Petri Jokela Tampere University of Technology P.O.B 527 33101 Tampere Finland You are holding now a document, which helps you to join to the OSI Di- rectory! In this document we concentrate on the installation and configura- tion of the QUIPU directory software which is part of the ISODE package. This is not a tutorial on the OSI Directory (shortly the Directory) and its contents. However, in order to join and maintain the Directory, we must go through a few basic concepts concerning it. The goal of this document is to give you enough information, so that you can join the Directory and main- tain it. This guide is made for NORDUNET purposes to ease Nordic orga- nizations to join the Directory but it can be useful for other vendors, too. March 7, 1990 Table of Contents Chapter 1: Overview to the Directory Services 1 1.1 Scope of this document 2 Chapter 2: Introduction to the Directory services 3 2.1 Functional Model 3 2.2 Organizational Model 7 2.3 Level-0 DSA 7 2.4 Level-1 DSA 8 2.5 Level-2 DSA 8 Chapter 3: Installation and configuration 10 3.1 The Software 10 3.2 Selecting a computer 10 3.3 Getting sources 11 3.4 Configuring and generating ISODE 11 3.5 Installing and tailoring ISODE 13 3.6 Starting and testing basic ISODE 14 3.7 Interesting files 15 3.8 Testing the DUA 17 3.8.1 DUA Failures 17 3.9 Configuring a DSA 18 3.9.1 Choosing a name for the DSA 18 3.9.2 Editing the configuration file of the DSA 19 3.9.3 Running the DSA configuration program 19 3.10 Database structure 20 3.11 Testing your DSA 21 3.11.1 Options in the quiputailor file 21 3.12 Starting the DSA 26 3.12.1 DSA Failure 26 3.13 Contacting your DSA 28 3.14 Joining the global Directory 29 3.14.1 Updating SLAVE copies 32 3.15 Controlling the DSA 33 Chapter 4: Maintenance 35 4.1 Editing the $(ETCDIR)/dsaptailor file 35 4.2 The logfiles 39 4.3 Adding an entry to the database 39 4.3.1 Adding entries with dish 40 4.4 Maintaining the database 40 4.5 Common security features 41 4.5.1 The software 41 4.5.2 File permissions 42 4.5.3 The Access Control List attribute 42 4.5.4 Publicly readable attributes 43 4.6 Retrospect 43 The References 44 Appendix A: DSA Names 45 Appendix B: Information about DSAs in the NORDUNET countries 46 Appendix C: User Interfaces 47 1. Overview to the Directory Services The development of the Directory started from the telecommunications us- ers' need to find out how a person can be reached via telephone, telefax, elec- tronic mail, etc. Today the Directory services include many other applica- tions. The Directory can hold information not only about individuals but also about OSI applications such as FTAM (File Transfer, Access and Manage- ment), MHS-routing (Message Handling System) and yellow pages services. The White Pages service of ISODE [Ros89] package - called QUIPU - is a freely distributed implementation of the OSI Directory. ISODE contains the Directory as well as OSI implementation of the layers 5 and 6 plus other OSI applications. ISODE forms a good basis to move on to OSI. The Directory is a collection of open systems that cooperatively hold in- formation about real world objects. An object can be anything named in some world, but usually the world is restricted to that of telecommunications and information processing areas. For example, typical directory objects include countries, organizations, persons, computer systems or applications like FTAM. A detailed introduction to the Directory can be found in [JH]. The standard of the Directory is defined in [ISO88]. The design of the QUIPU software is described in the report "The Design of QUIPU" [SKil- l89a] and the implementation and usage of QUIPU in the fifth volume of the report "ISODE Users Manual" [SKill89b]. This document is mainly based on NYSERNet White Pages Pilot Project's manual [NYSERNet]. 1.1 Scope of this document The information in this document is valid in Nordic countries Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Finland and the instructions are tailored for Nordic or- ganizations to ease their work in setting up the Directory Services. In chapter two we will try to clarify the Directory concepts. We get to know how the Directory System Agents (DSAs) discuss with each other and how they have been categorized according to the information they hold. In chapter three we will describe how you can set up your own DSA. The installation and configuration will be done step by step in order to ease your work. If you are already familiar with the structure and concepts of the Direc- tory, you can move directly to the chapter three. After you have successfully set up the Directory Services, you can start to learn its usage. For this purpose Appendix C contains a short description of the user interface tools of the ISODE package11 . 2. Introduction to the Directory services A Directory User (DU) contacts the Directory through a Directory User Agent (DUA). In our software the DUA is a program called dish (DIrectory SHell). The DU "converses" with the DUA to make searches, updates, etc. The DUA on its part directs the DU's requests to a Directory System Agent (DSA), which actually provides the services. If the DSA does not have the requested information resident, it has two choices. (1) it may either contact another DSA which is "closer" to the information and propagate the request (this is called chaining, see Figure 1) or alternatively (2) the DSA may return information about this "closer" DSA to the DUA, and let the DUA reissue its request (this is called referral, see Figure 2). Next we can ask: how the DSAs transmit information to each other? 2.1 Functional Model A DSA can have MASTER or SLAVE copies of its Entry Data Blocks (EDBs) which are nodes in the Directory Information Tree (DIT). The DIT has organized hierachically (see Figure 3). At each level in the DIT -except the leaves - there is an EDB. The EDB contains all the information of the next lower level in the DIT (see Figure 4). MASTER EDB copies are original and every time they need to be updated, it is done by the DSA which has the MASTER copy of that EDB. DSAs with the SLAVE EDB copies receive this new information from the DSA owning the MASTER EDB copy. SLAVE copies can be updated when the DSA starts or by the manager when he/she wants so or automatically at certain interval. Each level in the DIT is described with attributes (see Figure 3). Every at- tribute consists from the name and the value(s) of the attribute: = For example, Sweden is described with the attribute "c=SE" (the name of the attribute is here 'countryName' - shortly 'c'). An organization is defined with the 'o' attribute - for example "o=Universitet i Oslo". Alternatively, organi- zational units are defined with the 'ou' attribute and persons with the 'cn' (com- monName) attribute. Suppose we want to set up a DSA for an organization "o=ISO Company" which would lie below "c=SE" in the DIT. Then we must transmit to the new DSA SLAVE copies of both the root and country level EDBs. Now the new DSA knows its place in the DIT. It can be reached by other DSAs and it may contact others DSAs. When a DU wants to move from one node to another, it is done via the root of the DIT. That is why every DSA have to know how to reach the root. For efficiency reasons every DSA should have SLAVE copy (or copies) of all EDBs above itself. 2.2 Organizational Model DSAs have been classified into three categories: there are zero level (Lev- el-0), first level (Level-1) and second level (Level-2) DSAs. This classifica- tion is made for the purposes of the NYSERNet Pilot Project, but it clarifies us too how the DIT has been mapped between DSAs. 2.3 Level-0 DSA These DSAs are highly-available authoritative servers, which can give re- ferrals to requests from Level-1 DSAs. At present Nordic countries Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland have each one DSA of this type: in Norway a DSA called cn=Electric Eel, in Sweden cn=Hummingbird, in Finland cn=Jaguar and in Iceland cn=Elephant Seal. We could now examine how EDBs are updated between Level-0 DSAs. As an example we take the Lev- el-0 DSA in Finland (cn=Jaguar). Jaguar has a SLAVE copy of the root EDB which is the highest level EDB of the DIT. Jaguar obtains this EDB from a DSA cn=Giant Tortoise. In ad- dition, Jaguar is a MASTER DSA for c=FI which implies that Jaguar con- tains information about the organizations in Finland. Jaguar receives EDBs from Sweden (c=SE), Norway (c=NO) and Iceland (c=IS) and propagates a copy of its country level EDB (c=FI) to these other Level-0 DSAs (Hum- mingbird, Elephant Seal and Electric Eel). Because of Jaguar is a MASTER DSA for Finland, it propagates also a copy of its own highest MASTER EDB (e.g. c=FI EDB) to the root level DSA (cn=Giant Tortoise). Correspondingly, all Finnish Level-1 DSAs obtain a copy of c=FI EDB and root EDB from Jag- uar. Figure 4 tries to clarify the updating scheme. 2.4 Level-1 DSA Each participating organization should have their own DSA with MAS- TER EDB for that organization. These DSAs reside directly under Level-0 DSAs in each country. Level-1 DSAs receive a copy of the root and country level EDB (c=NO, c=SE, c=FI or c=IS) from a Level-0 DSA (Electric Eel, Hummingbird, Jaguar or Elephant Seal) and propagate their own organiza- tion level EDBs to the Level-0 DSA. Correspondingly, Level-1 DSA prop- agates a copy of its own organization level EDB and a copy of both the root and country level EDB to all Level-2 DSAs below this DSA. We take an ex- ample: "c=FI@o=Tampere University of Technology" is an organization having its own DSA (cn=Rhea). Rhea has the MASTER EDB for the organization Tampere University of Technology. In addition, Rhea receives a copy of both root and c=FI EDBs from the country level DSA Jaguar and propagates a copy of its own highest MASTER EDB (o=Tampere University of Technol- ogy EDB) to Jaguar. Because of there are no more Level-2 DSAs in this or- ganization, there is no information to transfer downwards in the DIT either. 2.5 Level-2 DSA Each participating organization can run zero or more Level-2 DSAs as the size of their organizational units requires. These DSAs reside directly under Level-1 DSAs. At present, this guide doesn't support the use of Level-2 DSAs. Nevertheless, it is important to structure an organization so that it contains organizational units too. You can set up a Level-2 DSA when your organization is so large that running only one DSA loads your computer system too much. A part of the Level-1 DSA's functions can be passed to the Level-2 DSA and so reduce the memory requirements on the system running the Level-1 DSA. 3. Installation and configuration In this chapter we describe how you can install, configure and test the Di- rectory services. Finally you have successfully joined the Directory! 3.1 The Software The Software we are using is QUIPU implementation of the OSI Directo- ry. QUIPU is a part of the ISO Development Environment (shortly ISODE). The purpose of QUIPU is to build up an experimental environment for stan- dardized Directory services because we do not have yet any wide experience about the OSI Directory. The present implementation of the software contains a DSA and interfaces to the Directory: DIrectory SHell - dish, FRont End to Dish - fred, Window Interface Developed at GEc hirsT - widget, SUN- VIEW interface - sunint (see Appendix C). A complete explanation of QUIPU is found in [SKill89a]. You can get more information about the soft- ware by sending mail to your country level manager. 3.2 Selecting a computer The machine you are going to use for the Directory service should support the Berkeley variant of UNIX", (although the software is known to run on other variants of UNIX - such as AT&T and HP - too.) Your computer running the DSA should have available at least 1/2 Kilo- bytes of RAM per stored entry. Make sure that this is the case since a paging DSA performs extremely poorly. 3.3 Getting sources You can get a copy of the source release by using anonymous ftp: % cd /usr/src/local % ftp $(FTP_HOST) Connected to $(FTP_HOST). 220 $(FTP_HOST) FTP server (SunOS 4.0) ready. Name ($(FTP_HOST):user): anonymous 331 Guest login ok, send ident as password. Password:guest 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply ftp> cd $(FTPDIR) 200 PORT command successful. ftp> binary 200 Type set to I. ftp> get isode-6.0.tar.Z 200 PORT command successful. ftp> quit 221 Goodbye. % zcat isode-6.0.tar.Z | tar xbf - % rm isode-6.0.tar.Z For the usage of the variables $(FTP_HOST) and $(FTPDIR) refer appendix B. Next, change to the directory isode-6.0 release of the software: % cd isode-6.0/ The file READ-ME in this directory contains instructions on how ISODE will be configured, generated and installed. 3.4 Configuring and generating ISODE The configuration is very simple. For each supported system there is a pair of skeleton files (".make" and ".h") in the config subdirectory. Currently the following systems are supported: FILE CONFIGURATION apollo Apollo aux A/UX release 1.1 bsd42 generic 4.2BSD UNIX bsd43 generic 4.3BSD UNIX bsd43-rt RT/PC with 4.3BSD bsd44 4.4BSD UNIX with OSI hpux HP-UX mips MIPS RISC/OS osx Olivetti LSX 30xx ros Ridge Operating System sunlink3 SunOS release 3 with SunLink OSI release 5.2 sunlink4 SunOS release 4 with SunLink OSI release 6.0 sunos3 SunOS release 3 sunos4 SunOS release 4 sys52-exos SVR2 UNIX with EXOS sys52-rt RT/PC with AIX sys52-sun SVR2 UNIX emulation on SunOS release 3 sys52-win SVR2 UNIX with WIN/TCP sys53 generic SVR3 ultrix Ultrix 3.1 The configuration is very simple. For example, the configuration for SunOS 4.0 with TCP/IP only is done as follows: % cp config/sunos4.h h/config.h % cp config/sunos4.make config/CONFIG.make % cp config/*.local support/ Look for your configuration files in the list above and execute the com- mands for your system as in the previous example.Then look at the files h/config.h config/CONFIG.make to see if the directories BINDIR, SBINDIR, ETCDIR and LOGDIR are suitable for your purposes. Normally SBINDIR and ETCDIR should point to the same directory. The directories and their meaning are: BINDIR /usr/local/bin/ where to install user programs SBINDIR /usr/etc/ where to install administrator programs ETCDIR /usr/etc/ where to install administrator files LOGDIR /usr/tmp/ where to install log files INCDIR /usr/include/isode/ where to install include files LIBDIR /usr/lib/ where to install object libraries LINTDIR /usr/lib/lint/ where to install lint libraries SYSTEM directs how to create loader libraries MANOPTS see util/ for details Once you have configured the files properly, generate both ISODE and QUIPU using the command: % ./make everything >& make.out & The generation takes a few hours, so we started it as a background job. No- tice the use of './' in the command! If you see a line (and only line like these) with *** Error code 1 or Exit something has gone wrong. Try to find out what the problem is. If you can not find the problem, send a message to the country level manager. The message should contain the output of the make command and the description of the hardware you are using. If you catch up messages like warning: statement not reached ranlib: warning: ../libisode.a(aetdbm.o): no symbol table or *** Error code 1 (ignored) these are normal. The error messages might be caused by incomplete config- uration files or the system you are using is non-standard (i.e. the compiler might be different). Now generate QUIPU: % (cd others/quipu; ./make pilot) 3.5 Installing and tailoring ISODE Once you are satisfied with the generation, install both ISODE and QUIPU. To be able to run installation, you must first become the super-user. Make sure the directories BINDIR, SBINDIR, ETCDIR and LOGDIR (de- fined in config/CONFIG.make) exist. If not, create them using mkdir. The protection of LOGDIR should be 0777. In order to install programs, libraries and databases: # ./make inst-all inst-quipu # (cd others/quipu; ./make inst-pilot) Note the usage of the './' again! Make sure that the files in ETCDIR have read permission for the world. Later starting the DUA as an ordinary user may fail because of incomplete permissions of these files. Other applications - such as FTAM - are not installed at this moment. You can do it on your own later. If you are not going to do any program development, you can remove the various libraries and program development tools by typing # ./make zap in the isode-6.0 directory as the super-user.Before the DUA and the DSA can be started, you have to configure the $ETCDIR/isotailor file. The instal- lation we have done so far has not installed the isotailor file. We do it now by hand: # cp $(ETCDIR)/quipu/scripts/isotailor.empty $(ETCDIR)/iso- tailor See the manual page (isotailor(5)) for a detailed explanation of the isotai- lor file. At time we need only the options "localname" and "logpath". Add the following lines to the isotailor file: logpath: LOGDIR localname: $(NAME) where you replace $(NAME) with your hostname. For example: logpath: /var/log/ localname: 3.6 Starting and testing basic ISODE From now on we use the names $(SBINDIR), $(BINDIR), $(LOGDIR) and $(ETCDIR) as the names of the directories you have chosen in the con- figuration. Replace them with the absolute path names. In order to make sure that ISODE system is always running, there are some things you need to do: 1. Verify that the file /etc/rc.local has lines: if [ -f $(SBINDIR)/tsapd ]; then $(SBINDIR)/tsapd -t & (echo -n ' tsapd') > /dev/console fi 2. Verify that the file /etc/services has an entry : tsap 102/tcp 3. Verify that the file /usr/lib/crontab has an entry: 0 4 * * * su daemon < $(SBINDIR)/isologs or some other entry which cleans up the logfiles 4. Start the tsapd(8c) daemon by hand. When you use sh start it with # $(SBINDIR)/tsapd -t 1>/dev/null 2>&1 & or when you use csh: % $(SBINDIR)/tsapd -t >& /dev/null The easiest way to test ISODE is to run the script isode-test from the di- rectory $(ETCDIR)/quipu/scripts. % isode-test On the screen you can follow how the test goes further. When the script terminates, it will indicate the number of errors encountered. If an error oc- curs, try to determine what the problem is. Examine also the logfiles ($(LOGDIR)/*.log). If you are unable to find the reason for the error message, send a message to your country level manager. The message should contain the output of isode-test, configuration files you have changed and the descrip- tion of the hardware you are using. 3.7 Interesting files The number of files needed is quite small. In the directory BINDIR - usually /usr/local/bin, there are a few pro- grams of interest: dish: DIrectory SHell. This is an interface to the OSI Directory with which you can access the services of the Directory. The program is not intended directly to ordinary users but the administrators employ this to perform routine maintenance and diagnostics. bind: Shell interface to dish. Dish-interface can be exported to the UNIX shell with this program. You can issue commands to dish from shell, rather than running dish directly. First you "bind" the Di- rectory with bind and then you can use the following commands (ac- tually they are same commands when using dish directly): add compare delete dsacontrol list modify modifyrdn moveto search showentry showname squid unbind Don't forget to run unbind after you are done with your actions! fred: Users interface to the Directory editentry: Edit a Directory entry. This shell script is invoked by dish when you ask dish to edit an entry. In the directory SBINDIR - usually /usr/etc/ or /usr/local/etc/ - resides the DSA itself: ros.quipu: QUIPU DSA. This program is started only once for each DSA. The program will be started in /etc/rc.local. dsaconfig: A configuration program for Level-1 DSA. In the directory ETCDIR - usually /usr/etc/ or /usr/local/etc - there are a couple of programs and files of interest:, oidtable.gen, oidtable.oc: These files define the at- tribute types and the way to identify objects and object classes. Nor- mally you do not have to deal with these files unless they are cor- rupted for some reason. If there are national oidtables, they are found in the FTPDIR directory (see Appendix B) in each Nordic country. Contact the FTP_HOST to see if you can find oidtables and pick them up to the ETCDIR directory. dsaptailor: The DUA is tailored to the system with this file. You will configure this file before starting the DSA. isoaliases, isobjects, isoentities, isomacros, isoservices: These are various databases used by ISODE. Normally you do not have to deal with these files unless they are corrupted for some reason. isotailor: ISODE is tailored to the system with this file. You will configure this file before starting a DSA. 3.8 Testing the DUA When ISODE is running properly, try to connect to your country level DSA: % dish -c $(COUNTRY_DSA) Welcome to Dish (DIrectory SHell) Dish -> This indicates that you are able to make the connection. You can get help by typing a question mark. You might now try some simple commands. If you are unable to connect the country DSA, try other DSAs listed in $(ETCDIR)/ dsaptailor. 3.8.1 DUA Failures The DUA might fail from some reason. Make sure first that ISODE is op- erating correctly (see Section "Starting and testing basic ISODE"). If so, here are the most common errors encountered: A. Service error - Unable to contact DSA It is likely that there is some problem with the network, or you have mistyped the name of the DSA. Look at the file $(ETCDIR)/dsaptailor and the line there which begins: dsa_address "$(COUNTRY_DSA)" You find an Internet address and a TCP port number on this line. 1. Use ping(8c) to see if you can reach the IP address 2. If not, try other DSAs in dsaptailor. Repeat this process until dish successfully contacts a DSA. 3. If ping can not reach the IP address, use telnet to try to connect to the TCP port. 4. If you can connect, close the connection and make a report to your country manager. Something strange is now going on: telnet can reach the address but the DSA can't! 5. If telnet reports Connection refused this means that the DSA is not listening at that TCP port. Either the DSA is temporarily unavailable or it has been moved to an another address. Wait some time and try again. If you still are unable to connect, send a message to the country manager. Go then on at step 2. If you have gone through all the alternatives in dsaptailor, contact the country manager for further instructions. B. Service error - missing network address separator You have possibly mistyped the name of the DSA. Try again. If you see other error messages, contact the country manager. 3.9 Configuring a DSA Now when we have got a connection to another DSA we can concentrate to set up your own DSA. We use symbol "ORG" to describe the name of your organization and "ORG_UNIT" to describe the name of an organizational unit. 3.9.1 Choosing a name for the DSA In order to find out what names are already reserved, give the following command: % dish -c $(COUNTRY_DSA) Welcome to Dish (DIrectory SHell) Dish -> search @c=$(COUNTRY) -filter objectClass=dsa ? ? ? Here we searched at the country level DSA names that already exists. You can choose the name for your DSA freely when you do not use names the al- ready existing ones. It is recommended that you choose the name for your DSA from the Appendix A. There is a table of South-American wildlife and plants (this is an international habit for the DSA names!). Since some of the names are long, it is acceptable to use only part of the wildlife names for the common name of your DSA. 3.9.2 Editing the configuration file of the DSA The configuration of the DSA is done with dsaconfig(8). It takes the name of the DSA as an argument. When you have chosen the name, go to the direc- tory quipu in $ETCDIR. # cd $(ETCDIR)/quipu The file wildlife.dsa contains a template for the configuration. Copy it and change its permissions # cp wildlife.dsa own_dsa.dsa # chmod 0600 own_dsa.dsa where "own_dsa" is the name of your DSA. Now edit this new file to define the initial configuration for your DSA. There are some examples in the file helping you to fill in the needed informa- tion. Note that all the information you fill in concerns your organization and the organizational unit in which you are working. Afterwards you can respec- tively change the filled information by editing the files c=$(COUNTRY)/ o=ORG/EDB and c=$(COUNTRY)/o=ORG/ou=ORG_UNIT/EDB. 3.9.3 Running the DSA configuration program Dsaconfig updates the files $(ETCDIR)/fredrc and $(ETCDIR)/dsaptailor based upon the knowledge in own_dsa.dsa. When you have finished filling in the information for your organization, run dsaconfig: # $(SBINDIR)/dsaconfig own_dsa The program creates database directories, all needed files and sets the owner and group of the files appropriately. The database files are structured according to the UNIX directory hierarchy. 3.10 Database structure At every level in the DIT for which your DSA holds data, there is an EDB file - also at the root level. If an entry defined in an EDB has information in the DIT at the level lower than this one, this information is found in the sub- directory whose name is the Relative Distinquished Name (RDN) of the en- try. For example, if we have an entry "o=Tampere University of Technolo- gy", the children of this entry will be found in a file o=Tampere University of Technology/EDB. In some UNIX variants (e.g. System V) the names of the subdirectories are restricted in length. In that case you can abbreviate the long names as follows. Suppose we have an entry "o=Tampere University of Technology" in the c=FI/EDB file and it seems to us that the name is too complicated for the name of the subdirectory. We can then create a new file c=FI/ with the line: o=Tampere University of Technology # TTKK This line tells the DSA to search the children of "o=Tampere University of Tecnology" from the c=FI/TTKK/EDB file. If the file does not ex- ist, the DSA uses the RDN of an entry as the subdirectory name. The common format for is thus: '#' When the DSA needs to create a subdirectory (e.g. adding a branch to the DIT), it creates the subdirectory based upon the RDN of the entry if the length of the entry does not exceed the limit (usually 15 characters). If the RND is longer than the limit, file is created. You can use map files on every level in the DIT. After you run dsaconfig, the initial database looks like: EDB c=$(COUNTRY)/EDB c=$(COUNTRY)/o=ORG/EDB c=$(COUNTRY)/o=ORG/ou=ORG_UNIT/EDB Note the possible spaces in the names of the subdirectories 3.11 Testing your DSA The first thing to do is to start the DSA interactively so that you can see that it can successfully load its local EDB files. Before you start the DSA, make sure the options in the quiputailor file are correct. This file contains information for the DSA and it was created automati- cally by dsaconfig. You give the quiputailor file as a parameter to ros.quipu. The behavior of the DSA depends a lot on the configuration of this file! 3.11.1 Options in the quiputailor file When you start the DSA, the default quiputailor file is $(ETCDIR)/quipu- tailor. You can override this with parameter "-t" to ros.quipu. The quiputailor file indicates such things as: - name of the DSA (the name is indicated with the option "mydsaname" and its value is the DN of the DSA) - location of the database - location and level of the logs the DSA will produce - location of any other DSAs for initial bootstrap Next, we look at the options. For the most important options I have added examples in parenthesis. mydsaname: The DN of the DSA. (cn=own_dsa) treedir: The directory where the database is stored. This path points to the root of the DIT. ($(ETCDIR)/quipu/own_dsa) nameserver: The value "off" prevents Nameserver access to the di- rectory. By default this is "on". (off) update: The value "on" tells the DSA to update SLAVE EDBs when it starts up. When you start the DSA for the first time, this should be "off". (off) dspchaining: The value "on" tells the DSA to chain requests to oth- er DSAs if necessary. (on) parent:This entry consists of a name/address pair. The DSA refer- enced needs to hold a MASTER or SLAVE copy of an EDB higher up in the DIT than the highest locally held EDB. If more than one parent entry is found, the DSA will choose which DSA to contact. Currently, the first entry ($(COUNTRY_DSA)) is always used; if this fails the second is used etc. stats: The value has the same format as the dsaplog entry in $(ETCDIR)/dsaptailor (See "Editing the dsaptailor file"). The following options are not so essential when starting the DSA for the first time, but they might be significant later. More options are described in [SKill89b]. lastmodified: If "off", the DSA will not add the attribute "lastmod- ifiedby" when an entry is altered. searchlevel: Defines the level from which users will be able to search the DIT subtree - default is 2 (i.g. organizations). If the DU tries to search from higher up, an "unwilling to perform" error will result. retrytime: The length of time in seconds before deciding it is worth attempting to connect to a DSA that could not be contacted earlier. conntime: Time to hold an unused connection open. readonly:User modifications to the DIT are refused. SLAVE up- dates are still allowed. admintime: The maximum time which a DU can spend in a query. On the next two pages there is an example of the quiputailor file (Figure 5). ############################################################################### # # quiputailor - ISODE QUIPU Directory Service Specific Tailoring File # # $Header: /usr/files/osi/quipu/RCS/quiputailor,v 6.1 89/06/08 13:56:19 mrose Exp $ # # # $Log: quiputailor,v $ # Revision 6.1 89/06/08 13:56:19 mrose # touch-up # # Revision 6.0 89/06/07 21:38:45 mrose # 5.1 # # Revision 6.0 89/03/18 23:41:49 mrose # Release 5.0 # ############################################################################### # this line must occur first oidtable /usr/local/etc/oidtable mydsaname "c=FI@cn=Rhea" # DSAs to contact if we need a referral to a parent parent "cn=jaguar" '0101'H/Internet= # ROOT MASTER at University College London parent "cn=Giant Tortoise" '0101'H/Internet=|Int-X25(80)=23421920030045 # US SLAVE at NYSERNet Inc. parent "cn=Fruit Bat" '0101'H/Internet= # IS MASTER at dsa_address "Elephant Seal" '0101'H/Internet= # NO MASTER hold by UNINETT dsa_address "Electric Eel" '0101'H/Internet= # SE MASTER at UME dsa_address "Hummingbird" '0101'H/Internet=|Int-X25(80)=240200100306 # AU MASTER AT CSIRO parent "cn=Anaconda" '0101'H/Int-X25(80)=5052334300013+PID+03018100 # full screen logging dsaplog level=debug sflag=tty file=dsap.log size=100 sflag=zero stats level=all dflag=tty sflag=zero file=stats.log size=50 Figure 5. An example of the quiputailor file. # logging directory logdir /var/log/ # ``higher-performance'' nameservice nameserver on # default tree directory treedir /export/common/quipu-db/ # slave updates update on # level below which users can search searchlevel 2 # limits... adminsize 100 admintime 60 cachetime 21600 conntime 120 nsaptime 30 # allow addition of "last modified by" attributes... lastmodified on # chain requests ? dspchaining on # read-only mode ? readonly off # The length of time before between attemping to update SLAVEs slavetime 21600 Figure 5. cont. 3.12 Starting the DSA You start the DSA in the directory $(ETCDIR)/quipu/own_dsa: # $(SBINDIR)/ros.quipu -t ./quiputailor The parameter '-t' tells the DSA to read the configuration from the file quiputailor in the current directory. Look at the manual page (quipu(8c)) if you need further details of parameters to ros.quipu. You should pay careful attention to the contents of the quiputailor file, since setting up the DSA de- pends essentially on this file. If you have done a successful configuration, the DSA will print out something like ? ? ? DSA c=$(COUNTRY)@cn=own_dsa has started on Internet=aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd+17003 ? ? ? where you find the IP address and the TCP port number the DSA is listening on. When you have seen the DSA to start correctly, abort it with control-c. Then restart it to the background: # $(SBINDIR)/ros.quipu -t ./quiputailor > /dev/null 2>&1 3.12.1 DSA Failure If the DSA fails to start, check first that ISODE and the DUA (dish) are working properly (see Sections 3.7 and 3.8). There are generally three causes of failure: - there is an attribute related schema problem - there is a structure related schema problem in the DIT - something else is running at the address of the DSA Since the files have been generated automatically, the first two errors are unlikely. However, there might be spelling errors or catastrophic editing in your files. Consult the logfile dsap.log in the directory $(ETCDIR)/quipu/ own_dsa to get more information about the failure. You should also change the "dsaplog" level to the value "all" in the $(ETCDIR)/quipu/own_dsa/ quiputailor file ( e.g. "dsaplog level=all") and then try to start the DSA again. Here are some common error situations: A. Fatal error - Attribute Error If you have misspelled the name of an attribute, the output might be: line 13: unknown attribute type ... File .../own_dsa/c=$(COUNTRY)/o=ORG/EDB not loaded FATAL ERROR: DSA Halted If you specify an illegal attribute for an object, the diagnostic will look like: Schema error in entry ending line 17... *** Attribute error *** <> Attribute type<> - Constrain violation File ...own_dsa/c=$(COUNTRY)/o=ORG/EDB not loaded FATAL ERROR: DSA Halted If you leave out an attribute which should have been in an entry: Schema error in entry ending line 16... *** Attribute error *** <> Attribute type <> - No such attribute in the entry File ...own_dsa/c=$(COUNTRY)/o=ORG/EDB not loaded FATAL ERROR: DSA Halted B. Fatal error - Structure Error These errors are generated when an objectClass is not allowed in an entry. The allowed objectClasses are defined using the attribute "treeStructure". The output might then be: Schema error in entry ending line 16... *** Attribute error *** <> Attribute type objectClass - Constrain violation File ...own_dsa/c=$(COUNTRY)/o=ORG/EDB not loaded FATAL ERROR: DSA Halted You must now look at the file own_dsa/c=$(COUNTRY)/o=ORG/ EDB to search the attribute "treeStructure". Then you compare its values with the attribute "objectClass" of that entry which gave the error message. C. Fatal error - Unable to start network monitor If the local EDBs are consistent, but another process is already lis- tening on the IP address and TCP port of the DSA, your DSA will print for example: - '0101'H/Internet= - TNetListen: [Congestion at TSAP] start_tcp_server failed: Address already in use FATAL ERROR: Couldn't initialise the network moni- tor!! Perhaps you have already a copy of this DSA running or the TCP port is wrong (look at the own_dsa/c=$(COUNTRY)/EDB file). It is also possible that an earlier invocation of the DSA was unsuccess- fully terminated and left the TCP port in a FIN_WAIT-X state. Use netstat(8C) to find out. You might also see a message like this: - '0101'H/Internet=aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd+17003 - TNetListen: [Congestion at TSAP] start_tcp_server failed: Can't assign requested address FATAL ERROR: Couldn't initialize the network moni- tor!! You have defined wrong the IP address of your DSA in your wild- life.dsa file. 3.13 Contacting your DSA Now you have set up your own DSA. To make it available for contacts, edit the file $(ETCDIR)/dsaptailor. Look at the lines: # the level-1 DSA #dsa_address .... Remove '#'-sign at the beginning of the second line. This tells the DUA that your DSA is reachable, too. Next, look at the lines: local_DIT "c=$(COUNTRY)" #local_DIT "c=$(COUNTRY)@c=ORG" Remove the first line and the '#'-sign at the beginning of the second one. Now when you start the DUA, it moves directly to the part of your organiza- tion in the DIT. More information about the dsaptailor options can be found in section "Editing the dsaptailor file". After all this we are ready to start the DUA: % dish -c "own_dsa" Welcome to Dish (DIrectory SHell) Dish -> If you are unable to contact, return to the section "DUA Failure" for fur- ther instructions. Next, try to identify yourself as a manager: Dish -> bind -user "@c=$(COUNTRY)@o=ORG@cn=Manager" Enter password for "@c=$(COUNTRY)@o=ORG@cn=Manager": secret Dish -> This indicates that you have bound to the directory with that DN (you can make it sure with the "squid"-command to dish). The password you type is the same you defined in $(ETCDIR)/quipu/own_dsa.dsa. Instead, if the DUA prints: Dish -> bind -user "@c=$(COUNTRY)@o=ORG@cn=Manager" Enter password for "@c=$(COUNTRY)@o=ORG@cn=Manager": Security Error - check name and password you have mistyped your password or the DSA does not recognize the entry. Look at the EDBs to check that the entry really exists. If you encounter other problems, contact the country manager. 3.14 Joining the global Directory Your DSA needs to know how it can get the root and country level EDBs. The DSA needs this information in order to it know its location in the DIT. In addition your DSA has to transmit its own locally held organization level EDBs to the DSA one level up ($(COUNTRY_DSA)). This is done so that other DSAs know the existence of your DSA. On the next page there is an example of an entry concerning a DSA (Figure 6.). The example contains entry of the DSA and entries of the organization for which it is the MASTER DSA. You can use these entries in Figure 6 as a basis when you fill the EDB files for your organization. SLAVE 890901084500Z cn=Rhea quipuVersion= 6.0 eDBinfo= #cn=jaguar# eDBinfo= c=FI#cn=jaguar# eDBinfo= c=FI@o=Tampere University of Technology## acl= others # read # entry acl= group # c=FI@o=Tampere University of Technology@cn=Manager # write # entry acl= others # read # default acl= group # c=FI@o=Tampere University of Technology@cn=Manager # write # default acl= self # write # attributes # userPassword$accessControlList acl= others # compare # attributes # userPassword$accessControlList lastModifiedBy= c=FI@cn=Manager lastModifiedTime= 891121121247Z manager= c=FI@o=Tampere University of Technology@cn=Manager userPassword= {CRYPT}QKFB supportedApplicationContext= X500DSP & X500DAP & quipuDSP presentationAddress= '0101'H/TELEX+00728722+RFC-1006+03+|X121+24432315101521 description= The Rhea DSA located at Tampere Univ of Technology, Finland holding the TUT bit of the DIT. ou= Software Systems Laboratory o= Tampere University of Technology l= Hervanta, Tampere cn= Rhea objectClass= dSA & applicationEntity & top & quipuDSA o=Tampere University of Technology masterDSA= c=FI@cn=Rhea acl= others # read # entry acl= group # c=FI@o=Tampere Universtity of Technology@cn=Manager # write # entry acl= others # read # default acl= group # c=FI@o=Tampere University of Technology@cn=Manager # write # default acl= others # compare # attributes # userPassword$accessControlList treeStructure= applicationEntity & applicationProcess & groupOfNames & organizationalUnit & alias & domainRelatedObject & quipuNonLeafObject & quipuDSA associatedDomain= lastModifiedBy= c=fi@cn=manager lastModifiedTime= 891027130309Z userPassword= {CRYPT}WVW telephoneNumber= +358-31-162111 postOfficeBox= P.O. Box 527 postalCode= SF-33101 postalAddress= Tieteenkatu 21 o= TUT o= TTKK o= Tampereen teknillinen korkeakoulu o= Tampere University of Technology streetAddress= Tieteenkatu 21 stateOrProvinceName= {T.61} Hameen laani l= Hervanta, Tampere objectClass= organization & top & domainRelatedObject & quipuNonLeafObject & quipuObject Figure 6. An DIT entry. The attribute "eDBinfo" tells the DSA how SLAVE copies are updat- ed.The syntax of the attribute is: eDBinfo= EDB concerning # where to get # where to send The first field defines the level of the EDB we are interested in. If this field is empty the EDB is the root level EDB. Second field tells the DN of the DSA where the EDB is fetched. Third field defines the DN of the DSA where to send the EDB. For example, in the Figure 6 the "eDBinfo" attributes of the DSA Rhea are as follows: You should have similar three lines in the entry of your DSA. Make sure you have them in the file c=$(COUNTRY)/EDB. If they are not correct , you are not able to get new copies of the root and country level EDBs. We will not concentrate here on the structure of the other attributes in the previous page. Note, that the values of the attributes depends on how you have filled the $(ETCDIR)/quipu/own_dsa.dsa file before running dsaconfig. Because your country level EDB (c=$(COUNTRY)/EDB) is a SLAVE copy (the MASTER copy is held by country level DSA), you should send a copy of your c=$(COUNTRY)/EDB file to the country level manager so that he can add your organization entry to the country level MASTER EBD. You may edit your c=$(COUNTRY)/EDB file to add or change information before sending it. When you are satisfied with your modifications send it the country manag- er (see the addresses in Appendix A). Every time you make modifications to the c=$(COUNTRY)/EDB file, you must let the country manager know about that. He updates then the MASTER copy of the country level EDB file as you wish. When you are beginning to learn the usage of the attributes, you can of course change the c=$(COUNTRY)/EDB file and see if the DSA can load its EDBs after modifications. It is useful to pay special attention to the attributes "eDBinfo" (the update mechanism), "acl" (the protection mechanism), "ob- jectClass" (which attributes are allowed in an entry) and "treeStructure" (the allowed objectClasses in the children of this entry). 3.14.1 Updating SLAVE copies The update mechanism can be asynchronous or synchronous. QUIPU 6.0 uses asynchronous mechanism and having thus its own internal timing. You can check manually if you can update your SLAVE copies. This as- sumes that the country manager has updated the MASTER copy of the coun- try level EDB for your organization. Here it goes: % dish -user "@c=$(COUNTRY)@o=ORG@cn=Manager" Welcome to Dish (DIrectory SHell) Enter password for "@c=$(COUNTRY)@o=ORG@cn=Manager": secret Dish -> dsacontrol -slave Done Dish -> quit Note that you must first log in as a manager to get the necessary access rights. You may look now at the root and country level portions of the DIT and search EDB.bak files. If there was information to update, backup files were created. Your DSA compares the date of SLAVE EDB (this is the sec- ond line in every EDB file) with the original MASTER EDB file. The SLAVE EDB file is updated only if the date differs. The update further requires that the option "update" in quiputailor is "on". Otherwise EDBs can be updated manually by hand. When you have delivered the information about your DSA to the country manager, make sure the country level DSA recognize them (this is done by the country manager also, but do it anyway): % dish -c "$(COUNTRY_DSA)" Welcome to Dish (DIrectory SHell) Dish -> moveto "@c=$(COUNTRY)@o=ORG" Dish -> list ? ? ? Dish -> list "ou=ORG_UNIT" ? ? ? If the "list" commands prints out information about your organization, you can be sure the country DSA is able to talk to your DSA. The other Level-1 DSAs do not necessarily recognize the existence of your DSA yet, but as soon as the updates from the country level DSA spread they learn to know your DSA. 3.15 Controlling the DSA When everything looks fine, leave the DSA running to the background. Use dish to abort the DSA: % dish -user "@c=$(COUNTRY)@o=ORG@cn=Manager" Welcome to Dish (DIrectory SHell) Enter password for "@c=$(COUNTRY)@o=ORG@cn=Manager": Dish -> dsacontrol -abort *** Problem with DSA *** Dish -> quit Then edit the script the way you like (at the same time make sure that the directory definitions are correct). Then run the script: % $(ETCDIR)/quipu/own_dsa/ Also, make sure that the loglevels are reasonable in $(ETCDIR/quipu/ own_dsa/quiputailor and $(ETCDIR)/dsaptailor files. At the beginning it is usually meaningful to keep the level "all". Finally it is time for the last bit of administration. Add an entry to the file /etc/rc.local: if [ -d $(ETCDIR)/quipu/own_dsa ]; then $(ETCDIR)/quipu/own_dsa/ & \ (echo -n ' own_dsa') > /dev/console fi If your rc.local file starts tsapd(8c), place this entry after the one which starts tsapd. The next time your system reboots,check that also your DSA starts. Congratulations! Your Level-1 DSA has now joined the Directory. If you have problems, it is worth thinking first critically what really has been done. If the problems still remains unresolved, make a clear report to the country manager. 4. Maintenance In this chapter we go through some points concerning the maintenance of the DSA. The following instructions are not going to be all covering but rather their goal is to work as a reference. Detailed description of the software is given in [SKillb89]. I recommend you to become familiar with this publica- tion later at a later phase to get a more precise view about the functions of a DSA. 4.1 Editing the $(ETCDIR)/dsaptailor file The dsaptailor file has effect on how the DUA works. This file contains the run time configuration for the DUA. You can change the configuration by editing the $(ETCDIR)/dsaptailor directly or by using the dish command "dsacontrol". Next, we look what kind of different configuration options there are: A. oidtable: The path for oidtable.* files. It is very important that this entry appears first in the dsaptailor file. The later entries might have arguments which will be searched from these files. B. dsa_address: Defines the address of an DSA which will be used when the DUA is making a connection. If there are several address- es the first one will be used when not specified in the command. C. sizelimit: Tells the maximum number of entries a successful "list" or "search" command gives. D: oidformat: Defines how objectClasses will be printed. The default argument is "short" when the short key will be printed (e.g Coun- try). If the format is "long", the whole definition of an attribute will be printed, (e.g. The value can be printed in the numeric format with argument "numeric", then the result could, for example, be E: local_dit: The argument is the DN which points to the place in the DIT where the user is placed when he is making a connection (e.g. default "moveto" in the DIT when starting the DUA). F: dsaplog: Controlling log files. The syntax of the argument is: key=value The keys are: ? file: the name of the logfile ? size: the maximum size of the logfile ? level: the level of the logs produced The values for the key "level" are: - fatal: fatal errors - exceptions: serious errors (possibly temporary) - notice: the usual loglevel - trace: program tracing - pdus: Protocol Data Unit tracing - debug: full trace - all: includes all the previous values ? dlevel: the opposite to the previous point (the logs are not to be produced according the given values) ? dflag/sflag: setting special flags (dflag = on, sflag = off) The values for the key "dflag/sflag" are: - close: close the logfile after every entry made to the log - create: create the logfile if it does not exists - zero: truncate the logfile when it becomes too large - tty: copy the logentries to the terminal In the Figure 7 there is an example of the dsaptailor file. By examining this file you can modify your own dsaptailor file. Hints for using the different keys are found on the manual page quiputailor(8). ############################################################################### # # dsaptailor - ISODE DSAP Specific Tailoring File # # $Header: /f/osi/dsap/dua/RCS/dsaptailor,v 6.2 89/07/05 15:19:52 mrose Exp $ # # # $Log: dsaptailor,v $ # Revision 6.2 89/07/05 15:19:52 mrose # 5.2 # # Revision 6.1 89/06/08 13:55:15 mrose # touch-up # # Revision 6.0 89/06/07 22:07:26 mrose # 5.1 # # Revision 6.1 89/03/23 22:29:21 mrose # out-the-door # # Revision 6.0 89/03/18 23:28:00 mrose # Release 5.0 # ############################################################################### # this line must occur first oidtable oidtable # which dsa to call initially dsa_address "rhea" '0101'H/Internet= # other DSAs of interest # FI MASTER at Tampere dsa_address "Jaguar" '0101'H/Internet=|Int-X25(80)=24432315101520+PID+03018100 # ROOT/GB MASTER at University College London dsa_address "Giant" '0101'H/Internet=|Int-X25(80)=23421920030045 # AU MASTER at CSIRO dsa_address "Anaconda" '0101'H/Int-X25(80)=5052334300013+PID+03018100 # DE MASTER at FOKUS dsa_address "Puma" '0101'H/Int-X25(80)=26245300048207+PID+03018100 Figure 7. An example of the dsaptailor file # GB SLAVE at UNott dsa_address "Vampire Bat" '025c'H/Internet=|Int-X25(80)=23426020017299+PID+03018100 # SE MASTER at UME dsa_address "Hummingbird" '0101'H/Internet=|Int-X25(80)=240200100306 # IS MASTER dsa_address "Elephant Seal" '0101'H/Internet= # NO MASTER hold by UNINETT dsa_address "Electric Eel" '0101'H/Internet= # US MASTER at NYSERNet Inc. dsa_address "Alpaca" '0101'H/Internet=|Int- X25(80)=31106070013600+PID+03018100 # US SLAVE at NYSERNet Inc. dsa_address "Fruit Bat" '0101'H/Internet= # logging dsaplog level=notice file=dsap.log sflag=zero sflag=tty size=30 # local DIT position (where a DUA starts in the DIT) local_DIT "@" # oid format oidformat short # photograph process routines photo dumb ttyphoto # automatic quipurc creation quipurc off # search/list sizelimit sizelimit 20 Figure 7. cont. 4.2 The logfiles The software makes with its default parameters a lot of logdata. For the administrator the most interesting file is $(LOGDIR)/dsap.log which contains common data about the load of the DSA. The second useful logfile is $(LOGDIR)/stats.log which includes statistical information about the DSA. It is defined in the dsaptailor file how each logfile will be updated. You can change the levels and sorts of logs by editing the dsaptailor file or direct- ly by using dish. For example, the following command changes the loglevel of the dsap.log file to "all": Dish -> dsacontrol -tailor "dsaplog level=all" The logfiles have a common form: ::="/"