patch-2.3.99-pre6 linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed/head.S

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.99-pre5/linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed/head.S linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed/head.S
@@ -6,6 +6,66 @@
 #include <linux/linkage.h>
 		.section ".start", #alloc, #execinstr
+ * Debugging stuff
+ */
+		.macro	kputc,val
+		mov	r0, \val
+		bl	putc
+		.endm
+		.macro	kphex,val,len
+		mov	r0, \val
+		mov	r1, #\len
+		bl	phex
+		.endm
+		.macro	debug_reloc_start
+#ifdef DEBUG
+		kputc	#'\n'
+		kphex	r6, 8
+		kputc	#':'
+		kphex	r5, 8
+		kputc	#'-'
+		kphex	r8, 8
+		kputc	#'>'
+		kphex	r4, 8
+		kputc	#'\n'
+		.endm
+		.macro	debug_reloc_end
+#ifdef DEBUG
+		mov	r8, r0
+		kphex	r5, 8
+		kputc	#'-'
+		kphex	r8, 8
+		kputc	#'\n'
+		mov	r0, r4
+		bl	memdump
+		.endm
+#if 0
+		.macro	loadsp,	rb
+		mov	\rb, #0x7c000000
+		.endm
+		.macro	writeb,	rb
+		strb	\rb, [r3, #0x3f8]
+		.endm
+		.macro	loadsp,	rb
+		mov	\rb, #0x03000000
+		orr	\rb, \rb, #0x00010000
+		.endm
+		.macro	writeb,	rb
+		strb	\rb, [r3, #0x3f8 << 2]
+		.endm
  * sort out different calling conventions
@@ -42,6 +102,8 @@
 		cmp	r2, r3
 		blt	1b
+		bl	cache_on
 		mov	r1, sp			@ malloc space above stack
 		add	r2, sp, #0x10000	@ 64k max
@@ -77,15 +139,87 @@
 		cmp	r2, r3
 		blt	1b
-		eor	r1, r6, #0x44 << 24	@ SA-110 or SA-1100?
-		eor	r1, r1, #0x01 << 16
-		eor	r1, r1, #0xa1 << 8
-		movs	r1, r1, lsr #5
-		mcreq	p15, 0, r1, c7, c7, 0	@ flush I & D-cache
-		mcreq	p15, 0, r1, c7, c10, 4	@ drain WB
+		bl	cache_clean_flush
 		add	pc, r5, r0		@ call relocation code
+ * Page table physical address list
+ */
+		.align	5
+		.type	pgtable,#object
+pgtable:	.word	0x00004000		@ 0x00
+		.word	0x10004000		@ 0x01
+		.word	0x00000000		@ 0x02
+		.word	0x40004000		@ 0x03
+		.word	0x00004000		@ 0x04
+		.word	0x00004000		@ 0x05
+		.word	0x00004000		@ 0x06
+		.word	0x80004000		@ 0x07
+		.word	0x00004000		@ 0x08
+		.word	0x00000000		@ 0x09
+		.word	0x00000000		@ 0x0a
+		.word	0x00000000		@ 0x0b
+		.word	0x00000000		@ 0x0c
+		.word	0x00000000		@ 0x0d
+		.word	0x10004000		@ 0x0e
+		.word	0x08004000		@ 0x0f
+		.word	0xc0004000		@ 0x10
+		.size	pgtable,. - pgtable
+		.type	LC0, #object
+LC0:		.word	__bss_start
+		.word	_end
+		.word	_load_addr
+		.word	_start
+		.word	user_stack+4096
+		.size	LC0, . - LC0
+		.align	5
+cache_on:	ldr	r1, proc_sa110_type
+		eor	r1, r1, r6
+		movs	r1, r1, lsr #5
+		movne	pc, lr
+		cmp	r7, #(1b - pgtable) >> 2
+		movge	pc, lr
+		adr	r3, pgtable
+		ldr	r3, [r3, r7, lsl #2]
+		teq	r3, #0
+		moveq	pc, lr
+ * Initialise the page tables
+ */
+		mov	r0, r3
+		mov	r8, r0, lsr #18
+		mov	r8, r8, lsl #18		@ start of RAM
+		add	r9, r8, #0x20000000	@ the maximum RAM size
+		mov	r1, #0x12
+		orr	r1, r1, #3 << 10
+		add	r2, r3, #16384
+1:		cmp	r1, r8			@ if virt > start of RAM
+		orrge	r1, r1, #0x0c		@ set cacheable, bufferable
+		cmp	r1, r9			@ if virt > end of RAM
+		bicge	r1, r1, #0x0c		@ clear cacheable, bufferable
+		str	r1, [r0], #4		@ 1:1 mapping
+		add	r1, r1, #1048576
+		teq	r0, r2
+		bne	1b
+		mov	r0, #0
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 4	@ drain write buffer
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c8, c7	@ flush I,D TLBs
+		mcr	p15, 0, r3, c2, c0	@ load page table pointer
+		mov	r0, #-1
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c3, c0	@ load domain access register
+		mrc	p15, 0, r0, c1, c0
+		orr	r0, r0, #0x1000		@ I-cache enable
+#ifndef DEBUG
+		orr	r0, r0, #0x003d		@ Write buffer, mmu
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c1, c0
+		mov	pc, lr
  * r0     = decompressed kernel length
  * r1-r3  = unused
  * r4     = kernel execution address
@@ -94,87 +228,68 @@
  * r7     = architecture ID
  * r8-r14 = unused
+		.align	5
 reloc_start:	add	r8, r5, r0
-#if 0
-	mov r0, #'\n'
-	bl putc
-	mov r0, r6
-	mov r1, #8
-	bl phex
-	mov r0, #':'
-	bl putc
-	mov r0, r5
-	mov r1, #8
-	bl phex
-	mov r0, #'-'
-	bl putc
-	mov r0, r8
-	mov r1, #8
-	bl phex
-	mov r0, #'>'
-	bl putc
-	mov r0, r4
-	mov r1, #8
-	bl phex
-	mov r0, #'\n'
-	bl putc
-		mov	r0, r8
+		debug_reloc_start
 		mov	r1, r4
 		.rept	4
-		ldmia	r5!, {r2, r3, r8 - r13}	@ relocate kernel
-		stmia	r1!, {r2, r3, r8 - r13}
+		ldmia	r5!, {r0, r2, r3, r9 - r13}	@ relocate kernel
+		stmia	r1!, {r0, r2, r3, r9 - r13}
-		cmp	r5, r0
+		cmp	r5, r8
 		blt	1b
-#if 0
-	mov r8, r0
-	mov r0, r5
-	mov r1, #8
-	bl phex
-	mov r0, #'-'
-	bl putc
-	mov r0, r8
-	mov r1, #8
-	bl phex
-	mov r0, #'\n'
-	bl putc
-	mov r0, r4
-	bl  memdump
-		eor	r0, r6, #0x44 << 24	@ SA-110 or SA-1100?
-		eor	r0, r0, #0x01 << 16
-		eor	r0, r0, #0xa1 << 8
-		movs	r0, r0, lsr #5
-		mcreq	p15, 0, r0, c7, c7, 0	@ flush I cache
-		mcreq	p15, 0, r1, c7, c10, 4	@ drain WB
+		debug_reloc_end
-call_kernel:	mov	r0, #0
+call_kernel:	bl	cache_clean_flush
+		bl	cache_off
+		mov	r0, #0
 		mov	r1, r7			@ restore architecture number
 		mov	pc, r4			@ call kernel
-phexbuf:	.space	12
+		.type	proc_sa110_type,#object
+		.word	0x4401a100
+		.size	proc_sa110_type, . - proc_sa110_type
-#if 0
-		.macro	loadsp,	rb
-		mov	\rb, #0x7c000000
-		.endm
+ * Turn off StrongARM cache and MMU
+ */
+		.align	5
+cache_off:	ldr	r1, proc_sa110_type
+		eor	r1, r1, r6
+		movs	r1, r1, lsr #5
+		movne	pc, lr
+		mrc	p15, 0, r0, c1, c0
+		bic	r0, r0, #0x000d
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c1, c0
+		mov	pc, lr		
-		.macro	writeb,	rb
-		strb	\rb, [r3, #0x3f8]
-		.endm
-		.macro	loadsp,	rb
-		mov	\rb, #0x03000000
-		orr	\rb, \rb, #0x00010000
-		.endm
+ * Clean and flush the cache to maintain consistency.
+ */
+		.align	5
+		ldr	r1, proc_sa110_type	@ SA-110 or SA-1100?
+		eor	r1, r1, r6
+		movs	r1, r1, lsr #5
+		movne	pc, lr
-		.macro	writeb,	rb
-		strb	\rb, [r3, #0x3f8 << 2]
-		.endm
+		bic	r1, pc, #31
+		add	r2, r1, #32768
+1:		ldr	r12, [r1], #32
+		teq	r1, r2
+		bne	1b
+		mcr	p15, 0, r1, c7, c7, 0	@ flush I cache
+		mcr	p15, 0, r1, c7, c10, 4	@ drain WB
+		mov	pc, lr
+#ifdef DEBUG
+		.type	phexbuf,#object
+phexbuf:	.space	12
+		.size	phexbuf, . - phexbuf
 phex:		adr	r3, phexbuf
 		mov	r2, #0
@@ -240,14 +355,10 @@
 		cmp	r11, #64
 		blt	2b
 		mov	pc, r10
-LC0:		.word	__bss_start
-		.word	_end
-		.word	_load_addr
-		.word	_start
-		.word	user_stack+4096
 		.section	".stack"
 user_stack:	.space	4096

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: