8 August 1994



The URL is:  ftp://ftp.isoc.org/isoc/charts

The materials in this directory and subdirectories are prepared and
made available by the Internet Society as the international organization
for the Internet, its technologies and applications.

This is copyrighted material (c) 1994 A.M. Rutkowski and the Internet 
Society.  A license to use these materials is given with the express
condition that prominent attribution to the Internet Society must be
included in any derived copies. 

The material in this directory is regularly updated from week to week
as authoritative sources produce new information - often within a few hours
of the release of the new information.  However, the Society has no
independent means of verifying the accuracy of information and does not
further warrant its accuracy.

The material previously available at this location have been updated and
restructured to provide new Microsoft PowerPoint 4.0 compatibility as well 
as more manageable file sizes.


Most of the material in this directory is provided in native PowerPoint
binary files.  All presentations are available in:

Version 4.0 (files end with the number "4")
Version 3.0 (files end with the number "3")
GIF format (in separate sub-directories from 10 August)

Generally, the files can be directly read by both PC Windows and
Mac OS versions of PowerPoint.  (However, as of the date of this release,
Mac version 4.0 has not been released.)

The freeware versions of Microsoft PowerPoint viewer in PC Windows
versions 4.0 (pptview.exe + pptview.dll) and version 3.0 (pptview.exe only)
are included in this directory.

The Society sells 35 mm slide sets at very reasonable cost.  Contact 
Mary Burger at the Society's International Headquarters below.


InternetN.ppt contains slides from a standard introductory seminar on
internetworking technologies, enterprise internets, the Internet, applications,
and general Internet dynamics

networksN.ppt contains slides that portray the size and growth of the
Internet by its composite networks in both aggregate form as well as for major 
countries in both Europe and the Asia Pacific regions.  It also includes 
profiles of allocated and registered internet addresses and a special analysis
of the kinds of entities obtaining addresses during six months of 1993.
(N.B. Some data points for individual countries for Lottor's Dec 1993 count
have been altered by linear interpolation because of problems experienced
at that time in reaching hosts in those countries.)

hostsN.ppt contains slides that portray the size and growth of the Internet
by its reachable host computers both in aggregate form (near-term and long-term)
as well as profiles for more than 70 countries over the past 2.5 years.
It also contains Matt Gray's host count for WWW servers.

trafficN.ppt contains slides that portray the traffic on the USA NSFNet backbone
both in aggregate form and categories of services.  It also contains specific
profiles of WWW and Gopher traffic.

connectN.ppt contains slides that portray the growth of Internet connectivity
in terms of countries visible via the USA NSFNet backbone as well as the
Landwebber-Internet Society country connectivity map.

architecN.ppt contains slides that portray architectures of the Internet.
This file is currently under development and only portrays EMail connectivity.

isocN.ppt contains slides that portray the structure and activities of its
varied constituent bodies, including a current chart of all the IETF working
groups, comparative Internet standards making processes and a profile of the 
multicasting of IETF meetings.


Internet Society

 12020 Sunrise Valley Dr. suite 270
 Reston VA  22091

 tel: +1 703 648 9888
 fax: +1 703 648 9887

Inquiries and comments are welcome.
