  ::      SWEDEN CALLING DXERS       ::
  ::       from Radio Sweden         :: 
  ::    Number 2105--July 31, 1990   :: 
Shortwave and other electronic media news from Radio Sweden.
This week's bulletin was written by Agnes Carbon.
Electronic Edition edited by George Wood.
Packet Radio BID SCDX2105


SPACE--An unmanned Atlas rocket was launched from Cape Canaveral July 25th
carrying an atmospheric research satellite.  The  satellite has two missions:
releasing colorful chemical tracers so scientists can see the Earth's
magnetic and electrical fields, and studying how space exposure affects
electronic components.  During the next year, the satellite will release four
kinds of rare Earth elements -- barium, calcium, lithium and strontium --
into the electrical and magnetic fields surrounding the globe. The chemicals
will form long, luminous clouds along the field lines. 

The night-time glow will be visible at various times throughout the Western
Hemisphere. Chemical releases are scheduled in September over the South
Pacific Ocean; in January and February 1991, visible throughout the entire
Western Hemisphere; and in the summer of 1991 over Puerto Rico, visible in
the southeastern United States, the Caribbean, and northern South America.

SATELLITE-TV--Western European space flight, interrupted five months ago when
a rocket exploded, resumed when an Ariane-4 booster was launched carrying two
telecommunications satellites July 24th. The French TDF-2 and West Germany's
DFS Kopernikus-2 were successfully slipped into orbit.    

Both are reserve satellites for others already launched. Reuters says that
West Germany's has a virtually assured commercial future, while the French
satellite has been called a "white elephant" by Prime Minister Michel Rocard.

Meanwhile, tests have begun of Sweden's new private TV4, using the Tele-X
satellite. The new channel is to begin broadcasts on September 15th, but the
test signals are already being carried on Swedish cable television systems. 

The signals from Tele-X are very strong. In fact one satellite-TV enthusiast
actually got signals by aiming a 20 centimeter wide pot lid at the satellite,
and catching the reflected signals in a microwave feedhorn held in his hand.
They weren't particularly good signals, but then the pot lid wasn't exactly
parabolically shaped.

However, TV 4 has a programming problem. The unions representing Sweden's
playwrights and authors are boycotting the new channel. They say TV 4 has
refused to sign a contract.

SATELLITE RADIO--We have a new satellite radio station in Europe, Radio-ropa,
broadcasting in stereo from the Astra satellite. It's on the German Pro 7
channel, and uses subcarriers on 7.74 and 7.92 MHz.

The American space shuttle Columbia is now scheduled for launch in early
September. This is the flight we've told you about before in the program,
originally set for May, which is to carry amateur radio equipment. We'll tell
you about the frequencies again when the launch date gets closer.

ARGENTINA--The new schedule from RAE to Europe lists the one hour broadcast
in German on 15345 kHz at 20:00. But it's been heard on this frequency at
22:00, and Italian is on the air at 20:00. Spanish is at 23:00. (Bernd
Matuszak, West Germany and Wojciech Zaremba, Poland)

AUSTRALIA--Radio Australia's "South Pacific Service" has moved from 13700 to 
13705 kHz at 06:00. Interference with Radio Nederland on the previous
frequency made the change necessary. (Bernd Matuszak)

FRANCE--Radio France International introduced a new language service in
Vietnamese on July 9th. RFI broadcasts now in 14 languages (Mandarin started
in April). (Edwin Southwell, England)

GDR--"Jugendradio DT-64" now publishes "Jugendradio-News" which is available
at the following address : Buro fur Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit, Jugendradio
DT-64, Nalepastrasse, 1160 Berlin, GDR. (Klaus Koehler, GDR)

ITALY--German tourists can hear a program in German from Radio Adria on FM 97
and 99 Mhz. (Allen Dean, Italy)

KENYA--The Voice of Kenya has changed its name to the Kenya Broadcasting
Corporation (KBC). It still can be heard on 4934 kHz (among other
frequencies). (Edwin Southwell)

LIBERIA--During the week gone by the Liberian rebel forces have extended
their control into the capital city of Monrovia, including its radio
stations. Before the move into Monrovia, BBC Monitoring reported a rebel
station calling itself the Voice of the National Patriotic Front of Liberia,
on 558 kHz, and giving its location as Gbarnga. This is probably ELRG, a 10
kW transmitter of the government-owned Liberian Rural Communications Network.

As the National Patriotic Front captured the northern part of Monrovia on
July 20th, BBC Monitoring reported that the Liberian Broadcasting System,
radio station ELBC, was not heard on its usual frequency of 6090 kHz. The
religious station ELWA has been missing from 3230, 4760, and 6070 kHz for
some time. Reuters reports that the rebels captured ELWA on Friday July 27th,
and have been using it as their voice since then. (BBC Monitoring and

PHILIPPINES--Radio Veritas Asia broadcasts in Bengali at 01:00 on 15205 kHz
and in Hindi at 01:30 in 17800 kHz. (S. Anand, India) FEBC was heard in
Vietnamese at 11:15 on 15100 kHz. (Tarun Sethi, India)

POLAND--Updating SCDX-2083, the Fourth Program of Polish Radio started July
14th relaying Polish Language BBC programs daily at 20:00-21:00 on medium
wave and VHF. (BBC Monitoring) 

SRI LANKA--The Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation has begun a new service in
English, Sinhalese and Tamil for the listeners in Sri Lanka and nearby Asian
Countries. Called Colombo Radio International, there are five minute news
bulletins every half hour between 10:30 and 13:30 hrs, on medium wave 882

Radio Netherlands "Media Network" reports that the Sri Lanka Broadcasting
Corporation inaugurated its "World Service" on July 23rd. Broadcasts are in
English, from 18:35 to 20:00 hrs on 9720 and 15120 kHz. (BBC Monitoring)

TAIWAN--Updating SCDX-2092, the Voice of Free China in Taipei will introduce
on August 4th a morning broadcast in German every Saturday at 07:00-08:00 on
15200 kHz directly from Taiwan. The evening broadcast will be heard on 21720
and 17750 kHz via WYRF in Florida and on 15270 kHz directly from Taiwan.
(Andreas Kuppert, West Germany)

TANZANIA--Updating SCDX-2101, Radio Tanzania is still testing with relays of
its domestic and external services on 6105 and 5985 kHz. On 13th July, its
domestic service was heard on 7165 kHz, which had been dropped for some time.
(BBC Monitoring)

USSR--The thirty minute Japanese program from Radio Moscow at 22:00- 22:30
hrs will be suspended from August 1st because of financial problems, a
shortage of announcers and translating personnel and the small number of
listeners. The other Japanese programs will continue as usual. (BBC

Radio Moscow's programs in Arabic are now broadcast at 11:00-13:00 and
14:00-20:00, instead of 14:00-21:30. The frequencies are 17840, 17700, 15210,
15115 and 12055 kHz. Two additional frequencies, 17645 and 17580 kHz, were
also heard before 13:00 when Radio Station Peace and Progress began its
scheduled broadcast in Arabic. (BBC Monitoring)

Updating SCDX-2078, Radio Alma Ata is in German Saturdays at 09:00-09:45 on
180, 4545, 6180, 9780 and 11950 kHz. (Klaus Koehler)

Radio Kiev was observed on July 16th with a program in Moldavian at
16:00-16:30 on 13795 kHz. Broadcasts are carried at 16:00, 18:30 and 20:00 on
657, 891 and 1467 kHz stated an opening annoucement which did not mention
13795 kHz. (BBC Monitoring)

Perm Oblast radio was observed on 6165 Khz around 24:00 followed at 00:00 by
a relay of the All-Union radio first program Radio Orbita 4 from Moscow. The
station was also heard at 00:30. Perm Oblast Radio is believed to also
operate on 585 kHz. (BBC Monitoring)

Sweden Calling DXers is the world's oldest radio program for shortwave  
listeners. Radio Sweden has presented this round-up of radio news, features,
and interviews on Tuesdays since 1948. RS broadcasts to North America: 
      15:30 hrs on 17880 and 21500 kHz 
      02:30 hrs on 11705 and 15295 kHz
To Europe, Africa, and the Middle East:
      15:30 hrs on 21655 kHz (East Africa and Middle East) 
      17:00 hrs on 1179, 6065, and 9615 kHz
      21:00 hrs on 1179, 9655 and 11705 kHz 
      23:00 hrs on 1179 kHz
      22:30 hrs on 1179 kHz

And to Asia and the Pacific:

      11:30 hrs on 17740, 21570, and 21610  kHz
      14:00 hrs on 17740 and 21610 kHz
      01:00 hrs on 15405 and 17860 kHz 

The Electronic Edition is based on the Sweden Calling DXers bulletins   
which are mailed out every 4 weeks to contributors. Contributions can be sent
to DX Editor George Wood to Swedish telex 11738, CompuServe (via the HamNet 
Forum or Easyplex 70247,3516), through the FidoNet system to 2:202/297 or to 
SM0IIN at the packet radio BBS SK0TM.  
Reports can also be sent to: 
      Radio Sweden 
      S-105 10 Stockholm 
Contributions should be NEWS about electronic media--from shortwave to  
satellites--and not loggings of information already available from sources 
such as the "World Radio TV Handbook". Clubs  and DX publications may reprint
material as long as Sweden Calling DXers and the original contributor are 
acknowledged, with the exception of items from BBC Monitoring, which are
We welcome comments and suggestions about the electronic edition, Sweden  
Calling DXers, and our programs in general. 
Thanks to 26 contributors this week                          Good Listening!

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