"Come to Calvary's Holy Mountain"
                        by James Montgomery, 1771-1854
                                  Text From:
            (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1942), pp. 117

       1. Come to Calvary's holy mountain,
       Sinners, ruined by the Fall;
       Here a pureand healing fountain
       Flows to you, to me, to all,
       In a full, perpetual tide,
       Opened when our Savior died.

       2. Come in poverty and meanness,
       Come defiled, without, within;
       From infection and uncleanness,
       From the leprosy of sin,
       Wash your robes and make them white;
       Ye shall walk with God in light.

       3. Come in sorrow and contrition,
       Wounded, impotent, and blind;
       Here the guilty free remission,
       Here the troubled peace, may find.
       Health this fountain will restore;
       He that drinks shall thirst no more.

       4. He that drinks shall live forever;
       'Tis a soul-renewing flood.
       God is faithful; God will never
       Break His covenant of blood,
       Signed when our Redeemer died,
       Sealed when He was glorified.
       Hymn #149 from The Handbook to TLH
       Text: Matt. 11: 28
       Author: by James Montgomery, 1891
       Composer: Ludwig M. Lindeman, 1871
       Tune: Consolation


       This text was converted to ascii format for Project Wittenberg
       by Cindy A. Beesley and is in the public domain.  You may
       freely distribute, copy or print this text.  Please direct any
       comments or suggestions to: Rev. Robert E. Smith of the Walther
       Library at Concordia Theological Seminary.                 

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  | Rev. Robert E. Smith           |       smithre@mail.ctsfw.edu       |
  | Public Services Librarian      |"A man will turn over half a library | 
  | Concordia Theological Seminary |          to make one book"          |
  | Ft. Wayne, Indiana             |                   -- Samuel Johnson |