patch-2.4.19 linux-2.4.19/arch/ia64/sn/fprom/fw-emu.c

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diff -urN linux-2.4.18/arch/ia64/sn/fprom/fw-emu.c linux-2.4.19/arch/ia64/sn/fprom/fw-emu.c
@@ -1,524 +0,0 @@
- * PAL & SAL emulation.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Hewlett-Packard Co
- * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 David Mosberger-Tang <>
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- * Copyright (C) 2000 by Jack Steiner (
- */
-#include <asm/efi.h>
-#include <asm/pal.h>
-#include <asm/sal.h>
-#include <asm/processor.h>
-#include <asm/acpi-ext.h>
-#include "fpmem.h"
-#define MB	(1024*1024UL)
-#define GB	(MB*1024UL)
-#define FPROM_BUG()		do {while (1);} while (0)
-#define MAX_NODES		128
-#define MAX_LSAPICS		512
-#define MAX_CPUS		512
-#define MAX_CPUS_NODE		4
-#define CPUS_PER_NODE		4
-#define CPUS_PER_FSB		2
-#define NUM_EFI_DESCS		2
-typedef union ia64_nasid_va {
-        struct {
-                unsigned long off   : 33;       /* intra-region offset */
-		unsigned long nasid :  7;	/* NASID */
-		unsigned long off2  : 21;	/* fill */
-                unsigned long reg   :  3;       /* region number */
-        } f;
-        unsigned long l;
-        void *p;
-} ia64_nasid_va;
-typedef struct {
-	unsigned long	pc;
-	unsigned long	gp;
-} func_ptr_t;
-#define IS_VIRTUAL_MODE() 	 ({struct ia64_psr psr; asm("mov %0=psr" : "=r"(psr)); psr.dt;})
-#define ADDR_OF(p)		(IS_VIRTUAL_MODE() ? ((void*)((long)(p)+PAGE_OFFSET)) : ((void*) (p)))
-#define __fwtab_pa(n,x)		({ia64_nasid_va _v; _v.l = (long) (x); _v.f.nasid = (x) ? (n) : 0; _v.f.reg = 0; _v.l;})
- * The following variables are passed thru registersfrom the configuration file and
- * are set via the _start function.
- */
-long		base_nasid;
-long		num_cpus;
-long		bsp_entry_pc=0;
-long		num_nodes;
-long		app_entry_pc;
-int		bsp_lid;
-func_ptr_t	ap_entry;
-static efi_runtime_services_t    *efi_runtime_p;
-static char fw_mem[(  sizeof(efi_system_table_t)
-		    + sizeof(efi_runtime_services_t)
-		    + NUM_EFI_DESCS*sizeof(efi_config_table_t)
-		    + sizeof(struct ia64_sal_systab)
-		    + sizeof(struct ia64_sal_desc_entry_point)
-		    + sizeof(struct ia64_sal_desc_ap_wakeup)
-		    + sizeof(acpi_rsdp_t)
-		    + sizeof(acpi_rsdt_t)
-		    + sizeof(acpi_sapic_t)
-		    + MAX_LSAPICS*(sizeof(acpi_entry_lsapic_t))
-		    + (1+8*MAX_NODES)*(sizeof(efi_memory_desc_t))
-		    + sizeof(ia64_sal_desc_ptc_t) +
-		    + MAX_NODES*sizeof(ia64_sal_ptc_domain_info_t) +
-		    + MAX_CPUS*sizeof(ia64_sal_ptc_domain_proc_entry_t) +
-		    + 1024)] __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
- * Very ugly, but we need this in the simulator only.  Once we run on
- * real hw, this can all go away.
- */
-extern void pal_emulator_static (void);
-asm ("
-	.text
-	.proc pal_emulator_static
-	mov r8=-1;;
-	cmp.eq p6,p7=6,r28;;		/* PAL_PTCE_INFO */
-(p7)	br.cond.sptk.few 1f
-	;;
-	mov r8=0			/* status = 0 */
-	movl r9=0x500000000		/* tc.base */
-	movl r10=0x0000000200000003	/* count[0], count[1] */
-	movl r11=0x1000000000002000	/* stride[0], stride[1] */
-	br.cond.sptk.few rp
-1:	cmp.eq p6,p7=14,r28;;		/* PAL_FREQ_RATIOS */
-(p7)	br.cond.sptk.few 1f;;
-	mov r8=0			/* status = 0 */
-	movl r9 =0x100000064		/* proc_ratio (1/100) */
-	movl r10=0x100000100		/* bus_ratio<<32 (1/256) */
-	movl r11=0x10000000a		/* itc_ratio<<32 (1/100) */
-1:	cmp.eq p6,p7=22,r28;;		/* PAL_MC_DRAIN */
-(p7)	br.cond.sptk.few 1f;;
-	mov r8=0
-	br.cond.sptk.few rp
-1:	cmp.eq p6,p7=23,r28;;		/* PAL_MC_EXPECTED */
-(p7)	br.cond.sptk.few 1f;;
-	mov r8=0
-	br.cond.sptk.few rp
-1:	br.cond.sptk.few rp
-	.endp pal_emulator_static\n");
-static efi_status_t
-efi_get_time (efi_time_t *tm, efi_time_cap_t *tc)
-	if (tm) {
-		memset(tm, 0, sizeof(*tm));
-		tm->year = 2000;
-		tm->month = 2;
-		tm->day = 13;
-		tm->hour = 10;
-		tm->minute = 11;
-		tm->second = 12;
-	}
-	if (tc) {
-		tc->resolution = 10;
-		tc->accuracy = 12;
-		tc->sets_to_zero = 1;
-	}
-	return EFI_SUCCESS;
-static void
-efi_reset_system (int reset_type, efi_status_t status, unsigned long data_size, efi_char16_t *data)
-	while(1);	/* Is there a pseudo-op to stop medusa */
-static efi_status_t
-efi_success (void)
-	return EFI_SUCCESS;
-static efi_status_t
-efi_unimplemented (void)
-static long
-sal_emulator (long index, unsigned long in1, unsigned long in2,
-	      unsigned long in3, unsigned long in4, unsigned long in5,
-	      unsigned long in6, unsigned long in7)
-	register long r9 asm ("r9") = 0;
-	register long r10 asm ("r10") = 0;
-	register long r11 asm ("r11") = 0;
-	long status;
-	/*
-	 * Don't do a "switch" here since that gives us code that
-	 * isn't self-relocatable.
-	 */
-	status = 0;
-	if (index == SAL_FREQ_BASE) {
-		switch (in1) {
-			r9 = 500000000;
-			break;
-			/*
-			 * Is this supposed to be the cr.itc frequency
-			 * or something platform specific?  The SAL
-			 * doc ain't exactly clear on this...
-			 */
-			r9 = 700000000;
-			break;
-			r9 = 1;
-			break;
-		      default:
-			status = -1;
-			break;
-		}
-	} else if (index == SAL_SET_VECTORS) {
-		if (in1 == SAL_VECTOR_OS_BOOT_RENDEZ) {
-			func_ptr_t	*fp;
-			fp = ADDR_OF(&ap_entry);
-			fp->pc = in2;
-			fp->gp = in3;
-		} else {
-			status = -1;
-		}
-		;
-	} else if (index == SAL_GET_STATE_INFO) {
-		;
-	} else if (index == SAL_GET_STATE_INFO_SIZE) {
-		;
-	} else if (index == SAL_CLEAR_STATE_INFO) {
-		;
-	} else if (index == SAL_MC_RENDEZ) {
-		;
-	} else if (index == SAL_MC_SET_PARAMS) {
-		;
-	} else if (index == SAL_CACHE_FLUSH) {
-		;
-	} else if (index == SAL_CACHE_INIT) {
-		;
-	} else if (index == SAL_UPDATE_PAL) {
-		;
-	} else {
-		status = -1;
-	}
-	asm volatile ("" :: "r"(r9), "r"(r10), "r"(r11));
-	return status;
- * This is here to work around a bug in egcs-1.1.1b that causes the
- * compiler to crash (seems like a bug in the new alias analysis code.
- */
-void *
-id (long addr)
-	return (void *) addr;
- * Fix the addresses in a function pointer by adding base node address
- * to pc & gp.
- */
-fix_function_pointer(void *fp)
-	func_ptr_t	*_fp;
-	_fp = fp;
-	_fp->pc = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, _fp->pc);
-	_fp->gp = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, _fp->gp);
-fix_virt_function_pointer(void *fptr)
-        func_ptr_t      *fp;
-        fp = fptr;
-        fp->pc = fp->pc | PAGE_OFFSET;
-        fp->gp = fp->gp | PAGE_OFFSET;
-        efi_runtime_services_t            *runtime;
-        runtime = efi_runtime_p;
-        fix_virt_function_pointer((void*)runtime->get_time);
-        fix_virt_function_pointer((void*)runtime->set_time);
-        fix_virt_function_pointer((void*)runtime->get_wakeup_time);
-        fix_virt_function_pointer((void*)runtime->set_wakeup_time);
-        fix_virt_function_pointer((void*)runtime->set_virtual_address_map);
-        fix_virt_function_pointer((void*)runtime->get_variable);
-        fix_virt_function_pointer((void*)runtime->get_next_variable);
-        fix_virt_function_pointer((void*)runtime->set_variable);
-        fix_virt_function_pointer((void*)runtime->get_next_high_mono_count);
-        fix_virt_function_pointer((void*)runtime->reset_system);
-        return EFI_SUCCESS;;
-sys_fw_init (const char *args, int arglen, int bsp)
-	/*
-	 * Use static variables to keep from overflowing the RSE stack
-	 */
-	static efi_system_table_t *efi_systab;
-	static efi_runtime_services_t *efi_runtime;
-	static efi_config_table_t *efi_tables;
-	static ia64_sal_desc_ptc_t *sal_ptc;
-	static ia64_sal_ptc_domain_info_t *sal_ptcdi;
-	static ia64_sal_ptc_domain_proc_entry_t *sal_ptclid;
-	static acpi_rsdp_t *acpi_systab;
-	static acpi_rsdt_t *acpi_rsdt;
-	static acpi_sapic_t *acpi_sapic;
-	static acpi_entry_lsapic_t *acpi_lsapic;
-	static struct ia64_sal_systab *sal_systab;
-	static efi_memory_desc_t *efi_memmap, *md;
-	static unsigned long *pal_desc, *sal_desc;
-	static struct ia64_sal_desc_entry_point *sal_ed;
-	static struct ia64_boot_param *bp;
-	static struct ia64_sal_desc_ap_wakeup *sal_apwake;
-	static unsigned char checksum = 0;
-	static char *cp, *cmd_line, *vendor;
-	static int mdsize, domain, last_domain ;
-	static int cnode, nasid, cpu, num_memmd, cpus_found;
-	/*
-	 * Pass the parameter base address to the build_efi_xxx routines.
-	 */
-	build_init(8LL*GB*base_nasid);
-	num_nodes = GetNumNodes();
-	num_cpus = GetNumCpus();
-	memset(fw_mem, 0, sizeof(fw_mem));
-	pal_desc = (unsigned long *) &pal_emulator_static;
-	sal_desc = (unsigned long *) &sal_emulator;
-	fix_function_pointer(&pal_emulator_static);
-	fix_function_pointer(&sal_emulator);
-	/* Align this to 16 bytes, probably EFI does this  */
-	mdsize = (sizeof(efi_memory_desc_t) + 15) & ~15 ;
-	cp = fw_mem;
-	efi_systab  = (void *) cp; cp += sizeof(*efi_systab);
-	efi_runtime_p = efi_runtime = (void *) cp; cp += sizeof(*efi_runtime);
-	efi_tables  = (void *) cp; cp += NUM_EFI_DESCS*sizeof(*efi_tables);
-	sal_systab  = (void *) cp; cp += sizeof(*sal_systab);
-	sal_ed      = (void *) cp; cp += sizeof(*sal_ed);
-	sal_ptc     = (void *) cp; cp += sizeof(*sal_ptc);
-	sal_apwake  = (void *) cp; cp += sizeof(*sal_apwake);
-	acpi_systab = (void *) cp; cp += sizeof(*acpi_systab);
-	acpi_rsdt   = (void *) cp; cp += sizeof(*acpi_rsdt);
-	acpi_sapic  = (void *) cp; cp += sizeof(*acpi_sapic);
-	acpi_lsapic = (void *) cp; cp += num_cpus*sizeof(*acpi_lsapic);
-	vendor 	    = (char *) cp; cp += 32;
-	efi_memmap  = (void *) cp; cp += 8*32*sizeof(*efi_memmap);
-	sal_ptcdi   = (void *) cp; cp += CPUS_PER_FSB*(1+num_nodes)*sizeof(*sal_ptcdi);
-	sal_ptclid  = (void *) cp; cp += ((3+num_cpus)*sizeof(*sal_ptclid)+7)/8*8;
-	cmd_line    = (void *) cp;
-	if (args) {
-		if (arglen >= 1024)
-			arglen = 1023;
-		memcpy(cmd_line, args, arglen);
-	} else {
-		arglen = 0;
-	}
-	cmd_line[arglen] = '\0';
-#ifdef BRINGUP
-	/* for now, just bring up bash */
-	strcpy(cmd_line, "init=/bin/bash");
-	strcpy(cmd_line, "");
-	memset(efi_systab, 0, sizeof(efi_systab));
-	efi_systab->hdr.signature = EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_SIGNATURE;
-	efi_systab->hdr.revision  = EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION;
-	efi_systab->hdr.headersize = sizeof(efi_systab->hdr);
-	efi_systab->fw_vendor = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, vendor);
-	efi_systab->fw_revision = 1;
-	efi_systab->runtime = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, efi_runtime);
-	efi_systab->nr_tables = 2;
-	efi_systab->tables = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, efi_tables);
-	memcpy(vendor, "S\0i\0l\0i\0c\0o\0n\0-\0G\0r\0a\0p\0h\0i\0c\0s\0\0", 32);
-	efi_runtime->hdr.signature = EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES_SIGNATURE;
-	efi_runtime->hdr.revision = EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES_REVISION;
-	efi_runtime->hdr.headersize = sizeof(efi_runtime->hdr);
-	efi_runtime->get_time = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, &efi_get_time);
-	efi_runtime->set_time = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, &efi_unimplemented);
-	efi_runtime->get_wakeup_time = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, &efi_unimplemented);
-	efi_runtime->set_wakeup_time = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, &efi_unimplemented);
-	efi_runtime->set_virtual_address_map = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, &efi_set_virtual_address_map);
-	efi_runtime->get_variable = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, &efi_unimplemented);
-	efi_runtime->get_next_variable = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, &efi_unimplemented);
-	efi_runtime->set_variable = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, &efi_unimplemented);
-	efi_runtime->get_next_high_mono_count = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, &efi_unimplemented);
-	efi_runtime->reset_system = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, &efi_reset_system);
-	efi_tables->guid = SAL_SYSTEM_TABLE_GUID;
-	efi_tables->table = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, sal_systab);
-	efi_tables++;
-	efi_tables->guid = ACPI_TABLE_GUID;
-	efi_tables->table = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, acpi_systab);
-	fix_function_pointer(&efi_unimplemented);
-	fix_function_pointer(&efi_get_time);
-	fix_function_pointer(&efi_success);
-	fix_function_pointer(&efi_reset_system);
-	fix_function_pointer(&efi_set_virtual_address_map);
-	/* fill in the ACPI system table: */
-	memcpy(acpi_systab->signature, "RSD PTR ", 8);
-	acpi_systab->rsdt = (struct acpi_rsdt*)__fwtab_pa(base_nasid, acpi_rsdt);
-	memcpy(acpi_rsdt->header.signature, "RSDT",4);
-	acpi_rsdt->header.length = sizeof(acpi_rsdt_t);
-	memcpy(acpi_rsdt->header.oem_id, "SGI", 3);
-	memcpy(acpi_rsdt->header.oem_table_id, "SN1", 3);
-	acpi_rsdt->header.oem_revision = 0x00010001;
-	acpi_rsdt->entry_ptrs[0] = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, acpi_sapic);
-	memcpy(acpi_sapic->header.signature, "SPIC ", 4);
-	acpi_sapic->header.length = sizeof(acpi_sapic_t)+num_cpus*sizeof(acpi_entry_lsapic_t);
-	for (cnode=0; cnode<num_nodes; cnode++) {
-		nasid = GetNasid(cnode);
-		for(cpu=0; cpu<CPUS_PER_NODE; cpu++) {
-			if (!IsCpuPresent(cnode, cpu))
-				continue;
-			acpi_lsapic->type = ACPI_ENTRY_LOCAL_SAPIC;
-			acpi_lsapic->length = sizeof(acpi_entry_lsapic_t);
-			acpi_lsapic->acpi_processor_id = cnode*4+cpu;
-			acpi_lsapic->flags = LSAPIC_ENABLED|LSAPIC_PRESENT;
-			acpi_lsapic->eid = cpu;
-			acpi_lsapic->id = nasid;
-			acpi_lsapic++;
-		}
-	}
-	/* fill in the SAL system table: */
-	memcpy(sal_systab->signature, "SST_", 4);
-	sal_systab->size = sizeof(*sal_systab);
-	sal_systab->sal_rev_minor = 1;
-	sal_systab->sal_rev_major = 0;
-	sal_systab->entry_count = 3;
-	strcpy(sal_systab->oem_id, "SGI");
-	strcpy(sal_systab->product_id, "SN1");
-	/* fill in an entry point: */	
-	sal_ed->type = SAL_DESC_ENTRY_POINT;
-	sal_ed->pal_proc = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, pal_desc[0]);
-	sal_ed->sal_proc = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, sal_desc[0]);
-	sal_ed->gp = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, sal_desc[1]);
-	/* kludge the PTC domain info */
-	sal_ptc->type = SAL_DESC_PTC;
-	sal_ptc->num_domains = 0;
-	sal_ptc->domain_info = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, sal_ptcdi);
-	cpus_found = 0;
-	last_domain = -1;
-	sal_ptcdi--;
-	for (cnode=0; cnode<num_nodes; cnode++) {
-		nasid = GetNasid(cnode);
-		for(cpu=0; cpu<CPUS_PER_NODE; cpu++) {
-			if (IsCpuPresent(cnode, cpu)) {
-				domain = cnode*CPUS_PER_NODE + cpu/CPUS_PER_FSB;
-				if (domain != last_domain) {
-					sal_ptc->num_domains++;
-					sal_ptcdi++;
-					sal_ptcdi->proc_count = 0;
-					sal_ptcdi->proc_list = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, sal_ptclid);
-					last_domain = domain;
-				}
-				sal_ptcdi->proc_count++;
-				sal_ptclid->id = nasid;
-				sal_ptclid->eid = cpu;
-				sal_ptclid++;
-				cpus_found++;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (cpus_found != num_cpus)
-	/* Make the AP WAKEUP entry */
-	sal_apwake->type = SAL_DESC_AP_WAKEUP;
-	sal_apwake->mechanism = IA64_SAL_AP_EXTERNAL_INT;
-	sal_apwake->vector = 18;
-	for (cp = (char *) sal_systab; cp < (char *) efi_memmap; ++cp)
-		checksum += *cp;
-	sal_systab->checksum = -checksum;
-	md = &efi_memmap[0];
-	num_memmd = build_efi_memmap((void *)md, mdsize) ;
-	bp = id(ZERO_PAGE_ADDR + (((long)base_nasid)<<33));
-	bp->efi_systab = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, &fw_mem);
-	bp->efi_memmap = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, efi_memmap);
-	bp->efi_memmap_size = num_memmd*mdsize;
-	bp->efi_memdesc_size = mdsize;
-	bp->efi_memdesc_version = 0x101;
-	bp->command_line = __fwtab_pa(base_nasid, cmd_line);
-	bp->console_info.num_cols = 80;
-	bp->console_info.num_rows = 25;
-	bp->console_info.orig_x = 0;
-	bp->console_info.orig_y = 24;
-	bp->num_pci_vectors = 0;
-	bp->fpswa = 0;
-	/*
-	 * Now pick the BSP & store it LID value in
-	 * a global variable. Note if BSP is greater than last cpu,
-	 * pick the last cpu.
-	 */
-	for (cnode=0; cnode<num_nodes; cnode++) {
-		for(cpu=0; cpu<CPUS_PER_NODE; cpu++) {
-			if (!IsCpuPresent(cnode, cpu))
-				continue;
-			bsp_lid = (GetNasid(cnode)<<24) | (cpu<<16);
-			if (bsp-- > 0)
-				continue;
-			return;
-		}
-	}

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: