Internet-Draft Robust and Privacy-Preserving Delivery S June 2024
McMillion Expires 28 December 2024 [Page]
More Instant Messaging Interoperability
Intended Status:
B. McMillion

Robust and Privacy-Preserving Delivery Service


This document describes a federated MLS Delivery Service (DS) for use in the More Instant Messaging Interoperability (MIMI) protocol. The DS provides for the delivery of KeyPackages, Welcome messages, and group handshake/application messages.

About This Document

This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

The latest revision of this draft can be found at Status information for this document may be found at

Discussion of this document takes place on the More Instant Messaging Interoperability Working Group mailing list (, which is archived at Subscribe at

Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 28 December 2024.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

TODO Introduction

2. Conventions and Definitions

The following abbreviations are used where convenient:

Local Service Provider (LSP):

The Service Provider preferred by the referenced user.

Remote Service Provider (RSP):

Any Service Provider which is not the LSP.


The Service Provider which created and hosts a referenced group. Group messages and Welcome messages are always sent to the hub for sequencing and fanout.


Service Providers that interact with a hub to allow their users to interact with a group which the hub hosts.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

3. Partition Keys

A partition key is a short secret that group members export from the MLS key schedule. Whenever members send or receive group messages, they provide the partition key for the current epoch. Messages sent with a given partition key are only provided to users who request to receive messages with the same partition key. (Exceptions may be selectively made for external commits / proposals, given that the sender isn't in the group yet.)

The partition key acts as epoch-level access control, in addition to the group ID. Users which have been removed from a group may still be able to message the group, as they know the group ID. However, they will not know the correct partition key.

Service Providers MUST NOT implement hard-and-fast rules about which partition keys are acceptable. Instead, it should be considered as a general signal of abuse or spam.

4. Endpoints

The following endpoints are provided by a Delivery Service. All endpoints exposed by a Delivery Service are accessed by third-party Service Providers, for the purpose of learning about the Service Provider's users or interacting with a group for which the Service Provider is the hub.

4.1. Key Packages

It's assumed that users have already interacted with a Discovery Service to learn the user ID and preferred Service Provider of their contacts. As part of discovery, users also receive a bearer token associated with each contact. The bearer token may or may not be unique to the user who requested it, depending on the RSP's preference.

When a user wishes to fetch a KeyPackage for the purpose of adding a user to a group, the user submits a KeyPackageRequest to the RSP, with its LSP acting as an OHTTP proxy:

struct {
  opaque user_id<V>;
  opaque bearer_token<V>;
  ProtocolVersion version;
  CipherSuite cipher_suite;
} KeyPackageRequest;

The user_id field contains the Service-Specific Identifier of the user, bearer_token contains the bearer token learned during discovery, and version and cipher_suite contain the desired MLS group parameters. The RSP responds with a KeyPackageResponse structure that matches the requested parameters:

struct {
  KeyPackage key_package;
} KeyPackageResponse;

4.1.1. Privacy

Several KeyPackageRequest structures MAY be bundled into the same transaction, if a user needs KeyPackages from many users of the same service and is comfortable leaking that these users are associated.

Note that the KeyPackageRequest and KeyPackageResponse structures are exchanged over OHTTP. This is done primarily to prevent the LSP from learning who their local user wishes to contact, but it also restricts how much the RSP can learn about who wants to contact their user:

To prevent abuse (such as constantly exhausting a user's uploaded KeyPackages), this endpoint is protected with a bearer token learned during discovery. The RSP can construct the bearer token however it feels is necessary to preserve privacy and manage abuse. If abuse is a non-issue, a bearer token can be long-lived and shared by every user. Alternatively, users may be provided a uniquely identifying bearer token. Bearer tokens that are abused may be invalidated at-will by the RSP, triggering users to go through the discovery flow again.

4.2. Sending Messages

When a follower has a user participating in a group, and that user wishes to send a message, the follower issues a SendRequest to the hub:

opaque PartitionKey<16>;
opaque ServiceProviderId<V>;

struct {
  MLSMessage welcome; // Welcome
  ServiceProviderId service_providers<V>;
} WelcomeData;

struct {
  PartitionKey next_partition_key;
  optional<MLSMessage> group_info; // GroupInfo
  optional<WelcomeData> welcome_data;
} CommitData;

struct {
  MLSMessage message; // PublicMessage or PrivateMessage
  PartitionKey partition_key;
  select (SendRequest.message.content_type) {
    case application:
    case proposal:
    case commit:
      CommitData commit_data;
} SendRequest;

The hub rejects the message if the group_id of message doesn't match any known group. Otherwise, the hub sequences the message to the provided partition_key` of the group, and pushes the Welcome to any providers.

If the message is a commit, then a CommitData is provided which contains the next partition key in next_partition_key, and an optional GroupInfo in group_info to support external joiners. If any Welcome messages need to be sent, a WelcomeData is provided which contains the Welcome in welcome, and a list of service provider ids in service_providers. The service_providers array MUST be the same length as the secrets array of the Welcome message. Each provider indicated in service_providers corresponds one-to-one with the user at the same entry in the secrets array.

If group_info does not have a ratchet_tree extension and the hub is unable to infer a ratchet tree that matches GroupInfo.group_context.tree_hash, the hub rejects the request such that it can be retried with an explicit ratchet tree provided.

4.3. Welcome

When a user of a non-hub Service Provider is added to a group, the hub first contacts the Service Provider and lists the KeyPackageRef entries that were indicated as belonging to this Service Provider. If the Service Provider responds affirmatively, the hub pushes the Welcome message.

The first step is done by sending a WelcomeInitRequest to the Service Provider:

struct {
  KeyPackageRef key_package_refs<V>;
} WelcomeInitRequest;

The Welcome message is provided as an encoded MLSMessage.

4.4. Receiving Messages

When a follower has a user participating in a group, and that user wishes to receive a message, the follower issues a ReceiveRequest to the hub:

struct {
  PartitionKey partition_key;
  uint32 counter;
} ReceiveRequest;

The partition_key field contains the partition key that the user wishes to receive messages for, and the counter field contains the number of messages the user has already received in that partition. The hub responds with the following, which represents a series of messages in a series of epochs:

opaque MaskedPartitionKey<V>; // = Hash(partition_key)

struct {
  MLSMessage message; // PublicMessage or PrivateMessage
  select (Message.message.content_type) {
    case application:
    case proposal:
    case commit:
      MaskedPartitionKey next_partition_key;
      optional<MLSMessage> group_info; // GroupInfo
} Message;

struct {
  Message messages<V>;
} Epoch;

struct {
  MaskedPartitionKey masked_partition_key;
  Epoch epoch;
} HintedEpoch;

struct {
  Epoch epoch;
  HintedEpoch hints<V>;
} ReceiveResponse;

The epoch field contains a list of messages sent to the requested partition_key, skipping the first counter messages. Messages sent to other epochs may be provided in hints. Each HintedEpoch structure contains a masked partition key and a list of messages sent to that partition key (skipping none).

The same epoch may not be referenced twice separately in the same ReceiveResponse. No order between epochs may be inferred by the order in hints. However, the order of the messages array in each Epoch does reflect the order that the messages were sequenced and should be processed.

The hub MAY proactively push ReceiveResponse structures to a following Service Provider. The hub has complete discretion in which epochs it provides in hints, and when it pushes ReceiveResponse structures. In a group with encrypted handshake messages, the hub may choose to use these features sparingly. In a group with unencrypted handshake messages, the hub will have a clearer view of which messages need to be delivered to which follower Service Providers and can act on that.

When processing Commits, users MUST ignore Commits where next_partition_key or group_info does not match what was expected.

4.5. External Joins

A user that wishes to perform an external join to a group may do so by sending an ExternalJoinRequest to the hub:

struct {
  MLSMessage message; // PublicMessage
  CommitData commit_data;
} ExternalJoinRequest;

If the hub recognizes the group_id and successfully validates the request, it sequences the message to the most recent partition key of the group.

A group does not require a published GroupInfo to allow ExternalJoinRequests, however a user can request it as follows:

struct {
  opaque group_id<V>;
} GroupInfoRequest;

struct {
  MLSMessage group_info; // GroupInfo;
  optional<RatchetTree> ratchet_tree;
} GroupInfoResponse;

The hub MAY provide an inferred ratchet tree in ratchet_tree if one is not present in the group_info.

5. Fork Termination

The endpoints above are designed to gracefully support forks in the group state through the use of the partition key. Forks can occur when a buggy or malicious member sends a Commit which members of the group are unable to process, or that members of the group reject for violating policy. In this case, the malicious/buggy member would process its own Commit, moving to a new epoch with a new partition key, while all other group members ignore it and stay in the current epoch. Forks can also occur when a member attempts to externally join a group, and the Delivery Service sequences the external Commit to an incorrect partition key (such as one resulting from the previous case).

When a hub detects that the group state has forked, it MAY decide to terminate one of the branches by blocking further messages from being sent to its partition key. When or if to terminate a branch, is left to the discretion of the hub. Users MUST NOT respond to a branch termination by automatically issuing an external join to rejoin the group.

6. Policy Enforcement

Generally, a hub or follower DS is only able to enforce "negative" policy on the aspects of the group state that it has visiblity into. "Negative" policy consists of rules for rejecting messages which are unambiguously invalid. Examples of such rules might include rejecting application messages from a user that is muted, or rejecting a commit that contains an Add proposal for a banned user.

Keeping in mind that the group may fork when there are buggy or malicious clients, but that clients clearly indicate which fork they are sending their message to, the DS must always make policy enforcmenent decisions with respect to the group state as it exists in the indicated fork. If one fork of a group exists where a proposal was sent that updated the group metadata to ban a specific user, but another fork exists where this proposal was not sent (or not accepted), the ban must only apply in the fork that accepted the proposal.

A DS MUST NOT reject messages based on criteria that are not unambiguously known by the DS to be satisfied. In particular, a DS can not enforce a per-user rate limit on messages sent to the group for any users that are not local to the DS. When the DS has a local relationship with a user, the DS can authenticate the user and unambiguously rate-limit just them. However, a hub DS can not rate-limit a follower DS's users without speculating on an MLS message's content.

It's understood that hub servers will make arrangements with follower servers, where the follower server enforces the hub's policies in situations where the hub can not, as a precondition to interoperate. This includes rate limits but also for example, if one of the follower server's users are banned by the hub, enforcing that the banned user is not allowed in any groups hosted by the hub. (Noting that the hub would be unable to ban a follower server's user themselves, in cases where a group's handshake messages are encrypted.)

Ultimately, while a DS can reject some abusive messages, clients must be aware of the policy a group is under and enforce it themselves. Messages which violate the group's policy MUST be ignored and supressed by the UI, as if they were cryptographically invalid. Clients SHOULD report to their local DS when the hub or another follower is not meeting the preconditions to interoperate.

A DS MUST NOT enforce "positive" policy decisions, consisting of rules that require a given message to be accepted by the members of the group.

7. Example Flows

7.1. Creating a Group

  1. User fetches KeyPackages for all the initial group members it wishes to include. (Section 4.1)

  2. User initiates creation of the group with its LSP and provides the Welcome message.

  3. LSP (now hub) fans out Welcome message to all follower Service Providers. (Section 4.3)

  4. Followers begin reading messages. (Section 4.4)

7.2. Externally Joining

  1. User requests the group's GroupInfo and sends an external Commit. (Section 4.5)

  2. User can immediately begin sending/receiving messages to the new partition key its Commit created. (Section 4.2 and Section 4.4)

  3. Group members that receive the external Commit will verify it, and if verification succeeds they will begin processing messages from the new partition key.

7.3. Self-Remove

  1. User sends a Remove proposal to group. (Section 4.2)

  2. User informs its LSP that it no longer wishes to receive messages for the group.

  3. Assuming this is the only user the LSP has in the group, it stops requesting messages for the group / starts rejecting message pushes.

After sending its Remove proposal, the user SHOULD continue receiving group messages for the same epoch to check that it's proposal was sequenced before the next Commit, and resend it if not. However, this isn't required.

8. IANA Considerations

This document has no IANA actions.

9. Normative References

Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, , <>.
Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, , <>.


TODO acknowledge.

Author's Address

Brendan McMillion