
Internet Society Press Release
4 August 1994 (rev.)


--Reston VA, USA.  One of the most basic continuing measurements of
the size of the Internet was released yesterday.  For more than ten
years, the Internet has been measured almost every quarter by the
number of host computers reachable.  This is a key value because one 
of the most fundamental capabilities of the Internet is to directly 
link virtually any kind of computer across almost any kind of 
telecommunication medium.  The measurement is described in the 
Internet document RFC 1296.

The latest measurement - sometimes referred to as "the Internet Walk" -
shows 3.2 million reachable machines.  This is an increase of 81 percent
for the past year, and represents an even steeper than normal increase
over the past six months.  Indeed, 1 million new hosts were added during
the first six months of 1994.  Much of the increased growth is attributable
to growth outside the USA in more than 80 countries.  These values are
shown in the attached annex.

The so-called Internet Domain Survey is the product of Mark Lottor of
Network Wizards.  The Domain Survey attempts to discover every host on 
the Internet by doing a complete search of the Domain Name System.  
The latest results were gathered during late-July 1994 are listed below.
For more detailed data see the zone directory on ftp.nw.com, or the 
Net Wizards World Wide Web home page at http://www.nw.com

             July 94     Apr 94     Jan 94     Oct 93     Jul 93  Change (year)

 Hosts:    3,212,000        N/A  2,217,000  2,056,000  1,776,000        81%

 Domains:     46,000                30,000     28,000     26,000        77%

The Internet Society is the international organization for the Internet,
its technologies and applications.  For more information on this subject
or other information concerning the Internet, the Society's activities and
publications, contact the Society's International Secretariat or visit its 
WWW home page at:


 12020 Sunrise Valley Dr. suite 270
 Reston VA  22091

 tel: +1 703 648 9888
         800 468 9507 (USA only)
 fax: +1 703 648 9887


        Country Host Statistics - July 1994

Country                                Hosts   %ofTotal ChangeFromJan94

US-educational (higher)                856,234    27%    41%
US-commercial                          774,735    24%    36%
US-government                          169,248     5%    31%
US-defense                             130,176     4%    26%
US-non-profit organization              66,459     2%    31%
US-network operator                     30,993     1%   146%
US-local                                16,556     1%   153%
US total                             2,044,401    63%    38%

United Kingdom                         155,706     5%    37%
Germany                                149,193     5%    51%
Canada                                 127,516     4%    48%
Australia                              127,514     4%    42%
Japan                                   72,409     2%    69%
France                                  71,899     2%   117%
Netherlands                             59,729     2%    43%
Sweden                                  53,294     2%    40%
Finland                                 49,598     2%    **
Switzerland                             47,401     1%    24%
Norway                                  38,759     1%    22%
Italy                                   23,616     1%    38%
Spain                                   21,147     1%    79%
Austria                                 20,130     1%    30%
South Africa                            15,595   <1%     42%
New Zealand                             14,830   <1%    157%
Korea                                   12,109   <1%     35%
Denmark                                 12,107   <1%    175%
Belgium                                 12,107   <1%    147%
Taiwan                                  10,314   <1%     29%
Hong Kong                                9,141   <1%     60%
Israel                                   8,464   <1%     28%
Poland                                   7,392   <1%     55%
Brazil                                   5,896   <1%     63%
Czech Rep.                               5,639   <1%    169%
Hungary                                  5,390   <1%    122%
Mexico                                   5,164   <1%     45%
Portugal                                 4,518   <1%     25%
Singapore                                4,014   <1%     45%
Chile                                    3,703   <1%    170%
Ireland                                  3,308   <1%    103%
Iceland                                  3,268   <1%     73%
Russian Fed. (SU)                        3,145   <1%    142%
Greece                                   2,958   <1%    249%
Czech&Slovak (CS)                        1,869   <1%    -36%
Malaysia                                 1,322   <1%    204%
Turkey                                   1,204   <1%    140%
Thailand                                 1,197   <1%    334%
Slovakia                                   868   <1%     70%
Croatia                                    838   <1%     79%
Estonia                                    659   <1%     93%
Slovenia                                   574   <1%     -9%
Costa Rica                                 544   <1%    153%
Romania                                    453   <1%    466%
Luxembourg                                 420   <1%     37%
Venezuela                                  399   <1%      6%
Ukraine                                    339   <1%    994%
China                                      325   <1%      *
Russian Fed. (RU)                          322   <1%      *
India                                      316   <1%    129%
International organizations                315   <1%     34%
Kuwait                                     297   <1%    115%
Ecuador                                    256   <1%     73%
Argentina                                  248   <1%   8167%
Latvia                                     180   <1%    150%
Colombia                                   144   <1%      *
Uruguay                                    101   <1%      *
Bulgaria                                    79   <1%    276%
Puerto Rico                                 75   <1%      *
Philippines                                 65   <1%      *
Indonesia                                   54   <1%      *
Lithuania                                   53   <1%      *
Egypt                                       52   <1%     11%
Tunesia                                     46   <1%    318%
Peru                                        42   <1%      *
Cyprus                                      38   <1%    660%
Liechtenstein                               27   <1%     59%
Panama                                      24   <1%      *
Nicaragua                                   23   <1%      *
Macau                                       12   <1%      *
Algeria                                      7   <1%      *
Fiji                                         5   <1%      0%
Iran                                         4   <1%      0%
Antartica                                    4   <1%      *
Moldova                                      2   <1%      *
Saudi Arabia                                 1   <1%      *
                                     1,180,776    37%

*  Not connected in Jan 1994
** Not counted in Jan 1994
