NR #1996-088 Interclassical Conference of Christian Reformed Conservatives to be Asked to Create Nongeographical Classes; Minority Urges Immediate Secession from Christian Reformed Denomination Meeting in the Chicago suburb of South Holland on July 23, fourteen Christian Reformed conservative leaders have voted to reconvene the interclassical conference of Christian Reformed conservatives for the purpose of responding to Synod 1996's decision not to overturn Synod 1995's declaration that each Christian Reformed classis may allow the ordination of women by declaring parts of the church order "inoperative." The second Interclassical Conference will be held on November 7 and 8. According to the Interclassical Conference interim committee, "the interim committee itself will recommend that church councils join in the formation of a new CRC classis based on theological commitment, but other suggestions as submitted by the delegates will also be discussed." One of those "other suggestions" will be from Rev. Casey Freswick of Newton (NJ) CRC, who served notice to the interim committee that his church will be overturing the interclassical conference to call for a secession. NR #1996-088: For Immediate Release Interclassical Conference of Christian Reformed Conservatives Asked to Create Nongeographical Classes * Minority overture to urge immediate secession from denomination by Darrell Todd Maurina, Press Officer United Reformed News Service (July 30, 1996) URNS - Meeting in the Chicago suburb of South Holland on July 23, fourteen Christian Reformed conservative leaders have voted to reconvene the Interclassical Conference of Christian Reformed conservatives for the purpose of responding to Synod 1996's decision not to overturn Synod 1995's declaration that each Christian Reformed classis may allow the ordination of women by declaring parts of the church order "inoperative." The second Interclassical Conference will be held on November 7 and 8. "Sadly, Synod 1996 failed appropriately to deal with our concerns especially in the area of women in ecclesiastical office," wrote the Interclassical Conference interim committee in a letter mailed to all Christian Reformed congregations. "Without Biblical grounds to support the ordination of women and in violation of the church order it reaffirmed by an overwhelming margin the decision of 1995. And by declaring women as candidates for the ministry it further violated Article 3 of the Church Order." According to the letter, "the interim committee itself will recommend that church councils join in the formation of a new CRC classis based on theological commitment, but other suggestions as submitted by the delegates will also be discussed." Rev. Andrew Cammenga of Escondido (CA) CRC, chairman of the Interclassical Conference, said Synod 1996 "ignored" conservative concerns and that its decisions on women in office and relations with the CRC's pro-gay mother church, the Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland, were unacceptable. "Its decision regarding the GKN was not as biblical as it ought to have been, and its position on women in office is now affirmed," said Cammenga. "Synod itself broke church order when it declared women to be candidates, it itself has made Article 3 of the church order inoperative." Cammenga said the interim committee recommendation represented an effort to avoid a large-scale secession or a disorganized series of secessions by individual churches. "It will give the Christian Reformed Church time to see if there really is a place for conservatives; they will have to say there really is no room for us," said Cammenga. "Remaining in the Christian Reformed Church without at least a significant move is simply going to encourage churches leaving on their own, independency, congregationalism, and the like. We want to come to a decision that would enhance a joint effort that would be presbyterian in nature instead of congregational and that would still allow the CRC to turn on its path and hope for renewal." The interim committee recommendation wasn't enough to satisfy everyone at the meeting, however. Rev. Casey Freswick of Newton (NJ) CRC served notice that his church will be overturing the Interclassical Conference to call for a secession. "It's a very difficult situation to know what to do, but that you have to do something is clear," said Freswick. "We are now practicing the ordination of women, and I believe everyone who believes ordination of women is wrong should leave because of biblical principles. 'What do righteousness and wickedness have in common?' That is a quote from Scripture, and this is wickedness." However, Freswick made clear that his concerns went far beyond women in office. "I think that the Christian Reformed Church is incapable of disciplining some false teachings on abortion, some false teachings on homosexuality, certainly false teachings on women in office, some false teachings on evolution," said Freswick. "It may discipline the false practice in some of those cases but it won't discipline for the false teaching, and that is a breakdown in the historic Reformed emphasis on the connection between doctrine and life." While Freswick's church has not yet completed work on its overture, he indicated that the overture was likely to be quite strong. "I think we need to declare that we are seceding from the denomination as officebearers and step out and do that regardless of whether our local churches do that or not," said Freswick. "We said last year we were going to talk about secession so no one should be surprised that that's going to be on the agenda for discussion, and the agenda is going to be made by asking local congregations to submit overtures." Cammenga and Freswick both declined comment on whether they expected the interim committee recommendation, the Newton overture, or some other proposal to pass, noting that most churches had not yet had time to study the issue. According to the invitation letter, the deadline for agenda materials is November 1. The business meeting has been extended to 5 pm on the second day of the conference, adding an entire afternoon session to the conference to allow for more discussion than that of the first interclassical conference last year. Cross-References to Related Articles: #1995-082: California South Calls Conference of Christian Reformed Classes, Councils, to Address Women in Office Decision #1995-093: California South Announces Date and Location for Interclassical Conference of Christian Reformed Conservatives #1995-106C: Interclassical Conference Urges Christian Reformed Synod to Lead Denomination in Repentance; Calls for Formation of "Covenant Union" of CRC Conservatives #1996-076: CRC Synod Rejects 25 Overtures and Communications Calling for End to Classical Option on Ordination of Women Contact List: Rev. Andrew Cammenga, Pastor, Escondido Christian Reformed Church 1850 N. Broadway, Escondido, CA 92026 H/O/FAX: (619) 745-2324 * E-Mail: Rev. Casey Freswick, Pastor, Newton Christian Reformed Church 47 Condit St., Newton, NJ 07860 O: (201) 383-9635 * H: (201) 383-2263 * E-Mail: ------------------------------------------------ file: /pub/resources/text/reformed: nr96-088.txt (corrected 960804) .