Poland is a country which offers a lot to see for railway enthusiasts. There is still a lot of the old communist times to be seen,
but at the same time the country is also rapidly buying new rolling stock. In addtion to the state railways PKP, there is now also
a multitude of private railway companies as well as regional rail enterprises often owned by the local authorities.
FUNET railway pictures archive - Poland
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Poland has also a strong train building industry in the country. Some of the prominent Polish rail manufacturers include Pesa, Newag and Solaris. This is a brand new six axle diesel locomotive for fast InterCity trains, Pesa's model SU-160 called Gama. Picture at Korsze 3.4.2017 by Ilkka Siissalo. Poland has been for many years a favourite photography destination for those who like steam locomotives. This one is an old Hitler's Germany's Br 52 Kriegslok, in Poland called Ty2. The first coach is a pre-WWI German coach and the two next ones are also German, so called Donnerbüchsen coaches from the 1920s. Picture from Krakow Glowny 7.7.2007 by Ilkka Siissalo.