Winter Break at Hogwarts
Brian Davies
Spend a Christmas holiday alone in the world's most famous wizarding school...
credits | downloads
Primary credit goes to J.K. Rowling for creating a world that many would like to call home, and for being relaxed enough about copyright to allow fan fiction like this to flourish.
The game was written by Brian Davies, as a gift for his then 9-year-old daughter.
Thanks to Brian Robinson, Alex Pegg, and Karen Johnson, all former professional editors, current Harry Potter fans, and good friends, for extensive testing and corrections both grammatical and logical.
The photo of Hogwarts Castle was kindly made freely available on Pixabay by Jungyeon.
The game was written in Inform 7, a fantastic tool by Graham & Toby Nelson. The web interpreter is Quixe.
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If you have a Z Machine, you can download the game file and the map package. If you don't know what a Z Machine is, back away and click the large play button to the right.
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