From!!sunic!pipex!uunet!!vivaldi!rsd0!!dave Thu Jan 20 17:05:02 EET 1994 Article: 26653 of Xref: Newsgroups:, Path:!!sunic!pipex!uunet!!vivaldi!rsd0!!dave From: (Dave Rogers) Subject: Monthly Post of SWL and Scanner clubs Message-ID: <> Keywords: clubs SWL scanner Sender: (USENET News Admin) Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: M&R Software, Inc. Date: Thu, 20 Jan 1994 12:44:06 GMT Lines: 485 Ralph Brandi and a few others have posted info on clubs and their value with regard to SWL and scanner info. I have talked to Ralph about adding the following list to the FAQ but he is not able to do that at this time. So I will post this list once a month in order to encourage everyone to join and support a club which caters to your personal interests. The following list contains the name of the club, a contact with address and (possibly) phone number, the area of interest and the name of their news letter, if any. Please send any corrections to me (address in sig). ------- All Ohio Scanner Club Dave Marshall 50 Villa Rd., Springfield, OH 45503-1036 Ohio and surrounding states; VHF/UHF and some HF and amateur coverage. American Scannergram. American SW Listener's Club Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA 16182 Ballad Lane Huntington Beach. CA 92649 (714) 846-1685. Western US, Pacific, Asia, & Middle East; SWBC, utilities, longwave. SWL Association of Clandestlne Enthusiasts (A.C.E.) Kirk Baxter, P.O Box 11201 Shawnee Mission, KS 66207 US, Europe and Middle East; Pirate and clandestine. The A.C.E. Association of DX Reporters (ADXR) Reuben Dagold 7008 Plymouth Rd. Baltimore, MD 21208 International; Utilities, ham band, QSLing. MW, LW, and SWBC. DX Reporter. Association of Manitoba DX'ers (AMANDX) Shawn Axelrod 30 Becontree Bay Winnipeg, Manitoba. R2N 2X9 Canada (204) 253-8644. Manitoba; LW, MW, SW, and VHF/UHF. Bay Area Scanner Enthusiasts 105 Seffa Way #363 Milpitas. CA 95035. Western U.S.; 30+ MHz. Listening Post Bayonne Emergency Radio Network (BERN) Ray Baron PO. Box 1203 Bayonne, NJ 07002 201-662-2222 NE Jersey; Fire/disaster. Bearcat Radio Club Larry Miller Box 360 Wagontown, PA 19376 1-800-423-1331 US and Canada; Scanning only. National Scanning Report. Boston Area DXers Paul Graveline 9 Stifling St. Andover, MA 01810 (508)470-1971 50 mile radius Boston; SWBC. British DX Club Colin Wright 54 Birkhall Road Catford, London, SE61TE, United Kingdom UK and international. SW, MW. AM, FM DXing, pirate and clandestine radio. Communication. Sample 3 IRCs or $2 US cash. Canadian lnt'l DX Club Sheldon Harvey, President 79 Kipps St. Greenfield Pk. Quebec , Canada J4V 381 (514)462-1459 Canada nationwide/membership open to all; General coverage. The Messenger Capitol Hill Monitors Alan Henney 6912 Prince Georges Ave Takoma Park, MD 20912-5414 (301) 270-2531. DC, MD, No. VA. So. DE. Scanner bands. Capitol Hill Monitor. Central Florida Listeners Group David Grubbs 956 Woodrose Court Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-1261 (407) 273-5088 (Andy Fountain) Central Florida; All bands. Net on 146.73 MHz Sun 8 pm. Central Indiana Shortwave Club Steve Hammer 2517 E. DePauw Road Indianapolis, IN 46227-4404 Central Indiana; SW broadcasting, pirates. and the offbeat. Shortwave Oddities Central VA Radio Enthusiasts Alien Cole POB 34832 Richmond, VA 23234-0832 Richmond and nearby cities VHF/UHF. SASE. No newsletter. no dues. Chicago Area DX Club Edward G. Stroh 53 Arrowhead Dr. Thornton, IL 60476 150 mile radius of Chicago; Dxing all bands. DX Chicago Chicago Area Radio Monitoring Association (CARMA) Ted & Kim Moran 6536 N. Francisco 3E Chicago, IL 60645 Chicago & midwest. Public safety & general coverage. CARMA Newsletter. Cincinnati Area Monitoring Exchange (MONIX) Mark Meece 7917 Third St. West Chester, OH 45069-2212.. SE Indiana, Kentucky, SW Ohio; SWBC. utility. military. satellites. scanning. BCB. Communications Research Group Scott Miller 122 Greenbriar Drive Sun Prairie, WI 53590-1706 Wisconsin area. Scanning. DecalcoMania Paul Richards P.O. Box 126, Lincroft, NJ 07738 (206) 356-3927 (Phil) Collecting radio related items. DMS-News Jerry Pickard 8961 Magnolia Ave #59 Santee, CA 92071. Nationwide; VHF/UHF Dreaded Mod Sheet. Drake SPR4 Int'l Club Bill Swigger Route 142, Box A, Bridgeport. WV 26330 Worldwide; Drake SPR4 owners. DX Audio Service (NRC) NRC Publications Center P.O Box 164 MannsviIle. NY 13661-0164 Worldwide; AM/FM; DXAS Cassette 90-min monthly audio magazine. Sample $3 to above address DX Australia P O. Box 422 Moonee Ponds, Victoria 3039, Australia MW. SW. DXers Calling DX Club of India Navin Patel 809, M.G. Road, 1-Dutt Niwas, Mulund, Bombay-400 080, India India; SW DXing DX Club Paulista Marceio Toniolo Dos Anjos C. Postal 592 Sao Carlos - SP (Brasil), 13560-970 South America. Shortwave, including utilities. Actividade DX (in Porluguese) Finnish DX Association Mr. Arto Mujunen Suomen DX-Liitto PO. Box 454 SF-00101 Helsinki, Finland +38-0-8512410 Finland and worldwide. SW and BCB Radiomaailma Fire Net Tom Kravitz Box 1307 Culver City, CA 90232 310-838-1436 Southern Califomia alpha-numeric paging fire notification net, tied in with nationwide net. Friendship DXers Club Ing. Santiago San Gil Gonzaiez C.DX.A - International P.O. Box 202 Barinas 5201-a Estado Barinas, Venezuela International. DXing all bands. Cadena DX. YV-2-FSW, Sunday 1130-1330 UTC on 7113 and 14113 kHz. Membership free. Houston Area Scanners & Monitoring Club 909 Michael Alvin. TX 77511 (713) 388-1941 75 mile radius of Houston, TX; scanning & SW. International Listeners Organization Mohsin Abbas. St. Nisar Ali Shah Ahamed Pura, Sheikhupura, Pakistan, 1-(50359) 2-(50561 ). South Asia. Broadcasting. Listener Times. Int'l Radio Club of America (IRCA) Ralph Sanserino P.O. Box 70223 Riverside. CA 92503 Worldwide; BCB/AM DX. DX Monitor. Long Island Sounds Ed 2134 Decker Ave North Merrick, NY 11566 Public Safety. Net Tues 8pm 146.805 Newsletter. Longwave Club of America Bill Oliver 45 Wildflower Rd Levittown, PA 19057 (215)945-0543 Worldwide; Longwave only. The Lowdown Metro Radio System Julian Olansky P.O. Box 26 Newton Highlands, MA 02161 (617)969-3000 New England states; Public Safety. M.R.S. Newsletter. Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts Bob Walker P.O Box 81621 Rochester, MI 48308 Michigan & surrounding; All bands. Great Lakes Monitor Minnesota DX Club AI Samson 8367 Monroe St. NE Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 612-786-5915 Twin cities area; SW, MW, TV, FM, utilities. MDXC Newsietter MONIX (Cincinnati/Dayton Area Monitoring Exchange) Mark Meece 7917 3rd St. West Chester, 0H 45069-2212 (513)777-2909 Cincinnati/Dayton area; Full spectrum SW and scaning. Mountain NewsNet James Richardson P.O. Box 621124 Littleton, CO 80162-1124 (303) 933-2195 Colorado statewide. Public Safety notification group. National Radio Club Paul Swearingen, Publisher P.O. Box 5711, Topeka, KS 66605-0711 Worldwide; AM/FM. DX News 30 times yearly, sample for a 29 cent stamp. NYC Radio Fre(ak)Qs Joe Alverson 199 Barnard Ave Staten stand, NY 10307 718-317-5556 NY boros & LI; VHF/UHF/HF utilities. New Zealand Radio DX League P.O. Box 3011 Auckland, New Zealand MW, SW, FM, TV New Zealand DX Times New Zealand DX Radio Association Mr. R. Dickson 88 Cockerell St. Brookville, Dunedin New Zealand MW, SW, amateur and utilities Tune-In North American SW Assoc. Bob Brown, Executive Dir. 45 Wildflower Lane, Levittown, PA 19057 Worldwide; Shortwave broadcast only The Journal North Central Texas SWL Club Alton Coffey 1830 Wildwood Drive Grand Prairie, TX 75050 N. Central TX area. All bands Northeast Ohio SWL/DXers Donald J. Weber P.O. Box 652 Westlake, OH 44145-0652. NE Ohio; SWBC and utilities Northeast Scanner Club Les Mattson P .0. Box 62, Gibbstown, NJ 08027 (609) 423-1603 evenings. Maine thru Virginia; UHFNHF public safety, aircraft, military Northeast Scanning News (NESN). Ontario DX Association Harold Sellers, General Mgr. P.O. Box 161 Station A, Willowdale, Ontario M2N 5S8, Canada (416) 853-3169 voice & fax, (416) 444-3526 DX-Change information svce. Predominantly Province of Ontario; SWBC, utility MW FM- TV, scann ng, techn cal, propagation. DX Ontario Pacific NW/BC DX Club Phil Bytheway 9705 Mary NW Seattle, WA 98117 (206) 356-3927 WA OR, ID, BC; DXing all bands Pakistan SW Listeners Club Mrs. Fatima Naseem Sultanpura, Sheikhupura, 39350 Pakistan Pakistan; SWBC. Pitt Cty SW Listeners Club L. Neal Sumrell Rt. 1 Box 276 Sumrell Rd. Ayden, NC 28513-9715. Eastern NC, Shortwave bands The DX Listeners Puna DX Club Jerry Witham P.O. Box 596 Keaau, HI 96749 SW and MW QSL Club de France Patrick Frigerio 40 Rue de Haguenau 67700 Saverne, France All bands Courrier(in French). 6 bulletins 42 FF EEC 12 IRCs elsewhere 16 IRCs. Radio Monitors of Maryland Ron Bruckman P.O. Box 394 Hampstead, MD 21074. Maryland VHF/UHF/HF utilities Radio Monitors Newsletter of MD RCMA (Radio Communications Monitoring Assn.) Carol Ruth, Gen'l Mgr. P.O. Box 542 Silverado, CA 92676 North America, Europe, Australia; All modes above 30 MHz. RCMA Journal. Regional Communications Network (RCN) Bill Morris, Public Info. Officer Box 83-M, Carlstadt, NJ 07072-0083 50 mile radius of NY City; 2-way Radio Public safety notification group. Rocky Mountain Radio Listeners Wayne Heinen 4131 S. Andes Way Aurora, CO 80013-3831 Colorado Front Range; All bands. Annual meeting calendar for an SASE. Southern California Area DXers (S.C.A.D.S.) Don R. Schmidt 3809 Rose Ave. Long Beach, CA 90807-4334 (310) 424-4634 California area; AM, FM, TV, scanner and shortwave broadcasting. Southern Cross DX Club Inc. G.P.0. Box 1487, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific; All bands. DX Post SPEEDX (Society to Preserve the Engrossing Enjoyment of DXing) Bob Thunberg,Business Mgr P.O. Box 196, DuBois, PA 15801-0196 Worldwide; SWBC, utilities. SPEEDX monthly newsletter Susquehanna City Scanner Club Alan D. Grick P.O. Box 23 Prospect St. Montrose, PA 18801. PA area; Scanning all bands. Toledo Area Radio Enthusiasts Ernie Dellinger, N8PFA 6629 Sue Lane Maumee, OH 43537 NW Ohio and SE Michigan; Shortwave, scanning, amateur. Triangle Area Scanner/SW Listening Group Curt Phillips, KD4YU P,O. Box 28587, Raleigh, NC 27611 Central NC. Wasatch Scanner Club Jon Van Allen 2872 West 7140 South West Jordan, UT 84084 State of Utah. VHF/UHF Newsletter/directory World DX Club Arthur Ward 17 Motspur Drive, Northampton, England NN2 6LY (in USA-Richard D'Angelo, 2216 Burkey Drive, Wyomissing. PA 19610) UK and worldwide, SW, MW broadcasting DX, FM & TV DX, amateur radio. Contact WorldwideTV/FM DXers Association (WTFDA) P.O. Box 514 Buffalo, NY 14205-0514 World-wide membership; TV, FM, NWS. Scanning Wisconsin Ken Bitter S. 67 W. 17912 Pearl Dr. Muskego, WI 53150-9608 (414) 679 9442 Wisconsin. VHF/UHF Scanning Wisconsin ($2 for sample) =============================================================================== Dave Rogers Internet: M & R Software, Inc. CIS: 76672,2455 If you can't see the sky from where you work it's time to change jobs.