From: alanc@ocf.Berkeley.EDU (Alan Coopersmith) Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 09:29:53 PDT Subject: Virex 3.x Virus Definitions The following text file lists viruses detected by all versions of Virex since 1.0. It also lists UDV codes for viruses discovered since version 3.5. The list came from the Datawatch forum on America Online. Disclaimer: I have no relation to Datawatch/Virex other than being a customer. If you have any problems with Virex, please contact Datawatch directly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alan Coopersmith Internet: U.C. Berkeley Open Computing Facilty America Online (AOL): AlanC Utah -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virex Version Information and UDV Codes for Recently Discovered Viruses America Online Forum: Datawatch America Online Screen Names: DWTech, Virex1 Internet E-Mail:, Version Release Date Virus(es) Added/Changes Made ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0/1.1 of November 16, 1988. nVIR (original variants), SCORES and PEACE. 1.2 of December 23, 1988. Hpat (nVIR variant) and INIT29. 1.3 of February 12, 1989. ANTI. 1.4 of March 30, 1989. MEV# and AIDS (both nVIR variants). 2.0 of July 1, 1989. Record/Scan feature & improved User Interface. 2.1 of August 3, 1989. nFLU virus (nVIR variant). 2.2 of November 26, 1989. J-nVIR virus (nVIR variant). 2.3 of December 13, 1989. WDEF virus, WDEF variants, "implied loaders". 2.4 of January 4, 1990. Generic nVIR clone detection. 2.5 of February 6, 1990. Trojan horse detection. 2.51 of March 4, 1990. "Virus Info" Trojan Horse detection. 2.6 of March 30, 1990. ZUC virus, plus minor internal improvements. 2.7 of May 17, 1990. MDEF virus. 2.71 of June 7, 1990. "Steroid" Trojan Horse, Frankie virus. 2.8 of August 16, 1990. CDEF virus, MDEF variant. 2.81 of August 27, 1990. prod virus (nVIR variant) 2.82 of September 30, 1990. "ANTI-ANGE" (ANTI-Clone) 2.83 of October 15, 1990. "ANTI-0" (ANTI precursor) 2.84 of November 28, 1990. ZUC clone, yet another nVIR clone. 3.0 of December 15, 1990. New User interface, User-Configurable viruses. 3.1 of Febuary 5, 1991. nCAM virus (nVIR variant) and MDEF D variant. 3.2 of April 12, 1991. 3 Tunes (HC) HyperCard virus. 3.5 of June 26, 1991. System 7.0 version. ZUC C virus. 3.51 of August 27, 1991. Maintenance upgrade. 3.52 of January 24, 1992. Maintenance upgrade 3.6 of February 24, 1992. MBDF-A virus and "Tetricycle" Trojan Horse. 3.7 of March 24, 1992. INIT 1984 virus. 3.8 of April 24, 1992. CODE-252 virus. 3.81 of June 17, 1992. Maintenance upgrade. 3.82 of July 24, 1992. T4-A and T4-B viruses and ChinaTalk Trojan Horse. 3.83 of November 12, 1992. Maintenance Upgrade (Sys 7.1 compatible, fix several startup probs.) 3.9 of January 19, 1993. CPro Trojan. 3.91 of March 8, 1993. T4-C and CDEF variant. 3.92 of April 19, 1993. INIT 17 virus. 3.93 of April 26, 1993. INIT-M virus. 4.0 of May 19, 1993. New user interface and Apple Event support. VIREX UDV CODES ZUC C was added in version 3.5 of Virex Mac. Users with versions prior to 3.5 should add this UDV code to ensure complete, up-to-date protection. UDV #2 Virus Name: ZUC C Guide Number: 2130016 1: 5041 5050 4C00 434F 05 2: 4445 3100 0276 0000 93 3: 4E56 FF5E 3D7A 0514 1A 4: FF6E 223A 8180 9090 98 MBDF A was added in version 3.6 of Virex Mac. Users with versions prior to 3.6 should add this UDV code to ensure complete, up-to-date protection. UDV #3 Virus Name: MBDF A Guide Number: 3178624 1: 004D 4244 4610 0000 9C 2: 3001 1E77 2400 A998 9C 3: 2047 0001 4CDF 0CE0 E4 4: 0001 4ED0 8180 9090 72 Tetricycle Trojan was added in version 3.6 of Virex Mac. Users with versions prior to 3.6 should add this UDV code to ensure complete, up-to-date protection. UDV #4 Trojan Horse Name: Tetricycle Trojan Guide Number: 4227232 1: 0043 4F44 4530 0ABD CE 2: 7754 00FF 4E00 04F9 4E 3: 0800 02EE 0400 02FF 14 4: 0210 0002 8180 9090 28 INIT 1984 was added in version 3.7 of Virex Mac. Users with versions prior to 3.7 should add this UDV code to ensure complete, up-to-date protection. UDV #5 Virus Name: INIT 1984 Guide Number: 5275840 1: 0049 4E49 5410 07C0 96 2: 3008 1490 7710 002F 2C 3: 3C49 4E49 5400 0300 1E 4: 4AA9 AB55 4F81 8090 9A CODE 252 was added in version 3.8 of Virex Mac. Users with versions prior to 3.8 should add this UDV code to ensure complete, up-to-date protection. UDV #6 Virus Name: CODE 252 Guide Number: 6332704 1: 0203 3001 7778 2A00 79 2: 0C50 4EFA 0003 A9AB C4 3: 0004 49AA 0002 A647 B2 4: 8102 0330 0012 7100 B2 5: 0004 5081 8380 9090 9C T4 was added in version 3.82 of Virex Mac. Users with versions prior to 3.82 should add this UDV code to ensure complete, up-to-date protection. UDV #7 Virus Name: T4 Guide Number: 7414112 1: 0230 FEAC 7500 00A9 36 2: 7B48 6EFF D62F 0E4E BE 3: BA81 0230 FEA0 7500 3A 4: 00A9 7B48 6EFF D62F 5D 5: 0E4E BA81 8200 626F 83 6: 6F74 1000 0230 03AE 07 7: 7100 004E 7181 8203 E6 8: 1000 1F30 0083 7100 C5 9: 004E 7181 8280 9090 48 China Talk Trojan was added in version 3.82 of Virex Mac. Users with versions prior to 3.82 should add this UDV code to ensure complete, up-to-date protection. UDV #8 Trojan Horse Name: ChinaTalk Trojan Guide Number: 8421440 1: 0310 0000 9030 1706 BA 2: 7808 0020 5F3F 022F 6C 3: 08AD E900 0E00 0A4E 3A 4: FAFF D881 8090 9090 64 CPro Trojan was added in version 3.9 of Virex Mac. Users with versions prior to 3.9 should add this UDV code to ensure complete, up-to-date protection. UDV #9 Trojan Horse Name: CPro Trojan Guide Number: 9470048 1: 0210 0002 9030 0033 64 2: 7840 0074 0200 03AD 09 3: E974 064E FAFF F434 82 4: 3C00 0A81 8090 9090 3B T4-C and the new CDEF variant require no new UDVcodes. T4-C is detected by the original T4 UDV (UDV #7). The new CDEF variant is detected by our generic CDEF detector found in version 2.8 or greater. Do not attempt to repair T4-C with any pre 3.91 version. If you experience difficulty removing a T4-C infection, please contact Datawatch for further assistance at (919) 490-1277. INIT 17 Virus was added in version 3.92 of Virex for the Macintosh. Users with versions prior to 3.92 should add this UDV code to ensure complete, up-to-date protection. UDV #11 Virus Name: INIT 17 Guide Number: 11583776 1: 0310 0011 2006 9230 7A 2: FE84 7520 0056 4952 4C 3: 7900 3400 11A9 A081 D5 4: 0210 0001 30FE 8475 F6 5: 2000 5649 5279 0034 89 6: 0011 A9A0 8182 8090 91 INIT M Virus was added in version 3.93 of Virex for the Macintosh. Users with version prior to 3.92 should enter this UDV code to ensure complete, up-to-date protection. UDV #12 Virus Name: INIT M Guide Number: 12624128 1: 0330 04E2 7510 0049 8F 2: 5455 4FA8 6100 0303 B1 3: E881 0410 0000 3001 15 4: 9690 7340 00A8 6100 52 5: 0303 E881 8280 9090 5C --- End of forwarded message from Mail Delivery Subsystem <MAILER-DAEMON>