From: Darrell128 Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 07:18:40 EDT Mime-Version: 1.0 Subject: NR 98032: Gay CRC Minister Loses Ordination NR #1998-032: Gay Minister Loses Ordination; Classis Grand Rapids East Releases Rev. Jim Lucas from Christian Reformed Ministry "What would you say if you knew I was gay?" That was the question Rev. Jim Lucas, a sixth-generation descendant of one of the founders of the Christian Reformed Church, asked in the title of his 1992 "coming out" speech at Calvin College. After half a decade and hundreds of pages of minutes and committee reports, Lucas may have his answer. Meeting May 21 at Woodlawn Christian Reformed Church on the Calvin College campus, only a few hundred yards away from the lecture hall where he delivered his "coming out" speech, Classis Grand Rapids East voted by a 22 to 6 margin to release the first openly gay Christian Reformed minister from the denomination's ministry. Lucas remains a member in good standing of Eastern Avenue CRC, but will no longer be authorized to preach, baptize, or administer communion. Lucas said he will continue his current full-time work with the "As We ARE" gay support ministry and part-time chaplaincy at Spectrum Health's downtown Grand Rapids campus, formerly known as Butterworth Hospital. The Lucas matter has been a high- profile case for years, but beginning last September, Lucas' view that "faithful, committed, permanent, same-sex unions can be an experience of God's grace and within God's will for those who find they are not able to maintain a life of celibacy" - published against his wishes following discussions with his church council - attracted a firestorm of criticism. NR #1998-032: For Immediate Release: Gay Minister Loses Ordination; Classis Grand Rapids East Releases Rev. Jim Lucas from Christian Reformed Ministry by Darrell Todd Maurina, Press Officer United Reformed News Service GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (May 21, 1998) - "What would you say if you knew I was gay?" That was the question Rev. Jim Lucas, a sixth-generation descendant of one of the founders of the Christian Reformed Church, asked in the title of his 1992 "coming out" speech at Calvin College. After half a decade and hundreds of pages of minutes and committee reports, Lucas may have his answer. Meeting May 21 at Woodlawn Christian Reformed Church on the Calvin College campus, only a few hundred yards away from the lecture hall where he delivered his "coming out" speech, Classis Grand Rapids East voted by a 22 to 6 margin to release the first openly gay Christian Reformed minister from the denomination's ministry. Lucas remains a member in good standing of Eastern Avenue CRC, but will no longer be authorized to preach, baptize, or administer communion. Lucas said he will continue his current full-time work with the "As We ARE" gay support ministry and part-time chaplaincy at Spectrum Health's downtown Grand Rapids campus, formerly known as Butterworth Hospital. The Lucas matter has been a high-profile case for years, but beginning last September, Lucas' view that "faithful, committed, permanent, same-sex unions can be an experience of God's grace and within God's will for those who find they are not able to maintain a life of celibacy" - published against his wishes following discussions with his church council - attracted a firestorm of criticism. Most recently, classis dealt with eight separate documents on the matter: Eastern Avenue's decision not to call Lucas to either As We ARE or Spectrum Health because of his views on same-sex unions, an appeal of the Eastern Avenue decision by three elders of the church who wanted Lucas to retain his ordination, a letter supporting Lucas from Eastern Avenue member and Calvin College theology professor Dr. Phil Holtrop, Lucas' own request to retain his ordination, an overture from Seymour CRC to release Lucas from the ministry, and letters from three Christian Reformed congregations outside the classis, Graafschap CRC of Holland, Faith Community CRC of Wyoming, and Hope CRC of Grandville, petitioning the classis to end Lucas' ordination. The Graafschap letter noted that Lucas is a sixth-generation descendant of one of the elders who founded the church in 1847. Ten years later, Graafschap CRC became one of the first four churches to secede from the Reformed Church in America and begin what is now the Christian Reformed Church. "We at Graafschap Church have a special interest in Jim because he bears the family name of one of our founding fathers," wrote Graafschap CRC," wrote the church. "Rev. James is a sixth generation descendant of this strong and influential leader in the Christian Reformed Church. Jim comes from good Graafschap stock!" Nevertheless, Graafschap CRC said keeping Lucas' ordination would send the wrong message. "To allow Jim to remain credentialed despite his views sends a message that we do not hold to our positions with any conviction or commitment," wrote Graafschap CRC. "We show our love to Jim both by continuing to dialogue with him respectfully and by dealing honestly regarding the position of the Christian Reformed Church." While homosexuality dominated the discussion at classis, the official vote dealt only with the technical issue that Lucas has not received a ministerial call. Classis Grand Rapids East and Eastern Avenue CRC had defended him for years, noting that he is personally celibate, had not publicly contradicted his denomination's stance against homosexual practice, and was working toward developing his gay support ministry into a post to which he could be called. Last year, however, Lucas indicated after discussions with his council at Eastern Avenue that he believes "faithful, committed, permanent, same-sex unions can be an experience of God's grace and within God's will for those who find they are not able to maintain a life of celibacy." As We Are subsequently issued a similar statement. As a result, Eastern Avenue decided four days before last September's classis meeting that it could no longer endorse his ordination. Rather than immediately terminating Lucas' ordination, classis postponed the decision until January, and then postponed the decision again until the May session. "The waters are being greatly muddied by the unfortunate words we hear of 'deposing,' 'defrocking,' or other discipline," said the Rev. Scott Hoezee of Calvin CRC in Grand Rapids. "This is a procedural matter, not a discipline matter, and we need to be very, very clear about that." Lucas strongly disagreed. "Bottom line, that's not a reason," said Lucas. "There is a reason that I didn't have a call, because of what I currently believe on faithful, committed, permanent same-sex unions. This says as much about the church as it says about me." Most delegates, however, focused on the issue of Lucas' views. "I think you've put me as a delegate to the classis in a bind," said Rev. Carl Kammeraad of Neland Avenue CRC. "By your affirmation of same-sex unions, you have departed from the position of the Christian Reformed Church and lost the support of your local council. Now you're asking me and this classis to ignore your local church's decision. I can't do that." Others concurred that classis faced a difficult decision but urged different actions. "It seems we are between a rock and a hard place; the rock is Jim's public stand on same-sex unions, and the hard place is we need Jim," said Rev. Roger Van Harn of Grace CRC, urging that classis reaffirm opposition to same- sex unions while still retaining Lucas' ordination. "There's nothing courageous about us saying we don't agree with Jim," said Van Harn. "That's where 90% of the church is. Even the National Council of Churches, known for its progressive stands, has still not admitted the Metropolitan Community Churches [a predominantly homosexual denomination]." Those voices didn't prevail at classis, not did Lucas' repeated statements that he hadn't come to a firm position on same-sex unions. "Jim has said he is open to changing his mind," said Calvin Seminary professor and Eastern Avenue member Dr. Melvin Hugen. "It is the opinion of our council that he has come to a settled position. Jim has stated publicly, not in private but publicly, that he finds the position of the Christian Reformed Church to be doing damage, would make his ministry to gays impossible, and to be poisonous to him personally." "That certainly sounds as if he has come to a settled position," concluded Hugen. Speaking after the vote, Lucas said he didn't plan to leave the CRC or leave his current work with homosexuals, but that the classis action had left him in shock and sent a bad message to Christian Reformed gays. "It felt like someone has just slammed a major door in my face, and it hurts," said Lucas. "My message to gays is that even though it may seem a part of the church is rejecting you, God has not rejected you, and God loves you more than you can possibly imagine." The man who made the formal motion to release Lucas from the ministry thought otherwise. "I think the message this says is very clear," said Rev. Gerald Zandstra of Seymour CRC. "Nine years is the limit you can be in the ministry without a call." "Any other message is a misreading; this is only a church order matter," continued Zandstra. "Classis did what it had to do." Cross-References to Related Articles: #1993-017: Over 1200 Pack Calvin College Auditorium to Debate Gay Rights; Homosexual Activists Demand Equal Time for Views #1993-019: Anti-Gay Rights Speaker Triggers Uproar at Calvin College; Professor Renews Call for Ban on Outside Funding for College Republicans Lecture Series #1993-021: 3 Million Hear Noebel Counterattack Calvin College Regarding Gay Rights on National Christian Radio Program #1993-023: General Assembly of Presbyterian Church in America Calls Christian Reformed Church to "Repent of Its Sins"; Women in office, homosexuality, theistic evolution, deposition of conservative pastors cited as "departure from the Scriptures in its doctrine and practice" #1993-026: Children at the Lord's Table, Americans with Disabilities Act, Judicial Code Matters, Homosexuality Delay Synod Schedule #1993-031: More Churches Split Following Christian Reformed Synodical Vote Allowing Women Elders and Pastors; Alberta Seceders Protest Homosexuality Report by Classis Alberta North #1994-005: Christianity Today Lists Calvin Among Christian Colleges Strained by Homosexuals Pressing for Acceptance #1994-016: Midwest Classis Asks CRC Synod to Address Homosexuality, Calling God "She," Theistic Evolution, Ordination Process #1994-031: Christian Reformed Synod: Members May Not "Practice or Advocate Homosexualism"; Dr. David Engelhard Approved as CRC's Next General Secretary; Synod Rejects Proposal to End Funding Endorsement for Westminster Seminary #1994-037: Of Garages, Houses, and Women: Synod Keeps "Expounders" and Appoints Committee to Decide What "Expounding" Means; Synod Cites Legal Concerns in Modifying Abuse Committee Report; "Reaffirmation" of Past Decisions on Inerrancy, Creation, Homosexuality Declared Unnecessary by Synod #1994-048: Jim Lucas Hired as Chaplain of "As We Are" Gay Ministry; Ministerial Credentials Extended to Permit Call to Position; Classis Grand Rapids East of the Christian Reformed Denomination Expects Homosexuality Study Committee to Report to January Classis Meeting #1995-043: Committee Divides on Whether Gay Ministries Must Declare Homosexual Activity is Sin; Classis Grand Rapids East Refers Both Reports to Churches for Study #1995-084: Classis Wisconsin Overtures Christian Reformed Synod to Declare that Members who "Deny the Biblical Condemnation of All Homosexual Behavior" are Subject to Discipline #1995-085: Text of Classis Wisconsin Overture re. Homosexuality #1995-100: Grand Rapids East Attempts Compromise on Question of How to Minister to Christian Reformed Gays #1995-101: Text of Classis Grand Rapids East Study Committee Report on Ministry with Persons who are Homosexual #1995-113: Calvin Seminary Professors Urge Classis Grand Rapids East to Affirm CRC Synod's Ruling that Homosexual Practice is Sin #1995-114: Text of Calvin Seminary Faculty Letter on Homosexuality #1996-010: Classis Grand Rapids East Follows Calvin Seminary Faculty Urgings; Reaffirms 1973 CRC Position on Homosexuality #1996-081: Tempers Flare as Christian Reformed Synod Appoints Committee to Restudy Homosexuality #1996-122: Calvin Theological Seminary Terminates Pro-Gay Professor #1997-030: Calvin College Chimes Runs Four-Page Homosexuality Insert; Gay Alumni Group Denied Ad Space in Alumni Magazine #1997-041: Kalamazoo Christian "Releases" 30-Year Veteran Teacher for Supporting "Homosexual Monogamous Relationships" #1997-095: Eastern Avenue CRC Declines to Call Lucas to Gay Ministry Due to Disagreement with Synodical Position on Gay Marriage #1997-101: Eastern Avenue CRC Withdraws Endorsement of Gay Minister's Ordination; Classis Tables Issue Until January #1998-001: Classis Grand Rapids North Lets Gay Christian Reformed Minister Keep His Credentials - For Now #1998-023: Gay Christian Reformed Minister's Luck May Be Almost Out Contact List: Rev. Mary Antonides, Pastor, Eastern Avenue Christian Reformed Church 2514 Normandy Dr. SE, Apt. 210-C, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 O: (616) 454-4888 * H: (616) 248-8357 * E-Mail: Dr. David Engelhard, General Secretary, Christian Reformed Church in North America 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49560 O: (616) 246-0744 * H: (616) 243-2418 * FAX: (616) 246-0834 * E-Mail: Rev. Scott Hoezee, Pastor, Calvin Christian Reformed Church 1634 Fisk Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506-6544 O: (616) 451-8467 * H: (616) 247-6720 * FAX: (616) 451-9327 Rev. Marvin Hofman, Pastor, Graafschap Christian Reformed Church A622 Church St., Holland, MI 49423 O: (616) 396-3166 * H: (616) 396-8158 * FAX: (616) 396-3258 * E-Mail: Dr. Philip Holtrop, Professor of Religion and Theology, Calvin College 1223 Calvin Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 O: (616) 957-6245 * H: (616) 245-6851 Dr. Melvin D. Hugen, Professor of Pastoral Care, Calvin Theological Seminary 3233 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546-4387 O: (616) 957-6025 * H: (616) 942-0001 * FAX: (616) 957-8621 * E-Mail: Rev. Carl Kammeraad, Pastor, Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church 1600 Seminole Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 O: (616) 452-0501 * H: (616) 243-5100 * FAX: (616) 245-0680 * E-Mail: Jim Lucas, Chaplain, As We ARE PO Box 7824, Grand Rapids, MI 49510 O: (616) 456-6174 * E-Mail: Dr. Philip R. Lucasse, Stated Clerk, Classis Grand Rapids East 3096 Old Kent Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512 O: (616) 957-6000 * H: (616) 942-1219 * E-Mail: Rev. Roger Van Harn, Pastor, Grace Christian Reformed Church 1717 Morningside Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 O: (616) 452-8920 * H: (616) 949-2993 Rev. Gerald Zandstra, Pastor, Seymour Christian Reformed Church 1901 Pokogon Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 O: (616) 245-8726 * E-Mail: ---------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/reformed/archive98: nr98-032.txt .