Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #360
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 30 Oct 99       Volume 16 : Issue 360

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Nubus to IDE
      [A] Outlook Express 5 - Notification sounds
      Disconnect between PowerPC and Monitor
      Floppy weirdness
      How to modify Internet Explorer
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #359
      Mac OS 9 and CSW 4000 Series
      More about Mac to NT net work reference
      MPW freebie
      Possible [A] to Disconnect between PowerPC and Monitor
      Quadra 605
      Serial Port Spy Needed
      Souped-up Mac
      Too many pages

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Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:22:34 -0400
From: a brody <>
Subject: (Q) Nubus to IDE

Dear Digest readers,
OK, I have a friend who can't afford much right now, but if there is 
some way she can hold on to her Radius 8100, and still be able to 
have the data storage for $300 or less, she would.   When you see IDE 
drives that are $200 for 20GB, it really makes even SCSI of 20GB for 
$400 look paltry by comparison.    Remember the Radius is a Mac clone 
of the PowerMac 8100.   So we are stuck with Nubus, and presumably an 
internal SCSI drive.   Anyone thinking about how the iMac can be 
purchased on a loan I know that already, but this person won't have 
that.   Not to mention finding an AAUI to 10base-T inverter is 
difficult enough for the time data does get transfered over to an 
iMac if that is what does happen.   Her 750MB hard drive isn't big 
enough for the Photoshop work she wants to do.

As she has a SCSI port, that's another option, but then again, only 
if there is some way to convert an external IDE drive into SCSI.

So if somebody knows how to make IDE compatible with either a Nubus 
machine or a SCSI port, please let me know?

Thank you.


Check out over 700 internet sites updated monthly at:


Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 22:57:09 -0400
From: "Marlon Deason" <>
Subject: [A] Outlook Express 5 - Notification sounds

>Allan Sutherland wrote:

>Having recently downloaded Outlook Express 5, while there are many things
>that are useful about it, there is one thing that gets on my nerves; the
>lack of interface to select the notification sounds. Can anyone suggest how
>these might be modified: is it necessary to use resedit, if so, what is the

I also recently tried OE 5.0 (but only long enough to send an entry in for a
chance to win an iMac) and quickly canned it. I did however, remember
reading in the release notes that OE 5.0 now supports the Appearance
Manager's Sound Sets. Which indicates to me that, in a perfect world, there
should be new items for OE's various alert sounds under the Appearence
control panel. What this means for users of systems prior to OS 8.5? Your
$cr&w&d :-)

Marlon Deason


Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:26:19 -0700
From: "Dr. James K. Butler" <>
Subject: ADD

A little while back I posted some information about the Apple Data
Detectors (ADD). They consist of a control panel, an extension and
AppleScript. Most people have not heard about them, but they are a FREE
addition to the OS and they can be downloaded from the Apple site. Since
so many people on this list had not heard about ADD I sent an email to
the editor of MacWorld to try and get exposure for the ADDs. Well, I
just received my December issue and was surprised to see that the letter
was published.

If you are not familiar with ADDs check out my letter and then head over
to to get more
information and to download the tools.

I would like to hear from anyone who downloaded the ADDs after my post.
Let me know if you think they are as great as I do. Also, if you were
brave enough to attempt to write your own DD let me know how it turned
out and how difficult you found it to be. In addition, if there is
anyone who knows AppleScript very well and who would like to attempt to
write some DDs send me an email. Maybe we can create a library of useful
DDs since Apple has obviously put it on the back burner (i.e. they have
been promising that the "Currency DD" is "Coming Soon, Really!" for
almost a year now). I think that the person who was suppose to support
ADDs was either reassigned or they left the company.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Dr. Jim Butler, CEO & President
Scuba Web Design

-Web Site Design
-Graphic Design
-3D Design & Animation
-Video Production & Effects
-Macintosh Consulting

< >


Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 07:42:47 -0500
From: "Allan, David (DS)" <>
Subject: Disconnect between PowerPC and Monitor

Funny you would mention this. I just had an experience that sounds similar.
After using my Performa 6218CD for a while, I turned it off. When I tried to
restart it shortly thereafter, it would not start up. In my case the monitor
just showed a uniform color over the whole screen (blue or green--I'm not
sure since the red on my Multiscan 15 in monitor is acting up--another long
story). Since it happened suddenly and I couldn't relate the problem to
anything else, I decided to pull the motherboard and re-seat the cards
(particularly the ethernet board). After doing so, and blowing a little dust
away, she booted. Curiously, the ethernet did not function that day, but the
next day it worked fine. Time will tell if it's cured.

Hope your problem can be solved as simply.

Good luck.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Ver Hoef []
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 1999 2:05 PM
Subject: Disconnect between PowerPC and Monitor

I have a Performa 6116CD running (I believe) OS 8.0. My monitor is a
Trinitron Multiscan 100ES. Yesterday I installed Netscape 4.6 from a CD I
had received from Mac Home Magazine. (I have been using an earlier version,
I believe 4.05.) The installation appeared to go OK and finally advised me
it wanted to restart my computer. I gave approval and the restart process
started. It never completed. I get the opening chime and it sounds normal
but absolutely nothing shows up on my monitor, not even a sad mac. I tried
starting with a System 8 CD but to no avail. The only unusual symptom
(other than the obvious failure) that I don't recall seeing before is that
the little power-on light on the monitor was yellow instead of the normal
green. I cycled it off and on again but, though it initially was green,
after a few seconds there was a click and it turned yellow again. To check
out the monitor itself, I connected it to my G3 Powerbook and it works fine.

I am at a loss as to what to try next. I don't have another monitor to try
with the Performa. I would sincerely appreciate any words of wisdom from
anyone who has any suggestions or explanations.

Ed Ver Hoef


Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:44:40 -0400
From: Jeffrey Frankel <>
Subject: Floppy weirdness

I discovered that HD floppy disks formatted in an SE (might have been an
SE/30) were unreadable on my PowerBook 190, and floppies formatted on the
190, and some commercial floppies, were unreadable on the SE.  All
formatting was to the Mac OS on the SE and to HFS (not HFS+) on the 190.

The 190 reads all other floppies with no problem. The SE was running OS
6.0.5 and the 190 was running OS 8.1.  Could my problem be due to some file
system difference between the two OS?  Or does it sound like something is
wrong with the floppy drive in the SE?
Jeff Frankel
Windsor, Maine  USA
"Where the woodpecker pecks
and the porcupine plays"


Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:38:10 -0400
From: Denis Gauthier <>
Subject: How to modify Internet Explorer

When I do a COMMAND-L in Internet Explorer 4.5 ( menu File, Open
Location), I want that the OPEN IN A NEW WINDOW is always check...

How to do that ?

a preferences,a Resedit hack ?

thanks to all in advance


Denis Gauthier
Agent de support en informatique
Service de l'informatique et des t�l�communications
Division Exploitation
Universite Laval, Quebec
***  " an APPLE a day keeps the doctor away " ***


Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:42:54 +0800
From: gloong <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #359

>I have a Performa 6116CD running (I believe) OS 8.0. My monitor is a
>Trinitron Multiscan 100ES. Yesterday I installed Netscape 4.6 from a CD I
>had received from Mac Home Magazine. (I have been using an earlier version,
>I believe 4.05.) The installation appeared to go OK and finally advised me
>it wanted to restart my computer. I gave approval and the restart process
>started. It never completed. I get the opening chime and it sounds normal
>but absolutely nothing shows up on my monitor, not even a sad mac. I tried
>starting with a System 8 CD but to no avail. The only unusual symptom
>(other than the obvious failure) that I don't recall seeing before is that
>the little power-on light on the monitor was yellow instead of the normal
>green. I cycled it off and on again but, though it initially was green,
>after a few seconds there was a click and it turned yellow again. To check
>out the monitor itself, I connected it to my G3 Powerbook and it works fine.
>I am at a loss as to what to try next. I don't have another monitor to try
>with the Performa. I would sincerely appreciate any words of wisdom from
>anyone who has any suggestions or explanations.

My best guess is that your internal battery is dead. Check that first. 
Normally the internal batteries last a few years say 3-4 years. I've been 
changing batteries on my 6100 machines since 1998 ie batteries seem to 
last about 3 years. Cost on these batteries are cheap - up to $10 or so & 
the replacement should be fairly simple.

Hope this helps.


Date: 30 Oct 1999 17:09:53 GMT
From: (Leonard_Librande)
Subject: Mac OS 9 and CSW 4000 Series

I am running the new OS 9 and there seems to be no extension for the color
StyleWriter 4000 series printers. The former extensions do not work. Has
anyone else hit this and/or found a solution?

Leonard T. Librande
Dean of Students


Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:04:58 EDT
Subject: More about Mac to NT net work reference

Mr. Laskey recommended "Check the NT documentation for Services for Macintosh 
(SFM).". Can someone please reveal where this information can be found?

Bud Casanova


Date: 29 Oct 1999 15:43:49 +0100
From: "Gavin Haines" <>
Subject: MPW freebie

If you would like to learn to programme the Macintosh, you'll be interested
to know that Apple released their Macintosh Programmer's Workshop for free
download over a year ago. 

Unless programming is your life or your job, it is not worth laying out
serious chunks of the hard earned when Freeware offerings can  be

The download is here, if you missed my earlier post:

You can download either the whole lot in one foul swoop, or you can
download nineteen 1 meg segmented images.

I got a checksum error trying to download MPW as a single file, so I
recommend you go for the segmented images. You are allowed to download more
than one image at once. I found this method took a shorter time than the
single file.

There are two folders at the download site - one is called MPW-GM, and the
other is called MPW-PR.  MWP-GM is the one you want to download. "GM"
stands for "Golden  Master".  "PR" stands for "Pre-Release", it means stuff
that is still under development, but which you are allowed to use. Stuff in
the "Golden Master" GM folder is considered to be of "final" quality.

After you have downloaded all the segmented images, you click on the first
one in the series. You can then install the MPW environment as it tells 
you in the instructions, or follow my directions given in an earlier post. 

The MPW-GM download contains an assembler, linker and two Freeware
compilers, one is called "MrC" and the other is called "MrCpp".

There is a folder containing the source code for several examples, which
you can try assembling compiling and linking to get the hang of things.
There are further examples at the download site.

However, the download does not contain all the software used for
professional Macintosh development.  What they are giving away free, is
just the MPW environment. The C compiler they give you is only a freeware
offering.  All I can say about it at this stage is that it seems to be able
to compile anything you throw at it.  How stable software produced in this
way might be is anybody's guess.   Of course this does not matter  if you
are only creating a "space invaders" game. There are example games with
source code at the download site.

An alternative to MPW, is Metrowerks CodeWarrior. This too, is or was,
available as a freebie download. However, it only allows  you to compile
the example projects they have given you, and it only allows you to create
68k code.  This is not a serious limitation to the beginner however.

If you buy the Metrowerks discover programming CD, you are allowed to
create your own projects, but again only to 68k code. The package costing
57 UK pounds does not include any printed book, only the CD.  All the
"lessons" are on disk.  CodeWarrior professional is 300 UK pounds. More 
info UK mailto: <>   US:  <>. Web:

CodeWarrior has a Pascal compiler, MPW currently does not, or at least the
compiler that went with it is now described as "unsupported". If anybody
knows where you can download the MPW Pascal compiler, I'd like to know.

I think it would be a better to begin with Pascal rather than C because
Pascal books are more easily obtained at low cost from a second hand
bookshop and libraries.  Books about "C" are currently very expensive, and
hard to get cheap or find in the Public Library.

Once you've got a Pascal compiler, you can work your way through a book
such as "Software Tooks in Pascal" by Kernighan and Plauger. This author
(Kernighan) has also written a "C" manual. Both of these are based on an
original book which worked with Fortran.  They called the technique
"Ratfor" which stood for "Rational Fortran". I don't think there are
currently any freeware Fortran compilers for the Mac which are any good.
Unless you know different..

As I understand it the MPW environment can also use the Metrowerks
compilers.   However, whether you use MPW or CodeWarrior compilers, you
don't have to use their editors, you can type the source code into
"SimpleText" if you want to.

Note that in the MPW environment, when it refers to the " return" key, it
means the key on the lower far right of the keyboard, not the enter key
between the delete key and the shift key.  For example on page 3-4 for of
the tutorial, it tells you to type "Date".  You do so and wonder why
nothing happens, and think of re-installing MPW....

For more links on the subject of freeware compilers for the Macintosh, go

Please report back your adventures to this list.

Have fun.


Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 23:15:10 -0400
From: Fritz Wonnacott <>
Subject: Possible [A] to Disconnect between PowerPC and Monitor

> This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

This is possible fix for the problem posed by Ed Ver Hoef
<> <-- this e-mail address did not resolve to a valid
IP, so I'm posting my reply directly to the list

Hi there...

Try this to resolve your problem as I think your computer is trying to start
up in a video resolution that the monitor doesn't understand, so the monitor
shuts down to prevent damage.

When you're booting the Mac, hold down the Command-Option-P-R keys until you
hear 3 startup tones. This resets the Parameter RAM (also called PRAM or
P-RAM) on your Mac's logic board. The PRAM is where all sorts of pertinent
computer information is stored like the date and time, the video resolution
you want to run at (which I think is where your problem lies) and other
non-related items. Be aware that certain settings such as what port your
printer is connected to will have to be reset in the Chooser and also
AppleTalk will probably be on as well. If you're not connected to a
LocalTalk network, make sure AppleTalk is OFF. Otherwise it will hog the
printer port and not let you 'talk' to your printer.

Let me know if that works for you.
"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."
        - Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy

Fritz A. Wonnacott

Think different

Content-type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

<TITLE>Possible [A] to Disconnect between PowerPC and Monitor</TITLE>
This is possible fix for the problem posed by Ed Ver Hoef &lt;<FONT COLOR=3D"=
#0000FF"><U></U></FONT>&gt; &lt;-- this e-mail address d=
id not resolve to a valid IP, so I'm posting my reply directly to the list<B=
Hi there...<BR>
Try this to resolve your problem as I think your computer is trying to star=
t up in a video resolution that the monitor doesn't understand, so the monit=
or shuts down to prevent damage.<BR>
When you're booting the Mac, hold down the Command-Option-P-R keys until yo=
u hear 3 startup tones. This resets the Parameter RAM (also called PRAM or P=
-RAM) on your Mac's logic board. The PRAM is where all sorts of pertinent co=
mputer information is stored like the date and time, the video resolution yo=
u want to run at (which I think is where your problem lies) and other non-re=
lated items. Be aware that certain settings such as what port your printer i=
s connected to will have to be reset in the Chooser and also AppleTalk will =
probably be on as well. If you're not connected to a LocalTalk network, make=
 sure AppleTalk is OFF. Otherwise it will hog the printer port and not let y=
ou 'talk' to your printer.<BR>
Let me know if that works for you. <BR>
-- <BR>
&quot;Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.&quot; <=
 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- Robert Fitzgerald Kenned=
Fritz A. Wonnacott<BR>
Think different<BR>



Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 16:44:56 GMT
From: "Dana Bostick" <>
Subject: Quadra 605

Hello all,
I have a friend that has a Quadra 605 that wants to get a new printer and
Scanner.  Not being a Mac person, I'm at a loss about what to recommend to
her.  Does this Mac have a printer port?  Do I need to get SCSI gear only?
She doesn't use the machine very much so an upgrade is not viable.
Thanks in Advance


Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 10:48:34 -0400
From: Aaron Proman <>
Subject: Serial Port Spy Needed


I don't know about the program you saw before, but we just finished an app
that does exactly what you want.

Aaron Proman

Inversiones Staarcom C.A        
Edificio Mikolxa, 3A                      011-58-2-993-1020
Calle Paris entre Trinidad y Nueva York   011-58-2-993-2257 fax
Las Mercedes, Caracas, Venezuela


Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 22:26:49 +0100
From: Ian Goldby <>
Subject: Souped-up Mac

At the risk of starting an avalanche of triviality, I was wondering who
else is using an obsolete model, souped-up with countless upgrades and
peripherals. What is the ultimate in souped-up Mac? I'm assuming we can
discount anything so new as a Power Mac...

My LC475 was bought in 1992 with 8 MB RAM and a 160 MB hard disk. Since
then, I've increased the clock speed from 25 MHz to 33 MHz, the RAM to 20
MB, video RAM to 1024 kB, and replaced the internal hard disk with a 2 GB
SCSI II disk from an obsolete DEC Alpha workstation. This enabled me to up
the memory to 45 MB with virtual memory (without losing 1/4 of the hard
disk). I replaced the fixed-frequency Performa Plus monitor with an old
EIZO FlexScan monitor that supports 832x624 pixels for added screen area,
using a home-made Mac to SVGA adaptor. Still using the original mouse and
keyboard though.

On the SCSI chain is an EZ 135 Drive (now also obsolete following SyQuest's
unfortunate demise), a (very obsolete) Reno double speed CD ROM, and my
pride and joy, an Epson GT-7000 scanner with tranny adaptor. The printer,
an Epson Stylus colour 740 replaces my old HP 310 (colour printing was
unbelievably bad), and shares the printer serial port via a home-made
switch box with a home-made MIDI adaptor, connecting to a Roland SC-7 Sound
Module and a Yamaha keyboard. The modem port is of course occupied by the
56k modem. It's a pity the serial hardware of the LC475 won't support
115200bps needed for full speed.

I recently upgraded the System from 7.1 to 7.5.3. I suppose I should really
upgrade to System 8.1 for ultimate souped-up status 8-) Or perhaps I should
try installing Linux... (For that I would need to replace the 68LC040
processor with a full 68040 one to avoid the FPU emulation bug.)

Who can beat this? There must be some Mac Pluses out there with 21" colour
screens, GBs of RAM, and RAID disk arrays, all wired up to the home-made
weather satellite decoder...



Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 07:29:46 -0400
From: Rob Somerville <>
Subject: Too many pages

Until January 99's V16 #253 I received the Info-Mac Digest as a 2 page
document. The first page contained information about the digest, includin=
a list of Today's Topics. The second page contained a copy of the first
page followed by all the articles on Today's Topics.

I then cancelled my subscription only to resubscribe this month, October.=
then received V16 #356 to #359 but the format has changed. The first page=

now contains info about the digest including Today's Topics. The second
page comtains the first page plus the article on the first topic. The thi=
page contains the first and second page plus articles on the first and
second topics. This continues until the 36th page contains all the pages =
the digest.

I checked with older digests that I have and they follow the older 2 page=

layout. Possibly I have changed settings so that I receive the digest in =
different way or perhaps it is now being sent in a different format. Can
anybody help?

Iam using a StarMax 3000/200, as before, and running OS 8.0, probably as



End of Info-Mac Digest