Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1993 18:28:32 -0800 (PST) From: Brian Amira <> Subject: Fax STF v3.0 Info (By Request) I have now used every Fax program made for the Mac and think Fax STF 3.0 is by far the best. Thus I will not talk about the others. Is Fax STF Pro worth the extra moeny? ------------------------------------- Hummm, well the PRO version is not out yet so it is kinda hard to tell. STF Pro adds AutoOCR - if you need fax OCR then this is good, if not is is a waste. AutoPrint - Auto printing of faxes, I don't really need this. Bacground Fax Imaging - Something nice to always have, but it will be slower. FaxView - Improved on screen viewing of faxes, the one thing I feel I would use most often. System 7 PRO PowerTalk Support - Useless to me. As you can see it is really on a do you need it basis. I don't need PRO, but I might get it if it is a VERY CHEEP upgrade from normal STF. How about some info about Fax STF 3.0? -------------------------------------- At $39 mail order I would say buy it. When you do use the fax it will save you alot of time. As far as whats new this could be rather long so I will make it short and sweet. STF Tech can fax you more detail I would think. I will be the first to admit that STF Tech is weak, but I have descovered how to get good tech support from them after months of dealing with them, DON'T CALL - FAX! When you fax them it gives them time to get the right answer from the right person, if you call they crack under pressure. If you need any help with STF please feel free to contact me and I will see how I can help. When all else fales, ask STF tech. I am in now way related with STF, I just hate to see a great product ruined by bad tech support. The Fax Print is the same PLUS GREYSCALE, but it no longer contains the settings. To change the settings you run a Settings app. or call them up from within Fax Manager. This makes for MUCH FASTER settings control. There is no loger that delay between clicking the setup button and the options coming up. It also suports Line Manager for Data and Fax reception with ARA. Also, if you don't choose a person to send to, the button says Save instead of Fax and the fax will just be created but not sent. It can then be placed in Include or Archive folders (see below). Fax Status now has neat color Icons in it. FaxMonitor init no longer puts the modem to Auto Answer, it just looks for the ring signal (A big improvment to me). Quick Fax Does the same thing but has changed to support new features listed below. It also has a better interface and the ability to choose High or Low rez for the QuickFax. Here is were the changes really start. FaxManager now STF Manager, has an entirely new interface and display of windows. It is in NO WAY like the old Fax Manager. The Activity Log is now a fully formated document with VERY percise control over what it desplays. It is important to understand that EVERY window I talk about from this point on functions like a spreadsheet. You can rearange the collums of information and sort by any of them. The activity log is now an interactive document as is EVERY window. You can delete specific entries without clearing the whole thing, and can get detailed info about that fax transmission/reception by dubble clicking on a entrie. The log now has collums desplaying: In Or Out icon, Name, Who, Result, Date/Time, # Pages, Elapsed Time, Speed, # Dialed, Station Message, From. All of there collums can be rearanged in order and sorted by any. There is now a window displaying all the Fax Phonebooks. It has buttons and stuff that are of no sence for me to describe. When you open a fax phonebook it creates a new window with collums and stuff like the Activity Log and it has buttons & such for use. There are now seprate folders for Fax In, Out, Hold, Include, and Archive. Each has a corrisponding window that you can drag and drop between to move faxes and/or send etc. Double click on any fax and you get info about it like who from, to, stuff like that. The whole interface is now Drag and Drop so if you have a fax in hold that you want to send out, you drag it from hold to send. You then drag and drop onto the fax the names of who you want it sent to. When you send faxes you can have them deleted, put into Archive, or into Include. Include is a place to store faxes you use alot and they can be attached to any fax you send out. Archive is self explanitory The whole program now has alot of info to offer. What to know how manny errors there were in a fax, maby view them? Number of scan lines? Percent of errors? This is just a sample of the control you now have. If I did not cover something you were interested in please feel free to ask me for more info. <| Brian M. Amira | Internet E-Mail: |>