Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #311
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 14 Jun 99       Volume 16 : Issue 311

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Control strip
      (Q) GoLive has a bug
      [*] "Styles" Bravado K2 update
      [*] 3D Launcher 1.1 (updated)
      [*] A Farewell to Kings - New, unique, original solitaire game.
      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.4
      [*] Anubis Calculator 1.0.6
      [*] Anubis Casino
      [*] Apple Wizards June 1999
      [*] AudioCDgh 1.2 - The AudioCD AppleScript Extension
      [*] AutoShare 4.0, a freeware list server
      [*] BookMarks v1.0
      [*] BottlileMail Ver2.0 for macOS
      [*] CDFinder 2.6.1
      [*] CDFinder-J 2.6.1
      [*] Church Membership Keeper - A FileMaker Pro Solution
      [*] Colonisation
      [*] Cool Address Book 2.0 BETA
      [*] CrashBall 2.0An - Game for your Mac!
      [*] dataComet Telnet SOCKS VT100 PC-ANSI TN3270
      [*] DataProtector
      [*] Music Chart Downloader v1.1
      [*] Music Chart Downloader v1.1
      [?] PC monitor on Mac 6100-series computer
      [Q] Telephony options for 7350/180
      [Q] Trouble reading archives
      A call to shareware programmers...Screen Savers and cursors.
      A new successful marketing:
      add DOS extensions
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #308
      Laserjet 5M & iMac
      PM 9200 "BONG"

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites
containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software.

Email Addresses and Instructions:
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Info-Mac volunteers include Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna,
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The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers
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publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for
the main Info-Mac machine. <>

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Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 08:04:53 -0400
From: a brody <>
Subject: (Q) Control strip

Dear Digest readers,
Not all Macs appear to have come with the Control Strip control panel
installed, and in fact it appears that it first came around in Powerbooks.
But now with the plethora of control strips modules for helping one monitor
one's internet connection it begs the question, what is the oldest
operating system that will support the Control Strip Control Panel?

Being that I am creating a program for my internet provider to help Mac
users online, I was thinking of incorporating a version of the Control
Strip Control Panel on the installer for those Macs that don't have it.
Which version have you found to work, and on which Macs, with which MacOS

Thank you.



Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:52:54 -0400
From: a brody <>
Subject: (Q) GoLive has a bug

Dear Digest readers,
I thought I posted this before, but here it is again.

1. I try to make a change to text in Layout mode of Adobe GoLive 4.0, and
then save the file, close the file, and reopen the file, I end up with a
blank page and no HTML.
2. I try to make a change to text in source mode of Adobe GoLive 4.0, and
then save the file, close the file, and reopen the file, the file is

It is obvious from this I can't make any editorial changes in Layout mode.
But that is precisely the mode I want to use for editorial changes.   I
don't want to have to see the source mode unless it is HTML that can't be
coded with GoLive.

In case anyone wants to try this out, visit my page.

I've even tried pasting the source directly into GoLive's source mode, and
the same thing happens.   Is there any way to prevent GoLive from having
trouble with these tables without dropping the tables?

Contacting Adobe is not an option, as they don't offer tollfree tech
support, and their people never answer their e-mails.   I
have no idea where to find the information on Adobe's home page    And I am not about to read a FAQ to find it.
Somebody with prior experience with Adobe GoLive 4.0 please tell me how I
can edit in Layout mode, because editing in source mode is so cumbersome I
might as well use BBEdit.

Thank you.


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:45:37 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Bravado K2 update

Please include my new update of  my K2 scheme,
Bravado, which has been updated  in the Recent
Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD, etc.

Bravado is a textured blue, easy-to-tolerate K2  scheme.
It has all K2 windows with custom trash and folders.  It  also has a
custom cursor, along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern,
utility pattern,  window background pattern, a short windowshade
 soundfile, tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all
written in.  Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new
lower  pricing, and previews of my 117 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/styles-bravado.hqx; 274K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:45:06 -0700
From: Vincent Verweij <>
Subject: [*] 3D Launcher 1.1 (updated)

3D Launcher is a utility that puts spinning, threedimensional icons in a
control bar on the desktop. It can be used to launch favorite and commonly
used programs. It provides shortcuts to frequently used applications, such
as word processors, image editing and compression software. But first of
all it makes the Mac-desktop more fun!

Apple has been including the Launcher-control panel for some years. It used
to be called 'Starter' under system 7.5. Now 3D Launcher brings that same
functionality with a much better looking interface. Designed by a
professional graphic artist, 3D Launcher icons spin, move and shake to liven
up your

3D Launcher needs at least a 120 mhz Macintosh Power PC with Quicktime 2.1
or higher. System 7.5 or higher is the minimum to run this program.

3D Launcher costs only $15 for private use. A corporate license (unlimited
users) is $100. With a serial number, which can be ordered online and is
provided within seconds after payment, 3D Launcher becomes
fully-functional. When run as a demo it only launches some items.

license: demo
shareware fee: $15
catagory: utilities

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/3d-launcher.hqx; 3238K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:50:52 -0700
From: "Rob" <>
Subject: [*] A Farewell to Kings - New, unique, original solitaire game.


A Farewell to Kings is a completely new concept in solitaire.

The focus of the game is much more on logic and strategy than on

System Requirements:
This game has been tested on several machines, ranging from a PowerBook 520
running System 7.1.1 through a beige G3 running System 8.6. I expect it
would run on System 7.0.0.

For more info, see the web page at:

[Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/a-farewell-to-kings.hqx; 432K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:52:02 -0700
Subject: [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.4

Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0 - Publishing & New Media Edition - is the most
versatile tool for rapidly creating 2D and 3D professional-looking
graphics, whether they are static or dynamic.   With a fast interactive 3D
engine, Charts Pro lets you take data from Excel, ClarisWorks or text files
and create shaded charts that you can manipulate in real-time.

A high-end product developed for the Macintosh platform, Adrenaline Charts
Pro 1.0 is both complementary and essential to such musts as QuarkXpress,
PageMaker, Photoshop and Illustrator.  Used alone or with existing
software, Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0 integrates QuickTime, QuickDraw 3D,
AppleScript, ColorSync and ObjectTransporter technologies through which it
is possible to replace any element of a graphic with a 3D object.

With a powerful tool like Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0, users can create
spectacular graphics in minutes which would normally require long working
hours.  With its user-friendly interface, 23 different chart types and
built-in support for exporting a number of file formats such as PICT,
Photoshop, JPEG, 3DMF and QuickTime movies, Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0
complements your existing applications and fits into your publishing and
Web workflow.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/charts-pro-104.hqx; 5489K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:45:24 -0700
From: John <>
Subject: [*] Anubis Calculator 1.0.6

Anubis Calculator 1.0.6
Requires PPC macintosh.

Author: Anubis, Inc.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/anubis-calculator-106.hqx; 207K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:43:35 -0700
From: John <>
Subject: [*] Anubis Casino

Min: Requirements:
    PPC Macintosh
    System 7.x or greater

File size: 796K
Author: Anubis, Inc.
Author web site:

Direct download link:

File Description:
           This shareware program is a simulation of seven popular
casino table games.
           Included games are: Baccarat, BlackJack, Carribean Stud
           Casino War, Craps, Pai-Gow Poker and Roulette.

           Amazing graphics and user interface. Each user can have his
own set of preferences
           for sound and keyboard options. Great freedom in chip
creation and placement.
           Easy to use controls, play by using pull-down menus,
menu-shortcuts, onscreen buttons or your choice
           of keystroke.

Search Keywords:
          Casino, baccarat, blackjack, craps, roulette, pai-gow,
carribean, poker

 questions reply to

[Archived as /info-mac/game/anubis-casino-103.hqx; 847K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:43:29 -0700
From: Brian Kelley <>
Subject: [*] Apple Wizards June 1999

Apple Wizards, the premier monthly Mac OS-based ezine

Apple Wizards is pleased to announce the availability of our June 1999
issue.  We're starting our third year of publication with tons of Mac
tips, tricks, software reviews, humor, and information you can use.  This
month's feature article, "Listen Up," gives you the inside scoop about
the CD Index project.  The May issue also spotlights reviews of the Que!
CD-RW USB (on of the first CD-Rewritables with USB), Action GoMac (for
adding a Windows-like Start button and taskbar), Imperialism II (strategy
game), and Dave 2.1 (for Windows/Mac networking).  All this, plus Mac
humor, shareware, tutorials on HTML and programming, website
recommendations, and much, much more!

Think different.  Think Apple Wizards.

[Archived as /info-mac/per/apple-wizard-june-99.hqx; 1837K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:45:30 -0700
From: "Glenn R. Howes" <>
Subject: [*] AudioCDgh 1.2 - The AudioCD AppleScript Extension

Generally Helpful Software presents: AudioCDgh 1.2

cost: free
author: Glenn R. Howes
requires: System 7, A CD ROM drive, AppleScript

AudioCDgh is an AppleScript extension (osax), which allows
scripts to be written which control and give information
about audio CD playback.

Changes: Many bug fixes. More information commands.
Support for track programs.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/audio-cd-gh-12.hqx; 33K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:45:27 -0700
From: Mikael Hansen <>
Subject: [*] AutoShare 4.0, a freeware list server

[Anti-virus tested. Info-Mac CDROM okay. comm/inet/mail dir.
The 4.0 archive replaces ALL previous archives. Thanks.]

AutoShare is a robust and speedy list server and auto-responder for
the Macintosh with EIMS or SIMS. Available for both 68K and Power
Macs, requiring little memory and tested with Mac OS 8.6, AutoShare
can handle hundreds of mailing lists and thousands of subscribers for
each list. Full scriptability is supported, and an Admin application
with balloon help makes it easy to configure the richly featured
server application.

Version 4.0 introduces the built-in CGI request handling of
subscriber administration to be used with Macintosh web server
software, a number of new utility AppleScript commands, support for
the Rebound software plus minor improvements and bug fixes.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/auto-share-40.hqx; 2938K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:52:36 -0700
From: "Ken Ferris" <>
Subject: [*] BookMarks v1.0

BookMarks is a simple book database program, for storing references to
all the books you read. If you have ever got to the point where you can't
remember the name of a book that you read a while back, or maybe you're at
the used book store and you see some good prices on your favorite authors
books, but... hmm...maybe I've already read Tom Clancy's oldest save the
world book. Or did I just see the movie. (aren't they all made into movies?)
Which was it?
     Well this program is designed with you in mind. (actually I wrote it
for myself originally) BookMarks will allow you to catalog all your book
reading, past and present. Entering as much info or as little info as you
want. (You must however at least have a title to the book) You can save the
Title of the book, the Authors name, the Type of book it is, comments of
yours about the book, the date you read it or finished reading it and it
also has a place to enter the books ISBN number, if you like.
     BookMarks also has a simple printing facility, allowing you to print
out your listing of books, for those of you who can't have enough paper to
     BookMarks comes with it''s own installer and will automatically install
the program, the Read Me file as well as a Docs file and the Register
Application, onto your hard disk. Before registering BookMarks, you will be
limited to entering only 10 books. The PPC version of BookMarks requires a
PowerPC computer running version 7.6.1 or greater of Mac OS. A 68k version
is in the works and will be offered at a later date.
     BookMarks is offered as shareware. You may register BookMarks via the
included Register Application from Kagi. A Single User License costs $10 per
     To contact the author, that would be myself, Ken Ferris. I can be
reached at <>.
     (This program may be included on the CD/ROM of the archives)
BookMarks version 1.0
BookMarks Blurb version 1.3

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/bookmarks-10.hqx; 1956K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:52:27 -0700
From: Michiko Futaba <>
Subject: [*] BottlileMail Ver2.0 for macOS

Title: BottleMail Ver2.0 for MacOS
Version: 2.0
Category: Internet
License: Shareware
File Size:3,700KB
Price: $5 (10Bottles for trial)
Release date: 05/28/1999

< Description >
BottleMail is the software that creates "unexpected encounter"
with the people over the world.  User throw messages in Bottles
into the big ocean, namely the net that spread over the world,
 Internet.  No one knows that who wrote the message, and who
 would receive the message.  With the sounds of the ripple and
pretty scene from the beach, BottleMail reminds you the unalloyed
 and exciting emotion.

< Requirements >
OS :MacOS 8.0 or later
CPU :PowerPC
Memory  :24MB
HD :at least 10MB
Monitor: at least Thousands of colors(higher resolution and color
depth recommended)

Company name: Recruit Co.,Ltd.
Contact email addres :
Company home page URL:

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/bottlemail-20.hqx; 5215K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:52:10 -0700
From: "Norbert M. Doerner" <>
Subject: [*] CDFinder 2.6.1

This easy-to-use and fast application for the Apple Macintosh creates catalog
files of CD-ROMs, hard disks, floppies, ZIPs and almost everything that spins.
Using the powerful search functions you can easily locate and display files or

New features in CDFinder 2.6.1:
- CDFinder can read the new StuffIt 5 archives!
- Launching is almost as twice as fast. That shows very much in
   networked environments.
- A new AppleScript allows the automated update of any ejected volumes.
- Some serious bugs are fixed.

The new version is free for all registered owners of CDFinder
and can also be obtained from the CDFinder-Homepage
A single user license is $15, multi user licenses are available.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/cd-finder-261.hqx; 690K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:52:15 -0700
From: "Norbert M. Doerner" <>
Subject: [*] CDFinder-J 2.6.1

*Separate japanese version of CDFinder*

This easy-to-use and fast application for the Apple Macintosh creates catalog
files of CD-ROMs, hard disks, floppies, ZIPs and almost everything that spins.
Using the powerful search functions you can easily locate and display files or

New features in CDFinder-J 2.6.1:
- CDFinder can read the new StuffIt 5 archives!
- Launching is almost as twice as fast. That shows very much in
   networked environments.
- Some serious bugs are fixed.

The new version is free for all registered owners of CDFinder -J
and can also be obtained from the CDFinder-J-Homepage
A single user license is $15, multi user licenses are available.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/cd-finder-261-jp.hqx; 547K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:51:54 -0700
Subject: [*] Church Membership Keeper - A FileMaker Pro Solution

This version brings several user suggested enhancements to its already
powerful church management capabilities. Some of these enhancements

A new password protected "Youth" relational database that allows users to
track such information as youth involvement, home and work numbers, school
name, grade, emergency contact and phone, relate siblings to one another
and quickly move between related records and databases.
A new "Children" relational database that allows users to track attendance
at Sunday School, store school and grade information, birthdays, print
letters to the child or parents, send postcards and relate siblings to one
another and quickly move between related records and databases.
A new password protected "Pastor's" relational database enabling the pastor
to keep confidential records apart from the CMK main file.
An "Attendance-At-A-Glance" layout and report which allows users to view,
mark, and print a continuous report of any number of members.
There is now password protection of all financial layouts and related
The ability to relate records through a "Family ID#" and view and jump to
related records and files from the Detail View layout.
The ability to print either formal or informal form letters.
Automatic computation of dates based on the first date entered.
Auto-formatting of telephone related fields.
A registration file that allows the user to simply purchase Church
Membership Keeper through Kagi Shareware.

Church Membership Keeper has been well received by the on-line Church
community. Users like its flexibility. After paying the $25 shareware fee
users receive the password which allows them to customize CMK for their
specific church.
Rev. Glenn A. Lucas
Ephesians 5:18-21

Church Membership Keeper
A FileMaker Pro Solution

Personal WWW:

[Archived as /info-mac/data/cmk-5-30-9.hqx; 5045K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:51:49 -0700
Subject: [*] Colonisation

Colonisation is a standard strategical game, (with earth troops, ships and
 planes). Build cities, tanks, planes, etc find enemies cities and try to
 destroy them. But the particularity is that you only see just around your
 pieces. So surprise attacks can be very effective.

This game works only with PPC processor.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/colonisation-32-en.hqx; 369K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:51:26 -0700
Subject: [*] Cool Address Book 2.0 BETA

Cool Address Book 2.0 BETA - This program is for anyone who wants to keep an
address book on the mac, but does not want to spend a lot of time or money
it.  It is very simple to use.  If you need help figuring out how to do
something, just turn on balloon help.  The more detailed online help is not
available yet. This version does not have a barcoding feature on the envelopes
nor an attention line for envelopes, but a later release will.  Please let me
know of any small bugs you find. This program is distributed as shareware, if
like it, please register your copy by sending  me $5 (Texas residents add 36
sales tax).   Please print out and use the registration form when registering.

Choose "About This Program..." from the Apple menu for more details.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/cool-address-book-20b4.hqx; 1805K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:51:21 -0700
From: ( Cidric Protti)
Subject: [*] CrashBall 2.0An - Game for your Mac!

CrashBall 2.0An is an arcade game where you've got to avoid and to destroy
some bubbles!
You dispose of a limit time of 45 seconds to destroy all those bubbles !
All the way through the level, new obstacles appear to keep you from
finishing it. Some of those obstacles jumps to get you, other sends bombs
on you, other don't let you go farther,... You can also catch a life or
high up your score with many points. You're able to jump, fire so that you
can protect yourself and then, end the level!
In this shareware version, you've got 10 levels to test but you can access
to all the functions.
You can play on easy or normal mode and you can test the levels one by one.
The easy mode is as the normal one, but you get an extra life after the end
of each level!
If you buy CrashBall 2.0 for 10$,  you'll get 50 extra levels!!!
If you need more informations, try to play with CrashBall right now and
look at the documentation which attend it !

System requirement:
System 7.x or greater.
68040 Macintosh or Power Macintosh (or compatible).
2.5 megabytes of RAM.
a minimum of 256 colors and 640x480 resolution.

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed.


Cidric Protti

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/crashball-20-an.hqx; 1031K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:50:59 -0700
From: bonze saunders <>
Subject: [*] dataComet Telnet SOCKS VT100 PC-ANSI TN3270

dataComet 4.6 is an AppleScriptable Macintosh Telnet application offering
full-featured color emulation of IBM 3279, DEC VT220, and PC-ANSI/SCO-ANSI
terminals.  Features include flexible and easy-to-use key remapping, macro
script recording, integrated edit windows, modeless dialogs, and ZMODEM and
TFTP file transfer; modem and other serial connections can be used with the
ASCII terminal emulators to access BBS.  dataComet runs under all Macintosh
system software from System 6.0.7 through MacOS 8.6, supporting modern MacOS
features while maintaining backward compatibility.

dataComet includes thorough on-line documentation; descriptions of menu
functions and configuration dialog options can be easily accessed with a
simple Control-click on the item, using the standard Macintosh Contextual
Menus on recent releases of MacOS.

dataComet's terminal windows offer fast, high quality emulations with
searchable scrollback buffers.  A full set of fonts is included; dataComet's
emulators also automatically display variable-width fonts as mono-spaced
fonts.  Sessions can be logged automatically.

Session configurations are saved as documents which can be launched directly
from the Finder, through the Open dialog, or from the dataComet Sessions menu.
Modeless dialogs simplify configuration of session options and macro mappings.
The AppleScript interface allows AppleScripts and other applications to open
dataComet sessions, execute dataComet macros, and monitor session status.

"Command-click" opens URLs in dataComet windows using Internet Config. Files
downloaded using ZMODEM can be launched automatically using Internet Config's
File Mappings.  dataComet sessions can be opened automatically through Telnet
URL  links in Netscape and Explorer browser pages.

dataComet's edit windows send text or commands to a host when the Enter key is
pressed (Command-Return breaks a line and sends it to a host, easing use of
host-based Chat programs).  Keyed commands can be used to search, move the
cursor, and reformat text in edit windows by adding or removing line breaks
and leading blanks or tabs.

Macro commands can be invoked through mouse clicks, configurable on-screen
buttons, menu items, and key-remapping, and also on host open and close to
perform scripted logins and logoffs automatically.  Macros can be recorded as
you interact with the host to ease creation of reliable macros.

dataComet also supports secure configurations for computers used as
public-access terminals; the launch macro can disable commands which are
inappropriate for your particular application.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/term/data-comet-46.hqx; 1298K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:50:53 -0700
From: Hudson Barton <>
Subject: [*] DataProtector

You may include this program anywhere.   Keywords for placement in Infomac
archives:  security, encryption, password,  privacy.

Will work on any Mac.  Requires at least OS 7.6 .  The attached file is a
full version of SecurePass.  It is shareware ( $15.).

Highwinds Trading Company ( is pleased to
introduce SecurePass(tm), a desktop archiving utility for encrypted
passwords and other security keys. SecurePass is shareware ($15. US).
It is available via FTP at, and as an email
attachment via autoresponder at

The purpose of SecurePass is:

a. To give the networked professional maximum password and passkey
protection (with strong encryption), in a flexible and simple
environment where he memorizes just one password for access to all of
his other passwords and encrypted keys.

b. To allow the user to store these secure keys on the local disk
rather than remove them to a "more secure" place (which is rarely as
secure as one might imagine); also to allow multiple users to store
SecureKeys on a shared computer without compromising their individual

c. To provide incentives for the user to use longer and more complex
passwords and security keys (inherently more secure). A random string
generator is included, as well as a tool that transfers a stored
password directly from SecurePass to the entry field where it is

d. To remove the disincentives for the user to change his passwords
regularly. Simplistic and unchanging passwords is perhaps the
greatest security risk to today's networks. SecurePass allows the
user to change them more often without the risk of forgetting them or
having them become disorganized.

Notes about the Cryptography

The algorithms used by SecurePass are "SHA-1" for hashing and
"Blowfish" for encryption. Both are very secure and well-known in the
field of cryptography.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/data-protector-mac.hqx; 253K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:45:48 -0700
Subject: [*] Music Chart Downloader v1.1

Music Chart Downloader v1.1

This is a little program I whipped up to make MP3 server running a little
easier. What it does is it connects to the websites of several music chart
pages, downloads them, parses them, and displays them in neat little tables
or easy viewing.

Charts currently supported:
Much Music Top 30 (
Rick Dee's Top 40 (
Billboard Hot 50 (

All of the above charts were working with this version of
M.C. Downloader as of 05/13/99.

If you know of other music charts you would like to see included in future
versions of M.C. Downloader, feel free to send me their URLs to

For more great software, custom web design and more, visit our website at


v1.1 (05/13/99)
- Cleaned up the interface
- Billboard moved chart to a new URL
- Fixed problem with LFs on Rick Dees chart

[Archived as /info-mac/data/mcd-11.hqx; 1030K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:45:34 -0700
Subject: [*] Music Chart Downloader v1.1

Music Chart Downloader v1.1

This is a little program I whipped up to make MP3 server running a little
easier. What it does is it connects to the websites of several music chart
pages, downloads them, parses them, and displays them in neat little tables
or easy viewing.

Charts currently supported:
Much Music Top 30 (
Rick Dee's Top 40 (
Billboard Hot 50 (

All of the above charts were working with this version of
M.C. Downloader as of 05/13/99.

If you know of other music charts you would like to see included in future
versions of M.C. Downloader, feel free to send me their URLs to

For more great software, custom web design and more, visit our website at


v1.1 (05/13/99)
- Cleaned up the interface
- Billboard moved chart to a new URL
- Fixed problem with LFs on Rick Dees chart

[Archived as /info-mac/data/mcd-11.hqx; 1030K]


Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:45:19 -0400
From: "Dirk Thompson" <>
Subject: [?] PC monitor on Mac 6100-series computer

I was recently given a Gateway Crystalscan 17" monitor that I would like to
use with my Macintosh Performa 240/G3 (upgraded from 6110CD via Newer
Technologies PDS card). Is this just a matter of finding/making the right
connection -- or is there some technical reason that this PC monitor will
not work with my Mac?

Thanks in advance for any help. Please remove "spamfree." from my email
address to send me replies.

Dirk Thompson


Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:01:09 EDT
Subject: [Q] Telephony options for 7350/180

Hi Folks,

I'd like to add telephony features to my 7350/180 (ie. digital answering 
machine) for 2 incoming phone lines. I currently use a GlobalVillage 33.6 
Internet Edition modem. For the most part, I've been very pleased with 
the modem and especially the software.

Does GV offer an option for me? Is there a better hardware and/or 
software solution for my needs?

TIA for all suggestions and replies.


See why we abandoned Los Angeles for rural Virginia! 


Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 13:00:23 -0400
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: [Q] Trouble reading archives

I tried accessing Info-Mac archives from

and I no longer can make this work.  When I click on a link in the Table of
Contents, I get a page with the following

  Date:         Wed, 9 Jun 1999 04:30:16 -0400
  From:         The Info-Mac Digest <digest@INFO-MAC.ORG>
  Subject:      Info-Mac Digest V16 #308


where the last line is also a link.  When I click that, I get

  Error - invalid parameter

  An invalid parameter was passed to the CGI function. Please report this error
  to the webmaster and make sure to specify the full URL that led to this

The URL generating the error is

Now to make matters worse, I haven't gotten Info-Mac issues 308 or any
thereafter.  So if you have any suggestions, please send these to me
directly while I check for subscription problems.


Ken Laskey


Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 10:48:58 -0400
From: a brody <>
Subject: A call to shareware programmers...Screen Savers and cursors.

Dear Digest readers,
With all the buzz about interfaces going about with Kaleidoscope, and other
means of changing the interface, I am surprised that I have not yet found
shareware that allows a Mac to play Windows screen savers.    With places
like popping up all over the web, it would be
great not to have to run in emulation to play these screen savers.   Also I
have noticed there are really good animated cursors on NT and 98.   If you
are aware of a shareware that allows one to play these screen savers and
cursors on the Mac end, please e-mail me and the digest.

It shouldn't be too difficult now that Stuffit Expander actually expands
PkZip self excutible archives (.exe files), and ZipIt reads PkZip files for
Mac users to download these files and use them if a program is made to use



Date: 13 Jun 1999 19:07:38 GMT
Subject: A new successful marketing:


A new successful marketing tactic to increase your sales :

    Do you always have problems to find channels to increase your sales?
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  According to report pointed out that the ratio of internet selling is
1,000:1.5 that is 20,000,000 names x 0.0015 = 30,000.  These 30,000 clients
will buy from you and if your net profit is $50 that is to say your total
profit is:

           HK$50 x 30,000 = HK$1,500,000.  1.5 Million Dollars !!!

How to make your first 1 million in your life, now it is quite possible that
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you selling the right products, through the right media.��

A full set of sales tool with 20 million of client��s names will make you a SUPER SALES.  

A professional mail software (no need to go through any ISP Mail Server,making your computer
as the professional Mail Server, its super speed.  Easy to use.

* 500,000 E-mail addresses in Hong Kong
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* 20,000,000 E-mail address in the World
 (latest revised on 1-6-1999.)

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* Free of charge of 200,000 names of fax addresses in Hong Kong for 1999.

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(Only HK$680 for one full set) for unlimited use.

HK$680 is very small amount, you may not need it now but you will sure to use it when you 
have every thing ready.

If you need any E-mail address, call us any time!!
Don��t miss this chance, you may make lots of money with this new marketing technique.


ACCOUNT NO   :  269-226981-882. 


Booking Hotline : (852) 23488365 Mr Wong



Date: 9 Jun 99 19:52:44 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: add DOS extensions

>Does anyone know how to automatically add standard DOS extensions
>to multiple Mac files eg to systematically add ".doc" to all MS-Word
>files (under either Windows or better Mac-OS) ?

Try the beerware utility "inTheFolder" by:

Hiro Fujimoto
4-2-11-2A Shimomegro,
Megro, Tokyo 153  Japan

NiftyServe:	PGB00074
CompuServe:	74610,74
Asahi PC-Net:	XX5H-FJMT

It lets you rename files according to a pattern. The one I've got is a beta
from 1992 but there may be newer available now. Anyone know?

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:05:14 -0400
From: John Rethorst <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #308

In article <7jl8qn$mbc$>,
(The Info-Mac Moderators) wrote:

> Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 23:14:27 -0500
> From: "Mann, Susan" <>
> Subject: applescript
> is there a way to write a script so that when i go online it will
> automatically check my email(i use netscape)
> sue
> p.s. i am new to this and went to the applescript site but i didn't
> understand it!

I don't see support for this in Netscape's Applescript dictionary, but
I haven't done much scripting of Netscape. I'd post this question to

John Rethorst

Remove the x to email.


Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 13:54:59 +0100
From: IRC <>
Subject: Laserjet 5M & iMac

Thank you to everyone who reponded to my original post. As suggested by
the vast majority of respondents, the iMac prints successfully to the
Laserjet 5M following the purchase of a crossover ethernet cable.


Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 08:25:56 -0400
From: "L. & M. Oppenheimer" <>
Subject: PM 9200 "BONG"

When our Power Mac 9200 is turned on the "BONG" is loud enough to awaken
everyone in the neighborhood. We can't figure out how to turn the volume of
the startup sound down; other sounds we can control but not this one. Can
anyone tell us how to do it?

                                Larry (



End of Info-Mac Digest