"In Peace and Joy I Now Depart"
                        by Dr. Martin Luther, 1483-1546
                                  Text From:
             (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1942), p. 107

       1. In peace and joy I now depart
       At God's disposing;
       For full of comfort is my heart,
       Soft reposing.
       So the Lord hath promised me,
       And death is but a slumber.

       2. 'Tis Christ that wrought this work for me,
       My faithful Savior,
       Whom Thou hast made mine eyes to see
       By Thy favor.
       Now I know He is my Life,
       My Help in need and dying.
       3. Him Thou hast unto all set forth
       Their great Salvation
       And to His kingdom called the earth,
       Every nation,
       By Thy dear and wholesome Word,
       In every place resounding.

       4. He is the Hope and saving Light
       Of lands benighted;
       By Him are they who dwelt in night
       Fed and lighted.
       He is Israel's Praise and Bliss,
       Their Joy, Reward, and Glory.
       Text: Luke 2:29-32
       Author: Martin Luther, 1524
       Titled: Mit Fried' und Freud' ich fahr' dahin
       Translated by: Leonard W. Bacon, 1884, alt.
       1st appeared in: Geistliches Gesangbuchlein
       Wittenberg, 1524


       This text was converted to ascii format for Project Wittenberg
       by Cindy A. Beesley and is in the public domain.  You may
       freely distribute, copy or print this text.  Please direct any
       comments or suggestions to: Rev. Robert E. Smith of the Walther
       Library at Concordia Theological Seminary.                 

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  | Rev. Robert E. Smith           |       smithre@mail.ctsfw.edu       |
  | Public Services Librarian      |"A man will turn over half a library | 
  | Concordia Theological Seminary |          to make one book"          |
  | Ft. Wayne, Indiana             |                   -- Samuel Johnson |