NR #1996-010: Classis Grand Rapids East Follows Calvin Seminary Faculty Urgings; Reaffirms 1973 CRC Position on Homosexuality Without audible dissent and after only ten minutes of debate, Classis Grand Rapids East voted to reaffirm the 1973 Christian Reformed synodical position on homosexuality. The January 18 discussion stood in marked contrast to previous debates on the subject, including that in an October 19 special meeting of classis which avoided making an explicit statement on whether homosexual practice is sinful. The decision came in the context of a letter signed by all fourteen Calvin Seminary professors whose ministerial credentials are held by member churches of Classis Grand Rapids East objecting to their classis' failure to clearly affirm the Christian Reformed denominational position that "homosexualism - as explicit homosexual practice - must be condemned as incompatible with obedience to the will of God as revealed in Holy Scripture." NR #1996-010: For Immediate Release Classis Grand Rapids East Follows Calvin Seminary Faculty Request; Reaffirms 1973 CRC Position on Homosexuality by Darrell Todd Maurina, Press Officer United Reformed News Service GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (January 24, 1996) URNS - Without audible dissent and after only ten minutes of debate, Classis Grand Rapids East voted to reaffirm the 1973 Christian Reformed synodical position on homosexuality. The January 18 discussion stood in marked contrast to previous debates on the subject, including that in an October 19 special meeting of classis which tabled a minority report, deleted most of a majority report, avoided making an explicit statement on whether homosexual practice is sinful, and ended up with a simple statement that ministries to homosexuals "should work with everyone in Christian community to discern what it means to live lives faithful to Jesus Christ." The decision came in the context of a letter signed by all fourteen Calvin Seminary professors whose ministerial credentials are held by member churches of Classis Grand Rapids East objecting to their classis' failure to clearly affirm the Christian Reformed denominational position that "homosexualism - as explicit homosexual practice - must be condemned as incompatible with obedience to the will of God as revealed in Holy Scripture." "The classical report is not controlled by the synodical stance, fails explicitly to affirm [Synod] 1973's theological and ethical guidelines, and in several places raises fundamental questions about the CRC position," wrote the seminary faculty. "Furthermore, when in its deliberations on October 19, 1995 Classis had an opportunity to affirm the 1973 stance by adopting the minority report, it failed to do so. Instead of the clear statement in the minority report that homosexuality is a distortion of God's plan for sexuality and that sexual activity outside of marriage is disobedience, Classis chose to substitute in its place the ambiguous wording 'to discern what it means to be faithful to Jesus Christ.'" The seminary letter - and the presence of reporters snapping photographs - clearly had an effect on a classis whose last debate on homosexuality made the evening news on the local television stations. "We could wrangle a long time about the legality of seminary professors writing to classis via news releases, but we do not want to get into that," said classis president Rev. Morris Greidanus in his opening comments. Elder Sid Jansma, Jr., a delegate from Plymouth Heights CRC, moved that classis adopt his church's overture to append a one-sentence addition to the October 19 decision: "In providing parameters for ministry to persons who are homosexual, Classis Grand Rapids East adheres to the 1973 synodical decisions on homosexuality." Elder Donna Sieplinga from First CRC questioned the wisdom of the motion. "The one thing that concerns me about this is that the report was written in 1973 and it is now 1996," said Sieplinga. "We have learned a whole lot about homosexuality and learned that there is a lot more to learn; to just fall back on 1973 seems like taking an easy way out." However, other delegates emphasized the importance of explicitly stating that classis agreed with the CRC's position that homosexual practice is sin. "We are being watched by the whole denomination and we don't want to send the wrong message," said Rev. Scott Hoezee of Calvin CRC. Other delegates noted that the classis' decision did not mean that the normal process of asking synod to restudy the matter of homosexuality could not be followed. "The whole report as amended was in the light of 1973; if more needs to be done, this wouldn't preclude that," said Greidanus - the proposer of the October compromise decision. "This says what the October decision did not mean," said Rev. Roger Van Harn of Grace CRC. "This does not mean Synod 1973 cannot be revisited. Perhaps at this time this is the best we can say, to say what we did not mean." When the time came for the voice vote on the Plymouth Heights overture, no delegates responded to the call for "no" votes. Later in the meeting, classis appointed Rev. Gerald Zandstra, senior pastor of Seymour CRC, as Classis Grand Rapids East's "classical resource person for ministry to homosexual persons," and appointed a task force on ministry to homosexuals consisting of Zandstra, Neland Avenue pastor Rev. Duane Kelderman, and Carol Topp. Responding to questions from Van Harn about why gay CRC minister Rev. Jim Lucas was not nominated for the position, interim committee chairman Rev. Russell Palsrok of Plymouth Heights noted that "this was not a slight to him in any way." "Given the fact that the committee would be evaluating [Lucas'] ministry and might even be appointing him, we didn't feel that would be wise" to place Lucas on the committee, said Palsrok. According to Palsrok, Zandstra's qualifications include the fact that he "already has a working relationship" with Lucas, is currently ministering to homosexuals in Seymour CRC, and "is in contact with other persons in our community on the issue of homosexuality." How did the seminary respond to the news of classical action? "I'm relieved and gratified," said Calvin Seminary president Dr. James A. De Jong, a member and former elder at Plymouth Heights. "I think it's important to recognize and affirm that classis Grand Rapids East wants to initiate effective ministries to homosexual people," said De Jong. "The faculty's letter certainly affirmed that, I applaud Classis Grand Rapids East for wanting to do that, it shows courage and leadership on that issue, but it must do so recognizing that Scripture does not condone any sort of homosexual practice." Cross-References to Related Articles: #1994-048: Jim Lucas Hired as Chaplain of "As We Are" Gay Ministry; Ministerial Credentials Extended to Permit Call to Position; Classis Grand Rapids East of the Christian Reformed Denomination Expects Homosexuality Study Committee to Report to January Classis Meeting #1995-043: Committee Divides on Whether Gay Ministries Must Declare Homosexual Activity is Sin; Classis Grand Rapids East Refers Both Reports to Churches for Study #1995-084: Classis Wisconsin Overtures Christian Reformed Synod to Declare that Members who "Deny the Biblical Condemnation of All Homosexual Behavior" are Subject to Discipline #1995-100: Grand Rapids East Attempts Compromise on Question of How to Minister to Christian Reformed Gays #1995-101: Text of Classis Grand Rapids East Study Committee Report on Ministry with Persons who are Homosexual #1995-113: Calvin Seminary Professors Urge Classis Grand Rapids East to Affirm CRC Synod's Ruling that Homosexual Practice is Sin #1995-114: Text of Calvin Seminary Faculty Letter on Homosexuality Contact List: Dr. Hessel Bouma III, Chairman, Classical Homosexual Study Committee Science Building 233, 3201 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 * O: (616) 957-6401 Rev. Rolf Bouma, Pastor, Eastern Avenue Christian Reformed Church 900 Benjamin SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 * H: (616) 245-3154 * O: (616) 456-5830 Dr. James A. De Jong, President, Calvin Theological Seminary 3233 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546-4387 O: (616) 957-6086 * H: (616) 957-6087 * FAX: (616) 957-8621 * E-Mail: Rev. Morris Greidanus, Pastor, First Christian Reformed Church 1349 Alexander SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 * H: (616) 243-9549 * O: (616) 452-3590 Rev. Scott Hoezee, Pastor, Calvin Christian Reformed Church 1634 Fisk Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506-6544 * O: (616) 451-8467 * H: (616) 247-6720 Elder Sid Jansma, Jr., Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church c/o Plymouth Heights CRC, 1800 Plymouth Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 O: (616) 243-5638 * F: (616) 243-4808 Rev. Duane Kelderman, Pastor, Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church 1705 Hiawatha Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 * H: (616) 452-3002 * O: (616) 452-4899 Rev. Jim Lucas, Chaplain, As We ARE PO Box 7824, Grand Rapids, MI 49510 * (616) 456-6174 * E-Mail: Rev. Russell Palsrok, Pastor, Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church 1825 Chamberlain SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 * O: (616) 243-5638 * H: (616) 243-4568 * FAX: (616) 243-4808 Elder Donna Sieplinga, First Christian Reformed Church c/o First CRC, 650 Bates St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 * O: (616) 452-4370 * FAX: (616) 452-3590 call first Rev. Roger Van Harn, Pastor, Grace Christian Reformed Church 1717 Morningside Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 * H: (616) 949-2993 * O: (616) 452-8920 Rev. Gerald Zandstra, Pastor, Seymour Christian Reformed Church 1901 Pokogon Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 * O: (616) 245-8726 ------------------------------------------------ file: /pub/resources/text/reformed: nr96-010.txt .