patch-2.4.5 linux/arch/ppc/boot/misc.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.4/linux/arch/ppc/boot/misc.c linux/arch/ppc/boot/misc.c
@@ -1,845 +0,0 @@
- * misc.c
- *
- * $Id: misc.c,v 1.68 1999/10/20 22:08:08 cort Exp $
- * 
- * Adapted for PowerPC by Gary Thomas
- *
- * Rewritten by Cort Dougan (
- * One day to be replaced by a single bootloader for chrp/prep/pmac. -- Cort
- */
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include "../coffboot/zlib.h"
-#include "asm/residual.h"
-#include <linux/elf.h>
-#include <linux/config.h>
-#include <asm/page.h>
-#include <asm/processor.h>
-#include <asm/bootinfo.h>
-#include <asm/mmu.h>
-#include "ns16550.h"
-struct NS16550 *com_port;
- * Please send me load/board info and such data for hardware not
- * listed here so I can keep track since things are getting tricky
- * with the different load addrs with different firmware.  This will
- * help to avoid breaking the load/boot process.
- * -- Cort
- */
-char *avail_ram;
-char *end_avail;
-extern char _end[];
-#define CMDLINE "";
-char cmd_preset[] = CMDLINE;
-char cmd_buf[256];
-char *cmd_line = cmd_buf;
-int keyb_present = 1;	/* keyboard controller is present by default */
-RESIDUAL hold_resid_buf;
-RESIDUAL *hold_residual = &hold_resid_buf;
-unsigned long initrd_start = 0, initrd_end = 0;
-char *zimage_start;
-int zimage_size;
-char *vidmem = (char *)0xC00B8000;
-int lines, cols;
-int orig_x, orig_y;
-void puts(const char *);
-void putc(const char c);
-void puthex(unsigned long val);
-void _bcopy(char *src, char *dst, int len);
-void * memcpy(void * __dest, __const void * __src,
-			    int __n);
-void gunzip(void *, int, unsigned char *, int *);
-static int _cvt(unsigned long val, char *buf, long radix, char *digits);
-unsigned char inb(int);
-void pause()
-	puts("pause\n");
-void exit()
-	puts("exit\n");
-	while(1); 
-static void clear_screen()
-	int i, j;
-	for (i = 0;  i < lines;  i++) {
-	  for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++) {
-	    vidmem[((i*cols)+j)*2] = ' ';
-	    vidmem[((i*cols)+j)*2+1] = 0x07;
-	  }
-	}
-static void scroll()
-	int i;
-	memcpy ( vidmem, vidmem + cols * 2, ( lines - 1 ) * cols * 2 );
-	for ( i = ( lines - 1 ) * cols * 2; i < lines * cols * 2; i += 2 )
-		vidmem[i] = ' ';
-	if (keyb_present)
-		return (CRT_tstc() || NS16550_tstc(com_port));
-	else
-		NS16550_tstc(com_port);
-	return (CRT_tstc() );
-	while (1) {
-		if (NS16550_tstc(com_port)) return (NS16550_getc(com_port));
-		if (keyb_present)
-			if (CRT_tstc()) return (CRT_getc());
-	}
-putc(const char c)
-	int x,y;
-	NS16550_putc(com_port, c);
-	if ( c == '\n' ) NS16550_putc(com_port, '\r');
-	x = orig_x;
-	y = orig_y;
-	if ( c == '\n' ) {
-		x = 0;
-		if ( ++y >= lines ) {
-			scroll();
-			y--;
-		}
-	} else if (c == '\r') {
-		x = 0;
-	} else if (c == '\b') {
-		if (x > 0) {
-			x--;
-		}
-	} else {
-		vidmem [ ( x + cols * y ) * 2 ] = c; 
-		if ( ++x >= cols ) {
-			x = 0;
-			if ( ++y >= lines ) {
-				scroll();
-				y--;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	cursor(x, y);
-	orig_x = x;
-	orig_y = y;
-void puts(const char *s)
-	int x,y;
-	char c;
-	x = orig_x;
-	y = orig_y;
-	while ( ( c = *s++ ) != '\0' ) {
-	        NS16550_putc(com_port, c);
-	        if ( c == '\n' ) NS16550_putc(com_port, '\r');
-		if ( c == '\n' ) {
-			x = 0;
-			if ( ++y >= lines ) {
-				scroll();
-				y--;
-			}
-		} else if (c == '\b') {
-		  if (x > 0) {
-		    x--;
-		  }
-		} else {
-			vidmem [ ( x + cols * y ) * 2 ] = c; 
-			if ( ++x >= cols ) {
-				x = 0;
-				if ( ++y >= lines ) {
-					scroll();
-					y--;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	cursor(x, y);
-	orig_x = x;
-	orig_y = y;
-void * memcpy(void * __dest, __const void * __src,
-			    int __n)
-	int i;
-	char *d = (char *)__dest, *s = (char *)__src;
-	for (i=0;i<__n;i++) d[i] = s[i];
-int memcmp(__const void * __dest, __const void * __src,
-			    int __n)
-	int i;
-	char *d = (char *)__dest, *s = (char *)__src;
-	for (i=0;i<__n;i++, d++, s++)
-	{
-		if (*d != *s)
-		{
-			return (*s - *d);
-		}
-	}
-	return (0);
-void error(char *x)
-	puts("\n\n");
-	puts(x);
-	puts("\n\n -- System halted");
-	while(1);	/* Halt */
-void *zalloc(void *x, unsigned items, unsigned size)
-	void *p = avail_ram;
-	size *= items;
-	size = (size + 7) & -8;
-	avail_ram += size;
-	if (avail_ram > end_avail) {
-		puts("oops... out of memory\n");
-		pause();
-	}
-	return p;
-void zfree(void *x, void *addr, unsigned nb)
-#define HEAD_CRC	2
-#define EXTRA_FIELD	4
-#define ORIG_NAME	8
-#define COMMENT		0x10
-#define RESERVED	0xe0
-#define DEFLATED	8
-void gunzip(void *dst, int dstlen, unsigned char *src, int *lenp)
-	z_stream s;
-	int r, i, flags;
-	/* skip header */
-	i = 10;
-	flags = src[3];
-	if (src[2] != DEFLATED || (flags & RESERVED) != 0) {
-		puts("bad gzipped data\n");
-		exit();
-	}
-	if ((flags & EXTRA_FIELD) != 0)
-		i = 12 + src[10] + (src[11] << 8);
-	if ((flags & ORIG_NAME) != 0)
-		while (src[i++] != 0)
-			;
-	if ((flags & COMMENT) != 0)
-		while (src[i++] != 0)
-			;
-	if ((flags & HEAD_CRC) != 0)
-		i += 2;
-	if (i >= *lenp) {
-		puts("gunzip: ran out of data in header\n");
-		exit();
-	}
-	s.zalloc = zalloc;
-	s.zfree = zfree;
-	r = inflateInit2(&s, -MAX_WBITS);
-	if (r != Z_OK) {
-		puts("inflateInit2 returned %d\n");
-		exit();
-	}
-	s.next_in = src + i;
-	s.avail_in = *lenp - i;
-	s.next_out = dst;
-	s.avail_out = dstlen;
-	r = inflate(&s, Z_FINISH);
-	if (r != Z_OK && r != Z_STREAM_END) {
-		puts("inflate returned %d\n");
-		exit();
-	}
-	*lenp = s.next_out - (unsigned char *) dst;
-	inflateEnd(&s);
-unsigned long
-decompress_kernel(unsigned long load_addr, int num_words, unsigned long cksum,
-		  RESIDUAL *residual, void *OFW_interface)
-	int timer;
-	extern unsigned long start;
-	char *cp, ch;
-	unsigned long i;
-	BATU *u;
-	BATL *l;
-	unsigned long TotalMemory;
-	unsigned long orig_MSR;
-	int dev_handle;
-	int mem_info[2];
-	int res, size;
-	unsigned char board_type;
-	unsigned char base_mod;
-	lines = 25;
-	cols = 80;
-	orig_x = 0;
-	orig_y = 24;
-	/*
-	 * IBM's have the MMU on, so we have to disable it or
-	 * things get really unhappy in the kernel when
-	 * trying to setup the BATs with the MMU on
-	 * -- Cort
-	 */
-	flush_instruction_cache();
-	_put_HID0(_get_HID0() & ~0x0000C000);
-	_put_MSR((orig_MSR = _get_MSR()) & ~0x0030);
-	com_port = (struct NS16550 *)NS16550_init(0);
-	vga_init(0xC0000000);
-	if (residual)
-	{
-		/* Is this Motorola PPCBug? */
-		if ((1 & residual->VitalProductData.FirmwareSupports) &&
-		    (1 == residual->VitalProductData.FirmwareSupplier)) {
-			board_type = inb(0x800) & 0xF0;
-			/* If this is genesis 2 board then check for no
-			 * keyboard controller and more than one processor.
-			 */
-			if (board_type == 0xe0) {	
-				base_mod = inb(0x803);
-				/* if a MVME2300/2400 or a Sitka then no keyboard */
-				if((base_mod == 0xFA) || (base_mod == 0xF9) ||
-				   (base_mod == 0xE1)) {
-					keyb_present = 0;	/* no keyboard */
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		memcpy(hold_residual,residual,sizeof(RESIDUAL));
-	} else {
-		/* Assume 32M in the absence of more info... */
-		TotalMemory = 0x02000000;
-		/*
-		 * This is a 'best guess' check.  We want to make sure
-		 * we don't try this on a PReP box without OF
-		 *     -- Cort
-		 */
-		while (OFW_interface && ((unsigned long)OFW_interface < 0x10000000) )
-		{
-			/* The MMU needs to be on when we call OFW */
-			_put_MSR(orig_MSR);
-			of_init(OFW_interface);
-			/* get handle to memory description */
-			res = of_finddevice("/memory@0", 
-					    &dev_handle);
-			// puthex(res);  puts("\n");
-			if (res) break;
-			/* get the info */
-			// puts("get info = ");
-			res = of_getprop(dev_handle, 
-					 "reg", 
-					 mem_info, 
-					 sizeof(mem_info), 
-					 &size);
-			// puthex(res);  puts(", info = "); puthex(mem_info[0]);  
-			// puts(" ");  puthex(mem_info[1]);   puts("\n");
-			if (res) break;
-			TotalMemory = mem_info[1];
-			break;
-		}
-		hold_residual->TotalMemory = TotalMemory;
-		residual = hold_residual;
-		/* Turn MMU back off */
-		_put_MSR(orig_MSR & ~0x0030);
-        }
-	/* assume the chunk below 8M is free */
-	end_avail = (char *)0x00800000;
-	/* tell the user where we were loaded at and where we
-	 * were relocated to for debugging this process
-	 */
-	puts("loaded at:     "); puthex(load_addr);
-	puts(" "); puthex((unsigned long)(load_addr + (4*num_words))); puts("\n");
-	if ( (unsigned long)load_addr != (unsigned long)&start )
-	{
-		puts("relocated to:  "); puthex((unsigned long)&start);
-		puts(" ");
-		puthex((unsigned long)((unsigned long)&start + (4*num_words)));
-		puts("\n");
-	}
-	if ( residual )
-	{
-		puts("board data at: "); puthex((unsigned long)residual);
-		puts(" ");
-		puthex((unsigned long)((unsigned long)residual + sizeof(RESIDUAL)));
-		puts("\n");
-		puts("relocated to:  ");
-		puthex((unsigned long)hold_residual);
-		puts(" ");
-		puthex((unsigned long)((unsigned long)hold_residual + sizeof(RESIDUAL)));
-		puts("\n");
-	}
-	/* we have to subtract 0x10000 here to correct for objdump including the
-	   size of the elf header which we strip -- Cort */
-	zimage_start = (char *)(load_addr - 0x10000 + ZIMAGE_OFFSET);
-	zimage_size = ZIMAGE_SIZE;
-		initrd_start = load_addr - 0x10000 + INITRD_OFFSET;
-	else
-		initrd_start = 0;
-	initrd_end = INITRD_SIZE + initrd_start;
-	/*
-	 * Find a place to stick the zimage and initrd and 
-	 * relocate them if we have to. -- Cort
-	 */
-	avail_ram = (char *)PAGE_ALIGN((unsigned long)_end);
-	puts("zimage at:     "); puthex((unsigned long)zimage_start);
-	puts(" "); puthex((unsigned long)(zimage_size+zimage_start)); puts("\n");
-	if ( (unsigned long)zimage_start <= 0x00800000 )
-	{
-		memcpy( (void *)avail_ram, (void *)zimage_start, zimage_size );
-		zimage_start = (char *)avail_ram;
-		puts("relocated to:  "); puthex((unsigned long)zimage_start);
-		puts(" ");
-		puthex((unsigned long)zimage_size+(unsigned long)zimage_start);
-		puts("\n");
-		avail_ram += zimage_size;
-	}
-	/* relocate initrd */
-	if ( initrd_start )
-	{
-		puts("initrd at:     "); puthex(initrd_start);
-		puts(" "); puthex(initrd_end); puts("\n");
-		if ( (unsigned long)initrd_start <= 0x00800000 )
-		{
-			memcpy( (void *)avail_ram,
-				(void *)initrd_start, initrd_end-initrd_start );
-			puts("relocated to:  ");
-			initrd_end = (unsigned long) avail_ram + (initrd_end-initrd_start);
-			initrd_start = (unsigned long)avail_ram;
-			puthex((unsigned long)initrd_start);
-			puts(" ");
-			puthex((unsigned long)initrd_end);
-			puts("\n");
-		}
-		avail_ram = (char *)PAGE_ALIGN((unsigned long)initrd_end);
-	}
-	avail_ram = (char *)0x00400000;
-	end_avail = (char *)0x00800000;
-	puts("avail ram:     "); puthex((unsigned long)avail_ram); puts(" ");
-	puthex((unsigned long)end_avail); puts("\n");
-	if (keyb_present)
-		CRT_tstc();  /* Forces keyboard to be initialized */
-	puts("\nLinux/PPC load: ");
-	timer = 0;
-	cp = cmd_line;
-	memcpy (cmd_line, cmd_preset, sizeof(cmd_preset));
-	while ( *cp ) putc(*cp++);
-	while (timer++ < 5*1000) {
-		if (tstc()) {
-			while ((ch = getc()) != '\n' && ch != '\r') {
-				if (ch == '\b') {
-					if (cp != cmd_line) {
-						cp--;
-						puts("\b \b");
-					}
-				} else {
-					*cp++ = ch;
-					putc(ch);
-				}
-			}
-			break;  /* Exit 'timer' loop */
-		}
-		udelay(1000);  /* 1 msec */
-	}
-	*cp = 0;
-	puts("\n");
-	puts("Uncompressing Linux...");
-	gunzip(0, 0x400000, zimage_start, &zimage_size);
-	puts("done.\n");
-	{
-		struct bi_record *rec;
-		rec = (struct bi_record *)PAGE_ALIGN(zimage_size);
-		rec->tag = BI_FIRST;
-		rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record);
-		rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
-		rec->tag = BI_BOOTLOADER_ID;
-		memcpy( (void *)rec->data, "prepboot", 9);
-		rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record) + 8 + 1;
-		rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
-		rec->tag = BI_MACHTYPE;
-		rec->data[0] = _MACH_prep;
-		rec->data[1] = 1;
-		rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record) + sizeof(unsigned long);
-		rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
-		rec->tag = BI_CMD_LINE;
-		memcpy( (char *)rec->data, cmd_line, strlen(cmd_line)+1);
-		rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record) + strlen(cmd_line) + 1;
-		rec = (struct bi_record *)((ulong)rec + rec->size);
-		rec->tag = BI_LAST;
-		rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record);
-		rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
-	}
-	puts("Now booting the kernel\n");
-	return (unsigned long)hold_residual;
-void puthex(unsigned long val)
-	unsigned char buf[10];
-	int i;
-	for (i = 7;  i >= 0;  i--)
-	{
-		buf[i] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[val & 0x0F];
-		val >>= 4;
-	}
-	buf[8] = '\0';
-	puts(buf);
- * PCI/ISA I/O support
- */
-volatile unsigned char *ISA_io  = (unsigned char *)0x80000000;
-volatile unsigned char *ISA_mem = (unsigned char *)0xC0000000;
-outb(int port, char val)
-	/* Ensure I/O operations complete */
-	__asm__ volatile("eieio");
-	ISA_io[port] = val;
-unsigned char
-inb(int port)
-	/* Ensure I/O operations complete */
-	__asm__ volatile("eieio");
-	return (ISA_io[port]);
-unsigned long
-local_to_PCI(unsigned long addr)
-	return ((addr & 0x7FFFFFFF) | 0x80000000);
-_bcopy(char *src, char *dst, int len)
-	while (len--) *dst++ = *src++;
-#define FALSE 0
-#define TRUE  1
-#include <stdarg.h>
-strlen(char *s)
-	int len = 0;
-	while (*s++) len++;
-	return len;
-_printk(char const *fmt, ...)
-	int ret;
-	va_list ap;
-	va_start(ap, fmt);
-	ret = _vprintk(putc, fmt, ap);
-	va_end(ap);
-	return (ret);
-#define is_digit(c) ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
-_vprintk(putc, fmt0, ap)
-int (*putc)();
-const char *fmt0;
-va_list ap;
-	char c, sign, *cp;
-	int left_prec, right_prec, zero_fill, length, pad, pad_on_right;
-	char buf[32];
-	long val;
-	while (c = *fmt0++)
-	{
-		if (c == '%')
-		{
-			c = *fmt0++;
-			left_prec = right_prec = pad_on_right = 0;
-			if (c == '-')
-			{
-				c = *fmt0++;
-				pad_on_right++;
-			}
-			if (c == '0')
-			{
-				zero_fill = TRUE;
-				c = *fmt0++;
-			} else
-			{
-				zero_fill = FALSE;
-			}
-			while (is_digit(c))
-			{
-				left_prec = (left_prec * 10) + (c - '0');
-				c = *fmt0++;
-			}
-			if (c == '.')
-			{
-				c = *fmt0++;
-				zero_fill++;
-				while (is_digit(c))
-				{
-					right_prec = (right_prec * 10) + (c - '0');
-					c = *fmt0++;
-				}
-			} else
-			{
-				right_prec = left_prec;
-			}
-			sign = '\0';
-			switch (c)
-			{
-			case 'd':
-			case 'x':
-			case 'X':
-				val = va_arg(ap, long);
-				switch (c)
-				{
-				case 'd':
-					if (val < 0)
-					{
-						sign = '-';
-						val = -val;
-					}
-					length = _cvt(val, buf, 10, "0123456789");
-					break;
-				case 'x':
-					length = _cvt(val, buf, 16, "0123456789abcdef");
-					break;
-				case 'X':
-					length = _cvt(val, buf, 16, "0123456789ABCDEF");
-					break;
-				}
-				cp = buf;
-				break;
-			case 's':
-				cp = va_arg(ap, char *);
-				length = strlen(cp);
-				break;
-			case 'c':
-				c = va_arg(ap, long /*char*/);
-				(*putc)(c);
-				continue;
-			default:
-				(*putc)('?');
-			}
-			pad = left_prec - length;
-			if (sign != '\0')
-			{
-				pad--;
-			}
-			if (zero_fill)
-			{
-				c = '0';
-				if (sign != '\0')
-				{
-					(*putc)(sign);
-					sign = '\0';
-				}
-			} else
-			{
-				c = ' ';
-			}
-			if (!pad_on_right)
-			{
-				while (pad-- > 0)
-				{
-					(*putc)(c);
-				}
-			}
-			if (sign != '\0')
-			{
-				(*putc)(sign);
-			}
-			while (length-- > 0)
-			{
-				(*putc)(c = *cp++);
-				if (c == '\n')
-				{
-					(*putc)('\r');
-				}
-			}
-			if (pad_on_right)
-			{
-				while (pad-- > 0)
-				{
-					(*putc)(c);
-				}
-			}
-		} else
-		{
-			(*putc)(c);
-			if (c == '\n')
-			{
-				(*putc)('\r');
-			}
-		}
-	}
-int _cvt(unsigned long val, char *buf, long radix, char *digits)
-	char temp[80];
-	char *cp = temp;
-	int length = 0;
-	if (val == 0)
-	{ /* Special case */
-		*cp++ = '0';
-	} else
-		while (val)
-		{
-			*cp++ = digits[val % radix];
-			val /= radix;
-		}
-	while (cp != temp)
-	{
-		*buf++ = *--cp;
-		length++;
-	}
-	*buf = '\0';
-	return (length);
-_dump_buf_with_offset(unsigned char *p, int s, unsigned char *base)
-	int i, c;
-	if ((unsigned int)s > (unsigned int)p)
-	{
-		s = (unsigned int)s - (unsigned int)p;
-	}
-	while (s > 0)
-	{
-		if (base)
-		{
-			_printk("%06X: ", (int)p - (int)base);
-		} else
-		{
-			_printk("%06X: ", p);
-		}
-		for (i = 0;  i < 16;  i++)
-		{
-			if (i < s)
-			{
-				_printk("%02X", p[i] & 0xFF);
-			} else
-			{
-				_printk("  ");
-			}
-			if ((i % 2) == 1) _printk(" ");
-			if ((i % 8) == 7) _printk(" ");
-		}
-		_printk(" |");
-		for (i = 0;  i < 16;  i++)
-		{
-			if (i < s)
-			{
-				c = p[i] & 0xFF;
-				if ((c < 0x20) || (c >= 0x7F)) c = '.';
-			} else
-			{
-				c = ' ';
-			}
-			_printk("%c", c);
-		}
-		_printk("|\n");
-		s -= 16;
-		p += 16;
-	}
-_dump_buf(unsigned char *p, int s)
-	_printk("\n");
-	_dump_buf_with_offset(p, s, 0);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: