patch-2.4.9 linux/drivers/ide/serverworks.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.8/linux/drivers/ide/serverworks.c linux/drivers/ide/serverworks.c
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+ * linux/drivers/ide/serverworks.c		Version 0.2	17 Oct 2000
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2000 Cobalt Networks, Inc. <>
+ *  May be copied or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ *
+ *  interface borrowed from alim15x3.c:
+ *  Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Michel Aubry, Maintainer
+ *  Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Andrzej Krzysztofowicz, Maintainer
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Andre Hedrick <>
+ *
+ *  IDE support for the ServerWorks OSB4 IDE chipset
+ *
+ * here's the default lspci:
+ *
+ * 00:0f.1 IDE interface: ServerWorks: Unknown device 0211 (prog-if 8a [Master SecP PriP])
+ *	Control: I/O+ Mem- BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR+ FastB2B-
+ *	Status: Cap- 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=medium >TAbort- <TAbort- <MAbort- >SERR- <PERR-
+ *	Latency: 255
+ *	Region 4: I/O ports at c200
+ * 00: 66 11 11 02 05 01 00 02 00 8a 01 01 00 ff 80 00
+ * 10: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * 20: 01 c2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * 30: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * 40: 99 99 99 99 ff ff ff ff 0c 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * 50: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * 60: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * 70: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * 80: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * 90: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ *
+ * 00:0f.1 IDE interface: ServerWorks: Unknown device 0212 (rev 92) (prog-if 8a [Master SecP PriP])
+ *         Subsystem: ServerWorks: Unknown device 0212
+ *         Control: I/O+ Mem- BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B-
+ *         Status: Cap- 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=medium >TAbort- <TAbort- <MAbort- >SERR- <PERR-
+ *         Latency: 64, cache line size 08
+ *         Region 0: I/O ports at 01f0
+ *         Region 1: I/O ports at 03f4
+ *         Region 2: I/O ports at 0170
+ *         Region 3: I/O ports at 0374
+ *         Region 4: I/O ports at 08b0
+ *         Region 5: I/O ports at 1000
+ *
+ * 00:0f.1 IDE interface: ServerWorks: Unknown device 0212 (rev 92)
+ * 00: 66 11 12 02 05 00 00 02 92 8a 01 01 08 40 80 00
+ * 10: f1 01 00 00 f5 03 00 00 71 01 00 00 75 03 00 00
+ * 20: b1 08 00 00 01 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 11 12 02
+ * 30: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * 40: 4f 4f 4f 4f 20 ff ff ff f0 50 44 44 00 00 00 00
+ * 50: 00 00 00 00 07 00 44 02 0f 04 03 00 00 00 00 00
+ * 60: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * 70: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * 80: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * 90: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ * f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <linux/hdreg.h>
+#include <linux/ide.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include "ide_modes.h"
+#if defined(DISPLAY_SVWKS_TIMINGS) && defined(CONFIG_PROC_FS)
+#include <linux/stat.h>
+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+static struct pci_dev *bmide_dev;
+static int svwks_get_info(char *, char **, off_t, int);
+extern int (*svwks_display_info)(char *, char **, off_t, int); /* ide-proc.c */
+extern char *ide_media_verbose(ide_drive_t *);
+static int svwks_get_info (char *buffer, char **addr, off_t offset, int count)
+	char *p = buffer;
+	u32 bibma = pci_resource_start(bmide_dev, 4);
+	u32 reg40, reg44;
+	u16 reg48, reg56;
+	u8  c0 = 0, c1 = 0, reg54;
+	pci_read_config_dword(bmide_dev, 0x40, &reg40);
+	pci_read_config_dword(bmide_dev, 0x44, &reg44);
+	pci_read_config_word(bmide_dev, 0x48, &reg48);
+	pci_read_config_byte(bmide_dev, 0x54, &reg54);
+	pci_read_config_word(bmide_dev, 0x56, &reg56);
+        /*
+         * at that point bibma+0x2 et bibma+0xa are byte registers
+         * to investigate:
+         */
+	c0 = inb_p((unsigned short)bibma + 0x02);
+	c1 = inb_p((unsigned short)bibma + 0x0a);
+	switch(bmide_dev->device) {
+			p += sprintf(p, "\n                                ServerWorks CSB5 Chipset.\n");
+			break;
+			p += sprintf(p, "\n                                ServerWorks OSB4 Chipset.\n");
+			break;
+		default:
+			p += sprintf(p, "\n                                ServerWorks 0x%04x Chipset.\n", bmide_dev->device);
+			break;
+	}
+	p += sprintf(p, "------------------------------- General Status ---------------------------------\n");
+#if 0
+	p += sprintf(p, "                                     : %s\n", "str");
+	p += sprintf(p, "--------------- Primary Channel ---------------- Secondary Channel -------------\n");
+	p += sprintf(p, "                %sabled                         %sabled\n",
+			(c0&0x80) ? "dis" : " en",
+			(c1&0x80) ? "dis" : " en");
+	p += sprintf(p, "--------------- drive0 --------- drive1 -------- drive0 ---------- drive1 ------\n");
+	p += sprintf(p, "DMA enabled:    %s              %s             %s               %s\n",
+			(c0&0x20) ? "yes" : "no ",
+			(c0&0x40) ? "yes" : "no ",
+			(c1&0x20) ? "yes" : "no ",
+			(c1&0x40) ? "yes" : "no " );
+	p += sprintf(p, "UDMA enabled:   %s              %s             %s               %s\n",
+			(reg54 & 0x01) ? "yes" : "no ",
+			(reg54 & 0x02) ? "yes" : "no ",
+			(reg54 & 0x04) ? "yes" : "no ",
+			(reg54 & 0x08) ? "yes" : "no " );
+	p += sprintf(p, "UDMA enabled:   %s                %s               %s                 %s\n",
+			((reg56&0x0005)==0x0005)?"5":
+				((reg56&0x0004)==0x0004)?"4":
+				((reg56&0x0003)==0x0003)?"3":
+				((reg56&0x0002)==0x0002)?"2":
+				((reg56&0x0001)==0x0001)?"1":
+				((reg56&0x000F))?"?":"0",
+			((reg56&0x0050)==0x0050)?"5":
+				((reg56&0x0040)==0x0040)?"4":
+				((reg56&0x0030)==0x0030)?"3":
+				((reg56&0x0020)==0x0020)?"2":
+				((reg56&0x0010)==0x0010)?"1":
+				((reg56&0x00F0))?"?":"0",
+			((reg56&0x0500)==0x0500)?"5":
+				((reg56&0x0400)==0x0400)?"4":
+				((reg56&0x0300)==0x0300)?"3":
+				((reg56&0x0200)==0x0200)?"2":
+				((reg56&0x0100)==0x0100)?"1":
+				((reg56&0x0F00))?"?":"0",
+			((reg56&0x5000)==0x5000)?"5":
+				((reg56&0x4000)==0x4000)?"4":
+				((reg56&0x3000)==0x3000)?"3":
+				((reg56&0x2000)==0x2000)?"2":
+				((reg56&0x1000)==0x1000)?"1":
+				((reg56&0xF000))?"?":"0");
+	p += sprintf(p, "DMA enabled:    %s                %s               %s                 %s\n",
+			((reg44&0x00002000)==0x00002000)?"2":
+				((reg44&0x00002100)==0x00002100)?"1":
+				((reg44&0x00007700)==0x00007700)?"0":
+				((reg44&0x0000FF00)==0x0000FF00)?"X":"?",
+			((reg44&0x00000020)==0x00000020)?"2":
+				((reg44&0x00000021)==0x00000021)?"1":
+				((reg44&0x00000077)==0x00000077)?"0":
+				((reg44&0x000000FF)==0x000000FF)?"X":"?",
+			((reg44&0x20000000)==0x20000000)?"2":
+				((reg44&0x21000000)==0x21000000)?"1":
+				((reg44&0x77000000)==0x77000000)?"0":
+				((reg44&0xFF000000)==0xFF000000)?"X":"?",
+			((reg44&0x00200000)==0x00200000)?"2":
+				((reg44&0x00210000)==0x00210000)?"1":
+				((reg44&0x00770000)==0x00770000)?"0":
+				((reg44&0x00FF0000)==0x00FF0000)?"X":"?");
+#if 0
+	if (bmide_dev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_SERVERWORKS_CSB5IDE)
+		p += sprintf(p, "PIO  enabled:   %s                %s               %s                 %s\n",
+	if (bmide_dev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_SERVERWORKS_OSB4)
+		p += sprintf(p, "PIO  enabled:   %s                %s               %s                 %s\n",
+			((reg40&0x00002000)==0x00002000)?"4":
+				((reg40&0x00002200)==0x00002200)?"3":
+				((reg40&0x00003400)==0x00003400)?"2":
+				((reg40&0x00004700)==0x00004700)?"1":
+				((reg40&0x00005D00)==0x00005D00)?"0":"?",
+			((reg40&0x00000020)==0x00000020)?"4":
+				((reg40&0x00000022)==0x00000022)?"3":
+				((reg40&0x00000034)==0x00000034)?"2":
+				((reg40&0x00000047)==0x00000047)?"1":
+				((reg40&0x0000005D)==0x0000005D)?"0":"?",
+			((reg40&0x20000000)==0x20000000)?"4":
+				((reg40&0x22000000)==0x22000000)?"3":
+				((reg40&0x34000000)==0x34000000)?"2":
+				((reg40&0x47000000)==0x47000000)?"1":
+				((reg40&0x5D000000)==0x5D000000)?"0":"?",
+			((reg40&0x00200000)==0x00200000)?"4":
+				((reg40&0x00220000)==0x00220000)?"3":
+				((reg40&0x00340000)==0x00340000)?"2":
+				((reg40&0x00470000)==0x00470000)?"1":
+				((reg40&0x005D0000)==0x005D0000)?"0":"?");
+	return p-buffer;	 /* => must be less than 4k! */
+#endif  /* defined(DISPLAY_SVWKS_TIMINGS) && defined(CONFIG_PROC_FS) */
+static byte svwks_revision = 0;
+byte svwks_proc = 0;
+extern char *ide_xfer_verbose (byte xfer_rate);
+static struct pci_dev *isa_dev;
+static int svwks_tune_chipset (ide_drive_t *drive, byte speed)
+	byte udma_modes[]	= { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05 };
+	byte dma_modes[]	= { 0x77, 0x21, 0x20 };
+	byte pio_modes[]	= { 0x5d, 0x47, 0x34, 0x22, 0x20 };
+	ide_hwif_t *hwif	= HWIF(drive);
+	struct pci_dev *dev	= hwif->pci_dev;
+	byte unit		= (drive->select.b.unit & 0x01);
+	byte csb5		= (dev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_SERVERWORKS_CSB5IDE) ? 1 : 0;
+	unsigned long dma_base	= hwif->dma_base;
+	int err;
+	byte drive_pci		= 0x00;
+	byte drive_pci2		= 0x00;
+	byte drive_pci3		= hwif->channel ? 0x57 : 0x56;
+	byte ultra_enable	= 0x00;
+	byte ultra_timing	= 0x00;
+	byte dma_timing		= 0x00;
+	byte pio_timing		= 0x00;
+	unsigned short csb5_pio	= 0x00;
+	byte pio	= ide_get_best_pio_mode(drive, 255, 5, NULL);
+        switch (drive->dn) {
+		case 0: drive_pci = 0x41; drive_pci2 = 0x45; break;
+		case 1: drive_pci = 0x40; drive_pci2 = 0x44; break;
+		case 2: drive_pci = 0x43; drive_pci2 = 0x47; break;
+		case 3: drive_pci = 0x42; drive_pci2 = 0x46; break;
+		default:
+			return -1;
+	}
+	pci_read_config_byte(dev, drive_pci, &pio_timing);
+	pci_read_config_byte(dev, drive_pci2, &dma_timing);
+	pci_read_config_byte(dev, drive_pci3, &ultra_timing);
+	pci_read_config_word(dev, 0x4A, &csb5_pio);
+	pci_read_config_byte(dev, 0x54, &ultra_enable);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	printk("%s: UDMA 0x%02x DMAPIO 0x%02x PIO 0x%02x ",
+		drive->name, ultra_timing, dma_timing, pio_timing);
+	pio_timing	&= ~0xFF;
+	dma_timing	&= ~0xFF;
+	ultra_timing	&= ~(0x0F << (4*unit));
+	ultra_enable	&= ~(0x01 << drive->dn);
+	csb5_pio	&= ~(0x0F << (4*drive->dn));
+	switch(speed) {
+		case XFER_PIO_4:
+		case XFER_PIO_3:
+		case XFER_PIO_2:
+		case XFER_PIO_1:
+		case XFER_PIO_0:
+			pio_timing |= pio_modes[speed - XFER_PIO_0];
+			csb5_pio   |= ((speed - XFER_PIO_0) << (4*drive->dn));
+			break;
+		case XFER_MW_DMA_2:
+		case XFER_MW_DMA_1:
+		case XFER_MW_DMA_0:
+			pio_timing |= pio_modes[pio];
+			csb5_pio   |= (pio << (4*drive->dn));
+			dma_timing |= dma_modes[speed - XFER_MW_DMA_0];
+			break;
+		case XFER_UDMA_5:
+		case XFER_UDMA_4:
+		case XFER_UDMA_3:
+		case XFER_UDMA_2:
+		case XFER_UDMA_1:
+		case XFER_UDMA_0:
+			pio_timing |= pio_modes[pio];
+			csb5_pio   |= (pio << (4*drive->dn));
+			dma_timing |= dma_modes[2];
+			ultra_timing |= ((udma_modes[speed - XFER_UDMA_0]) << (4*unit));
+			ultra_enable |= (0x01 << drive->dn);
+		default:
+			break;
+	}
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	printk("%s: UDMA 0x%02x DMAPIO 0x%02x PIO 0x%02x ",
+		drive->name, ultra_timing, dma_timing, pio_timing);
+	printk("%s: %s drive%d\n", drive->name, ide_xfer_verbose(speed), drive->dn);
+#endif /* OSB4_DEBUG_DRIVE_INFO */
+	if (!drive->init_speed)
+		drive->init_speed = speed;
+	pci_write_config_byte(dev, drive_pci, pio_timing);
+	if (csb5)
+		pci_write_config_word(dev, 0x4A, csb5_pio);
+	pci_write_config_byte(dev, drive_pci2, dma_timing);
+	pci_write_config_byte(dev, drive_pci3, ultra_timing);
+	pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x54, ultra_enable);
+	if (speed > XFER_PIO_4) {
+		outb(inb(dma_base+2)|(1<<(5+unit)), dma_base+2);
+	} else {
+		outb(inb(dma_base+2) & ~(1<<(5+unit)), dma_base+2);
+	}
+	err = ide_config_drive_speed(drive, speed);
+	drive->current_speed = speed;
+	return err;
+static void config_chipset_for_pio (ide_drive_t *drive)
+	unsigned short eide_pio_timing[6] = {960, 480, 240, 180, 120, 90};
+	unsigned short xfer_pio = drive->id->eide_pio_modes;
+	byte			timing, speed, pio;
+	pio = ide_get_best_pio_mode(drive, 255, 5, NULL);
+	if (xfer_pio> 4)
+		xfer_pio = 0;
+	if (drive->id->eide_pio_iordy > 0) {
+		for (xfer_pio = 5;
+			xfer_pio>0 &&
+			drive->id->eide_pio_iordy>eide_pio_timing[xfer_pio];
+			xfer_pio--);
+	} else {
+		xfer_pio = (drive->id->eide_pio_modes & 4) ? 0x05 :
+			   (drive->id->eide_pio_modes & 2) ? 0x04 :
+			   (drive->id->eide_pio_modes & 1) ? 0x03 :
+			   (drive->id->tPIO & 2) ? 0x02 :
+			   (drive->id->tPIO & 1) ? 0x01 : xfer_pio;
+	}
+	timing = (xfer_pio >= pio) ? xfer_pio : pio;
+	switch(timing) {
+		case 4: speed = XFER_PIO_4;break;
+		case 3: speed = XFER_PIO_3;break;
+		case 2: speed = XFER_PIO_2;break;
+		case 1: speed = XFER_PIO_1;break;
+		default:
+			speed = (!drive->id->tPIO) ? XFER_PIO_0 : XFER_PIO_SLOW;
+			break;
+	}
+	(void) svwks_tune_chipset(drive, speed);
+	drive->current_speed = speed;
+static void svwks_tune_drive (ide_drive_t *drive, byte pio)
+	byte speed;
+	switch(pio) {
+		case 4:		speed = XFER_PIO_4;break;
+		case 3:		speed = XFER_PIO_3;break;
+		case 2:		speed = XFER_PIO_2;break;
+		case 1:		speed = XFER_PIO_1;break;
+		default:	speed = XFER_PIO_0;break;
+	}
+	(void) svwks_tune_chipset(drive, speed);
+static int config_chipset_for_dma (ide_drive_t *drive)
+	struct hd_driveid *id	= drive->id;
+	struct pci_dev *dev	= HWIF(drive)->pci_dev;
+	byte udma_66		= eighty_ninty_three(drive);
+	byte			speed;
+	int ultra66		= (dev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_SERVERWORKS_CSB5IDE) ? 1 : 0;
+	/* need specs to figure out if osb4 is capable of ata/66/100 */
+	int ultra100		= (dev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_SERVERWORKS_CSB5IDE) ? 1 : 0;
+	if ((id->dma_ultra & 0x0020) && (udma_66) && (ultra100)) {
+		speed = XFER_UDMA_5;
+	} else if (id->dma_ultra & 0x0010) {
+		speed = ((udma_66) && (ultra66)) ? XFER_UDMA_4 : XFER_UDMA_2;
+	} else if (id->dma_ultra & 0x0008) {
+		speed = ((udma_66) && (ultra66)) ? XFER_UDMA_3 : XFER_UDMA_1;
+	} else if (id->dma_ultra & 0x0004) {
+		speed = XFER_UDMA_2;
+	} else if (id->dma_ultra & 0x0002) {
+		speed = XFER_UDMA_1;
+	} else if (id->dma_ultra & 0x0001) {
+		speed = XFER_UDMA_0;
+	} else if (id->dma_mword & 0x0004) {
+		speed = XFER_MW_DMA_2;
+	} else if (id->dma_mword & 0x0002) {
+		speed = XFER_MW_DMA_1;
+	} else if (id->dma_1word & 0x0004) {
+		speed = XFER_SW_DMA_2;
+	} else {
+		speed = XFER_PIO_0 + ide_get_best_pio_mode(drive, 255, 5, NULL);
+	}
+	(void) svwks_tune_chipset(drive, speed);
+	return ((int)	((id->dma_ultra >> 11) & 7) ? ide_dma_on :
+			((id->dma_ultra >> 8) & 7) ? ide_dma_on :
+			((id->dma_mword >> 8) & 7) ? ide_dma_on :
+			((id->dma_1word >> 8) & 7) ? ide_dma_on :
+						     ide_dma_off_quietly);
+static int config_drive_xfer_rate (ide_drive_t *drive)
+	struct hd_driveid *id = drive->id;
+	ide_dma_action_t dma_func = ide_dma_on;
+	if (id && (id->capability & 1) && HWIF(drive)->autodma) {
+		/* Consult the list of known "bad" drives */
+		if (ide_dmaproc(ide_dma_bad_drive, drive)) {
+			dma_func = ide_dma_off;
+			goto fast_ata_pio;
+		}
+		dma_func = ide_dma_off_quietly;
+		if (id->field_valid & 4) {
+			if (id->dma_ultra & 0x002F) {
+				/* Force if Capable UltraDMA */
+				dma_func = config_chipset_for_dma(drive);
+				if ((id->field_valid & 2) &&
+				    (dma_func != ide_dma_on))
+					goto try_dma_modes;
+			}
+		} else if (id->field_valid & 2) {
+			if ((id->dma_mword & 0x0007) ||
+			    (id->dma_1word & 0x007)) {
+				/* Force if Capable regular DMA modes */
+				dma_func = config_chipset_for_dma(drive);
+				if (dma_func != ide_dma_on)
+					goto no_dma_set;
+			}
+		} else if (ide_dmaproc(ide_dma_good_drive, drive)) {
+			if (id->eide_dma_time > 150) {
+				goto no_dma_set;
+			}
+			/* Consult the list of known "good" drives */
+			dma_func = config_chipset_for_dma(drive);
+			if (dma_func != ide_dma_on)
+				goto no_dma_set;
+		} else {
+			goto fast_ata_pio;
+		}
+	} else if ((id->capability & 8) || (id->field_valid & 2)) {
+		dma_func = ide_dma_off_quietly;
+		config_chipset_for_pio(drive);
+	}
+	return HWIF(drive)->dmaproc(dma_func, drive);
+static int svwks_dmaproc(ide_dma_action_t func, ide_drive_t *drive)
+	switch (func) {
+		case ide_dma_check:
+			return config_drive_xfer_rate(drive);
+		default :
+			break;
+	}
+	/* Other cases are done by generic IDE-DMA code. */
+	return ide_dmaproc(func, drive);
+unsigned int __init pci_init_svwks (struct pci_dev *dev, const char *name)
+	unsigned int reg64;
+	pci_read_config_byte(dev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &svwks_revision);
+	if (dev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_SERVERWORKS_OSB4IDE) {
+		pci_read_config_dword(isa_dev, 0x64, &reg64);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+		printk("%s: reg64 == 0x%08x\n", name, reg64);
+//		reg64 &= ~0x0000A000;
+//#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+//		reg64 |= 0x00008000;
+	/* Assume the APIC was set up properly by the BIOS for now . If it
+	   wasnt we need to do a fix up _way_ earlier. Bits 15,10,3 control
+	   APIC enable, routing and decode */
+		reg64 &= ~0x00002000;	
+		pci_write_config_dword(isa_dev, 0x64, reg64);
+	}
+	pci_write_config_byte(dev, PCI_LATENCY_TIMER, 0x40);
+#if defined(DISPLAY_SVWKS_TIMINGS) && defined(CONFIG_PROC_FS)
+	if (!svwks_proc) {
+		svwks_proc = 1;
+		bmide_dev = dev;
+		svwks_display_info = &svwks_get_info;
+	}
+	return 0;
+unsigned int __init ata66_svwks (ide_hwif_t *hwif)
+	return 0;
+void __init ide_init_svwks (ide_hwif_t *hwif)
+	if (!hwif->irq)
+		hwif->irq = hwif->channel ? 15 : 14;
+	hwif->tuneproc = &svwks_tune_drive;
+	hwif->speedproc = &svwks_tune_chipset;
+	hwif->drives[0].autotune = 1;
+	hwif->drives[1].autotune = 1;
+	hwif->autodma = 0;
+	return;
+	if (hwif->dma_base) {
+		if (!noautodma)
+			hwif->autodma = 1;
+		hwif->dmaproc = &svwks_dmaproc;
+	} else {
+		hwif->autodma = 0;
+		hwif->drives[0].autotune = 1;
+		hwif->drives[1].autotune = 1;
+	}
+#endif /* !CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEDMA */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: