mistake
      Copy Problems
      G3/400 Gives 450 Mhz Pentium II a run for its money
      Help Finding a program
      How to convert JPGs to Slide Show
      iMac joystick recommendation: ADB adapter vs. usb
      Mac II wont boot
      Music software for Macintosh
      Music software for Macintosh2
      One Logon Per Bootup
      Outlook Express
      PB1400cs screen problem in Costa Rica
      Printing Over an NT Network
      Problems with Powerbook G3 and wall projectors
      Putting back Apple HD Driver on Apple HD
      questions about archive...
      running PC games on a G3/233 Powerbook or OrangePC 620 on a
      Searching with Sherlock
      to stop the control strip 

#### TEXT       infomacv16-259.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Equalizer"
      [*] "SpringCAD"
      [*] AppleTree1.3.3 - a statistics tool for multinomial modeling
      [*] auto*painter.sit
      [*] BigPicture41
      [*] Blobs 2.2 A fun graphically intense puzzle game
      [*] Bol Processor
      [*] Custom Folder 3.6
      [*] DarkLight X2 for Kaleidoscope 2
      [*] DeskBot CoDi1
      [*] DeskBot NEMO
      [*] Export Icon Plug-in - save icons directly from Photoshop!
      [*] Garcia's Guitars 1.2.1
      [*] GLMStat 4.0.0;Generalised linear models
      [*] Griff'sSet28.sit
      [*] Icon Machine 1.6.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Jeremy's CSM's 1.9.5
      [*] John's Desktops
      [*] La Negrita for Kaleidoscope 2
      [*] MacCentric Icons v.1.0
      [*] MacCRO PPC - an oscilloscope
      [*] MacLaunchIt 1.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Mavicadabra! 1.2
      [*] Nature's Way Textures for Desktop Textures Suite
      [*] Organic Desktop Patterns
      [*] PandoMural-Freeware MacOS desktop picture program.
      [*] Pillars Revisited 
      [*] Platinum_CD_Player_patch.hqx
      [*] Play It Cool 3.1.3- Japanese Version
      [*] Play it Cool 3.13
      [*] PowerSPrint V1.3 - Sharing Serial Printers on LAN
      [*] PowerSPrint V1.4 (Sharing Serial Printers)
      [*] pro Fit 5.1.2 Trial
      [*] Reaper V1.2 (AppleWorks, Finder & CD-ROM heap fixer, a la	 RamC
      [*] Renaissance Black update for K2.1.1
      [*] Siemensstern 1.8 (fat)
      [*] Styles Bunnies
      [*] Styles Candy Stripes enhanced for K.1.1
      [*] Styles Gray/Grey enhanced for K2
      [*] Styles Lace and Sapphires for K2 update
      [*] Styles Pastorale update for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles Seashell Lite for K2.1.1
      [*] Tab City For Kaleidoscope 2
      [*] Tab City Lefty For Kaleidoscope 2

#### TEXT       infomacv16-26.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [A]Diskcopy on smi files for various mac
      Communicator 4.0.4 problem
      Free ISPs
      HDT the best Mac virus!
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #19
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #20
      Modern IIgs computer usage.....
      New Advertisement from Apple (Q)
      searching for US postal barcode font 

#### TEXT       infomacv16-260.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  EmailEudUS
      [*]  MacAT v1.1
      [*]  MacZip final version 1.01
      [*]  PaintByNumbers_1.0
      [*]  Process Manager 1.4.2
      [*] 37thResEx 2.0.1; the resources extractor.
      [*] Adventure Island 
      [*] AutoShare 3.0.4, a freeware list server
      [*] Black & Bleu
      [*] Chocoletters a puzzle game
      [*] Computer Cuisine 6.0 Recipe Database For FileMaker Pro
      [*] CopyPaths_1.4
      [*] DeskBots 1.6
      [*] DeskBots Phrase Editor 1.1
      [*] Empire Master 3.01
      [*] ExpertFile_1.1
      [*] Extensions Strip 1.9.1
      [*] Fawn 2 HyperCard Adventure Game
      [*] File Chameleon 1.0
      [*] Finnisch V&N 1.1 - foreign language learning
      [*] fonts-manager-3.9
      [*] Game Doctor 1.1 (FAT) - Game Cheat Application (doctor.hqx)
      [*] Hang2000 v1.3
      [*] John's AutoCheck 2.0.1
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.4.6
      [*] MacFootballManager2.1
      [*] MacOCU.sit
      [*] MacQibla 2.0
      [*] MoveWindow Plug-In for FileMaker Pro 4.x
      [*] Mt. Everything 1.5.0a4
      [*] NameChum 2.1.0
      [*] NetCacheResolver 0.9d7
      [*] Pre-Lister 3.0.1
      [*] QuickEncrypt 3.0.3; a flexible and secure encryption utility.
      [*] RAAM
      [*] ScanMon 1.07, a "practical" joke for the Mac
      [*] ShowModal XFCN 1.4
      [*] Sim Cinema Deluxe 2.5
      [*] Submission E-mail Utility
      [*] The Fragmalyzer 1.0.4
      [*] TRON-ish 1.7 A fast and explosive TRON game
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.5 - French version
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.3.1 - foreign language learning
      [*] Web Confidential 1.2
      [*] WebConfidential 1.1-SE

#### TEXT       infomacv16-261.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 2LavaLamps
      [*] ][2Mac v1.2.9
      [*] Address Book 4.0.5
      [*] Address Pad 1.0.3
      [*] Alien Voice Online Sounds (AOL 4.0)
      [*] Apple Wizards February 1999
      [*] Bi-Product
      [*] BlackWatch 1.4.1
      [*] Caribbean Online Sounds (AOL 4.0)
      [*] Cheesy Group Online Sounds (AOL 4.0)
      [*] G.U.T.S. requires AfterDark module, "Headlines"
      [*] Gramotki 1.5.9J - Japanese Version
      [*] Instrument Dater 1.5
      [*] MyBattery 3.3.6
      [*] Onomastici
      [*] people book 2.1.5 68K
      [*] People Book 2.1.5 PPC
      [*] QuickTrash1.0.3
      [*] RAMShush 1.0
      [*] Rock'n Roll Heaven for AfterDark
      [*] Sexy Online Sounds (AOL 4.0)
      [*] sLog-21.hqx  - "Your personal system manager."
      [*] Speed Profiler 1.4
      [*] TipThing1.3
      [*] TNT Nag! 1.22
      [*] Trash*Desktop1.2(FAT)
      [*] Trash*DesktopF-1.2(FAT) (French version)
      [*] TypePopper_1.2

#### TEXT       infomacv16-262.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#467/15-Feb-99
      (A) Non-LocalTalk Printer on Network
      (C) A Cautionary Tale - Eudora is time expiring
      (C) A Cautionary Tale - Eudora is time expiring
      (Q) PC Zips to Powerbook
      (Q) Selling old Macs
      (Q) Speech recognition, but only overseas!
      [R] One logon per bootup
      Adobe Kills LW8 (C)
      Can you recommend any Speech-to-Text software?
      Control Panels for shutting down/restarting the Mac
      desktop icon organisation
      Doubling speed once again!
      Encore 4.0 and MIDI no longer appear to work on the Powerbook?
      G3 Blue & White DVD drive errors!
      How to convert JPGs to Slide Show
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #258
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #258
      installers [comments on your particular case]
      Mac II wont boot
      Mac II wont boot-son of
      Macintosh Pascal
      Monitor won't sleep
      My opinion re: ADB adapter vs. usb
      navigator 4.5 windows are a pain
      OS 8.5. - why the slowdown ?
      Outlook Express
      photo catalog & slideshow
      Putting back Apple HD Driver on Apple HD
      Q:ResEdit-ing Apple CD-ROM and other
      questions about archive...
      running PC games on a G3/233 Powerbook or OrangePC 620 on a
      SCSI cards for Blue/White Mac
      searching mainboard
      Serial ports.
      Speakerphone software
      Subject: Problems with Powerbook G3 and wall projectors
      The Monitors & Sound Control Panel Bug
      Three buttons mouse/RealPC
      Website...Older Mac Street Price Guide?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-263.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Mac II wont boot
      (A) Non-LocalTalk Printer on Network
      (A) SCSI for Blue & White, and i-Mac
      (Q) Alternative to Control Strip Menu?
      8.5 on a 7200/120?
      Any c++ compilers for Mac?
      Can you Recommend any Speech-to-Text software?
      G3 Appletalk problem
      Microsoft is winning our heart slowly and surely
      Netscape 4.5 upgrade to 128 bit encription
      Netscape 4.5 upgrade to 128 bit encryption
      Netscape 4.5 upgrade to 128 bit encryption
      Performa 6400 Problems
      PowerBook 3400c/Broken Trackpad (Question)
      PowerBook 3400c/Broken Trackpad (Question)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-264.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  LSBasic
      [*] "Smootch" Alert Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] "Smootch" Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] 1997 Canada Income Tax Return, Clarisworks
      [*] ][2Mac V1.3.0
      [*] Address Pad 1.0.4
      [*] Akua Sweets V1.3 (Scripting Addtions & Example Scripts)
      [*] AutoCat 2.1 - Finnish Version
      [*] Cameraid 1.1.2
      [*] Cloudz 1.0.3
      [*] CP290 Director 1.3 - Control of X10 CP290 Home Automation Syste
      [*] Digital Wipeout DK 4.0
      [*] EAC 1.1
      [*] EAN_test_1.0.1
      [*] ElemFin-PPC-1.2.0-EN.sea.hqx
      [*] Euro Assistant 1.2
      [*] Extension Overload 3.3
      [*] Font Finder
      [*] Funnel Web 3.0
      [*] Funnel Web 3.0
      [*] InterCal Version 1.4.1
      [*] Lingotto 1.4.6
      [*] List View Editor 5.1
      [*] PaintByNumbers_1.0
      [*] Password Please
      [*] Pictodexer 1.0
      [*] PopAddress 1.0
      [*] Power Menu 2.2.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] Random digit of pi of the day
      [*] Refill Maker v1.0.0
      [*] SimpleImage 2.0
      [*] StartupScreen Randomizer 1.1
      [*] SwitchBack 2.7J - Japanese Version
      [*] SwitchBack270
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5.4 - English version
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5.4 - French version
      [*] SwitchRes 1.5.4 - German version
      [*] Tech Desktop.sit
      [*] Text ta' See
      [*] The Reaper V1.21 (RamCharger, AppleWorks & CD-ROM App Memory
      [*] Toggleator
      [*] TrashCleaner 2
      [*] TrashMan
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 4.1.0
      [*] ZipCons 1.0 for IconTools

#### TEXT       infomacv16-265.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 1997 Canada Income Tax Return, Excel
      [*] AddressBook  4.0.6
      [*] AppleTree1.3.3 - a statistics tool for multinomial modeling
      [*] ATPM 5.02
      [*] crystal-diffract-210
      [*] font-image-library-357.hqx
      [*] FONTaSEE FROM 2.0e to 3.0a
      [*] Hang2000 v1.3
      [*] Juggler 1.8PPC
      [*] MM100DEMOInstall.hqx Meeting Improvement
      [*] optimize-scripts-201
      [*] Pre-Lister 3.0.3
      [*] Ypatia and Ismini greek fonts

#### TEXT       infomacv16-266.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#468/22-Feb-99
      (Q) New Harddrives??
      (Q) NUM okay now?
      (Q) Stereo sound out of new B/W G3 minitower
      (Q) Turning off Wintel-style underlining in menu labels
      2.5" IDE <-> desktop IDE adapter?
      2.5" IDE <-> desktop IDE adapter?
      [Q] CPU Slowdown - odd serial port behaviour
      Alert Sounds Not Working
      Any c++ compilers for Mac? 
      Any Parallel to SCSI adaptors?
      CA Cricket Graph
      Claris email difficulties
      G3 Blue & White (The fault continues...)
      GV's New 56kb V.90 Modem Script (C)
      Help: PB150 won't find PPDs
      Macintosh Pascal
      Macs and foreign languages. A few questions.
      Managing Netscape Messenger Mail
      Measurement Conversion Software
      Netscape History
      questions about switchback, a recently uploaded utility
      QuickTime & MIDI
      Read Info-Mac by Easy View
      Speakerphone software
      WriteNow 4.0

#### TEXT       infomacv16-267.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Master Spell 4.1.1 (PPC) Spelling Drills for all ages
      [*] "DTpatterns"
      [*] "DTpatterns"
      [*] (works w/ AppleScript) NetworkRun 2.1
      [*] A Day at Work: Epic Banana
      [*] automail1.hqx - merge databases with email templates
      [*] cdarchandplay-151-fp3
      [*] Club MID v1.1.0
      [*] DoubleTouch 1.2.hqx
      [*] Easter Morning Kal. 2.0 scheme
      [*] El Negron 1.00
      [*] Extension Overload 3.3
      [*] font-image-library-357.hqx
      [*] Fonts Manager 3.9.1
      [*] GR-30_Editor_1.1_68K
      [*] India Ink 1.5 - stylized Photoshop halftones
      [*] iText 1.2E / iMac's Text Editor
      [*] LightWayText 2.1.2E / Powerful Text Editor
      [*] MacHead LARGE Bkmrks-Netscape 1.9
      [*] MacHeads LARGE Bkmrks for IE 1.9
      [*] MacTypingTutor4.5.3
      [*] MacZine #1
      [*] MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled ADDITION & SUBTRACTION 
      [*] MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled MULTIPLICATION
      [*] MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled SUBTRACTION
      [*] MoviePhile
      [*] NavCom Cache Control 1.2
      [*] Play it Cool 3.14
      [*] playitcool3.1.4j.sit.hqx
      [*] PokerOne
      [*] ppcgallery_demo
      [*] ReStickies 1.0 - the Stickies Reminder
      [*] SimpleImage 2.0.1
      [*] Small Multiplication Flashcard Masters
      [*] SpriteWorld 2.2
      [*] SpriteWorld 2.2 Extra Demos
      [*] swirl10a0
      [*] SwitchBack 2.7.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] SwitchRes 2.5.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.5.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] The Bible in FM 1.0
      [*] TypeForMe! v1.0
      [*] Websafe ColorChooser 1.0.1
      [*] Word Search V.2.3
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 4.1.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-268.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] CCalendar Converter..
      [*] Dist.xls
      [*] Pairs 2.0.0
      [*] password please
      [*] Sinic Lunar Calendar
      [*] TidBITS#469/01-Mar-99
      [*] Triangle.xls
      [*] Whereppc
       (A) New Harddrives??
      (A) Turning off Wintel-style underlining in menu labels
      (Q) B/W G3 minitower: sound input and output
      (Q) Backup hardware recommendations
      (Q) Microsoft Media Player
      (Q) NUM okay now?
      (Q) Removable drive advice sought
      (Q) Turning off Wintel-style underlining in menu labels
      (Q) Wall Street's 2nd battery?
      [A] Any c++ compilers for Mac?
      [A] Help: PB150 won't find PPDs
      [A] Managing Netscape Messenger Mail
      [A]: crashing
      [A]: Measurement Conversion Software
      [Q] Robotics curriculum/resources
      [Q]pcmcia ethernet card
      A 7200 upgrade at last?
      Any c++ compilers for Mac?
      Audiomedia II cards on a Centris 610.
      Claris email difficultiesI
      DropStuff for SITD5 Owners (C)
      Excel 5.0 auto quits upon launching (Q)
      Greyscale adaptor for an SE-30?
      Info-Mac Digest & Easy View
      Launcher background color?
      Managing Netscape Messenger Mail
      Managing Netscape Messenger Mail
      Measurement Conversion Software
      Netscape History
      OE Replies
      OS 8.5 and Word98 Printing
      OS RAM utilization and VM?
      Turning off Wintel-style underlining in menu labels
      Ugly Wintel styles
      Underlining In Menu Labels
      Underlining in Menus
      Video problems w/NewerTech  G3 upgrade cards

#### TEXT       infomacv16-269.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

       Re: NUM okay now?
      (Q) Browser for lab?
      (Q) More Powerbook Questions
      .vcf file...
      [Q] Apple Laptops and Firewire
      [Q] Scheduled shutdown doesn't work...
      Anybody try solarpanels with a Powerbook?
      Arranging windows as tiles
      Bizarre browser crashes
      coffe on keyboard
      Dictation software for Macs?
      DVD-ROM vs. DVD-ROM
      Hooking up a Radius 21" color display to a 7200
      iMac freezes
      Macs and foreign languages. A few questions.
      Measurement Conversion Software
      Microsoft Personal WEB Server
      modems and Netscape
      Netscape 4.5 mail messages
      Netscape History
      Oops! I got my knickers in a knot with Eudora's BCC
      OS8 vs. GVTeleport internet edition
      Pagemaker Question?
      Power Computing Issues
      Print Problem with G3/300
      Searching for a Daystar SE/30 Adapter
      The 'New' & 'Old' Apple 15" TFT (LCD) Studio Displays
      USB Modems
      Zip problem!

#### TEXT       infomacv16-27.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Acrobat Fill-in
      [*] Acrobat Forms
      [*] Cassette Label Pro 1.1
      [*] FindText 1.3.3
      [*] John's Thousand Clipboards
      [*] NuEdit1.2.5
            Q: more memory - slower Mac??
      (A) Diagnosing LC630 DOS
      (Q) hd recovery
      (Q) Sound breakup on hourly chime
      [A] GV x2 and Timbuktu Pro
      [A]: Hitachi CDR-7930, OS8 and StarMax
      [A]: Info on PM 6100/60 and 4GB HD problems
      [Q] Looking for Astrology Software
      [Q] Looking for Cross Stitch Software
      [Q]Sound Input Amplification extension
      Apple's advertising campaign
      Command-Trash incompatibility...
      desktop file problems
      Driver for Panasonic LF-1000 PD/CD-ROM?
      Duo RAM compatibility: 2300c -> 230 ?
      Epson StylusColor II
      Getting info off Classic with dead monitor
      Htm files
      Last system to work on an LC
      Need 10baseT instrux for 10base2 user
      Need to buy "Video Card" (noun.  see definition 3)
      Now Utilities and OS 8
      odd error message and other strange behavior
      OS 8.0 and the Internet
      searching for US postal barcode font
      searching for US postal barcode font 
      searching for US postal barcode font [more]
      Slow printing with Adobe Acrobat Reader
      Soln To Desktop Printer Error
      text to speech to file ?
      Why not a NuBus modem?
      Word: Documents automatically saved as Templates
      Word: Documents automatically saved as Templates
      Zip 100
      ZIP/JAZ problems

#### TEXT       infomacv16-270.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] add spaces
      [*] Aspirin 1.0
      [*] Baby Games 2.0.2 (FAT)
      [*] BitMapMusic_1.5_PPC_Submit
      [*] BOOM 1.1.4r2
      [*] CCanlendar Converter 1.1
      [*] Clarion1.1
      [*] Command Transform
      [*] DoubleTouch1.2.1.sit
      [*] Filo! 6.1
      [*] Hi's Universal Saver 1.5.2
      [*] Hooteroll True Type Font
      [*] Icon Machine 1.6.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] John's AutoCheck 2.0.2
      [*] John's Desktops 1.0.1
      [*] John's Window Manager 1.0.1
      [*] MacChess 5.0.1 PPC - Free master-strength chess
      [*] Master Spell 4.1.2 (68K) Spelling Drills for all ages
      [*] Master Spell 4.1.2 (PPC) Spelling Drills for all ages
      [*] Mulligan's Golf Personal 1.0.5
      [*] MultiMode 1.6.3
      [*] OfficePool '99
      [*] OfficePool '99
      [*] Outlook to Address Book - Moves address data information.
      [*] PA Super6 Lotto Manager v1.0. Hypercard.
      [*] PA Super6 Lotto v1.01
      [*] Painting 1.6: A fabulous graphics editor
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] Scripture-Verses-15-TRY-3.hqx
      [*] Sea Nymph,  new K2 scheme
      [*] Send To CM 1.0.2
      [*] SimpleSong 1.6 PPC Submission
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.1.4
      [*] Styles Peach Lace update for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles Springtime update for K2.1.1
      [*] Styles Vivaldi for K2.1.1
      [*] Swirl in Browns - DT Picture
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.5.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] TNT Nag! 1.23.sit
      [*] Valley Girl New Mail Sound
      [*] Valley Girl New Mail Sound
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.3.2 - foreign language learning
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.3.3 - foreign language learning
      [*] Verbs and Nouns Russisch (Russian/German)
      [*] xlaunch-142.hqx (disk/)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-271.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Morganite update for K2.1.1
      [*] "Styles" Pastel Roses update for K2.1.1
      [*] backup_by_stuffit_223e/AppleScript
      [*] CenterNet 1.0.1 PPC
      [*] Compress2Impress
      [*] Decode da Code, version 1.0.4
      [*] iView Mulitimedia 3.5 with Pro Digi-Cam File Support
      [*] MacPipes 2.2.7
      [*] Melody Assistant 3.1.0
      [*] Midimizer 1.0 PPC
      [*] Musicolor 1.0
      [*] MyEyes 2.3.4r2
      [*] PhoneTech 1.0.1
      [*] PsychScheduler201.sea
      [*] Random Sig
      [*] T-Minus Ten 2.1 - Task Manager
      [*] WallRunners v2.0 - The Simply Challenging Game
      (A) Backup hardware recommendations
      (C) Kaleidoscope 2.1.2 a vast improvement
      (Q) USB Joystick for iMac
      [A] Launcher background color?
      [A] Oops! I got my knickers in a knot with Eudora's BCC
      [A] OS RAM utilization and VM?
      [Q] Reverse printing on StyleWriter 2500?
      [Q] Scheduled shutdown doesn't work...
      C++ Compilers
      Changing default window size in Emailer
      dealing with hqx or bin files.
      DropStuff for SITD5 Owners (C)
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #268
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #268
      Measurement Conversion Software 
      No second battery, just capacitance
      On error -192
      Oops! I got my knickers in a knot with Eudora's BCC
      OS 8.5 and Word98 Printing
      OS RAM utilization and VM?
      OS8 vs. GVTeleport internet edition
      OS8 vs. GVTeleport internet edition
      Power Computing Issues
      Powerbook Questions Answered
      Robotics curriculum/resources
      Zip problem!

#### TEXT       infomacv16-272.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 8-Ball Emulator 9
      [*] Akua Sweets V131 - Scripting Additions and Example AppleScripts
      [*] AquaLog 3.0
      [*] Aquarius K2 Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Arf, Arf Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] AutoCat 2.1 - French Version
      [*] AutoCat 2.2 - Catalog Different
      [*] Castle Wolfenstein 3.8-Second Release
      [*] Castle Xeen and Castle of Lost Souls II
      [*] Cloudz 1.0.9
      [*] DeskBots 1.6.1
      [*] DiskRecall 1.1
      [*] DX7 Librarian v1.2.4
      [*] Edje Slant
      [*] eps-mover-1.0.1.hqx
      [*] Filemunger
      [*] Fonts Manager 3.9.2
      [*] Griff'sSet30.sit
      [*] Icon Machine 1.6.2
      [*] IconSwapper
      [*] Kaleidoscope 2.1.2
      [*] Kaleidoscope 2.1.2 (French)
      [*] Kaleidoscope 2.1.2 (Japanese)
      [*] LSBasic
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.4.7
      [*] Matrix maker 3.0.2
      [*] MoviePhile1.1.hqx
      [*] Pan-Asian Language Environment - Oriental Express bundles  
      [*] Periodic_Table
      [*] Philips OmniWriter CD-RW / Ricoh MP6200 Firmware Update 2.2 & 2
      [*] PictureArchive - Store Images In Searchable Database
      [*] SchemeChecker 1.4.4 - Kaleidoscope 1.x and 2.x scheme utility
      [*] SPOOKYcons2
      [*] SpriteWorld 2.2 -> 2.2.1 Update
      [*] Store Yur Stuff!
      [*] Superlister
      [*] TidBITS#470/08-Mar-99
      [*] TykeWriter
      [*] Verbs and Nouns Russisch (Russian/German) - lang. learning
      [*] VSE HTML Turbo 2.1 (68k) - Makes your web pages twice as fast
      [*] WolfenPC 1.0
      [*] Word List Maker 2.1 - text utility
      [*] Word Translator 2.8.6
      [*] WordHunter 2.01
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 4.1.2

#### TEXT       infomacv16-273.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  ShockBox 1.1b
      [*] "Blarney" Alert Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] "Blarney" Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] Apple Wizards March 1999
      [*] Application Commander v1.1.0
      [*] ATPM5.03.sit.bin
      [*] CCalendar Converter 1.1
      [*] control-commander-fat-112
      [*] Decode da Code, version 1.1
      [*] HypnOptic 2.0 SDK
      [*] HypnOptic Savescreen System 2.0
      [*] Kaleidoscope 2.1.2 (Italian)
      [*] LogTransporter 1.2
      [*] MaBaSoft Euro Assistant v1.2.1
      [*] MacRAR 2.0.1, the RAR compressor for the Mac
      [*] MIMEconvert_106.
      [*] Mini Conversion
      [*] NewNOTEPAD II 1.7.2 - English Version
      [*] NewNOTEPAD II 1.7.2 - Japanese Version
      [*] PPPop 2.0.4 - PPP Operator Utility
      [*] PPPremier Timer 2.0.2-1; an internet connection tool
      [*] Scorpion BarCode 1.50
      [*] Simple List 2.0 PPC
      [*] SoftwareFPU 3.07
      [*] TheMouse2B
      [*] Tickle-Me Pikachu
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.5.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Web Confidential 1.1 - German version

#### TEXT       infomacv16-274.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Hokkaido" Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] AutoCat 2.2 - Finnish Version
      [*] AutoCat 2.2 - French Version
      [*] BackgroundWarper 1.2 PPC
      [*] Black&Bleu
      [*] ChessWorks
      [*] CitiDISK Icons ver 1.0
      [*] Clarion 1.1.1
      [*] CopyPaste 4.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] DarkLight X2 1.2.5 
      [*] DrBeamProDemo
      [*] Editcard 1.2.0
      [*] emacs-20.3-mac-src-d1
      [*] FinderKeeper 1.0.2
      [*] FontAgent 2.7.1 FAT
      [*] FontAgent 2.7.1 PPC
      [*] GestLab 1.0b1 - The ultimate Gestalt Manager tool
      [*] GestLab F-1.0b1 - L'outil ultime du Gestalt Manager
      [*] GLMStat 4.0.2;Generalised linear models
      [*] GraphicConverter 3.6 De
      [*] GraphicConverter 3.6 US
      [*] ImageViewer 5.02 68K (New Version)
      [*] ImageViewer 5.02 PPC (New Version)
      [*] Kaleidoscope 2.1.2 (German)
      [*] MaBaSoft World Clock CSM 2.5.2
      [*] MaBaSoft World Clock CSM 2.5.2 D (German Version)
      [*] MaBaSoft World Clock CSM 2.5.2 F (French Version)
      [*] MaBaSoft World Clock CSM 2.5.2 I (Italian Version)
      [*] MaBaSoft World Clock CSM 2.5.2 J (Japanese Version)
      [*] MacLotto1.1DEMO.sit
      [*] MiniWin 4.1
      [*] MS Natural Driver 1.01
      [*] QT Pad v1.0.4
      [*] SolitaireTillDawn34
      [*] Special Devilery Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Style Master 1.2 68k uploaded
      [*] Style Master 1.2 ppc
      [*] SwitchBack 2.7.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] TidBITS#471/15-Mar-99
      [*] TidBITS#472/22-Mar-99
      [*] TitleTrack CD Player 2.0
      [*] Uploaded: YAAF1_0a6_patch
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.3.7 - dictionary, spellchecker, text-translator
      [*] Word List Maker 2.1.5 - text (concordance) utility
      [*] YooZ 163b4FR

#### TEXT       infomacv16-275.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "St. Pat Pack" System Sounds
      [*] 1998 Canada Income Tax Return, Clarisworks
      [*] AccountsAuditor (68K)
      [*] AccountsAuditor (PPC)
      [*] Cache Killer Pro II 2.0 - web browser cache management
      [*] Columbo 2.0
      [*] Desktop Pictures: Lightning /640x480
      [*] ImageIn Engine 1.1
      [*] MacAT v3.1 released. Cron for Macintosh
      [*] MacHead Bmarks for NN4.5 V1.9
      [*] MakeItGrow 2.4
      [*] planet-earth-2.0.3
      [*] PowerMenu v2.2.3: A contextual menu utility
      [*] Reanimator 2.0.6
      [*] Sessions 1.0
      [*] ShiftSelection 1.2
      [*] sLog-211.hqx
      [*] Snak version 2.0.2
      [*] Snak version 2.0.2
      [*] StripAmp 1.0
      [*] TiCalendar 1.1
      [*] UpdateAgent 3.0 68k
      [*] UpdateAgent 3.0 PPC
      [*] URLologist 1.0
      [*] Web Confidential 1.2 - French version
      [*] Web Confidential 1.2 - German version

#### TEXT       infomacv16-276.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Classic Gin Rummy 3.0
      [*]  Color by Number 1.2
      [*]  Rune Icons
      [*] 3D Maker
      [*] 8-Ball Emulator.sit
      [*] ACE! 1.5 - An extendable save game editor
      [*] bladesofexile.v101
      [*] clip2icns 1.5.1: create & edit OS 8.5 32-bit icons
      [*] Command_Transform1.0
      [*] CrystalMaker 3.1.2 demo
      [*] ElemFin-1.2.1-PPC
      [*] ElemFin-1.2.1-PPC-fr.sea.hqx
      [*] GIFCruncher Demo EA5
      [*] GraphicConverter 3.6.1
      [*] GraphicConverter 3.6.1
      [*] Griff'sSet29.sit
      [*] Hexaplex
      [*] HistoryHappens-v1.5
      [*] iPuzzle v1.0 68k
      [*] iPuzzle v1.0 PPC
      [*] Kowloon Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] macattack-199.sit
      [*] macattack-patch-199.sit
      [*] MacCurveFit 1.5
      [*] Martha's Custom Folder icons
      [*] Pavilion 1.4
      [*] Pennsylvania Dutch kal. scheme
      [*] Play It Cool 3.1.5J - Japanese Version
      [*] Play It Cool 3.1.6J - Japanese Version
      [*] Play it Cool 3.15
      [*] Play it Cool 3.16
      [*] PlayerPRO 5.1 Freeware
      [*] Scrollwork Kaleidoscope
      [*] SFG-Installation-2.5.5.hqx
      [*] SimpleImage 2.0.3
      [*] soundcalc.hqx - version 1.1
      [*] Styles  Twilight update for K2
      [*] Styles Daffodils for K2, 2 versions
      [*] Styles Jewels, enhanced for K2
      [*] Styles School Days update for K2
      [*] Styles Spring Plaid update for K2
      [*] Text Cleaner Lite 1.51
      [*] Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.5
      [*] YP Vernier 1.0 (for science teachers)
      [*] YP Vernier 1.0F (for science teachers, french version)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-277.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Muddy Water 1.3
      [*]  NewsTicker 1.6
      [*] ][2Mac
      [*] Align Utilities
      [*] AppAxe 1.0 Application Quitter Control Panel
      [*] Back-Drop for OS 8.5
      [*] BasicFacts Maker II v3.2
      [*] BeSpecific 1.0 for KeyQuencer
      [*] Book of Decks.sit
      [*] CabExtractor
      [*] CapsOff 1.1
      [*] Data Management: MusiCatalog 3.1
      [*] DesktopJanitor 1.0.2
      [*] DiskSurveyor 1.4.1
      [*] El Verbo Simple 2.5 - Learn To Conjugate Spanish Verbs
      [*] Euro Calculations 1.0
      [*] EuroClassic 1.0
      [*] FontBuddy 1.0
      [*] GestLab 1.0b2 - The ultimate Gestalt Manager tool
      [*] GestLab F-1.0b2 - L'outil ultime du Gestalt Manager
      [*] Grey Tower 1.4
      [*] hanmac-word-k-206.
      [*] InternetHelper1.2
      [*] Japanese EDICT for V&N - language learning
      [*] Japanese Inflection Dictionaries for V&N - language learning
      [*] KIX Berekening 1.2
      [*] MACcess 1.2
      [*] MacTicker 1.1.2 -- Put the stock market on your desktop
      [*] MacZine International #1
      [*] MailFetch 2.0.1
      [*] Mancala 2000
      [*] nethergate.v101.sit.hqx
      [*] PICT Compiler 2
      [*] Querkz15.sit.hqx
      [*] Tester 4.40
      [*] the-mouse-2b.hqx
      [*] Trash*Desktop1.2.1(FAT)
      [*] Trash*Desktop1.2.1-fr(FAT)
      [*] Tri-Tac-Toe v1.2
      [*] USB Overdrive 1.0 - Universal USB driver for all mice and joyst
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.3.4 - foreign language learning
      [*] VersionFinder
      [*] Web Finder V 4.0.2 LE
      [*] Word List Maker 2.1.6 - text (concordance) utility
      [*] YellowReg 1.0.0

#### TEXT       infomacv16-278.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] CalCountNote 1.0
      [*] Clac EuroCalc 1.0.0b7 Freeware
      [*] Key Pad 1.0.1
      [*] KeyStrokes 1.2
      [*] MacAT v3.2
      [*] MacChess-501D (German) free master-strength chess (PPC only)
      [*] MacChess-501NL (Dutch) free master-strength chess (PPC only)
      [*] Quebec XL5 tax template
      [*] Sessions 1.0
      [*] SpeakTime1.0 - Control panel to speak the time & make announcem
      [*] Tunnelvision 1.0 - MacDim screensaver module

#### TEXT       infomacv16-279.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#473/29-Mar-99
       [A] Word Pagination
      (A) Dragon Systems not abandoning the Mac after all
      (A) More Powerbook Questions
      (A) OS RAM utilization and VM
      (A) Programming on the Mac
      (more on) OS 8.5 and Word98 Printing
      (Q) Quicken Data Files
      .cpt file
      .vcf file
      .vcf file...
      17" AppleVision 1710 Display
      [A] Apple Laptops and Firewire
      [A] Backup hardware recommendations
      [Q] Anyone know of Replacement Zip cases
      Anybody try solarpanels with a Powerbook?
      Anybody try solarpanels with a Powerbook?
      Arranging windows as tiles
      Borders on tables in Office 98
      Dictation software for Macs?
      Dictation software for Macs?
      Does anyone still have the WriteNow 4.0 -> 4.02 Update?
      Don't laugh: a Mac LC & The Internet - do they bite or .. ?
      Excel 5.0 auto quits upon launching (Q)
      Excel 5.0 auto-quiting - problem solved
      Fwd: .vcf file...
      Hooking up a Radius 21" color display to a 7200
      iMac freezes
      Info-Mac Digest & Easy View
      Mac OS 8.5.1 and TCP/IP
      Macs and lawyers
      modems and Netscape
      modems and Netscape
      more PowerBook questions
      Oops! I got my knickers in a knot with Eudora's BCC
      Palm Desktop Problems and Questions
      Phone call over the Internet on Mac
      Power Computing Issues
      Q: something like peoplebook but...
      Secret propaganda in Word 98?
      Shareware  version of Jam?
      stuffit for NT or UNIX
      Why won't IE4.5 use StuffIt Expander instead of Deluxe?
      Zip problem!

#### TEXT       infomacv16-28.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 1997 Canada Income Tax Return, Clarisworks
      [*] A MacHead's LARGE Bookmarks UPDATE 1.5
      [*] Anna's Desktop Patterns 3.0
      [*] Anna's Desktop Patters 2.0 and 3.0 *
      [*] BitMapMusic 1.4
      [*] BladePro Extra Texture Pack 2
      [*] busstop-101
      [*] CardIndex
      [*] cd-key
      [*] ClockSync II 1.2.0 is available!
      [*] Club MID v1.0.5
      [*] Codebook 3.0 released!!
      [*] Computer Admin
      [*] CronoTask 1.0.4 68k (Cron utility with true OS 8 Mac interface)
      [*] CronoTask 1.0.4 ppc (Cron utility with true OS 8 Mac interface)
      [*] CyberMozartInstaller3
      [*] Epoch Original Folders
      [*] Format-Chart Version 1.3.0
      [*] HTML-Tag-Companion-10.hqx
      [*] I left my Heart" Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Icon Machine
      [*] Intelligent Chaos 1.5 
      [*] Jerry's Finder 8.1 Patch 1.0
      [*] KG's Desktop Pics #7 1024x768
      [*] KG's Desktop Pics #7 1152x870
      [*] KG's Desktop Pics #7 640x480
      [*] KG's Desktop Pics #7 800x600
      [*] KG's Desktop Pics #7 832x624
      [*] Kineticon - animated icons on your desktop!
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.1.sit
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.3.4
      [*] MacCurveFit 1.4
      [*] Matrix maker 3.0
      [*] McHurricane 3.2
      [*] Mennos-organiser-1.2-fp3
      [*] NudgeMouser
      [*] OSHA Form 200 Replacement for FileMaker Pro
      [*] PALotto 1.0 PA Lottery Manager. HC
      [*] PrintGuard 1.0.6
      [*] Sexy Thing Alert Sound (16-bit/44.1kHz)
      [*] Sexy Thing Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] SpikeInstaller16
      [*] Steve's Icon Set 3
      [*] Steve's Native American Icons
      [*] TaskMaster Update

#### TEXT       infomacv16-280.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Menu screen capture
      (A) New AVI player for the Mac
      (Q) Anybody know of a drop PICT-> GIF converter?
      (Q) Eudora Pro 4.0 Deliver button?
      (Q) Full Impact
      (Q) No Free Macintosh internet Service Providers?
      (Q) PCI Expansion Adaptor?
      (Q) Word 5.1a and OS 8.5 and LW NTX
      .cpt file (A)
      .vcf file... (A)
      5200 Internal Modem?
      5200 Modem
      [A] Zip problem - solved
      [Q] Dog Show Software
      A: GV's New 56kb V.90 Modem Script (C) 
      Appleshare error (Q)
      Are boardswaps/LBU's still available for Quadras?
      coding attachments
      disappearing printers
      Finder unexpectedly quit under unusual circumstances (Q)
      Font and other questions
      Help: PB150 won't find PPDs (R)
      Is there a Way to hack Netscape????? Please Help.........
      Java errors with Netscape Communicator 4.5
      Mac version of USPS postage statement applet 
      MacOS 8.5.1 & Word 6.0.1
      making external hard disk
      Need help cusomizing Netscape.....
      Need help with Modem Speed on New G3...it sucks....
      New Iomega Stuff (Arrgghh!)
      Norton lost data [was: Info-Mac Digest V16 #268]
      P400 won't see floppy or Hd, chimes of death
      Pagemaker Question? (R)
      Powerbook 5xx Motherboard Replacement
      Powerbook 5xx Torx Driver
      Recording problems, the mystery of the vanishing HD.
      Sherlock error message -908
      SIMM module(128MB EDO)
      startup memory check in 8.5
      Turning On MacIIx Power Supply
      USB Modems w/o Drivers
      Zip problem! (R)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-281.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#474/01-Apr-99
      (A) Internet Explorer 4.5 and garbled text
      [Q] Acrobat - full version
      [Q] Erratic Mouse
      [Q] MRJ over secure connections...
      [Q] QT Movies as broken icons...
      Anybody know where a copy of TECO might be found?
      G3 56k Modem (C)
      Journal 1.05
      MediaVision Reno CD info
      need info/help on norton vs. others
      parts for a PowerBook 2400c
      problem setting up printer(S)
      rudder connector for Gravis Firebird needed
      Video Card Needed

#### TEXT       infomacv16-282.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

       Troubleshooting wanted
      (A) Internet Explorer 4.5 and garbled text
      (Q) PowerBook GS Series modem scripts
      (Q) USB/Firewire PCI cards?
      .vcf file
      .vcf file [A]
      .vcf file...
      [A] Acrobat - full version
      [A] Anyone know of Replacement Zip cases
      [Q] Acrobat - full version
      [Q] Anyone know of Replacement Zip cases
      address book etc.
      Apple Certified System Engineer
      Book?Sftware to Learn C, C+ or C++
      Don't laugh: a Mac LC & The Internet - do they bite or .. ?
      Firewire [R]
      I Mac OS 8.5.1 and TCP/IP
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #279
      Macintosh Plus and Qisk
      MediaVision Reno CD info
      Modem for 5200 
      modems and Netscape
      modems and Netscape
      need info/help on norton vs. others
      Not a flame, just a question...
      On NOrton 4.0
      Palm Desktop Problems and Questions
      Palm Desktop Problems and Questions
      Power for a PowerBook
      problem setting up printer(S)
      question for digest
      Re; iMac freeze
      Remote Mouse for PowerbookG3
      stuffit for NT or UNIX
      the LC and the 'Net
      Video Card Needed

#### TEXT       infomacv16-283.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  CalCountNote 1.0
      [*]  PowerMenu v2.2.3: A contextual menu utility
      [*] AddColor Button Animations
      [*] Address Book by OneApp v.2.0 - Net-Savvy Address Book App
      [*] AFL Footy Tipper99
      [*] BetterAlarms.sea - Alarm/Reminder Program
      [*] Burbank Rummy 1.2.sit
      [*] CatFinder 2.1.2
      [*] Colonisation 3.1
      [*] CopyPaths 1.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] DiskCatalogMaker 2.1.6 - freeware
      [*] ElectrifierPro1.0.sit
      [*] EZNote v1.41 released!
      [*] Family Address Book v1.1
      [*] Genetish 1.0
      [*] H2C_10.hqx - The must for every C++ programmer
      [*] Jens_Animal_Icons.hqx
      [*] Jens_Birdie_Icons
      [*] jlp.Backgrounds Vol.1 
      [*] LeFranglophile1.5 - French-English dictionary
      [*] MacDoppler v3.8.1
      [*] ObjectPlant 2.1.3, object-oriented analysis and design tool
      [*] ProcDoc.hqx
      [*] Quit It v2.0.2
      [*] StripLaunch 1.2.1
      [*] Turtle Dice
      [*] TypeLaunch 1.0
      [*] WordCoach 2.0 -- Learning foreign languages
      [*] WordCoach English-German R2 Dictionary
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 4.2.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-284.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#475/05-Apr-99
       Palm Desktop Problems and Questions
      (A) coding attachments
      (A) disappearing printers
      (A) Don't laugh: a Mac LC & The Internet 
      (A) Font and other questions
      (A) scripts, scripts, and more scripts!
      (A) startup memory check in 8.5
      5200 and scanner questions
      [A] Don't laugh: a Mac LC & The Internet - do they bite or .. ?
      [Q] EasyView configuration for OneList digests?
      [Q] iMac-to-IWII?
      Appearance Manager?
      Apple Printer and a Windows PC
      Applescript - how do I check if Appletalk is on?
      Appleshare and TCP/IP collisions
      Appletalk cannot be opened? Performa 6205 7.6.1 w/o OT installed
      Backing up and synching a Sharp Wizard
      BestData Smart One Modems
      desktop DB problems
      Don't laugh: a Mac LC & The Internet - do they bite or .. ?
      Files mentioned two week sago theat have not yet appeared at
      Fwd: address book etc.
      Fwd: Palm Desktop Problems and Questions
      G3 Powerbook Screen Hack?
      IDE -> SCSI Adaptor
      Localtalk problems
      Maximum number of files in Open Dialog
      Power for a PowerBook
      Printing Problem
      Providing Security to Home Network
      question for digest
      Reset ADB port?
      Sound Problem on a G3
      Troubleshooting wanted
      Why won't IE4.5 use StuffIt Expander instead of Deluxe?
      Word 6 and OS 8.5
      Wordpercect scrolling problems

#### TEXT       infomacv16-285.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  EPS Mover 1.0.2 - EPS Preview Conversion Utility
      [*]  Magic Print
      [*]  Navi iRae 1.5.6
      [*] BigPicture42
      [*] Chronium 1.0
      [*] Classic Gin Rummy 3.0
      [*] Club MID v1.1.1
      [*] Computer Cuisine Deluxe
      [*] Data Management: MusiCatalog 3.2
      [*] daxaif 1.0 lossless audio compression
      [*] Dictionary Lookup 1.0 - Apple Data Detector
      [*] Double-entry Bookkeeper
      [*] EPS Factory 1.0 - EPS Preview Generation Utility
      [*] FastFontMenu 2.0.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] FontBuddy1.1
      [*] GLMStat 4.0.3;Generalized linear models
      [*] Greenery Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] hanmac-word-k-206.hqx
      [*] Illuminations Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] iPuzzle v1.0 68k
      [*] iPuzzle v1.0 PPC
      [*] ismon-hc-101
      [*] KD Screenwriting System 2.0 - Nisus Writer tools
      [*] Language Toolkit Writer 1.5.4 - foreign language learning
      [*] Mac-Habu 5.3
      [*] MetaCreations Headline 
      [*] Metric Conversion Calculator
      [*] Metric Conversion Calculator
      [*] OmaMoku 2.2, a game
      [*] Optimize scripts 2.1
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] QuickRename1.5-FAT.sit.hqx
      [*] QuoEdit 0.48
      [*] QuoEdit 0.481
      [*] Rah-Jur's G3 Icon
      [*] SafeCat 3 - Software that could save your Cat's life!
      [*] SafeDog 3 - Software that could save your Dog's life!
      [*] sans-faute-grammaire-255
      [*] SchemeChecker 1.4.5 - Kaleidoscope 1.x and 2.x scheme utility
      [*] Scribbles
      [*] The Reading Machine 1.0.3
      [*] Trinity 1.0.1
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.3.6 - foreign language learning
      [*] Wapp pro 1.5
      [*] WriteNow 4.0 -> 4.02 Updater

#### TEXT       infomacv16-286.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  MacZPoint 1.9.7
      [*] CabExtractor 0.8.1
      [*] CamParse - WebCamToo 1.4 log parser
      [*] DP Autochanger 1.3
      [*] FastEmailCheckPro
      [*] FastEmailCheckPro
      [*] jlp Backgrounds Vol.1
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.4.8
      [*] Neural Net StartUp Sound (16-bit)
      [*] Neural Net Startup Sound (8-bit)
      [*] PeaceKeeper v2.0b1
      [*] Quit It v2.0.2
      [*] ShockBox 1.12
      [*] sndcompiler.sit.hqx
      [*] SpeakTime1.0.1 - OS-8 INIT for announcing time
      [*] The Open With Package 2.0
      [*] tracktor-beam.hqx
      [*] Web Confidential
      [*] WebPT101.sit.hqx

#### TEXT       infomacv16-287.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#476/12-Apr-99
      (A) coding attachments
      (A) Font and other questions
      (A) Norton and MacOS 8.1 and above
      (no subject)
      (Q) Website logs analysis program recommendations?
      40 GB Optical drives on their way
      682 limit
      [Q] Book/Software to Learn C, C+ or C++
      [Q] Invisible MS Word 8 attachments
      [Q] Papa Needs a New Monitor
      Appearance Manager?
      Bad 1710AV monitors - The Apple Runaround!
      BestData Smart One Modems
      desktop DB problems
      Don't laugh: a Mac LC & The Internet - do they bite or .. ?
      downloading from Netscape
      file sharing user limit
      Fwd: [Q] iMac-to-IWII?
      Fwd: Appearance Manager?
      Fwd: Applescript - how do I check if Appletalk is on?
      Fwd: BestData Smart One Modems
      Fwd: Files mentioned two week sago theat have not yet appeared at
      Fwd: Printing Problem
      Fwd: Providing Security to Home Network
      Homer DA?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #284
      Internal SuperDisk Drive for 8100
      is there a way to move the 
      Mac ethernet,  PCW98, Apple printer
      mac sounds
      Macs for dial up
      Maximum number of files in Open Dialog
      Navigation Services as an extension?
      Need Serial Card for New Blue-White G3
      Netscape 2.02
      okey dokey pro
      Palm Desktop Problems & Questions
      Palm Desktop Problems and Questions
      PB 1400 battery utility?
      Performa 6400 - Hooking up to a Home Stereo
      Providing Security to Home Network
      Reset ADB port?
      SCSI pins
      Subject: 5200 and scanner questions

#### TEXT       infomacv16-288.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  NITKA(MAC).sit
      [*] "Styles" April Violets update for K2
      [*] ChessWorks 1.3.4
      [*] Club MID v1.1.2
      [*] CoCo 3.04 DEMO
      [*] Emile Lite 1.0 XML Editor
      [*] Flamingo in the Palms Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] GameMaker Demo v2.8
      [*] GestLab 1.0b3 - The ultimate Gestalt Manager tool
      [*] GestLab F-1.0b3 - L'outil ultime du Gestalt Manager
      [*] Grab Bag 1.2
      [*] Jens_Birdie_Icons_2.hqx
      [*] Jens_blue_cat.hqx
      [*] McPoet-5.1.hqx: Tools for automatic text generation and morphin
      [*] MoviePhile2
      [*] MyEyes 2.3.5
      [*] Optimize scripts 2.1.1
      [*] Play it Cool 3.17
      [*] PowerSPrint V1.5 (sharing Epson & HP serial printers)
      [*] Primavera kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] QuoEdit 0.483
      [*] Rainbow Painter 0.9.0
      [*] SnackAttackv11
      [*] Speed Profiler 1.8.1
      [*] Styles Geometric update for K2
      [*] Styles Jewels update for K2
      [*] Styles Sea Sprite update for K2
      [*] Styles Wood Nymph update for K2
      [*] Tarot Angels update for K2
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.5.6J - Japanese Version
      [*] TextSpresso 1.0 68K - text cleaning/filtering utility
      [*] TextSpresso 1.0 PPC - text cleaning/filtering utility
      [*] UGather 2.1.8 (freeware)
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 4.2.2
      (A) Acrobat Printing Problem
      [Q] Invisible MS Word 8 attachments
      Beeps and browser delays
      Fwd: okey dokey pro
      is there a way to move the
      MTExt (A)
      Norton and MacOS 8+
      okey dokey pro
      Providing Security to Home Network
      Web pages + sound

#### TEXT       infomacv16-289.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 1998 Tax Forms 1040, Sch A, B, D, MN M-1
      [*] appaxe
      [*] AppearanceHopper 1.5
      [*] AppearanceHopper 1.5 Fr
      [*] ATPM 5.04
      [*] David's SIT Patch (SITPatch.sit.hqx)
      [*] FastEmailCheck Pro 1.0.2
      [*] FinderCmds 1.0 Control Panels
      [*] Gammasoft Office
      [*] Hot Rod Alert Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] Hot Rod Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] Ira's Desktop Pictures - Sampler - Vol 1
      [*] Memory Profiler 1.0
      [*] People Lister 1.1 (English) - An addressbook
      [*] People Lister 1.1 (German) - An addressbook
      [*] People Lister 1.1 (Italian) - An addressbook
      [*] People Lister 1.1 (Swedish) - An addressbook that remembers bir
      [*] Reanimator 2.0.7
      [*] RedSkyMusic-07
      [*] Sessions 1.1b
      [*] Switch-It 1.9.6
      [*] TextE@se
      [*] The Open With Package 2.0.1
      [*] TriVectus Kicho: Keyboard caps-lock utility
      (Q) National Geographic Maps CD-ROM sound quality is lousy

#### TEXT       infomacv16-29.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Area Properties 3.3
      [*] Bumbler Bee-Luxe 1.0.1 demo
      [*] Digital Diary v1.8.3
      [*] freebytes-132.hqx
      [*] golf-personal-demo-10.hqx
      [*] GraphicConverter 3.1.1 FAT (DE)
      [*] GraphicConverter 3.1.1 FAT (US)
      [*] HCmdButtonAttachment 1.2.1 - A PowerPlant Class
      [*] HMarqueeCaption 1.1.2 - A PowerPlant Class
      [*] HSharableResource 1.2 and HSharablePicture 1.2 - PowerPlant Cla
      [*] HStringList 1.1 - A PowerPlant Class
      [*] HToggleRadioButton 1.2.2 - A PowerPlant Class
      [*] KKGames 1.05
      [*] macspd-311a.hqx
      [*] Phonemic Font Pack 1.1
      [*] PICAsmMac: Assembler and programmer for PIC16F8X
      [*] PinkPixel... another font from GemJm!
      [*] PushBtnBachInstaller2.sit.hqx (abstract)
      [*] Spanish Nouns 1.1 - foreign language learning
      [*] StartThing 1.0.5 - simple and powerful
      [*] The Fishin' Hole v1.0
      [*] Vocabulary 2.0 FAT- to learn better the vocabulary

#### TEXT       infomacv16-290.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#477/19-Apr-99
      "Contents of RAM Disk will be lost . . ." dialog
      (A) National Geographic Maps CD-ROM sound quality is lousy
      [A] Beeps and browser delays
      [A] Book/Software to Learn C, C+ or C++
      [A] mac sounds
      [A] SCSI pins
      [Q] Funky Colors on Startup
      [Q] Internet Fax Gateway from Eudora
      [Q] printer problem after system upgrade
      [Q] Un-delete-able Item In Trash
      EXCEL question
      G V.90 Flex preferred (Q)?
      G3 vs. P3 the rat race is on
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #284
      is there a way to move the 
      keep Word file icons from hopping around
      Maximum number of files in Open Dialog
      Modem disconnects
      Palm Desktop Problems & Questions
      Post script pritning errors
      SCSI pins
      Search for a TokenRing adapter
      Star Trek Sounds
      UMAX Astra 1220S
      Web pages + sound
      Web pages + sound

#### TEXT       infomacv16-291.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Palm Desktop Problems & Questions
      [A] Palm Desktop Problems & Questions
      [A] Palm Desktop Questions (re: USB)
      [A^2] Beeps and browser delays
      [Q] CD-ROM problems with PowerComputing system HELP!
      [Q] G3 (rev2) DT adding drives
      [Q] Un-delete-able Item In Trash
      Dental Office Software??
      Excel Question
      Funky Colors on Startup
      Fwd: couple of questions about MacTuner
      How to set up 2nd email account on Netscape Communicator 4.5?
      Mac OS 8.6beta2
      Netscape download problem
      Un-delete-able Item In Trash

#### TEXT       infomacv16-292.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  First Strike 2.0.2
      [*]  RealView 2.6.5 (68k)
      [*] ACE! 1.5.1 - an extendable save game editor
      [*] Castle Wolfenstein 3.8.1
      [*] Castle Xeen and Castle of Lost Souls
      [*] Chocoletters 1.2 a puzzle game
      [*] Colonisation
      [*] ColorKeeper 2.4 - Excellent color manager with any application
      [*] critterz.sit
      [*] Curvus Pro 2.5 E
      [*] Custom Graphics Pak Release 1
      [*] Daily Tarot 2.0
      [*] DarkLight Update
      [*] eDOC 2.1
      [*] Entwined Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] EZIndex 1.01
      [*] Fireman Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Fortress of Fear and Tiger Cavern
      [*] Jewel of Arabia: Dreamers Version 1.2
      [*] Knot 3.7.1a - Abstract 3D graphics maker
      [*] Level editor for game, Brick Attack
      [*] Oliva 2-1.1.6
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PowerCalc 3.2
      [*] PowerCalc Lite 3.2
      [*] PowerSPrint V1.52
      [*] PrintUseMonitor 3.6
      [*] Rainbow Painter 0.9.1
      [*] RealView 2.6.5 (PPC)
      [*] scancalc15
      [*] Snakey Math 1.0.1--practice math with arcade action
      [*] Styles Celtic Knot update for K2
      [*] Styles Eagle update for K2
      [*] Styles Red Rose update for K2
      [*] Styles" Stripes update for K2
      [*] Styles" Twilight update for K2
      [*] Styles" Ultratech update for K2
      [*] Styles" Willow Song K2 scheme
      [*] Temple of Doom 1.5
      [*] The All New MONDO Wolfenstein 3D Sounds
      [*] The Ghost of WolfAddict
      [*] TreffNet neural network
      [*] Using NIST Time Servers (SimpleText)
      [*] Wolfenstein Adventures

#### TEXT       infomacv16-293.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 3dmf-for-mathematica-123.hqx
      [*] Asset Basset 2.51
      [*] AutoCat 2.3 - Catalog Different
      [*] AutoCat 2.3 FR - Catalog Different
      [*] Awesome Resurrection I
      [*] Bottin 1.0
      [*] CharToReturn
      [*] Compact Maps Set 6
      [*] Computer Cuisine Deluxe v1.1
      [*] directMAIL.sit
      [*] DiskCatalogMaker 2.2 - Freeware
      [*] DL1er
      [*] DownLog1
      [*] Edwin's Power Tools 2.3
      [*] FileCM 1.0 Contextual Menu Plugin
      [*] FindText
      [*] GetWeb1.2
      [*] InfoPopup 1.1
      [*] LogTransporter 1.2
      [*] MacChef Cook's Recipes 2.0
      [*] MagicalKeys 1.5.2
      [*] NOVA-31-PPC.hqx'
      [*] pppop-204-ppc-jp.hqx - PPP Operator Utility Japanese Version
      [*] pppop-204-ppc-nl.hqx - PPP Operator Utility Dutch Version
      [*] Quit It v2.1
      [*] QXP 3/4 check 1.1
      [*] Rotary Club Admin 5.0
      [*] setfolders
      [*] Site Ranger 1.1
      [*] Site Ranger 1.1.1
      [*] SiteEater 2.0
      [*] SoBig 1.4.1
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.2.0
      [*] Starcraft 1.0
      [*] StartOnce 1.2
      [*] Substitute 1.7.5 FAT; General purpose utility.
      [*] SuperHex 1.0b5 abstract
      [*] Switch-It 1.9.6
      [*] TimeCache 2.08 upload
      [*] TypeMaster 2.0.0
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.3.8 - dictionary, spellchecker, text-translator
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.3.7 - foreign language learning
      [*] Vokabeltrainer
      [*] Wallaby version 1.2.2
      [*] WINGMAKERS icons/art

#### TEXT       infomacv16-294.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Flowchart Maker 1.3 68k
      [*] Flowchart Maker 1.3 ppc
      [*] HCPhone 2.03
      [*] NOVA-31-Fr-PPC
      [*] The Organizer 2.7.1 for 1999 Update
      [*] TidBITS#478/26-Apr-99
      [*] timepalette31.hqx desc.
      [*] ZenmaiClock 3.0 - Freeware
      (A) 2nd email account on Netscape Communicator 4.5
      682 file limit saga
      [A] How to set up 2nd email account on Netscape Communicator 4.5?
      [A] Mac OS 8.6beta2
      [A] Re:  Palm Desktop Questions (re: USB)
      [A] Re:  Palm Desktop Questions (re: USB)
      [Q] CD-ROM problems with PowerComputing system HELP!
      [Q] New Launcher needed
      [Q] PowerBook 160 problem
      [Q} Power goes off & on off & on at startup
      Aladdin TFI (Q)
      Appearance Manager?
      Curious of difference between postscript level 2 and ps 2 emulation
      downloading from Netscape 
      Epson 740, B&W G3, MSIE = crash
      Fwd: [A] Palm Desktop Questions (re: USB)
      Fwd: How to set up 2nd email account on Netscape Communicator 4.5?
      How to set up 2nd email account on Netscape Communicator 4.5?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #291 -  How to set up 2nd email account on
      Loss of Office 98 Icons
      Mac OS 8.6beta2
      Mutual Fund Program for Macs
      PBkG3 Series DVD/TV woes
      QT and infomac digests
      raster graphics to vector graphics translation / KVEC
      System 7.1 and a Macintosh SE?
      Un-delete-able Item In Trash
      Unwanted startup message
      Web authoring - SSI help needed
      Who produces the following message?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-295.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] A Better Finder Rename 2.0
      [*] Announcing Simple List 2.0.1
      [*] Auto-Save 1.0 68k
      [*] Auto-Save1.0 PPC
      [*] CFSI1.1.0
      [*] CopyPaste 4.3.1
      [*] CopyPaste 4.3.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] CronoTask 1.1.0 68k
      [*] CronoTask 1.1.0 PPC
      [*] DialAssist Set v1.0.1 Location Manager module
      [*] Extension Overload v3.4
      [*] FixWindowDrag - Japanese Version
      [*] GLMStat 4.1.0;Generalized linear models
      [*] Griff's Set31.sit
      [*] GXGraphics - Japanese Version
      [*] HTMLTagwriter32
      [*] KD Screenwriting System 3.0 - Nisus Writer tools
      [*] Language Reader 1.6 - foreign language learning
      [*] LockOut 1.0
      [*] MacCamWorkShop
      [*] MacDose
      [*] MacSoftIndex 1,0
      [*] Malph 3.0
      [*] MergePICTs
      [*] MoreFinderPrefs - Japanese Version
      [*] Mulligan's Golf Personal 1.0.6
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PrintUseMonitor3.6
      [*] QuickMP3 1.0.1 
      [*] QuoEdit 0.49
      [*] Romi 1.7.1  
      [*] Romi 1.7.1  - French version
      [*] Romi 1.7.1  - Italian version
      [*] Search & Rescue
      [*] Seminar5
      [*] StartOnce1.2
      [*] Stock Calculator 1.0 for Macintosh
      [*] UGather
      [*] UPresent 

#### TEXT       infomacv16-296.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#479/03-May-99
      (Q) MacAlly's PCMCIA to USB converter
      (Q) USB Laser Printers?
      682 file limit saga
      682 file limit saga
      682 file limit saga
      [A] 682 file limit saga
      [A] Power goes off & on off & on at startup
      [A] Power on power off
      [C] LocalTalk Bridge
      [Q] CD-ROM drive not recognized
      [Q] How do I expand the Launcher?
      [Q] New Launcher needed
      [Q] QT MooV to JPEGs - How????
      [Q] RealPC? SoftWindows? VirtualPC?
      Adobe Illustrator won't recognize Printer Descriptions
      Aladdin TFI (Q)
      Aladdin TFI (Q)I
      Check this link...
      Curious of difference between postscript level 2 and ps 2
      Difference between Postscript 2 & emulation 2.  Thanks to all!
      easter egg
      Fwd: [Q] New Launcher needed
      Help needed: How to upload files to Personal Web Server?
      Macintosh Plus and Qisk
      MacPPP 2.0.1 connect script followed by PAP
      Multiple, Bootable System Folders on one CD
      need system 6 disks.....
      Overbar Fonts
      P.S.: Help needed: How to upload files to Personal Web Server?
      QT and infomac digests
      QT and infomac digests
      QT and infomac digests
      QT and infomac digests
      Quark error message
      unexpected mac OS behaviour
      Unwanted startup message
      Unwanted Startup Message
      Unwanted startup message
      Unwanted startup message (R)
      Who Produces the following Message?
      Who produces the following message?
      Who produces the following message?
      Word 98 Help Window problem

#### TEXT       infomacv16-297.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) At Ease replacements?
      (Q) DVD drive for G3 Powerbook?
      (Q) HP inkjet printer and scanner for Mac use?
      7200 a second class citizen
      [a] MacPPP 2.0.1 connect script followed by PAP
      [A] PowerBook 160 Problem
      [Q]Audiovision 14" monitor strangeness
      [Q]Cross platform screensaver maker
      ancient supermac monitor
      DVD woes
      DVD woes
      Group Mailings & OE 4? HELP?
      modamn trouble
      NT 4.0 and Mac os 8.1 folder limitation when saving!
      Powerbook G3 Ethernet (C)
      Unix talk client for OpenTalk?
      Who produces the following message?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-298.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  AutoCat 2.3B - Catalog Different
      [*] ASCII Lister 1.2 [68K]
      [*] ASCII Lister 1.2 [PPC]
      [*] Backgammon Lite v1.2
      [*] Connect4 v1.1.8
      [*] Get the Picture?
      [*] GLMStat 4.1.1;Generalized linear models
      [*] Gort's Icons, Hardware Edition
      [*] Gort's Icons, Vol. 1
      [*] Gort's Icons, Vol. 2
      [*] Gort's Icons, Vol. 3
      [*] Gort's Icons, Vol. 4
      [*] Hang2000-v1.4 attached...
      [*] Harmony
      [*] Hosanna Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] image-sxm-162-1.hqx
      [*] MacToons.hqx
      [*] MacTypingTutor 4.6
      [*] Mavicator 1.0
      [*] Melody
      [*] Metalskin 1.0 Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Mulligan's Golf Personal 1.0.6
      [*] PageCenter
      [*] Pajatso 2.7, a game
      [*] QuickMP3 v1.1
      [*] Script Palette (an AppleScript Utility)
      [*] Sheepshead
      [*] Simple PIM Abstract - SimPimv2.fp3
      [*] Skat 3.2
      [*] Styles Spider Web  K2 scheme
      [*] Surveya 4.0
      [*] TeleMagic 2000
      [*] ToDo List 2.2.1
      [*] Twistory 1.4 - History Browser
      [*] Ugly-CD-Player-2.0.sit.hqx (small audio CD player)
      [*] Vincent's Flowers Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 4.2.3

#### TEXT       infomacv16-299.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [Q] Accelerating HyperCard?
      [Q] How do I expand the Launcher?
      [Q] startup scheduler
      Access Code?
      External IDE provisions?
      Fwd: Re: Info-Mac post update & phone call
      Fwd: unexpected mac OS behaviour
      Laserjet 5M & iMac
      MacNut Seeks Help!
      need system 6 disks.....
      Out of Memory
      Simple Security
      Sudden demise of floppy disk drive

#### TEXT       infomacv16-30.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Location of Ad
      [!] Admin: Volunteer moderators needed
      [A] Free ISPs
      [A] more memory - slower Mac??
      [A] Need 10baseT instrux for 10base2 user
      [A] Need 10baseT instrux for 10base2 user
      [A] Need 10baseT instrux for 10base2 user
      [A] New Advertisement from Apple (Q)
      [A] OS 8 CD Drive Problem
      [A] Why not a NuBus modem?
      [A] Why not a NuBus modem?
      Apple's advertising campaign...
      CD Recorder drives
      Free ISPs
      Getting info off Classic with dead monitor
      Getting info off Classic with dead monitor 
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #26
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #26/Free ISP
      Key combination to bypass boot from internal HD?
      Last system to work on an LC
      Mac OS Installer Help?
      Need 10baseT instrux for 10base2 user
      Need 10baseT instrux for 10base2 user (R)
      Need to buy "Video Card"
      OT 1.3 Bug/Not a bug
      PDS files
      please... help...?
      postnet font
      Q: more memory - slower Mac??
      Re Bar codes generator
      searching for US postal barcode font
      spreadsheet -> database
      Spreadsheet to Data base
      Table of Contents for ClarisWorks 5 Docs
      Why not a NuBus modem?
      Word Macro Viri
      Word macro viruses
      Word: Documents automatically saved as Templates
      Word: Documents automatically saved as Templates
      Zip 100
      Zip 100
      Zip 100
      ZIP/JAZ problems

#### TEXT       infomacv16-300.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Access Granted StartUp Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] Auto-Save 1.0 68k
      [*] Auto-Save1.0 PPC
      [*] CalCountNote 1.2
      [*] CornerClock v2.2.1
      [*] easyaccount25.hqx
      [*] Email Merge 1.7.5 - Customised Email Merging
      [*] LockOut 1.1
      [*] Midnight Tonight 1.0
      [*] Music Chart Downloader
      [*] OneApp Secret Folder 1.0
      [*] Password Protect Folders v 1.4.8 demo
      [*] Refill Maker v1.0.2
      [*] Sessions1.1.hqx
      [*] StockWatcher 1.0
      [*] VSE Be Found 1.0

#### TEXT       infomacv16-301.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) USB Laser Printers?
      (Q) Quicken Data Files
      [A] Accelerating HyperCard?
      [A] Robotics curriculum/resources
      [Q] Harddisk enclosure
      [Q] Info-mac CD ROM: still existing?
      Access Code?
      Computer Use Software
      External IDE provisions?
      HP laserjet & System 8.5
      Laserjet 5M & iMac
      Laserjet 5M & iMac
      Laserjet 5M & iMac
      Out of Memory
      Problem with a PowerWave 604/132
      Repairing a HD Floppy Disk Drive
      Simple Security
      soft for Global Village Powerport Platinum Pro
      Trash Icon Utility
      weirdness on your new hard drive.

#### TEXT       infomacv16-302.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#480/10-May-99
      (Q) G3 upgrade cards that work with 8.6
      (Q) Schulschrift TT font?
      [A] Accelerating HyperCard
      [Q] Powerbook 150 keyboard problem
      Accelerating HyperCard?
      Accelerating HyperCard?
      Brain damaged Sherlock can't find files
      difference between Netscape 4.08 & 4.5?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #301
      missing buttons in Office 98 (8.5.1)
      PPP keeps trying to connect

#### TEXT       infomacv16-303.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#481/17-May-99
      (A) Finding a laserwriter driver?
      (C) Norton and MacOS 8.1, 8.5, 8.5.1, 8.6 do not mix
      (Q) Golive gos nowhere
      (Q) HP inkjet printer and scanner for Mac use?
      (Q) Schulschrift TT font?
      [A] missing buttons in Office 98 (8.5.1)
      [C] LocalTalk Bridge
      [Q]PB540c upgrade
      Accelerating HyperCard
      Appearance 1.1 prefs
      Computer Use Software
      Creating audio CDs
      ERROR "-36 I/O error": how to recover a broken file?
      Fwd: Brain damaged Sherlock can't find files
      Fwd: Query
      HELP! I killed two Powerbooks!
      HELP! I killed two Powerbooks! - part 2
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #302
      Is OS 8.6 Worth The Trouble?
      Laserjet 5M & iMac /R)
      MSIE won't show graphics
      Out of Memory (R)
      Photoshop 3/4/5 and JFIF comments
      Problems choosing a menu item
      QT4 and infomac digests
      repeated PPP dial-up: the solution
      Subject: [A] Accelerating HyperCard?
      VRML for Macintosh
      WinZip (R)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-304.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) HP inkjet printer and scanner for Mac use?
      (A) Powerbook modem troubles?
      (C) Norton and MacOS 8.1, 8.5, 8.5.1, 8.6 do not mix
      (C) Norton and MacOS 8.1, 8.5, 8.5.1, 8.6 do not mix
      (C) Norton and MacOS 8.1, 8.5, 8.5.1, 8.6 do not mix
      (Q) Hierarchical menu utility that doesn't slow down System 8.6
      (Q)HC player for Windows
      [A] Killed two PowerBooks
      [A] missing buttons in Office 98 (8.5.1)
      [Q/C] Apple's support for Java (or lack thereof)
      applewriter for "pc" use.
      Better battery life with 8.6, anyone?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #303
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #303
      MAXPower Upgrades
      MSIE won't show graphics
      Norton and OS 8.1
      old Mac emulator?
      Problem installing OS 8.6
      Q:Need Photoshop plug-in for Apple Color OneScanner
      scanning programme>
      Transmitting large files
      VRML for Macintosh

#### TEXT       infomacv16-305.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#482/24-May-99
      [*] TidBITS#483/31-May-99
      (A)HC player for Windows
      (C) Norton and MacOS 8.1, 8.5, 8.5.1, 8.6 do not mix
      (Q) Hierarchical menu utility that doesn't slow down System
      (Q) Hierarchical menu utility that doesn't slow down System
      <no subject>
      [A] Better battery life with 8.6
      [A] Invisible MS Word 8 attachments
      [A] old Mac emulator?
      [A] old Mac emulator? (Correction / Warning)
      [Q] What is DriverServicesLib
      [Q] Y2K
      A:Need Photoshop plug-in for Apple Color OneScanner
      applewriter for "pc" use.
      applewriter for "pc" use.
      CD Control Strip Question...
      Creating audio CDs
      Either I have a problem w/ AppleScript 1.3.7, or...
      Fwd: (Q) Hierarchical menu utility that doesn't slow down System
      HELP! I killed two Powerbooks!
      How to automatically add DOS extensions to Mac files ?
      Linux for Mac
      MacTools Pro
      MAXPower Upgrades
      MAXPower Upgrades
      monitor resolutions in control strip
      Needed: Supermac video driver
      Norton and 8.1 and above
      Norton and 8.X
      Norton and MacOS 8+
      Norton versus 8.5
      Norton/Symantec and MacOS
      old Mac emulator?
      OS 8.6 / PowerBook questions
      OS 8.6 won't shut down
      Outlook Express can't t read HTML?
      PB 190cs and video out
      scanning programme>
      Subject: [A] Killed two PowerBooks
      Success with 8.6?
      System 8.5 and HP Laserjet 4 problem solved
      TelePort Platinum Speakerphone

#### TEXT       infomacv16-306.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Xplane
      <A>  How to add DOS extensions to Mac files
      [A] Accelerating HyperCard?
      [A] CD Control Strip Question
      [A] old Mac emulator? (Correction / Warning)
      [A] OS 8.6 / PowerBook questions
      [A] PB 190cs and video out
      [A] What is DriverServicesLib
      [Q] Two monitors, not quite in sync...
      [Q] Y2K
      CD Control Strip Question...
      Either I have a problem w/ AppleScript 1.3.7, or...
      Either I have a problem w/Applescript...
      Fwd: How to automatically add DOS extensions to Mac files ?
      Fwd: Linux for Mac
      Fwd: MAXPower Upgrades
      Fwd: OS 8.6 / PowerBook questions
      Fwd: OS 8.6 won't shut down
      Fwd: scanning programme>
      iMac networking
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #305
      Linux for Mac
      Linux for Mac
      MacTools Pro
      making an installer using Applescript
      MIE and mail attachments
      Missing buttons in Office 98, MacOS 8.5->8.6 [A]
      Monitor resolutions in control strip
      Mounting PC CDs
      OS 8.6 / PowerBook questions
      OS 8.6 won't shut down
      reading Windows CDs
      Weird MacOS Problem with IDE Drive

#### TEXT       infomacv16-307.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [A] Two monitors, not quite in sync...
      [A]How to automatically add DOS extensions to Mac files ?
      [C] Mac OS: When is enough enough?
      [Q] MkLinux
      [Q] Virtual PC printing quality
      Dayna PC Ethernet card Driver Wanted!
      Either I have a problem w/Applescript...
      iMac networking
      Linux for Mac
      Looking for a QuarkXPress mailing list and info web sites
      making an installer using Applescript
      making an installer using Applescript
      MAXPower Upgrades
      OS 8.6 won't quit
      reading Windows CDs
      Speeding Up a PM 6100
      Two monitors, not quite in sync...

#### TEXT       infomacv16-308.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#484/07-Jun-99
      "blind" PB G3
      "PGPsdkKeyServer" is missing
      (A) PC/Mac integration & myths debunked
      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.4
      [*] Alpha Text Editor 7.2
      [*] CopyPaste 4.3.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Icon Begone 2.0 fat
      [*] LockOut 1.3.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] MacOS Permissions Lister 1.01
      [*] MacToon 1.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] Magic 8 v2.1
      [*] Maki's Icons
      [*] Masculine Angel Desktop (14in)
      [*] MegaPak
      [*] MidiKit 2.5
      [*] Mike McGee <inaka@pacbell.net>
      [*] Morphile 1.5.2
      [*] MoviePhile 2.1
      [*] Ms. MacPerson 1.0
      [*] MusiCatalog 3.5
      [*] NavigateFolder CMM 1.0
      [A] Accelerating HyperCard? 
      [A] making an installer using Applescript
      [A] Speeding Up a PM 6100
      [C] Mac OS: When is enough enough?
      [C] Mac OS: When is enough enough?
      [Q] Aladdin Connectivity System error
      [Q] flakey PB 1400
      [Q]-OT/PPP applescript
      Fwd: OS 8.6 / PowerBook questions
      hierarchical menus
      How to automatically add DOS extensions to Mac files ?
      Looking for a QuarkXPress mailing list and info web sites
      MIE and mail attachments
      Mounting DOS Disks
      PB equalizer
      re Dayna ethernet Card
      Speeding up a 6100
      Speeding Up a PM 6100
      Speeding Up a PM 6100
      Subject: [C] Mac OS: When is enough enough? 
      Two monitors, not quite in synch...

#### TEXT       infomacv16-309.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      "PGPsdkKeyServer" is missing
      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.4
      [*] Analog Helper 1.1 - web server log file tool
      [*] CD-DVD Library 3.0
      [*] ContactAssist 3.0 - FileMaker Pro - Contact Management
      [*] Days Between Dates 1.0
      [*] DreamScope v2.0 for Macintosh PPC
      [*] Gammasoft Office
      [*] Girl Fixing Hair Desktop (17in)
      [*] Lotto Tracker II PPC version 1.6
      [*] Mac Dudes - 16 Mac icons
      [*] MagicalKeys 1.5.3
      [*] Native Assault 1.0
      [*] NotizEr 2.0 (German)
      [*] OneApp SecretFolder 1.1
      [*] PageCenter
      [*] PictFader15-A pict playing screensaver
      [*] PlastFEM 2.0 - Finite Element Program
      [*] PlastFEM D-2.0 - Finite Element Program (German Version)
      [*] PopChar Pro 1.1.3
      [*] PowerCM 1.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] printer-defaults-158
      [*] Projecta 4.0
      [*] QuickStart 1.0.1
      [*] QuoEdit Mini 0.4
      [*] Race Builder 1.0
      [*] Reaper Arena: Epic Banana
      [*] Relax 2.1.2
      [*] Resource Tweezer 1.0
      [*] ReStickies 2.0 (English)
      [*] rezExport DEMO 1.0
      [*] Smile 1.6, the free AppleScript editor for PPC.
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.3.1
      [*] Startup Doubler 2.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] Subject PRAM Battery Checker 1.0.2
      [*] Subject:Griff's Icons Set #32
      [*] Substitute 1.7.6 FAT; General purpose utility.
      [*] TooRed_Sys.Icons
      [*] ToScrap 1.4.0; Clipboard utility.
      [*] Version Master 2.0 - Software Version Notification
      [*] VSE Sound Library - Part 1
      [*] WebSynch 1.1.1
      [C] Mac OS: When is enough enough?
      [R]hierarchical menus
      Enough is enough??

#### TEXT       infomacv16-31.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] AFL Package 1.0.5
      [*] AMICO 2.1.1D - German Version
      [*] AMICO 2.1.1GR - Greek Version
      [*] AMICO 2.1.1US - English Version
      [*] Archive-311.
      [*] Boogers 1.5.2
      [*] CAdmin
      [*] catch_the_bunny_III.sit.hqx has been ftp'd to the archives
      [*] Cinnamon WebMaster Suite 1.0 -- Specialized HTML Editor
      [*] ColoradoAvalanche Scheme1.0
      [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 048
      [*] Disk Charmer 3.1; disk erase/copy/verify utility
      [*] Easy View 2.6 source code
      [*] Enveloper 1.0b3 - BRMs and CRMs for QuarkXPress update
      [*] FindText 1.3.3
      [*] Full-der preview 1.1.1/Fake-8 info.
      [*] Gem Twist MHG Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] HandyMan 201
      [*] Hi's Universal Saver v.1.1
      [*] Irish Accessories for Macintosh
      [*] John's WP GREP 1.1.1
      [*] John's WP Table Manager 1.1
      [*] Keyboard2Serial submitted
      [*] McHurricane 3.2.1
      [*] Merridew's Windows 3.1 Icons
      [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 1.4
      [*] MyIPAddress v1.02
      [*] NET/Mac2.3.65.sea.hqx
      [*] NuEdit1.2.5
      [*] OpenBox preview 1.0.1/Fake-8 info.
      [*] Organic Desktop Patterns
      [*] PlaySound CMM Contextual Menu for Mac OS 8
      [*] Pressmeddelande =?iso-8859-1?Q?fr=C2n?= Dr Feelgood
      [*] PrintUseMonitor 3.5
      [*] QuitAll Programs 1.02
      [*] rabian Nights for Kaleidoscope
      [*] RC5/DES utility: Crack Client Control
      [*] RGB Calculator II
      [*] SlikScreens
      [*] SmartKeys 3.2.1
      [*] StripLaunch 1.0
      [*] System 8-er preview 1.0.2/Fake-8 info.
      [*] TidBITS#416/09-Feb-98
      [*] Troi FM Plug-in 1.0
      [*] View 8-er preview 1.0.3/Fake-8 info.

#### TEXT       infomacv16-310.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Autumn Leaves update for K2
      [*] "Styles" Byzantium K2 update
      [*] "Styles" Dusty Rose K2 update
      [*] "Styles" Dusty Rose, plain cursor, K2 update
      [*] "Styles" Swan for K2 update
      [*] "Styles" Winter Wonderland update for K2
      [*] Sawmill 4.0.6 trial version
      [*] SecurePass 1.0
      [*] SETI@home 1.0
      [*] Simple List 2.1
      [*] SimpleImage 2.1
      [*] SpamScripts for Emailer
      [*] Splash It 1.0
      [*] StarDrive 3.5.8
      [*] StatistFunctions2.2 / HyperCard stack statistical PDFs and
      [*] Steel themes-Extensions Strip icon themes
      [*] StuffCM 2.5.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Style Master 1.3 68K
      [*] Style Master 1.3 PPC
      [*] Subject:Stuffit Deluxe 5.1 Updater
      [*] Surveya Version 4.0
      [*] Switch-It 2.0
      [*] SwitchRes 2.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] Text Cleaner Lite 1.5
      [*] Texture Magic 1.1
      [*] The Computer Cookbook 2.5
      [*] Toolbox Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] TracktorBeam 1.1
      [*] Trinity 1.0.2
      [*] Type Popper 1.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Update SchoolNurse 1.1 to 1.2
      [*] VSE BeFound 1.1
      [*] VSE REALbasic Utilities Plugin - Freeware!
      [*] WEBFormation
      [*] WebSynch 1.0
      [*] YooZ1.64FR
      [*] YooZ1.64US
      [*] Yosemite 3D Trail Guide and Photo Album 1.0
      [Q] tar xvf for Mac
      ADB A/B switch
      Apple Enet ext on OS8.1?
      G3 processor upgrade card
      iMac networking
      scanning programme
      Success with 8.6?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-311.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Control strip
      (Q) GoLive has a bug
      [*] "Styles" Bravado K2 update
      [*] 3D Launcher 1.1 (updated)
      [*] A Farewell to Kings - New, unique, original solitaire game.
      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.4
      [*] Anubis Calculator 1.0.6
      [*] Anubis Casino
      [*] Apple Wizards June 1999
      [*] AudioCDgh 1.2 - The AudioCD AppleScript Extension
      [*] AutoShare 4.0, a freeware list server
      [*] BookMarks v1.0
      [*] BottlileMail Ver2.0 for macOS
      [*] CDFinder 2.6.1
      [*] CDFinder-J 2.6.1
      [*] Church Membership Keeper - A FileMaker Pro Solution
      [*] Colonisation
      [*] Cool Address Book 2.0 BETA
      [*] CrashBall 2.0An - Game for your Mac!
      [*] dataComet Telnet SOCKS VT100 PC-ANSI TN3270
      [*] DataProtector
      [*] Music Chart Downloader v1.1
      [*] Music Chart Downloader v1.1
      [?] PC monitor on Mac 6100-series computer
      [Q] Telephony options for 7350/180
      [Q] Trouble reading archives
      A call to shareware programmers...Screen Savers and cursors.
      A new successful marketing:
      add DOS extensions
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #308
      Laserjet 5M & iMac
      PM 9200 "BONG"

#### TEXT       infomacv16-312.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#485/14-Jun-99
      (Q) Remote Access and Applescript from 8.6 on 7.6?
      [A] Speeding Up a PM 6100
      [Q] QuickTime MIDI Tool?
      [Q] Trouble reading archives
      [Q]Upgrading my PowerBook 550c
      DiamondPro 900u Query
      macosX versus AppleTalkIP(q)
      True Type Fonts

#### TEXT       infomacv16-313.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [!] Uploads not appearing in the digest
      [A]Upgrading my PowerBook 550c
      [Q]Upgrading my PowerBook 550c
      Conversation with Tadashi
      macosX versus AppleTalkIP(q)
      Port: printers and Palm Pilot
      QuickTime MIDI Tool
      QuickTime MIDI Tool?
      True Type Fonts
      True Type Fonts (R)
      True Type Fonts (R)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-314.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Best Star Trek game for the Mac?
      [A] Upgrading my PowerBook 550c
      [Q] Calendar software
      [Q] drive mounting kits for Power Computing
      [Q] Trouble reading archives
      civilization: call to power
      G3 Powerbook S video out
      Help!  Desktop rebuilds (improperly) on each start up
      True Type Fonts
      Window Closing Problem

#### TEXT       infomacv16-315.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) Clubmac splits up orders
      (Q) Sherlock search results in Finder Find
      [A(maybe)]  Desktop rebuilds (improperly) on each start up
      [A] Calendar software
      [A] Desktop rebuilds (improperly) on each start up
      [A] G3 Powerbook S video out
      [A] QuickTime MIDI Tool?
      [Q] Wish to purchase QuarkXPress licences
      [Q] Wish to purchase QuarkXPress licences [corrected]
      civilization: call to power
      G3 Powerbook S video out
      Help!  Desktop rebuilds (improperly) on each start up
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #314
      PB G3 and GSM phones
      satellite internet provider
      True Type Fonts

#### TEXT       infomacv16-316.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#486/21-Jun-99
      (Q) Alternatives for At Ease 3.x?
      [A] Calendar software
      [A] Calendar software 
      [A] Help!  Desktop rebuilds (improperly) on each start up
      [A] ICQ
      [A] PB G3 and GSM phones
      [A] PB G3 and GSM phones
      Advice needed: video capture for a PowerTowerPro?
      Back-ups and Zip disks
      BBEdit Browser window - the great secret of BBEdit 4.0.
      Calendar software
      connecting small network to the internet
      DVD/Screen Capture
      Fax Problem
      HELP! Need copy of SuperBackup software!
      How do I fix the disk's extents tree?
      NFS-Client for Mac where to buy?
      Q: How to burn bootable Cd?
      Quicktime Pro
      Reading PC CDs, another problem
      Remote Access, FreePPP, and ISPs
      Satelite and cable modem using ethernet

#### TEXT       infomacv16-317.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) LA Computer Center reliable?
      [A] connecting small network to the internet
      [A] Fax problem
      [A] How to burn bootable Cd?
      [A] Re: connecting small network to the internet
      [A]: connecting small network to the internet
      Back-ups and Zip disks
      buy a used Powerbook 1400 / 3400
      Calendar software
      connecting small network to the internet
      Cross Platform BackUp's
      Explorer to Netscape
      Fax Problem
      File cant be found error
      How do I fix the disk's extents tree?
      Hypercard 2.4.1 Problem
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #316
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #316 Bootable CD ROM
      Mouse tracks slows down some software
      Non-Q: How to burn bootable Cd?
      Quicktime Pro
      reduce the size of the clip
      Remote Access, FreePPP, and ISPs
      Satelite and Cable Internet Access
      transporting Powerbooks on motorbikes

#### TEXT       infomacv16-318.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Air Castle" New Mail Sound (16 bit)
      [*] "Air Castle" New Mail Sound (8-bit)
      [*] A Better Finder Rename 2.2.1
      [*] African Music Machine 1.1 - make your own African percussion
      [*] Align Utilities 8.1.7
      [*] AppWatcher 2.1
      [*] AutoCat 2.3 - Finnish version
      [*] Awesome Resurrection 3-110 Wolfenstein Scenarios
      [*] Chakaranda's Finder 8.6 Patch
      [*] Cion v1b
      [*] Classico Kaleidsocope 2.0 scheme
      [*] Clay Pot Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] CoMa for Macintosh/Atari Voice/Pro 4.1.0
      [*] Control Panels Strip 3.3 Fat
      [*] Cool Address Book 2.0 BETA 5.1
      [*] Cross Platform 1.1
      [*] Cyrillic Keyboard Drivers
      [*] Doublet Scan 2.0
      [*] Drop and Print 1.5.0
      [*] DropIcon 2.0
      [*] Email Effects 1.6 - ASCII Art for email and source code
      [*] Email Merge 1.7.6 - Easy customized Email Merging
      [*] English-Italian Dictionary
      [*] EnScrypt Lite
      [*] EPS Factory 1.0.1 - EPS Preview Generation Utility
      [*] EPS Mover 1.0.3 - EPS Preview Conversion Utility
      [*] epsConverter 1.4.1
      [*] EPStoPICT 1.2.2 - EPS Conversion Utility
      [*] Equation Solver
      [*] Extensions Overload 4.0
      [*] Extensions Strip 1.9.3
      [*] FileUnlocker
      [*] Filter Organizer 1.0.2
      [*] Font Explorer 1.0
      [*] FONTaSEE deluxe 3.0e
      [*] FontBuddy 1.2.1
      [*] GLMStat 4.1.2 - Generalized linear models
      [*] Griff's Icons Set #33
      [*] gxMaker 1.0 - PostScript-to-QuickDraw GX Conversion Utility
      [*] Hi's universal saver 1.6
      [*] HouseSpider
      [*] Hynoptic FAT
      [*] Hynoptic SDK
      [*] HyperCard Project Manager is a developer's tool for HyperCard.
      [*] Masculine Angel - 17" Desktop Pic

#### TEXT       infomacv16-319.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Byzantium Blue K2 update
      [*] "Styles" School Days update for K2
      [*] "Styles" Sea Sprite K2 update
      [*] "Styles" Textura K2 update
      [*] "Styles" Wood Nymph K2 update
      [*] ara modem script for kingmax v90 modem attached
      [*] Fantasyscapes Volume III Preview
      [*] FileShield 1.0
      [*] Folders Checker 1.0.0
      [*] GEDitCOM 2.0
      [*] GetChar FKEY 1.02
      [*] H2C 1.1 - The must for every C++ programmer
      [*] iRemember 1.0
      [*] Jerry's CD Beeps (Vol. 1)
      [*] Joy Of Hex 1.2.0
      [*] JW's Photoshop Sky Gradients #1
      [*] KeepPPPalive v2.0 - keep your PPP internet connection alive
      [*] LockOut 1.2
      [*] Lost & Found
      [*] Mac in Europe Desktop Pictures - Free desktop pictures
      [*] MacChart
      [*] MacZine #2
      [*] MangleIP
      [*] MicroWar 1.0 - French Version
      [*] MicroWar 1.0 International
      [*] MPX 100 Editor 4.5 - Editor/Librarian Software for the
      [*] SimpleImage 2.5.1
      [*] Simpleslide
      [*] Space Trek Mission 2
      [*] SportzMeet v3.1
      [*] Squirt Derby! 2.2.3
      [*] Startup Doubler 2.0 - For Faster Start-Ups!
      [*] Startup Doubler 2.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] Stock Calculator 1.1 for Macintosh
      [*] StripLaunch 1.2.1 (Japanese version)
      [*] Subject: Spinalot CGI 3.4
      [*] Surveya 4.0 Demo
      [*] Sweet Sweettooth Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Tab e Add 1.5 - Internet Explorer Version
      [*] Tab e Add 1.5 - Netscape Version
      [*] The Musician 3.0.1
      [*] The Zone 1.5.1
      [*] Time Cache 2.0.11
      [*] ToScrap 1.4.1
      [*] Tracktor Beam v1.2

#### TEXT       infomacv16-32.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] ATPM4.01
      [*] ATPM4.02
      [*] LoShuMusic.02
      [*] Merridew's Alert Sounds vol. 1
      [*] Merridew's Alert Sounds vol. 2
      [*] Merridew's Merry MacOS
      [*] Purge OSL 1.0.4
      [*] SoftwareFPU 3.04
      [*] StartOnce 1.1
      Desktop Trackpad with a Ctrl-Click Right Mouse button
      Hooking up single desktop Mac to ISDN

#### TEXT       infomacv16-320.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Address Book by OneApp v.2.0 Italian Version
      [*] Japanese Font Package 3.0
      [*] Native Assault 1.2
      [*] New World Transliterator
      [*] Note 2.0.1
      [*] Old Maps Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme
      [*] OneApp Address Book 2.1
      [*] P-in-P 1.2b1 - Always on Top Movie Player
      [*] PacMac Deluxe 1.3
      [*] Pizza Clock v1.0
      [*] Poly 1.01 PPC - Explore and construct paper models of
      [*] Popup Window Reset 0.0a1
      [*] POV2RDS 1.0
      [*] PRAM Inspector 1.1
      [*] Punjab Palace Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] QuickMP3 1.3.1
      [*] Rainbow Painter 1.0.0
      [*] Screen Capture Patch 1.0.1
      [*] ScribblingWorks 1.3.1 -- WebPublishing with a notebook
      [*] Sent It 2.0
      [*] SerialPort Scripting Addition 1.2
      [*] Setting Sun 1.0
      [*] The TypeRighter Suite 1.1 - File Type Management Utils
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.5.1 (German Version)
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.5.1 (Italian Version)
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.5.1 (Spanish Version)
      [*] VSE Be found 1.2
      [*] Waxcups 1.0 - Voice communication over Appletalk
      [*] Wordcoach - word trainer for various languages
      [*] X 10 Home Automation Scripting Addition 1.2
      [*] Xameleon
      [*] YellowSweet 1.0.0

#### TEXT       infomacv16-321.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) Gerbils 
      (C) Norton  Proof positive
      (Q) Photoshop & After Effects versus ColorIT 4.0
      (Q) Recorded sound filtering/cleaning
      [A] Alternatives for At Ease 3.x?
      [A] Burning Mac readable CDs on Windows
      [A] How to burn bootable CD?
      [A] PB G3 and GSM phones
      [A] Reading PC CDs, another problem
      [Q] Function key problem
      [Q] How to compile an FKEY ?
      [Q] One ISP account - Two users
      [Q] Telephony options for 7350/180
      After Dark 4.0.3 & Kaleidoscope 2.1.2
      AppleTalk (LocalTalk) solution for iMac?!
      audio cd's
      Battery problem on PB1400cs
      bootable cds
      civ: call to power emulation fails
      connecting small network to internet
      connecting small network to the internet
      connecting small network to the internet
      Cross Platform BackUp's
      Cross Platform BackUp's
      Explorer to Netscape
      filing card utility
      Fwd: Explorer to Netscape
      How do I fix the disk's extents tree?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #317
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #317
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #317
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #317
      Looking for simple spreadsheet/database
      Macintosh Plus and Qisk
      MacPPP 2.0.1 connect script followed by PAP
      Q: How to burn bootable Cd?
      QuickTime 4.01 / OS8.6 / CMMs
      Quicktime and processor speed
      Rebuilding the desktop
      Structure of MIDI Karaoke files
      switching from Emailer to Eudora
      System 7.1 and a Macintosh SE?
      transporting Powerbooks on motorbikes
      What kind of hardware upgrade do I need?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-322.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) Norton  Proof positive
      [A] AppleTalk (LocalTalk) solution for iMac?!
      [A] filing card utility
      [A] One ISP account - Two users
      [A] PB G3 and GSM phones (cont'd)
      [Q] One ISP account - Two users
      Boot, but can't reboot
      Burning Mac readable CDs on Windows
      EIDE Master/Slave on a StarMax?
      Fwd: Looking for simple spreadsheet/database
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #321

#### TEXT       infomacv16-323.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Cosmic Rocker" Alert Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] "Cosmic Rocker" Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] 37thResEx 2.0.2; the resources extractor.
      [*] 3D Terrain Mapper v0.1.7
      [*] Amadeus II
      [*] AOL/AIM Phader
      [*] AOL/AIM Phader
      [*] Arnold - Amstrad CPC/CPC+ emulator for the Macintosh
      [*] Audio Visualizer v0.8 - An audio frequency spectrum display
      [*] Audiocorder 1.0.0 - allows your Mac to act as an audio
      [*] AutoCat 2.3 - Finnish version
      [*] AutoCat 2.4 FR - Catalog Different
      [*] Black & Bleu v1.1 - Macintosh error code analyzer/diagnostic
      [*] BookCovers v1.1.2 (formerly BookMarks v1.0)
      [*] Bouquet Nouveau Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Boy with Nintendo Desktop (17in)
      [*] BTV - view full-screen video from any video digitising source
      [*] Burning Monkey Solitaire II
      [*] ChaosCastle 0.9 - A scrolling shoot-em-up
      [*] Chess Rating Calculator 1.0
      [*] ClippingNamer 1.0.3 - helps you manage clippings
      [*] Colonisation 4.0
      [*] ColorMusic 1.1
      [*] ConMail 1.3.1b0
      [*] Countdown Reminder v1.5
      [*] CyberRay 1.5.1
      [*] Cyclone 1.0 - Text Encoding Conversion Utility
      [*] DGen: - dolid Genesis/Megadrive emulator for the Macintosh
      [*] Eartraining-262.hqx
      [*] Easy Accents
      [*] eContact 1.1.1
      [*] Ephemerid 1.2 - Pop-Up Calendar & Clock - Freeware
      [*] epsConverter 1.4.1
      [*] Eyes 1.0
      [*] EZCalendar v1.01 released!
      [*] FileShield SDK 1.0
      [*] Jin's Color Scheme, "B.T"
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Euro Assistant Pro 2.0
      [*] TidBITS#487/05-Jul-99
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #321
      Looking for simple spreadsheet/database
      Media Player for Mac is BUGGY
      One ISP - Two Users
      Recording a SCSI copy CD?
      What kind of hardware upgrade do I need?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-324.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] *JustaCalendar 1.0.1
      [*] ][2Mac 2.0 Beta 11
      [*] Chac - Mayan calendar
      [*] DarkLight 1.3.5, a Kaleidoscope color scheme
      [*] DarkLight X2 v1.3.0, a color scheme for Kaleidoscope 2
      [*] DarkLight*Soft 1.1.5, a Kaleidoscope color scheme
      [*] DarkLight...Tabs 1.2.1, a Kaleidoscope 2 color scheme
      [*] DataIndex 1.0
      [*] DataProtector
      [*] Days To Go 2.1.1 - count the days to (or since) entered dates
      [*] Db-7x7 - music jukebox and remixing program
      [*] DocJet 1.3.2; Launcher utility.
      [*] Eartraining 2.6.2
      [*] Eartraining 2.6.2 (German)
      [*] English Dictionary 1.0
      [*] fLow 1.1
      [*] Folk Art Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] ForgotIt? 1.0 a personal password reminder
      [*] ForgotIt?_1.0 a personal password reminder
      [*] FotoPage Pro Demo
      [*] Frodo
      [*] Glider Edit 1.1.1
      [*] GLMStat 4.1.3;Generalized linear models
      [*] Grag Bag 2.5.2 simple file organization
      [*] Handy - Atari Lynx emulator for the Macintosh
      [*] HotFind 1.0 - 68k - search utility for Hotline
      [*] HotFind 1.0 - PPC - search utility for Hotline
      [*] HTML Scout 1.0
      [*] Hu6280
      [*] imageSXM-162-3
      [*] Installer Observer 1.3
      [*] Jeremy's Control Strip Modules 2.0.0 - RESEND
      [*] Jerry's CD Beeps
      [*] Jin's "U.T Cursor"
      [*] John's WP Tips & Macros 1.7
      [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.9.1
      [*] Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.9.1
      [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.9.1
      [*] Keep It Up 2.2
      [*] Kill Cache v3.0
      [*] Leonardo IDE 3.4
      [*] LSQL 1.0b10
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM v1.7.5 D (German version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM v1.7.5 J (Japanese version)
      does Best Data's 56SPC card modem script not exist?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-325.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] For the Birds Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Jin's Color Scheme, "U.T"
      [*] Jin's Color Scheme, "Y.T"
      [*] MacChef 2.0.1
      [*] MacCRO PPC 1.5.2
      [*] MacHeads IE.2.1
      [*] MacHeads Navigator.2.0
      [*] Macintosh Application Development Essentials 1.4.0
      [*] MacTypingTutor 4.7
      [*] MacUptime 0.008
      [*] Martha's Folder Icons II
      [*] Meteor Storm - Fast paced space shootem' up
      [*] Substiture 1.7.7
      [*] Sunny One 1.0.0, a Kaleidoscope color scheme
      [*] Suntar 2.2.2
      [*] SuperHex 1.0b6
      [*] Test Pilot Typer 3 - helps students learn keyboarding skills
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.6J
      [*] The Countdown counter
      [*] the lost castle
      [*] TheZone 1.5.1
      [*] Time Cache 2.0
      [*] Trinity: A game of triangles, by Divinity Software.
      [*] Turtle Dice 2.0 68K
      [*] Turtle Dice 2.0 PPC
      [*] Twistory 1.5 - History Browser
      [*] TypeMaster 2.1.0
      [*] UGather version 2.2.2
      [*] Unicycle 2.0
      [*] UPresent 2.1.5
      [*] URLstory 1.0
      [*] Violet Bouquet Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Walton's Rampage 1.0d54
      [*] WebButtons 1.0b1 - a beveled button creator
      [*] WebGate1.0
      [*] Weight OK? 1.0.1
      [*] Whoops!
      [*] Wild Icons
      [*] Witchy Icons
      [*] Wood Hue Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Wordcoach 2.2 - word trainer for various languages
      [*] YaCa 2.0.1 - scientific calculator
      [*] YellowView 2.1.2; creator of stand-alone documentations.
      [Q] Netscape 4.5 bug???
      eMate and iMac connection

#### TEXT       infomacv16-326.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Garden update
      [*] "Styles" Headress One for K2
      [*] "Styles" Jewels update for K2
      [*] "Styles" Willow Song K2 scheme
      [*] NetBook 1.0
      [*] NSKiosk - AppleScript to set web browser kiosk mode
      [*] OptimaHTML 1.0 68K
      [*] OptimaHTML 1.0 PPC
      [*] Optimize scripts 2.1.6
      [*] P-in-P 1.2b2
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PatchMaker 1.0
      [*] PC.TZ.DS 4.01
      [*] Periodic Table for Macintosh 1.3
      [*] PictureSnooper98 V1.2  AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off
      [*] PiPhilology 10 : A collection of Pi mnemonics in several
      [*] Pixel Toy 2.0
      [*] PlayerPRO Dev.Kit 5.2
      [*] PlayerPRO5.2.Freeware
      [*] Praxis Splasher 1.0 68K
      [*] Praxis Splasher 1.0 PPC
      [*] PUD Master PPC 1.0
      [*] QIM 1.2.3 FAT - Installer builder, compression and encoding
      [*] QuickMP3 1.4
      [*] QuoEdit 0.5
      [*] Rainbow Painter 1.0.0
      [*] RealView 2.6.6 (PPC)
      [*] Red Rhythm Desktop Pics
      [*] Refill Maker v1.0.4
      [*] Save a BNDL 1.4
      [*] Setting Sun 1.1
      [*] Sherlock plugin editor 2.0
      [*] ShockBox 1.2
      [*] Silver & Wood 1.0
      [*] Simpleslide 1.0 - It does slideshows.
      [*] SiteSearch Java Applet - Let Visitors Search Your Site
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.3.2
      [*] Sokoban 2.4.2a, classic push-the-blocks puzzle
      [*] SpaceFreaks 1.0
      [*] Squirrel Kombat 1.0
      [*] Statinator 1.2
      [*] StatistFunctions2.3 / HyperCard stack statistical PDFs and
      [*] stEPS 1.2
      [*] Style Master 1.3 68K
      [*] Style Master 1.3 PPC

#### TEXT       infomacv16-327.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM v1.7.5
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM v1.7.5 F (French version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM v1.7.5 I (Italian version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM v1.7.5 N (Dutch version)
      [*] Millennium Bug 1.0.2
      [*] MIMEconvert 1.07
      [*] Mindscope's Word =?iso-8859-1?Q?Trilogy=A91998?= ,1999 Mindscope 
      [*] MiniBookv1.1 68k
      [*] MiniBookv1.1 PPC
      [*] MoviePhile 2.2
      [*] Mr. Fixitup version 4.0
      [*] Ms. MacPerson 1.1
      [*] NameCleaner 1.9.7 - Cross-platform file naming and typing
      [*] TidBITS#488/12-Jul-99
      [*] TidBITS#489/19-Jul-99
      [A] audio cd's
      [A] audio cd's (writing them)
      [A] filing card utility
      [A] Help!  Desktop rebuilds (improperly) on each start up
      [A] Looking for simple spreadsheet/database
      [A] One ISP account - Two users
      [A] PB G3 and GSM phones
      [A] Rebuilding the desktop
      [A]Re: Quicktime and processor speed
      [C] Writing CD ROMS & FAQ info
      [Q] Quicktime 4.0 and 68040?
      AppleTalk (LocalTalk) solution for iMac?!
      Battery problems on PB1400cs
      Burning Mac readable CDs on Windows
      Error -17995 with OE4.5
      Fwd: [A] AppleTalk (LocalTalk) solution for iMac?!
      HELP: Connecting a LocalTalk Printer to a G3?????
      Looking for simple spreadsheet/database
      Netsacape to IE
      Norton proof positive
      Norton Proof positive
      Norton Util Woes
      on-line investing
      transporting Powerbooks on motorbikes
      What hardware upgrade do I need?
      What kind of hardware upgrade do I need?
      What kind of hardware upgrade do I need?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-328.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) 128bit datapath processor machines listed in MacGURU
      (Q) Menu bar color
      6300 macintoshes
      A description of what ADD is (was: ADD is Apple's best kept secret)
      Another speed boost
      Boot, but can't reboot
      Classified Advertising Software
      Contour Mapping program
      Converting Theme files to Kaleidoscope
      does Best Data's 56SPC card modem script not exist? (Question
      Mac control via phone call?
      modem script missing for 56SPC pc card data/fax (again Q)
      MS Word Outline Numbering
      Nortons Utilities
      PowerBook 150 Problem.
      PowerMac 7600/132 & Ethernet problems
      Q: How do I change the splash-screen at start-up?
      Shisen-Sho for MacOS?
      Splash-screen changed - thanks & summary
      Submitting Tangram 4.1
      The sumex announcements..
      transporting Powerbooks on motorbikes
      UltraSCSI drive in PM6100?
      Visual Basic Book for Excel *98*

#### TEXT       infomacv16-329.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#490/26-Jul-99
      [*] TidBITS#491/02-Aug-99
      [*] TidBITS#492/09-Aug-99
      [Q] How to convert records to CDs
      Eudora attachments
      internet/ethernet status
      Low on Memory Notice;  Plenty of Memory.
      Networking troubles with Apple ColorLaserWriter 12/600PS
      Power G3 CD update 2 not needed?
      USB to SCSI vrs SCSI to USB

#### TEXT       infomacv16-33.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

            Thicker Cables
      3400 Ethernet/Modem
      48 megs of ram in the 'Book, 48 megs of ram...
      [A?]: HDT the best Mac virus!
      [A] Key combination to bypass boot from internal HD
      [A] more memory - slower Mac??
      [A] Renaming Zip Disks
      [Q] Adding sounds to OS8 System suitcase
      [Q] Text listing of files on disk
      [Q] unmounting multi-session CDs
      [Q]: Creating BinHex files on non-Mac platforms
      [Summary]: Macintosh 1984 commercial in .hqx format
      A New Powerbook
      Bypass boot from harddrive
      dail-up email (JUNO)
      desktop file problems
      Diagnosing LC630 DOS
      Found A Great New Software Site
      FreeNet's [ISP's] / Postal Barcode [Font]
      How to read ClarisWorks 5 files?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #30
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #30
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #30
      Key combination to bypass boot from internal HD?
      Key combination to bypass the internal HD
      Last system to work on an LC
      Macro virus work around
      Need to buy "Video Card"
      Now Utilities and OS 8
      OS/8 upgrade
      Postal Barcode Font
      Replacement for Expresso
      Word: Documents automatically saved as Templates

#### TEXT       infomacv16-330.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (?) Need Drivers for DeskWriter 500
      (Q) Adobe GoLive 4.0
      (Q) twisted pair ethernet
      (Q) Twisted pair ethernet based Appletalk
      [Q] Simple Screen Recorder
      Apple Multiple Scan 17" Display
      Apple vs. Clarisworks (Q)
      Burning CD ROMs for PB
      does Best Data's 56SPC card modem script not exist? (A)
      Finder 7.1.3 and Drag and Drop Extension
      Font Menu Problem in Word 5.1
      IIsi 5/80 cheap/free e-mail?
      OXEN for setting file modification date
      serial adapter for PBG3 400mhz
      Sherlock and Cmd-F doesn't work?
      Strange problem with MacOS 8.5.1????
      The Fate of Info-Mac

#### TEXT       infomacv16-331.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [Q] How to convert records to CDs
      [Q] Incompatable Studio Display
      Apple Studio Display 15 Color Calibration
      Floppy drive needed
      Need help changing default system icons
      open a PM 6500?
      PowerWave to G3 card
      Speed Doubler & Startup Icons
      Whot Happened to Info-Mac Digest?!

#### TEXT       infomacv16-332.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#493/16-Aug-99
      (A) Burning CD ROMs for PB
      (A) Low on Memory Notice;  Plenty of Memory
      (A) Networking troubles with Apple ColorLaserWriter 
      (A) Sherlock and Cmd-F doesn't work
      (A) twisted pair ethernet
      (A) USB to SCSI vrs SCSI to USB
      [A] How to convert records to CDs
      [Q] Can't communicate w/ Epson printer
      [Q] How to convert records to CDs
      [Q] How to correctly upload MP3 files to web
      [Q] midi files on the web
      [Q] Sherlock search of Info-Mac files?
      Apple Multiple Scan 17" Display
      Apple Studio Display 15 Color Calibration
      Apple's PCMCIA -> USB card drivers
      Boot problem
      DVD on Macintosh
      eudora-to-browser problem
      FindText: Searching in MS-Word documents
      Floppy Drive
      Floppy drive needed
      G3 and music CDs from vinyl or tapes 
      Help with Epson Stylus Color 900 needed
      HELP!  Apple AudioVision14 Monitor, 11" viewable
      Info-Mac Digest/ message/rfc822
      Need help changing default system icons
      Need help changing default system icons
      open a PM 6500?
      open a PM 6500?
      open a PM 6500?
      PowerWave to G3 card
      Printing on a Mac
      ssh or secure telnet for Macs?
      The Fate of Info-Mac
      USB to SCSI vrs SCSI to USB
      What Happened to Info-Mac Digest?!
      Whot Happened to Info-Mac Digest?!
      World Book CD

#### TEXT       infomacv16-333.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#494/23-Aug-99
      [*] TidBITS#495/30-Aug-99
       [Q] Sherlock search of Info-Mac files?
      "PGPsdkKeyServer" is missing
      (A) eudora-to-browser problem
      (A) World Book CD
      630CD sees only 12MB
      [A] How to convert records to CDs
      [A] How to correctly upload MP3 files to web
      [A] How to correctly upload MP3 files to web
      [A] One ISP account - Two users
      [Q] "Welcome to.." Startup screen
      [Q] Error -39
      Boot problem (R)
      Cable modem paranoia?
      cgi's for Netpresenz
      consolidating e mail (a note)
      Easy-View for Windows, too.
      Eudora  addresses
      eudora-to-browser problem
      G3 and music CDs from vinyl or tapes 
      G3 PowerBook Coma
      How to correctly upload MP3 files to web (C)
      HyperCard stacks/Standalones as droplets?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #331
      Microtek SlimScan C6, KeySpan USB Card and Platimun G3
      Monitor won't sleep
      Motherboards which fit the Performa 6320
      MP3 now supported by Koan Mac music Plugin!
      Networked PIMs: what's best for Mac/PCs?
      PowerComputing & G3 upgrades
      Q: How to transfer files via Web?
      Source for Hard Drive
      ssh or secure telnet for Macs?
      Summary: Help with Epson Stylus Colour 900 needed
      Symbol font ignored in Mac Internet Explorer 4.5
      TV tuning on PB  G3 series
      USB drivers causing freezes
      Want old MIDI software for Mac SE
      What Happened to Info-Mac Digest?!
      What Happened to Info-Mac Digest?!
      WordPerfect to HTML
      World Book CD

#### TEXT       infomacv16-334.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) AudioVision14 Monitor, 11" viewable
      (A) World Book CD
      [A] midi files on the web
      [A] Sherlock search of Info-Mac files?
      [Q] info about movie viewer
      [Q] MoviePhile? Chris Crabtree?
      [Q] Unable to sort Bookmarks in NS 4.0.8?
      Battery problem on PB1400cs
      Blocking animated graphics in web browsers
      Boot problem
      Eudora  addresses
      eudora-to-browser problem
      eudora-to-browser problem
      MP3 tag editing.
      Replacing hard disk on Performa 5200
      World Book CD

#### TEXT       infomacv16-335.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#496/06-Sep-99
      (Q) Video Capture on a Wallstreet (Sept. 1998 model)
      128MB Dimm in 65oo/55oo Systems...?
      630CD sees only 12MB
      [A] 630CD sees only 12MB
      [A] Blocking animated graphics in web browsers
      [A] info about movie viewer
      [A] MP3 tag editing
      [Q] Page Scrolling Key Patch
      [Q] PB G3 ID?
      [Q]: Multiplatform messenger???
      Blocking animated graphics in web browsers
      Blocking animated graphics in web browsers
      Cable modem paranoia?
      Cable modem paranoia?
      cgi's for Netpresenz
      Color Stylewriter Pro--Missing ink cartridge error message
      Fwd: [Q] Unable to sort Bookmarks in NS 4.0.8?
      Fwd: cgi's for Netpresenz
      Fwd: Symbol font ignored in Mac Internet Explorer 4.5
      How many IDE drives can a desktop G3/300 have? (Q)
      HyperCard stacks/Standalones as droplets?
      info about movie viewer
      Is this list up and running again?
      long filename problem
      Mac OS 8.6 unable to rebuild the desktop
      PowerComputing & G3 upgrades
      PowerComputing & G3 upgrades
      Replacing hard disk on Performa 5200
      Script Extension for setting file modification date
      Sherlock network errors
      Source for Hard Drive
      Want old MIDI software for Mac SE
      What Happened to Info-Mac Digest?!
      WordPerfect to HTML

#### TEXT       infomacv16-336.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) MediaPlayer by Microsoft can't be downloaded
      [Q] USB options for PowerBook G3/266
      Color Stylewriter Pro--Missing ink cartridge error message
      CountDown Strip
      Creating DVD Movies
      Error involving DNS
      long filename problem
      old video connectors
      Sound on the Powerbook G3
      WordPerfect to HTML 

#### TEXT       infomacv16-337.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#497/13-Sep-99
      [*] TidBITS#498/20-Sep-99
       shareware Ethernet netwrok analysis tools
      (A) old video connectors
      [A]: Multiplatform messenger
      Cleanly Handling Multiple POP3 Mailboxes
      Getting BestData's PC card modem to work on a Mac
      MFS Format
      Q: How to transfer Exel curve fitting variable into cell?
      Sherlock network errors
      Wanted: a Powerbook repair facility in the Washington DC area

#### TEXT       infomacv16-338.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [Q] Unable to sort Bookmarks in NS 4.0.8?
      Aargh! Parallel PC plugs, serial PBook
      Best USB video capture...
      CGI Database
      Crashes  - any ideas?
      Explorer preferences
      MAC  re: shareware Ethernet netwrok analysis tools (fr info-mac
      MAC G3 wallstreet powerbook 266 Modem speed puzzles
      MAC re: Wanted: a Powerbook repair facility in the Washington DC
      Powerbook G3(97) battery problems
      What Happened to Info-Mac Digest?!
      }How to correctly upload {was Fwd:

#### TEXT       infomacv16-339.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) How to adjust a Dayna EtherPrint T
      [Q] when will regular mailings resume?
      cache =?iso-8859-1?Q?=9F?= weirdness
      Capture 640x480 30fps video from an S-Video connector
      CGI Database
      Digital Cameras
      Does partitioning a G3's hard drive make it go faster?
      Fwd: }How to correctly upload {was Fwd:
      importing addresses to Netscape from Internet Explorer
      launcher problems
      MFS Format
      Powerbook G3(97) battery problems
      Print Spooling Errors on B&W G3
      Sherlock on my cable modem
      The function of info-mac, and the archive.
      Worldbook CD

#### TEXT       infomacv16-34.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      48 megs of ram in the 'Book, 48 megs of ram...
      [A] Adding sounds to OS8
      [A] Adding sounds to OS8 System suitcase
      [Q] External PCMCIA reader for DOS format cards?
      [Q] Mailing List Software?
      [Q] more on "Text listing of files on disk"
      [Q] News Reader Programs
      [Q] Text listing of files on disk
      [Q] Text listing of files on disk
      [Q]: Creating BinHex files on non-Mac platforms
      [Q]HP 4si Menus Locked
      Chooser can't find printer
      clarisworks concatenater
      Espy Sans...   :(
      hd recovery
      How to read ClarisWorks 5 files?
      IIci versus G3 Powermac
      Key Combination
      need help with Newswatcher
      Text listing of files on disk
      Want to do some small network integration

#### TEXT       infomacv16-340.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) list sometimes not operating check the archives
      (Q) How to adjust a Dayna EtherPrint T
      [A] re: Aargh! Parallel PC plugs, serial PBook
      batch changing of  'date created'
      fuzzy/blurry monitor
      Getting BestData's PC card modem to work on a Mac
      How read Word into Quark?
      launcher problems
      linux on my mac
      Mediaone home LAN Qs
      MFS Format
      Recommend Backup?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-341.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#499/27-Sep-99
      (Q) How to replace a PRAM battery-Quadra 800?
      (Q) Recovering memory after quiting all programs
      Apple taking so much time to develop PCMCIA/Cardbus to USB drivers
      batch changing of  'date created'
      batch changing of  'date created' 
      couple questions
      Error -192 launcher problems
      Fwd: Recommend Backup?
      iMac crashes
      IMAC POST: info on Digital Cameras, IM#339
      IMAC POST: Powerbook G3(97) battery problems
      IMAC POST: re Capture 640x480 30fps video from an S-Video
      LaserWriter II: Stopping Test Pages
      linux on my mac
      USB on Older Macs

#### TEXT       infomacv16-342.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) batch changing of  'date created'
      (Q) VirtualPC and saved states
      [Q] FireWire capabilities
      Apple 15 Multiscan AV Repair?
      Apple Service manuals? Laserwriter Pro 630
      backing up medium
      batch changing of  'date created'
      Best Data 56K card problem continues (Q)
      Church Windows to Kaleidoscope
      Compact Aero 2130 and Mac?
      couple questions
      couple questions
      couple questions
      How read Word into Quark?
      iMac crashes
      imac mouse on a old g3
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #341
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #341
      Ire: Aargh! Parallel PC plugs, serial PBook
      LaserWriter II: Stopping Test Pages
      LaserWriter II: Stopping Test Pages
      LaserWriter II: Stopping Test Pages
      LaserWriter II: Stopping Test Pages
      LaserWriter II: Stopping Test Pages
      linux on my mac
      Linux on my Mac
      Q?:  Backup Apps?
      Raw format for Linux
      Recommend Backup?
      Sound problems
      Video Update question 7600 series 

#### TEXT       infomacv16-343.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Recovering memory after quiting all programs
      Dying hard drives
      Fwd: Q?:  Backup Apps?
      Fwd: Raw format for Linux
      Fwd: Recommend Backup?
      importing word files to Quark
      INFOMAC re red bad solder joint on Apple 15 in display, digest#342
      MacGZip question
      Oops, mea culpa (was: couple questions)
      Q?: Backup Apps?
      Sound problems
      Transferring LPs to AIFF
      trouble w/Power PC 6500
      why no more share/freeware submissions

#### TEXT       infomacv16-344.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Video apapter for headless 7100
      Calendar software
      Compact Aero 2130 and Mac? 
      Czech Mac Font needed
      File type for HTML: TEXT or HTML
      freezing iMac
      Hard disk failures (summary of replies)
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #343
      INFOMAC re red bad solder joint on Apple 15 in display
      LP's to AIFF files continued
      MacGZip question
      MacGZip question
      Performa connection problems
      QuicktimeVR to VRML
      serial to parallel
      why no more share/freeware submissions

#### TEXT       infomacv16-345.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#500/04-Oct-99
       Oops, mea culpa (was: couple questions) 
      (A) How read Word into Quark!
      [A] Czech Mac Font needed
      [A] File type for HTML: TEXT or HTML
      Acrobat Distiller
      Apple 15 Multiscan AV Repair?
      Decoding files ending in *mim* or *mime*
      Dual modem connection to Internet
      edsiting sound
      LaserWriter II: Stopping Test Pages
      LP's to AIFF files continued
      MacGZip problem
      Making Karaoke file from CD
      Print Spooling Errors on B&W G3
      sumex submissions

#### TEXT       infomacv16-346.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) How read Word into Quark!
      (Q) 8.6 and Localtalk Bridge
      Acrobat Distiller
      Acrobat Distiller
      Decoding mime's
      Dual modem connection to Internet
      Enlarging display on old 12 inch monitor?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #345
      Postscript or not!
      Quicken 98 Problem
      Word attachments not readable

#### TEXT       infomacv16-347.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      Acrobat Distiller
      Fwd: Decoding files ending in *mim* or *mime*
      Fwd: Word attachments not readable
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #345
      internet/ethernet status
      Please keep SAS on the Macintosh!!!
      Postscript or not!
      sumex submissions
      Virex 6.0 download
      VPN software for Mac
      Word attachments not readable

#### TEXT       infomacv16-348.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [Q] Quicktime conversion not wanted
      Apple 15 Multiscan AV Repair?
      Decoding files ending in *mim* or *mime*
      Do we need a new digest viewer?
      How to open Apple 15" Multiple scan monitor
      How to print preface pages in Acrobat
      Pagemaker 6.5 files missing
      RAM QUESTIONS & Upgrading PB G3 wallstreet HD advice (please)
      screensaver conversions
      Secure Shell 2.0 for the Mac
      VPN software for Mac
      why no more share/freeware submissions

#### TEXT       infomacv16-349.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#501/11-Oct-99
      (C) The three ADB device rule - a lesson learned
      2 Questions
      [Q] Modem dialing (Powerbook v.34) setup in Touchbase Pro
      Acrobat Distller
      Anybody seen news yet on MaxOptic's drive, and their pricing?
      Apple CD Audio Player
      Decoding files ending in *mim* or *mime*
      DLink 560TXD multi-function PC Card & PowerBook 1400
      Do we need a new digest viewer?
      Do we need a new digest viewer?
      Easy View - Do we need a new digest viewer?
      Fan Noise
      fixed ncsa telnet, a success story
      How can you change default browser?
      How to open Apple 15" Multiple scan monitor
      How to print preface pages in Acrobat
      importing address books
      internet/ethernet status
      Lexmark 1000 color jetprinter
      QuickTime Conversion
      screensaver conversions
      Secure Shell 2.0 for the Mac
      Sherlock network errors

#### TEXT       infomacv16-35.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  BeeHive+  1.5 - Kaleidoscopie
      [*] "Styles" Blue Glass for Kaleidoscope
      [*] 4OP Librarian 1.0.3
      [*] B-52+ 1.5.5 - Kaleidoscopie
      [*] Boingo Electro 1.1.1
      [*] bub-and-bob-12.hqx
      [*] Cinnamon WebMaster Suite 1.1 -- Specialized HTML Editor
      [*] Clock Talk 1.2
      [*] Clue Deluxe-J (color version)
      [*] Cobra Gunship 1.3
      [*] ColorFinder+ (compact web-safe color picker)
      [*] CyberMozart 3.0 to version 3.0.1.
      [*] CyberMozart 3.0.1
      [*] Dart Board v1.04
      [*] DripCalc
      [*] Folder icons from my Kaleidoscope schemes
      [*] GEOCAD 1.2.7 (intl.)
      [*] GEOCAD 1.2.7 ppc (d)
      [*] icons 
      [*] MATM 1.5
      [*] Melody Assistant 1.0
      [*] MidiKit 2.5 FAT
      [*] Neatnik 2.0.2
      [*] NuEdit1.2.6 English version
      [*] Pansies scheme" for Kaleidoscope
      [*] PowerCalc 2.5
      [*] PowerCalc Lite 2.5
      [*] Printer Defaults v1.5.6
      [*] PushBtnBach 2.0 to 2.0.1
      [*] PushBtnBach 2.0.1
      [*] Put Away CMM 2.1.hqx
      [*] QuoEdit 0.31
      [*] Size CMM 1.3.hqx
      [*] Style 1.5.1; a scriptable styled text editor
      [*] Textures
      [*] Wallaby 1.0 FAT
      [!] Volunteers found, thanks!
      [A] Text listing of files on disk
      [A] Text listing of files on disk
      [Q] Appletalk for NT machines
      Blackened monitor
      Changing cicn resource sizes 
      screen adjustments....
      SMTP server for Mac?
      Text listing of files on disk

#### TEXT       infomacv16-350.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      4 int HDs into 1 ext scsi unit, part 2
      [Q] Modem dialing (Powerbook v.34) setup in Touchbase Pro
      Action Utilities GoMac 2.0.3 buggy 
      Apple CD Audio Player
      Do we need a new digest viewer?
      Easy View - Do we need a new digest viewer?
      How can you change default browser? Solved!
      Java with IE
      Record of in and out to internet
      scientific calculator
      The three ADB device rule
      transparent backgrounds for desktop icons
      turning int. HD into ext. HD and Linux
      Weird problem with letter 'd'

#### TEXT       infomacv16-351.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) VPN Client for Mac
      4 int HDs into 1 ext scsi unit, part 2
      [A] scientific calculator
      [A] Weird problem with letter 'd'
      [Q] 56k Voice modem?
      [Q] Software VCR?
      Action Utilities GoMac 2.0.3 buggy 
      How can you change default browser? Solved!
      How can you change default browser? Solved!
      IE JVM security breach
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #350
      My experience trying to fix Apple Multiscan monitor
      S-Video to RCA cables
      turning int. HD into ext. HD and Linux
      turning int. HD into ext. HD and Linux

#### TEXT       infomacv16-352.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) bandwidth test on LANs connected to the internet
      (A) batch changing of  'date created'
      (Q) Eudora Pro toolbar off edge of screen
      [Q] Clear memory cache in Netscape
      Barracuda HD in Mac 7100 ??
      Battery or AC power?
      Do we need a new digest viewer? 
      Error -50 when printing
      FlexCam S-video to RCA cable Nevermind
      How can you change default browser? Solved!
      HP CD-labeler for the Mac? Think twice!
      IE JVM security breach
      Menus drop down/stay down
      Old iMac and Firewire
      OS9 AND ATM
      PCMCIA modem card
      Performa connection problems
      QuicktimeVR to VRML
      scientific calculator
      turning int. HD into ext. HD and Linux
      Voodoo3 PCI for Mac?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-353.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#502/18-Oct-99
      (A) call Eudora under Netscape (was: ...change default browser?)
      (A) Menus drop down/stay down
      (Q) Fujitsu or other document scanner
      (Q) Recommendation for Mac ADB optical mouse
      (Q) VirtualPC and PC networking
      1400 battery etc
      [Q] Clear memory cache in Netscape
      [Q] Mystery AirPort card
      A Readme file worth reading ->Action Menus conflict with Quickeys
      Action Utilities GoMac 2.0.3 buggy
      Application Launch Ambiguity
      ATM & OS9
      Clear memory cache in Netscape
      default mailto: Netscape-->Eudora
      FlexCam S-video to RCA cable Nevermind
      How to convert WriteNow4 files to Word97
      MacOS vs. WindowsNT
      Menus drop down/stay down
      MP3 encoder
      Old iMac and Firewire
      OS9 and clones
      QuicktimeVR to VRML
      Replacement S-Video to RCA converters for PowerBooks
      TCP/IP Question
      turning int. HD into ext. HD and Linux

#### TEXT       infomacv16-354.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Application Launch Ambiguity
      [A] TCP/IP Question (multiple dial-ins)
      alias/image of a CD as a mounted volume?
      Application Launch Ambiguity
      CD ROM drive problems
      How to convert WriteNow4 files to Word97
      Linux on a Mac
      Macs Dialing in to NT Networks
      MP3 encoder
      TCP/IP Question

#### TEXT       infomacv16-355.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Application Launch Ambiguity
      (A) TCP/IP Question
      (A) TCP/IP Question
      (Q) Find by content on CD's
      (Q) PC .exe files on a mac?
      A Readme file worth reading ->Action Menus conflict with
      alias/image of a CD as a mounted volume?
      Apple OneScanner on win98
      CD ROM drive problems
      Converting .ps files to .pdf format
      Fwd: alias/image of a CD as a mounted volume?
      Home design software for Mac?
      IDE externally...does it exist?
      Linux on a Mac
      Linux on a Mac
      Linux on a Mac
      Linux on a Mac
      Macs Dialing in to NT Networks 
      Netscape Launching Eudora
      OS9 and MacDOScards
      Resource: AppleWorks/ClarisWorks Email List

#### TEXT       infomacv16-356.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Application Launch Ambiguity
      (A) Application Launch Ambiguity
      (A) Find by content on CD's
      (A) Home design software for Mac?
      (A) Home design software for Mac?
      (A) PC .exe files on a mac?
      (Q) Find by content on CD's
      (Q) MIDI Tracks to Audio CD
      (Q) PC .exe files on a mac?
      (Q) PGP self extracting files
      (Q) SE/30 upgrades
      1400, 8.5/8.6 & G3 battery
      [A] CD ROM drive problems
      [A] Macs Dialing in to NT Networks
      Backing up networked Mac volumes on PC's with a CD-R
      CD Images
      CD ROM drive problems
      CD ROM drive problems
      CD ROM Problems
      CDRW Drive
      Different versions
      Eudora/PPP Crash
      Home design software for Mac
      Home design software for Mac?
      IDE externally...does it exist?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #354
      Macintosh Programmer's Workshop
      PC .exe files on a mac? (A)
      RAID disks really a super idea.
      Recommendation for Mac ADB optical mouse (A)
      TCP/IP Dual Dial-ins
      transparent/clear icon labels on desktop-solution
      Video Card

#### TEXT       infomacv16-357.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#503/25-Oct-99
      (C) new iMacs
      [FYI] Apple's CD ROM driver
      [Q] LWII problem
      Backing up networked Mac volumes on PC's with a CD-R
      Eudora/PPP Crash (Reply)
      Menus drop down/Stay Down
      MIDI Tracks to Audio CD
      Old 21" monitor
      OS9 Applescript change
      PowerSave Our Ship

#### TEXT       infomacv16-358.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Stuffit Deluxe & MacOS 9
      (C) new iMacs
      [Q] Info-Mac Sherlock Plug-in?
      Application Launch Ambiguity (Summary)
      How about the file submissions to Info-Mac??
      Mac to NT net work reference
      MathType vs. Adobe Type Reunion
      Old 21" monitor
      OS9 Applescript change
      Outlook Express 5 - Notification sounds
      Q: resetting the power manager
      Report on PNG usage in Web Site Design
      sending a webpage or URL
      Video Card
      Wingz problem

#### TEXT       infomacv16-359.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [A] Mac to NT net work reference
      Disconnect between PowerPC and Monitor
      jingle of the keys
      Serial Port Spy Needed
      sounds & OE
      spelling checker & Eudora 4.2.1
      Top 50 innovations of the 20th century
      Wingz problem

#### TEXT       infomacv16-36.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Emergency Siren" Email Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] "Emergency Siren" Email Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] 1997 Canada Income Tax Return, Clarisworks
      [*] 1997 Canada Income Tax Return, Excel
      [*] A Bear's Night Out: a text adventure
      [*] Akua Sweets V1.19 (Scripting Additions)
      [*] AppleTreeBookmarks 4 Cyberdog 1.5
      [*] ChecksQuick 1.0
      [*] ClockWork 1.0 68K - Day Planner for MacOS and Newton
      [*] ClockWork 1.0 PPC - Day Planner for MacOS and Newton
      [*] ClockWork German 1.0 68K - Day Planner for MacOS and Newton
      [*] ClockWork German 1.0 PPC - Day Planner for MacOS and Newton
      [*] ClockWork Japanese 1.0 68K - Day Planner for MacOS and Newton
      [*] ClockWork Japanese 1.0 PPC - Day Planner for MacOS and Newton
      [*] Disk-o-Matic 1.0 - auto-launch items when their disk is inserte
      [*] HELLOWORLD-205
      [*] HotlineHelper 1.0.2
      [*] MacburgerHelper
      [*] Magic Stats 1.0
      [*] Medley 2.0
      [*] MT-NewsWatcher 2.4.0
      [*] OTConfigs 2.0
      [*] PictFader 1.1.1 - A picture playing screensaver.
      [*] Polish Adjectives 1.0 - foreign language learning
      [*] Russisch fur Juristen - foreign language learning
      [*] Sole Possession 1.0 Demo
      [*] SwitchRes 1.2 (english vesion)
      [*] SwitchRes 1.2 (french version)
      [*] Ultimate NHL Package 3.0
      [*] Verbs and Nouns Russisch - foreign language learning
      [*] WASTE 1.3; a text editing library
      [*] Zippier Zip 5.0.3 - remove the OK message from Iomega Guest
      [A] Text listing of files on disk
      [Q] couple hardware questions
      [Q] Mystery File Format
      [Q] Text listing of files on disk

#### TEXT       infomacv16-360.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Nubus to IDE
      [A] Outlook Express 5 - Notification sounds
      Disconnect between PowerPC and Monitor
      Floppy weirdness
      How to modify Internet Explorer
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #359
      Mac OS 9 and CSW 4000 Series
      More about Mac to NT net work reference
      MPW freebie
      Possible [A] to Disconnect between PowerPC and Monitor
      Quadra 605
      Serial Port Spy Needed
      Souped-up Mac
      Too many pages

#### TEXT       infomacv16-361.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#504/01-Nov-99
      (A) Apple repair
      (Q) IP File Sharing with MacOS9
      (Q) modem stuck problem
      ? about file dates
      [Q] Problem with contextual menus
      A tough question
      Adobe After Effects & NuBus Macs
      Changing Netscape's Home Page
      EXPLORER 4.5 AND OUTLOOK 5 128 BITS security patch
      Floppy weirdness
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #360
      Mac OS 9 and ZIP drive
      MIDI Tracks to Audio CD
      Norton's Utilities
      Outlook Express 5 - Notification sounds
      PPPop / PPPfloater for System 8.6
      StyleWriter 2500 Photo-cartridge Driver problem
      Windows/Mac CDROM compatibility problems

#### TEXT       infomacv16-362.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#505/08-Nov-99
      (A) Hypercard updates
      (A) Windows/Mac CDROM compatibility problems
      (C) Data Detectors.
      (Q) Netscape on CD
      ? about file dates
      [Q] Mac II batteries
      After Dark no longer?
      Bad Apple experience
      Changing Netscape's Home Page
      Changing Netscape's Home Page
      Fwd: Changing Netscape's Home Page
      Fwd: Windows/Mac CDROM compatibility problems
      Help with LP -> CD problem, please?
      IIsi sound and crashes
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #361
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #361
      Problem with contextual menus
      Processing video and images
      REQ: System 7.1.2 update -for pensioner
      VirtualPC-Windows95 or 98?
      why a 30 second delay sending e-mail?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-363.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) Data Detectors.
      [Q] how to set up a Headless Mac
      Bad Apple experience
      DarkSide screen saver for the Mac
      IDE Hard Drives in beige G3
      PB infrared and system clock changes after upgrading to system9
      VirtualPC-Windows95 or 98?
      VirtualPC-Windows95 or 98?
      why a 30 second delay sending e-mail?
      why a 30 second delay sending e-mail?
      why a 30 second delay sending e-mail?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-364.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 8-Ball v9.2 shareware submission
      [*] Abstract of Desktop Resetter 2.1
      [*] Air Traffic Controller ATC v3.0
      [*] Anarchie 3.6.2
      [*] AppSizer 2.31
      [*] atlanta.eps.sit.hqx
      [*] Ballistik Pro 1.0b5
      [*] beermeister1.0.hqx
      [*] Bookmark Redirector 1.0
      [*] Bubbles 1.3.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] bushfire1.2.0.sea.hqx
      [*] CalCountNote 1.2.5
      [*] Calendar Conversion-MacOS program to convert dates between calendar systems
      [*] Chocoletters 1.5.2 can play music!
      [*] Clean-Install Assistant 1.2 - Easier System Folder updates & backups.
      [*] Clean-Install Assistant 1.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] CLex 2.0.1b -- A dictionary engine
      [*] Contract Creator
      [*] CopyPaste 4.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] Countdown Pro 1.0
      [*] Cricket v4.2 (Test Match Simulator)
      [*] CuliDataBase
      [*] CuliDataBase
      [*] Customer Tracker 1.1 submission
      [*] Cut/Offs 1.1.1, a Kaleidoscope color scheme
      [*] Cyclone 1.1
      [*] CypherCard1.0a.sit.hqx
      [*] Decode da Code 1.1.2
      [*] Diet Sleuth 2.2.0
      [*] DoubletScan 2.1.3 (virus FREE)
      [*] Dragon Clash V1.0 game submission
      [*] EasyLife 1.0 (virus FREE)
      [*] Ecoboss C v.2.0
      [*] Ecoboss H v.2.0
      [*] emailcleaner-1-12.sit.hqx Convenient Text Cleaning on Emails
      [*] Eternity 1.0.0 - battle of the elements game
      [*] Extension Overload v4.6
      [*] EZ Bible 1.2 update
      [*] Far East Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Flip! 1.0 - a challenging puzzle game for all ages
      [*] FTP - English-Italian Dictionary/Dizionario Inglese-Italiano 5.6
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Euro Assistant Pro 2.1
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Euro Assistant Pro 2.1 (Japanese)
      [*] The Book of Changes 3.2
      [*] Update CopyPaste 4.4

#### TEXT       infomacv16-365.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] a greyscale kaleidoscope 2.0.2 for Kaleidoscope 2.0 or later
      [*] Fast Font Menu 2.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] FileDispenser� 3.1
      [*] Foreign Character Fixer
      [*] Foreign Character Fixer
      [*] Foreign Character Fixer
      [*] FTyper1.0.1b-68k.sit.hqx
      [*] FTyper1.0.1b-PPC.sit.hqx
      [*] galaxy_collider1.0.0.sea.hqx
      [*] Gammasoft Runtime Engine
      [*] GIFmation2.3.3.sit.hqx
      [*] glimmer 1.0.0, a Kaleidoscope color scheme
      [*] GLMStat 5.0.0;Generalized linear models
      [*] Gramotki 1.5.11J - Japanese Version
      [*] H2C_15_SDK.hqx - The must for every C++ programmer
      [*] Hotfind 1.2
      [*] HyperCard of 2.5
      [*] Icon Machine 2.0.1J - Japanese version
      [*] iconbuilder-201.hqx
      [*] icondropper-322.hqx
      [*] icondropper-ppc-322.hqx
      [*] imageSXM-162-4.hqx
      [*] Internet ToolKit for 4D (ITK) v2.0.3 update/demo
      [*] Italian Spelling 1.2 - foreign language learning
      [*] Jikes for the Macintosh
      [*] JobLog 1.5.2
      [*] Joblot font
      [*] John's WP QuickCorrect 1.2.3
      [*] JollyGoodTables4 for 68K
      [*] JollyGoodTables4 for PPC
      [*] Jon's Kaleidoscope Schemes.
      [*] KeyQuencer Commands 1.0.3
      [*] Killer Dice 1.5.2
      [*] Killer Dice Y2K
      [*] Kineticon 1.6.3
      [*] Kineticon 1.6.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] KvLsPatterns5.hqx - Macintosh Desktop Patterns
      [*] Submission: Geoport Audio

#### TEXT       infomacv16-366.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 8-Ball v9.2 shareware submission
      [*] Abstract of Desktop Resetter 2.1
      [*] Air Traffic Controller ATC v3.0
      [*] Anarchie 3.6.2
      [*] AppSizer 2.31
      [*] atlanta.eps.sit.hqx
      [*] Ballistik Pro 1.0b5
      [*] beermeister1.0.hqx
      [*] Bookmark Redirector 1.0
      [*] Bubbles 1.3.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] bushfire1.2.0.sea.hqx
      [*] CalCountNote 1.2.5
      [*] Calendar Conversion-MacOS program to convert dates between calendar systems
      [*] Chocoletters 1.5.2 can play music!
      [*] Clean-Install Assistant 1.2 - Easier System Folder updates & backups.
      [*] Clean-Install Assistant 1.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] CLex 2.0.1b -- A dictionary engine
      [*] Contract Creator
      [*] CopyPaste 4.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] Countdown Pro 1.0
      [*] Cricket v4.2 (Test Match Simulator)
      [*] CuliDataBase
      [*] CuliDataBase
      [*] Customer Tracker 1.1 submission
      [*] Cut/Offs 1.1.1, a Kaleidoscope color scheme
      [*] Cyclone 1.1
      [*] CypherCard1.0a.sit.hqx
      [*] Decode da Code 1.1.2
      [*] Diet Sleuth 2.2.0
      [*] DoubletScan 2.1.3 (virus FREE)
      [*] Dragon Clash V1.0 game submission
      [*] EasyLife 1.0 (virus FREE)
      [*] Ecoboss C v.2.0
      [*] Ecoboss H v.2.0
      [*] emailcleaner-1-12.sit.hqx Convenient Text Cleaning on Emails
      [*] Eternity 1.0.0 - battle of the elements game
      [*] Extension Overload v4.6
      [*] EZ Bible 1.2 update
      [*] Flip! 1.0 - a challenging puzzle game for all ages
      [*] FTP - English-Italian Dictionary/Dizionario Inglese-Italiano 5.6
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Euro Assistant Pro 2.1
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Euro Assistant Pro 2.1 (Japanese)
      [*] The Book of Changes 3.2
      iBook and Video Out via USB???
      Video to firewire???

#### TEXT       infomacv16-367.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] a greyscale kaleidoscope 2.0.2 for Kaleidoscope 2.0 or later
      [*] FTyper1.0.1b-68k.sit.hqx
      [*] FTyper1.0.1b-PPC.sit.hqx
      [*] galaxy_collider1.0.0.sea.hqx
      [*] Gammasoft Runtime Engine
      [*] GIFmation2.3.3.sit.hqx
      [*] glimmer 1.0.0, a Kaleidoscope color scheme
      [*] GLMStat 5.0.0;Generalized linear models
      [*] Gramotki 1.5.11J - Japanese Version
      [*] H2C_15_SDK.hqx - The must for every C++ programmer
      [*] Hotfind 1.2
      [*] HyperCard of 2.5
      [*] Icon Machine 2.0.1J - Japanese version
      [*] iconbuilder-201.hqx
      [*] icondropper-322.hqx
      [*] icondropper-ppc-322.hqx
      [*] imageSXM-162-4.hqx
      [*] Internet ToolKit for 4D (ITK) v2.0.3 update/demo
      [*] Italian Spelling 1.2 - foreign language learning
      [*] Jikes for the Macintosh
      [*] JobLog 1.5.2
      [*] Joblot font
      [*] John's WP QuickCorrect 1.2.3
      [*] JollyGoodTables4 for 68K
      [*] JollyGoodTables4 for PPC
      [*] Jon's Kaleidoscope Schemes.
      [*] KeyQuencer Commands 1.0.3
      [*] Killer Dice 1.5.2
      [*] Killer Dice Y2K
      [*] Kineticon 1.6.3
      [*] Kineticon 1.6.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] KvLsPatterns5.hqx - Macintosh Desktop Patterns
      [*] le-franglophile-201.hqx - French-English dictionary
      [*] LockOut 1.6.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Mac Trivia Challenge 2.0
      [*] MacAttack 1.9.9J - Japanese Version
      [*] MacD 1.1 - A new way to access your folders
      [*] MacOS Items Manager 1.5.2 - French Version
      [*] MacOS Items Manager 1.5.2 - German Version
      [*] MacOS Items Manager 1.5.2 - Italian Version
      [*] MacStammbaum 1.9.3
      [*] MacTicker 1.6
      [*] MacZoop 2.1b1
      [*] Net '99
      [*] Submission: Geoport Audio

#### TEXT       infomacv16-368.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Far East Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Fast Font Menu 2.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] FileDispenser� 3.1
      [*] Foreign Character Fixer
      [*] Foreign Character Fixer
      [*] Foreign Character Fixer
      [*] MacOS Items Manager 1.5.2
      [*] MacOS Items Manager 1.5.2 - Dutch Version
      [*] MacOS Items Manager 1.5.2 - Japanese Version
      [*] ManicMinefields 1.3.1
      [*] Meditor Player D10E -- Module Music Player
      [*] MI Convert 2
      [*] Midius ProjectPlanner 1.2.5
      [*] Midnight Butterfly kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Millennium Madness Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] MusiCatalog3.6 music collection database
      [*] NetFinder 2.0.2J - FTP client (Japanese Version)
      [*] NoNavigation v1.1
      [*] Notepad 1.0
      [*] ObjectPlant 2.1.6, object-oriented analysis and design tool
      [*] OptimaHTML 1.6
      [*] Optimize scripts 2.1.9
      [*] OSA Menu 1.2
      [*] PandoCalendar 5.0.1 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] People (tm) 1.0
      [*] PhotoGrid1.2, a quick image viewer with resizable thumnail
      [*] Phylum-for-free 1.0.2
      [*] PictTrasher 1.5.1
      [*] Play it Cool 3.3.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] Play it Cool 3.33
      [*] PPP-ICQ A PPP Monitor/ICQ (and others) Launcher
      [*] Program Switcher-J v4.5.3 - Japanese Version
      [*] ProSession FM 2.1
      [*] Quick Recorder 1.0.1
      [*] ramBunctious 1.3.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Refill Maker v1.0.6
      [*] Relay Fonts
      [*] Relay Fonts 2
      [*] Restart At 1.0
      [*] Romi 2.0
      [*] Romi 2.0  - French version
      [*] Romi 2.0  - Italian version
      [*] Romi 2.0  - Spanish version
      [*] runTime Frame Controller 1.0
      [*] runTime Lingo Scriptor 1.0

#### TEXT       infomacv16-369.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#506/15-Nov-99
      [*] AppleScript to "Touch" file modification dates
      [*] Felt Tip Sound Studio 1.1.2
      [*] New Touch-3D Version 2.1 Released - Now Create Real 3D Models!
      [*] Patcher for The 11th Hour 1.0
      [*] runTime Memory Checker 1.0
      [*] Serial Logger 1.0
      [*] Shadow Maker 1.1.0
      [*] ShareDraw 2.02
      [*] Sherlock NoBanners 2.0
      [*] SimpleImage 3.0.1
      [*] SimpleStrat 1.1.0
      [*] SmartWrap 1.6
      [*] SmartWrap 1.6J - Japanese version
      [*] Smitholution Font 0.9b
      [*] Startup Doubler 2.5.1J - For Faster Start-Ups! (Japanese Version)
      [*] Steve's Alerts
      [*] StickyClick 1.2
      [*] Stuffboss v.1.0
      [*] Sunny One 1.0.2
      [*] Super NewsGroups 1.0.3 Archiving newsgroups and html  conversion
      [*] TechTool 1.1.9
      [*] TechTool Pro 252 Updater
      [*] The Atomic Mac 3.5.5
      [*] The Reading Mouse 1.2
      [*] The Talking Mouse 1.2
      [*] TIFF tool 1.0 68K
      [*] Tile Switcher 1.2.3
      [*] Tile-it Icons 2.3 an application to put a PICT in a window or desktop
      [*] TimeLabel 1.3
      [*] TimePlan 1.0 Filemaker Pro template
      [*] Trade Assist 1.5.1 PPC
      [*] Trajecmulator 1.0 E
      [*] TransCryptor 2.1.1(F) - shareware
      [*] TrashMan 4.0.5
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.6b1J - Japanese Version
      [*] VideoZoom 2.0
      [*] VisualFont 2.5
      [*] Vocab 1.5.5
      [*] Win2MacRusLE
      [*] WizCalc 0.33 Freeware
      [*] World Clock CSM 2.7 (French version)
      [*] World Clock CSM 2.7 (German version)
      Archive Abstracts in Info-Mac Digests
      Outlook Express 5.0 vs. Eudora Pro 4.2.2 (Q & C)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-37.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#417/16-Feb-98
       News Reader Programs
      "Unlocking" Adobe Acrobat Files
      [A] News Reader Programs
      [A] Text listing of files on disk
      [A] Text listing of files on disk
      [Q] Appletalk for NT machines
      [Q] more on "Text listing of files on disk"
      [Q] Mystery File Format
      [Q] Norton Disk Doctor Error
      [Q]: Creating BinHex files on non-Mac platforms
      [Summary] Key combination to bypass boot from internal HD
      Auto Upgrading Older Word Docs to Word 6 Format?
      Blackened monitor
      broken desktop
      DOS formatted PCMCIA cards
      HDT the best Mac virus! (solution)
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #35
      Long wait for smiley face....
      Lost Keyboard shortcut
      Mystery File Format (R)
      netscape 3 and audio
      PowerBook speaker.
      Quadra 660AV and System *.0?
      SMTP server for Mac?
      start-up blows-up!
      System 8 memory problems
      Text Editor Find/Replace Feature
      Text listing of files on disk
      Total Recall (C)
      Video card for Perf. 6360
      Want to do some small network integration
      x24CDROM inside a 8100?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-370.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Mac relational databases
      [*] FileDispenser� 3.1
      [*] IconBuilder - Version 2.0.1 - October 1999
      [*] IconDropper - Version 3.2.2 - October 1999
      [*] IconDropper 3.2.2
      [*] Kineticon 1.6.4 - animated icons on your desktop!
      [*] Kineticon 1.6.4J - animated icons on your desktop! (Japanese Version)
      [*] Oddly Enough Calendar 1.02
      [*] PPPremier Timer 2.0.3; an internet connection tool
      [*] Rainbow Painter 1.5.0
      [*] Sales Organizer 2.3.5
      [*] Sales Organizer 2.3.5 Canadian
      [*] SimpleVCD 2.2;  an easy to use VideoCD player
      [*] Sinic (Chinese) Lunar Calendar (1.0.2)-- Chinese Version
      [*] Sinic(Chinese) Lunar Calendar 1.0.2 (English Version)
      [*] SuperMacFreecell 1.5.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] TechTool Pro 2.5.3 updater
      [*] TriVectus Kicho 1.5 - Keyboard Enhancement Utility
      [*] Verbs and Nouns Russisch (Russian/German) - lang. learning
      [*] Warcraft II Maps 1 to 7-All the maps!
      [*] World Clock CSM 2.7 (Dutch version)
      [*] World Clock CSM 2.7 (English version)
      [*] World Clock CSM 2.7 (Italian version)
      [*] World Clock CSM 2.7 (Japanese version)
      [*] Y2K App Checker 1.0.4
      [*] YA-Decoder 3.0.1
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 4.2.6
      [*] ZipCalc 1.0.1
      [Q] how to set up a Headless Mac
      recommendation for PCI sound card
      spreadsheet 16384 row limit (Q)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-371.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Aladdin Expander 5.5
      [*] Aladdin FlashBack 1.1.3
      [*] DragStrip 3.7, the Ultimate Desktop Organizer
      [*] Drop Stuff 5.5
      [*] Installer Maker 6.0
      [*] Mac Trivia Challenge 3.0
      [*] Play it Cool 3.34
      [*] Shrink Wrap 3.5 Trialware
      [*] Space Saver Update 5.0.1
      [*] Spring Cleaning Update 3.0.1
      [*] Stuffit Deluxe 5.1.5 Update
      [*] Stuffit Lite 3.6
      [*] Touch-3D Version 2.1.2 - Now Create Real 3D Models!
      [Q] File Attachments in Outlook Express
      Apple Data Detectors
      How d'ya get off the scooter ???
      LaserJet vs. LaserWriter
      Premire 5.1 Export
      Setting default print page size under OS8.6

#### TEXT       infomacv16-372.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) if you have been holding back your replies
      (Q) Apple Data Detectors work with recent OS's?
      [*] LockOut 1.6.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] Math Wizard 1.0
      [*] PictFader 1.7 - An image playing screensaver
      [*] Play it Cool 3.3.5J - Japanese Version
      [*] Play it Cool 3.35
      [*] PrintToPDF 1.0.3 (printer driver to make PDF files)
      [*] R'zal'Shii Font
      [*] SnagWindow 1.0.2
      [*] Stuffit Deluxe 5.1.5 Update
      [*] Stuffit Lite 3.6
      Bellbottom Type 1 Font
      Epson 740 and Jaggies
      IDE Hard Drives in beige G3[summary]
      ISDN Router
      Mac Classic II and Stylewriter:  printer repair needed
      mailing lists
      No sound from Web sites?
      Outlook Express Attachements
      Power Computing xtra HD

#### TEXT       infomacv16-373.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

       Re:  Update WP 3.5E?
      (Q) Outlook Express 5.0 problem
      [*] 500 Cards v2.0.1
      [*] Abstract for ATPM 5.11 PDF version
      [*] Alarmclock
      [*] Alias Suite
      [*] Audiocorder 1.5.0
      [*] BakudanjinDemo101.sea.hqx - a shareware action/puzzle game
      [*] Bodacious Backgrounds� Sampler
      [*] Cool Search and Replace
      [*] DiceRoller freeware
      [*] Euro Convert 1.0.1
      [*] Export Icon Plug-in - export icons from Photoshop!
      [*] FontBuddy 1.3.1 [FontBuddy-1.3.1.sit.bin]
      [*] FTP: LSQL10b14.hqx
      [*] Gammasoft Apple II File Decoder
      [*] Gammasoft BASIC
      [*] Gammasoft BASIC Book
      [*] Gammasoft CashRegistry
      [*] Gammasoft FabuLogo
      [*] Gammasoft Goodies
      [*] Gammasoft Graphin' Stuph
      [*] Gammasoft ItMotN
      [*] Gammasoft LEDDisplay
      [*] Gammasoft Libsys
      [*] Gammasoft MylariaMaker
      [*] Gammasoft NoteMaker
      [*] Gammasoft PaintProc
      [*] Gammasoft Schematica
      [*] Gammasoft SDK
      [*] Gammasoft WordProc
      [*] GLMStat 5.0.1;Generalized linear models
      [*] HawkOS 1.5 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Holy Night Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] iAddress 3.0
      [*] URL Manager 2.6-SE
      [*] Word Search V.2.6.0
      [Q] Lombard Tel/Elec Adapters for UK
      Teleport 56k thru PBX lines
      Update WP 3.5E?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-374.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#507/22-Nov-99
      (Q) Netscape on CD
      ? about file dates
      [*] CopyPaste 4.4.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Dot2Dot Music Edition
      [*] LockOut 1.6.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] MultiMode 2.7.0
      [*] Scruffle.1.1
      [*] TypeRighter Suite 1.2 - File Type Management Utils
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.3.9 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.3.9 - foreign language learning
      PPPop / PPPfloater for System 8.6

#### TEXT       infomacv16-375.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      "blueberry" Epson 740i vs. "Bondi blue" iMac...?
      (A) Apple Data Detectors work with recent OS's!
      (A) Microsoft Office OS 9 conflict resolved
      (A) spreadsheet 16384 row limit
      (Q) View as List by default for all folders
      [*]  Yank 3.0.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] AMICO 2.1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Bright Chick 2.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] ConvertMachine 1.0.2v1J - Japanese Version
      [*] D-Sound Pro 3.5.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Mac Trivia Challenge 4.0
      [*] MT-NewsWatcher 3.0
      [*] PlayerPRO 5.4 Freeware
      [*] Power Manager v1.0
      [*] QuoEdit 0.6
      [*] Repeating Decimals 1.0
      [*] Sherlock 2 Mod Patch
      [*] sherlock-purified-1.0.hqx
      [*] Sound Machine 2.7.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Sports KinePak SAMPLE - animated icons for Kineticon
      [*] Submit Quick-Finance.hqx by FTP
      [*] SwitchBack 2.8J - Japanese Version
      [*] TableCloths 4.0
      [*] Vanessa Chess 1.5
      [*] VSE Animation Maker 3.2.1 - GIF animation tool
      [*] VSE Be Found 1.5 - Web Site Promotion Tool
      [*] WP Download Outlining Fix
      [A] File Attachments in Outlook Express
      [Q] but it's not daylight savings time...
      [Q] Worrying(?) behaviour of Work menu in Word 5.1a under OS 8.6
      A.D.D. & 8.6
      Disappearing Volume
      Excel 98, Word 98 & MacOS 9 problem
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #374
      Inthe old days...
      Laserwriter Pro Repair
      password removal
      PPP server for Mac (version 7.6 + )
      Printer share help needed
      Reclaiming memory
      SCSI Problem
      sharing a printer
      Where's the Mac children's software?!
      why a 30 second delay sending e-mail?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-376.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] AutoShare 4.0, a freeware list server
      [*] EasySwitcher
      [*] Hotfind 1.2.2
      [*] Hunter, in Darkness: a text adventure
      [*] Joy Of Hex 1.3.0
      [*] Klock 1.0
      [*] MacSentry - Simple & Elegant Password Protection
      [*] MacTravesty 1.1.1
      [*] Merry Christmas GIFs Collection
      [*] Night Lights
      [*] Object Math
      [*] Pagoo Call Catcher
      [*] PandoMural 1.1.1 -Freeware MacOS desktop picture program.
      [*] Patriot Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Power Windows 2.0.7
      [*] Quickstart v1.3
      [*] Right! 4.2
      [*] Script Log 1.0
      [*] Sentry 1.0 - Mac Password Protection
      [*] Sherlock nobanners 2.0- German
      [*] Sherlock nobanners 2.0- Japanese
      [*] Startup Doubler 2.5.2 - For Faster Start-Ups!
      [*] Startup Doubler 2.5.2J - For Faster Start-Ups! (Japanese Version)
      [*] The Merry Christmas Icons Collection
      [*] Title Free V1.3
      [*] Udana
      [*] VideoClips Pro 1.3.0
      [*] Voice-controlled Finder 1.8
      [*] Wheel of the Teachings 1.0
      [*] WP Download Outlining Fix
      [*] YP Bielle-Manivelle 1.1
      [*] YP Slider Crank 1.1
      Apple Data Detectors?
      Envelope Programs

#### TEXT       infomacv16-377.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) req: answering machine s/w
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.5.4
      [*] MacTypingTutor 4.7.3
      [*] Meta Tag Manager version 2.0.1
      [*] Polish Nouns 1.3.2 - foreign language learning
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.3.4
      [*] SwitchRes 2.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] Tell Me-MRJ
      [*] Udana 1.0.1 
      [Q] StuffIt Deluxe vs. Expander and DropStuff
      Video on a PowerBook 3400?
      VRML on the Macintosh

#### TEXT       infomacv16-378.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Can't print while on-line
      (Q) Macintosh Modem Dilemma?
      (Q) PostScript Error when printing from Acrobat Reader
      [*] OneshotRecorder1.01, sound recorder with simple operation andtimer
      [*] OSA Menu 1.2.2
      [*] Pocket Album v1.1.0
      [*] RandomPassword
      [*] TextureMagic 1.2
      [*] Web Confidential 1.3 - German version
      [Q] StuffIt Deluxe vs. Expander & DropStuff
      answering machine s/w
      Busy signal with modem
      Changing Font Family Names
      Hardware : Pin Assignment formac Prograph II.3 B
      How to open Word files on my mac ?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #377
      Netscape Navigator
      NN and Saved WWW Pages

#### TEXT       infomacv16-379.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#508/06-Dec-99
      (A) PostScript Error when printing from Acrobat Reader
      (Q) Can't print while on-line
      (Q) Macintosh Modem Dilemma?
      (Q) Macintosh Modem Dilemma?
      (Q) PostScript Error when printing from Acrobat Reader
      [*] Abstract for ATPM 5.11 eDOC version
      [*] Amadeus II v2.2r3
      [*] comp.sys.mac.comm FAQ (v 2.1.8) Dec 1 1998
      [*] Cool Address Book 2.1
      [*] CuliDataBase 5.5 (68K)
      [*] CuliDataBase 5.5 (PPC)
      [*] Decoder 2.0.7
      [*] Dune Eternity
      [*] EasySwitcher
      [*] Email Merge 1.8 - Easy customized Email Merging
      [*] Festival kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] FontBuddy 1.3.1 [FontBuddy-1.3.1.sit.bin]
      [*] FotoPage Pro Demo
      [*] FracGen1.0(PPC) FractalGenerator
      [*] Golden Age Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] HCtoWWW 2.00 HyperCard to HTML Translator
      [*] Holiday Lights 5.0
      [*] HTMLTagwriter33
      [*] HTMLTagwriter33
      [*] HTMLTagwriter33
      [*] iLiner 1.0 submission
      [*] Masculine Angel with Snake (17in)
      [*] Masculine Pushing Angel (17in)
      [*] Newton Dances with SONY?
      [*] PlayerPRO 5.4 FR - FRENCH Version
      [*] PlayerPRO 5.4 G4 - optimized for G4-Altivec PowerMacs!
      [*] POPThing 1.4
      An idea for a utility
      Changing Font Family Names
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #378
      ISDN Routers(Recommend a christmas present for me)
      LC 575 error code
      NN and Saved WWW Pages
      permanent email address problem
      Please help
      Powerbook 5300ce/117 Manual
      Printing to an HP Laserjet 4 plus
      Sony's DCR-TRV510 and the Macintosh

#### TEXT       infomacv16-38.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]     CESLabPPC2.8b0
      [*] Anarcho 1.6
      [*] BeBreak; Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] BioAssistant-11-fat
      [*] CCMArea 1.3.2
      [*] Command-Trash 1.1.5/Fake-8 info.
      [*] Crypto 1.1 -- updated [crypto11.sit.hqx] 
      [*] CrystalDiffract 2.0
      [*] CyberGold 1.8, a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] Default Folder D-2.8 - German version of Open/Save dialog enhan
      [*] Djepun2.3 ... Jin's Gamelan Color Scheme No.4
      [*] DropReception 2.2.2
      [*] FinderViewContextMenu 1.0.3 - DE
      [*] FinderViewContextMenu 1.0.3 - JP
      [*] FinderViewContextMenu 1.0.3 - US
      [*] FuzzyFind for MacOS Version 1.0
      [*] Gambang1.2 ... Jin's Gamelan Color Scheme No.5
      [*] Gender Wayang,Gong Kebyar,Legong ... Jin's Gamelan Color
      [*] Goldie 1.8, a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] HelpLess-1.1
      [*] Jean's Violets Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Karlsplatz 1.1 MHG Kaleidoscope scheme update
      [*] Local 38 1.0 Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] MaBaSoft WorldClock CSM 1.1.sit
      [*] MacVenns 1.3.1
      [*] MagiCards 1.0
      [*] MAXT 1.8
      [*] NewATut 1.6 -- updated [newtatut-book-16
      [*] Newton UniTaipei Chinese-Japanese font
      [*] NewtTurT 1.6 -- updated [newtturt-book-16.sit.hqx]
      [*] Night 1.1 Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] NightHawk4
      [*] Nolan for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Patchwork scheme for Kaleidoscope
      [*] PhotoXpress
      [*] Pomona 1.1. MHG Kaleidoscope scheme update
      [*] PowerCalc 2.0.4.sit - RPN Calculator for the Mac
      [*] QuoEdit 0.31
      [*] Squishy Squash 1.8, a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] Sticky Newts 2.07
      [*] What's In It (68k).sit
      [*] What's In It (PPC).sit
      [*] World of Weirdness #10
      Networking 2 Macs
      screen adjustments....

#### TEXT       infomacv16-380.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

       re: (Q) PostScript Error when printing from Acrobat Reader
      (A) Netscape Navigator
      (A) NN and Saved WWW Pages
      [*] Mac Antenna Master 1.3.0
      [*] OptimaHTML 1.6.1
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.7J
      [*] Todd's TextEdit 1.0 Freeware
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.4.1 - foreign language learning
      [*] ViaHTTP 1.6
      [*] Wheel of the Teachings 1.1
      [*] Yellow Error Reference (YER) 1.1.0
      Busy signal with modem
      Date and Time Problem
      How to open Word files on my mac ?
      inferred palm sync with OS9 (Q)
      Mattel Microscope
      minidisc on mac G3
      NN & web graphics

#### TEXT       infomacv16-381.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) G4 firmware update...does it improve stability on a G4 350?
      [*]  Smart Scroll 3.6b2J - Japanese Version
      [*] CD/DVD Library 3.6
      [*] challenge.sit
      [*] MaBaSoft releases World Clock CSM 2.7.1
      [*] MaBaSoft releases World Clock CSM 2.7.1 D (German version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases World Clock CSM 2.7.1 F (French version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases World Clock CSM 2.7.1 I (Italian version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases World Clock CSM 2.7.1 J (Japanese version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases World Clock CSM 2.7.1 N (Dutch version)
      [*] PandoFrame 3.1.3
      [*] RandomPassword 1.2
      [*] TimeZonesHC 1.01 / HyperCard stack time in ALL timezonesincluding DST
      Toast 4 or Ray Gun?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-382.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) Security certificates in Web Browsers
      (Q) portable printer
      (Q) Saving Remote Access configurations
      [*] Martha's Folder Icons III
      [*] OpenWith CMM v1.1.1
      [*] Polish Verbs 2.2.2 - foreign language learning
      [*] ResetSerialChannel 1.1
      [*] Solar Game
      [*] SSIParser
      [*] Tribute to W. Morris
      [*] Worlds Apart: a text adventure
      alternative to expensive scsi drives
      Big Icons
      erratic CD drives
      Help!!! Need scanner driver

#### TEXT       infomacv16-383.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#509/13-Dec-99
      (A) busy signal with the recording
      (A) Saving Remote Access configurations
      (Q) Mac relational databases
      [*] MacTidy v1.0b7: checks and corrects HTML and XML source
      [*] NetFinder 2.0.3 - FTP client.
      [*] NetFinder 2.0.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] SnowBall
      [*] Technohippy Desktop Pictures
      [*] Type/Creator Database 2000
      [*] WolfEdit Full 2.0.4
      [*] Word List Maker 2.1.8 - text utility
      [*] Wumpus! 1.0 (game of strategy and luck)
      Big Icons
      How d'ya get off the scooter ?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #382
      invisible file utilities
      Secure Certificate Rollovers
      Security certificates in Web Browsers

#### TEXT       infomacv16-384.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#510/14-Dec-99
      (Q) Anyone having any luck using Acrobat phone support?
      (Q) Saving Remote Access configurations
      [*] audion_1.2.sit.hqx - listen to CD's, MP3's, and net audio in style.
      [*] FTP: LSQL10b14.hqx
      [*] Mac Stock Calculator 3.0
      [*] QuoEdit 0.61
      [*] Studio System 2.1
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.4.2 - foreign language learning
      [*] Witchdoctor Pro 2.0.0
      [*] WolfEdit 2.0.4 Source Code
      flash demo
      infrared port not working on G3/bronze (Q)
      invisible file utilities
      making my own icons
      OS 9 and ATM 4.5.2
      Patch builder?
      PowerMac G4 and Mac OS 8.6
      Security certificates in Web Browsers

#### TEXT       infomacv16-385.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Smart Scroll 3.6b6J - Japanese Version
      [*] AppearanceHopper 1.9 Fr
      [*] CD File 99 Fr
      [*] Itivuttaka--Sayings of the Buddha
      [*] KanjiCPreProcessor 1.2
      [*] Polish Adjectives 1.0.3 - foreign language learning
      [*] WolfEdit 2.0.4 1st/2nd Encounter Patch
      AVI to QT problems
      Help!!! Need scanner driver
      how to configur different Internet-connections
      iMovie problem
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #384
      LCII set-up for email
      Powerbook 100 sadmac problem
      USB-Serial adapter for G4 & HP LaserJet4MP
      Using icons.

#### TEXT       infomacv16-386.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Smart Scroll 3.6b6J - Japanese Version
      [*] AppearanceHopper 1.9 Fr
      [*] CD File 99 Fr
      [*] Itivuttaka--Sayings of the Buddha
      [*] KanjiCPreProcessor 1.2
      [*] Polish Adjectives 1.0.3 - foreign language learning
      [*] WolfEdit 2.0.4 1st/2nd Encounter Patch
      AVI to QT problems
      Help!!! Need scanner driver
      how to configur different Internet-connections
      iMovie problem
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #384
      LCII set-up for email
      Powerbook 100 sadmac problem
      USB-Serial adapter for G4 & HP LaserJet4MP
      Using icons.

#### TEXT       infomacv16-387.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) John Madden football
      1400/G3 Battery problems-update
      [*] Disk Recall
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM 1.7.7
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM 1.7.7 D (German version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM 1.7.7 F (French version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM 1.7.7 I (Italian version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM 1.7.7 J (Japanese version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM 1.7.7 N (Dutch version)
      [*] Mitch Power Actions
      [*] NameCleaner 2.0.1 - Cross-platform file naming and typing
      [*] Poor Man's Solitaire 1.0
      [*] PrintToPDF 1.1.1 (printer driver to make PDF files)
      [*] Rainbow Painter 1.6.0
      [*] Road Kill 1.0
      [*] Search Designer 1.0
      [*] Sherlock II Creator 2.0.1
      [*] SpinShow2000 v1.0
      [*] The Atomic Mac 3.5.6
      [*] Thumbnail Maker 1.0
      [*] VSE Be Found 1.5.1 - Award-winning web site promotion tool
      [*] Worlds Apart (v1.1): a text adventure
      Eudora slowdown in OS9

#### TEXT       infomacv16-388.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) The Mac and y2k
      [*] File Buddy 5.3.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] MacOSTray 1.1b2
      [*] PandoCalendar 5.0.2 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PowerCalc 5.1
      [*] QuoEdit mini 1.0
      [*] SimpleBackup 1.6.1
      [*] Slide Show 5.2 - presentation tool for multimedia & MP3 files.
      [*] Subtle arcade sound set
      [*] TalkTime 1.0 - a talking scheduling application
      [*] Time Tracker 1.0
      [*] Trinity 1.1 68K
      [*] Trinity 1.1 PPC
      [*] uCalendar 2.0.4 68K Version
      [*] uCalendar 2.0.4 PPC Version
      [*] WineBook 1.0b5 -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      iMac Reset Button
      Virtual PC vs. SoftWindows - PC Emulators for the MAC

#### TEXT       infomacv16-39.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Mac Chess Fonts
      [*] Amadeus 1.43
      [*] Application Menu Extension
      [*] Babel: a text adventure
      [*] bedlam-2-102
      [*] CPIC_68k (CompuPic)
      [*] Crypto++ 2.0
      [*] El Verbo Simple 2.1 - Learn to Conjugate Spanish Verbs
      [*] IcePick 4.0
      [*] Icon Machine 1.2.1
      [*] Ili's System Icons
      [*] JoesGolfStats
      [*] Kineticon 1.0.1 - animated icons on your desktop!
      [*] ListBox 0.4 - A simple replacement for ListManager
      [*] MacOS8IconUpdate1.0
      [*] MidiUtils2.0
      [*] NameCleaner 1.8.1 - Cross-platform file naming and typing
      [*] New Zobaa Zobaa
      [*] Open in Browser 1.1
      [*] Platinum Jaz Icons, a set of 21 custom-designed Jaz disk icons
      [*] Platinum Zip Icons, a set of 21 custom-designed Zip disk icons
      [*] PlayerPRO 4.6.Dev.Kit
      [*] Puzzler 1.0.0
      [*] Queen icons
      [*] RandomNotes 1.02
      [*] SimpleSong 1.21 DEMO
      [*] Speek Text
      [*] TitleTrack CD Player 1.1 (68k)
      [*] TitleTrack CD Player 1.1 (PPC)
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.8.8 - foreign language learning
      [*] vsamp221
      [*] Yank 3.0
      [A] Auto Upgrading Older Word Docs to Word 6?
      [A] External PCMCIA reader for DOS format cards?
      [A] Want to do some small network integration
      Auto Upgrading Older Word Docs to Word 6 Format?
      broken desktop
      curiouser fixed desktop
      Drive won't mount at startup
      locked files
      Path-Copy Utility?
      Performa 6200 modems upgrades
      Quadra 660AV and System *.0?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-40.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Burnin' Rubber" StartUp Sound (Mono)
      [*] "Burnin' Rubber" StartUp Sound (Stereo)
      [*] Archimedean v. 8.0 (New version)
      [*] CardIndex 1.0
      [*] Cinnamon WebMaster Suite 1.1.1 -- Specialized HTML Editor
      [*] Computer Cuisine 4.5
      [*] Desktop Gold, desktop picture for your Mac
      [*] Emailer Autoforward =?iso-8859-1?Q?=DF1.0?=
      [*] FormConvert 2.0 68k
      [*] FormConvert 2.0 PPC
      [*] Funnel Web 1.6
      [*] Hogwasher 1.0b4
      [*] Internet Logger v. 2.1.1FR
      [*] Internet XFCNs v1.1
      [*] Job Pointer v2.2 Trial Edition
      [*] John's Alarming Applescripts
      [*] Menu Cleanup 1.0 Folder. An Apple Menu Cleaner Applescript.
      [*] MiniWinDemo 3.5
      [*] Mousigator 0.5 - a cursor focusing extension
      [*] PageSucker 1.0.4
      [*] ProMaker Utils 1.0.3 - For the FileMaker Professional
      [*] Reanimator 2.0.1
      [*] ShowModal XFCN 1.01
      [*] SwitchRes 1.2 (german version)
      [*] TeleFinder USer for MacOS, v5.6.1
      [*] Tiny Cipher update
      [*] Tiny Cipher update
      [*] toolbox_20.hqx
      [*] Workin' Too Hard 1.0b3
      [*] XTernal Collection v1.4 (e)
      [A] AMTPUtil?
      [A] Auto Upgrading Older Word Docs to Word 6 Format?
      [A] broken desktop
      [A] System 8 memory problems
      [Q] Creating StuffIt Archives on Windows Platform
      [Q] Setting file type/creator via AppleScript
      [SUMMARY]: Creating BinHex files on non-Mac platforms
      Auto Upgrading Older Word Docs to Word 6 Format?
      Has Info-Mac changed?
      hierarchical folders
      Networking 2 Macs
      Networking 2 Macs
      scroll speed on G3
      segmenting the too-bigs

#### TEXT       infomacv16-41.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Ballistik 5.3.4_de
      [*] Ballistik 5.3.4_e
      [*] BlackWatch 1.2
      [*] Calendar Conversion-MacOS program to convert dates between cale
      [*] Gandalf v.1.1
      [*] Gold Patterns, pattern clipping files for your Mac desktop
      [*] Grapple 1.3
      [*] Losing Your Grip
      [*] Mac-HaBu 4.1 D
      [*] Mac-HaBu 4.1 E
      [*] MultiTimer 2.1.5
      [*] PictFader 1.1.1(Update)- A pict playing screensaver
      [*] RainyAfternoon Desktop by the Start Gallery
      [*] TimeSlice 1.7
      [*] Whirlpool v.1.0
      -> Beware the Performa internal modem
      [A] BowelsOfTheMemory...
      [A] Control Strip 
      [A] Extensions
      [A] Networking 2 Macs
      [A]: Auto Upgrading Older Word Docs to Word 6 Format?
      [A]: Long wait for smiley face....
      A] News Reader Programs
      Apple OneScanner & O-Foto Troubles under 8.0
      Auto Upgrading Older Word Docs to Word 6 Format? (R)
      control strip placement
      Creating StuffIt Archives on Windows Platform (R)
      High Frequency?
      how to searchor see old info mac files?
      OS Upgrade?
      Path-Copy Utility?
      PPP Connect rate app/util for Macs??

#### TEXT       infomacv16-42.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] BeBreak 1.1; Kaleidoscope Color Scheme 
      [*] CalcWorks
      [*] ColorSafe1.5.1
      [*] DollyDots 2.1 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DollyDotsDarker 1.1 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DollyDotsFunky 1.1.2 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] GIFmation2.1.1-FAT
      [*] GIFPrep1.0.1
      [*] gURLfriend 2.0 (bookmark utility)
      [*] gURLfriend 2.0 (bookmark utility)
      [*] Hextris 1.0
      [*] ikinethusians animated icon set (for Kineticon 1.0)
      [*] ImageVice1.1.sit.hqx
      [*] LaunchControl
      [*] NudgeMouser
      [*] PhotoGIF2.1.4
      [*] PhotoGIFFilter-1.0.1
      [*] PhotoGIFLite1.0.1
      [*] PopupCD 1.4.2 Audio CD Player
      [*] ProJPEG2.1.1
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.0v4J - Japanese Version
      [*] WebChecker 1.1.0 is available!
      [*] WebClipper1.0.1
      [*] Webwatch
      [*] Zobaa Zobaa
       [A] Apple OneScanner & O-Foto Troubles under 8.0
      [A] Apple OneScanner & O-Foto Troubles under 8.0
      [A] broken desktop, another possibility
      [A] control strip placement
      [A] control strip placement
      [A] locked files
      [A] System 8 memory problems
      Apple Fax software on MacOS 8.1 CD
      Computer that wants its mommie
      control strip placement
      Converting Word 95 Docs to Word 5.1
      G3 macs and the ADB bus
      Internet Phone (Q)
      Norton Crashguard Message
      ObjectSupportLib and OS 8+ Incompatibility
      PPP Connect rate app/util for Macs??
      scroll speed on G3 
      Starmax vs. 8.1
      Subject: System 8 memory problems

#### TEXT       infomacv16-43.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] AppSizer 2.3
      [*] CapsLight
      [*] Korean Desktops
      [*] MyZip 1.3
      [*] MyZip 1.3
      [A] News Reader Programs
      [A]: Computer that wants its mommie
      [A]: Converting Word 95 Docs to Word 5.1
      [Q] Mystery File Format
      Animated Gif Editing Programs
      Apple OneScanner & O-Foto Troubles under 8.0
      Communicator 4.0.4 problem
      control strip placement
      Converting Word 95 Docs to Word 5.1
      help for Mac IIsi novice
      how to searchor see old info mac files?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #41
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #41
      Low Memory Alarm
      Performa 475, blank windows
      segmenting the too-bigs
      Starmax vs. 8.1

#### TEXT       infomacv16-44.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [A] broken desktop
      [A] OS Upgrade?
      [A] segmenting the too-bigs
      a Problem, good luck.
      Computer that wants its mommie
      Converting Word 95 Docs to Word 5.1 (R)
      laser printer
      OS 8 Ram Disk
      OS Upgrade?
      Problems copying fonts / ghost fonts
      System 8 in Power 7100/80AV
      Word dictionary to Nisus?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-45.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] AAO-Galaxies
      [*] ArtClipper
      [*] Audiodeck 2.0.6.
      [*] BanzaiSlider (never say newton is lost!)
      [*] caret-patch-10
      [*] CrystalMaker 2.1.7 demo
      [*] DesktopValet301.hqx
      [*] DF2Resource 1.0 -- convert files to resources
      [*] Icon Machine (FAT) 1.2.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] idin 1.01
      [*] MacCDDBv0.7.sit.hqx
      [*] MicroWar
      [*] OmegaWindow 2.0
      [*] PageCharmer 1.5
      [*] POLYCHEM
      [*] Puzzler 1.0.0
      [*] PW Disk Guard v1.2.1b Plus
      [*] PW Disk Guard v1.2b
      [*] QIM 1.2.0; (QuickInstaller Maker) Installer builder and compres
      [*] QIMExtractor 1.0.0; extracts from QIM documents and binhex file
      [*] QuoteMan.1.1
      [*] ResEdit Appearance Templates 1.0.2
      [*] RestlessSpirits
      [*] StuffCM 1.2.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] TidBITS#418/23-Feb-98
      [*] Wallaby 1.1.1
      [I] Great service from Panasonic
      [Q] Missing Trash Can/Cursor Color
      [q]Word Graphics Filter Can't Be Found
      Answer to Converting Word 95 Docs to 5.1
      Apple ColorSync 20 Display
      Error -41 on boot (sys 8.1 on PM6100)
      G3, What's next
      laser printer (R)
      Music Score Software
      Norton Disk Editor Problems
      OS 8 Ram Disk
      Scanner Problems
      segmented thenk   youse
      Setting AppleScript for certain times
      SoftWindows 3.0 under mac OS 8.1
      Word dictionary to Nisus?
      Zoom lines

#### TEXT       infomacv16-46.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Digital Diary v1.8.4
       [A] Apple OneScanner & O-Foto Troubles under 8.0
      [*] BeBreak 1.1; Kaleidoscope Color Scheme 
      [*] CalcWorks
      [*] CalcWorks
      [*] ColorSafe1.5.1
      [*] DollyDots 2.1 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DollyDotsDarker 1.1 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DollyDotsFunky 1.1.2 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] GIFmation2.1.1-FAT
      [*] GIFPrep1.0.1
      [*] gURLfriend 2.0 (bookmark utility)
      [*] gURLfriend 2.0 (bookmark utility)
      [*] Hextris 1.0
      [*] ImageVice1.1.sit.hqx
      [*] LaunchControl
      [*] NudgeMouser
      [*] PhotoGIF2.1.4
      [*] PhotoGIFFilter-1.0.1
      [*] PhotoGIFLite1.0.1
      [*] PopupCD 1.4.2 Audio CD Player
      [*] ProJPEG2.1.1
      [*] WebChecker 1.1.0 is available!
      [*] WebClipper1.0.1
      [*] Webwatch
      [*] Zobaa Zobaa
      [A] Apple OneScanner & O-Foto Troubles under 8.0
      [A] Zoom lines
      [q]Word Graphics Filter Can't Be Found
      G3, What's next
      help for Mac 636
      Illegal Instruction Exception
      Naming ZIP cartridges
      Q. Why no audio in Apple Video Player?
      Quicktime 3.0 beta error on mounting
      Quicktime 3.0 beta error on mounting
      Setting AppleScript for certain times

#### TEXT       infomacv16-47.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      8.1 puts disks to sleep?
      color stylewriter 1500
      Deskjet & modem question
      Error -41 on boot (sys 8.1 on PM6100)
      help for Mac 636
      help for Mac 636
      making Appearance control panel recognize fonts...
      Naming ZIP cartridges
      Naming ZIP cartridges
      Norton Disk Editor Problems
      Places to find used Macs
      Quicktime 3.0 beta error on mounting
      Setting AppleScript for certain times
      Sound Pass Through Problems
      Video IN for 6500?
      Word Graphics Filter Can't Be Found
      Zip/Jaz & M/O Startup Disks

#### TEXT       infomacv16-48.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Aggie's World
      [*] Application Menu Extension
      [*] bible-11
      [*] Blue and Gray Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Bumbler Bee-Luxe 1.0.2 demo
      [*] cd-key 1.1
      [*] CoCo color scheme
      [*] CommuniGate FirstClass gateway 1.7
      [*] comp.sys.mac.comm FAQ (v 2.0) Mar 1 1998
      [*] Contours
      [*] DepecheOS v1.1 - A Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] DocumentMaker 1.0
      [*] FinderPop 1.5.7F
      [*] FixWordSystemMemory 2.1
      [*] Font Box 2.6 (FAT)
      [*] Font Box 2.6 (PPC)
      [*] HTML TagWriter - a HyperCard HTML Editor
      [*] IcePick 4.0.1 - MacApp view editor! - IcePick-401-ppc
      [*] Icon Set -- Florida Vacation
      [*] John's Finder Workspaces
      [*] John's RAM Disk Backup 1.0.3
      [*] John's WP Custom Prefs
      [*] Little Angels for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Mulligan's Golf Personal 1.0.4
      [*] Newton - protoResizeBox
      [*] Opt.-Key-Down v1.0
      [*] PandoFrame Lite - Put picture frames on your desktop.
      [*] Pretty Scroll 1.0.5 - animate scrolling - Johnny C N Lee
      [*] STATsimple 1.1.0
      [*] TextCleaner 1.0
      [*] Vokabeltrainer 3.03 Update updates Vokabeltrainer 3.0
      (Q) Word 6->5 converter not working
      Applied Engineering Accelerator
      Deskjet & modem question
      Generic Icons, Shared Folders, & Ethernet Questions
      ISDN and Callback
      NCU 1.0 on Windoze
      Norton Disk Editor Problems
      PB 530cs/OS 8
      renaming Zip Drive cartridges
      Setting AppleScript for certain times
      Spam Filter for Eudora Light
      Strange Suffix
      Streaming Audio on the Web
      whywon't my printer work anymore?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-49.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] ancient-faces-01.sit.hqx
      [*] Desktop Pictures: Lightning/1152x870
      [*] Desktop Pictures: Lightning/640x480
      [*] Desktop Pictures: Lightning/800x600
      [*] Desktop Pictures: Lightning/832x624
      [*] Format-Chart Version 1.3.1
      [*] graphics
      [*] hotline-client-123-68k.sit.hqx
      [*] hotline-client-123-ppc.sit.hqx
      [*] hotline-ftpserv-10-68k.sit.hqx
      [*] hotline-ftpserv-10-ppc.sit.hqx
      [*] hotline-server-123-68k.sit.hqx
      [*] hotline-server-123-ppc.sit.hqx
      [*] JMDesktopPics.sit.hqx
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.3.5
      [*] Phone Codes Time Zones 3.3.6
      [*] PictureSnooperV1.4   AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off NewsGroup
      [*] Texturations 1.5 (1152x870) - 13 full-screen desktop textures
      [*] Texturations 1.5 - 13 full-screen desktop textures
      [*] Texturations 1.5 - 13 full-screen desktop textures
      [*] Texturations 1.5 - 13 full-screen desktop textures
      [*] WeatherTracker 2.3
      [*] Window Monkey 1.2.3
      [*] Windows 95 crashes

#### TEXT       infomacv16-50.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [A] Deskjet & modem question
      [Q] Eudora Filter Problem - Repost
      AppleTalk like FTP (Q)
      Eudora compatible multiple user e-mailer (Q)
      Eudora Pro 4.0: first impressions
      HELP for MUSTEK Scanner!!!
      Macsbug Question
      Mpeg Player
      need help in shut-down or restart
      new mouse for an old mac
      PB5300 vs CSW 2200
      programs crash on reconnection
      Screen capture just one step further
      SGI Kaleidoscope - where?
      Spam Filter for Eudora Light
      Spam Filter for Eudora Light
      System 8 in 7100/80 AV
      Text Encoding Converter
      Word Graphics Filter Can't Be Found
      Zip/Jaz & M/O Startup Disks

#### TEXT       infomacv16-51.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Arithmeticus
      [*] BeBreak 1.5.2; Kaleidoscope Color Scheme 
      [*] Bubblomania 1.5.2
      [*] Bubblomania 1.5.2 updater
      [*] CMScript 1.0.5 - AppleScripts in the Context Menu
      [*] Coco
      [*] CoolViews 1.0.2 - Enhance the OS 8 Finder
      [*] CoolViews 1.0.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] daria-icons.hqx
      [*] Dracula's Castle v2.3
      [*] FruitSalad for Kaleidoscope
      [*] GameMaker Lite v1.1
      [*] GBox KSA
      [*] GopherGolf v309
      [*] HelpLess-1.1.1
      [*] ikinethusians1.1 (for use with Kineticon)
      [*] MacCDDBv0.8.sit.hqx
      [*] Mighty Mite font 1.0 - from Weedhopper Press
      [*] Moaning Monica v1.01
      [*] Newton book    
      [*] Newton English-Chinese Dictionary
      [*] Newton Japanese-English Dictionary
      [*] Newton Japanese-German Dictionary
      [*] Newton Japanese/Chinese Font
      [*] Newton Multilingual Dictionary Engine
      [*] PictDoubler (pdf files to save the newton)
      [*] PlastFEM D-1.2 - Finite Element Program (German Version)
      [*] qsdx_v1.04_upgrade
      [*] quickshot_dx_v1.04.sit
      [*] Sim Cinema Deluxe 2.0
      [*] Smart Scroll 3.2 - Live Scrolling and Proportional Scrollbars!
      [*] Smart Scroll 3.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] TEXT-Konverter [de].sit
      [*] The Fantastic War
      (Q) Inserting graphics into Word 6.0
      [A] AppleTalk like FTP (Q)
      [A] Deskjet & modem question
      [A] Eudora Filter Problem - Repost
      [A] Mpeg Player
      [A] Screen capture just one step further
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #50
      MacOS 8.1 Problem
      new mouse for an old mac
      Strange file-renaming glitch

#### TEXT       infomacv16-52.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Ballistik 5.4.0_de
      [*] Ballistik 5.4.0_e
      [*] bladesofexile.v101.sit.hqx
      [*] Cinnamon WebMaster Suite 1.1.2 -- Specialized HTML Editor
      [*] eMailCleaner 0.5 [de].sit
      [*] emeev =?iso-8859-1?Q?=22English=2DEspa=D2ol_Vocabulary=22?=
      [*] emp12net.sit "Pairs 1.2"
      [*] emwc.sit "World Codes"
      [*] Hello wURLd
      [*] IM/Mac1.0b28h
      [*] MakeItGrow 2.3
      [*] Mantel Clock 1.0 (application program)
      [*] MouserCSM 1.0.2
      [*] MyZip 1.5
      [*] MyZip 1.5
      [*] OSL Handler
      [*] OT Aync Ping
      [*] QuizzAllemand 2.5.2
      [*] QuizzAnglais 2.5.2
      [*] Rondelle font 1.0 - from Weedhopper Press
      [*] Smotel - Hotel Reservations
      [*] Startup screens
      [*] Startup screens
      [*] Startup screens
      [*] Studio TakeLogger
      [*] The Computer Cookbook 2.41
      [*] TypeCleaner 1.0 68k
      [*] TypeCloner 1.0 PPC
      [*] Web Devil 3.1
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher Multilingual Tables

#### TEXT       infomacv16-53.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [A] MacOS 8.1 Problem
      [A] Macsbug Question
      [A] Strange file-renaming glitch
      [Q] mouse problem
      [Q] SuperMac Monitor Compatibility
      Beware of DiskEssentials
      datebook pro and ALDUS ADOBE NOW QUALCOMM software question
      Erasing "shared" Zip disks
      Eudora for multiple user accounts
      HELP for MUSTEK Scanner!!!
      Imagesetter Printing Problems
      Mpeg Player
      need help with Midi Manager and driver
      num-lock light
      Slow performance on a 6205 CD

#### TEXT       infomacv16-54.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]     FTP emts.sit "Tool Shortcuts"
      [*] About This Computer Replacements for Mac OS 8.x
      [*] Another FONT by GemJm - HiSky
      [*] Arithmeticus
      [*] Dialog Director v0.7 - A FREE Scripting Addition
      [*] FontView158
      [*] genealogy pro 3.0
      [*] HappyTyper 1.1, a file type fixer (happytyper-11.sit.hqx)
      [*] inhm stack;  risk assessment HyperCard stack
      [*] Jerry's Finder 8 Patch 1.1
      [*] Kineticon 1.0.2 - animated icons on your desktop!
      [*] Learn Polish 1 - foreign language learning
      [*] Mac Plaza Desktop Pictures Vol1
      [*] MacX-Windows v1.01
      [*] Mr. Fixitup 3.01
      [*] Palimpsest2(1)Demo68k.sit.hqx
      [*] Palimpsest2(1)DemoPPC.sit.hqx
      [*] roTyx 1.02
      [*] ShowModal XFCN 1.01
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.0v4
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.9.1 - foreign language learning
      [*] Wallaby HTML 1.1.2
      [*] XContact 2.1
      [*] Yank 3.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] Zobaa Zobaa & CoCo
      [*] Zobaa Zobaa & CoCo
      [A] HELP for MUSTEK Scanner!!!
      [A] mouse problem
      [A] Mouse Problem 
      [A} Help with Apple MIDI Manager
      [Q] Epson Stylus Color printers
      An 8500 and the Ethernet
      Eudora with multiple users
      Hard Disk Toolkit 2.5 and Powerbook 5300 Sleep problem
      Iomega Findit Problem With IDE Drive
      memory/modern memory manager
      Now Startup Manager
      num-lock light
      SGI Kaleidoscope
      Vanishing Screen Resolutions
      weird restart
      Zip/Jaz & M/O Startup Disks

#### TEXT       infomacv16-55.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      8.1 users with Norton, Anubus, APS, or Megaphone beware
      [A] Eudora compatible multiple user e-mailer
      [A] mouse problem
      [A] num-lock light
      [A] Strange file-renaming glitch
      [Q] Epson Stylus 800 Printer Drivers
      [Q] Epson Stylus Color printers
      [Q] Iomega vs SyQuest
      [Q] Jerky sound from Audio CD
      [Q] loosing parts of window names
      [Q] Multi User Claris Emailer?
      [Q] Simple compiler wanted
      [Q] Two monitors on one PCI card?
      a .ttf file?
      Beware of DiskEssentials, Part II
      CD could not be put away
      downloading text from web
      Eudora Pro 4.0: first impressions
      Fwd: Ejecting Flyer Cart on a Macintosh
      Geoport 28.8 on 840AV?
      how to destroy files?
      laserwriter pro 630 - thanks
      MAC addresses
      Printer disappearing off network
      Small Networks
      UPS protection for servers
      WallStreet emulation vs. 266 Pentium MMX
      WIN95 Help Files

#### TEXT       infomacv16-56.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] ac First Aid Bible-14.hqx
      [*] Agora 1.1. Updated Greek Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] AppleTree1.2.1 - a multinomial modeling application
      [*] CapsLight 1.1
      [*] cd-key 1.1.1
      [*] Click There It Is update v1.09 (finder utility)
      [*] Default Folder 2.8.1 - Open/Save Dialog Enhancer
      [*] Default Folder D-2.8 - German version of Open/Save dialog enhan
      [*] DeskPictRotater v1.3 -- rotates desktop pictures under MacOS 
      [*] FinderPop1.5.8F
      [*] Help To Icon
      [*] InsiderUpdates 2.5
      [*] Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] MacGPS
      [*] maclinpro-68k.hqx
      [*] maclinpro-ppc.hqx
      [*] Navi iRae
      [*] NewCM 1.2.1
      [*] NewCM 1.2.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Newton's Aquarium 1.0 Demo 68K:  A Solar System Constructio
      [*] Newton's Aquarium 1.0 Demo FPU:  A Solar System Constructio
      [*] Newton's Aquarium 1.0 Demo PPC:  A Solar System Constructio
      [*] NuEdit1.2.7r1
      [*] PopCalendar 1.0
      [*] Put Away CMM 2.2
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.2 - Japanese Version
      [*] TidBITS#419/09-Mar-98
      [*] Trainspotting Glossary Newton Book
      [*] wapp
      [*] World Wide Web Weaver 3.0 for 68k
      [*] World Wide Web Weaver 3.0 for PPC
      8.1 users with Norton, Anubus, APS, or Megaphone beware
      [A] Iomega vs SyQuest
      [Q] SoftWindows95 and PCI nic
      [Q]MS Exchange Email Personal Address Book Files
      a .ttf file?
      CD could not be put away
      downloading text from web
      downloading text from web
      getting rid of files full text
      Green Monitor
      Places to find used Macs
      Terminal Emulation SW
      WIN95 Help Files

#### TEXT       infomacv16-57.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 3D-FloppyMaker 1.0 - Freeware
      [*] A game! (blobs)
      [*] Agean 2.0 Sea Battle
      [*] AOL Dialer Util
      [*] Cinnamon WebMaster Suite 1.1.3 -- Specialized HTML Editor
      [*] Club MID v1.0.6
      [*] Cool Filemaker Buttons 1.0
      [*] CustomCompanyFolders 1.0
      [*] Dark Steel
      [*] Disk Charmer 3.1.1; disk erase/copy/verify utility
      [*] DollyDotsBeetle 1.1 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DollyDotsFunky 1.1.2 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Drive Monitor 3.1.0 (PPC)
      [*] ExaChess Lite 1.2
      [*] FeatherGIF 1.9.1  - Web transparency filter
      [*] FontBook 3.2 (e) FAT
      [*] Forum 1.1. Updated Roman Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Forum Red 1.1 Updated Roman Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Gingham for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Holy Roller
      [*] Hoo-Re 1.0 Egyptian Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] HyperCard Game
      [*] India Ink 1.4.1 - stylized Photoshop halftones
      [*] Lhasa for Kaleidoscope
      [*] MacCDDBv0.8
      [*] MacWaves v2.0 IRC Soundplayer Utility
      [*] NameSplitter 1.2 (FileMaker utility)
      [*] New FuzzyFind for FM 1.2
      [*] NewsWatcher 2.22+jp1 patch
      [*] QuizzAllemand 2.5.3
      [*] QuizzAnglais 2.5.3
      [*] Sim Cinema Deluxe 2.0
      [*] Spider And Web: a text adventure
      [*] The MacLocksmith 2.1.0 FAT; file-folder-disk protection
      [*] WebPalet 
      [A] Re: Eudora compatible multiple user e-mailer
      [A] Simple compiler wanted
      [A] WIN95 Help Files
      [A]: how to destroy files?
      [Q]  Networkable Scanner?
      Mac vs. PC debate forum on www
      num-lock light

#### TEXT       infomacv16-58.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

       how to destroy files? (R)
      [A] Simple compiler wanted
      [A] Terminal Emulation SW
      [Q] Bar Code Readers
      [Q] Multi User Claris Emailer?
      [Q] Simple compiler wanted
      downloading text from web
      Futura card software on a Q650
      Macintosh driver for PC Printer?
      on true type fonts and software piracy
      Powerbook video-mirroring (Q)
      Printer disappearing off network
      SE/30 Info
      Terminal Emulation SW
      Voice recognition [Q]
      Web Images (?)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-59.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [A] Downloading text from web
      [A] Midi-troubles
      [A] SE/30 value
      [Q] "About This Macintosh" problem.
      [Q] 80K Modem Transfer Speed?
      [Q] Iomega vs SyQuest
      [Q] RAM doubler problem
      Error -41 on boot (sys 8.1 on PM6100)
      help - local school
      Netscape and Java freezes
      PCee to Mac connection
      value of old SE

#### TEXT       infomacv16-60.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  BetterBookmark in MSIE 1.0.1
      [*] "Yo'da Man!" Alert Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] "Yo'da Man!" Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] A Mac Game
      [*] Alias Restyling Tip
      [*] ATPM4.03
      [*] BeBreak BLUE, -JADE & SAND, Kaleidoscope Color Schemes 
      [*] bedlam-2-103.hqx
      [*] Birthdays-and-Such 1.2
      [*] BladePro Extra Texture Pack 3
      [*] Boingo Electro 1.1.2
      [*] CopyPaste 4.1.1 (US)
      [*] CopyPaste 4.1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 050
      [*] DevilDarts (2.0.1 update)
      [*] Email Merge 1.6 - Intuitive, Fast Bulk Emailer
      [*] FindText 1.3.4
      [*] kabuki (Kaleidoscope color scheme)
      [*] KeyStrokes 1.1
      [*] Lab
      [*] MacX-Windows v1.03
      [*] Martini+ 1.0
      [*] Menuette
      [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 2.01 and 2.01J
      [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 2.01 and 2.01J
      [*] musical portraits of Pentium Snails/Powe
      [*] musical-set-complete-103a.hqx (0/1) Musical Set Complete 103a
      [*] Naughts & Crosses 4.0
      [*] Newton Credit Card Format Verification
      [*] Newton Sun Position App
      [*] PC.TZ.DS 4.0
      [*] Play it Cool 2.6
      [*] PlusDisk
      [*] Puzzler 1.0.1
      [*] QuickMovie 1.0
      [*] Quit Finder 7.6.x
      [*] SIMS Guide
      [*] StripLaunch 1.1
      [*] tabs into space
      [*] Tax Forms Excel Spreadsheet
      [*] TeleTalk 1.1.1
      [*] Totally Incomplete PDA CD-ROM #11 CD
      [*] Tres Riches Heures Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] type_clipboard_fkey_10.hqx
      [*] World Flag Icons

#### TEXT       infomacv16-61.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [A] Downloading text from web
      [A] PCee to Mac connection (kind of)
      [A] RAM doubler problem
      [A] RAM doubler problem
      [Q] AppleCD Audio Player
      Can't play any Quicktime MIDI music
      Cookies (Q)
      Downloading text from web
      Downloading text from web
      Epson 1520
      Follow-up to 'Terminal Emulation SW'
      Fwd: Java
      Internal CD-ROM audio cable plug type?
      Looking for LaunchPad application
      Lotus 1-2-3 for Mac?
      Motherboard swaps (Q)
      Netscape and Java freezes
      on-off switch
      Pentium II vs PowerMac G3 : true tests
      Simcity 2000 bug (A)
      sound-no sound
      Upgrade path from 7.5?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-62.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" April Violets for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2
      [*] BlueMoon 1.5.6
      [*] Bookstore 2.6, a FileMaker solution for used booksellers
      [*] CDFinder 2.1
      [*] ClkTk133.sit
      [*] ClockworkOrange+ 1.5.6
      [*] CSDebugger1.0.2
      [*] Default Folder D-2.8.1 - German version of Open/Save dialog enh
      [*] Disobey Quotes 0298 - for StartupQuote
      [*] doh
      [*] Ellie's Count Down 1.0 (ecount10.sit.hqx)
      [*] Eudora plug-ins: Quote-Spaces-Tab-1.0.hqx
      [*] FinderNote 2.0 - The amazing note utility!
      [*] Geometry Construction Set 1.0 (geocnstr10.sit.hqx)
      [*] Graphite 1.0.6 68k 
      [*] Graphite 1.0.6 PPC (replaces 1.0.5)
      [*] HelpLess 1.1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] MacCDDBv0.8.1
      [*] N GAME LIBRARY(US) 3.0.0 DEMO
      [*] Netscape sweeper-1.0
      [*] niceDesktop
      [*] Play It Cool 2.6J - Japanese Version
      [*] QuoEdit 0.32
      [*] RandomScope 1.1.1 - random Kaleidoscope schemes!
      [*] RTG_MathCards!_Demo
      [*] Slate 1.0 Kaleidoscope Color scheme
      [*] Slate BE 1.0 Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] Sokoban 2.4, classic push-the-blocks game
      [*] Sproing 1.0 (sprng10.sit.hqx)
      [*] Startup Chooser 1.0 68k
      [*] Startup Chooser 1.0 ppc
      [*] StartupQuote 1.1
      [*] StartupQuote 1.1Fr
      [*] TechTonics Templates Rel 3.5.98 - ClarisWorks templates for sch
      [*] telePro
      [*] TestaRossa+ 1.0
      [*] TidBITS#420/16-Mar-98
      [*] Tower of Hanoi 1.1 (hanoi11.sit.hqx)
      [*] TT FontConvert (Mac->Windows TrueType Font Conversion)
      [*] Xtras for Macromedia Director
      [*] Xtras for Macromedia Director
      [*] Xtras for Macromedia Director
      Error -41 on boot (sys 8.1 on PM6100)
      InformInit - a must buy
      System 7.5.3 and 7.5.5 almost free

#### TEXT       infomacv16-63.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Aaron Copland, a musical scheme for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Alchemic Blast Icons
      [*] Alertia V1.02
      [*] Apollo 2.0 (French)
      [*] Bikers Dream for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Blake Technology Release 1 -- Cyberdog Bowser
      [*] ChemLetter0.61E
      [*] Convert Celtic (Welsh) TrueType Fonts 1.2
      [*] Convert Central European TrueType Fonts 1.2
      [*] Convert Cyrillic TrueType Fonts 1.2
      [*] Convert Greek TrueType Fonts 1.2
      [*] Convert Latin-3 (Esperanto, Maltese) TrueType Fonts
      [*] Convert Romanian TrueType Fonts 1.2
      [*] Convert Turkish TrueType Fonts 1.2
      [*] CopyPaste 4.1.1 SE
      [*] Decent Patterns
      [*] Default Folder 2.8.2 - Open/Save Dialog Enhancer
      [*] Default Folder J-2.8 - Japanese version of Open/Save dialog enh
      [*] ElemFin PPC-111-Fr
      [*] ElemFin-PPC-111-EN
      [*] Email Merge 1.6.1 - Intuitive, Fast Email Individualiser
      [*] exachess-lite-12.sit
      [*] Font Image Library 3.5.5
      [*] HTML-Tag-Companion-11.hqx
      [*] I Remember Mama" Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Japanese WordMage v4.5 demo
      [*] Kurti's Krazy Ikons
      [*] Letter Rally 1.0 for Mac
      [*] Letter Rally 1.0 for Mac
      [*] maclinpro68k.hqx
      [*] maclinproppc.hqx
      [*] MacPipes 2.2.3-SE
      [*] Mulligan's Golf Personal 1.0.5
      [*] Nu Sans Mono PostScript font 1.0--A Monospaced Espy Sans
      [*] Nu Sans Mono TrueType font 1.0--A Monospaced Espy Sans!
      [*] PlayMovie CMM Contextual Menu for Mac OS 8
      [*] Random Startup Screens.sit
      [*] SchemeChecker 1.2 - a utility for checking Kaleidoscope schemes
      [*] Screwy HTML Cleaner 1.3
      [*] Sentry402.hqx
      [*] Strawberry Gingahm Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.2.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.0v4 - German
      [*] WebTimer 1.0
      [*] WordPerfect 3.5e patch

#### TEXT       infomacv16-64.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "SoSplatMe" Alert Sound
      [*] "SoSplatMe" Alert Sound
      [*] AncientOrb.jpg
      [*] Beached 1.2
      [*] CineSlider 3.0 - Projector for Movies and Pict Images
      [*] ClockSync II 1.2.1 is available!
      [*] Clue Deluxe
      [*] Clue Deluxe(B&W)
      [*] CronoTask 1.0.6 68k
      [*] CronoTask 1.0.6 ppc
      [*] Delete ObjectSupportLib
      [*] Delete Web Caches 2.6
      [*] Format-Chart Version 1.3.2
      [*] Gramotki_1.5.6_full.sit.hqx (sticky notes on desktop)
      [*] HVS Animator
      [*] HVS ColorGIF 2.0
      [*] HVS JPEG 2.0
      [*] ISO Sheep v1.0.0
      [*] Karoke 1.0b1
      [*] KnowledgeMIner 2.2.2
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.2.sit
      [*] MathEg v. 8.0 (10-March-98)
      [*] Matrix maker 3.0.1
      [*] People Lister 1.0.1 - An addressbook that remembers birthdays
      [*] Peter Punchinbag 68k
      [*] Peter Punchinbag Power Mac
      [*] PhatBoy
      [*] PictFader1.1.2-Pict playing screensaver (update).
      [*] QuickMovie 1.0
      [*] RockSolid
      [*] Sentry402.hqx
      [*] SimHolePunch
      [*] Sound Shuffler
      [*] Splat Pack Installer for Macintosh
      [*] TCPSerial - Internet serial port and modem simulator
      [*] Tesselation 1.2 - seamless tile filter
      (Q) Word/RTF conversion to LaTex, SGML
      [Q] creator/type 'trsh'
      [Q] Dead 6100/60?
      LC II & 32-bit addressing
      NEED ADVICE: Power 100 & Video card
      on LeftHeart (newton ap sings newton message pad's lament)
      Power Macintosh Upgrade Card and Centris 650

#### TEXT       infomacv16-65.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Hooking G3 PB to thinnet?
      (Q) Sad Mac Error
      [Q] 7200 upgrade
      [Q] Desperately Seeking 'Address Book Plus' or Equivalent
      [Q] Remove ">" quote marks from quoted text?
      AppleScript Question
      Best Sytem for PB160
      cd rom drive/performa 475
      COMPASS testing question
      Easyview and Mac-Digest
      Ethernet connection
      Fwd: Info-Mac Digest V16 #62
      Large files of more 2Gb for work with video
      Looking for SoftPC
      Looking for somebody who registered
      Moving Calendars to Newton Messagepads
      Need a Quitter
      Problems with Sound-In source for PM8100

#### TEXT       infomacv16-66.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Sad Mac Error
      24 Bit Addressing?
      7200 upgrade
      [A] Desperately Seeking 'Address Book Plus' or Equivalent
      [A] Remove ">" quote marks from quoted text?
      [A] Remove ">" quote marks from quoted text?
      [Q] Audio baffed on 7600/132
      [Q] Remove ">" quote marks from quoted text?
      [Q] Remove ">" quote marks from quoted text?
      [Q]: Searching for Mac reader for multimedia crosswords
      Easyview and Mac-Digest
      Ethernet connection
      G3 and LocalTalk Question
      hard drive
      Help with Pagemaker 6.5
      How friendly is Aladdin at...?
      illegal instruction message
      Need a Quitter
      OS country versions
      PowerPC disassembler?
      RasterOps card info
      The future of Rhapsody?
      TOM Digest 104 Now Available
      Voice recognition [Q]

#### TEXT       infomacv16-67.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Greyhound Racing
      [*] Hearts Deluxe 5.0 - Best Hearts Card Game, 5 MICE!
      [*] TidBITS#421/23-Mar-98
      (C) Sad Mac now very happy
      (Q)Eudora Light Settings
      [A] Sad Mac Error
      [Q] Experience with MS Office 98
      [Q] Moving graphic files between PC & MAC
      [Q] Powerbook prematurely dims
      [Q] Remove ">" quote marks from quoted text?
      [Q] Remove ">" quote marks from quoted text?
      [Q] Strange folder appearing out of nowhere
      a problem with updating wordperfect...
      Audio CDs on AppleVision 750av
      Clipping export plugin for Photoshop 2.5
      Coax from 10baseT ethernet on a G3
      Cross-Platform Word Processors?
      Easyview and Mac-Digest
      list problem
      tcp on standalone
      The future of Rhapsody?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-68.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [A] 24 bit addressing
      [A] Cross-Platform Word Processors?
      [A] Moving graphic files between PC & MAC
      [Q] Moving graphic files between PC & MAC
      Audio CDs on AppleVision 750av
      Coax from 10baseT ethernet on a G3 (A)
      converting MS Word documents to PC character sets
      Cross Platform Word Processors
      Fax Software
      G3 Minitowers and Zip Drives
      Insignia Tech nonsupport
      internal web serving
      list problem
      list problem
      Missing Icons
      Missing(??) floating point coprocessor
      Q. - re missing printer desktop icon
      Q: Where do libraries go?
      Responses to: Problems with Sound-In source for PM8100
      Screen Shots
      System 8.1 and zoom rectangles
      System 8.1, G3 + Apple RAM Disk
      Videophones on the Mac
      WordPerfect 3.5e updater
      WordPerfect v3.5e updater patch

#### TEXT       infomacv16-69.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" ULTRATECH update for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2
      [*] AMICO 2.1.1F - French Version
      [*] Beautiful Women Icons Vol. 1
      [*] Cameraid 1.0
      [*] Command-Trash preview 1.2
      [*] Concordance 2.1
      [*] Convert Central European RTF files Mac <-> Windows
      [*] Convert Cyrillic RTF files Mac <-> Windows
      [*] Convert Greek RTF files Mac <-> Windows
      [*] Convert Turkish RTF files Mac <-> Windows
      [*] DeskPix 1.0
      [*] Finder 8.1 Menu Patch.sit
      [*] FretPet 1.2 - Nifty guitar-oriented music sequencer
      [*] GLMStat 3.1.1;Generalised linear models
      [*] Icon Machine (FAT) 1.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] It's the BouncyOS for Kaleidoscope!
      [*] iView Multimedia 3.0
      [*] Ivolution 1.0
      [*] John's WP GREP 1.1.2
      [*] Keystroke Recorder (KSR) 1.8a
      [*] LeftHeart (newton ap sings newton message pad's lament)
      [*] MacRun 1.0
      [*] MacX-Window v1.1.sit
      [*] Musical Set Complete 104 Description
      [*] Navajo for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Notebook Desktop Patterns
      [*] OTX-to-TEXT 1.0
      [*] pangaea-10
      [*] PixelToy 1.0
      [*] pro_fit_510t_fat
      [*] RandomScope 1.1.1 - random Kaleidoscope schemes!
      [*] RAW icons
      [*] RetroSpinner 1.0
      [*] Route Book 1.0 (.sit.hqx)
      [*] Screwy HTML Fixer 1.4
      [*] Sound Shuffler 1.0.4
      [*] Steve's Native American Icons Set 2
      [*] Synth MooVier 2.2 - create 3D QuickTime movies
      [*] Synth MooVier 2.2 Ita - crea filmati 3D QuickTime
      [*] Uptime 2.0 - Uptime & Free Memory Indicator for your Mac
      [*] VCD Player 1.4.6 - Full Screen VCD Playback - Johnny C N Lee
      [*] Victorian Roses for kaleidoscope
      [*] virtual-desktop-19
      [*] Wapp 1.1
      [*] ZapResForks

#### TEXT       infomacv16-70.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Geb=FChrenrechner?= 2.0hrenrechner 2.0
      [*] Akua Sweets V1.2 (Scripting Additions)
      [*] Ballistik 5.4.2_e
      [*] BeMailer 1.5
      [*] Bol-processor.
      [*] Bol-processor.
      [*] Bol-processor.
      [*] Cinnamon WebMaster Suite 1.2 -- Specialized HTML Editor
      [*] Clue Deluxe-J(Japanese)
      [*] Disk Charmer 3.1.2; disk erase/copy/verify utility
      [*] Farkle 2.5.1
      [*] FnsBorf 1.2.2
      [*] Gestalt Selectors List 4.1
      [*] help-on-wheels-13.hqx
      [*] IcePick 4.0.2 - MacApp view editor! - IcePick-402-ppc
      [*] KeyQuencer Lite 2.5
      [*] L.E.D. v2.0
      [*] Link Scroller
      [*] Mac F2C v1.4
      [*] Mac INIT Strings 2.0.1
      [*] MacZPoint_1.9.6
      [*] Motorola 8 bit assemblers
      [*] MultipleHostPresenz 0.9
      [*] Painting 1.5 - A graphics editor
      [*] PandoStickers - Put stickers on your desktop.
      [*] PICAsmMac 1.0
      [*] PictFader1.1.3-Pict Playing screensaver update
      [*] sentry-403.hqx
      [*] SerialPort Scripting Addition 1.1
      [*] Sesame 2.2 - Password protection for your Macintosh
      [*] Sesame 2.2 - Password protection for your Macintosh
      [*] Sesame 2.2 - Password protection for your Macintosh
      [*] Sesame 2.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] SheikLines
      [*] Snap'n Clip 1.0, 1.0
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.65
      [*] Solitaire
      [*] Star Words Applet
      [*] synk-242.hqx (/disk, replacing synk-241.hqx)
      [*] Teflon 2.2 -- menu adjustment utility for Mac OS 8
      [*] The Lightsaver 2 upload
      [*] The MacLocksmith 2.2.0; file-folder-disk protection
      [*] Times+1.1.1
      [*] to8-02
      [*] vMac/MacOS 0.1.9

#### TEXT       infomacv16-71.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Andrew's Disk Copy 6.2 Scripts - Minor Update
      [*] Ghostrunner 1.0
      [*] Home Automation Scripting Addition
      [*] Jur 1.6.2
      [*] Outside Satyricon 1.5
      [*] Puzzler 1.0.2
      [*] roTyx 1.06
      [*] Smashing Windows
      [*] Space Debris 2.11
      [*] Star Chaos
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.2.3 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator
      [*] Virtue 2.1 TrueType font--a replacement for Charcoal

#### TEXT       infomacv16-72.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Spring Plaid for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2
      [*] 2nd_encounter
      [*] amerika
      [*] autoZIP - Mail List Manager for FMP
      [*] Block Buster V.0.02
      [*] Catch the Bunny III
      [*] Enigmatic Movements 1.0
      [*] EyeQ, Browser Multimedia Manager
      [*] Firebird for Kaleidoscope
      [*] fontasee 2.0e update
      [*] IliCon HD&Trash Icons
      [*] John's WP GREP 1.1.2
      [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.1.1 (680x0)--Wicked-Fast Graphics for Quick
      [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.1.1 (PowerPC)--Wicked-Fast Graphics for Qui
      [*] Lines&Kinetics
      [*] Project Magellan Demo 2.02 (horizontal space shooter)
      [*] Super fun pack
      [*] Zap'T'Balls II 1.0
      (Q) menubar internet timer and status bar
      (Q)Extensions Manager
      5300 printer port problem
      [A] Missing(??) floating point coprocessor
      [A] System 8.1, G3 + Apple RAM Disk
      [A] tcp on standalone 
      [A] Videophones on the Mac
      [Q] Audio CD troubles on Motorola clone
      [Q] Experience with MS Office 98
      [Q] How to combine modem bandwidth
      Any way to convert MooV to MPEG w/o card?
      Can you have two(2) Control Strips?
      Coax from 10baseT ethernet on a G3 (A)
      Coax from 10baseT ethernet on a G3 (A)
      converting MS Word documents to PC character sets
      Cross-Platform Word Processors?
      Fax Software (A)
      Followup - Aladdin Systems friendliness
      Help! Can't Get Epson Printer & Wacom Tablet to work together..
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #67
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #68
      Kaleidoscope & Navigator
      Office 98
      PPP and credit card nos.
      Quirky Mail Issue
      Reverse-Alpha List View

#### TEXT       infomacv16-73.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] April Fool Applescripts
      [*] Carousel Goat
      [*] Codebook 3.0 released!!
      [*] Disk Charmer 3.1.2; disk erase/copy/verify utility
      [*] Figurehead
      [*] Funnel Web 1.6.5
      [*] NEW HUBER
      [*] NEW HUBER
      [*] Teachers Toolbox Pro FMP
       [A] SUMMARY: Moving graphic files between PC & MAC
      24 Bit Addressing?
      [A] 24 Bit Addressing?
      [A] AppleScriptLib
      [a] Need a Quitter
      [A] PowerPC disassembler? 
      [A] Re: #68-System 8.1, G3 + Apple RAM Disk
      [Q] Experience with MS Office 98
      [Q] Office 98 help files Font changing-How?
      Applevision 1710: SNAP, shuts down
      Cross-Platform Word Processors?
      Ejectables Encryption
      How friendly is Aladdin at...?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #68
      list Problem
      Norton Utilities and HFS+
      Problem with LocalTalk network
      speech recognition
      TechTool Pro 2
      Thanks to all on the Office 98 experiences

#### TEXT       infomacv16-74.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Hooking G3 PB to thinnet?
      (A) menubar internet timer and status bar
      (A) Sad Mac Error
      (A)Extensions Manager
      (E)IDE and Mac, SparQ ?
      (Q) secret about box
      (Q) System 8.1 and CD-ROMs
      [A] How to combine modem bandwidth
      [A] Norton Utilities and HFS+
      [A] Problem with localtalk network
      [A] Quirky mail issue
      [Q] Dos card
      [Q] Experience with MS Office 98
      [Q] Scanner and OS8.1
      Disk Essentials: just another bad experience
      Epson Stylus 600 installation problems
      Experience with MS Office 98
      Freeware or Shareware?
      How to contact Eudora e-mail support?
      Insignia Tech nonsupport
      Internal Syjet data loss
      Kaleidoscope & Navigator
      Kaleidoscope questions
      Launcher/startup sound
      Looking for OIDS & Other Old Mac Games/Programs
      Obscure but dangerous Mac Office98 bug
      Office 98
      speech recognition
      Stop Wintel invasion- Know good accounting software for Macs??
      Unix on a Mac IIfx
      Voice recognition

#### TEXT       infomacv16-75.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#422/30-Mar-98
      (A) System 8.1 and CD-ROMs
      [A] Accounting sw, some thoughts
      [A] Jerky sound from Audio CD
      [Q] How to combine modem bandwidth
      [Q] Scanner and OS8.1
      Accounting software for Mac
      Experience with MS Office 98
      Freeware or Shareware?
      Importing Word 98 files to PM 6.5
      Looking for "Stretch"
      MS Office 98 questions
      Online Review of Word 98 for Mac
      PowerComputing Problem
      responses re Kaleidoscope & SyJet/Silverliining 2.2
      Windows-NT formatted Syquest

#### TEXT       infomacv16-76.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#423/01-Apr-98
      Can you have two (2) Control Strips?
      Disk Essentials: just another bad experience
      Experience with MS Office 98...
      Freeware or Shareware?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #75
      Looking for Mac-a-Mug or similar
      Missing printer icon - thanks & a warning
      Software for checking similarities (copies,
      Stop Wintel invasion- Know good accounting software for Macs??
      ZIP Install Experience

#### TEXT       infomacv16-77.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  QIMExtractor1.0.1 FAT;QIM documents and binhex files extraction
      [*] astrostein_2.hqx
      [*] astrostein_3
      [*] CyberStretch by Jazzercise: An interactive Screensaver
      [*] graveyard
      [*] Hello wURLd 1.1.1
      [*] Iconz4Maps 1.2.1
      [*] Internet Launcher 1.0
      [*] Jean's Neon Garlic FIXED
      [*] Knockoffaly
      [*] Life 1.5
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.3.6
      [*] moover-16
      [*] moover-16-de
      [*] moover-16-jp
      [*] Operation: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Ma=2DMa=81?= 1.0
      [*] PFB 1.4
      [*] QIM 1.2.1 FAT;Installer builder and compression utility.
      [*] RandomScope 1.1.1 - different KS schemes each startup!
      [*] space game
      [*] StartUpDoubler 1.1-SE
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.9.5 - foreign language learning

#### TEXT       infomacv16-78.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) secret about box
      (Q) Epson 800 or 1520 or Something Else
      [Q] mystery file sysKas.5957
      [Q] Selecting startup disk at restart?
      Apple Remote Access Server 2.1 on MacOS8 ?
      Experience with Word 98
      Freeware or Shareware?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #75
      Omega (?)
      Screen Shots
      Small Networks
      Stop Wintel invasion- Know good accounting software for Macs??
      Stop Wintel invasion- Know good accounting software for Macs??
      ZIP Problem

#### TEXT       infomacv16-79.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Love for 3 Oranges MHG Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*]  Quit Everything 2.0
      [*] AutoShare 2.2, a freeware list server
      [*] Beyond HTML
      [*] bm10d6.sit
      [*] BrowserCleanQuit3.1
      [*] Catacombe
      [*] coco
      [*] comp.sys.mac.comm FAQ (v 2.0.1)
      [*] Control Panels Strip 3.1
      [*] Convert Cyrillic HTML Files 2.2
      [*] Default Folder D-2.8.2 - German Open/Save dialog enhancer
      [*] DelftBlue for Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Desktop Resetter 1.0
      [*] DragAnyWindow 4.3 fat - Live window dragging
      [*] Extensions Strip 1.5
      [*] Frame Easy v.1.0
      [*] Hipper Mail Filemaker.4.0 - Eudora email manager
      [*] Inside Mac Games Vol 5 - Issue 1
      [*] Inside Mac Games Vol 5 - Issue 2
      [*] Inside Mac Games Vol 5 - Issue 3
      [*] Inside Mac Games Vol 5 - Issue 4
      [*] Inside Mac Games Vol 5 - Issue 5
      [*] Inside Mac Games Vol 5 - Issue 6
      [*] Inside Mac Games Vol 5 - Issue 7
      [*] Link GURL Handler --- Open files and applications with Internet
      [*] Mr. Blackie MHG Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Phonebook Plus 3.6
      [*] PublicSpace 1.3
      [*] Russian Icons Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Save Clipboard 1.5
      [*] SimpleText Color Menu 3.4 - greatly enhances SimpleText
      [*] Snap'n Clip 1.1, 1.1J
      [*] Snap'n Clip 1.1, 1.1J
      [*] SoftwareDatabase5.0
      [*] Tea Room 1.1 MHG Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Tim's Calculator 1.5
      [*] Web Devil 3.1.3
      [*] World Clock CSM 1.1.2.sit
      [*] zobaa
      Ethernetworking PLW NTR
      HFS+ questions
      Looking for NIN/F242 K'scope scheme, pics
      Macintosh Game Spectre Supreme

#### TEXT       infomacv16-80.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Akua Sweets V1.2 (Scripting Additions)
      [*] Bubbles
      [*] Castle Wolfenstein 1.1
      [*] ColorBox
      [*] Computer Admin 1.1
      [*] Crypt
      [*] DaemonCron Lite 1.0 - 20k cron daemon freeware!
      [*] Desktop Consoles Vol. 3-1024x768
      [*] Desktop Consoles Vol. 3-1152x870
      [*] Desktop Consoles Vol. 3-640x480
      [*] Desktop Consoles Vol. 3-800x600
      [*] Desktop Consoles Vol.3-832x624
      [*] Eudora Standard Tables
      [*] GuitarTuner
      [*] HandyMan202
      [*] Jailbreak 1.0
      [*] Jot-A-Lot 1.0 --- Stores snippets of information
      [*] Kineticon 1.1.3 - animated icons on your desktop!
      [*] Marving Blwing Windows
      [*] Master Spell 3.1.3 Spelling Tester
      [*] McSerialNumber_1.0 (MW Dev.Util)
      [*] MoreFiles 1.4.8
      [*] Mousigator 0.5.5 -- a cursor focusing tool
      [*] OSL Antibody 1.0
      [*] PICTuresque 2.1
      [*] ps-nude-filter-demo.hqx
      [*] QuickMovie 1.0.2
      [*] Scorpion BarCode 1.2
      [*] ServerBot 1.2r1
      [*] Sleeper 3.0.2 - Sleep utility for all Macs
      [*] Spectrum_Analyser_112
      [*] Speek Text
      [*] Temple of Doom Deluxe
      [*] Tenth Frame Bowling StartUp Snd (Stereo)
      [*] The Demuth Province
      [*] The Lightsaver 2.0.1
      [*] Tim's Widgets 1.4
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.9.7 - foreign language learning
      [*] Virtue 2.11 TrueType font--a replacement for Charcoal
      [*] Warcraft II Maps v6.0.sit

#### TEXT       infomacv16-81.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#424/06-Apr-98
      (A) Best System for PB160
      (A) Epson Stylus 600 installation problems
      (A) How to contact Eudora e-mail support?
      (A) secret about box
      (Q) Contacting Proteron
      (Q) Expierence with upgrading a PM x100 with NewerTech's G3 card?
      (Q) PowerBook won't wake up
      [a] Force-quit -- a better solution
      [A] Getting Eudora support
      [A] Selecting startup disk
      [A] Zip partition
      [OFF] Korean Font and Accuset 1000
      [Q] Compressing QuickTime movies in the background
      [Q] PowerCenter Problems
      accounting software for the mac
      availability of greyscale displays
      Can you have two(2) Control Strips (A)
      Creating PDF from HTML
      desktop video problem
      DFA 8.1
      Ethernetworking PLW NTR
      Eudora to Netscape
      how to read  e-mail attachment from PC
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #73
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #78
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #79
      Info-Mac Digest vol 11
      Interesting Eudora feature
      Microsoft Office/Word 98
      OS 8.1/HFS+ oddities
      problem with kaleidoscope
      Problem with Zip Disks going "bad"
      Quicktime 3.0 problems
      Upgrading from Word 6 to Word 98
      Virtual PC speed
      wanted EAsyCOlor 24/1152 NB software
      ZIP Problem

#### TEXT       infomacv16-82.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Andrew's Disk Copy 6.2 Scripts dcscripts-15.hqx
      [*] Convert Latin-3 (Esperanto & Maltese) RTF files Mac <-> Windows
      [*] CookWare3LM
      [*] Cool Blue Deluxe Folder Icon Creator 1.6.1cb
      [*] CoolViews 1.1 - Enhance the OS 8 Finder
      [*] Desktop Resetter 1.0
      [*] FavoritesfromBookmarks
      [*] Gold&Wood, a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] ImageAlchemy2.2
      [*] NortonFix
      [*] PALotto 2.0 Pennsylvania Lotteries manager.
      [*] PictureBank-Lite-311
      [*] PlastFEM 1.2.1 - Finite Element Program
      [*] PlastFEM D-1.2.1 - Finite Element Program (German Version)
      [*] Platinum&Wood, a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] SOHOMaster 2.1
      [*] SOHOMaster 2.1
      [*] StartupQuote 1.2
      [*] StartupQuote 1.2Fr
      [*] TitleTrack CD Player 1.23 (68k)
      [*] TitleTrack CD Player 1.23 (PPC)
      (A) AppleScript question
      (A) Program to quit programs
      [!] Note about ListStar Log Files
      [!] Server errors fixed, please read!
      [A]  how to read  e-mail attachment from PC
      [a] Force-quit -- another solution
      [A] PowerCenter Problems
      [Q] Experience with MS Office 98 
      Error 41 - Finder error
      Help: adding RAM to PB540c
      HFS+ questions
      how to read  e-mail attachment from PC
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #81
      Mozilla G-3 Woes 
      new version BanzaiSlider, newton gps talking sliding maps
      OS 8.1 and HFS+ oddities
      Stop Wintel invasion- Know good accounting software for Macs??

#### TEXT       infomacv16-83.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Problem with Zip Disks going "bad"
      (Q) How to remap a key?
      [*] QuickNailer 1.5--The Preview in Bulk & HTML Tool
      [Q] PowerCenter Problems
      ANNOUNCE: AppleShare-based Info-Mac archive back online
      DFA 8.1
      DFA 8.1
      DFA 8.1 (short & long) with LC III & MacOs combos
      DOS Mounter info requested
      Eudora to Netscape
      External SCSI and StarMax5000 question/problem
      Fools and Color
      Fwd: ZIP Problem
      G3/OS 8.1 and Appletalk and ...
      HFS+ heart attack!
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #81
      midi freezes!
      more on Epson Stylus 600 problems
      Netscape and G3 Type 1 or 2 crashes
      New Mac Questions
      OS 7.6.1 and an HP 550C
      OS 8.1/HFS+ oddities
      OS8.1 freezing on startup
      Problem with Zip Disks going "bad"

#### TEXT       infomacv16-84.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) How to remap a key?
      (A) Problem with Zip Disks going "bad"
      (Q) & (A) key starts program
      (Q) Configuring Netscape 4.05 to invoke Eudora 4.0
      (Q) Crossplatform solutions page disappears
      (Q) Drivers for SyQuest cartridges
      (Q) Strange Errors
      [a] Eudora to netscape (launching)
      [a] Problem with kaleidoscope
      [A] Problem with Zip disks going bad
      [A] re Eudora to Netscape opening wrong vers
      [Q] Netscape can't access ftp sites
      [Q] unzipping an unzipper & more Office 98
      Fools and Color
      FullWrite, anyone??
      Global Village software 2.0 for 500 series PowerPort
      New Mac Questions
      No sound on computer speaker with 8.1 upgrade
      Power Goo problem
      Shareware Backup Program
      Still  more on Epson Stylus 600 problems
      ZipPlus drive problems...

#### TEXT       infomacv16-85.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Aquarius for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Ballistik 5.4.4_de
      [*] Ballistik 5.4.4_e
      [*] BigPicture372
      [*] Bunny Ad Startup Movie
      [*] cocoa game Action game0.8.hqx
      [*] CoolViews 1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Desktop Pics Submissions
      [*] disinfectant 3.7.1 Italian
      [*] Flight/Math Utility -- FlightMath 1.0
      [*] Gold&Wood 1.8.2, a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] Guinevere Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Happy Slappy Fun Surprise
      [*] hubble-640
      [*] instant player v1.01
      [*] Mystic Textures I
      [*] Nisus WorldScript to Iran System HTML Macros
      [*] Ntv 0.36
      [*] Ntv 0.36 source =?iso-8859-1?Q?=9F?=
      [*] Numerologie
      [*] pangaea-101.hqx
      [*] PitchFork 443.0
      [*] Platinum&Wood 1.8.2, a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] PowerMac Gunshy
      [*] put away cmm 2.3
      [*] quickdraw3dviewer-10.hqx
      [*] QuoEdit 0.321
      [*] Sleeper D-3.0.2 - German version of Sleeper
      [*] SoundHack 0.880
      [*] StoryProject 3.0.1 [story development software]
      [*] Symbionts 2.8.2 (English edition)
      [*] symbionts 2.8.2 (German edition)
      [*] Tutone&Wood, a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] Updated NIH grant templates (PHS398) for Mac Office 98
      [*] Wrought Iron Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Yooz 1.60 Finnish version
      [*] Yooz 1.61FR
      [*] YOOZ 1.61US
      (A) OS8.1 freezing on startup
      Compatible Schedule and Email Pgms?
      CPM data
      Fullwrite is now free
      G3/OS 8.1 and Appletalk and ...
      OS8.1 freezing on startup
      Slow connect (Windows better?)

#### TEXT       infomacv16-86.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] DaemonCron Lite 1.0.1 - 20k cron daemon freeware
      [*] Digital Diary v1.8.5
      [*] MacDim 2.0 - small screensaver/dimmer
      [*] multiplehostpresenz101.hqx
      [*] Scorpion BarCode 1.20
      [*] Sleeper D-3.0.2 (repost) - German version of Sleeper
            (Q) Apple Data Detectors 1.0.2 problem
      (Q) Configuring Netscape 4.05 to invoke Eudora 4.0
      (Q) Control Panels
      (Q) Onescanner Grey and MacOS 8
      [A] Unix on a Mac IIfx
      [A]: Slow connect (Windows better?)
      [Q] Charting Durations in Excel
      address book
      Belated thanks re: terminal emulation help
      Desperately seeking LaserWriter II NT info
      how to read  e-mail attachment from PC
      How to remap a key? (A)
      OS 8.1/HFS+ oddities
      Power Goo problem
      refusal to restart!
      serial port expansion
      Sound turned off
      System 8.1 question

#### TEXT       infomacv16-87.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#425/13-Apr-98
      "Consultant" PIM?
      "Neapolitan Mac"
      (A) seeking LaserWriter II NT info
      [A2] Slow connect (Windows better?)
      [A]Re:System 8.1 question
      availability of greyscale displays
      Bad Zip Disks/Drive Summary
      Basic for Mac LCIII
      Calcomp Drawing Slate II
      Charting Durations in Excel
      Compatible Schedule and Email Pgms?
      Experience ith Office 98 on Slow PPC Macs?
      Free Celtic Windows MS fonts?
      refusal to restart
      Slow connect (Windows better?)
      Wordperfect 3.5.5...

#### TEXT       infomacv16-88.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]     BOOM 1.1-SE
      [*] "Name That Game 1.0 for Mac
      [*] "Styles" Pastorale Tabbed Kaleidoscope update
      [*] BigPicture374.hqx
      [*] BungieNet Tracker 2.0 for Myth: The Fallen Lords
      [*] CapsLight 1.2
      [*] CapsLight 1.2
      [*] cd-key 1.2
      [*] cd-key 1.2
      [*] Club MID v1.0.7
      [*] CustomPICTiconFolders (no version)
      [*] Dart Scorer
      [*] Desktop Resetter 1.1
      [*] Extensions Strip 1.5.1 [fix!!]
      [*] ForiegnFruitInvaders 1.0 (arcade-game)
      [*] Geographax 1.0 - A HyperCard Geography Quiz
      [*] HyperHTTP
      [*] HyperHTTP
      [*] idin 1.0.3
      [*] Image Alchemy 2.2
      [*] Image Alchemy ps 2.2
      [*] ImageViewer 4.6 68K (New Version)
      [*] ImageViewer 4.6 PPC (New Version)
      [*] Invasion of the Goofy Aliens'
      [*] iView 3.0.1
      [*] Karaoking 1.0
      [*] Klondike7.0.sea.hqx--four solitaire games
      [*] MacFont 3.0 FAT
      [*] P-in-P 1.0 - Picture-in-Picture - Johnny C N Lee
      [*] Pattern Manager 1.5.2
      [*] PitchFork 443.0
      [*] Play it Cool 2.7
      [*] PlayMovie CMM 1.1
      [*] Power Windows 2.0.1
      [*] QuickNailer 1.5--The Preview in Bulk & HTML Tool
      [*] roTyx 1.5 new release of the shootem up game
      [*] Sam's Eudora Icons -- replaces the arrow icons in Eudora 4
      [*] Speak Text CM 1.0
      [*] Stereomaker 2.0
      [*] The Fantastic War
      [*] Vocal1_0.sit

#### TEXT       infomacv16-89.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] ACE Realmz 5 module
      [*] Alphie 1.2
      [*] Cinnamon WebMaster Suite 1.2.1 -- Specialized HTML Editor
      [*] ClickTyper 1.2 - for people who can't use a keyboard
      [*] Fetch-O-Matic 2.1 automated website maintenance via FTP
      [*] general-edit-lite-101v3.sit Hex/ASCII File Editor
      [*] Internet Launcher 1.0.1
      [*] McHurricane
      [*] MeatierLottoJist 1.0.1
      [*] paper_chaste0.7.hqx: Error analysis of writing
      [*] PictFader114-Pict playing Screensaver update
      [*] Red Pencil
      [*] ResFinder 1.0
      [*] ShowText CDEF 1.15
      [*] SwitchRes 1.3 - English version
      [*] SwitchRes 1.3 - french version
      [*] TopoMouse 2.0
      [*] vocab =?iso-8859-1?Q?bILL=81der?= 7.7.1 f.sit
      [*] western_desktops_1024.sit
      [*] western_desktops_640.sit
      [*] western_desktops_832.sit

#### TEXT       infomacv16-90.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

       Re-seeking LaserWriter NT info
      (A) Basic for Mac LCIII
      (Q) HFS+ dilemma
      *New Video Card question
      [Q] A database solution question
      [Q] video i/o for g3 -third party
      availability of greyscale displays
      Desperately seeking LaserWriter II NT info
      DiskCopy .smi files
      Experience with Office 98 on Slow PPC Macs?
      Geoprt Express Modem
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #86
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #87
      Jim Leitch's Address Book
      OS 8.1 memory leak?
      OTPPP troubles
      Powerprint 4 & DEClasers (& lack of response from Infowave)
      Results of Slow PPC/Office 98 Poll
      Running other operating systems on Macs
      Sound turned off
      TidBITS Turns Eight
      user parameter list????

#### TEXT       infomacv16-91.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Wapp Pro 1.0
      [*] Alien Attack 2.0
      [*] Andrew's Disk Copy 6.2 Scripts" dcscripts-152
      [*] Art Nouveau Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] BETaSEE 1.0c
      [*] Clip Changer CSM 1.2
      [*] Clip Changer CSM 1.2-jp
      [*] Electricons (Mac icon set)
      [*] Extensions Strip 1.5.1
      [*] FretPet 1.3 - Fun and unique music sequencer
      [*] Gramotki_1.5.6FR_comp.hqx - enhanced sticky notes (French)
      [*] IliCon_Flower3_Icons
      [*] Kineticon 1.1.4 - animated icons on your desktop!
      [*] King_of Parking_1.1.Hqx
      [*] LaunchControl 1.1
      [*] Luminous Patterns
      [*] Monkey_Shines
      [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 2.1.1
      [*] MovieUtilities CMM 1.2
      [*] MozPong1.0.5
      [*] Navi iRae 1.1.1
      [*] NuEdit1.3.2E.sit
      [*] PatternChanger - desktop pattern changer.
      [*] Poppies scheme for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Rain_Net_1.1.Hqx
      [*] Siemensstern 1.6
      [*] Teacher's Grading Program II 1.50
      [*] Tester 4.30
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.9.8 - foreign language learning
      [*] Victorian Pets for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Zafir 2.0
      "Connect To..." and "Internet" applets...
      (Q) HFS+ dilemma
      ? Fax-on-demand software
      [A] database solution question
      [Q] A database solution question
      Batch scanning
      How to partition a 4 GB hard drive?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #90
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #90
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #90
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #90
      INQ: G3 Memory Problem
      Printing more than 9999 pages
      Zip Disk Rebuild DT??

#### TEXT       infomacv16-92.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?GEb=B8hrenrechner?= 3.0
      [*] Announce: Assimilator 2.0
      [*] ClickScripts 1.1 for HC
      [*] Digital Diary v1.8.6
      [*] Eudora IC Helper v1.0
      [*] Eudora Thai Tables 1.2
      [*] Fetch-O-Matic 2.1 automated website maintenance via FTP
      [*] IcePick 4.0.3 - MacApp view editor! - IcePick-403-ppc
      [*] JICGlue 1.0b1 -- Java connection to Internet Config
      [*] MacAgent 2.10
      [*] MacDim 2.0.1 - small screensaver/dimmer
      [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 2.1.1-jp
      [*] MusicMentor 1.0
      [*] Rabbit Base 1.0 PPC
      [*] Rects - DarkSide of the Mac module.
      [*] star-gate-111.hqx
      [*] SuperReplace 1.2;  a text conversion utility
      [*] SwitchRes 1.3 (german version)
      [*] The EC Does It! Electronic Catalog
      (Q) HFS+ dilemma
      *New Video Card question
      6100 & Newer Upgrade card...
      Computer monitoring via pings (or other mechanisms)
      erasing zip disks
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #90
      Monitor Image Shrinking
      Sound turned off
      Word 98

#### TEXT       infomacv16-93.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Fashion Plate Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Amethyst 1.0 Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] B III =?iso-8859-1?Q?=AC=27s?=  , 4 Kaleidoscope Color Schemes
      [*] clutEditor
      [*] Desktop Icon Manager 1.0
      [*] Desktoppers
      [*] DevEdit 1.1 -a text editor for programmers
      [*] Dusty Rose; Kal. scheme by Start Gallery
      [*] Finder View Settings 1.2 for MacOS 8 - global folder views
      [*] Fractals scheme for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Icon Machine (FAT) 1.3.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] ModPlayer 2.16
      [*] Name That Game 1.1 for Mac
      [*] P-in-P 1.1.1 - Picture-in-Picture - Johnny C N Lee
      [*] PageInspector 1.5
      [*] PhotoXpress
      [*] Play It Cool 2.7J - Japanese Version
      [*] Sim Cinema Deluxe 2.1
      [*] TidBITS#426/20-Apr-98

#### TEXT       infomacv16-94.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) missing features from macintosh version
      (Q) curse the cursor
      (Q) Finder Preferences
      ? Fax-on-demand software
      [A] Apple Data Detectors 1.0.2 problem
      [A] database solution
      [A] Monitor Image Shrinking
      [A] Zip Disk Rebuild DT??
      [Q] Apple Express Modem DAA
      [Q] items in need
      AGGHH sound play-thru keeps turning on by itself
      Apple Event Manager & OS 8
      CD-ROM Stereo Output
      Computer monitoring via pings
      disable ramdisk
      empty trash warning
      erasing zip disks
      Fwd: "Consultant" PIM?
      Fwd: Wordperfect 3.5.5...
      G3 Memory Problem
      G3 scrolling
      Here's A Question...
      HFS+ dilemma
      HFS+ dilemma (R)
      HFS+ is safe - summary
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #90 - Other OS on Macs
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #91
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #91
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #91
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #91
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #91
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #92 / Word 98
      Jim Leitch's Address Book and OS 8.x
      LW II NT comment
      Mac to Win via e-mail attachments?
      Monitor Image Shrinking
      Multiple Find App (applet??)
      Netscape memory
      No Desktop
      OT/PPP troubles
      Running other operating systems on Macs
      Sound turned off (R)
      STF/phone conflict

#### TEXT       infomacv16-95.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Info-Mac Data Detector 1.0
      [*] Cayenne Desktop Picture Set
      [*] CyberViewer
      [*] Funnel Web 1.7
      [*] Internet Launcher 1.0.3
      [*] MiniSubstitute 1.7.0; MiniFinder.
      [*] PALotto 2.0.1 Pennsylvania Lotteries manager
      [*] Substitute 1.7.0 FAT; Process Manager and General Utility.
      [*] Watcher
      [*] World Calendar v1.0
       missing features from macintosh version (of Netscape)
      (C) missing features from macintosh version
      (Q) Optimizng (de-fragmenting) Zip disks
      [A] Apple Event Manager & OS 8
      [A] Multiple Find App (applet??)
      Apple Event Manager & OS 8
      curse the cursor
      Disk Crashes with System 8.1
      Jim Leitch's Address Book
      Language versions
      Netscape blues
      Office 98 on Slow PowerMac
      Typing Tutor?

#### TEXT       infomacv16-96.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) curse the cursor
      [A] Typing Tutor
      AGGHH sound play-thru keeps turning on by itself
      Backup Boot Disk..
      empty trash warning
      Hard Disk Defragmenter?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #94
      Mac to Win via e-mail attachments? (R)
      missing features from macintosh version (of Netscape)
      Q: empty trash warning
      Too fast scrolling speed..
      Web-site catalog/search

#### TEXT       infomacv16-97.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Mac INIT Strings 2.1
      [*] "La brisca.sit"
      [*] "Styles" Air Signs for Kaleidoscope, zodiac scheme
      [*] "Styles" Earth Signs for Kaleidoscope, zodiac scheme 2
      [*] "Styles" Fire Signs for Kaleidoscope, zodiac scheme 3
      [*] "Styles" Water Signs for Kaleidoscope, zodiac scheme 4
      [*] 3d Brick Bash! 1.3
      [*] 3d Paddle Bash! 1.3
      [*] ACTION Files 1.0 Open/Save Dialog Enhancement (User Interface)
      [*] Andrew's Disk Copy Scripts 1.5.3 dcscripts-153.hqx
      [*] Ashcan 1.0, a game for Mac
      [*] ATPM4.04
      [*] Cat'sEyeView vol.5
      [*] Computer Admin 1.2
      [*] Custom Menus 1.1 - Tear-Off menus from the Menu Bar!
      [*] Deskpop 1.0.2
      [*] DragStrip 3.5
      [*] HTML TagWriter 2.2 - A HyperCard HTML editor
      [*] I_CON_A_LIKE_IT Icon Collection
      [*] IconStop Icon Collection
      [*] InCDius GH 1.1 - Java CDDB client for Mac
      [*] iSearch 1.2
      [*] Jordan's Gone!
      [*] Learn and Play version 1.5!
      [*] Learn and Play version 1.5!
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.3.1.sit
      [*] MusicMentor 1.0.1
      [*] Native American Set 3.sit
      [*] NonTonalAnalysis2.0
      [*] ObjectPlant, object-oriented analysis and design tool
      [*] pangaea-11.hqx
      [*] PhotoXpress 3.0
      [*] QuickMovie 1.1
      [*] QuoEdit 0.33
      [*] Rabbit Base 1.0
      [*] ramBunctious 12-SE
      [*] ScatterBrains-app
      [*] ScatterBrains-hc
      [*] Siemensstern 1.7.1 (fat)
      [*] Snitch 2.5.2
      [*] Technical Foul" Alert Sound (16-bit/44.1kHz)
      [*] Technical Foul" Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] Turf Club 1.1 MHG Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.1
      [*] Virtual 2.0b3 - the Mac Virtual Desktop is back!

#### TEXT       infomacv16-98.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Catacombe
      [*] CoCo
      [*] ComicSaver 2.0
      [*] DarkLight, a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme
      [*] Desktop Icon Manager 1.1
      [*] Desktop Resetter 1.1.1
      [*] Dicom2Pict
      [*] DragThing 2.5
      [*] Ecclesial Calendar (68K)
      [*] Ecclesial Calendar (PPC)
      [*] EPS_Generator
      [*] Extensions Strip 1.5.2
      [*] Extensions Strip 1.5.2
      [*] FretPet 1.3.2 - Guitar sequencer, music assistant & more
      [*] FuzzyFind for FileMaker Pro
      [*] Grid Warrior 1.2.7
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.3.2.sit
      [*] NeXTprinter PPD installer
      [*] PALotto 2.1. PA Lotteries manager. Hypercard
      [*] PassWORD 1.5 US
      [*] PassWORD 1.5FR
      [*] Picklegiggin' desktop picture set
      [*] Powerballer 1.0, 5/49 + 1/42 Lottery Manager
      [*] Quadraverb+/GT Editor-1.1
      [*] RGB Calculator III
      [*] RGB Calculator III v1.0
      [*] Rhapsody_DR1_Schemes
      [*] SilverBarrel 1.0 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] SndSampler 3.5.2
      [*] Stencil kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] SuperBike 1.2 -- The Simply Challenging Game
      [*] Tartan Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] TidBITS#427/27-Apr-98
      [*] timepalette30
      [*] VideoZoom 1.0
      [*] VOODOO 1.8.1
      [*] Wapp pro 1.0.1
      [*] Web Finder V3.0 - Simplify Internet searching
      [*] WorldClock CSM 1.3
      [*] YOOZ 1.61*US
      [*] Zobaa Zobaa

#### TEXT       infomacv16-99.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

          Re: Info-Mac Digest V16 #95
      (A)Web-site catalog/search
      [A] Hard Disk Defragmenter
      [A] Mac to Win via e-mail attachments?
      [A] Netscape memory
      [A] RAM questions uncovered 8-)
      [A] Web-site catalog/search
      [Q] Mac/PC memory differences...
      [Q] PB100 power supply...
      A Curious Behavior Of Disinfectant With Recent Documents
      Copy to Floppy ; help!!
      curse the cursor
      Digital Scanning of Old Slides and Photos for CD Family Albums?
      Disk Crashes with System 8.1
      Empty Trash Warning
      empty trash warning
      FAQ - removable hard drives
      Faxing to Large Customer D-Base
      Fools and Color
      How to remap a key?
      Info-Mac Data Detector
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #96
      Is PIO mode 3 on a P630 really possible?
      mac & pc networking
      Mac to Win via e-mail attachments?
      Mac to Win via e-mail attachments? 
      Mac to Win via e-mail attachments? (R)
      Microphone problems w/ clone
      Netscape & error type 1 & 2!
      No Desktop-solved
      Only one item can be dragged from FindFile window. Why?
      Powerbook 150
      PowerPrint 2.5.2, DeskJet 5O0, Mac OS 8.1
      Print One
      Q: macrons
      Quicktime 3.0 Pro Changes the Monitors & Sound Control Panel
      Quicktime Movie "Screenshot"
      SCSI interface to Yamaha CDR
      startup schedule software or tricks for older Mac
      Three Questions re 7.6/7.6.1
      Video mirroring question
      video problem
      Web-site catalog/search