Date:         Tue, 27 Feb 1996 08:37:17 +-100
Reply-To:     Christian explanation of the Scriptures to Israel
Sender:       Christian explanation of the Scriptures to Israel
From:         Teus Benschop 
Subject:      ChrExp, The Scriptures opened, 72
1. Exodus 28:36-38 - Aaron bearing the people's iniquity
2. Jeremiah 3:1    - Return to Me, ye harlot
3. 1 Peter 2:24,25 - Flesh withers but the Word is forever
1.  Exodus 28:36-38 - Aaron bearing the people's iniquity
Weekly reading: Exodus 27:20 - 30:10
Exodus 28:36-38
36  And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold, and grave upon it,
    like the engravings of a signet,
37  And thou shalt put it on a blue lace,
    that it may be upon the mitre;
    upon the forefront of the mitre it shall be.
38  And it shall be upon Aaron's forehead,
    that Aaron may bear the iniquity of the holy things,
    which the children of Israel shall hallow
    in all their holy gifts;
    and it shall be always upon his forehead,
    that they may be accepted before the LORD.
And  the  LORD spoke unto Moses, that he should make a plate  of  pure
gold,  and  grave  upon it these words: "Holiness  To  The  LORD"  The
engraving  should  be  like the engravings  of  a  signet:  clear  and
evident. "Holiness To The LORD", because our God is holy, and  nothing
unholy  may  appear  before Him. That is why  we,  sinful  and  unholy
people, cannot stand before Him. God is holy, and we are unholy.
The  golden  plate was fixed upon Aaron's forehead, as we  read.  When
Aaron was busy in the holy things, he hereby was always reminded  that
God  is  holy, and that also His priests should be holy.  The  priests
should  not  be  unholy,  so as to devote themselves  to  the  worldly
things,  but they always should be holy, devoted to the LORD. Our  God
is  holy,  and let all His ministers be so. When Aaron was  coming  to
you,  the  golden plate with the words regarding God's  holiness,  was
easily  readable.  The plate was publicly visible.  Therefore,  if  we
profess  our God, let it be done publicly. Let we openly profess,  and
show through our faith and holy works, that we belong to the LORD. Let
our profession be public to everybody. Everywhere where we are, let it
be  seen that we are the priests of the New Testament to the Lord. Let
we never think that we are at liberty not to be holy at some time, but
let we always bear on our foreheads this plate in public: "Holiness To
The Lord".
In  the  38th verse, we read: "And it shall be upon Aaron's  forehead,
that  Aaron  may  bear  the iniquity of the  holy  things,  which  the
children of Israel shall hallow in all their holy gifts; and it  shall
be  always  upon  his forehead, that they may be accepted  before  the
LORD."  In  other  words:  The golden plate  should  be  upon  Aaron's
forehead.  Why? That the priest might bear the iniquity  of  the  holy
things of the people. The children of Israel will hallow holy gifts to
the  LORD.  Even their holy gifts, devoted to the LORD,  will  contain
iniquity.  This  Aaron should bear, that these gifts may  be  accepted
before the LORD. Let then Aaron, the high priest, bear the iniquity of
the  best  works and most holy gifts of the people. We see  that  even
their  best  works are defiled, because they need to be sanctified  to
make  them acceptable before the LORD. Let then none of the Israelites
think  that  their  works are acceptable before  the  Lord.  Why  not?
Because they are defiled, as our text says. They need to be sanctified
by  the  high  priest,  before  they are acceptable  before  God.  The
offerings of the people could not be so perfect, but some fault  would
be in them. This sin the high priest bore and pacified God.
Let  none  of us therefore think that his works are acceptable  before
the  LORD,  unless  they are sanctified through the high  priest.  Let
Aaron  come,  and bear our iniquity. But..., this first  high  priest,
Aaron, no longer lives. So, let then his posterity come, and bear  our
iniquity,  that our works may be acceptable before God.  But...,  also
Aaron's posterity has died. There is no human high priest on earth any
longer.  All the people have a problem them, because their gifts  will
never  be  made  acceptable before the LORD. God will  always  be  and
remain angry with their defilements, and will never be pacified. There
is  no high priest on earth, to cleanse them from their sins. No  high
priest  will  bear  the iniquity of the people, to  make  their  gifts
acceptable before God. All the high priests are dead.
Instead  of the high priests of old (which all have died), we  have  a
better  High Priest. The old ones always and ever died, but  our  High
Priest will perform His office for always and ever. Christ Jesus,  the
Son  of  David, is our new High Priest. The old priests were prevented
from  staying  high  priest, because the death intervened.  But  Jesus
Christ  has  conquered death, hell, satan, and every perishing  thing,
and  will  live forever and ever. He is our High Priest. In  the  38th
verse, we read: "And it shall be upon Aaron's forehead, that Aaron may
bear  the  iniquity of the holy things, which the children  of  Israel
shall hallow in all their holy gifts; and it shall be always upon  his
forehead, that they may be accepted before the LORD." Because Aaron is
dead, and because Christ is our High Priest, we fill in Jesus' Name in
the  text. We then read in the 38th verse: "And it shall be upon Jesus
Christ's forehead, that Jesus Christ may bear the iniquity of the holy
things,  which the children of Israel shall hallow in all  their  holy
gifts; and it shall be always upon Jesus Christ's forehead, that  they
may be accepted before the LORD."
Aaron  bore  the  iniquity of the people, and was a  type  of  Christ.
Christ  took away the sin of His people. Of Jesus it is said,  "Behold
the  Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." John  1:29.
Even  the  best  and the most holy works of the people  contain  their
sins. Even their most holy works need to be cleansed through Jesus our
eternal  High  Priest.  It  is  a truth,  "that  God  was  in  Christ,
reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto
them", 2 Cor. 5:19. And John writes: "My little children, these things
write  I  unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin,  we  have  an
advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous", 1 John 2:1.
Christ  is our High Priest; through Him our sins are forgiven us,  and
not  laid to our charge. Our persons, our doings, are pleasing to  God
upon the account of Christ, and not otherwise.
Here  arises  a  problem for those that have no longer a  high  priest
(because all high priests have died), and yet refuse to believe in the
eternal  High Priest, Christ Jesus. They have a great problem, because
the sins in their works are not washed away. They have no high priest,
bearing the iniquity of their holy things. Their works, therefore, are
never  accepted by the LORD. Why not? Because God is so holy, that  He
cannot  have anything to do with the defiled works of us.  We  have  a
High   Priest,  Jesus  Christ,  reconciling  us  unto  God,  but   the
unbelievers have not such a Mediator. Their sins will remain therefore
on them, and they will be condemned before His tribunal. There is only
one  way of escape: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou  shalt
be saved", Acts 16:31.
                   All glory be unto our holy LORD,
                   and unto Jesus Christ our Saviour.
2.  Jeremiah 3:1 - Return to Me, ye harlot
    They say,
         If a man put away his wife,
         and she go from him, and become another man's,
         shall he return unto her again?
         shall not that land be greatly polluted?
    but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers;
    yet return again to me,
saith the LORD.
When  a  man  has put away his wife, and she goes away from  him,  and
marries with another man, shall her first man take her back again?  Of
course  not,  lest the land be greatly polluted. The law forbids  this
pollution.  In Deuteronomy 24:1-4 we can read this. "When a  man  hath
taken  a  wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find  no
favour  in  his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness  in  her:
then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand,
and  send  her out of his house. And when she is departed out  of  his
house, she may go and be another man's wife. And if the latter husband
hate  her, and write her a bill of divorcement, and giveth it  in  her
hand, and sendeth her out of his house; or if the latter husband  die,
which  took  her  to be his wife; her former husband, which  sent  her
away,  may  not  take  her again to be his wife,  after  that  she  is
defiled;  for that is abomination before the LORD: and thou shalt  not
cause  the  land  to sin, which the LORD thy God giveth  thee  for  an
inheritance." So in human society, when a man has send away his  wife,
and  she has married another, then she may never return to her  former
husband. That would pollute the land.
Is  this  also the case with God and His people? When the people,  who
were  formerly in the bond of the spiritual marriage between  God  and
them,  have  forsaken the LORD, are they then afterwards forbidden  to
return to Him? When they have played the harlot, will they then return
to  God? In human society, when a harlot return to her former husband,
the land greatly will be defiled. Is this also the case in the bond of
marriage with God? No, because God says: "thou hast played the  harlot
with many lovers; yet return again to Me".
If  they  will repent, and forsake all these abominations, and  return
from  these breakings of the covenant, then the LORD will accept them.
God  will accept us, if we with a sincere intention of our heart  will
return  to  Him. God will show us mercy, when we return  to  Him,  and
forsake  the thing we played the harlot with, that is the world.  "You
have  played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to Me, says
the  LORD".  Let they forsake all their idols, wherein they  have  put
their trust, and rely on God only. Let we forsake all our gods, as our
insurance wherein we trust, and return to God.
Reader, if you are such a harlot; if you have connected yourself  with
everything but God; if you have put your trust in anything except God,
then  I  say  you:  Only  acknowledge your  iniquity,  that  you  have
transgressed  against the LORD your God, and that you  have  scattered
your  ways  to the strangers always and everywhere, and you  have  not
obeyed  God's voice. Turn, o backslider, says God. For He  is  married
unto  you. Return, ye backslider, and God will heal your backslidings.
If  you  will return, return to God. And if you will repent, then  put
away  your  abominations  out of God's sight.  Wash  your  heart  from
wickedness,  that you may be saved. How long shall your vain  thoughts
lodge  within  you? How long will you trust in anything but  God?  How
long will you serve the creatures above the Creator? How long will you
keep your relation in higher esteem than God? Put your sins away, that
you may be saved through a living faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
3.  1 Peter 2:24,25 - Flesh withers but the Word is forever
For all flesh is as grass,
and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.
The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
But the word of the Lord endureth for ever.
And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.
All  flesh  is like grass, and all the glory of man as the  flower  of
grass.  All  the grass withers, and the flower thereof falls  away.  A
man, when he is young, is vital, strong and fit. A woman, when she  is
young, is beautiful and looks pleasant. But when the man grows old, he
loses  his  vitality;  he loses his strength; he  loses  his  fitness.
Because all flesh is like grass, and all glory of man as the flower of
grass. All the grass withers, and the flower thereof falls away.  When
the  woman  grows  old, she loses all her beauty; she  loses  all  her
comeliness. Because all flesh is like grass, and all glory of  man  as
the  flower  of  grass. All the grass withers, and the flower  thereof
falls away. When the man, and the woman grow still older, they at  the
end die, and are laid in the earth. Then their bodies perish, and "the
worm  shall feed sweetly on him; he shall be no more remembered",  Job
24:20.  Because  all flesh is like grass that withers,  and  like  the
flowers  of the field that wither away. A man is young and  thinks  to
have  a  long future before him. But before he knows it, he has become
old, and stands on the edge of the grave. His glory has gone, and like
a flower he withers away.
But  this  is the difference between mankind and the Word:  all  flesh
will  die, "but the Word of the Lord endureth for ever". Foolish  then
is  he that trust in human beauty. He is a fool, and sees wrong on the
glory  of  humanity.  Because  this all will  vanish  away.  The  fool
delights in the human beauty, but the wise man delights in God, and in
His  Word. For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as  the
flower  of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof  falleth
away: but the word of the Lord endureth for ever.
Some  build  their  palace  on this earth down,  but  when  they  have
settled, they also have become old. When they are still building their
paradise  on  this  earth, they have no time  for  God  and  His  true
worship.  And when they are ready, (at least when they are not  driven
forth  by their endless desires), they also are old, and are about  to
die,  and  to become food for the worms. For they are like grass  that
vanishes  away. Wise is he then that gathers his treasures in  heaven.
All  flesh  will  vanish, but the Word of God will stand  forever  and
ever. "And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you."
The  word  of truth is again brought to you now. Listen then;  forsake
the  things  that are down, and consider the things above.  "Set  your
affection on things above, not on things on the earth", Col. 3:2. "For
they  that  are after the flesh do mind the things of the  flesh;  but
they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit", Rom. 8:5.
"A Christian explanation of the Scriptures to Israel"
Institute Practical Bible-education
Written by Teus Benschop  --

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