NR #1996-051: For Immediate Release Classis Holland Rejects Effort to Ban Women Delegates by Darrell Todd Maurina, Press Officer United Reformed News Service HOLLAND, Mich. (May 29, 1996) URNS - Classis Holland is no stranger to the women in office debate. Even before Synod 1995 allowed women to be ordained as ministers, elders, and evangelists, Classis Holland had to deal with two churches whose delegates walked out of classis when Susan Hulst was seated as a deacon delegate from Providence CRC in Holland. One of those two churches has since split with a minority seceding from the CRC; the other made clear last January that its delegates would walk out if Hulst, now an elder, was seated as a delegate following classis' decision in September to approve the ordination of women. That church, Pine Creek CRC of Holland, came to classis on May 23 with an overture requesting that "women officebearers not be seated as delegates to classis meetings" but not asking classis to overturn its approval of women in office. Now that classis has rejected the overture, Pine Creek's pastor filed a protest warning that classical decisions were beginning to resemble those of the false church described in the Belgic Confession. "We feel what we're asking for in the overture is to have you throw us a bone," said Rev. Zack Anderson, pastor of Pine Creek CRC. "This is not too difficult and it has been done elsewhere when the votes were similarly close." However, Rev. Michael De Vries of Pillar CRC in Holland argued that Pine Creek's overture was unnecessary, urging churches to instead "think carefully and consider objections of Pine Creek before delegating women." "A good rule is to try to get into the mocassins of other people to see how they feel," said De Vries. "I just can't get into the moccassins of Pine Creek." Pine Creek Elder Ade Molendyk warned that classis should also think carefully before rejecting his church's overture. "If he has anything to say about the Bible, we'll listen. We are going by the Bible grounds that women should not rule over men," said Molendyk. "In Holland Classis we have three churches that have already broken away because of this issue. Do we want more splits in the classis or not?" Despite Pine Creek's objections, classis rejected the overture by a wide margin. Anderson filed a strongly-worded written protest after the classis vote. "The distinction between paradise and the desert does not occur in the space of an acre or a mile or even a hundred miles. And so it seems to be in the distinction between the true and false church," wrote Anderson. "I do not accuse any one person of being a part of the false church but I believe that many are moving in that direction by their disregard for matters so clearly taught in the word of God." "The false church, according to the Belgic Confession, Art. 29, 'xassigns more authority to itself and its ordinances than to the Word of God,'" continued Anderson. "That is what appears to have happened in recent decisions concerning women's ordination, including tonight's decision." Anderson closed his written protest with an admonition to classis "to repent of its decisions and to reaffirm your commitment to the Word of God." What will happen next in Classis Holland is not entirely clear. "I will let classis determine what it will do with me as an individual," said Anderson. "Right now we have perhaps a couple on council who would not be too worked up to be seated if women are delegates. Even those who would still be seated if women are delegated feel it is wrong." Cross-References to Related Articles: #1995-087: Most Christian Reformed Classes Decline Synodical Option to End Prohibition on Women in Office #1995-089: Classis Pacific Northwest Makes Christian Reformed History by Declaring Word "Male" Inoperative #1996-028: List of Classis Decisions on Women in Office #1996-031: Huron: "Yes" to Women in Office; "No" to Women Delegates Contact List: Rev. Zachary (Zack) Anderson, Pastor, Pine Creek Christian Reformed Church 663 Riley St., Holland, MI 49424 * O: (616) 399-1413 * H: (616) 399-2016 Rev. Michael De Vries, Pastor, Pillar Christian Reformed Church 2190 Lakeridge Dr., Holland, MI 49424 * O: (616) 392-8686 * H: (616) 399-4067 * FAX: (616) 392-8686 Elder Susan Hulst, Providence Christian Reformed Church 821 Ottawa Ave., Holland, MI 49423 * (616) 335-6103 * E-Mail: Rev. Peter Winkle, Stated Clerk, Classis Holland 533 Central Ave., Holland, MI 49423 * (616) 396-8811 ------------------------------------------------ file: /pub/resources/text/reformed: nr96-051.txt .