Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #257
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 26 Nov 97       Volume 15 : Issue 257

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Full-der" Kaleidoscope color-scheme/Fake-8 subscription
      [*] 1998 Icon Calendar
      [*] Accent: Appearance Editor
      [*] Amadeus 1.5.5 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Ballistik_5.2.1__e.hqx
      [*] Ballistik_5.2.1_de.hqx
      [*] Borscht Raider 1.0
      [*] Cache Killer Pro 1.05 - the original Cache Killer and more!!!
      [*] CatSearch MPW Tool 1.0b1
      [*] cc97demo.hqx
      [*] Christmas Color Scheme - For Kaleidoscope
      [*] DollyDots for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DragStrip 3.0.1
      [*] DragThing F1-2.1
      [*] Eldacur Anteak 1.7, an earth-tone Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Eldacur Bluish 1.5, a simple blue Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Eldacur LeitMotif 1.7, an X-Window-like Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] FirstClass Tools
      [*] FirstClass Tools
      [*] Grid Warrior 1.2.6
      [*] Harmony*Noel (PPC Version)
      [*] Harmony*Noel 68K Version
      [*] Heavy Metal Isotopes 1.5 (Kaliedoscope Schemes)
      [*] Heavy Metal Isotopes 1.5 (Kaliedoscope Schemes)
      [*] Icon Machine 1.0.1 68k
      [*] Icon Machine 1.0.1 PPC
      [*] iView 2.9.5
      [*] Jupiter's Moons 1.0
      [*] Lunar Commando 1.0.3
      [*] MacAttack 1.9.6J - Japanese Version
      [*] Merry Christmas Icons
      [*] OPUS 1.21
      [*] OTChat 3.0.2 CW11 Pascal Source Code
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] Pardeikes Welcome Plugin
      [*] piPrimes 1.0 - arbitrary precision mathematics
      [*] QuickNailer 1.4--The Preview in Bulk & HTML Tool
      [*] Sleeper D-3.0.1 - German version of Sleeper
      [*] SmartKeys 3.2
      [*] Startup Lock 2.0 Final 68k
      [*] Startup Lock 2.0 PPC Final
      [*] The Coach's Challenge '97
      [*] WC II, 9 maps v.1.0
      [*] Zarvox Is Here

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Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:11 -0700
Subject: [*] "Full-der" Kaleidoscope color-scheme/Fake-8 subscription

A little while back, I created a small group of cut-and-paste icons,
borrowed from Mac OS 8 screen-shots, and named it "Fake-8."  As Fake-8 grew
into a formidable set of ResEdit icon-improvements, aimed at System 7 and
'030 users, so did it's demand.  With this latest release, Fake-8 climbs to
a higher level of customization and accessibility.

Enclosed in this package, you'll find more than just a color-scheme
preview.  With the registration of my first public color-scheme,
"Full-der," a ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION to Fake-8 comes along.  The
subscription will allow users to have new Fake-8 additions while they're
still new, along with other Extensions (including floppy and cursor
enhancements), Icons (especially those that cover up that ugly hard-drive
one),  Desktop Patterns, color-scheme, and updates in order to make your
Fake-8 experience more complete than a color-scheme alone can accomplish.

With the promise of the ultimate level of customization comes the final
aspect of owning a Fake-8 subscription:  each subscription owner is
entitled to one CUSTOM piece of software per year.  Have a JPEG/PICT that
you'd like to see tiled all over your desktop?  Got an idea for a cursor
(other than that old arrow)?  Maybe you'd like your floppy disk or CD-ROM
icons to have a new look.  If you have the image (for desktop patterns),
icons (for floppy/CD-ROM replacements), or even just a sketch done in
ClarisWorks (for cursors), YOUR custom software, conceived and dreamed of
by YOU, can be made a reality with just a simple e-mail.

Here's how a subscription works:  once a month, subscription owners will
receive an e-mail attachment of UNDER 100K.  For the once-a-year FREE
customization mentioned above, all resources must be mailed to the owner.
All packages are delivered ELECTRONICALLY, via e-mail.

Fake-8 started as a means of providing '030-users with some of the
Appearance enhancements denied by Mac OS 8.  A subscription, for ONLY
$5.00, takes that idea one step further, benefitting not only '030-users,
but owners of ALL Macs.  If you are interested in keeping your Mac looking
new, if you are interested in the ULTIMATE level of custimization, purchase
a Fake-8 subscription.

e-mail-attachment-capable e-mail program
at least a 256-color (8-bit) Macintosh or compatible
System 7.1
Kaleidoscope 1.5 (for color-scheme support)
A desktop-pattern installing utility (including Apple's 'Desktop Pattern'
control panel, or Avernus' 'Texture Installer'

mail all subscriptions (check or money order ONLY) to:

c/o Mark Fiske
P.O. Box 5042
Tiffin, OH 44883

please archive with Kaleidoscope color-schemes
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/color-scheme-sub.hqx; 31K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:21 -0700
Subject: [*] 1998 Icon Calendar

The Icon Calendar is a set of twelve custom folders, one for each month of
the year. Within each folder are custom folders for each day of the month
laid out in calendar fashion. If you have a file that will need your
attention on June 12, just open the June folder and drop it in the June 12
folder where it will quietly wait until needed.

Thank you.

Steve Robinson

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/icon-calendar.hqx; 448K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:35:55 -0700
Subject: [*] Accent: Appearance Editor

If you are tired of the having turquoise, crimson, ivy, or lavendar menus
and scroll bars, and wish you could use your own colors, guess what..

Now you can!!

Download yet another tool to change the way your mac looks

Visit the homepage at

Requires: A PPC
          MacOS 8

written by Aaron Sittig

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/accent.hqx; 101K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:08 -0700
Subject: [*] Amadeus 1.5.5 for Kaleidoscope

This is Amadeus for Kaleidoscope, a colour scheme for use with the
Kaleidoscope control panel by Greg Landweber et al.

Amadeus is an easy-on-the-eye scheme designed for long periods
of use. It has been described by others as being superior to the
Apple Mac OS8 platinum appearance.

Amadeus can be found on the web at the Kaleidoscope Way:

Amadeus will not be made available from the official Kaleidoscope
Scheme Archive.

Amadeus 1.5.5 adds support for the extra OS8 accent colours introduced
with Kaleidoscope 1.7.3, and makes other minor changes over 1.5.4.

Permission is granted to include on the info-mac CD-ROMs.


after using Amadeus for even a day you can't go back to the standard look
  -- Jeffrey Zeldman, Macintosh OS8 Blues.


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/amadeus-155-kaleidoscope.hqx; 162K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:34 -0700
Subject: [*] Ballistik_5.2.1__e.hqx

Ballistik 5.2.1_e by Helge Peters  ( Ballistik_5.2.1_e.hqx )

This software is shareware (30 DM or 20 US$) and in english language (a
german version is also avaible).
The program containes 7 different functions for sports shooters, hunters and

1. Calculate the energy and impulse or factor of bullets and get statistics.
2. Statistic Analysis of hit pictures.
3. Calculate the flight path of a bullet.
4. Calculate the recoil energy.
5. Store and manage shooting results.
6. Timer for training without handgun.
7. Conversion Units (14 range).

Please read the manual Ballistik.doc (enclosed the program) for more details.

It's allowed to store this program on CD-ROM.


[Archived as /info-mac/game/ballistik-521-en.hqx; 181K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:32 -0700
Subject: [*] Ballistik_5.2.1_de.hqx

Ballistik 5.2.1_de by Helge Peters  ( Ballistik_5.2.1_de.hqx )

This software is shareware (30 DM or 20 US$) and in german language (a
english version is also avaible).
The program containes 7 different functions for sports shooters, hunters and

1. Calculate the energy and impulse or factor of bullets and get statistics.
2. Statistic Analysis of hit pictures.
3. Calculate the flight path of a bullet.
4. Calculate the recoil energy.
5. Store and manage shooting results.
6. Timer for training without handgun.
7. Conversion Units (14 range).

Please read the manual Ballistik.doc (enclosed the program) for more details.

It's allowed to store this program on CD-ROM.


[Archived as /info-mac/game/ballistik-521-de.hqx; 181K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:44:51 -0700
Subject: [*] Borscht Raider 1.0

Borscht Raider is an overhead arcade game in which you take control of a
feisty Russian guy searching Earth and beyond for his favorite treat,
borscht. Levels in Borscht Raider could be best described as obstacle
courses. You must get from one point to another while dodging a number of
enemies, among other obstacles. On occasion, you may have to get a key or
two to unlock an area of the level. Sometimes necessary for the
completion of the level, sometimes to unlock items. The game consists of
25 levels divided into 5 unique areas, complete with their own graphics.
Borscht Raider sports 256 color, fully-animated original graphics and
multi-channel sounds.

System Requirements:

PPC or 68k Macintosh
System 7.0.1 or later
Sound Manager 3.0 or later
6 - 8 MB of RAM for best performance
256 color monitor or greater

For more info on this program please visit my homepage.

Shannon Schroeder

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/borscht-raider-10.hqx; 1649K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:45:03 -0700
Subject: [*] Cache Killer Pro 1.05 - the original Cache Killer and more!!!

Cache Killer Pro is an AppleScript script which deletes the web browser
caches for Netscape Navigator, Netscape Communicator, Internet Explorer,
America Online, Cyberdog, or any other browser you use! Not only will Cache
Killer Pro automatically detect and manage browser caches located in their
default locations, but it can be configured to manage any folder on any
volume! Cache Killer Pro can be setup to delete the disk caches
periodically or every time it is run.

Cache Killer Pro retains everything that made the original Cache Killer so
popular and incorporates powerful new features to make your browser cache
management easier than ever before!

- automatically detect the individual cache folders created by Netscape
- delete up to ten additional browser cache folders in any location on any
- manage any folder you choose, not just browser cache folders
- support for localized versions of the MacOS
- improved user-interface to guide you through the setup process

Cache Killer Pro requires AppleScript, which is included with System 7.5 or
later. And, yes, Cache Killer Pro is fully compatible with MacOS 8!

Cache Killer Pro was created by Scott Harralson. Further information on
Cache Killer Pro can be found at
Send any comments or bug reports to

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/cache-killer-pro-105.hqx; 142K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:44:57 -0700
From: (Mike Bean)
Subject: [*] CatSearch MPW Tool 1.0b1

CatSearch is a highly optimized MPW Tool that searches multiple volumes for
all files and/or directories that match a given search criteria.  CatSearch
calls PBCatSearch to do it's work.

Searchs can be any combination of date, type/creator, name, and
finder info.  Basically, any search that can put together using the Find
File application can be performed by CatSearch.

It's free.  Feel free to post it to other lists, servers, etc.  You just
can't alter it or charge anything for it.

Send any suggestions, bugs, flames, etc. to

P.S. I don't recommend changing the default search buffer size (-buffer
<n>).  I've seen PBCatSearch do strange and unpredictable things.  I
believe this is a PBCatSearch issue and not a bug in CatSearch.

James Bucanek
Twilight & Barking Software
PGP Key at:

James Bucanek

Twilight & Barking Software
3524 E. Verbena Drive
Phoenix, AZ  85044-6508
(602) 759-0857 Voice
(602) 759-3707 FAX
(602) 706-4688 ARA
PGP Key at:

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/cat-search-10b1.hqx; 51K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:44:47 -0700
Subject: [*] cc97demo.hqx

Real players, real stats, real football.  The way the game was meant to
be played.  Pacific Media WorX is proud to present an officially
licensed product of the National Football League Players Association and
Stats Inc., the recognized leader in sports statistics...

The Coach's Challenge: Fantasy Football '97

There are a handful of football games on the market.  But,  the Coach's
Challenge is different because YOU call the shots. You are  the "Coach"
and the "League Commissioner", controlling every aspect of the game and
its real life professional football players.

Based on a "play book" and "chalkboard" metaphor, the heart of the
Coach's Challenge '97 is a three dimensional on-screen "field"  that has
a true 360 degree rotation.  Scrolling slider bars on each side of the
screen control navigation and position the "camera" from any angle.

Game plays are selected from a play book containing a wide variety of
different formations and options. True to life play action occurs as
each play is initiated.  A colorful scoreboard located at the top of the
screen displays scoring by quarters, the time remaining, the current
quarter, yardage, and downs. Stereo sound including crowd noise,
applause, cheers, and action sounds are synchronized to the play and
game.  A scrolling text box reveals the immediate play-by-play analysis.

Nearly every aspect of the Coach's Challenge is configurable including
player abilities, skill levels, and position ratings, through an
adjustable an comprehensive "Player" editor. Create new leagues,
conferences, divisions, teams, and players, using the "Commissioner"
function and or exchange custom databases with other "coach's" using the
included import/export options.  The "Schedule" editor controls the week
by week competitions.  A feature has been incorporated to automatically
generate results for unplayed or remaining games to insure season

The Coach's Challenge has features to enable single or two player
competition coaching either the home or away teams, or both, and a
controlled "robot" coach opponent with a variable "aggressiveness" level.

A TCP/IP component has been incorporated to allow game play against other
users across the Internet.  Requires PPC,16 MB of RAM, and System 7 or

[Archived as /info-mac/game/football-97-demo.hqx; 6559K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:09 -0700
Subject: [*] Christmas Color Scheme - For Kaleidoscope

This is a submission of a Christmas color scheme to be used with
Kaleidoscope.  The scheme is at his best at least at 256 colors. A text
file describing the scheme, a hard drive icon and a desktop background are
also included.

Marc Fournier
L=E9vis, QC
Trucs et techniques Photoshop (Photoshop Tips and Technics)

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/christmas-color-scheme.hqx; 82K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:35:57 -0700
Subject: [*] is an AppleScript applet which will created a folder on
the Finder desktop and set the name of the folder to the current date. is free but copyright 1997 by Matthew W. Schmeer
and Poetry Ink Productions. Please see the enclosed Read Me file
for more information.

We give our permission for this file to be included
on the Info-Mac CD-ROM, with our usual stipulations.

Thank you.

Matthew W. Schmeer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/dated-folder-app.hqx; 14K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:13 -0700
Subject: [*] DollyDots for Kaleidoscope

DollyDots is a colorscheme for Kaleidoscope 1.5 or higher, but it has
been optimized for Kaleidoscope 1.7.3!
It's a variation on the Apple Grayscale theme.
Best is to install it and to see for yourself!!!
A Desktop pattern and a pattern for Window Monkey are included.

Let me know if you like it!

You can always find a recent version at!

Have fun!


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/dolly-dots-176.hqx; 108K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:35:58 -0700
Subject: [*] DragStrip 3.0.1

Say goodbye to cluttered desktops. Launch, find, and organize
applications and documents quickly and efficiently. DragStrip gives you
drag and drop on your desktop and much more. Organize your frequently
accessed by dragging them onto any number of strips. Launching
applications and opening documents is only a click away. The process
strip shows you which applications are currently running. In addition to
its main functionality, DragStrip is expandable allowing DragStrip
additions - plug-in modules - to be placed on strips as
mini-applications. DragStrip is the ultimate desktop utility.

DragStrip 3.0's new features include the abililty to have multiple tabbed
pages on a strip, improved support for MacOS 8, including contextual
menus, new "Strip" styles, easier configuration, support for URLs and

DragStrip is now shareware and can be registered at or you can use the Register program included
in the installer.

DragStrip will only work with Macintosh System 7.1 or later.
Additionally, dragging items from the Finder to your DragStrip is only
available when using System 7.1.1 or later.

Current users of DragStrip 3.0 can download the application only from  DragStrip 3.0.1 fixes
a couple of bugs in version 3.0 and adds the ability to show or hide
DragStrip's windows with a single keystroke.

Please feel free to contact Poppybank Software by any of the following


Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Christopher Evans, Poppybank Software and its
Licensors. All rights reserved.

Christopher Evans

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/drag-strip-301.hqx; 1082K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:35:59 -0700
Subject: [*] DragThing F1-2.1

Enclosed is a French language version of my application dock,
DragThing F1-2.1.

This version adds full support for MacOS 8 contextual menus (including
popup contents of folders and recently opened documents for
applications), individually floating docks, and a lot more.

This version was kindly translated by Philippe Bonnaure,
(, who has translated many
other Macintosh programs into French, available from his web page:


The English language version of DragThing is still available from:


and all good Info Mac archives.


DragThing 2.1 est une nouvelle version de DragThing qui inclue de
nombreuses nouvelles fonctions et supporte enti=E8rement les menus
contextuels de MacOS 8.

Quoi de neuf?

Support des menus contextuels, incluant :

* un menu avec les documents r=E9cents ouverts par les applications des
* un menu affichant le contenu des dossiers et des disques au niveau des
* un menu pour masquer/afficher et quitter les process de la palette des
  process actifs,
* un acc=E8s rapide au commandes usuelles comme Lire les informations, Affic=
  l'original et r=E9duire la palette

Ajout d'une option pour faire flotter ou non de mani=E8re individuelle une
Ajout de dossiers de d=E9marrage et pour =E9teindre pour l'ex=E9cution autom=
d'Apple Scripts.
Ajout d'une option pour inhiber le lancement d'AppleScripts lorsqu'ont les
Ajout d'une option permettant d'ajouter un =E9l=E9ment en cliquant sur une c=
vide d'une fiche.
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/dragthing-f1-21.hqx; 1395K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:14 -0700
Subject: [*] Eldacur Anteak 1.7, an earth-tone Kaleidoscope scheme

Eldacur Anteak=81 is a Kaleidoscope 1.5 color scheme. If you don't have
Kaleidoscope 1.5, it won't do you much good.

Anteak is the latest incarnation of a color scheme that I have used for
several years on X Windows, NT and Macontosh systems. It uses various
earth-tone colors originally based on old fashioned ink, parchment and
hardwoods. The intent is to be pleasing, easy on the eyes and easy to read.

Eldacur Anteak=81 and Eldacur Technologies=81 are trademarks of Eldacur
Technologies. The Eldacur Anteak module is copyright =A9 1997, Jim Burrows.
All Rights Reserved.

It is distributed as freeware. You may redistribute it so long as you
include this ReadMe file, do not modify the module or this ReadMe, and do
not charge for it. Specificially, I give permission for it to be included
on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

=46or more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit
my Web page:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/eldacur-anteak.hqx; 28K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:15 -0700
Subject: [*] Eldacur Bluish 1.5, a simple blue Kaleidoscope scheme

Eldacur LeitMotif is a Kaleidoscope color scheme. If you don't have at
least version 1.5 of Kaleidoscope, it won't do you much good.

Bluish is, not surprisingly, an all blue color scheme. The look is simple
and the main color light. It's designed to be easy on the eyes and usable
in the long run rather then to look really whizzy.

Eldacur Bluish=81 and Eldacur Technologies=81 are trademarks of Eldacur
Technologies. The Eldacur LeitMotif module is copyright =A9 1997, Brendan & =
Burrows. All Rights Reserved.

It is distributed as freeware. You may redistribute it so long as you
include this ReadMe file, do not modify the module or this ReadMe, and do
not charge for it. Specificially, I give permission for it to be included
on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

=46or more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit
my Web page:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/eldacur-bluish.hqx; 33K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:17 -0700
Subject: [*] Eldacur LeitMotif 1.7, an X-Window-like Kaleidoscope scheme

Eldacur LeitMotif is a Kaleidoscope color scheme. If you don't have at
least version 1.5 of Kaleidoscope, it won't do you much good.

The colors and shapes used in LeitMotif are intended to be similar to and
consistent with those used in X Windows and eXodus. I created the scheme
for use at work where my desktop machine is a Mac, but the code I'm
designing and developing all runs on Solaris. LeitMotif makes my Mac
windows blend in better with my eXodus windows.

Eldacur LeitMotif=81 and Eldacur Technologies=81 are trademarks of Eldacur
Technologies. The Eldacur LeitMotif module is copyright =A9 1997, Jim Burrow=
All Rights Reserved.

It is distributed as freeware. You may redistribute it so long as you
include this ReadMe file, do not modify the module or this ReadMe, and do
not charge for it. Specificially, I give permission for it to be included
on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

=46or more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit
my Web page:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/eldacur-leitmotif.hqx; 36K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:45:00 -0700
Subject: [*] FirstClass Tools

FirstClass Admin Tools is a new suite of FirstClass Admin Tools that I
have have developed using FileMaker Pro.  (FirstClass is the E-Mail
Conferencing System from SoftArc) This message contains two separate
self extracting archives. FC_Tools.hqx is for those of you who already
have a copy of FileMaker Pro v3 or higher. FC_ToolsRT.hqx contains the
same files plus a runtime solution of FileMaker Pro that will run this
solution only.  You need only download one of the archives.

The files will work unrestricted for 30 days after which I have built in an
expiration routine that requires you to pay a modest $25 shareware fee.  (Site
licenses available for  $250 for those of you with multiple servers)
Briefly, here is what the templates do.  Full documentation in .PDF format is
Your comments are appreciated.

User Statistics and Graphs
This module imports and analyses three different files from your FirstClass
server and provides you with activity reports and graphs.
Session/Port Statistics and Graphs
The Ports Activity Tool allows you to monitor logins to your system.  You can
view this activity by a graphical display either by showing ALL PORTS on any
given day or by viewing INDIVIDUAL PORTS on a daily basis displaying an
activity graph over a 24 hour period. The information is imported via the
Statistics & Billing feature of FirstClass
User Registration Batch Creation
You may wish to assign the duty of registrations to someone but not
necessarily give them Admin status on your system.  Or, you may have to create
a large number of registrations but not want to do them one at a time while
connected to your system.  In this case, the FirstClass Batch Administration
feature works well.  This tool will generate the Batch Script that will allow
anyone to create the script, but only those with admin status will be able to
send the message to the Batch Admin to generate the registrations.
Conference Folder Batch Creation
You may wish to create a large number of conferences or folders, particularly
if you are going to be setting up a new gateway.  The Conference/Folder Batch
Creation module will allow you to generate the batch script that will create
the conferences or folders as well as assign an icon of your choice.

:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/fc-tools-rt.hqx; 3021K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:45:02 -0700
Subject: [*] FirstClass Tools

FirstClass Admin Tools is a new suite of FirstClass Admin Tools that I
have have developed using FileMaker Pro.  (FirstClass is the E-Mail
Conferencing System from SoftArc) This message contains two separate
self extracting archives. FC_Tools.hqx is for those of you who already
have a copy of FileMaker Pro v3 or higher. FC_ToolsRT.hqx contains the
same files plus a runtime solution of FileMaker Pro that will run this
solution only.  You need only download one of the archives.

The files will work unrestricted for 30 days after which I have built in an
expiration routine that requires you to pay a modest $25 shareware fee.  (Site
licenses available for  $250 for those of you with multiple servers)
Briefly, here is what the templates do.  Full documentation in .PDF format is
Your comments are appreciated.

User Statistics and Graphs
This module imports and analyses three different files from your FirstClass
server and provides you with activity reports and graphs.
Session/Port Statistics and Graphs
The Ports Activity Tool allows you to monitor logins to your system.  You can
view this activity by a graphical display either by showing ALL PORTS on any
given day or by viewing INDIVIDUAL PORTS on a daily basis displaying an
activity graph over a 24 hour period. The information is imported via the
Statistics & Billing feature of FirstClass
User Registration Batch Creation
You may wish to assign the duty of registrations to someone but not
necessarily give them Admin status on your system.  Or, you may have to create
a large number of registrations but not want to do them one at a time while
connected to your system.  In this case, the FirstClass Batch Administration
feature works well.  This tool will generate the Batch Script that will allow
anyone to create the script, but only those with admin status will be able to
send the message to the Batch Admin to generate the registrations.
Conference Folder Batch Creation
You may wish to create a large number of conferences or folders, particularly
if you are going to be setting up a new gateway.  The Conference/Folder Batch
Creation module will allow you to generate the batch script that will create
the conferences or folders as well as assign an icon of your choice.

:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/fc-tools.hqx; 1114K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:44:53 -0700
Subject: [*] Grid Warrior 1.2.6

(CHANGES SINCE v1.2.2:  The main difference is that the interminable
30-second "Loading" time has been reduced to less than 3 seconds.  Also,
several minor changes have made the game realistically winnable in
higher waves even on a very fast PowerMac.)

Grid Warrior is a Mac-only arcade game.  Move about the Grid of Death,
destroying bad guys with instantaneous energy pulses.  Smooth animation
and cool sound effects make this game a lot of fun.

This free demo includes the first three waves.  The full version has
many more challenging levels, and a high-score list.

Grid Warrior now includes the ability to register by credit-card via the
Kagi registration service.

Requires:  System 7, 8M RAM, 256 colors or more, 640x480-pixel monitor
or larger, PowerPC or fast 68040 processor recommended.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/grid-warrior-126-demo.hqx; 397K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:44:45 -0700
Subject: [*] Harmony*Noel (PPC Version)

Harmony*Noel is a rewrite of Mac*Sings*Noel, that cheesy but amazingly
popular 1995 noise toy that used Plaintalk Text-To-Speech to serenade you
with your favorite Christmas carols.  As the title suggests, the 1997
version, or is that painfully... renders those old faves
plus a few more in luscious four-part harmony.  Lots more graphics, too.
Naturally you can select whatever voices you want to sing soprano, alto,
tenor or bass.  Check out Boing on tenor with Zarvox on bass.  You need
Plaintalk 1.4 or better [free from Apple] and probably at least 4 Megs,
System 7.  Shareware $5.  You don't need Hypercard Player.  This version is
a standalone derived from Allegiant Supercard.   As is, no warranties.
There is a 68K version and a PPC version.

Colleen Dick

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/harmony-noel-ppc.hqx; 1595K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:30 -0700
Subject: [*] Harmony*Noel 68K Version

Harmony*Noel is a rewrite of Mac*Sings*Noel, that cheesy but amazingly
popular 1995 noise toy that used Plaintalk Text-To-Speech to serenade you
with your favorite Christmas carols.  As the title suggests, the 1997
version, or is that painfully... renders those old faves
plus a few more in luscious four-part harmony.  Lots more graphics, too.
Naturally you can select whatever voices you want to sing soprano, alto,
tenor or bass.  Check out Boing on tenor with Zarvox on bass.  You need
Plaintalk 1.4 or better [free from Apple] and probably at least 4 Megs,
System 7.  Shareware $5.  You don't need Hypercard Player.  This version is
a standalone derived from Allegiant Supercard.   As is, no warranties.
There is a 68K version and a PPC version.

Colleen Dick

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/harmony-noel-68k.hqx; 1386K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:20 -0700
Subject: [*] Heavy Metal Isotopes 1.5 (Kaliedoscope Schemes)

 Theis message contains two Packages, sitffed and BinHexed. They are my
contribution to the Kaliedoscope scheme world. If you have any questions
feel fee to send ma a messagew at the address below


Josh Lewis

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/heavy-metals-15.hqx; 513K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:18 -0700
Subject: [*] Heavy Metal Isotopes 1.5 (Kaliedoscope Schemes)

 Theis message contains two Packages, sitffed and BinHexed. They are my
contribution to the Kaliedoscope scheme world. If you have any questions
feel fee to send ma a messagew at the address below


Josh Lewis

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/heavy-metals-15-lite.hqx; 370K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:23 -0700
Subject: [*] Icon Machine 1.0.1 68k

Version 1.0.1 of Icon Machine fixes all known and reproducible bugs.

Icon Machine is an icon editor that features (in addition to a standard set
of drawing tools) simultaneous mask editing and powerful selection tools
which take full advantage of Macintosh Drag and Drop.

This program is $20 shareware. You can read more about it at the web page:

David Catmull
Sent with Cyberdog: Because it's not over until we say it's over...

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/icon-machine-101-68k.hqx; 412K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:24 -0700
Subject: [*] Icon Machine 1.0.1 PPC

Version 1.0.1 of Icon Machine fixes all known and reproducible bugs.

Icon Machine is an icon editor that features (in addition to a standard set
of drawing tools) simultaneous mask editing and powerful selection tools
which take full advantage of Macintosh Drag and Drop. The PowerPC version
includes a Mac OS 8 contextual menu plugin for quickly opening icons from
the Finder.

This program is $20 shareware. You can read more about it at the web page:

David Catmull
Sent with Cyberdog: Because it's not over until we say it's over...

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/icon-machine-101-ppc.hqx; 517K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:27 -0700
Subject: [*] iView 2.9.5

=46antastic and useful utility.
iView 2.9.5 the Multimedia Organizer for the Mac

iView 2.9.5 is an essential and fun utility that is the
simplest and easiest way to catalog multimedia files.
Organize your images, fonts, quicktime movies clip art,
qtvr and more.

iView is an extremely handy utility that keeps track of all
your image, animation and movie files. Tired of searching
thru disks and CD's trying to locate that special photo,
qtvr or clip art you saw just last week? iView goes far
beyond the Mac's simple scrapbook utility and allows you to
view and organize many types of multimedia files on all your
disks whether mounted or not. Some of the types currently
supported include: JPEG, GIF, GIFf, TIFF, TIF, Single-layer
Photoshop, Silicon Graphics and of course PICT files,
QuickTime movies, QuickTimeVR, Fonts, GIF animations, clips,
startup screens and if XTND is installed EPS.

iView displays images as a list of file names, list of
thumbnails, variable sized image, or as a slide show. Images
can then be cataloged, launched with the application that
created them, printed in custom reports, saved as a
QuickTime=81 movie, copied to the clipboard, or dragged as
clips/files/HTML formatted pathnames to the finder or any
drag & drop savvy application. Catalogs can be searched and
saved on your hard disk. A catalog can also display
thumbnail images from volumes that may not be mounted. iView
will let you view the images and prompt you to insert the
volume to retrieve an image when needed.

iView makes extensive use of drag and drop which makes it a
pleasure to use with the finder, Photoshop and many other
applications. In fact, everything about iView is designed to
be simple, useful and intuitive. iView eliminates tedious
repetitive work and increases your ability to get the job
done. It makes image reuse and playback quick and easy. Now
individuals as well as publishers, designers, pre-press
operators and multi-media programmers will never have to
search through stacks of Zip/SyQuest back-ups for missing
files ever again.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/iview-295.hqx; 823K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:35:54 -0700
Subject: [*] Jupiter's Moons 1.0

Jupiter's Moons 1.0 - is a Newton program that allows you to view the
configuration of the four largest moons of Jupiter. Jupiters Moons provides
you a
view as if you were looking through binoculars or a telescope at the planet
Jupiter.  You are able to input a date and time and Jupiter's Moons will
show you
how the moons would look at that time. Jupiters Moons is email-ware. If you
download this program and find it useful or interesting, send me some email and
tell me. Jupiter's Moons is for Newton OS 2.0 or higher.

[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/jupiters-moons-10.hqx; 15K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:44:54 -0700
Subject: [*] Lunar Commando 1.0.3

Lunar Commando is an action/arcade game in which you
must defend a moon base from invading UFOs, then clear
out the base of alien infestation.  This demo version
includes the first three waves.

This and other games can be found at

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/lunar-commando-103-demo.hqx; 702K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:44:55 -0700
Subject: [*] MacAttack 1.9.6J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the MacAttack package.

MacAttack is an arcade game for Macintosh computers. Formerly available only
in stores, MacAttack is now shareware.

MacAttack plays similar to the Arcade classic "Tempest". It's a fast-paced,
addictive game that's fun for people of all ages. It has 30 levels and
dozens of foes. Download the demo and give it a try. MacAttack is fun for
players of all different skill levels. There are 5 difficulty settings and
unlike most games they significantly affect the way the game is played.


*Full-screen play on any Monitor. MacAttack will scale to the size of your
monitor (even 20 inch ones) if you give it enough memory.
*Smooth animation - 30 frames/second, digitized explosions
*Rendered 3d graphics

Christopher Li
Bridge 1 Software
English/Japanese Japanese/English
Software Localization and Management

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/macattack-196-jp.hqx; 1587K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:25 -0700
Subject: [*] Merry Christmas Icons

Merry Christmas Icons by DollyIcons
Merry Christmas to All!

I've made this set of icons to bring the Christmas spirit to our cherished

Thanks and Merry Christmas to all!
Distribution Info
These Icons can be freely distributed, either online or on CD-ROM without
restrictions, provided that the original package is included.

Merry Christmas Icons =A91997 All Rights Reserved - DollyIcons
Thanks and have a great day!

Sabrina Tamos

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/merry-christmas.hqx; 151K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:31 -0700
Subject: [*] OPUS 1.21

Please add the files I sent to you today (new Opus Updater 1.2.1) but
don't delete the old Updater 1.2 otherwise users can't update from 1.0 to
1.2.1 without the 1.2 Updater that you added some days ago in INFO-MAc
and AMUG CD's.

So Users can Install Opus 1.0 and then apply 1.2 Update and then apply
again 1.2.1 Update to obtaining the most recent version of our shareware

I apologize to you for this incredible MISTAKE I have made.

Thanks again for your precious help.

for Sicnrosoft srl
Pietro Borradori

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/midi/opus-121-ppc-updater.hqx; 867K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:44:58 -0700
Subject: [*] OTChat 3.0.2 CW11 Pascal Source Code

OTChat is a basic TCP/IP chat server that runs on a Macintosh, similar
to IRC. To use it, simply run it and connect to your mac using telnet or
a MUD client.  A MUD client is better because it has a buffered input

These are the full Codewarrior 11 pascal sources.


[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/ot-chat-302-sources.hqx; 186K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:01 -0700
Subject: [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.

PandoCalendar is a small program that places a calendar on your desktop.
The calendar may be customized by changing the frame, background color,
text color, font, and font size. The size of the font determines the
height and width of the calendar window. For instance, a setting of point
36 will create a calendar 3 times that of point 12.

Version  2.0.1 - Fixed a bug in 2.0 that was accidentally drawing the
entire text of the calendar in bold.

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our
Web page:

Panda Systems

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/pando-calendar-2.01.hqx; 128K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:45:06 -0700
Subject: [*] Pardeikes Welcome Plugin

Name of Software: "Pardeikes Welcome Plugin"
Filename        : "welcome112.sit.hqx" (incl. HTML Documentation)
Size            : 409 KB (the hqx version)
Current Version : 1.1.2
Author          : Andreas Pardeike
Email of Author :
Web-Site of
Product         :

Where to put    : Webserver Plugins
                  (and/or Tools for Webmasters/Internet)
                  and if possible onto the CD-ROM too

One of the less expensive virtual hosting solutions for
MacOS Webservers. Version 1.1.2 adds support for
almost any WSAPI compatible Webserver and the
advantages are:

- $20 shareware
- virtual hosting for up to 10000 hosts
- support for older browsers and search engines
- easy setup and full remote administration for any feature
- dynamic URL manipulations via "Rules" - an unique feature
  not found in any other plugin (GREP like search/replace)
- redirects based on many parameters (done by Rules)
- fix outdated links or even a bunch of links with one single rule
- colorized hit statistics either in a window or as a JPEG remotely
- support for easy realtime 1x1 pixel color gifs generation
- fast support via mailing list

Greetings from Frankfurt/Germany,
Andreas Pardeike -

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/welcome-112e.hqx; 395K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:35:48 -0700
Subject: [*] piPrimes 1.0 - arbitrary precision mathematics

piPrimes, a program using arbitrary precision mathematics.

It is used for:
- computing the constants Pi and e (base of natural logarithm)
  up to 29000 digits,
- Factorial [n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) *...* 2 * 1] up to 8300!
- a search engine for finding prime numbers (numbers that can only
  be divided by itself and 1) up to 200 000 000 000 000.

piPrimes needs a 68020 cpu or better (piPrimesPPC, also distributed,
needs any PowerPC Mac), and System 7.0 or better.

This program is free.

See the ReadMe file for more information.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/pi-primes-10.hqx; 294K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:28 -0700
Subject: [*] QuickNailer 1.4--The Preview in Bulk & HTML Tool

Announcing QuickNailer 1.4, the media *preview in bulk* and web site
construction tool.

Do you have more images than you can comfortably manage?  Or, do you need
an easy and flexible way to make image tables or image indexes for your web

QuickNailer gracefully combines an elegant and convenient image
thumbnailer, contact-sheet maker, and media cataloger with a flexible and
complete tool for producing HTML image tables and image indexes with linked

QuickNailer's responsive, uncluttered user interface facilitates:
Importing a few or a few thousand digital media files (including Photoshop,
JPEG, GIF, QuickTime Movies, etc.) by dragging-and-dropping files, folders,
volumes, shared disks, CD-ROMs, aliases, scanning the Desktop, or opening
QuickNailer Media Catalogs;  Media previewing (as variable-size thumbnails
displayed with user-selected image information, individual images, slide
shows [with QT movie playback], cell animation, tiled images [optional text
or image overlay], all at any magnification level);  Searching and ranking
by keyword relevancy (using file name, comments, folder name, volume name);
Ranking similar files (using file name, file size, creation date);  Search
for color;  File maintenance (edit file name or comments, put file in
trash, launch file using any application software, move file to another
folder, open file's folder).  In addition, QuickNailer generates
fully-functional multiple indexed web sites with frames, HTML image tables,
tab-delimited data files, and divided, WYSIWYG contact-sheets (useful for
submitting multiple index files to internet newsgroups).  QuickNailer
includes an online hyper-linked help system and tutorial.  The program is
PowerPC accelerated and has been rigorously tested and internationalized.

Many new features and refinements have been implemented for version 1.4
Multiple thumbnail selection;  Folder hot keys;  Tab-delimited data file
output;  New search commands; Relative paths and HTML frames;  Important
bug fixes; and much more.

Please see the Softwhir web site <> for more

(Minimum requirements:  68020 or better CPU; 4MB RAM; System 7.1 or newer;
QuickTime 2.5 or newer.)

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/quicknailer-140.hqx; 653K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:02 -0700
Subject: [*] Sleeper D-3.0.1 - German version of Sleeper

This is a submission of Sleeper D-3.0.1, the German version of Sleeper.
This update should replace the German version of Sleeper 3.0 already in the
archives.  As usual, credit for the German translation goes to Christoph
Sahm <>.

Sleeper is a control panel for desktop Macintoshes that spins down the hard
disk, dims the screen, and powers off Energy Star compliant monitors after
periods of inactivity. This reduces power consumption and quiets a Mac when
it is not in use. Sleeper can also password-protect the screen and shut
down a Mac if it has been idle for too long. Separate sleep times can be
set for all features, and a hotkey can be used to put the Macintosh to
sleep on demand.

Unlike Apple's Energy Saver control panel, Sleeper does not require that a
Macintosh have built-in power management capabilities, so Sleeper will
support any model from the MacPlus to the latest PowerMacs.  By not relying
on Apple's Power Manager, Sleeper can also provide more options and more
precise control, and does not suffer from the unreliability some users
experience with Apple's Energy Saver control panel.

Sleeper requires only 40K of RAM to provide all its capabilities. These
features include:

 - PowerMac native sleep for IDE disk drives
 - PowerMac native SCSI disk sleep
 - Support for multiple SCSI buses
 - Full SCSI Manager 4.3 compliance
 - Energy Star support
 - Password screen locking
 - A very frugal screen saver
 - An intuitive user interface

Sleeper will operate on any Macintosh running System 7 or higher, including
Mac OS 8, and is accelerated for PowerPC.  In addition to the standard
internet archives, information and updates are available at:


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/sleeper-de-301.hqx; 347K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:04 -0700
Subject: [*] SmartKeys 3.2

SmartKeys 3.2 is a shareware control panel designed to help you type.
SmartKeys does this in three ways. First, SmartKeys automatically
corrects typing that violates conventional typesetting rules, such as
typing more than one consecutive space. Second, SmartKeys automatically
corrects fast typing errors, words that are often misspelled, such as
"teh" for "the" and "THe" for "The". Third, in the event of a system
crash, SmartKeys can keep a log of what was typed.

SmartKeys 3.2 supersedes version 3.1 and all earlier versions of

SmartKeys 3.2 fixes a number of bugs including ones internal to program
operation (e.g, memory leaks) as well as program execution (e.g., the /
to ? character conversion is no longer triggered by the keypad /).

SmartKeys 3.2 adds a number of new features including a capitalize
sentence beginnings smartkey, immediate correction of doubled capitals
(as opposed until after the whole word with the doubled capital had been
typed), the ability to force display the keyboard menu under OS 7.x.x,
and the ability to require modifier keys to engage the help key (Apple
Guide). The SmartKeys control panel also supports the OS 8 appearance

Try out SmartKeys for thirty days for free. SmartKeys is not crippled in
any way and requires no serial number to run, but it does post a periodic
registration reminder. However, if you like it, please pay the shareware
fee of $15 (US). Note that registered users of 3.1 or 3.0 do not have to

Web surfers, check out the Flux Software web page at

Maurice Volaski, Flux Software

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/smart-keys-32.hqx; 393K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:05 -0700
Subject: [*] Startup Lock 2.0 Final 68k

Startup Lock 2.0 is a small utility designed to prevent access to MacOS
computers. With Startup Lock 2.0 installed, the user will be asked for a
password at Startup. If the correct password is entered, then access is
allowed to the computer. If an incorrect passwored is entered, the
computer is shut down.

Please note that this is a 68k version of this software. If you have a
PowerMacintosh, please use that version (also available on the archive).

Users of versions before 2.0 68k Final should upgrade to this version!

New to Version 2.0:

* Totally rewritten using CrossBasic d1r22!
* Interface redesigned. Much easier to use now!
* Much faster than before!
* No longer based on AppleScript!
* Better protection!

Startup Lock 2.0 68k Final requires a 68k Mac running System 7.5 or
better (supports  MacOS 8!). A PPC version is also available.

Scott Crick
SearchWare Solutions

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/startup-lock-20-68k.hqx; 365K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:06 -0700
Subject: [*] Startup Lock 2.0 PPC Final

Startup Lock 2.0 is a small utility designed to prevent access to MacOS
computers. With Startup Lock 2.0 installed, the user will be asked for a
password at Startup. If the correct password is entered, then access is
allowed to the computer. If an incorrect passwored is entered, the
computer is shut down.

Please note that Version 2.0d1r10 had a major bug which prevented
StartupLock from functioning on many PPC Systems!  Please replace that
version with this version!

Users of versions before 2.0 PPC Final should upgrade to this version!

New to Version 2.0:

* Totally rewritten using CrossBasic d1r22!
* Interface redesigned. Much easier to use now!
* Much faster than before!
* No longer based on AppleScript!
* Better protection!

Startup Lock 2.0 PPC Final requires a PPC-based Mac running System 7.5
or better (supports MacOS 8!). A 68k Version is also available!

Scott Crick
SearchWare Solutions

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/startup-lock-20-ppc.hqx; 430K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:36:35 -0700
Subject: [*] The Coach's Challenge '97

Coach's Challenge '97 - is a three dimensional on-screen "field"  that has
a true
360 degree rotation.  Scrolling slider bars on each side of the screen control
navigation and position the "camera" from any angle. Game plays are
selected from
a play book containing a wide variety of different formations and options. True
to life play action occurs as each play is initiated.  A colorful scoreboard
located at the top of the screen displays scoring by quarters, the time
remaining, the current quarter, ardage, and downs. Stereo sound including crowd
noise, applause, cheers, and action sounds are synchronized to the play and
A scrolling text box reveals the immediate play-by-play analysis. A TCP/IP
component has been incorporated to allow game play against other users
across the

[Archived as /info-mac/game/coachs-challenge-97.hqx; 6558K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:44:48 -0700
Subject: [*] WC II, 9 maps v.1.0

This is a collection of nine maps me and my brother made.  There are
totally freeware, so use and abuse them as you would like.  There is
three ones that we designed to be especially difficult, please check the
read me to see which ones.  Please e-mail me with any information you
have, including whether you like or dislike them. If you feel so
inclined to send me money, just send it to PO Box 1076, Mancos, CO
81328.  Thanks again!
                        Jared Whitehead

[Archived as /info-mac/game/wc-ii-nine-maps.hqx; 143K]


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:44:49 -0700
Subject: [*] Zarvox Is Here

Artificial intelligence and beyond. Zarvox is one, Zarvox is all. Lose
your religion to Zarvox. Speech, which is 3/4 of the fun, requires the
Speech Manager and Hypercard 2.3 or better.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/zarvox-is-here-hc.hqx; 25K]



End of Info-Mac Digest