Haunted P — 8 of 8

Chad Rocketman

Release 1

Part 7 - Conversation Rules

Saying XYZZY is an action applying to nothing. Understand "xyzzy" and "say xyzzy" as saying XYZZY.

Carry out saying XYZZY:

say "no";

Saying plugh is an action applying to nothing. Understand "plugh" and "say plugh" as saying plugh.

Carry out saying plugh:

say "also no";

Talking to Bilbert is an action applying to nothing. Understand "talk bilbert" and "talk to bilbert" as talking to Bilbert.

Check talking to Bilbert:

if the player is not in Haunted P:

say "gotta be outside of bilbert to talk to bilbert ok";

otherwise if Bilbert's aliveness is false:

say "bilbert is dead you fool. you killed him. he'll never come back no matter what you do";

Carry out talking to Bilbert:

if Bilbert's talk counter is:

-- 0: say "PLAYER..... a terible fate hath befallen me... a fate of SCIENCE. and MAGICK. talk to me again to get more info";

-- 1: say "You must go inside me to heal me of my affliction. talk to me again to get more info";

-- 2: say "don't talk to me again or i'll die";

-- 3: now Bilbert's aliveness is false;

now the description of Haunted P is "bilbert is DEAD";

now the description of Bilbert is "Blibert;s dead and its all your fault";

say "oh noooooooooooooooooooo";

increment Bilbert's talk counter;

Instead of asking Bilbert about "[magic]":

if Bilbert's aliveness is false:

say "HYou cant ask BILLBERT anything because you killed him.";


say "a scientist put a curse upon me. he sent living science rays deep into my abdomen where now there is red and sorow.";

Instead of asking Bilbert about "science":

if Bilbert's aliveness is false:

say "Here lies bilbert, mute and sad.";


say "there was a witch with pointy hair. she played her death song for me and i woke up on her rocks. then it started hurting.";

Instead of asking BIlbert about "[affliction]":

if Bilbert's aliveness is false:

say "Bolbert dead.";

Instead of asking Bilbert about "inside":

if Bilbert's aliveness is false:

say "Here lies bilbert, mute and sad.";


say "enter me, PLAYER. i need you. i need you so bad";