file: /pub/resources/text/ProLife.News/1992: pln-0202.txt --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Communications - Volume 2, No. 2 January, 1992 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This newsletter is intended to provide articles and news information to those interested in Pro-Life Issues. Questions to readers and articles for submissions are strongly encouraged. All submissions should be sent to the editor, Steve ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) WHO DECIDES? Planned Parenthood spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in 1989 to find out what marketing would allow them to combat the anti- abortionists in winning the legislatures that will control the legality of it main trade. The result was this phrase: "Who decides, the woman or the government?" The marketeer's answer: Change the question. Make your option sound as American as apple-pie, and you'll win. How many times have we heard phrases like this? "Its a woman's right!" or "I'm pro-choice!" Its been working; more people believe it. Every time the question is rephrased, couched in their terms, we loose; another vote goes to the continuance of the slaughter in the abortion mills; another person is permitted to walk out of a 'clinic,' to face post-abortion syndrome. Another child dies. So don't let it slip by; whenever someone claims to be 'pro-choice' always insist on what the choice IS: a dead baby. What are the numbers? 1/3 of all women who enter an abortuary come out dead? When they talk about women's equality with men, abortion still has them far behind: Nearly all of the men that go in come out dead. The reality of abortion seems hidden from many - and is evaded in the notion of choice; Anyone who believes that a woman has "The right to choose abortion" is stating that a woman has the right to kill; So who decides who dies? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) A LETTER FROM THE FUTURE This letter was composed by a pro-life writer and has been distributed by pro-life agencies throughout the nation in recent years. The letter is dated Jan. 22, 2023 (the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade). -Robert Baker Dear Mom: Can you believe it's 2023 already? I'm still writing 22 on nearly everything. Seems like yesterday I was sitting in the first grade celebrating the century change! I know we haven't really chatted since Christmas. Sorry. Anyway, I have some difficult news and I really didn't want to call and talk face-to-face. Ted's had a promotion, and I should be up for a hefty raise this year if I keep putting in those crazy hours. You know how I work at it. Yes, we're still struggling with the bills. Timmy's been "OK" at kindergarten, although he complains about going. But then he wasn't happy about day care either, so what can I do? He's been a real problem, Mom. He's a good kid, but quite honestly he's an unfair burden at this time in our lives. Ted and I have talked this through and through and finally made a choice. Plenty of other families have made it and are much better off. Our pastor is supportive and says hard decisions sometimes are necessary. The family is a "system," and the demands of one member shouldn't be allowed to ruin the whole. He told us to be prayerful, consider ALL the factors and do what is right to make the family work. He says that even though he probably wouldn't do it himself, the decision really is ours. He was kind enough to refer us to a children's clinic near here, so at least that part's easy. I'm not an uncaring mother. I do feel sorry for the little guy. I think he overheard Ted and me talking about "it" the other night. I turned around and saw him standing at the bottom step in his pj's and the little bear you gave him under his arm and his eyes sort of welling up. Mom, the way he looked at me just about broke my heart. But I honestly believe this is better for Timmy, too. It's not fair to force him to live in a family that can't give him the time and attention he deserves. And PLEASE don't give me the kind of grief Grandma gave you over your abortions. It is the same thing, you know. We've told him he's just going in for a vaccination. Anyway, they say the termination procedure is painless. I guess it's just as well you haven't seen that much of him. Love to Dad. Jane -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - In an effort to illustrate that this is not such an isolated idea, some pro-death people have proposed the notion of a certain level of cognition as defining personhood, where only such legal persons deserve protection under the law; In this sense, children up to about the age of five, and anyone who becomes senile or stricken with Altheimer's disease would be 'disqualified' as persons. - Steve ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (3) CORPORATE CONTRIBUTORS TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD Do you buy the products of--or even own stock in--a company that contribute to Planned Parenthood or other pro-abortion organizations? The following is a list, compiled by the Christian Action Council, of major corporations which to date have been determined to be financial supporters of Planned Parenthood and its affiliates: Aetna Life & Casualty Insurance Alcoa Corporation American Express Company B.P. America Cargill, Inc. Chase Manhattan Corporation Chemical Banking Corporation CIGNA Corporation Citicorp/Citibank Cummins Engine Enron Corporation GATX Corporation General Mills Company Grand Metropolitan Honeywell Inc Hospital Corp. of America Johnson Controls, Inc. J.P. Morgan & Company Lincoln Electric Lincoln National Corporation The Lubrizol Corporation Manufacturers Hanover Corp. Mead Corporation Nationwide Insurance the New York Times Company the Northern Trust Company Nutri/System Inc. Patagonia Pacific Mutual/Pacific Financial Peter Kiewit & Sons Inc. Phelps Dodge Inc. Pittway Corporation PPG Industries, Inc. The Prudential Scott Paper Company Steelcase Inc. Subaru of America Syntex Corporation Tandy Corporation U.S. West Whirlpool Corporation Bristol Myers Squibb Company--includes: Bufferin, Exedrin, Four-Way Nasal Spray, Vitalis, Windex, Drano, Vanish, Clairol Dayton Hudson Company--includes: Hudson, Target, Mervyns, Lechmere, and Marshal Field stores Warner-Lambert Company--includes: Listerine, Anusol, Tucks, Efferdent, Rolaids, Remegel, Lubriderm, Benylin, Sinutab, Trident, Dentyne, Freshen-Up, Certs, Clorets, Schick razers and blades Financial Professionals for Life, the organization of pro-life stockbrokers, bankers and insurers, has determined that the following additional companies also provide funding to Planned Parenthood: Badger Meter Bank of Boston Consolidated Paper Harley Davidson Harnischfeger Huffy Corporation Marshall & Illsley Bank Metropolitan Life National Cash Register Corporation Oilgear Company Oshkosh B'Gosh Quaker Oats Rockwell International State Farm Mutual Sunstrand Corporation Valley National Corp. Weyenberg Show (WEYCO) Weyerhauser Wicor Pillsbury--includes Haagen-Dazs icecream - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So what can you do? 1. Stop supporting these companies. Don't buy their products; don't use their services. 2. To make step #1 especially effective, write the company a short, one-paragraph letter explaining you will no longer do business with them because they support Planned Parenthood. 3. Share this list with friends and relatives. What if you own stock in one of these companies? DON'T automatically sell it; stockholders have clout. Many have been successful in stopping the contributions by accusing the company of "fiduciary irresponsibility"--contributing to Planned Parenthood causes bad will in the community which hurts the company's image and threatens a loss of sales or business. This can be effective; 17 major corporations have ceased contributing to Planned Parenthood! [ Remember AT&T? ] Everyone: If you decide to boycott these companies' produces and services, please write them to let them know. Also, if someone has free time to collect a list of contacts and/or address for the above companies - please share that information with us so that we may write them also! Thanks! -Tim Rapp ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) THE OTHER SIDE - FIRE FOR EFFECT A not-so recent "Time" magazine article claimed that "...about 6 million unwanted pregnancies occur in the U.S. each year" (Feb. 26, 1990, p.44). Since there are/were about 4 million live births in the U.S. yearly, and 1.6 million abortions, that means that by Time's figures, every pregnancy in the country is/was "unwanted" at least once. This is just another example of how the media reports for the effect, rather than accuracy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (5) March for Life Followup: I suggest that every American pro-lifer send a letter to President Bush thanking him for his speech to the March for Life. Some pro-abortion Republicans are campaigning to have the Republican Party drop its pro-life plank from its platform and to have President Bush back off from his pro-life position. It is vitally important the President Bush and the leaders of the Republican Party see the extent of the pro-life support they would be throwing away by any such sellout. As you can see, this is a time-sensitive encouragement. If the letters are written now they will be accepted. If they are written a week or so from now they will be seen as part of an organized campaign, and have little impact. [Please Write!!] -Marty Helgesen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Quote Of the Month: "Advances in science and technology continue to provide evidence that the child in the developing in the mother's womb is a distinct, living individual who bears all the basic attributes of human personality." - President George Bush, in his proclaimation of `National Sanctity of Human Life Day' - 19 January, 1992. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Credits: | | 1- This is a brief summary of a talk given by Dr. Jack Willkie | | at the presentation banquet of American Collegians for Life on | | 19 January, 1992. | | 2- This was submitted by reader Rob Chesnavich | | 3- Taken from CCL (Couple to Couple League) "Family Foundations" | | Vol. XVII, #3. CCL is a non-sectarian nationwide promoter of | | Natural Family Planning (NFP). For more information, they can | | be contacted at P.O. Box 111184 Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 or by | | phone at (513) 661-7612. | | 4- From "Family Foundations" XVII, n6, p3 article quoting the | | "Population Research Institute Review (Jan-Feb '91) | |QOM- from his prclaimation dated 20 December, 1991, as quoted from | | the "Arlington Catholic Herald", 16 Jan. 1992 p 19. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Anyone desiring information on specific prolife groups, literature, tapes, or help with problems is encouraged to contact the editor.