Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #37
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 07 Mar 01       Volume 18 : Issue 37

Today's Topics:

      (A) Paste with Eudora adds a space
      (Q) System 9.1 on Wall Street G3
      [*] Download Deputy 4.2.2
      [*] DownloadWizard 1.0
      [*] Email Merge 2.0.1 - Easy customized email merging
      [*] FileBuddy 6.0.6J - Japanese Version
      [*] Forest abstract (I just sent the file via FTP)
      [*] frequon-invaders-11.sit.hqx - Fourier Arcade Game
      [*] G-Force_SoundJam_20.sit
      [*] Hotgrabber
      [*] HTML-Optimizer 4.1
      [*] HTML-OptimizerPlus 2.1
      [*] Key Holder 1.0 for Macintosh
      [*] QIF Convert 1.3 - Adding Categories to QIF Files Based on Description
      [*] QIF Web Extract 1.1 - Extracts Investment Transactions 
      [*] SmartView 2.0
      [*] TidBITS#570/05-Mar-01
      [*] Ultra Lingua COLLEGIATE ENGLISH 3.0.3
      [*] Ultra Lingua FRENCH 3.0.5
      [*] Ultra Lingua FRENCH-ENGLISH-FRENCH 3.0.4
      [*] Ultra Lingua GERMAN-ENGLISH-GERMAN 3.0.4
      [*] Ultra Lingua SPANISH-ENGLISH-SPANISH 3.0.4
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.4.7 - foreign language learning
      Eudora 4.2 and KeyChains on OS9.1
      HP DeskWriter 600

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 08:06:16 -0800
From: Denny Davis <>
To: kee nethery <>,
Subject: (A) Paste with Eudora adds a space

At 5:37 PM -0800 02/16/01, kee nethery wittily wrote:

>When I paste text into a Eudora message, and the insertion bar is
>next to text already in the message, eudora adds a space between what
>I am pasting and the existing text.
>How do I turn this off?
>For example assume ][ is the insertion bar.
>"We are go][ fast"
>if I paste "ing" into "][" I end up with
>"We are go ing fast"
>and then I have to remove the extra space.
>Same with
>"We are ][ing fast"
>I paste "go" and get
>"We are go ing fast"
>How do I turn off this nice wonderful handy feature? Looked through
>the settings and found nothing that sounded like it would turn this
>Kee Nethery

There is a plugin called Esoteric Settings, that might have this, or you
can use the newer x-settings, but I don't know the details on how to do
this setting with either. I use SuperSleek and you would find this feature
in the Sleek Text & Reply panel a check box called "so called smart
paste",  just uncheck it. :-}

Whilst Eudora is a very comprehensive program, there are a few minor
details left out by the authors. However, one of Eudora's great
selling points over the competition is it's plug-in architecture.
This means that other programmers can write simple little plug-ins
that enhance Eudora's performance. Several of these are provided by
Qualcomm, including one called 'Esoteric Settings' which allow the
modification of quite a few settings that Qualcomm have not included
the means to tweak in the standard programme.

A far better alternative to Esoteric Settings is a plug in called
SuperSleek by Alejandro Lopez-Valencia. This plug in works with
version 3.1 (either Pro or Light) to the current version

It adds a lot of extra settings to the program including the following:

Editable attribution lines (with different lines for 'Reply to
Sender' and 'Reply to All')
Margin settings for positioning windows
Date formats
Colour tweaking
What information is recorded in the connection log
Various network, POP and timeout settings
Toolbar button settings
Various dialog box & button texts
Printing and display fonts

It really should be considered an 'essential' piece of kit for any
serious Eudora user.

obtain it from one of the following addresses:


<> is a good start, but there are many other
good sites. Try doing a Sherlock search

BTW, If  you can't find it, then ask me for a copy and I will send one. :-}


(This message was created using a Eudora Stationary template -
another of the neat features packed into this cool email client!)
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.

Blessings, Denny


Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 14:05:30 -0800
From: Paul Brians <>
Subject: (Q) System 9.1 on Wall Street G3

I'm thinking about upgrading my Wall Street G3 to System 9.1 so I can 
run iTunes on it. It's now running 8.6. Will I notice any performance 
hit or other problems?
Paul Brians, Department of English
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: Mal Paine <>
Subject: [*] Download Deputy 4.2.2

ilesa Software releases Download Deputy 4.2

Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA -- 2/13/01 -- ilesa Software today
announced the release of Download Deputy 4.2, its popular Internet download
manager. ilesa's president, Mallory Paine, said today, "We wanted to
publically apologize for using customers' email addresses to enforce the
demo version's limitations and to announce a price drop. Some customers
considered this inappropriate, so I apologize to all of you personally. This
new version should erase your worries." And for those that haven't heard,
Download Deputy's price has been reduced by 20%! For a limited time,
Download Deputy is just $24 instead of the original $30.

What is Download Deputy?

Download Deputy is a convenient utility that manages all of your Internet
downloads. Why have multiple files downloading in many different programs
when one easy-to-use, efficient utility can handle them all? Don't let your
web browsing grind to a halt because of file transfers when Download Deputy
can automatically download everything later.

When surfing the 'net, it's often a pain to take a break while each
interesting utility or application you've found downloads. After all, the
Web is all about instant gratification, and download time is like a speed
bump on the information super highway. Enter Download Deputy! The Deputy
lets you create lists of files you want, then download all the files later.
Avoiding surfing downtime while downloading files is just one of the cool
features Download Deputy provides. All you have to do to add a file to the
download list is copy the link location for the file and paste it into
Download Deputy's URL window. You can then catch the next wave, secure in
the notion that you can download the file later. Once you're finished
surfing, click on Download Deputy's Go button and get yourself some coffee,
pardner. Download Deputy is on the trail of each of the packages you've
selected. If the site you're trying to download from is busy or unavailable,
you can configure Download Deputy to skip that site, retry until it gets
through or retry later.

If your ISP makes you pay different rates for using the Net at different
times, Download Deputy is a big win for you price-wise. Download Deputy is
like telephone software that lets you "automagically" bundle all your long
distance calls in off hours. In this case, you'll recoup the shareware fee
in a few days. Download Deputy isn't a gimpy sidekick such as in a black and
white western. It's a genuine utility that can be your best download friend.
Saddle up! 

Download Deputy is $24 USD. A fully function trial version is available for
free from the ilesa Software website <> and all major
Macintosh shareware ftp sites. Version 4.2 is a $12 upgrade to registered
users of version 3.x.
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/download-deputy-422.hqx; 379 K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: Ton Brand <>
Subject: [*] DownloadWizard 1.0

DownloadWizard 1.0

What it is: AppleScript droplet that downloads files which are listed as
URLs in a text file.
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Ton's Software
License: Freeware
Computer: PowerPC or iMac
Mac OS: Mac OS 8.6 or later
DownloadWizard is an AppleScript droplet that downloads files which are
listed as return-delimited URLs in a text file. The default download path is
the root of your startup disk, but you can define a destination folder. You
can also choose to have Remote Access disconnect you when all downloading is
done - by default you will stay online.
Your starting point is one or more text files that contain downloadable
URLs, separated by hard returns. The following protocols are supported:
http, https, ftp and file. If the program sees a wrong URL, an alert is
displayed suggesting to skip this URL. For your convenience, this alert will
abort itself after 20 seconds, so that the whole process can continue, which
is important if you let the program download a bunch of files overnight.
To start downloading you simply drag the text file(s) that contain the URLs
to DownloadWizard's icon.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/download-wizard.hqx; 33 K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: Gideon Greenspan <>
Subject: [*] Email Merge 2.0.1 - Easy customized email merging

Email Merge is an intuitive program for creating mailings of 
individualized email messages. It takes a database and a message 
template, and merges the two to rapidly create customized email messages.

It works in conjuction with any one of these email programs: Microsoft 
Outlook Express, Microsoft Entourage, Qualcomm Eudora, Claris Emailer, 
Bare Bones Mailsmith, CTM Development PowerMail and CE Software QuickMail.

Email Merge can import databases directly from text files or FileMaker 
Pro and includes many of its own database features such as sorting and 
finding duplications. It supports attachments and allows each message to 
be sent using a different email account in the chosen email client.

Version 2.0.x adds an option to specify the account to send each message 
from, support for CE Software QuickMail and several other minor 

Sig Software -

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/email-merge-201.hqx; 734 K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
Subject: [*] FileBuddy 6.0.6J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the FileBuddy package.

File Buddy is quite simply the most powerful and popular high-level file
utility available for your Macintosh. 

File Buddy 6 requires a PowerPC-based Macintosh with System 7.6 or
later. File Buddy 5 is available for 68K Macintoshes.

 *View and edit a wide range of file and folder information in the info 
 *Create droplet applications that automatically apply changes to items 
 dropped on them, including the contents of folders.	
 *Find files and folders using an extensive set of search criteria. 
 Enhance file searches with plug-ins that extend file search capabilities.
 Conveniently perform a wide variety of actions on found items. Make File 
 Buddy your default file finding application using the File Buddy CP 
 control panel.	
 *Modify the names of multiple files at once. For example, remove ".txt" 
 from the names of a group of files.	
 *Much, much more...

Changes & Fixes in this version:

*Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when searching for duplicate or 
 unique files using both data and resource contents if no duplicates were found.
*Better reporting if a problem is encountered renaming multiple files.
*Changed the orphaned files progress window to use an extending progress bar.
*Dialogs used to rename multiple files now allow switching to other 
*Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when when deleting a large number 
 of items from a file list.
*The contextual menu items in the file list window to add types and 
 creators to the info window pop-up menus now work correctly.
*A change in v6.0.4 will keep File Buddy from launching with versions of
 the OS prior to 8.5. Fixed.
*Droplets would not report memory settings if configured to changed an 
 application's memory setting. Fixed.
*If File Buddy needed to create an Icon file to add a custom icon to a 
 folder, the file was being left visible. Fixed.
*InternetConfig no longer needs to be loaded to launch File Buddy. 
 People rarely disable it, but it's not required for File Buddy to run.
*Minor issue fixed in file copying when a copied can't be completed.
*Fixed a bug that could cause a drawing problem when using multiple 
 monitors and crashes with some systems.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/file-buddy-606-jp.hqx; 1311 K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: "Mac Unicorn Software" <>
Subject: [*] Forest abstract (I just sent the file via FTP)

Forest - Environment sound simulator for relaxation

Forest will play relaxing nature sounds, as if you were walking in a forest.
Launch Forest, listen, and relax! Working on your computer can sometimes be
very stressful; with Forest, not anymore.

Forest is packed with 6 worlds: Country World, Forest World, Garden World,
Night World, Storm World and the very popular Storm World II. We probably
don't have to explain you what sounds the worlds will play. Forest can also
play Relax environments.

Some people might tell us that looping the same world over and over is
boring, if not annoying. That is why Forest features a playlist, allowing
you to vary the worlds. You can even choose how long the worlds must play!

No, it's not over yet. If you don't want Forest to continually play
something, you can ask Forest to play random nature sounds. From time to
time, you'll hear a lovely bird or a cricket. Of course, you can choose the
time Forest must wait beetween each random sounds. And what's more, you can
even ask Forest to play night sounds such as owls after 9PM!

Forest features an extremely cool interface. Drag and drop the worlds on
Forest or even on Forest's window to play them! Forest will display the info
window (what world is being played, the author and a different background
graphic for each world) only if it is the frontmost app. You don't have to
close anything, everything is automatic! Do you want to create yourself a
cool world? No problem! Forest features a very easy-to-use World Builder;
you don't have to master ResEdit. [Available only for registered users.]

Forest can also read MP3, AIFF & QuickTime files to loop them forever! That
is why we can call Forest a mini-player, since it can change the sound's
treble, bass & balance to enhance your listening pleasure.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/forest-171.hqx; 4104 K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: "Arch Robison" <>
Subject: [*] frequon-invaders-11.sit.hqx - Fourier Arcade Game

Frequon Invaders 1.1 is an arcade game in the Fourier Domain.
You control a wave pattern with the mouse, and attempt to
destructively interefere with wave patterns of the invading
Frequons.  Prior knowledge of Fourier transforms is not required.
You develop the necessary intuition by playing. It is both
visually beautiful mathematics and a weird game.

System Requirements:
    * PowerPC Macintosh
    * Mac OS 7.5 or later
    * Video card that supports 256 colors or more.
    * About 2 Mbytes of free memory
Tested on Mac OS 8.0, for 8-bit and 16-bit color.

Distribution: Frequon Invaders 1.1 is freeware.

Arch D. Robison
1406 Country Lake
Champaign IL 61821

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/frequon-invaders.hqx; 73 K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: "Andy O'Meara" <>
Subject: [*] G-Force_SoundJam_20.sit

G-Force_SoundJam_20.sit (uploded to macgifts)

G-Force 2.0 (for SoundJam MP)

   G-Force graphically visualizes music, producing video in real-time that's
responsive to an audio signal. G-Force is used as an add-on to SoundJam
(audio player) or can be run on its own to use "line-in" audio.  G-Force has
appeared in many forums and publications for its original algorithms.
G-Force is always changing, always unique, fullscreen capable, and is highly
customizable to fit your needs.  DJs, math jocks, and audiophiles will
especially enjoy this plugin.  This plugin is freeware, and it's guaranteed
to affect you.

- SoundJam MP (can be demoed for free)
- MacOS 8.6

Andy O'Meara (Author/Creator)

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/g-force-20.hqx; 2560 K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: JuL <>
Subject: [*] Hotgrabber


I have uploaded hgrab12ppc.sit.bin. It is "hotgrabber 1.2 mac", and it's an
internet utility to download files using the hotline protocol.
Here is the description:

hotgrabber is a downloads-only Hotline Client. It has many advanced and very
useful features, such as:
  - Download on various servers at the same time
  - Search files using Hotline 411 and download them with one click
  - Search files inside a server (even offline if the server if already
  - Spot pincher (try to download a file continuously if no spot is
  - Delay downloads (download late in the night, when everybody's sleeping)
  - Start downloads from the web using
"hgrab://log:pass@server:port/path/file" links
  - Control, stop, add downloads by messages inside Hotline using the Remote
  - Download Zone (downloads files from an hour to another)
  - Open/close PPP connection automatically (for modem users)
  - Download folders (even with servers before version 1.5) and selections
of multiple files
  - Oversee your download from any applications using the HGBar
  - TimeOut option (restart a download if it doesn't receive data for a
specified time)
  - Save Information about a download into a bookmark (crypted, with a
  - Try to reconnect to the server if you're disconnected
  - Resume the download when double-clicking on a partially downloaded file
in the Finder
  - Naturally, it can queue and resume downloads, like Hotline

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/hotgrabber-12.hqx; 1326 K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: Ton Brand <>
Subject: [*] HTML-Optimizer 4.1

HTML-Optimizer 4.1

What it is: Tool to check and optimize your web pages incl. images.
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Ton's Software
License: Shareware US$10
Computer: PowerPC or iMac
Mac OS: 7.5 or later
HTML-Optimizer is the ideal tool for managing your web site. It checks your
web pages for broken links and dangling tags and optimizes both text and
graphic files.
The program offers 5 functions plus a number of useful options that make
working with HTML-Optimizer very easy. Especially the new 'duplimize'
feature comes in handy for uploading an optimized web folder. The program
has a built-in Manual and Balloon Help is supported too.
The five basic functions of HTML-Optimizer are:
1. Optimizing HTML code by removing unnecessary characters and tags, which
results in faster loading of your pages in your client's browser. Embedded
script code, e.g. JavaScript, is not ruined. Graphic file resources, which
are of no use on the web, are removed, saving 10 to 80 % of space.
2. Checking the so called tagged pairs, i.e. the tags that always have to
appear together with their end tags. Further, IMG tags are checked for
Width, Height and Alt attributes. Missing attributes are added with values
which are automatically detected.
3. Checking the validity of the internal hyperlinks, 8 levels deep.
4. Marking dangling tags and missing attributes to find and fix them
5. Converting special characters to the &....; notation.
Version 4.1 has an extended label menu, a new About-window and some minor
bug fixes.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/html-optimizer-41.hqx; 1200 K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: Ton Brand <>
Subject: [*] HTML-OptimizerPlus 2.1

HTML-OptimizerPlus 2.1

What it is: Tool to check and optimize up to 16 web sites.
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Ton's Software
License: Shareware US$15
Computer: PowerPC or iMac
Mac OS: 7.5 or later (for remote access  Mac OS 8.6 or later is required)
HTML-OptimizerPlus is the ideal tool for managing one or more (max. 16)  web
sites, to make sure that all web pages and graphic files are optimized,
without broken links or dangling tags.
The program offers 5 functions and supports drag & drop via its Helper
application HTML-Dropper. Further it offers various upload and download
capabilities plus other useful options that make working with
HTML-OptimizerPlus very easy. Especially the new 'duplimize' feature comes
in handy for uploading an optimized web folder. The program has a built-in
Manual and Balloon Help is supported too.
The five basic functions of HTML-OptimizerPlus are:
1. Optimizing HTML code by removing unnecessary characters and tags, which
results in faster loading of your pages in your client's browser. Embedded
script code, e.g. JavaScript, is not ruined. Graphic file resources, which
are of no use on the web, are removed, saving 10 to 80 % of space.
2. Checking the so called tagged pairs, i.e. the tags that always have to
appear together with their end tags. Further, IMG tags are checked for
Width, Height and Alt attributes. Missing attributes are added with values
which are automatically detected.
3. Checking the validity of the internal hyperlinks, 8 levels deep.
4. Marking dangling tags and missing attributes to find and fix them
5. Converting special characters to the &....; notation.
Version 2.1 has an extended label menu, a new About-window and some minor
bug fixes.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/html-optimizer-plus-21.hqx; 1616 K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: "System Support Products, Inc." <>
Subject: [*] Key Holder 1.0 for Macintosh

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM archives.

Key Holder 1.0
� Copyright 2001 System Support Products, Inc.
Written by Lou Forlini

Key Holder gives you quick and easy access to your online account 
login information!

Key Holder is a password account database application. For each 
account, the account name, user, password, Internet URL, and a memo 
field for miscellaneous notes can be kept. A menu command allows you 
to go directly to the account URL by automatically launching your web 
browser, e-mail, or other Internet application.

Key Holder supports multiple account files. Account files are 
encrypted and can be individually password protected, allowing one or 
more users to maintain private and secure account lists. A find 
command is available for searching, and account files can be printed 
for offline storage.

Key Holder can also be used to keep a list of software registration 
codes, by entering the registered name into the user field and the 
registration code into the password field.


Key Holder requires an Apple Macintosh or compatible with a PowerPC, 
68020 or greater processor, using Mac OS 7.5 or later.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/key-holder.hqx; 605 K]


Date: 7 Mar 2001
From: John Woodward <>
Subject: [*] QIF Convert 1.3 - Adding Categories to QIF Files Based on Description

QIF Convert converts Quicken Interchange Format (QIF) banking or 
credit card transaction files, adding Quicken categories based on the 
description of each transaction. It is useful for converting QIF 
downloaded from online banking or credit card web sites before 
importing them into Quicken.  To convert a QIF file, just drop it 
onto QIF Categories.

You can configure QIF Categories as a browser helper application for 
files of type application/qif to have it invoked automatically on 
downloaded QIF files.

QIF Convert converts each transaction in the QIF file by: 1) Deleting 
any existing category, and adding a category associated with the 
transaction's description; 2) Removing the plus sign from transaction 
amounts (because not all versions of Quicken allow plus signs); 3) 
Optionally adding an indication that the transaction has cleared; 4) 
Optionally extracting a check number from the description (unless the 
transaction already has a check number) and using it as the check 
number that Quicken will recognize; 5) Optionally changing the 
description and category to values associated with the combination of 
the original description and the amount; and 6) Optionally allowing 
you to confirm the transaction, where the description and/or category 
can be changed, or the transaction can be deleted.  You have the 
option of store transactions from one ore multiple accounts in the 
same output file.

System requirements:
* System 7.5.3 through 9.1

  For more information, please read the documentation enclosed, or 
visit the QIF Convert Web page:

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/qif-convert-13.hqx; 238 K]


Date: 7 Mar 2001
From: John Woodward <>
Subject: [*] QIF Web Extract 1.1 - Extracts Investment Transactions 

One important feature that continues to be missing from Quicken for 
the Macintosh is the ability to import investment transactions from 
brokerage firms. QIF Web Extract addresses this problem by extracting 
transactions from brokerage website transaction history pages and 
converting them into Quicken Interchange Format (QIF). The resulting 
QIF file can then be imported into Quicken. To use QIF Web Extract, 
you display your transaction history in your web browser. You then 
select the entire web page (or the frame of the page with 
transactions), and copy it into the clipboard. Then run 
QIF Web Extract, which extracts the transactions you specify from the 

To be able to accomplish this extraction, QIF Web Extract needs to 
know what securities and accounts you have defined in your Quicken 
file, and it needs to know how your website presents its transaction 
information. You need to export your securities and accounts from 
Quicken, and QIF Web Extract needs to learn about your website.

QIF Web Extract has the ability to learn about a wide range of 
websites. However, no guarantee can be made that any particular 
website can be learned. Since different browsers encode web page 
information copied into the clipboard in different ways, the specific 
web browser used is a factor in determining whether QIF Web Extract 
can learn a particular website. QIF Web Extract has been tested with 
and works with both Internet Explorer and Netscape.

System requirements:
* System 7.5.3 through 9.1

  For more information, please read the documentation enclosed, or 
visit the QIF Web Extract Web page:

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/qif-web-extract-11.hqx; 182 K]


Date: 7 Mar 2001
From: Sascha Bigalke <>
Subject: [*] SmartView 2.0

SmartView 2.0 - With SmartView you are able to display setext files 
like TidBITS for example. Hyperlinks in the setext document are 
clickable and dragging of selected text is also possible. New in 
Version 2.0 is the document archive which contains a list of your 
setext document titles and subheads. You can now organize and browse 
through your setext files in a convenient way.
SmartView is freeware and requires a PowerPC based Macintosh.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/smart-view-20.hqx; 643 K]


Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 21:00:00 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#570/05-Mar-01


  Ever tried to work on a document with someone else via the
  Internet? It's often more difficult than it seemingly should be,
  so this week Adam starts a series of articles looking at how
  TidBITS does it and how you too can build successful document
  collaboration systems for different situations. Also this week,
  Louise Bremner returns to TidBITS with another report from
  Macworld Expo Tokyo, and we note the passing of a long-time
  Macintosh favorite, MacWEEK.

    Impressions of Macworld Tokyo 2001
    Come Together: Document Collaboration, Part 1


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-570.etx; 31K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: Scott Carpenter <>
Subject: [*] Ultra Lingua COLLEGIATE ENGLISH 3.0.3

Ultra Lingua COLLEGIATE ENGLISH 3.0.3. A powerful English dictionary 
of definitions with over 200,000 indexed entries with definitions. 
Entries also include tens of thousands of synonyms and thousands of 
idiomatic expressions, slang words, and examples of usage. Features 
include auxiliary translation (ability to run two searches at once), 
grammar references, sample correspondence, pronunciation of English 
by voice synthesis, and more.

This version also includes a tools palette, a number to text 
converter, a multi-criteria 'Find' function, and a user defined 
shortcut to invoke Ultra Lingua from within almost any application.

Program:	UltraLingua-ENGLISH3.0.sit
Interface: 	English
Authors:	Ultra Lingua Software
Price:		$29.95 (30 day free evaluation, see docs for more info)
Order URL:
OS:		MacOS 7.1-9.x
Distribution: 	Shareware

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-lingua-english-303.hqx; 8503 K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: Scott Carpenter <>
Subject: [*] Ultra Lingua FRENCH 3.0.5

Ultra Lingua FRENCH 3.0.5. A powerful French dictionary of 
definitions with over 150,000 indexed entries with definitions. 
Entries also include synonyms and thousands of idiomatic expressions, 
slang words, and examples of usage. Features include auxiliary 
translation (ability to run two searches at once), grammar 
references, a tools palette, a number to text converter, a 
multi-criteria 'Find' function, and a user defined shortcut to invoke 
Ultra Lingua from within almost any application.

Program:	UltraLingua-Francais3.0.sit
Interface: 	French
Authors:	Ultra Lingua Software
Price:		$29.95 (30 day free evaluation, see docs for more info)
Order URL:
OS:		MacOS 7.1-9.x
Distribution: 	Shareware

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-lingua-french-305.hqx; 2965 K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: Scott Carpenter <>
Subject: [*] Ultra Lingua FRENCH-ENGLISH-FRENCH 3.0.4

Ultra Lingua FRENCH-ENGLISH-FRENCH 3.0.4. A powerful French<->English 
translation dictionary with over 250,000 indexed entries, including 
thousands of idiomatic expressions, slang, and indications of usage. 
Features include reverse translation, grammar references, sample 
correspondence, pronunciation of English by voice synthesis, and more.

This new version includes a vastly augmented corpus, a tools palette, 
a number to text converter/translator, multi-criteria 'Find' 
function, and a user defined shortcut to invoke Ultra Lingua from 
within almost any application.

Program:	UltraLingua-FREN-ENG3.0.sit
Authors:	Ultra Lingua Software
Price:		$29.95 (30 day free evaluation, see docs for more info)
		Upgrade from 1.x or 2.x to version 3.0: $14.95
Order URL:
OS:		MacOS 7.1-9.x
Distribution: 	Shareware

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-lingua-fr-eng-fr-304.hqx; 2299 K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: Scott Carpenter <>
Subject: [*] Ultra Lingua GERMAN-ENGLISH-GERMAN 3.0.4

Ultra Lingua GERMAN-ENGLISH-GERMAN 3.0.4. A powerful German<->English 
translation dictionary with over 250,000 indexed entries, including 
thousands of idiomatic expressions, slang words, and indications of 
usage. Features include reverse translation, language references, 
sample correspondence, pronunciation of English by voice synthesis, 
and more.

This new version includes a vastly augmented corpus, a tools palette, 
a number to text converter/translator, a multi-criteria 'Find' 
function, and a user defined shortcut to invoke Ultra Lingua from 
within almost any application.

Program:	UltraLingua-GERM-ENG3.0.sit
Interface: 	Bilingual
Author:		Ultra Lingua Software
Price:		$29.95 (30 day free evaluation, see docs for more info)
		Upgrade from 1.x or 2.x to version 3.0: $14.95
Order URL:
OS:		MacOS 7.1-9.x
Distribution: 	Shareware

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-lingua-de-eng-de-304.hqx; 2715 K]


Date: 6 Mar 2001
From: Scott Carpenter <>
Subject: [*] Ultra Lingua SPANISH-ENGLISH-SPANISH 3.0.4

Ultra Lingua SPANISH-ENGLISH-SPANISH 3.0.4. A powerful 
Spanish<->English translation dictionary with over 250,000 indexed 
entries, including thousands of idiomatic expressions, slang words, 
and indications of usage. Features include reverse translation, 
language references, pronunciation of English and Spanish by voice 
synthesis (if PlainTalk is installed), and more.

This new version includes a vastly augmented corpus, a tools palette, 
a number to text converter/translator, a multi-criteria 'Find' 
function, and a user defined shortcut to invoke Ultra Lingua from 
within almost any application.

Program:	UltraLingua-SPAN-ENG3.0.sit
Interface: 	Bilingual
Authors:	Ultra Lingua Software
Price:		$29.95 (30 day free evaluation, see docs for more info)
		Upgrade from 1.x or 2.x to version 3.0: $14.95
Order URL:
OS:		MacOS 7.1-9.x
Distribution: 	Shareware

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-lingua-es-eng-es-304.hqx; 2929 K]


Date: 7 Mar 2001
From: Jacek Iwanski <>
Subject: [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.4.7 - foreign language learning

'Verbs & Nouns' is an application for practising inflection, translation
and pronunciation at the level of single words. Features include the
opportunity to do various inflection exercises, and translation exercises in
both directions; to record and play sound for single words; to do
exercises based on sound or pictures; and to play various word-games.

The program keeps a record of exercises, and identifies the words that
the student has difficulty with. Along with the program, you need a
module for the target language concerned. The program can also be used
as an authoring tool to write your own modules of inflected words for
any language. A built-in 'inflection-generator' simplifies the addition
of these words. A 'Find' feature allows the modules to be used as
bilingual dictionaries.

Ready-made modules are already available for certain languages. You can


to get more information.

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/verbs-and-nouns-247.hqx; 2100 K]


Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2001 11:57:50 +1100
From: Jeremy <>
To: <>
Subject: Eudora 4.2 and KeyChains on OS9.1


I have recently installed OS 9.1 on my G3-Bronze powerbook, and on my first
new launch of Eudora, it asked me if I wanted to use a Keychain to store all
my passwords.

I clicked "no".  Dolp!

Now I can't find out where to set the option to use my keychain.

Can someone help me?

Thanks in advance


Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 06:46:13 +0300
From: Giorgio Bulgarelli <>
Subject: HP DeskWriter 600

I am unable to use a HP DeskWriter 600 printer connected to my PB G3/233.

I tried with a serial, an AppleTalk and an Ethernet connection, with 
and without the LocalTalk Bridge extension and a Faralllon EtherMac 
iPrint Adapter LT.

I can duly select the printer with the "Chooser" but nothing happens 
when I select "Page Setup " and, especially, "Print ."

The version of the DW 600 Series drivers I'm using is 9.4.1 and the 
system is Mac OS 9.0.4.

Does anybody have any useful suggestion?

Giorgio Bulgarelli, Asmara, Eritrea

Dr Giorgio Bulgarelli
Lt. Syum Ketchnye 18
c/o Post Office Box 5554

Telephones: + 291 1-120 007 (voice & facsimile)
E-mail:	    <>



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