Internet-Draft Sigma Protocols February 2025
Orrù Expires 30 August 2025 [Page]
Network Working Group
Intended Status:
M. Orrù

Sigma Protocols


This document describes Sigma protocols, a secure, general-purpose non-interactive zero-knowledge proof of knowledge. Concretely, the scheme allows proving knowledge of a witness, without revealing any information about the undisclosed messages or the signature itself, while at the same time, guarantying soundness of the overall protocols.

About This Document

This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

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Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 30 August 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

A Sigma Protocol is a simple zero-knowledge proof of knowledge. Any sigma protocols must define three objects:

A sigma protocol allows to convince a verifier of the knowledge of a secret witness satisfying a statement.

1.1. Generic interface

A sigma protocol is an interface exposing the following functions:

def prove_short(label, statement, witness):
    sp =
    (prover_state, commitment) = sp.prover_commmit(witness)
    challenge = SHO

    response = sp.prover_response(commitment, challenge)
    return scalar_to_bytes(challenge) + scalar_to_bytes(response)

def prove_batchable(label, statement, witness):
    sp =
    (prover_state, commitment) = sp.prover_commit(witness)
    challenge = SHO
    response = sp.prover_response(commitment, challenge)
    return point_to_bytes(commitment) + scalar_to_bytes(response)

def verify_batchable(label, statement, proof):
    sp =
    commitment = read_group_elements(proof)

Internally, each sigma protocol implements the following methods.

class SigmaProtocol:
   def new(instance: Statement) -> SigmaProtocol
   def prover_commit(self, witness: Witness) -> (commitment, prover_state)
   def prover_response(self, prover_state, challenge) -> response
   def verifier(self, commitment, challenge, response) -> bool
   # optional
   def simulate_response() -> response
   # optional
   def simulate_commitment(response, challenge) -> commitment


  • new(il: [u8], cs: ConstraintSystem) -> SigmaProtocol, denoting the initialization function. This function takes as input a label identifying local context information (such as: session identifiers, to avoid replay attacks; protocol metadata, to avoid hijacking; optionally, a timestamp and some pre-shared randomness, to guarantee freshness of the proof) and an instance generated via the ConstraintSystem, the public information shared between prover and verifier. This function should pre-compute parts of the statement, or initialize the state of the hash function.

  • prover_commit(self, witness: Witness) -> (commitment, prover_state), denoting the commitment phase, that is, the computation of the first message sent by the prover in a Sigma protocol. This method outputs a new commitment together with its associated prover state, depending on the witness known to the prover and the statement to be proven. This step generally requires access to a high-quality entropy source. Leakage of even just of a few bits of the nonce could allow for the complete recovery of the witness. The commitment meant to be shared, while prover_state must be kept secret.

  • prover_response(self, prover_state, challenge) -> response, denoting the response phase, that is, the computation of the second message sent by the prover, depending on the witness, the statement, the challenge received from the verifier, and the internal state prover_state. The returned value response is meant to be shared.

  • verifier(self, commitment, challenge, response) -> bool, denoting the verifier algorithm. This method checks that the protocol transcript is valid for the given statement. The verifier algorithm outputs nothing if verification succeeds, or an error if verification fails.

The final two algorithms describe the zero-knowledge simulator and are optional. The simulator is primarily an efficient algorithm for proving zero-knowledge in a theoretical construction, but it is also needed for verifying short proofs and for or-composition, where a witness is not known and thus has to be simulated. We have:

  • simulate_response() -> response, denoting the first stage of the simulator. It is an algorithm drawing a random response that follows the same output distribution of the algorithm prover_response

  • simulate_commitment(response, challenge) -> commitment, returning a simulated commitment -- the second phase of the zero-knowledge simulator.

The abstraction SigmaProtocol allows implementing different types of statements and combiners of those, such as OR statements, validity of t-out-of-n statements, and more.

2. Σ-protocols over prime-order groups

The following sub-section present concrete instantiations of Σ-protocols over prime-order groups such as elliptic curves. Traditionally, Σ-protocols are defined in Camenish-Stadtler notation as (for example):

VRF(A, B, G, H) = PoK{
  (x):        // Secret variables
  A = x * B,  // Statements to prove
  G = x * H

This section describes how to build and prove statements of this form programmatically.

2.1. Group abstraction

Because of their dominance, the presentation in the following focuses on proof goals over elliptic curves, therefore leveraging additive notation. For prime-order subgroups of residue classes, all notation needs to be changed to multiplicative, and references to elliptic curves (e.g., curve) need to be replaced by their respective counterparts over residue classes. We therefore assume two objects are available to the programmer:

Group: Zero + Add<Group> + Sub<Group> + Mul<Scalar> + From<int> + Eq<Group> + Serialize + Deserialize
Scalar: Zero + One + Div<Scalar> + Add<Scalar> + Sub<Scalar> + From<int> + Eq<Group> + Serialize + Deserialize

We detail the functions that can be invoked on these objects. Example choices can be found in Section 3.

2.1.1. Group

  • order(): Outputs the order of the group p.

  • random(): outputs a random element

  • serialize([Group; N]): serializes a list of group elements and returns a canonical byte array buf of fixed length Ng * N.

  • deserialize(buf): Attempts to map a byte array buf of size Ng * N into [Group; N], and fails if the input is not the valid canonical byte representation of an element of the group. This function can raise a DeserializeError if deserialization fails.

2.1.2. Scalar

  • random(): outputs a random element

  • serialize([Scalar; N]): serializes a list of scalars and returns their canonical representation of fixed length Ns * N.

2.2. Witness representation

A witness is simply a list of num_scalars elements.

struct Witness {
    scalars: [Scalar; num_scalars] // The set of secret scalars

2.2.1. Constraint representation

Internally, the constraint can be represented as:

struct Equations {
    // the list of statements to be proven
    matrix: [LinearCombination<ScalarIndex, &Group>; num_statements]
    // An list of references to group elements representing the left-hand side part of the equations
    image: [&Group; num_statements]

    // the number of secret scalars
    num_scalars: usize
    // the number of equations to be proven
    num_statements: usize

The object LinearCombination encodes pairs of indices of the witness vector with group elements. The initial example of the VRF can therefore be expressed with the following constraints:

cs = Equations()
[x] = cs.allocate_scalars(1)
[A, B, G, H] = cs.allocate_group_elt(4)
cs.append_equation(lhs=A, rhs=[(x, B)])
cs.append_equation(lhs=G, rhs=[(x, H)])

In the above, creates a new Equations with label "VRF". Instantiation of the constraints


- labels, a byte array


- a ConstraintSystem instance


1.  return Equations {
2.        label,
3.        num_statements: 0,
4.        num_scalars: 0,
5.        group_elements: [],
6.        matrix: [],
7.        image: []
8.    } Scalar witness allocation
allocate_scalars(self, n)

    - self, the current state of the ConstraintSystem
    - n, the number of scalars to allocate
    - indices, a list of integers each pointing to the new allocated scalars


1. indices = range(self.num_scalars, self.num_scalars + n)
2. self.num_scalars += n
3. return indices Public group element allocation
allocate_group_elt(self, n)


   - self, the current state of the constraint system
   - n, the number of group elements to allocate


   - indices, a list of integers each pointing to the new allocated group elements.


1. indices = range(len(self.group_elts), len(self.group_elements) + n)
2. self.group_elements.extend([None] * n)
3. return indices Group element assignment
assign_point(self, ptr, value)


    - self, the current state of the constraint system
    - ptr, the pointer to the group element to be assigned
    - value, the value to be assigned to the group element


1. self.group_elements[ptr] = value Enforcing an equation

This function adds an equation statement constraint to the instance, expressed as a left-hand side (the target group element), and a list of pairs encoding a linear combination of scalars and group elements.

append_equation(self, lhs, rhs)


- self, the current state of the constraint system
- lhs, the left-hand side of the equation
- rhs, the right-hand side of the equation (a list of (ScalarIndex, GroupEltIndex) pairs)


- An Equation instance that enforces the desired relation


1. self.num_statements += 1
2. self.image.append(lhs)
3. self.matrix.append(rhs)

A witness can be mapped to a group element via:

def map(self, witness: [Scalar; num_scalars]):
  assert self.num_scalars = self.scalars.len()
  image = [0; Group]
  for i in range(self.num_statements):
      eq_scalars = [self.scalars[idx_pair[0]]
                    for idx_pair in self.matrix[i]]
      eq_group_elt = [self..group_elements[idx_pair[1]] for idx_pair in self.matrix[i]]
      image[i] = multi_scalar_multiplication(eq_scalars, eq_group_elt)
  return image

2.3. Core protocol

class SigmaProtocol:
    def new(statement: Statement):
        self.statement = statement

    def prover_commit(self, witness: Witness):
        nonces = Scalar::random()
        prover_state = (witness, nonces)
        commitment =
        return (prover_state, commitment)

    def prover_response(self, prover_state, challenge):
        response = [0; self.cs.num_scalars]
        for i in range(self.cs.num_scalars):
            response[i] = witness[i] + challenge * nonces[i]
        return response

2.3.1. Verifier procedure

verify(self, commitment, challenge, response)


- self, the current state of the SigmaProtocol
- commitment, the commitment generated by the prover
- challenge, the challenge generated by the verifier
- response, the response generated by the prover


- A boolean indicating whether the verification succeeded


1. image = [equation.lhs for equation in self.statement.equations]
2. expected_commitment = challenge * image +
3. return expected_commitment == commitment

2.3.2. Prover

We describe below the prover's wrapping function.

def prove_short(statement, witness):
  sp =
  (prover_state, commitment) = sp.prover_commmit(witness)
  challenge = sp.challenge(commitment)
  response = sp.prover_response(commitment, challenge)
  return scalar_to_bytes(challenge) + scalar_to_bytes(response)

def prove_batchable(statement, witness):
  sp =
  (prover_state, commitment) = sp.prover_commmit(witness)
  challenge = sp.challenge(commitment)
  response = sp.prover_response(commitment, challange)
  return point_to_bytes(commitment) + scalar_to_bytes(response)

2.3.3. Verifier

def verify_batchable(statement, proof):
  sp =
  commitment = read_group_elements(proof)

2.4. Nonce and challenge derivation

Two types of randomness are needed for a sigma protocol:

  1. A nonce seeding the randomness used to produce the commitment of the first round of the protocol

  2. A challenge representing the verifier's public random coin.

The challenge of a Schnorr proof is derived with

challenge = sho.init(iv).absorb_group_elt(commitment).squeeze_scalar(1)

This can be generated with:

nonce = sho.init(iv)

The iv, which must properly separate the application and the statement being proved, is described below.

2.4.1. Statement generation

Let H be a hash object. The statement is encoded in a stateful hash object as follows.

hasher =
hasher.update_usize([cs.num_statements, cs.num_scalars])
for equation in cs.equations:
  hasher.update_usize([equation.lhs, equation.rhs[0], equation.rhs[1]])
iv = hasher.digest()

In simpler terms, without stateful hash objects, this should correspond to the following:

bin_challenge = SHAKE128(iv).update(commitment).digest(scalar_bytes)
challenge = int(bin_challenge) % p

and the nonce is produced as:

bin_nonce = SHAKE128(iv)
            .digest(cs.num_scalars * scalar_bytes)
nonces = [int(bin_nonce[i*scalar_bytes: i*(scalar_bytes+1)]) % p
          for i in range(cs.num_scalars-1)]

Where: - pad is a (padding) zero string of length 168 - len(random). - scalar_bytes is the number of bytes required to produce a uniformly random group element - random is a random seed obtained from the operating system memory

3. Ciphersuites

3.1. P-384

This ciphersuite uses P-384 [NISTCurves] for the Group.

3.1.1. Elliptic curve group of P-384 (secp384r1) [NISTCurves]

  • order(): Return 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc7634d81f4372ddf581a0db248b0a77aecec196accc52973.

  • serialize([A]): Implemented using the compressed Elliptic-Curve-Point-to-Octet-String method according to [SEC1]; Ng = 49.

  • deserialize(buf): Implemented by attempting to read buf into chunks of 49-byte arrays and convert them using the compressed Octet-String-to-Elliptic-Curve-Point method according to [SEC1], and then performs partial public-key validation as defined in section of [KEYAGREEMENT]. This includes checking that the coordinates of the resulting point are in the correct range, that the point is on the curve, and that the point is not the point at infinity.

3.1.2. Scalar Field of P-384 (secp384r1)

  • serialize(s): Relies on the Field-Element-to-Octet-String conversion according to [SEC1]; Ns = 48.

  • deserialize(buf): Reads the byte array buf in chunks of 48 bytes using Octet-String-to-Field-Element from [SEC1]. This function can fail if the input does not represent a Scalar in the range [0, G.Order() - 1].

4. Acknowledgments

Jan Bobolz, Stephan Krenn, Mary Maller, Ivan Visconti, Yuwen Zhang.

5. References

5.1. Normative References

Barker, E., Chen, L., Roginsky, A., Vassilev, A., and R. Davis, "Recommendation for pair-wise key-establishment schemes using discrete logarithm cryptography", National Institute of Standards and Technology, DOI 10.6028/nist.sp.800-56ar3, , <>.

5.2. Informative References

"Digital signature standard (DSS)", National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.), DOI 10.6028/nist.fips.186-4, , <>.
Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group (SECG), "SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography", <>.

Author's Address

Michele Orrù