Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 11:34:38 -0400 From: Darrell Todd Maurina Reply-To: Organization: Christian Renewal/United Reformed News Service Subject: NR 99038: GKN-v General Synod Briefly Debates Calls for New Confession of Faith, Return to Fidelity to Canons of Dort NR #1999-038: GKN-v General Synod Briefly Debates Calls for New Confession of Faith, Return to Fidelity to Canons of Dort A request by a resident of Grafhorst to develop a new confession of faith dealing with current issues produced less irritation among synod members. Committee spokesman Rev. T. de Boer said that he was "sorry" that the author had gone "full speed" to the general synod, while he first had to have his proposal presented at the classis meeting. Another request asked the GKN-v synod to change some passages in the confessions of faith (among others the word "descended into hell" in the Apostle's Creed). Dealing with another proposal, written by an Apeldoorn inhabitant who begs the church in a 25-page document to "return to the Confession of Dordt," de Boer observed that it was written by an author who had "great concern" for the church. NR #1999-038: For Immediate Release: GKN-v General Synod Briefly Debates Calls for New Confession of Faith, Return to Fidelity to Canons of Dordt Copyright (C)1999 Nederlands Dagblad, with additional synod reports Translated by Simone Kennedy Distributed by United Reformed News Service LEUSDEN, THE NETHERLANDS (April 26, 1999) URNS - A request by a resident of Grafhorst to develop a new confession of faith dealing with current issues produced less irritation among synod members. Committee spokesman Rev. T. de Boer said that he was "sorry" that the author had gone "full speed" to the general synod, while he first had to have his proposal presented at the classis meeting. Another request asked the GKN-v synod to change some passages in the confessions of faith (among others the word "descended into hell" in the Apostle's Creed). Dealing with another proposal, written by an Apeldoorn inhabitant who begs the church in a 25-page document to "return to the Confession of Dordt," minister de Boer observed that it was written by an author who had "great concern" for the church. The "call for a return" to the pure confession of Dordt, accompanied by a request to halve the staff notation in the Psalter Gereformeerd Liedboek, was dismissed. These requests should have first been on the agenda of the classis meeting, according to article 30 of the Church Order. Cross-References to Related Articles: [No related articles on file] Contact List: Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (Vrijgemaakt) - Correspondence Address c/o Rev. J. Klamer, Goyerkamp 11, 8014 EH Zwolle, The Netherlands O: [31] (38) 659042 Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (Vrijgemaakt) - Synodical Address 3830 AE Leusden, The Netherlands O: [31] (033) 494 38 00 * E-mail: ---------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/reformed/archive99: nr99-038.txt .