Document: pub/resources/text/taize/johannine: jh9405.txt -------------------------------------------------------- Johannine Hour from the Taize Community in France May 1994 - Luc 18,1-8 Sometimes we are faced with difficult situations in our lives, with injustice. In such situations we can find that we are helpless, like the poor widow in the parable. Is there still any reason to pray? What is the meaning of prayer? Our prayer seems worthless. How then can we pray unceasingly (v.1)? Jesus knows that we have this question in us. That is why he tells the story of a widow and an unscrupulous judge. It is a disconcerting example, not at all a pious story! Jesus does not want to make pious demands on us that will only exasperate us. "To pray without losing heart," like the poor widow, is not a law imposed upon us. Instead, we discover that perseverance has meaning. Constancy in prayer is what matters most, and not the form of our prayer, or a particular method, or a lot of fine words. Why? The only thing the woman has on her side is time. For a long time (v.4) she keeps going back to the unjust judge, over and over again. Time is her friend; it's all she has. The widow only knows a few words. She keeps repeating them to the judge: "Give me justice!" (v.3). As time goes by, her arguments do not get any better. But something happens; something changes. And the Lord said, "Listen to the unjust judge" (v.6). That judge is the utter opposite of God, and yet he says that he will give justice. How much more will God, who is justice itself, give justice! God is not far away; God knows; God is near. What helps me realize that time is on my side? How can I find the time to pray in daily life? What are those few words which suffice for me personally in prayer, and which I can entrust to Christ? [If you would like to be on the Taize mailing list which sends out the "Johannine Hour" each month as well as other news items concerning Taize from time to time, please send a mail to: or taize@dkauni2.bitnet]