patch-2.4.4 linux/drivers/block/paride/ppc6lnx.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.3/linux/drivers/block/paride/ppc6lnx.c linux/drivers/block/paride/ppc6lnx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
+	ppc6lnx.c (c) 2001 Micro Solutions Inc.
+		Released under the terms of the GNU General Public license
+	ppc6lnx.c  is a par of the protocol driver for the Micro Solutions
+		"BACKPACK" parallel port IDE adapter
+		(Works on Series 6 drives)
+// PPC 6 Code in C sanitized for LINUX
+// Original x86 ASM by Ron, Converted to C by Clive
+#define port_stb					1
+#define port_afd					2
+#define cmd_stb						port_afd
+#define port_init					4
+#define data_stb					port_init
+#define port_sel					8
+#define port_int					16
+#define port_dir					0x20
+#define ECR_EPP	0x80
+#define ECR_BI	0x20
+//  60772 Commands
+#define ACCESS_REG				0x00
+#define ACCESS_PORT				0x40
+#define ACCESS_READ				0x00
+#define ACCESS_WRITE			0x20
+//  60772 Command Prefix
+#define CMD_PREFIX_SET		0xe0		// Special command that modifies the next command's operation
+#define CMD_PREFIX_RESET	0xc0		// Resets current cmd modifier reg bits
+ #define PREFIX_IO16			0x01		// perform 16-bit wide I/O
+ #define PREFIX_FASTWR		0x04		// enable PPC mode fast-write
+ #define PREFIX_BLK				0x08		// enable block transfer mode
+// 60772 Registers
+#define REG_STATUS				0x00		// status register
+ #define STATUS_IRQA			0x01		// Peripheral IRQA line
+ #define STATUS_EEPROM_DO	0x40		// Serial EEPROM data bit
+#define REG_VERSION				0x01		// PPC version register (read)
+#define REG_HWCFG					0x02		// Hardware Config register
+#define REG_RAMSIZE				0x03		// Size of RAM Buffer
+ #define RAMSIZE_128K			0x02
+#define REG_EEPROM				0x06		// EEPROM control register
+ #define EEPROM_SK				0x01		// eeprom SK bit
+ #define EEPROM_DI				0x02		// eeprom DI bit
+ #define EEPROM_CS				0x04		// eeprom CS bit
+ #define EEPROM_EN				0x08		// eeprom output enable
+#define REG_BLKSIZE				0x08		// Block transfer len (24 bit)
+typedef struct ppc_storage {
+	u16	lpt_addr;				// LPT base address
+	u8	ppc_id;
+	u8	mode;						// operating mode
+					// 0 = PPC Uni SW
+					// 1 = PPC Uni FW
+					// 2 = PPC Bi SW
+					// 3 = PPC Bi FW
+					// 4 = EPP Byte
+					// 5 = EPP Word
+					// 6 = EPP Dword
+	u8	ppc_flags;
+	u8	org_data;				// original LPT data port contents
+	u8	org_ctrl;				// original LPT control port contents
+	u8	cur_ctrl;				// current control port contents
+} PPC;
+// ppc_flags
+#define fifo_wait					0x10
+#define PPCMODE_UNI_SW		0
+#define PPCMODE_UNI_FW		1
+#define PPCMODE_BI_SW			2
+#define PPCMODE_BI_FW			3
+static int ppc6_select(PPC *ppc);
+static void ppc6_deselect(PPC *ppc);
+static void ppc6_send_cmd(PPC *ppc, u8 cmd);
+static void ppc6_wr_data_byte(PPC *ppc, u8 data);
+static u8 ppc6_rd_data_byte(PPC *ppc);
+static u8 ppc6_rd_port(PPC *ppc, u8 port);
+static void ppc6_wr_port(PPC *ppc, u8 port, u8 data);
+static u8 ppc6_rd_reg(PPC *ppc, u8 reg);
+static void ppc6_wr_reg(PPC *ppc, u8 reg, u8 data);
+static u8 ppc6_version(PPC *ppc);
+static void ppc6_rd_data_blk(PPC *ppc, u8 *data, long count);
+static void ppc6_wait_for_fifo(PPC *ppc);
+static void ppc6_wr_data_blk(PPC *ppc, u8 *data, long count);
+static void ppc6_rd_port16_blk(PPC *ppc, u8 port, u8 *data, long length);
+static u16 ppc6_rd_port16(PPC *ppc, u8 port);
+static void ppc6_wr_port16(PPC *ppc, u8 port, u16 data);
+static void ppc6_wr_port16_blk(PPC *ppc, u8 port, u8 *data, long length);
+static u8 ppc6_rd_eeprom_reg(PPC *ppc);
+static void ppc6_wr_eeprom_reg(PPC *ppc, u8 data);
+static void ppc6_eeprom_start(PPC *ppc);
+static void ppc6_eeprom_end(PPC *ppc);
+static void ppc6_set_cs(PPC *ppc);
+static void ppc6_reset_cs(PPC *ppc);
+static u8 ppc6_rd_eeprom_bit(PPC *ppc);
+static void ppc6_eeprom_ready_wait(PPC *ppc);
+static void ppc6_wr_eeprom_bit(PPC *ppc, u8 bit);
+static u16 ppc6_eeprom_read(PPC *ppc, u8 addr);
+static u8 ppc6_irq_test(PPC *ppc);
+static u8 ppc6_rd_extout(PPC *ppc);
+static void ppc6_wr_extout(PPC *ppc, u8 regdata);
+static int ppc6_open(PPC *ppc);
+static void ppc6_close(PPC *ppc);
+static int ppc6_select(PPC *ppc)
+	u8 i, j, k;
+	i = inb(ppc->lpt_addr + 1);
+	if (i & 1)
+		outb(i, ppc->lpt_addr + 1);
+	ppc->org_data = inb(ppc->lpt_addr);
+	ppc->org_ctrl = inb(ppc->lpt_addr + 2) & 0x5F; // readback ctrl
+	ppc->cur_ctrl = ppc->org_ctrl;
+	ppc->cur_ctrl |= port_sel;
+	outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+	if (ppc->org_data == 'b')
+		outb('x', ppc->lpt_addr);
+	outb('b', ppc->lpt_addr);
+	outb('p', ppc->lpt_addr);
+	outb(ppc->ppc_id, ppc->lpt_addr);
+	outb(~ppc->ppc_id,ppc->lpt_addr);
+	ppc->cur_ctrl &= ~port_sel;
+	outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+	ppc->cur_ctrl = (ppc->cur_ctrl & port_int) | port_init;
+	outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+	i = ppc->mode & 0x0C;
+	if (i == 0)
+		i = (ppc->mode & 2) | 1;
+	outb(i, ppc->lpt_addr);
+	ppc->cur_ctrl |= port_sel;
+	outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+	// DELAY
+	ppc->cur_ctrl |= port_afd;
+	outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+	j = ((i & 0x08) << 4) | ((i & 0x07) << 3);
+	k = inb(ppc->lpt_addr + 1) & 0xB8;
+	if (j == k)
+	{
+		ppc->cur_ctrl &= ~port_afd;
+		outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+		k = (inb(ppc->lpt_addr + 1) & 0xB8) ^ 0xB8;
+		if (j == k)
+		{
+			if (i & 4)	// EPP
+				ppc->cur_ctrl &= ~(port_sel | port_init);
+			else				// PPC/ECP
+				ppc->cur_ctrl &= ~port_sel;
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			return(1);
+		}
+	}
+	outb(ppc->org_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+	outb(ppc->org_data, ppc->lpt_addr);
+	return(0); // FAIL
+static void ppc6_deselect(PPC *ppc)
+	if (ppc->mode & 4)	// EPP
+		ppc->cur_ctrl |= port_init;
+	else								// PPC/ECP
+		ppc->cur_ctrl |= port_sel;
+	outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+	outb(ppc->org_data, ppc->lpt_addr);
+	outb((ppc->org_ctrl | port_sel), ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+	outb(ppc->org_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+static void ppc6_send_cmd(PPC *ppc, u8 cmd)
+	switch(ppc->mode)
+	{
+		case PPCMODE_UNI_SW :
+		case PPCMODE_UNI_FW :
+		case PPCMODE_BI_SW :
+		case PPCMODE_BI_FW :
+		{
+			outb(cmd, ppc->lpt_addr);
+			ppc->cur_ctrl ^= cmd_stb;
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			break;
+		}
+		{
+			outb(cmd, ppc->lpt_addr + 3);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+static void ppc6_wr_data_byte(PPC *ppc, u8 data)
+	switch(ppc->mode)
+	{
+		case PPCMODE_UNI_SW :
+		case PPCMODE_UNI_FW :
+		case PPCMODE_BI_SW :
+		case PPCMODE_BI_FW :
+		{
+			outb(data, ppc->lpt_addr);
+			ppc->cur_ctrl ^= data_stb;
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			break;
+		}
+		{
+			outb(data, ppc->lpt_addr + 4);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+static u8 ppc6_rd_data_byte(PPC *ppc)
+	u8 data;
+	switch(ppc->mode)
+	{
+		case PPCMODE_UNI_SW :
+		case PPCMODE_UNI_FW :
+		{
+			ppc->cur_ctrl = (ppc->cur_ctrl & ~port_stb) ^ data_stb;
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			// DELAY
+			data = inb(ppc->lpt_addr + 1);
+			data = ((data & 0x80) >> 1) | ((data & 0x38) >> 3);
+			ppc->cur_ctrl |= port_stb;
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			// DELAY
+			data |= inb(ppc->lpt_addr + 1) & 0xB8;
+			break;
+		}
+		case PPCMODE_BI_SW :
+		case PPCMODE_BI_FW :
+		{
+			ppc->cur_ctrl |= port_dir;
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			ppc->cur_ctrl = (ppc->cur_ctrl | port_stb) ^ data_stb;
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			data = inb(ppc->lpt_addr);
+			ppc->cur_ctrl &= ~port_stb;
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl,ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			ppc->cur_ctrl &= ~port_dir;
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			break;
+		}
+		{
+			outb((ppc->cur_ctrl | port_dir),ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			data = inb(ppc->lpt_addr + 4);
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl,ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return(data);
+static u8 ppc6_rd_port(PPC *ppc, u8 port)
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc,(u8)(port | ACCESS_PORT | ACCESS_READ));
+	return(ppc6_rd_data_byte(ppc));
+static void ppc6_wr_port(PPC *ppc, u8 port, u8 data)
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc,(u8)(port | ACCESS_PORT | ACCESS_WRITE));
+	ppc6_wr_data_byte(ppc, data);
+static u8 ppc6_rd_reg(PPC *ppc, u8 reg)
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc,(u8)(reg | ACCESS_REG | ACCESS_READ));
+	return(ppc6_rd_data_byte(ppc));
+static void ppc6_wr_reg(PPC *ppc, u8 reg, u8 data)
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc,(u8)(reg | ACCESS_REG | ACCESS_WRITE));
+	ppc6_wr_data_byte(ppc, data);
+static u8 ppc6_version(PPC *ppc)
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc,(REG_VERSION | ACCESS_REG | ACCESS_READ));
+	return(ppc6_rd_data_byte(ppc) & 0x3F);
+static void ppc6_rd_data_blk(PPC *ppc, u8 *data, long count)
+	switch(ppc->mode)
+	{
+		case PPCMODE_UNI_SW :
+		case PPCMODE_UNI_FW :
+		{
+			while(count)
+			{
+				u8 d;
+				ppc->cur_ctrl = (ppc->cur_ctrl & ~port_stb) ^ data_stb;
+				outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+				// DELAY
+				d = inb(ppc->lpt_addr + 1);
+				d = ((d & 0x80) >> 1) | ((d & 0x38) >> 3);
+				ppc->cur_ctrl |= port_stb;
+				outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+				// DELAY
+				d |= inb(ppc->lpt_addr + 1) & 0xB8;
+				*data++ = d;
+				count--;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		case PPCMODE_BI_SW :
+		case PPCMODE_BI_FW :
+		{
+			ppc->cur_ctrl |= port_dir;
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			ppc->cur_ctrl |= port_stb;
+			while(count)
+			{
+				ppc->cur_ctrl ^= data_stb;
+				outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+				*data++ = inb(ppc->lpt_addr);
+				count--;
+			}
+			ppc->cur_ctrl &= ~port_stb;
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			ppc->cur_ctrl &= ~port_dir;
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			break;
+		}
+		{
+			outb((ppc->cur_ctrl | port_dir), ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			// DELAY
+			while(count)
+			{
+				*data++ = inb(ppc->lpt_addr + 4);
+				count--;
+			}
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			break;
+		}
+		{
+			outb((ppc->cur_ctrl | port_dir), ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			// DELAY
+			while(count > 1)
+			{
+				*((u16 *)data) = inw(ppc->lpt_addr + 4);
+				data  += 2;
+				count -= 2;
+			}
+			while(count)
+			{
+				*data++ = inb(ppc->lpt_addr + 4);
+				count--;
+			}
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			break;
+		}
+		{
+			outb((ppc->cur_ctrl | port_dir),ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			// DELAY
+			while(count > 3)
+			{
+				*((u32 *)data) = inl(ppc->lpt_addr + 4);
+				data  += 4;
+				count -= 4;
+			}
+			while(count)
+			{
+				*data++ = inb(ppc->lpt_addr + 4);
+				count--;
+			}
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+static void ppc6_wait_for_fifo(PPC *ppc)
+	int i;
+	if (ppc->ppc_flags & fifo_wait)
+	{
+		for(i=0; i<20; i++)
+			inb(ppc->lpt_addr + 1);
+	}
+static void ppc6_wr_data_blk(PPC *ppc, u8 *data, long count)
+	switch(ppc->mode)
+	{
+		case PPCMODE_UNI_SW :
+		case PPCMODE_BI_SW :
+		{
+			while(count--)
+			{
+				outb(*data++, ppc->lpt_addr);
+				ppc->cur_ctrl ^= data_stb;
+				outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		case PPCMODE_UNI_FW :
+		case PPCMODE_BI_FW :
+		{
+			u8 this, last;
+			ppc6_send_cmd(ppc,(CMD_PREFIX_SET | PREFIX_FASTWR));
+			ppc->cur_ctrl |= port_stb;
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			last = *data;
+			outb(last, ppc->lpt_addr);
+			while(count)
+			{
+				this = *data++;
+				count--;
+				if (this == last)
+				{
+					ppc->cur_ctrl ^= data_stb;
+					outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					outb(this, ppc->lpt_addr);
+					last = this;
+				}
+			}
+			ppc->cur_ctrl &= ~port_stb;
+			outb(ppc->cur_ctrl, ppc->lpt_addr + 2);
+			ppc6_send_cmd(ppc,(CMD_PREFIX_RESET | PREFIX_FASTWR));
+			break;
+		}
+		{
+			while(count)
+			{
+				outb(*data++,ppc->lpt_addr + 4);
+				count--;
+			}
+			ppc6_wait_for_fifo(ppc);
+			break;
+		}
+		{
+			while(count > 1)
+			{
+				outw(*((u16 *)data),ppc->lpt_addr + 4);
+				data  += 2;
+				count -= 2;
+			}
+			while(count)
+			{
+				outb(*data++,ppc->lpt_addr + 4);
+				count--;
+			}
+			ppc6_wait_for_fifo(ppc);
+			break;
+		}
+		{
+			while(count > 3)
+			{
+				outl(*((u32 *)data),ppc->lpt_addr + 4);
+				data  += 4;
+				count -= 4;
+			}
+			while(count)
+			{
+				outb(*data++,ppc->lpt_addr + 4);
+				count--;
+			}
+			ppc6_wait_for_fifo(ppc);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+static void ppc6_rd_port16_blk(PPC *ppc, u8 port, u8 *data, long length)
+	length = length << 1;
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (REG_BLKSIZE | ACCESS_REG | ACCESS_WRITE));
+	ppc6_wr_data_byte(ppc,(u8)length);
+	ppc6_wr_data_byte(ppc,(u8)(length >> 8));
+	ppc6_wr_data_byte(ppc,0);
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (CMD_PREFIX_SET | PREFIX_IO16 | PREFIX_BLK));
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (u8)(port | ACCESS_PORT | ACCESS_READ));
+	ppc6_rd_data_blk(ppc, data, length);
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (CMD_PREFIX_RESET | PREFIX_IO16 | PREFIX_BLK));
+static u16 ppc6_rd_port16(PPC *ppc, u8 port)
+	u16 data;
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (CMD_PREFIX_SET | PREFIX_IO16));
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (u8)(port | ACCESS_PORT | ACCESS_READ));
+	data = ppc6_rd_data_byte(ppc);
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (u8)(port | ACCESS_PORT | ACCESS_READ));
+	data += (u16)ppc6_rd_data_byte(ppc) << 8;
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (CMD_PREFIX_RESET | PREFIX_IO16));
+	return(data);
+static void ppc6_wr_port16(PPC *ppc, u8 port, u16 data)
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (CMD_PREFIX_SET | PREFIX_IO16));
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (u8)(port | ACCESS_PORT | ACCESS_WRITE));
+	ppc6_wr_data_byte(ppc, (u8)data);
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (u8)(port | ACCESS_PORT | ACCESS_WRITE));
+	ppc6_wr_data_byte(ppc, (u8)(data >> 8));
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (CMD_PREFIX_RESET | PREFIX_IO16));
+static void ppc6_wr_port16_blk(PPC *ppc, u8 port, u8 *data, long length)
+	length = length << 1;
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (REG_BLKSIZE | ACCESS_REG | ACCESS_WRITE));
+	ppc6_wr_data_byte(ppc,(u8)length);
+	ppc6_wr_data_byte(ppc,(u8)(length >> 8));
+	ppc6_wr_data_byte(ppc,0);
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (CMD_PREFIX_SET | PREFIX_IO16 | PREFIX_BLK));
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (u8)(port | ACCESS_PORT | ACCESS_WRITE));
+	ppc6_wr_data_blk(ppc, data, length);
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (CMD_PREFIX_RESET | PREFIX_IO16 | PREFIX_BLK));
+static u8 ppc6_rd_eeprom_reg(PPC *ppc)
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (REG_EEPROM | ACCESS_REG | ACCESS_READ));
+	return(ppc6_rd_data_byte(ppc));
+static void ppc6_wr_eeprom_reg(PPC *ppc, u8 data)
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (REG_EEPROM | ACCESS_REG | ACCESS_WRITE));
+	ppc6_wr_data_byte(ppc, data);
+static void ppc6_eeprom_start(PPC *ppc)
+	ppc6_wr_eeprom_reg(ppc, EEPROM_EN);
+static void ppc6_eeprom_end(PPC *ppc)
+	ppc6_wr_eeprom_reg(ppc, 0);
+static void ppc6_set_cs(PPC *ppc)
+	ppc6_wr_eeprom_reg(ppc, (u8)(ppc6_rd_eeprom_reg(ppc) | EEPROM_CS));
+static void ppc6_reset_cs(PPC *ppc)
+	ppc6_wr_eeprom_reg(ppc, (u8)(ppc6_rd_eeprom_reg(ppc) & ~EEPROM_CS));
+static u8 ppc6_rd_eeprom_bit(PPC *ppc)
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (REG_STATUS | ACCESS_REG | ACCESS_READ));
+	if (ppc6_rd_data_byte(ppc) & STATUS_EEPROM_DO)
+		return(1);
+	else
+		return(0);
+static void ppc6_eeprom_ready_wait(PPC *ppc)
+	ppc6_set_cs(ppc);
+	while(ppc6_rd_eeprom_bit(ppc));
+	ppc6_reset_cs(ppc);
+static void ppc6_wr_eeprom_bit(PPC *ppc, u8 bit)
+	u8 eereg;
+	eereg = ppc6_rd_eeprom_reg(ppc);
+	eereg &= ~(EEPROM_SK | EEPROM_DI);
+	if (bit & 1)
+		eereg |= EEPROM_DI;
+	ppc6_wr_eeprom_reg(ppc, eereg);
+	eereg |= EEPROM_SK;
+	ppc6_wr_eeprom_reg(ppc, eereg);
+	eereg &= ~EEPROM_SK;
+	ppc6_wr_eeprom_reg(ppc, eereg);
+static u16 ppc6_eeprom_read(PPC *ppc, u8 addr)
+	int i;
+	u16 data;
+	ppc6_set_cs(ppc);
+	ppc6_wr_eeprom_bit(ppc, 1); // Start bit
+	ppc6_wr_eeprom_bit(ppc, 1); // opcode 10 (read)
+	ppc6_wr_eeprom_bit(ppc, 0);
+	for(i=0; i<6; i++)
+		ppc6_wr_eeprom_bit(ppc, (u8)((addr >> (5 - i)) & 1));
+	data = 0;
+	for(i=0; i<16; i++)
+	{
+		ppc6_wr_eeprom_bit(ppc,0);
+		data = (data << 1) | ppc6_rd_eeprom_bit(ppc);
+	}
+	ppc6_reset_cs(ppc);
+	return(data);
+static u8 ppc6_irq_test(PPC *ppc)
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc,(REG_STATUS | ACCESS_REG | ACCESS_READ));
+	return(ppc6_rd_data_byte(ppc) & STATUS_IRQA);
+static u8 ppc6_rd_extout(PPC *ppc)
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc,(REG_VERSION | ACCESS_REG | ACCESS_READ));
+	return((ppc6_rd_data_byte(ppc) & 0xC0) >> 6);
+static void ppc6_wr_extout(PPC *ppc, u8 regdata)
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc,(REG_VERSION | ACCESS_REG | ACCESS_WRITE));
+	ppc6_wr_data_byte(ppc, (u8)((regdata & 0x03) << 6));
+static int ppc6_open(PPC *ppc)
+	int ret;
+	ret = ppc6_select(ppc);
+	if (ret == 0)
+		return(ret);
+	ppc->ppc_flags &= ~fifo_wait;
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (ACCESS_REG | ACCESS_WRITE | REG_RAMSIZE));
+	ppc6_wr_data_byte(ppc, RAMSIZE_128K);
+	ppc6_send_cmd(ppc, (ACCESS_REG | ACCESS_READ | REG_VERSION));
+	if ((ppc6_rd_data_byte(ppc) & 0x3F) == 0x0C)
+		ppc->ppc_flags |= fifo_wait;
+	return(ret);
+static void ppc6_close(PPC *ppc)
+	ppc6_deselect(ppc);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: