patch-2.4.19 linux-2.4.19/arch/mips/mm/pg-r3k.c

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diff -urN linux-2.4.18/arch/mips/mm/pg-r3k.c linux-2.4.19/arch/mips/mm/pg-r3k.c
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 Ralf Baechle (
+ */
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+/* page functions */
+void r3k_clear_page(void * page)
+	__asm__ __volatile__(
+		".set\tnoreorder\n\t"
+		".set\tnoat\n\t"
+		"addiu\t$1,%0,%2\n"
+		"1:\tsw\t$0,(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t$0,4(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t$0,8(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t$0,12(%0)\n\t"
+		"addiu\t%0,32\n\t"
+		"sw\t$0,-16(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t$0,-12(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t$0,-8(%0)\n\t"
+		"bne\t$1,%0,1b\n\t"
+		"sw\t$0,-4(%0)\n\t"
+		".set\tat\n\t"
+		".set\treorder"
+		: "=r" (page)
+		: "0" (page), "I" (PAGE_SIZE)
+		: "memory");
+void r3k_copy_page(void * to, void * from)
+	unsigned long dummy1, dummy2;
+	unsigned long reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4;
+	__asm__ __volatile__(
+		".set\tnoreorder\n\t"
+		".set\tnoat\n\t"
+		"addiu\t$1,%0,%8\n"
+		"1:\tlw\t%2,(%1)\n\t"
+		"lw\t%3,4(%1)\n\t"
+		"lw\t%4,8(%1)\n\t"
+		"lw\t%5,12(%1)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%2,(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%3,4(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%4,8(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%5,12(%0)\n\t"
+		"lw\t%2,16(%1)\n\t"
+		"lw\t%3,20(%1)\n\t"
+		"lw\t%4,24(%1)\n\t"
+		"lw\t%5,28(%1)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%2,16(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%3,20(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%4,24(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%5,28(%0)\n\t"
+		"addiu\t%0,64\n\t"
+		"addiu\t%1,64\n\t"
+		"lw\t%2,-32(%1)\n\t"
+		"lw\t%3,-28(%1)\n\t"
+		"lw\t%4,-24(%1)\n\t"
+		"lw\t%5,-20(%1)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%2,-32(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%3,-28(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%4,-24(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%5,-20(%0)\n\t"
+		"lw\t%2,-16(%1)\n\t"
+		"lw\t%3,-12(%1)\n\t"
+		"lw\t%4,-8(%1)\n\t"
+		"lw\t%5,-4(%1)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%2,-16(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%3,-12(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%4,-8(%0)\n\t"
+		"bne\t$1,%0,1b\n\t"
+		"sw\t%5,-4(%0)\n\t"
+		".set\tat\n\t"
+		".set\treorder"
+		: "=r" (dummy1), "=r" (dummy2),
+		  "=&r" (reg1), "=&r" (reg2), "=&r" (reg3), "=&r" (reg4)
+		: "0" (to), "1" (from),
+		  "I" (PAGE_SIZE));
+ * Initialize new page directory with pointers to invalid ptes
+ */
+void pgd_init(unsigned long page)
+	unsigned long dummy1, dummy2;
+	/*
+	 * The plain and boring version for the R3000.  No cache flushing
+	 * stuff is implemented since the R3000 has physical caches.
+	 */
+	__asm__ __volatile__(
+		".set\tnoreorder\n"
+		"1:\tsw\t%2, (%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%2, 4(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%2, 8(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%2, 12(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%2, 16(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%2, 20(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%2, 24(%0)\n\t"
+		"sw\t%2, 28(%0)\n\t"
+		"subu\t%1, 1\n\t"
+		"bnez\t%1, 1b\n\t"
+		"addiu\t%0, 32\n\t"
+		".set\treorder"
+		:"=r" (dummy1), "=r" (dummy2)
+		:"r" ((unsigned long) invalid_pte_table), "0" (page),
+		 "1" (USER_PTRS_PER_PGD / 8));

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: