NR #1995-1: For Immediate Release Reformed Believers Press Service Adopts New Format LAWRENCE, Mich. (January 3, 1995) RBPS - For the first time since its beginnings three years ago in January 1992,.Reformed Believers Press Service has adopted a major format change for its news releases. RBPS, currently distributed by fax, electronic mail, and US mail to almost 150 newspapers and top denominational leaders, has taken a leading role in disseminating breaking news about developments in the Christian Reformed denomination and other Reformed and Presbyterian denominational bodies. Specializing in detailed investigative reporting, RBPS broke major stories such as the "coming out" of celibate gay CRC minister Rev. Jim Lucas, Classis Grand Rapids East's vote to permit churches to disobey the CRC's ban on women elders, the later qualification of that classical decision, and the secession of almost 40 percent of the CRC's Korean membership. In response to repeated requests from editors for additional shorter stories, RBPS will now begin printing smaller articles of one page or less covering items which previously were too brief to receive coverage in RBPS. This will not replace but rather supplement RBPS' continued commitment to detailed investigative reporting. Also in response to requests from editors, RBPS will print a one-paragraph summary of each story in a newly-designed table of contents on the first page of each packet of news releases. Reformed Believers Press Service is operated by an independent and interdenominational board based in Chicago, Illinois. Its press officer, Darrell Todd Maurina, works out of West Michigan. Contact List: Darrell Todd Maurina, Press Officer, Reformed Believers Press Service PO Box 691, Lawrence, MI 49064-0691 * V: (616) 674-8446 * F: (616) 674-8454 * E-Mail: ------------------------------------------------ file: /pub/resources/text/reformed: nr95-001.txt .