SYCHORUS.ZIP (Zipped with PKZip 2.04g on MSDOS)
Description: Choirs, mostly synth-like (Typhoon format)

File:         Size:   Desc:
-----------   -----   -----------
BULB.C01      59230   Someone breaking a bulb fx
CHOIRS.C01    25718   Filtered synth choir
CHOIRS2.C01   27608   Synth like choir
CHORUSC2.C01  23784   More 'real' choir
CHORUSC3.C01  31018   "
CHORUSE2.C01  30218   "
CHORUSE3.C01  30956   "
CHORUSF#.C01  30398   "
CHORUSG2.C01  30604   "
ITOPIAC3.C01  76294   Filtered choir
ITOPIAC4.C01 113524   "
STYROLL.C01  159178   Just what it says!
TEAR.C01      72346   Something tearing fx

ATCKCHO2.O01    264   Voice to CHOIRS2.C01
ATCKCHOR.O01    264   Voice to CHOIRS2.C01
INFERNO.O01     994   Full fx and choirs from waves ITOPIAC3, ITOPIAC4
INFERNO1.O71    310   No fx, just the choirs
INFERNO2.O01    950   Voice for the CHORUS* waves + velocity sens fx
ITOPIA2.O01     310   Percussive voice for waves ITOPIAC3, ITOPIAC4
SLOWCHO2.O01    264   Slow version of ATCKCHO2.O01
SLOWCHOR.O01    264   Slow version of ATCKCHOR.o01

It's the voices that really makes these choirs.
I got the Itopia and Inferno stuff from Magnus Lidstrom (including
the background fx). I don't know the origin of CHOIRS and CHOIRS2.


/Pierre Gander
Stockholm, Sweden  August 1994

List of files:
bulb.c01      chorusc2.c01  chorusc3.c01  choruse2.c01  choruse3.c01
chorusf#.c01  chorusg2.c01  inferno.o01   inferno1.o71  inferno2.o01
itopia2.o01   itopiac3.c01  itopiac4.c01  styroll.c01   choirs.c01  
choirs2.c01   atckchor.o01  slowchor.o01  atckcho2.o01  slowcho2.o01