Christian Research Institute
Newsletter Articles - Installment 1 (Files 1-13)

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0001. Ex-JWs by B & D Rush
From the Christian Research Newsletter, Volume 1: Number 3 (page 1, 1988), "Jehovah's Witnesses, A Name I Was Barely Acquainted With" Read about Bob and Debbie Rush, and their search for truth and eternal life. Is the Watchtower "God's organization" on earth as Jehovah's Witnesses claim? Is it an organization which reflects the love and concern that God longs to see in His followers? Is the Watchtower the 'way, the truth, and the life' or is it guilty of false prophesy? Here you will find the answers two ex-Jehovah's Witnesses found to these and other questions. Also available in plain text format.

0002. Nostradamus: Psychic, Prophet?
From the Christian Research Newsletter, Volume 1: Number 3 (page 2, 1988), "Nostradamus" Who's the most enduring prophet of the last 500 years? If you said, Nostradamus, you would be right. How accurate are his prophecies? Did he predict a major earthquake for California? More importantly, what is the source of his information? Read about Michel Nostradamus, the sixteenth century astrologer and physician who is still being listened to, centuriesafter his death. Also available in plain text format.

0003. plain text format.

0004. I Quit Masonry For Christ, Washum
From the Christian Research Newsletter, Volume 1: Number 4 (page 1, 1988), "Masonry, My Savior, and Me." The Masonic Order is one of the most highly regarded organizations in the world. But is the Masonic Order everything it seems to be? Is it an organization that a Christian should be involved in? Read about the experiences of Duane Washum. Find out how he discovered that much goes on in a Masonic Lodge that is an offence to God. Learn about the blood oaths and blasphemies that are permitted in the Lodge. Also available in plain text format.

0005. Hindu Turns To Christ
"The Choice: To Follow Jesus Christ. The Price: To Go Alone with the Lord," an article from the Christian Research Newsletter, 1989, 2: 1. Go on a spiritual journey with Dr. Mahendra Singhal, as he describes his life as a Hindu. Dissatisfied with being subject to the laws of karma and the wrath of the gods, he remained open to alternatives. Read about how God opened doors for Dr. Singhal, showing him a far different God than he had ever imagined. Also available in plain text format.

0006. How 'New Age' is New Age Music?
"How 'New Age' is New Age Music?," an article from the Christian Research Newsletter, 1989, 2: 1. Should the Christian listen to it? Will simply hearing this music open us up to demonic suggestions? Christian Research Institute's Elliot Miller fills us in on the growing field of New Age Music. Also available in plain text format.

0007. M. Fox's Jesus, SDA update,est/Forum
Includes the following unrelated items from the Christian Research Newsletter (Volume 2: Number 2, 1989): 1) a brief book review of Matthew Fox's _The Coming Of The Cosmic Christ_, with an explanation of some problems with Fox's view of the "Cosmic Christ" and "deep ecumenism." 2) an abstract of an article from our Journal regarding issues of controversy in Seventh Day Adventism and how some Adventists relate to these issues from an evangelical perspective. 3) letters to the editor on Mormonism and concerns regarding est/the Forum. Also available in plain text format.

0008. Young couple "emancipated" frm LDS
"Emancipation From Mormonism" (an article from the Christian Research Newsletter, Volume 2: Number 2, 1989) -- testimony of how two lifelong Mormons struggled with LDS teachings. Tanya was the president of her "Mutual Class" in the Mormon church, but had questions and then nightmares. David received the Aaronic Priesthood and planned on being a missionary, but began dabbling in the occult and had a memorable encounter with evil one night. Afterwards the doors were opened to finding out things about Mormonism and the Bible that they had been unaware of previously. Also available in plain text format.

0009. NSA Buddhist turns to Jesus Christ
Jim Stevens was on a pilgrimage to find truth. In his search he turned to Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism. You will read about the shocking reaction of his fellow Buddhists when he had a serious accident, and when he and other followers began asking questions about Buddhist teachings and practices. You will also learn how the power of prayer by a Christian friend led Jim out of the coldness of Buddhism into the warm, waiting arms of Jesus Christ. From the Christian Research Newsletter, Volume 3: Number 1, 1990. Also available in plain text format.

0010. Walter Martin's Memorial Service
"Memorial Service For Dr. Walter Martin" (articles from the Christian Research Newsletter, Volume 2: Number 4, 1989). Dr. Martin died June 26, 1989. This file records his memorial service and the words of his wife, Darlene, some of his children, some long-time friends of his, and the tributes of various Christian leaders. Also included is a brief chronology of his ministry. Also available in plain text format.

0011. Bernie Siegel/Healing/Community Chapel
"Research Notes" (articles from the Christian Research Newsletter, Volume 2: Number 5, 1989) Briefly covers the Seattle area Community Chapel, Bernie Siegel and Healing. Also available in plain text format.

0012. Hank Hanegraaff: Biography/Testimony
"Hendrik H. Hanegraaff, Interview, Biography, And Testimony" (articles from the Christian Research Newsletter, Volume 2: Number 5, 1989.) Hank Hanegraaff is the current president of Christian Research Institute. Also available in plain text format.

0013. "Satanism" by Walter Martin
"Satanism on the Rise" (an article from the Christian Research Newsletter, Volume 2: Number 5, 1989, page 5) by Dr. Walter Martin. The article, Dr. Martin's last prior to his death, notes the increased media interest in the subject and calls the Church back away from sensational preoccupation to consider the work of Satan in the Church today. Also available in plain text format.

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