From: Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 08:39:07 -0500 (EST) Subject: NR 123: Pine Creek CRC Petitions to Leave Classis Holland for Classis Zeeland NR #1996-123: For Immediate Release Pine Creek CRC Petitions to Leave Classis Holland for Zeeland by Darrell Todd Maurina, Press Officer United Reformed News Service HOLLAND, Mich. (December 10, 1996) URNS -- When Classis Holland meets next month, the second-oldest classis in the CRC will have to decide whether to grant Pine Creek CRC of Holland, Michigan, an option that wasn't available to the founders of the Christian Reformed denomination when theological disagreements led them to secede from the Reformed Church in America in 1857. At a December 3 congregational meeting, the members of Pine Creek CRC voted to endorse an overture asking Classis Holland for permission to transfer to Classis Zeeland, an option granted to local churches by Synod 1996 as a partial compromise over the women in office issue. So far, Classis Hackensack has granted Terra Ceia (NC) CRC permission to transfer to Classis Hudson due to Hackensack's endorsement of women in office and Classis Northern Michigan has granted Trinity CRC of Mt. Pleasant permission to transfer to a classis which would be willing to ordain its female minister, Mary-Lee Bouma. Synod 1997 will have the final say on whether these and any other classis transfers will be permitted. "I know my congregation is not ready to leave the denomination and I don't feel it's my calling to lead them out," said Pine Creek pastor Rev. Zack Anderson, who said the option of transferring to Classis Zeeland gave the church a way to remain in the CRC without a potentially divisive vote on secession. One issue confronting Pine Creek CRC is that it has a number of pending discipline cases on which the church must seek the advice of classis before proceeding to excommunication. "This is a very serious matter to us, and if we were to take this to classis and be asked to accept the judgment of women at classis as authoritative we would be asked to accept an unbiblical situation in which headship would be compromised," said Anderson. "Myself, I would have to be involved in pulpit exchanged with churches that have women elders. Holland still has a tradition of inviting all the churches to send a representative at ordinations and installations, and I may be asked to go to a church for the installation of a woman, and that would be difficult for us." "Are we by our lack of participation in these types of activities to, as it were, stick it in their faces, or should we seek participation in a classis where we can participate more fully?" asked Anderson. Anderson said he didn't anticipate problems with an amicable transfer. "I have indications from talking to people in Classis Zeeland that we will be accepted," said Anderson. "The [Classis Holland] stated clerk knows of our overture and he'll be mailing it out. I have a hunch that Classis Holland will simply say go, good riddance, but they may be more polite than that, let's hope." Classis Holland stated clerk Rev. Peter Winkle could not be reached for comment. Cross-References to Related Articles: #1996-076: CRC Synod Rejects 25 Overtures and Communications Calling for End to Classical Option on Ordination of Women #1996-077: Churches Allowed to Switch Classes for Theological Reasons #1996-078: Synod Approves Korean Classis with 15-Year Time Limit #1996-080: Record of Previous Synodical Votes on Women in Office #1996-101: Northern Michigan Nixes Ordination for Mary-Lee Bouma #1996-117B: Separation Without Secession: Interclassical Conference Urges Christian Reformed Synod to Create New Conservative Classes Contact List: Rev. Zachary (Zack) Anderson, Pastor, Pine Creek Christian Reformed Church 663 Riley St., Holland, MI 49424 O: (616) 399-1413 * H: (616) 399-2016 Rev. Peter Winkle, Stated Clerk, Classis Holland 533 Central Ave., Holland, MI 49423 O: (616) 396-8811 * H: (616) 394-4728 ------------------------------------------------ file: /pub/resources/text/reformed: nr96-123.txt .