Packages changed:
  amtk (5.0.0 -> 5.0.1)
  analitza (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  autoyast2 (4.2.7 -> 4.2.8)
  blinken (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  bovo (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  cervisia (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  cogl (1.22.4+20190423.9bc253e9 -> 1.22.4+8)
  drbd-utils (9.9.0 -> 9.10.0)
  eog-plugins (3.26.3 -> 3.26.4)
  evince (3.32.0 -> 3.32.0+28)
  exim (4.92.1 -> 4.92.2)
  ffmpegthumbs (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  file-roller (3.32.1 -> 3.32.2)
  findutils (4.6.0 -> 4.7.0)
  flatpak-builder (1.0.7 -> 1.0.8)
  gdk-pixbuf (2.38.1 -> 2.38.2)
  glib2 (2.60.6 -> 2.60.7)
  gspell (1.8.1 -> 1.8.2)
  gthumb (3.8.0 -> 3.8.1)
  gtk3 (3.24.10 -> 3.24.11)
  iio-sensor-proxy (2.7 -> 2.8)
  juk (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  k3b (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kalgebra (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kalzium (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kanagram (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kapptemplate (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  katomic (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kblackbox (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kblocks (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kbounce (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kbreakout (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kbruch (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kcachegrind (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kcron (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kde-print-manager (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kdeedu-data (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kdegraphics-thumbnailers (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kdenetwork-filesharing (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kdf (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kdiamond (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kernel-firmware (20190815 -> 20190827)
  kernel-source (5.2.11 -> 5.2.14)
  kgeography (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kget (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kgoldrunner (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  khangman (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kig (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kimagemapeditor (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kipi-plugins (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kiriki (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kiten (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kjumpingcube (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  klines (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kmahjongg (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kmines (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kmouth (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kmplot (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  knavalbattle (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  knetwalk (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kolf (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kollision (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kolourpaint (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  konquest (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kpat (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kqtquickcharts (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kreversi (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  krita (4.2.5 -> 4.2.6)
  kshisen (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  ksirk (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kspaceduel (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  ksquares (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  ksudoku (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  ksystemlog (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kteatime (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  ktimer (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  ktuberling (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kturtle (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kubrick (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  kvm_stat (5.2.5 -> 5.2.13)
  kwordquiz (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  libkdegames (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  libkeduvocdocument (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  libkmahjongg (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  librsvg (2.44.14 -> 2.44.15)
  libshout (2.4.1 -> 2.4.3)
  libuv (1.30.1 -> 1.31.0)
  libvirt (5.6.0 -> 5.7.0)
  lokalize (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  lskat (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  makedumpfile (1.6.5 -> 1.6.6)
  mbox-importer (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  multipath-tools (0.8.2+26+suse.d884195 -> 0.8.2+27+suse.3ff280b)
  parley (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  perl-Glib (1.328 -> 1.3291)
  perl-HTML-Clean (0.9 -> 1.2)
  perl-Mojolicious (8.23 -> 8.24)
  permissions (1550_20190711 -> 1550_20190830)
  pim-data-exporter (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  pim-sieve-editor (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  polkit-default-privs (13.2+20190806.841a06b -> 13.2+20190905.0016c47)
  python-libvirt-python (5.6.0 -> 5.7.0)
  python-pygit2 (0.28.1 -> 0.28.2)
  rpm-config-SUSE (0.g32 -> 0.g35)
  rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks (1.4.9 -> 1.4.10)
  rubygem-sassc (2.1.0 -> 2.2.0)
  samba (4.10.5+git.105.2bd98587873 -> 4.10.8+git.124.a2010fbd0de)
  step (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  sweeper (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  texinfo (6.5 -> 6.6)
  umbrello (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  upower (0.99.10 -> 0.99.11)
  virtualbox (6.0.10 -> 6.0.12)
  webkit2gtk3 (2.24.4 -> 2.26.0)
  xtables-addons (3.3_k5.2.11_1 -> 3.5_k5.2.14_1)
  yakuake (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
  yast2-installation (4.2.11 -> 4.2.12)
  yast2-schema (4.2.1 -> 4.2.2)

=== Details ===

==== 389-ds ====
Subpackages: lib389 libsvrcore0

- Change permission of ns-slapd from 750 to 755 to allow non-root
  users to start the ldap server in containers and development

==== PackageKit ====
Subpackages: PackageKit-backend-zypp PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin PackageKit-gtk3-module PackageKit-lang libpackagekit-glib2-18 typelib-1_0-PackageKitGlib-1_0

- Modify PackageKit-systemd-timers.patch: Port the cron
  configuration variables to the script, and add -sendwait
  parameter to mail in the script(bsc#1130306).

==== alsa ====
Subpackages: libasound2 libasound2-32bit

- Disable LTO completely (boo#1149612);
  the versioned symbols in alsa-lib doesn't seem work properly on
  some apps

==== amtk ====
Version update (5.0.0 -> 5.0.1)
Subpackages: amtk-5-lang libamtk-5-0

- Update to version 5.0.1:
  + Fix a small, new compilation warning.
  + Build from Git: allow building with gettext ? 0.20.
  + Write more development notes.
  + Updated translations.

==== analitza ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: analitza-lang libAnalitza5

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== autoyast2 ====
Version update (4.2.7 -> 4.2.8)
Subpackages: autoyast2-installation

- Set X-SuSE-YaST-AutoInstResource in desktop file (bsc#144894).
- 4.2.8

==== blinken ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: blinken-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== bovo ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: bovo-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== cairo ====
Subpackages: libcairo-gobject2 libcairo2 libcairo2-32bit

- Add 2 upstream bug fix patches:
  + cairo-Use-FT_Done_MM_Var-instead-of-free-when-available.patch:
    ft: Use FT_Done_MM_Var instead of free when available in
    cairo_ft_apply_variations. Fixes a crash when using freetype
    >= 2.9
  + cairo-composite_color_glyphs.patch: Fix a thinko in
    composite_color_glyphs. We can't just move around the contents
    of the passed-in string, we need to make a copy. This was
    showing up as memory corruption in pango.

==== cervisia ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: cervisia-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== cogl ====
Version update (1.22.4+20190423.9bc253e9 -> 1.22.4+8)
Subpackages: cogl-lang libcogl-pango20 libcogl20 typelib-1_0-Cogl-1_0 typelib-1_0-CoglPango-1_0

- Update to version 1.22.4+8:
  + Add fallback for semi-private symbols in Pango.
  + Updated translations.
- Use PARENT_TAG and TAG_OFFSET in service file.

==== cups-filters ====

- Add add-cstring-include.patch to include cstring for memcpy
  and strcmp

==== dnsmasq ====

- Add Fix-build-with-libnettle-3.5.patch

==== drbd ====
Subpackages: drbd-kmp-default

- Restore higher summary specifity.
- Drop old-age %clean, %defattr.

==== drbd-utils ====
Version update (9.9.0 -> 9.10.0)

- Support Kernel 5.2, bsc#1149945 and bsc#1144702
- Add patch netlink-prepare-for-kernel-v5.2.patch
  Add patch netlink-Add-NLA_F_NESTED-flag-to-nested-attribute.patch
- Update to 9.10.0
  * drbdmon: limit desplay lenght, minor fixes
  * drbdsetup,v9: avoid underflow when resync regresses
  * drbdmeta,v9: allow huge (~1PB volumes)
  * drbdsetup,v9: add allow-remote-read flag(9.0.19)
  * docker: switch to UBI images
  * doc: update JA doc

==== elfutils ====
Subpackages: elfutils-lang libasm1 libdw1 libebl-plugins libelf-devel libelf1

- Modernize specfile and metadata.

==== eog-plugins ====
Version update (3.26.3 -> 3.26.4)
Subpackages: eog-plugins-lang

- Update to version 3.26.4:
  + Updated translations.

==== epiphany ====
Subpackages: epiphany-lang gnome-shell-search-provider-epiphany

- Drop pkgconfig(evince-document-3.0) and
  pkgconfig(evince-view-3.0) BuildRequires: Not needed, nor used
  since version 3.31.90.

==== evince ====
Version update (3.32.0 -> 3.32.0+28)
Subpackages: evince-lang evince-plugin-comicsdocument evince-plugin-djvudocument evince-plugin-dvidocument evince-plugin-pdfdocument evince-plugin-tiffdocument evince-plugin-xpsdocument libevdocument3-4 libevview3-3 nautilus-evince typelib-1_0-EvinceDocument-3_0 typelib-1_0-EvinceView-3_0

- Update to version 3.32.0+28:
  + sidebar links: fix popup.
  + require Poppler 0.76.0 for ignoreDiacritics feature.
  + shell: remember unmaximized window size.
  + EvPresentationView: don't start render job until realized.
  + ev-page-action-widget: disconnect notify::document signal in
  + backend: fix swapped y-coordinates when adding annotations.
  + ev_window: prevent NULL metadata being passed.
  + Updated translations.
- Switch to source services, use checkout from gnome-3.32 stable
- Switch to meson buildsystem. Add meson BuildRequires and macros,
  as well as dropping libtool BuildRequires, no longer needed.
- Replace gcc-c++ with generic c++_compiler BuildRequires.
- Drop CVE-2019-11459.patch: Fixed upstream.

==== exim ====
Version update (4.92.1 -> 4.92.2)

- update to exim 4.92.2
  * CVE-2019-15846: fix against remote attackers executing arbitrary code as
    root via a trailing backslash

==== festival ====

- Use -ffat-lto-objects when building static libraries.
- Run spec-cleaner

==== ffmpegthumbs ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: ffmpegthumbs-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== file-roller ====
Version update (3.32.1 -> 3.32.2)
Subpackages: file-roller-lang

- Update to version 3.32.2:
  + Bugs fixed: Prevents CTRL+F to be activated twice for a single
    key press.
  + Updated translations.

==== findutils ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 4.7.0)
Subpackages: findutils-lang

- Upgrade to 4.7.0.
- findutils.spec:
  - Change source compression from gzip to xz.
  - Align comments about how to bump the version.
  - Activate the signature checking via *.sig and keyring files.
  - Remove downstream hack in %check section to make a test executable.
- Delete obsolete patches:
  - disable-broken-tests.patch
  - gnulib-libio.patch
  - sv-bug-48030-find-exec-plus-does-not-pass-all-arguments.patch
  - sysmacros.patch
- findutils-4.4.2-xautofs.patch: Refresh, and rename ...
- findutils-xautofs.patch: ... to this.

==== flatpak-builder ====
Version update (1.0.7 -> 1.0.8)

- Update to version 1.0.8:
  + Support multiple instances of --install-dep-from.
  + Ensure shallow git mirrors are updated when the git ref
  + Improved error reporting.

==== gawk ====

- Upgrade descriptions.

==== gdk-pixbuf ====
Version update (2.38.1 -> 2.38.2)
Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-lang gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-32bit gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0 libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0-32bit typelib-1_0-GdkPixbuf-2_0

- Update to version 2.38.2:
  + build: Remove unnecessary argument.
  + gif: Suppress last deprecation warning.
  + tests:
  - Disable deprecation warnings for GTimeVal.
  - Add test for issue 95.
  - Add test image for invalid XPM data.
  + Disable deprecation warnings for GTimeVal.
  + Use the monotonic clock instead of wall one.
  + xpm:
  - Fail when XPM file doesn't contain enough data.
  - Simplify error path.
  - Sanity check XPM file dimensions.

==== glib2 ====
Version update (2.60.6 -> 2.60.7)
Subpackages: glib2-lang glib2-tools libgio-2_0-0 libgio-2_0-0-32bit libglib-2_0-0 libglib-2_0-0-32bit libgmodule-2_0-0 libgmodule-2_0-0-32bit libgobject-2_0-0 libgobject-2_0-0-32bit libgthread-2_0-0

- Update to version 2.60.7:
  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#1819, glgo#GNOME/GLib#1847,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!1012, glgo#GNOME/GLib!1013,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!1061, glgo#GNOME/GLib!1065,

==== gspell ====
Version update (1.8.1 -> 1.8.2)
Subpackages: gspell-lang libgspell-1-2 typelib-1_0-Gspell-1

- Update to version 1.8.2:
  + Build from Git: allow building with gettext ? 0.20.
  + Updated translations.

==== gthumb ====
Version update (3.8.0 -> 3.8.1)
Subpackages: gthumb-lang

- Update to version 3.8.1:
  + Bugs fixed: Selections: fixed possible crash after reordering
    the files.
  + Updated translations.

==== gtk3 ====
Version update (3.24.10 -> 3.24.11)
Subpackages: gtk3-data gtk3-immodule-amharic gtk3-immodule-inuktitut gtk3-immodule-thai gtk3-immodule-tigrigna gtk3-immodule-vietnamese gtk3-immodule-xim gtk3-lang gtk3-tools libgtk-3-0 typelib-1_0-Gtk-3_0

- Update to version 3.24.11:
  + Adwaita:
  - Add drop shadow to icons.
  - Small color fixes.
  - Make title buttons round.
  + Wayland:
  - Support xdg-output v3.
  - Fix clipboard ownership handling.
  + X11: Improve monitor metadata.
  + Build: Require GLib 2.57.2.
  + Updated translations.

==== i4l-base ====
Subpackages: i4l-isdnlog libcapi20-3

- Use -ffat-lto-objects when building static libraries.

==== ibus ====
Subpackages: ibus-gtk ibus-gtk-32bit ibus-gtk3 ibus-lang libibus-1_0-5 libibus-1_0-5-32bit typelib-1_0-IBus-1_0

- Apply the change on Jun. 22 again, reverted by the previous
- Stop exporting OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP (boo#1042136)
  * KDE4 LibreOffice VCL plugin was removed from upstream
  * New KDE5/Qt5 VCL plugin supporting Qt IM Module will be
  * Note only LibreOffice KDE5/Qt5 >= 6.3 supports Qt IM module
  - For older version, please export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=gnome
    in ~/.profile

==== iio-sensor-proxy ====
Version update (2.7 -> 2.8)

- Update to version 2.8:
  + Add support for accelerometers in ChromeBooks.
  + Fix screen orientation in favour of portrait when rotating
    display instead of favouring the previous orientation.

==== inn ====

- Use -ffat-lto-objects when building static libraries.

==== juk ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: juk-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 19.08.0:
  * Ensure CollectionList cache is saved on shutdown.

==== k3b ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: k3b-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 19.08.0:
  * Fix taglib includes to match the way taglib was meant to be used: #include <tag.h>

==== kalgebra ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kalgebra-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kalzium ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kalzium-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kanagram ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kanagram-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kapptemplate ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kapptemplate-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== katomic ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: katomic-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kblackbox ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kblackbox-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kblocks ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kblocks-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kbounce ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kbounce-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kbreakout ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kbreakout-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kbruch ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kbruch-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kcachegrind ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kcachegrind-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kcron ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kcron-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kde-print-manager ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kde-print-manager-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 19.08.0:
  * try to find the smb backend for cups as runtime dependency

==== kdeedu-data ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kdegraphics-thumbnailers ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kdenetwork-filesharing ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kdenetwork-filesharing-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kdf ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kdf-lang kwikdisk

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kdiamond ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kdiamond-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kernel-firmware ====
Version update (20190815 -> 20190827)
Subpackages: ucode-amd

- Update to version 20190827 (git-commit 7307a29961ad):
  * brcm: Add 43455 based AP6255 NVRAM for the Minix Neo Z83-4 Mini PC
  * brcm: Add 43340 based AP6234 NVRAM for the PoV TAB-P1006W-232 tablet
  * iwlwifi: update FWs to core45-152 release
  * check_whence: Add to the list of ignored files
  * rtl_bt: Update RTL8822C BT FW to V0x098A_94A4
  * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX200
  * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX201
  * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9560
  * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9260
  * Mellanox: Add new mlxsw_spectrum firmware 13.2000.1886

==== kernel-source ====
Version update (5.2.11 -> 5.2.14)
Subpackages: kernel-default kernel-default-devel kernel-devel kernel-docs kernel-macros kernel-syms kernel-vanilla

- Linux 5.2.14 (bnc#1012628).
- Revert "mmc: core: do not retry CMD6 in __mmc_switch()"
- x86/boot: Preserve boot_params.secure_boot from sanitizing
- Revert "x86/apic: Include the LDR when clearing out APIC
  registers" (bnc#1012628).
- libceph: allow ceph_buffer_put() to receive a NULL ceph_buffer
- x86/boot/compressed/64: Fix missing initialization in
  find_trampoline_placement() (bnc#1012628).
- KVM: arm/arm64: VGIC: Properly initialise private IRQ affinity
- gpio: Fix irqchip initialization order (bnc#1012628).
- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix stack-out-of-bounds in
  bnxt_qplib_rcfw_send_message (bnc#1012628).
- afs: use correct afs_call_type in yfs_fs_store_opaque_acl2
- afs: Fix possible oops in afs_lookup trace event (bnc#1012628).
- afs: Fix leak in afs_lookup_cell_rcu() (bnc#1012628).
- KVM: arm/arm64: Only skip MMIO insn once (bnc#1012628).
- ceph: fix buffer free while holding i_ceph_lock in fill_inode()
- ceph: fix buffer free while holding i_ceph_lock in
  __ceph_build_xattrs_blob() (bnc#1012628).
- ceph: fix buffer free while holding i_ceph_lock in
  __ceph_setxattr() (bnc#1012628).
- drm/amdgpu: prevent memory leaks in AMDGPU_CS ioctl
- selftests/kvm: make platform_info_test pass on AMD
- selftests: kvm: fix state save/load on processors without XSAVE
- infiniband: hfi1: fix memory leaks (bnc#1012628).
- infiniband: hfi1: fix a memory leak bug (bnc#1012628).
- IB/mlx4: Fix memory leaks (bnc#1012628).
- RDMA/cma: fix null-ptr-deref Read in cma_cleanup (bnc#1012628).
- nvme: Fix cntlid validation when not using NVMEoF (bnc#1012628).
- nvme-multipath: fix possible I/O hang when paths are updated
- Tools: hv: kvp: eliminate 'may be used uninitialized' warning
- Input: hyperv-keyboard: Use in-place iterator API in the
  channel callback (bnc#1012628).
- scsi: lpfc: Mitigate high memory pre-allocation by SCSI-MQ
- x86/boot/compressed/64: Fix boot on machines with broken E820
  table (bnc#1012628).
- HID: cp2112: prevent sleeping function called from invalid
  context (bnc#1012628).
- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: add EHL device id (bnc#1012628).
- kprobes: Fix potential deadlock in kprobe_optimizer()
- sched/core: Schedule new worker even if PI-blocked
- ravb: Fix use-after-free ravb_tstamp_skb (bnc#1012628).
- wimax/i2400m: fix a memory leak bug (bnc#1012628).
- net: cavium: fix driver name (bnc#1012628).
- ibmvnic: Unmap DMA address of TX descriptor buffers after use
- net: kalmia: fix memory leaks (bnc#1012628).
- cx82310_eth: fix a memory leak bug (bnc#1012628).
- vfs: fix page locking deadlocks when deduping files
- lan78xx: Fix memory leaks (bnc#1012628).
- clk: Fix potential NULL dereference in clk_fetch_parent_index()
- clk: Fix falling back to legacy parent string matching
- net: myri10ge: fix memory leaks (bnc#1012628).
- liquidio: add cleanup in octeon_setup_iq() (bnc#1012628).
- selftests: kvm: fix vmx_set_nested_state_test (bnc#1012628).
- selftests: kvm: provide common function to enable eVMCS
- selftests: kvm: do not try running the VM in
  vmx_set_nested_state_test (bnc#1012628).
- cxgb4: fix a memory leak bug (bnc#1012628).
- scsi: target: tcmu: avoid use-after-free after command timeout
- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix gnl.l memory leak on adapter init failure
- drm/mediatek: set DMA max segment size (bnc#1012628).
- drm/mediatek: use correct device to import PRIME buffers
- netfilter: nft_flow_offload: skip tcp rst and fin packets
- gpio: Fix build error of function redefinition (bnc#1012628).
- ibmveth: Convert multicast list size for little-endian system
- s390/qeth: serialize cmd reply with concurrent timeout
- Bluetooth: hci_qca: Send VS pre shutdown command (bnc#1012628).
- Bluetooth: btqca: Add a short delay before downloading the NVM
- net: tc35815: Explicitly check NET_IP_ALIGN is not zero in
  tc35815_rx (bnc#1012628).
- hv_netvsc: Fix a warning of suspicious RCU usage (bnc#1012628).
- ixgbe: fix possible deadlock in ixgbe_service_task()
- tools: bpftool: fix error message (prog -> object)
- netfilter: nf_flow_table: teardown flow timeout race
- netfilter: nf_flow_table: conntrack picks up expired flows
- netfilter: nf_tables: use-after-free in failing rule with
  bound set (bnc#1012628).
- net: tundra: tsi108: use spin_lock_irqsave instead of
  spin_lock_irq in IRQ context (bnc#1012628).
- clk: samsung: exynos542x: Move MSCL subsystem clocks to its
  sub-CMU (bnc#1012628).
- clk: samsung: exynos5800: Move MAU subsystem clocks to MAU
  sub-CMU (bnc#1012628).
- clk: samsung: Change signature of exynos5_subcmus_init()
  function (bnc#1012628).
- net/mlx5e: Fix error flow of CQE recovery on tx reporter
- netfilter: nf_flow_table: fix offload for flows that are
  subject to xfrm (bnc#1012628).
- libbpf: set BTF FD for prog only when there is supported
  .BTF.ext data (bnc#1012628).
- libbpf: fix erroneous multi-closing of BTF FD (bnc#1012628).
- batman-adv: Fix netlink dumping of all mcast_flags buckets
- net/rds: Fix info leak in rds6_inc_info_copy() (bnc#1012628).
- net/sched: pfifo_fast: fix wrong dereference when qdisc is reset
- net/sched: pfifo_fast: fix wrong dereference in
  pfifo_fast_enqueue (bnc#1012628).
- net: dsa: tag_8021q: Future-proof the reserved fields in the
  custom VID (bnc#1012628).
- Add genphy_c45_config_aneg() function to phy-c45.c
- net/sched: cbs: Set default link speed to 10 Mbps in
  cbs_set_port_rate (bnc#1012628).
- taprio: Set default link speed to 10 Mbps in
  taprio_set_picos_per_byte (bnc#1012628).
- taprio: Fix kernel panic in taprio_destroy (bnc#1012628).
- r8152: remove calling netif_napi_del (bnc#1012628).
- Revert "r8152: napi hangup fix after disconnect" (bnc#1012628).
- nfp: flower: handle neighbour events on internal ports
- nfp: flower: prevent ingress block binds on internal ports
- tcp: remove empty skb from write queue in error cases
- tcp: inherit timestamp on mtu probe (bnc#1012628).
- net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: Don't fail if phy regulator is absent
- net_sched: fix a NULL pointer deref in ipt action (bnc#1012628).
- net: sched: act_sample: fix psample group handling on overwrite
- net: fix skb use after free in netpoll (bnc#1012628).
- mld: fix memory leak in mld_del_delrec() (bnc#1012628).
- commit af75f09
- config: enable SLAB_FREELIST_HARDENED (bsc#1127808)
  Enable SLAB_FREELIST_HARDENED on all architectures. This obscures the
  free object pointer on a per-cache basis making it more difficult to
  locate kernel objects via exploits probing the cache metadata.
  This change was requested by the upstream openSUSE community to make
  the kernel more resistent to slab freelist attacks. Tests conducted
  by the kernel performance teams confirmed that the performance impact
  is detectable but negligible.
- commit 94938f2
- rpm/ lower disk space required for ARM
  With a requirement of 35GB, only 2 slow workers are usable for ARM.
  Current aarch64 build requires 27G and armv6/7 requires 14G.
  Set requirements respectively to 30GB and 20GB.
- commit f84c163
- config: enable STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG also on armv6hl
  Recently reenabled armv6hl architecture has STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG disabled,
  enable it here as well.
- commit f434a32
- Linux 5.2.13 (bnc#1012628).
- Revert "Input: elantech - enable SMBus on new (2018+) systems"
- commit acd8e88
- Linux 5.2.12 (bnc#1012628).
- dmaengine: ste_dma40: fix unneeded variable warning
- nvme-multipath: revalidate nvme_ns_head gendisk in
  nvme_validate_ns (bnc#1012628).
- afs: Fix the CB.ProbeUuid service handler to reply correctly
- afs: Fix loop index mixup in
  afs_deliver_vl_get_entry_by_name_u() (bnc#1012628).
- fs: afs: Fix a possible null-pointer dereference in
  afs_put_read() (bnc#1012628).
- afs: Fix off-by-one in afs_rename() expected data version
  calculation (bnc#1012628).
- afs: Only update d_fsdata if different in afs_d_revalidate()
- afs: Fix missing dentry data version updating (bnc#1012628).
- nvmet: Fix use-after-free bug when a port is removed
- nvmet-loop: Flush nvme_delete_wq when removing the port
- nvmet-file: fix nvmet_file_flush() always returning an error
- nvme-core: Fix extra device_put() call on error path
- nvme: fix a possible deadlock when passthru commands sent to
  a multipath device (bnc#1012628).
- nvme-rdma: fix possible use-after-free in connect error flow
- nvme: fix controller removal race with scan work (bnc#1012628).
- nvme-pci: Fix async probe remove race (bnc#1012628).
- soundwire: cadence_master: fix register definition for
  SLAVE_STATE (bnc#1012628).
- soundwire: cadence_master: fix definitions for INTSTAT0/1
- auxdisplay: panel: need to delete scan_timer when misc_register
  fails in panel_attach (bnc#1012628).
- btrfs: trim: Check the range passed into to prevent overflow
- IB/mlx5: Fix implicit MR release flow (bnc#1012628).
- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: Fix a possible null-pointer dereference
  in stm32_mdma_irq_handler() (bnc#1012628).
- omap-dma/omap_vout_vrfb: fix off-by-one fi value (bnc#1012628).
- iommu/dma: Handle SG length overflow better (bnc#1012628).
- dma-direct: don't truncate dma_required_mask to bus addressing
  capabilities (bnc#1012628).
- usb: gadget: composite: Clear "suspended" on reset/disconnect
- usb: gadget: mass_storage: Fix races between fsg_disable and
  fsg_set_alt (bnc#1012628).
- habanalabs: fix DRAM usage accounting on context tear down
- habanalabs: fix endianness handling for packets from user
- habanalabs: fix completion queue handling when host is BE
- habanalabs: fix endianness handling for internal QMAN submission
- habanalabs: fix device IRQ unmasking for BE host (bnc#1012628).
- xen/blkback: fix memory leaks (bnc#1012628).
- arm64: cpufeature: Don't treat granule sizes as strict
- riscv: fix flush_tlb_range() end address for flush_tlb_page()
- i2c: rcar: avoid race when unregistering slave client
- i2c: emev2: avoid race when unregistering slave client
- drm/scheduler: use job count instead of peek (bnc#1012628).
- drm/ast: Fixed reboot test may cause system hanged
- usb: host: fotg2: restart hcd after port reset (bnc#1012628).
- tools: hv: fixed Python pep8/flake8 warnings for lsvmbus
- tools: hv: fix KVP and VSS daemons exit code (bnc#1012628).
- locking/rwsem: Add missing ACQUIRE to read_slowpath exit when
  queue is empty (bnc#1012628).
- lcoking/rwsem: Add missing ACQUIRE to read_slowpath sleep loop
- watchdog: bcm2835_wdt: Fix module autoload (bnc#1012628).
- selftests/bpf: install files (bnc#1012628).
- drm/bridge: tfp410: fix memleak in get_modes() (bnc#1012628).
- mt76: usb: fix rx A-MSDU support (bnc#1012628).
- ipv6/addrconf: allow adding multicast addr if IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN
  is set (bnc#1012628).
- ipv6: Fix return value of ipv6_mc_may_pull() for malformed
  packets (bnc#1012628).
- net: cpsw: fix NULL pointer exception in the probe error path
- net: fix __ip_mc_inc_group usage (bnc#1012628).
- net/smc: make sure EPOLLOUT is raised (bnc#1012628).
- tcp: make sure EPOLLOUT wont be missed (bnc#1012628).
- ipv4: mpls: fix mpls_xmit for iptunnel (bnc#1012628).
- openvswitch: Fix conntrack cache with timeout (bnc#1012628).
- ipv4/icmp: fix rt dst dev null pointer dereference
- xfrm/xfrm_policy: fix dst dev null pointer dereference in
  collect_md mode (bnc#1012628).
- mm/zsmalloc.c: fix build when CONFIG_COMPACTION=n (bnc#1012628).
- ALSA: usb-audio: Check mixer unit bitmap yet more strictly
- ALSA: hda/ca0132 - Add new SBZ quirk (bnc#1012628).
- ALSA: line6: Fix memory leak at line6_init_pcm() error path
- ALSA: hda - Fixes inverted Conexant GPIO mic mute led
- ALSA: seq: Fix potential concurrent access to the deleted pool
- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix invalid NULL check in
  snd_emuusb_set_samplerate() (bnc#1012628).
- ALSA: usb-audio: Add implicit fb quirk for Behringer UFX1604
- kvm: x86: skip populating logical dest map if apic is not sw
  enabled (bnc#1012628).
- KVM: x86: hyper-v: don't crash on KVM_GET_SUPPORTED_HV_CPUID
  when kvm_intel.nested is disabled (bnc#1012628).
- KVM: x86: Don't update RIP or do single-step on faulting
  emulation (bnc#1012628).
- uprobes/x86: Fix detection of 32-bit user mode (bnc#1012628).
- x86/mm/cpa: Prevent large page split when ftrace flips RW on
  kernel text (bnc#1012628).
- x86/apic: Do not initialize LDR and DFR for bigsmp
- x86/apic: Include the LDR when clearing out APIC registers
- HID: logitech-hidpp: remove support for the G700 over USB
- ftrace: Fix NULL pointer dereference in t_probe_next()
- ftrace: Check for successful allocation of hash (bnc#1012628).
- ftrace: Check for empty hash and comment the race with
  registering probes (bnc#1012628).
- usbtmc: more sanity checking for packet size (bnc#1012628).
- usb-storage: Add new JMS567 revision to unusual_devs
- USB: cdc-wdm: fix race between write and disconnect due to
  flag abuse (bnc#1012628).
- usb: hcd: use managed device resources (bnc#1012628).
- usb: chipidea: udc: don't do hardware access if gadget has
  stopped (bnc#1012628).
- usb: host: ohci: fix a race condition between shutdown and irq
- usb: host: xhci: rcar: Fix typo in compatible string matching
- USB: storage: ums-realtek: Update module parameter description
  for auto_delink_en (bnc#1012628).
- USB: storage: ums-realtek: Whitelist auto-delink support
- tools/power turbostat: Fix caller parameter of get_tdp_amd()
- KVM: PPC: Book3S: Fix incorrect guest-to-user-translation
  error handling (bnc#1012628).
- KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: Fix potential deadlock when ap_list is
  long (bnc#1012628).
- KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-v2: Handle SGI bits in GICD_I{S,C}PENDR0
  as WI (bnc#1012628).
- mei: me: add Tiger Lake point LP device ID (bnc#1012628).
- Revert "mmc: sdhci-tegra: drop ->get_ro() implementation"
- mmc: sdhci-of-at91: add quirk for broken HS200 (bnc#1012628).
- mmc: sdhci-cadence: enable v4_mode to fix ADMA 64-bit addressing
- mmc: core: Fix init of SD cards reporting an invalid VDD range
- mmc: sdhci-sprd: fixed incorrect clock divider (bnc#1012628).
- mmc: sdhci-sprd: add SDHCI_QUIRK2_PRESET_VALUE_BROKEN
- stm class: Fix a double free of stm_source_device (bnc#1012628).
- intel_th: pci: Add support for another Lewisburg PCH
- intel_th: pci: Add Tiger Lake support (bnc#1012628).
- typec: tcpm: fix a typo in the comparison of pdo_max_voltage
- fsi: scom: Don't abort operations for minor errors
- lkdtm/bugs: fix build error in lkdtm_EXHAUST_STACK
- NFSv4/pnfs: Fix a page lock leak in nfs_pageio_resend()
- NFS: Ensure O_DIRECT reports an error if the bytes read/written
  is 0 (bnc#1012628).
- Revert "NFSv4/flexfiles: Abort I/O early if the layout segment
  was invalidated" (bnc#1012628).
- lib: logic_pio: Fix RCU usage (bnc#1012628).
- lib: logic_pio: Avoid possible overlap for unregistering regions
- lib: logic_pio: Add logic_pio_unregister_range() (bnc#1012628).
- drm/amdgpu: Add APTX quirk for Dell Latitude 5495 (bnc#1012628).
- drm/amdgpu: fix GFXOFF on Picasso and Raven2 (bnc#1012628).
- drm/i915: Don't deballoon unused ggtt drm_mm_node in linux guest
- drm/i915: Call dma_set_max_seg_size() in i915_driver_hw_probe()
- i2c: piix4: Fix port selection for AMD Family 16h Model 30h
- bus: hisi_lpc: Unregister logical PIO range to avoid potential
  use-after-free (bnc#1012628).
- bus: hisi_lpc: Add .remove method to avoid driver unbind crash
- VMCI: Release resource if the work is already queued
- crypto: ccp - Ignore unconfigured CCP device on suspend/resume
- SUNRPC: Don't handle errors if the bind/connect succeeded
- mt76: mt76x0u: do not reset radio on resume (bnc#1012628).
- mm, memcg: partially revert "mm/memcontrol.c: keep local VM
  counters in sync with the hierarchical ones" (bnc#1012628).
- mm: memcontrol: fix percpu vmstats and vmevents flush
- Revert "cfg80211: fix processing world regdomain when non
  modular" (bnc#1012628).
- mac80211: fix possible sta leak (bnc#1012628).
- cfg80211: Fix Extended Key ID key install checks (bnc#1012628).
- mac80211: Don't memset RXCB prior to PAE intercept
- mac80211: Correctly set noencrypt for PAE frames (bnc#1012628).
- mmc: sdhci-sprd: clear the UHS-I modes read from registers
- mmc: sdhci-sprd: Implement the get_max_timeout_count() interface
- mmc: sdhci-sprd: add get_ro hook function (bnc#1012628).
- iwlwifi: add new cards for 22000 and fix struct name
- iwlwifi: add new cards for 22000 and change wrong structs
- iwlwifi: add new cards for 9000 and 20000 series (bnc#1012628).
- iwlwifi: change 0x02F0 fw from qu to quz (bnc#1012628).
- iwlwifi: pcie: add support for qu c-step devices (bnc#1012628).
- iwlwifi: pcie: don't switch FW to qnj when ax201 is detected
- iwlwifi: pcie: handle switching killer Qu B0 NICs to C0
- drm/i915: Do not create a new max_bpc prop for MST connectors
- drm/i915/dp: Fix DSC enable code to use cpu_transcoder instead
  of encoder->type (bnc#1012628).
- bpf: fix use after free in prog symbol exposure (bnc#1012628).
- hsr: implement dellink to clean up resources (bnc#1012628).
- hsr: fix a NULL pointer deref in hsr_dev_xmit() (bnc#1012628).
- hsr: switch ->dellink() to ->ndo_uninit() (bnc#1012628).
- Revert "ASoC: Fail card instantiation if DAI format setup fails"
- commit bb4c31d
- powerpc/tm: Fix restoring FP/VMX facility incorrectly on
  interrupts (CVE-2019-15031 bsc#1149713).
- powerpc/tm: Fix FP/VMX unavailable exceptions inside a
  transaction (CVE-2019-15030 bsc#1149713).
- commit 76a34af
- x86/ptrace: fix up botched merge of spectrev1 fix (bnc#1149376
- commit 77497b6
- config: enable STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG (jsc#SLE-9120 bsc#1130365)
  Enable CONFIG_STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG on all architectures except s390x
  (where the feature is not available). This extends the number of functions
  which are protected by "stack canary" check to catch functions writing past
  their stack frame.
  This change was requested by SUSE security to make our kernels more
  resistant to some types of stack overflow attacks. Tests performed by
  kernel performance teams confirmed that performance impact is acceptable.
- commit d6e8aab

==== kgeography ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kgeography-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kget ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kget-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kgoldrunner ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kgoldrunner-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== khangman ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: khangman-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kig ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kig-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kimagemapeditor ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kimagemapeditor-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kipi-plugins ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kipi-plugins-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kiriki ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kiriki-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kiten ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: fonts-KanjiStrokeOrders kiten-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kjumpingcube ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kjumpingcube-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== klines ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: klines-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kmahjongg ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kmahjongg-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kmines ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kmines-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kmouth ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kmouth-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kmplot ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kmplot-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== knavalbattle ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: knavalbattle-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== knetwalk ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: knetwalk-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kolf ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kolf-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kollision ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kollision-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kolourpaint ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kolourpaint-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 19.08.0:
  * Fix crash when doing open recent

==== konquest ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: konquest-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kpat ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kpat-lang

- Add FcSolveSolver-cleanup-ressources.patch to fix crashes due to
  resource exhaustion (boo#1146622, kde#395624)
- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kqtquickcharts ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kreversi ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kreversi-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== krita ====
Version update (4.2.5 -> 4.2.6)
Subpackages: krita-lang

- Update to 4.2.6:
  * See
  * Add new layer from visible to layer right-click context menu
  * Allow selection overlay to be reset to default (kde#410470)
  * Set date for bundle creation to use ISO-Date (kde#410490)
  * Fix freeze with 32bit float tiff by using our own tiff reader
    for the thumbnails (kde#408731)
  * Ensure filter mask button is disabled appropriately depending
    on whether the filter supports it (kde#410374)
  * Enable the small color selector if opengles is available as
    well (kde#410602)
  * Ensure that checkboxes are shown in menus even when using the
    fusion theme
  * Isolate Layer Crash (kde#408785)
  * Properly fix font resetting when all the text in the editor
    removed (kde#409243)
  * Fix lags in Move Tool when using tablet device (kde#410838)
  * Fix Shift and Alt modifiers in Outline Selection Tool
  * Ensure Convert group to Animated Layer shows text in the
    toolbar (kde#410500)
  * Allow 'Add Clone Layer' to Work on Multiple Layers (kde#373338)
  * Fix saving animated transparency masks created through
    conversion (kde#409895)
  * Partially fix the curve change despite 'Share curve across all
    settings' checked (kde#383909)
  * Try harder to make sure that the swap location is writable
  * Properly handle timezones in bundles
  * Make sure all the settings dialogs pages are always shown in
    the same order
  * Make the settings dialog fit in low-res screens (kde#410793)
  * Remove misleading 'px' suffix for 'move amount' shortcut
  * Make string for reasons for image export problems translatable
  * Fix crash when creating a bezier curve (kde#410572)
  * Fix deadlocks in KoShapeManager (kde#410909, kde#410572)
  * Fix a deadlock when using broken Wacom drivers on Linux
  * Fix absolute brush rotation on rotated canvas (kde#292726)
  * Fix deadlock when removing reference image (kde#411212)
  * Fix a deadlock in handling of vector objects (kde#411365)
  * Fix autosave saving only once (kde#411631)

==== kshisen ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kshisen-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== ksirk ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: ksirk-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kspaceduel ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kspaceduel-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== ksquares ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: ksquares-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== ksudoku ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: ksudoku-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== ksystemlog ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: ksystemlog-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kteatime ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kteatime-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== ktimer ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: ktimer-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== ktuberling ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: ktuberling-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kturtle ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kturtle-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kubrick ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kubrick-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== kvm_stat ====
Version update (5.2.5 -> 5.2.13)

- Detect SLE15-SP2 / Leap 15.2 and patch accordingly

==== kwordquiz ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kwordquiz-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 19.08.0:
  * Remove unused private field 'm_column'
  * Do not crash on exit

==== libXpresent ====

- Add -ffat-lto-objects to _lto_cflags

==== libguestfs ====
Subpackages: guestfs-data libguestfs0 python3-libguestfs

- Use -ffat-lto-objects when building static libraries.
- Added lvm2 to Requires for using virt-resize of xfs images.
- Add sysconfig-netconfig to appliance (boo#1136878)
  Patches added:

==== libkdegames ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: kdegames-carddecks-default libkdegames-lang libkf5kdegames6

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== libkeduvocdocument ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: libKEduVocDocument5 libkeduvocdocument-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== libkmahjongg ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: libKF5KMahjongglib5 libkmahjongg-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== libraw ====

- drop JPEG2000 support [bsc#1144252]
- Use FAT LTO objects in order to provide proper static library.

==== librsvg ====
Version update (2.44.14 -> 2.44.15)
Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg librsvg-2-2 rsvg-thumbnailer typelib-1_0-Rsvg-2_0

- Update to version 2.44.15:
  + Fix glgo#GNOME/librsvg#11: Respect the "direction" property for
    bidirectional text.
  + Fix glgo#GNOME/librsvg#462: Fix usage of std::f64::EPSILON for
    Rust 1.28.
  + Fix glgo#GNOME/librsvg#497: Don't panic on paths with
    all-invalid commands.
  + Fix glgo#GNOME/librsvg#496: Ensure all lengths and angles parse
    as finite numbers.
  + Fix glgo#GNOME/librsvg#426: Detect files vs. URIs in
    rsvg_handle_new_from_file() on Windows.
  + Fix a memory leak in the test suite.

==== libshout ====
Version update (2.4.1 -> 2.4.3)

- Update to release 2.4.3
  * Fixed building with OpenSSL 1.1.0.
  * Added support for PUT.
  * Added support for WebM and Matroska with full timing.

==== libsigc++2 ====

- Drop conditional libsigc++-std-c11.patch: No longer needed for
  any currently supported version of openSUSE.
- Use make_build macro.

==== libuv ====
Version update (1.30.1 -> 1.31.0)

- libuv 1.31.0:
  * unix,win: add uv_fs_statfs()
  * test: avoid AF_LOCAL
  * add ability to retrieve all env variables
  * doc: add %p to valgrind log-file arg
  * doc: fix typo in basics.rst
  * unix: clear UV_HANDLE_READING flag before callback
- add project signing keyring and verify source signature

==== libvirt ====
Version update (5.6.0 -> 5.7.0)
Subpackages: libvirt-bash-completion libvirt-client libvirt-daemon libvirt-daemon-driver-interface libvirt-daemon-driver-libxl libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc libvirt-daemon-driver-network libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev libvirt-daemon-driver-nwfilter libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu libvirt-daemon-driver-secret libvirt-daemon-driver-storage libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-core libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-disk libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-gluster libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi-direct libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-logical libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-mpath libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-rbd libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-scsi libvirt-daemon-lxc libvirt-daemon-qemu libvirt-daemon-xen libvirt-libs

- Add apparmor-abstractions as a required package for daemon
- Update to libvirt 5.7.0
  - Experimental split of libvirtd into separate daemons
  - bsc#1145440, bsc#1145586
  - Many incremental improvements and bug fixes, see
  - Dropped patches:

==== libxml2 ====
Subpackages: libxml2-2 libxml2-2-32bit libxml2-devel libxml2-tools

- Do not depend on setuptools to keep the depgraph small and
  avoid build cycles
- Use python[23]-libmxl2 as python names not python-libxml2-python
  which is kinda confusing
- Do not ship libtool archive anymore
- Enable tests also in the python subpackages
- Added a new configurable variable XPATH_DEFAULT_MAX_NODESET_LENGTH
  to avoid nodeset limit when processing large XML files [bsc#1135123]
  * Added libxml2-make-XPATH_MAX_NODESET_LENGTH-configurable.patch
- Merge python-libxml2-python spec and changes files into the
  libxml2 ones using _multibuild [bsc#1126499, bsc#1123919]

==== lokalize ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: lokalize-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 19.08.0:
  * Fix unittest: Calcutta -> Kolkata
  * Use QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN for tests
  * Fix Breton plural line

==== lskat ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: lskat-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== makedumpfile ====
Version update (1.6.5 -> 1.6.6)

- makedumpfile-Increase-SECTION_MAP_LAST_BIT-to-4.patch: Increase
  SECTION_MAP_LAST_BIT to 4 (bsc#1144708).
- Update to 1.6.6
  * Support for AMD Secure Memory Encryption
  * Exclude pages that are logically offline
  * Support kernels up to 5.1.9
- Drop makedumpfile-coptflags.diff.

==== mariadb ====
Subpackages: libmariadbd19 mariadb-client mariadb-errormessages

- Use <memory> instead of <physicalmemory> for _constraints, increasing
  the worker pool on x86_64 from 6 to >700.

==== mbox-importer ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: mbox-importer-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== multipath-tools ====
Version update (0.8.2+26+suse.d884195 -> 0.8.2+27+suse.3ff280b)
Subpackages: kpartx libmpath0

- Update to version 0.8.2+27+suse.3ff280b:
  * Added upstream patch to fix premature path reinstantiation
    with san_path_err_XX (boo#1149319)

==== netpbm ====
Subpackages: libnetpbm11

- bsc#1144255 - Drop jasper dependency from netpbm due to removal
  of jasper. Disables JPEG2000 support and stops shipping programs
  like pamtojpeg2k and jpeg2ktopam
- Add netpbm-disable-jasper.patch

==== ocfs2-tools ====

- Use -ffat-lto-objects when building static libraries.

==== opencv3 ====

- Avoid use of �/? signs in specfiles as per guidelines.
- Reenable LTO again, fixed in GCC upstream:
- Disable lto to work around an internal compiler error (boo#1142656)

==== parley ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: parley-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 19.08.0:
  * Use QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN for testentry test

==== patterns-base ====
Subpackages: patterns-base-apparmor patterns-base-base patterns-base-basesystem patterns-base-basic_desktop patterns-base-console patterns-base-documentation patterns-base-enhanced_base patterns-base-minimal_base patterns-base-sw_management patterns-base-transactional_base patterns-base-x11 patterns-base-x11_enhanced

- minimal_base: remove dracut. Only useful when there is also a
  kernel and the kernel requires it anyways.
- base:
  * remove bootloader packages. They are only required on real
    hardware or VMs. YaST will add them.
  * remove btrfsprogs. Has supplemements on btrfs so will be auto
    installed when on btrfs. Also yast installs it.
  * remove snapper (supplements btrfsprogs)
  * move openssh to enhanced_base
- enhanced_base:
  * iproute2 already in minimal_base
  * remove explicit grub and plymouth branding. They are pulled
    via supplements
- documentation:
  * remove info2html, old tool not useful today.
  * susehelp and sled manuals no longer exist
  * Use minimal_base as Basesystem is just an alias
- sw_management:
  * require zypper also on TW

==== patterns-desktop ====
Subpackages: patterns-desktop-books patterns-desktop-imaging patterns-desktop-laptop patterns-desktop-multimedia patterns-desktop-technical_writing

- merge _opt patterns into main patterns

==== perl-Glib ====
Version update (1.328 -> 1.3291)

- Removed patch fixed upstream:
  * perl-Glib-1.328-glib2.59-comment-linebreaks.patch
- updated to 1.3291
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Glib/ChangeLog.pre-git
- Add patch and glib2-devel dependency to cpanspec.yml
- updated to 1.329
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Glib/ChangeLog.pre-git

==== perl-HTML-Clean ====
Version update (0.9 -> 1.2)

- Spell corrections in description section
- updated to 1.2
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-Clean/Changes
  1.2 Tue Sep 9 13:56 MSK 2019
  - Fix pod
  1.1 Tue Sep 9 12:30 MSK 2019
  - Fix pod. Add github repository

==== perl-Mojolicious ====
Version update (8.23 -> 8.24)

- updated to 8.24
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.24  2019-09-11
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL context method to Mojo::Log.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL cleanup event to Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess.
  - Added log helper to Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers.
  - Improved log messages generated by Mojolicious to include request ids when

==== perl-XML-Parser ====

- Add cpanspec.yml file
- Remove not needed files in doc section [bsc#1146634]
- Fix permissions in samples directory
- Updated spec file with spec-celaner
- Use https and metacpan release

==== permissions ====
Version update (1550_20190711 -> 1550_20190830)
Subpackages: chkstat permissions-config permissions-doc

- Update to version 20190830:
  * dumpcap: remove 'other' executable bit because of capabilities (boo#1148788, CVE-2019-3687)
- Update to version 20190829:
  * add one more missing slash for icinga2
  * fix more missing slashes for directories
- Update to version 20190820:
  * cron directory permissions: add slashes

==== pim-data-exporter ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: pim-data-exporter-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 19.08.0:
  * Remove debug

==== pim-sieve-editor ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: pim-sieve-editor-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== polkit-default-privs ====
Version update (13.2+20190806.841a06b -> 13.2+20190905.0016c47)

- Update to version 13.2+20190905.0016c47:
  * whitelist new systemd-resolved actions (bnc#1149216)
- Update to version 13.2+20190827.0cc2a82:
  * make new systemd rules more restrictive (boo#1146300,
- Update to version 13.2+20190823.a5f89c3:
  * systemd-networkd (boo#1146300)
  * systemd-portabled (boo#1145639)

==== python-libvirt-python ====
Version update (5.6.0 -> 5.7.0)

- Update to 5.7.0
  - Add all new APIs and constants in libvirt 5.7.0

==== python-pygit2 ====
Version update (0.28.1 -> 0.28.2)

- Update to 0.28.2:
  * Fix crash in reflog iteration #901
  * Support symbolic references in branches.with_commit(..) #910
  * Documentation updates #909
  * Test updates #911

==== rpm-config-SUSE ====
Version update (0.g32 -> 0.g35)

- Update to version 0.g35:
  * Add _distconfdir as /usr/etc
  * find-provides.ksyms, find-requires.ksyms: cleanup kernel version handling (bsc#1145601).
  * find-requires.ksyms: fix matching of uninstalled files (bsc#1145601).
  * add changes

==== rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks ====
Version update (1.4.9 -> 1.4.10)

- Unified spec_version (bsc#1149618)
- 1.4.10

==== rubygem-sassc ====
Version update (2.1.0 -> 2.2.0)

- updated to version 2.2.0
  see installed

==== salt ====
Subpackages: python3-salt salt-master salt-minion

- Require shadow instead of old pwdutils (bsc#1130588)
- Conflict with tornado >= 5; for now we can only cope with Tornado 4.x (boo#1101780).
- Fix virt.full_info (bsc#1146382)
- virt.volume_infos: silence libvirt error message
- virt.volume_infos needs to ignore inactive pools
- Fix for various bugs in virt network and pool states
- Implement network.fqdns module function (bsc#1134860)
- Added:
  * 2019.2.0-pr-54196-backport-173.patch
  * virt.volume_infos-silence-libvirt-error-message-175.patch
  * fix-virt.full_info-176.patch
  * implement-network.fqdns-module-function-bsc-1134860-.patch
  * virt.volume_infos-needs-to-ignore-inactive-pools-174.patch
- Restore default behaviour of pkg list return (bsc#1148714)
- Strip trailing "/" from repo.uri when comparing repos in apktpkg.mod_repo (bsc#1146192)
- Added:
  * strip-trailing-from-repo.uri-when-comparing-repos-in.patch
  * restore-default-behaviour-of-pkg-list-return.patch
- Use python3 to build package Salt for RHEL8
- Make python3 default for RHEL8
- Fix aptpkg systemd call (bsc#1143301)
- Added:
  * fix-aptpkg-systemd-call-bsc-1143301.patch

==== samba ====
Version update (4.10.5+git.105.2bd98587873 -> 4.10.8+git.124.a2010fbd0de)
Subpackages: libdcerpc-binding0 libdcerpc-binding0-32bit libdcerpc0 libdcerpc0-32bit libndr-krb5pac0 libndr-krb5pac0-32bit libndr-nbt0 libndr-nbt0-32bit libndr-standard0 libndr-standard0-32bit libndr0 libndr0-32bit libnetapi0 libnetapi0-32bit libsamba-credentials0 libsamba-credentials0-32bit libsamba-errors0 libsamba-errors0-32bit libsamba-hostconfig0 libsamba-hostconfig0-32bit libsamba-passdb0 libsamba-passdb0-32bit libsamba-policy0-python3 libsamba-util0 libsamba-util0-32bit libsamdb0 libsamdb0-32bit libsmbclient0 libsmbconf0 libsmbconf0-32bit libsmbldap2 libsmbldap2-32bit libtevent-util0 libtevent-util0-32bit libwbclient0 libwbclient0-32bit samba-client samba-client-32bit samba-doc samba-libs samba-libs-32bit samba-libs-python3 samba-python3 samba-winbind samba-winbind-32bit

- Update to samba 4.10.8
  + CVE-2019-10197: user escape from share path definition;
    (bso#14035); (bsc#1141267);
- Fix build on newer systems by modifying samba.spec to use
  consistent non-relative paths for pammodules in configure line
  and specification of library to package.
- Update to samba 4.10.7
  + Unable to create or rename file/directory inside shares
    configured with vfs_glusterfs_fuse module; (bso#14010).
  + build: Allow build when '--disable-gnutls' is set; (bso#13844)
  + samba-tool: Add 'import samba.drs_utils' to;
  + Fix 'Error 32 determining PSOs in system' message on old DB
    with FL upgrade; (bso#14008).
  + s4/libnet: Fix joining a Windows pre-2008R2 DC; (bso#14021)
  + join: Use a specific attribute order for the DsAddEntry
    nTDSDSA object; (bso#14046).
  + vfs_catia: Pass stat info to synthetic_smb_fname();
  + lookup_name: Allow own domain lookup when flags == 0;
  + s4 librpc rpc pyrpc: Ensure tevent_context deleted last;
  + DEBUGC and DEBUGADDC doesn't print into a class specific log
    file; (bso#13915).
  + Request to keep deprecated option "server schannel",
    VMWare Quickprep requires "auto"; (bso#13949).
  + dbcheck: Fallback to the default tombstoneLifetime of 180 days;
  + dnsProperty fails to decode values from older Windows versions;
  + samba-tool: Use only one LDAP modify for dns partition fsmo
    role transfer; (bso#13973).
  + third_party: Update waf to version 2.0.17; (bso#13960).
  + netcmd: Allow 'drs replicate --local' to create partitions;
  + ctdb-config: Depend on /etc/ctdb/nodes file; (bso#14017).
- Prepare for use future use of kernel keyrings, modify
  /etc/pam.d/samba to include; (bsc#1144059).
- Update samba-winbind script to work with systemd; (bsc#1132739);
- Drop samba dhcpcd hook scripts
- Update to samba 4.10.6
  + s3: winbind: Fix crash when invoking winbind idmap scripts;
  + smbd does not correctly parse arguments passed to dfree and quota
    scripts; (bso#13964).
  + samba-tool dns: use bytes for inet_ntop; (bso#13965).
  + samba-tool domain provision: Fix --interactive module in python3;
  + ldb_kv: Skip @ records early in a search full scan; (bso#13893).
  + docs: Improve documentation of "lanman auth" and "ntlm auth"
    connection; (bso#13981).
  + python/ntacls: Use correct "state directory" smb.conf option instead
    of "state dir"; (bso#14002).
  + registry: Add a missing include; (bso#13840).
  + Fix SMB guest authentication; (bso#13944).
  + AppleDouble conversion breaks Resourceforks; (bso#13958).
  + vfs_fruit makes direct use of syscalls like mmap() and pread();
  + s3:mdssvc: Fix flex compilation error; (bso#13987).
  + s3/vfs_glusterfs[_fuse]: Avoid using NAME_MAX directly; (bso#13872).
  + dsdb:samdb: schemainfo update with relax control; (bso#13799).
  + s3:util: Move static file_pload() function to lib/util; (bso#13964).
  + smbd: Fix a panic; (bso#13957).
  + ldap server: Generate correct referral schemes; (bso#12478).
  + s4 dsdb/repl_meta_data: fix use after free in dsdb_audit_add_ldb_value;
  + s4 dsdb: Fix use after free in samldb_rename_search_base_callback;
  + dsdb/repl: we need to replicate the whole schema before we can apply it;
  + ldb: Release ldb 1.5.5; (bso#12478).
  + Schema replication fails if link crosses chunk boundary backwards;
  + 'samba-tool domain schemaupgrade' uses relax control and skips the
    schemaInfo update provision; (bso#13799).
  + dsdb_audit: avoid printing "... remote host [Unknown] SID [(NULL SID)]
    ..."; (bso#13916).
  + python/ntacls: We only need security.SEC_STD_READ_CONTROL in order to
    get the ACL; (bso#13917).
  + s3:loadparm: Ensure to truncate FS Volume Label at multibyte boundary;
  + Using Kerberos credentials to print using spoolss doesn't work;
  + wafsamba: Use native waf timer; (bso#13998).
  + ctdb-scripts: Fix tcp_tw_recycle existence check; (bso#13984).

==== step ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: step-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 19.08.0:
  * Fix minor typos
  * Fix crash when deleting a SoftBody (kde#408574)
  * Fix crash on exit
  * Add MIME type for Step files (kde#296317)

==== sweeper ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: sweeper-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== texinfo ====
Version update (6.5 -> 6.6)
Subpackages: info makeinfo

- Move texindex.awk to package texinfo as texindex(1) is part of
  and use this awk script
- Port the texinfo-zlib.patch to new version 6.6 to solve build problems
- Update to version 6.6:
  * Language:
    . new commands @&, @ampchar{}
    . @cropmarks command removed
    . @ctrl is no longer recognised (it was a way to insert literal
    control characters in Info files, but deprecated since the
    time of Texinfo version 2)
    . \usebracesinindexestrue is no longer recommended for using braces in
    index entries, and has been a no-op for some time
  * texi2any
    . extension modules fixed to work with the "thread-safe locales" of
    Perl 5.28 and newer
    . some code changed to stop warnings being given by newer versions of Perl
    . for HTML output, use `id' to define link targets instead of the `name'
    attribute on <a>
    . A native-code implementation of the Texinfo parser has been included
    on an experimental basis, which makes texi2any a lot faster.  Set the
    `TEXINFO_XS_PARSER' environment variable to 1 to use.
    . changes to HTML output:
    . omit colon after node name in menus by default (use
    `MENU_ENTRY_COLON' to add it back)
    . no special CSS for commands like @smallexample
    . new customization variable `SECTION_NAME_IN_TITLE' to use the
    section name as the document <title>
    . use section names instead of node names in generated menus
    . pass on flags set with -D to TeX
    . useless static libraries are not installed
    . the newline after an @insertcopying is not output
    . warning given for @multitable prototypes not in braces
    . @indent and @noindent are not allowed inside the arguments to
    commands where they are not meaningful
    . @quote-arg and @allow-recursion are not recognised (these two used
    to be recognised by makeinfo in macro definitions but were never
    implemented in texinfo.tex)
    . `FIX_TEXINFO' removed as a customization variable
    . do not recognise or warn about obsolete customization variables
  * info
    . debugging output with -x is not diverted to a separate infodebug file
  * Development:
    . switch from Subversion to git
    . automake 1.16
- Drop no longer needed patch:
  * perl-5.28-fixes.patch

==== umbrello ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: umbrello-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 19.08.0:
  * Fix build with cmake < 3.7
  * Fixed grammer and punctuation
  * Fixup
  * Fix 'Umbrello could not open imported source files' (kde#410904)

==== upower ====
Version update (0.99.10 -> 0.99.11)
Subpackages: libupower-glib3 typelib-1_0-UpowerGlib-1_0 upower-lang

- Update to version 0.99.11:
  + New Features:
  - Add code of conduct document.
  - build: Migrate from intltool to gettext.
  - rules: Split off HID++ udev rules.
  - Harden systemd service.
  - Let systemd create /var/lib/upower.
  - Move D-Bus policy file to /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/.
  + Bug fixes:
  - Fix endless loop burning 100% CPU on keyboard plugout with
    external backlight.
  - linux:
    . Start polling for unknown device batteries too.
    . Retry to get a battery type if it's unknown.
    . Don't treat device batteries like laptop batteries.
  - Replace use of G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE and

==== util-linux ====
Subpackages: libblkid-devel libblkid1 libblkid1-32bit libfdisk1 libmount1 libmount1-32bit libsmartcols1 libuuid-devel libuuid1 libuuid1-32bit util-linux-lang

- lsblk: force to print PKNAME for partition with
- Remove outdated buildignore for pwdutils, had no effect with
  shadow anyways

==== util-linux-systemd ====

- lsblk: force to print PKNAME for partition with
- Remove outdated buildignore for pwdutils, had no effect with
  shadow anyways

==== virtualbox ====
Version update (6.0.10 -> 6.0.12)
Subpackages: virtualbox-guest-tools virtualbox-guest-x11 virtualbox-kmp-default

Added file "" to documentation with instructions for me and any eventual successors.
- Version update to 6.0.12 (released September 03 2019 by Oracle)
  This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
  OCI export: handle empty disk image correctly
  API: fix potential crash when using the medium I/O functionality
  VBoxManage: fixed documentation of VBoxManage modifyvm uarttype documentation (bug #18759)
  Network: scrub inbound TCP URG pointer, working around incorrect OOB handling
  USB: Improved identification of power-saved devices on Windows hosts
  Audio: in the AC97 work around buggy guest drivers which reprogram the sampling rate, breaking audio in and/or audio out
  Linux host and guest: fix kernel module build for SLES 12 SP4 kernel
  3D: fixed state saving and loading when the VBoxVGA graphics adapter is used with 3D enabled (bug #18802, 6.0.10 regression)
  Windows guests: fixed mouse cursor visibility updating
  Windows guests: fixed graphics corruption in Windows 10 search menu with VBoxSVGA adapter
  Windows guests: fixed dwm.exe crashes related to the WDDM driver for VBoxSVGA adapter when the VM has lots of RAM
  MacOS Guest Additions fail to start in 6.0.10 (bug #18793)
  Windows guests: fixed crashes when using shared folders (bug #18766)
  Linux guests: unprivileged users unable to create files inside shared folders (bug #18737)
  Linux guests: improve compatibility of vboxvideo.ko kernel module build logic (bug #18869)

==== webkit2gtk3 ====
Version update (2.24.4 -> 2.26.0)
Subpackages: libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18 libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37 libwebkit2gtk3-lang typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_0 typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_0 webkit2gtk-4_0-injected-bundles

- Update to version 2.26.0:
  + Add support for subprocess sandboxing.
  + Add support for HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security).
  + Use libwpe with fdo backend to implement accelerated
    compositing under wayland.
  + Remove support for GTK2 NPAPI plugins.
  + Add support for datalist element in text input fields.
  + Show the emoji chooser popover for editable content.
  + Improve rendering of form controls when GTK theme is dark.
  + Fix rendering artifacts in youtube volume button and github
    comment box.
  + Single process model has been deprecated for security reasons.
- Update to version 2.25.92:
  + Add WEBKIT_USE_SINGLE_WEB_PROCESS environment variable to force
    single process model in all WebKitWebContext. This is a
    temporary solution for applications still depending on the
    single process mode behavior. It will be only available in 2.26
  + Add new API to remove a filter from an user content manager
    given its identifier.
  + Add support for HSTS.
  + Several improvements and bug fixes in MSE media player.
  + Fix building without unified sources.
  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
  + Updated translations.
- Disable pkgconfig(wpe-1.0) and pkgconfig(wpebackend-fdo-1.0)
  BuildRequires and pass DUSE_WPE_RENDERER=OFF to cmake. Needs more
  work upstream.
- Update to version 2.25.4:
  + Switch to use libsoup WebSockets API.
  + Add support for permessage-deflate WebSocket extension.
  + Add support for datalist element in text input fields.
  + Fix a crash with empty video source.
  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
- Update to version 2.25.3:
  + Remove support for GTK2 NPAPI plugins.
  + Fix web view updates after swapping web process if accelerated
    compositing mode is forced.
  + Make kinetic scrolling work again.
  + Fix position of emoji chooser when page is scrolled.
  + Fix web process deadlock when scrolling twitter timeline which
    contains HLS videos.
  + Make navigation gesture use dark fallback background color
    color on dark themes.
  + Make Previous/Next gesture work in RTL mode.
  + Support cancelling touchscreen back/forward gesture.
  + Add user agent quirk to make github work in FreeBSD.
  + Fix content disappearing when using CSS transforms.
  + Fix some radio streams that could not be played.
  + Fix video pause that sometimes caused to skip to finish.
  + Fix volume level changes when playing a video.
  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
- Changes from version 2.25.2:
  + Enable process switch on cross site navigation.
  + Use libwpe with fdo backend to implement accelerated
    compositing under wayland.
  + Fix rendering artifacts in youtube volume button.
  + Fix trapezoid artifact in github comment box.
  + Ensure web extensions directory is readable when sandbox is
  + Fix the executable name of WebDriver process, renamed by
    mistake in 2.25.1.
  + Enable hyperlink auditing setting by default.
  + Remove the option to build without using the redirected
    XComposite window.
  + Fix HLS streams being slow to start.
  + Make accessibility work when sandbox is enabled.
  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
- Changes from version 2.25.1:
  + Add support for subprocess sandboxing.
  + Add API to get the web process unique identifier of a
  + Add WebKitWebPage::did-associate-form-controls-for-frame signal
    and deprecate did-associate-form-controls.
  + Implement AtkComponentIface scroll_to methods.
  + Improve rendering of form controls when GTK theme is dark and
    enable prefers-color-scheme media query.
  + Show the emoji chooser popover for editable content.
  + Fix touch capabilities detection for websites checking touch
    events properties present in window or pointer media queries.
  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
- Drop webkit2gtk3-bwo197558-hang.patch: Fixed upstream.
- Add pkgconfig(wpe-1.0) and pkgconfig(wpebackend-fdo-1.0)
  BuildRequires: New dependencies.
- Enable bubblewrap, xdg-dbus-proxy and pkgconfig(libseccomp)
  BuildRequires as well as bubblewrap and xdg-dbus-proxy Requires:
  Sandbox feature is enabled again.
- Drop conditional pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0) BuildRequires and
  webkit2gtk3-plugin-process-gtk2 sub-package, support for gtk2
  plugins are now dropped upstream. Add Obsoletes in libwebkit2gtk.

==== xen ====
Subpackages: xen-libs xen-tools xen-tools-domU

- Upstream bug fixes (bsc#1027519)
- Preserve modified files which used to be marked as %config,
  rename file.rpmsave to file

==== xtables-addons ====
Version update (3.3_k5.2.11_1 -> 3.5_k5.2.14_1)

- Update to release 3.5
  * Make xt_DELUDE and xt_TARPIT work under Linux >= 5.0
    when used in conjunction with bridges.
- Update to release 3.4
  * Support for Linux 5.3
- Drop remove_flags.patch

==== yakuake ====
Version update (19.08.0 -> 19.08.1)
Subpackages: yakuake-lang

- Update to 19.08.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 19.08.0

==== yast2-installation ====
Version update (4.2.11 -> 4.2.12)

- Set X-SuSE-YaST-AutoInstResource in desktop file (bsc#144894).
- 4.2.12

==== yast2-schema ====
Version update (4.2.1 -> 4.2.2)

- Report warning if X_SuSE_YaST_AutoInstResource has not been set
  in desktop file (bsc#144894).
- 4.2.2