#  poprelayd NG #2 - update /etc/mail/popip based on POP logins
#  This code was written by Curt Sampson <cjs@cynic.net> and placed into
#  the public domain in 1998 by Western Internet Portal Services, Inc.
#  $Id: poprelayd,v 2000/07/27 03:10:31 cjs Exp $
#  Updated by J. Briggs, james@ActiveMessage.com on 2000 10 18:
# - added support for both UW imap-2000 Login and Authenticated log entries
# - added UW imap-2000 Logout support
# - code cleanup, more error handling
# - safer signal handling
# - moved alternative imap log parsers into program as comments
#  Updated by J. Briggs, james@ActiveMessage.com on 2000 10 28:
# - added UW imap-2000 AutoLogout support
#  Usage:
#	poprelayd -d
#	poprelayd -p
#	poprelayd -a <ip>
#	poprelayd -r <ip>
#  With the -d option this program goes into daemon mode. It will
#  monitor /var/log/maillog (following rollovers by newsyslog)
#  for successful POP3 logins. When it sees one, it will
#  look up the IP address the login came from and add this to the
#  popip sendmail map (the address as the key, the current time in
#  seconds since the epoch as the datum). Every five minutes or so it
#  will also remove any addresses older than a certain time from that
#  file.
#  If given the -p option, the program will not go into daemon mode,
#  but will instead dump the current database, printing each IP address
#  and its age.
#  The -a option will add the IP address given. The -r option will delete
#  the IP address given.

#  Configuration settings.

use strict;
use diagnostics;

use vars qw / $opt_a $opt_d $opt_r $opt_p $opt_t /;

my $logfile = "/var/log/maillog";		# POP3 daemon log.
my $pidfile = "/var/run/poprelayd.pid";	# Where we put our PID.
my $dbfile = "/etc/mail/popip.db";		# Sendmail map to update.
my $dbtype = "";				# obsolete
my $timeout_minutes = 15;			# Minutes an entry lasts.
my $log_wait_interval = 5;			# Number of seconds between checks
						# of the log file.

#  Modules

use Getopt::Std;
use Fcntl;
use DB_File;
use POSIX;

# You may need to uncomment this if your fcntl.ph doesn't export it.
#{ local $^W = 0; eval "sub O_EXLOCK { 0x20 };"; }

#  Variables

my $pid;				# Process ID.
my %db;					# Hash into database file.
my $lffd;				# $logfile file descriptor.
my $lfino;				# Inode of $logfile when we opened it.
my $lfbuf;				# Buffer for data from $lffd.
my @addrs_add;				# List of IP addresses to add.
my @addrs_del;				# List of IP addresses to delete.
my $lasttimeout;			# Last time we did a timeout.
my $flag_signal;			# Time to die from a signal.

#  Subroutines

sub opendb_read {
    tie(%db, "DB_File", $dbfile, O_RDONLY, 0, $DB_HASH) ||
	die "Can't open $dbfile for reading: $!";

sub opendb_write {
    tie(%db, "DB_File", $dbfile, O_RDWR|O_EXLOCK, 0, $DB_HASH) ||
	die "Can't open $dbfile for writing: $!";

sub closedb {
    untie %db;

sub adddb {
    my ($addr) = @_;
    $db{$addr} = time;

sub removedb {
    my ($addr) = @_;
    delete $db{$addr};

# timeoutdb(secs)
# Remove all entries from %db more than secs seconds old.
sub timeoutdb {
    # Convert timeout in secs to a time_t before which we delete.
    my $to = time - $_[0];

    my $key;
    foreach $key (keys %db) {
	if ($db{$key} < $to) {
	    delete $db{$key};

# getlogline()
# Return the next line from $logfile, or undef if one isn't currently ready.
# XXX Note that there's a bug in this routine that causes it to ignore
# blank lines. I kinda like this behaviour, so I've not fixed it.
sub getlogline {
    my $ino;
    my $foundeof = 0;
    my $buf;
    my $count;

    # The first time we're called; open the logfile, skip to the end,
    # and remember the inode we opened.
    if (!defined($lffd)) {
	$lffd = POSIX::open($logfile, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK, 0);
	if (!defined($lffd)) {
	    die "Can't open $logfile: $!\n";
	if (POSIX::lseek($lffd, 0, &POSIX::SEEK_END) == -1) {
	    die "Can't seek to end of $logfile: $!\n";
	(undef, $lfino, undef) = POSIX::fstat($lffd);

    # Append new data, if available, to our buffer.
    $count = POSIX::read($lffd, $buf, 1024);
    if ($count) {
	$lfbuf = $lfbuf . $buf;

    # Return a line, if we have one.
    if ($lfbuf =~ m/\n/m) {
	($buf, $lfbuf) = split(/\n/m, $lfbuf, 2);
	return $buf;

    # Check the inode number of $logfile; if it's not the saved one,
    # the logfile has been rotated and we need to reopen.
    (undef, $ino, undef) = POSIX::stat($logfile);
    if ($ino != $lfino) {
	$lffd = POSIX::open($logfile, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK, 0);
	if (!defined($lffd)) {
	    die "Can't open $logfile: $!\n";
	(undef, $lfino, undef) = POSIX::fstat($lffd);

    return undef;

# scanaddr($line)
# Scan $line to see if it's a log of a successful POP3 authentication.
# Return an array of the addresses that authenticated.
# What would be really nice is a way to extend the session based on activity,
# instead of timing out the session blindly a fixed interval after login!
sub scanaddr {
    my ($s) = @_;

# untested qpopper 2.53 parser:
#    if ($s =~ /(popper).*?POP (login).*?(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/o) {
# untested Cubic Circle POP3 daemon (cucipop) parser:
#    if ($s =~ /(cucipop)\[\d+\]:\s+(\w+)\s+(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/o) {

# tested UW imap parser:
    if ($s =~ /i(pop2|pop3|map)d\[[0-9]+\]: (Authenticated|Login|Logout) user=.*?\[([^]]*)\]$/io) {
        if (lc($2) eq 'logout') { # could be Logout or Autologout
        else {
    return ('','');

#  cleanup
#  Clean up and exit; executed on receipt of a sighup.
sub cleanup {
    $flag_signal = 1;

#  Main Program

my $help_opts = "Usage: poprelayd [-p] [-a <ip>] [-r <ip>] [-d]\n";
my $countopts = 0;

getopts('a:dpr:t:') ||
    die $help_opts;

# Add an address.
if ($opt_a) {

# Remove an address.
if ($opt_r) {

# Timeout entries.
if ($opt_t) {
    die "Invalid timeout value: $opt_t.\n" unless $opt_t > 0;

# Print address list.
if ($opt_p) {
    my $key;
    foreach $key (sort(keys(%db))) {
	print "$key\t", time - $db{$key}, "\n";

# Daemon mode.
if ($opt_d) {
    # Check to see we can read/write the files we need.
    die "Can't read $logfile: $!\n" if ! -r $logfile;
    die "Can't write $dbfile: $!\n" if ! -w $dbfile;

    # Become a daemon: fork, detach, cd /, set creation mode to 0.
    if ($pid = fork) {
	exit 0;				# Parent.
    } elsif (defined($pid)) {
	$pid = getpid;			# Child.
    } else {
	die "Can't fork: $!\n";
    # Catch signals and set $flag_signal for later cleanup since
    #    Perl5 does not have safe signal handling
    $SIG{INT} = \&cleanup;
    $SIG{TERM} = \&cleanup;
    $SIG{HUP} = \&cleanup;

    # Write PID file.
    open(PIDFILE, ">$pidfile") || die "Can't open PID file: $!\n";
    print PIDFILE "$pid\n";
    close(PIDFILE) or die "Can't close file $pidfile: $!\n";
    chmod(0644, $pidfile) or warn "Can't chmod file $pidfile: $!";

    # Detach from terminal, etc.
    setpgrp(0, 0);
    close(STDIN); close(STDOUT); close(STDERR);

    # Main loop.
    $lasttimeout = 0;
    my $line = '';

    while (1) {
        if ($flag_signal) {
           unlink $pidfile or die "Can't unlink file $pidfile: $!\n";
           exit 0;

	# Build list of addresses of recent authentications.
	while ($line = getlogline()) {
	    if (my ($add, $del) = scanaddr($line)) {
		push(@addrs_add, $add) if $add ne '';
		push(@addrs_del, $del) if $del ne '';

	# Add or delete this list from current set.
        my $addr;
	while ($addr = pop @addrs_add) {
	while ($addr = pop @addrs_del) {

	# Timeout entries if we haven't for a minute.
	if ((time - $lasttimeout) > 60) {
	    $lasttimeout = time;
	    timeoutdb(60 * $timeout_minutes);
	sleep $log_wait_interval;

die $help_opts if !$countopts;