Moves: 0 Score: 0/25

Captain Iago “Sharksclaw” Montpelier is the most deadly pirate the world has ever known. He’s stolen millions of doubloons, embarrassed countless governors, and generally hornswoggled his way around the tropics leaving a trail of burnt wrecks and dead merchants wherever he goes. The mention of his name can terrify the hardiest sailor. Hopefully you won’t meet him round here.

PIRATESHIP, by Robin Johnson

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You’re in a cabin on a pirate ship. An exit leads starboard. You can also see Jim Lad, and a hammock.

You're in a cabin on a pirate ship.
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Written, designed and programmed by Robin Johnson <robindouglasjohnson@gmail.com> using my own "Versificator 2" keyboardless text adventure engine.

Cover art designed by the author, using elements from public domain artworks (with thanks to pulpcovers.com)

Tested by Eve Morris, Luke Jones, and Jennifer Thompson

More of my games are at versificator.net.

If you enjoy my work, please consider tipping whatever you want or supporting me on Patreon.