patch-2.4.10 linux/drivers/scsi/53c700.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.9/linux/drivers/scsi/53c700.h linux/drivers/scsi/53c700.h
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
+/* Driver for 53c700 and 53c700-66 chips from NCR and Symbios
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 by
+ */
+#ifndef _53C700_H
+#define _53C700_H
+/* Turn on for general debugging---too verbose for normal use */
+#undef NCR_700_DEBUG
+/* Debug the tag queues, checking hash queue allocation and deallocation
+ * and search for duplicate tags */
+#undef NCR_700_TAG_DEBUG
+#ifdef NCR_700_DEBUG
+#define DEBUG(x)	printk x
+#define DEBUG(x)
+/* The number of available command slots */
+/* The maximum number of Scatter Gathers we allow */
+#define NCR_700_SG_SEGMENTS		32
+/* The maximum number of luns (make this of the form 2^n) */
+#define NCR_700_MAX_LUNS		32
+#define NCR_700_LUN_MASK		(NCR_700_MAX_LUNS - 1)
+/* Alter this with care: too many tags won't give the elevator a chance to
+ * work; too few will cause the device to operate less efficiently */
+#define NCR_700_MAX_TAGS		16
+/* magic byte identifying an internally generated REQUEST_SENSE command */
+#define NCR_700_INTERNAL_SENSE_MAGIC	0x42
+/* WARNING: Leave this in for now: the dependency preprocessor doesn't
+ * pick up file specific flags, so must define here if they are not
+ * set */
+#if !defined(IO_MAPPED) && !defined(MEM_MAPPED)
+#define IO_MAPPED
+struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters;
+/* These are the externally used routines */
+struct Scsi_Host *NCR_700_detect(Scsi_Host_Template *, struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *);
+int NCR_700_release(struct Scsi_Host *host);
+void NCR_700_intr(int, void *, struct pt_regs *);
+enum NCR_700_Host_State {
+struct NCR_700_SG_List {
+	/* The following is a script fragment to move the buffer onto the
+	 * bus and then link the next fragment or return */
+	#define	SCRIPT_MOVE_DATA_IN		0x09000000
+	#define	SCRIPT_MOVE_DATA_OUT		0x08000000
+	__u32	ins;
+	__u32	pAddr;
+	#define	SCRIPT_NOP			0x80000000
+	#define	SCRIPT_RETURN			0x90080000
+/* We use device->hostdata to store negotiated parameters.  This is
+ * supposed to be a pointer to a device private area, but we cannot
+ * really use it as such since it will never be freed, so just use the
+ * 32 bits to cram the information.  The SYNC negotiation sequence looks
+ * like:
+ * 
+ * If DEV_NEGOTIATED_SYNC not set, tack and SDTR message on to the
+ * initial identify for the device and set DEV_BEGIN_SYNC_NEGOTATION
+ * If we get an SDTR reply, work out the SXFER parameters, squirrel
+ * them away here, clear DEV_BEGIN_SYNC_NEGOTIATION and set
+ * DEV_NEGOTIATED_SYNC.  If we get a REJECT msg, squirrel
+ *
+ *
+ * 0:7	SXFER_REG negotiated value for this device
+ * 8:15 Current queue depth
+ * 16	negotiated SYNC flag
+ * 17 begin SYNC negotiation flag 
+ * 18 device supports tag queueing */
+#define NCR_700_DEV_NEGOTIATED_SYNC	(1<<16)
+#define NCR_700_DEV_BEGIN_TAG_QUEUEING	(1<<18)
+static inline void
+NCR_700_set_SXFER(Scsi_Device *SDp, __u8 sxfer)
+	((__u32)SDp->hostdata) &= 0xffffff00;
+	((__u32)SDp->hostdata) |= sxfer & 0xff;
+static inline __u8 NCR_700_get_SXFER(Scsi_Device *SDp)
+	return (((__u32)SDp->hostdata) & 0xff);
+static inline void
+NCR_700_set_depth(Scsi_Device *SDp, __u8 depth)
+	((__u32)SDp->hostdata) &= 0xffff00ff;
+	((__u32)SDp->hostdata) |= (0xff00 & (depth << 8));
+static inline __u8
+NCR_700_get_depth(Scsi_Device *SDp)
+	return ((((__u32)SDp->hostdata) & 0xff00)>>8);
+static inline int
+NCR_700_is_flag_set(Scsi_Device *SDp, __u32 flag)
+	return (((__u32)SDp->hostdata) & flag) == flag;
+static inline int
+NCR_700_is_flag_clear(Scsi_Device *SDp, __u32 flag)
+	return (((__u32)SDp->hostdata) & flag) == 0;
+static inline void
+NCR_700_set_flag(Scsi_Device *SDp, __u32 flag)
+	((__u32)SDp->hostdata) |= (flag & 0xffff0000);
+static inline void
+NCR_700_clear_flag(Scsi_Device *SDp, __u32 flag)
+	((__u32)SDp->hostdata) &= ~(flag & 0xffff0000);
+/* These represent the Nexus hashing functions.  A Nexus in SCSI terms
+ * just means the identification of an outstanding command, by ITL
+ * (Initiator Target Lun) or ITLQ (Initiator Target Lun Tag).  I'm not
+ * very keen on XOR based hashes, so these are based on number theory
+ * instead.  All you need to do is to fix your hash bucket size and
+ * then choose reasonable strides which are coprime with the chosen
+ * bucket size
+ *
+ * Note: this mathematical hash can be made very efficient, if the
+ * compiler is good at optimising: Choose the number of buckets to be
+ * 2^n and the modulo becomes a logical and with (2^n-1).
+ * Additionally, if you chose the coprimes of the form 2^n-2^n the
+ * multiplication can be done by a shift and an addition. */
+#define ITL_HASH_PRIME		7
+#define ITLQ_PUN_PRIME		7
+#define ITLQ_LUN_PRIME		3
+static inline int
+hash_ITL(__u8 pun, __u8 lun)
+	return (pun*ITL_HASH_PRIME + lun) % MAX_ITL_HASH_BUCKETS;
+static inline int
+hash_ITLQ(__u8 pun, __u8 lun, __u8 tag)
+struct NCR_700_command_slot {
+	#define NCR_700_SLOT_MASK 0xFC
+	#define NCR_700_SLOT_MAGIC 0xb8
+	#define	NCR_700_SLOT_FREE (0|NCR_700_SLOT_MAGIC) /* slot may be used */
+	#define NCR_700_SLOT_BUSY (1|NCR_700_SLOT_MAGIC) /* slot has command active on HA */
+	#define NCR_700_SLOT_QUEUED (2|NCR_700_SLOT_MAGIC) /* slot has command to be made active on HA */
+	__u8	state;
+	#define NCR_700_NO_TAG	0xdead
+	__u16	tag;
+	struct NCR_700_SG_List	SG[NCR_700_SG_SEGMENTS+1];
+	__u32	resume_offset;
+	Scsi_Cmnd	*cmnd;
+	__u32		temp;
+	/* Doubly linked ITL/ITLQ list kept in strict time order
+	 * (latest at the back) */
+	struct NCR_700_command_slot *ITL_forw;
+	struct NCR_700_command_slot *ITL_back;
+	struct NCR_700_command_slot *ITLQ_forw;
+	struct NCR_700_command_slot *ITLQ_back;
+struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters {
+	/* These must be filled in by the calling driver */
+	int	clock;			/* board clock speed in MHz */
+	__u32	base;			/* the base for the port (copied to host) */
+	__u8	differential:1;	/* if we are differential */
+#ifdef __hppa__
+	/* This option is for HP only.  Set it if your chip is wired for
+	 * little endian on this platform (which is big endian) */
+	__u8	force_le_on_be:1;
+	__u8	fast:1;		/* if we can alter the SCSI bus clock
+                                   speed (so can negiotiate sync) */
+	int	sync_clock;	/* The speed of the SYNC core */
+	__u32	*script;		/* pointer to script location */
+	__u32	pScript;		/* physical mem addr of script */
+	/* This will be the host lock.  Unfortunately, we can't use it
+	 * at the moment because of the necessity of holding the
+	 * io_request_lock */
+	spinlock_t lock;
+	enum NCR_700_Host_State state; /* protected by state lock */
+	Scsi_Cmnd *cmd;
+	__u8	msgout[8];
+	__u8	tag_negotiated;
+	__u8	status;
+	__u8	msgin[8];
+	struct NCR_700_command_slot	*slots;
+	int	saved_slot_position;
+	int	command_slot_count; /* protected by state lock */
+	__u8	rev;
+	__u8	reselection_id;
+	/* flags for the host */
+	/* ITL list.  ALL outstanding commands are hashed here in strict
+	 * order, latest at the back */
+	struct NCR_700_command_slot *ITL_Hash_forw[MAX_ITL_HASH_BUCKETS];
+	struct NCR_700_command_slot *ITL_Hash_back[MAX_ITL_HASH_BUCKETS];
+	/* Only tagged outstanding commands are hashed here (also latest
+	 * at the back) */
+	struct NCR_700_command_slot *ITLQ_Hash_forw[MAX_ITLQ_HASH_BUCKETS];
+	struct NCR_700_command_slot *ITLQ_Hash_back[MAX_ITLQ_HASH_BUCKETS];
+	/* Free list, singly linked by ITL_forw elements */
+	struct NCR_700_command_slot *free_list;
+ *	53C700 Register Interface - the offset from the Selected base
+ *	I/O address */
+#ifdef __hppa__
+#define bE	(hostdata->force_le_on_be ? 0 : 3)
+#define	bSWAP	(hostdata->force_le_on_be)
+#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN)
+#define bE	3
+#define bSWAP	0
+#elif defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN)
+#define bE	0
+#define bSWAP	0
+#error "__BIG_ENDIAN or __LITTLE_ENDIAN must be defined, did you include byteorder.h?"
+#define bS_to_cpu(x)	(bSWAP ? le32_to_cpu(x) : (x))
+#define bS_to_host(x)	(bSWAP ? cpu_to_le32(x) : (x))
+/* NOTE: These registers are in the LE register space only, the required byte
+ * swapping is done by the NCR_700_{read|write}[b] functions */
+#define	SCNTL0_REG			0x00
+#define		FULL_ARBITRATION	0xc0
+#define 	PARITY			0x08
+#define		ENABLE_PARITY		0x04
+#define 	AUTO_ATN		0x02
+#define	SCNTL1_REG			0x01
+#define 	SLOW_BUS		0x80
+#define		ENABLE_SELECT		0x20
+#define		ASSERT_RST		0x08
+#define		ASSERT_EVEN_PARITY	0x04
+#define	SDID_REG			0x02
+#define	SIEN_REG			0x03
+#define 	PHASE_MM_INT		0x80
+#define 	FUNC_COMP_INT		0x40
+#define 	SEL_TIMEOUT_INT		0x20
+#define 	SELECT_INT		0x10
+#define 	GROSS_ERR_INT		0x08
+#define 	UX_DISC_INT		0x04
+#define 	RST_INT			0x02
+#define 	PAR_ERR_INT		0x01
+#define	SCID_REG			0x04
+#define SXFER_REG			0x05
+#define		ASYNC_OPERATION		0x00
+#define SODL_REG                        0x06
+#define	SOCL_REG			0x07
+#define	SFBR_REG			0x08
+#define	SIDL_REG			0x09
+#define	SBDL_REG			0x0A
+#define	SBCL_REG			0x0B
+/* read bits */
+#define		SBCL_IO			0x01
+/*write bits */
+#define		SYNC_DIV_AS_ASYNC	0x00
+#define		SYNC_DIV_1_0		0x01
+#define		SYNC_DIV_1_5		0x02
+#define		SYNC_DIV_2_0		0x03
+#define	DSTAT_REG			0x0C
+#define		ILGL_INST_DETECTED	0x01
+#define		WATCH_DOG_INTERRUPT	0x02
+#define		SCRIPT_INT_RECEIVED	0x04
+#define		ABORTED			0x10
+#define	SSTAT0_REG			0x0D
+#define		PARITY_ERROR		0x01
+#define		SCSI_RESET_DETECTED	0x02
+#define		SCSI_GROSS_ERROR	0x08
+#define		SELECTED		0x10
+#define		SELECTION_TIMEOUT	0x20
+#define		FUNCTION_COMPLETE	0x40
+#define		PHASE_MISMATCH 		0x80
+#define	SSTAT1_REG			0x0E
+#define		SIDL_REG_FULL		0x80
+#define		SODR_REG_FULL		0x40
+#define		SODL_REG_FULL		0x20
+#define SSTAT2_REG                      0x0F
+#define CTEST0_REG                      0x14
+#define CTEST1_REG                      0x15
+#define CTEST2_REG                      0x16
+#define CTEST3_REG                      0x17
+#define CTEST4_REG                      0x18
+#define         DISABLE_FIFO            0x00
+#define         SLBE                    0x10
+#define         SFWR                    0x08
+#define         BYTE_LANE0              0x04
+#define         BYTE_LANE1              0x05
+#define         BYTE_LANE2              0x06
+#define         BYTE_LANE3              0x07
+#define         SCSI_ZMODE              0x20
+#define         ZMODE                   0x40
+#define CTEST5_REG                      0x19
+#define         MASTER_CONTROL          0x10
+#define         DMA_DIRECTION           0x08
+#define CTEST7_REG                      0x1B
+#define         DFP                     0x08
+#define         EVP                     0x04
+#define		DIFF			0x01
+#define CTEST6_REG                      0x1A
+#define	TEMP_REG			0x1C
+#define	DFIFO_REG			0x20
+#define		FLUSH_DMA_FIFO		0x80
+#define		CLR_FIFO		0x40
+#define	ISTAT_REG			0x21
+#define		ABORT_OPERATION		0x80
+#define		DMA_INT_PENDING		0x01
+#define		SCSI_INT_PENDING	0x02
+#define		CONNECTED		0x08
+#define CTEST8_REG                      0x22
+#define         LAST_DIS_ENBL           0x01
+#define		SHORTEN_FILTERING	0x04
+#define CTEST9_REG                      0x23
+#define	DBC_REG				0x24
+#define	DCMD_REG			0x27
+#define	DNAD_REG			0x28
+#define	DIEN_REG			0x39
+#define 	ABORT_INT		0x10
+#define 	INT_INST_INT		0x04
+#define 	WD_INT			0x02
+#define 	ILGL_INST_INT		0x01
+#define	DCNTL_REG			0x3B
+#define		SOFTWARE_RESET		0x01
+#define 	SCRPTS_16BITS		0x20
+#define		ASYNC_DIV_2_0		0x00
+#define		ASYNC_DIV_1_5		0x01
+#define		ASYNC_DIV_1_0		0x02
+#define		ASYNC_DIV_3_0		0x03
+#define	DMODE_REG			0x34
+#define		BURST_LENGTH_1		0x00
+#define		BURST_LENGTH_2		0x40
+#define		BURST_LENGTH_4		0x80
+#define		BURST_LENGTH_8		0xC0
+#define 	BW16			32 
+#define 	MODE_286		16
+#define 	IO_XFER			8
+#define 	FIXED_ADDR		4
+#define DSP_REG                         0x2C
+#define DSPS_REG                        0x30
+/* Parameters to begin SDTR negotiations.  Empirically, I find that
+ * the 53c700-66 cannot handle an offset >8, so don't change this  */
+#define NCR_700_MAX_OFFSET	8
+#define NCR_700_MIN_XFERP	1
+#define NCR_700_MIN_PERIOD	25 /* for SDTR message, 100ns */
+#define script_patch_32(script, symbol, value) \
+{ \
+	int i; \
+	for(i=0; i< (sizeof(A_##symbol##_used) / sizeof(__u32)); i++) { \
+		__u32 val = bS_to_cpu((script)[A_##symbol##_used[i]]) + value; \
+		(script)[A_##symbol##_used[i]] = bS_to_host(val); \
+		dma_cache_wback((unsigned long)&(script)[A_##symbol##_used[i]], 4); \
+		DEBUG((" script, patching %s at %d to 0x%lx\n", \
+		       #symbol, A_##symbol##_used[i], (value))); \
+	} \
+#define script_patch_32_abs(script, symbol, value) \
+{ \
+	int i; \
+	for(i=0; i< (sizeof(A_##symbol##_used) / sizeof(__u32)); i++) { \
+		(script)[A_##symbol##_used[i]] = bS_to_host(value); \
+		dma_cache_wback((unsigned long)&(script)[A_##symbol##_used[i]], 4); \
+		DEBUG((" script, patching %s at %d to 0x%lx\n", \
+		       #symbol, A_##symbol##_used[i], (value))); \
+	} \
+/* Used for patching the SCSI ID in the SELECT instruction */
+#define script_patch_ID(script, symbol, value) \
+{ \
+	int i; \
+	for(i=0; i< (sizeof(A_##symbol##_used) / sizeof(__u32)); i++) { \
+		__u32 val = bS_to_cpu((script)[A_##symbol##_used[i]]); \
+		val &= 0xff00ffff; \
+		val |= ((value) & 0xff) << 16; \
+		(script)[A_##symbol##_used[i]] = bS_to_host(val); \
+		dma_cache_wback((unsigned long)&(script)[A_##symbol##_used[i]], 4); \
+		DEBUG((" script, patching ID field %s at %d to 0x%x\n", \
+		       #symbol, A_##symbol##_used[i], val)); \
+	} \
+#define script_patch_16(script, symbol, value) \
+{ \
+	int i; \
+	for(i=0; i< (sizeof(A_##symbol##_used) / sizeof(__u32)); i++) { \
+		__u32 val = bS_to_cpu((script)[A_##symbol##_used[i]]); \
+		val &= 0xffff0000; \
+		val |= ((value) & 0xffff); \
+		(script)[A_##symbol##_used[i]] = bS_to_host(val); \
+		dma_cache_wback((unsigned long)&(script)[A_##symbol##_used[i]], 4); \
+		DEBUG((" script, patching ID field %s at %d to 0x%x\n", \
+		       #symbol, A_##symbol##_used[i], val)); \
+	} \
+#ifdef MEM_MAPPED
+static inline __u8
+NCR_700_readb(struct Scsi_Host *host, __u32 reg)
+	const struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *hostdata __attribute__((unused))
+		= (struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *)host->hostdata[0];
+	return readb(host->base + (reg^bE));
+static inline __u32
+NCR_700_readl(struct Scsi_Host *host, __u32 reg)
+	__u32 value = readl(host->base + reg);
+	const struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *hostdata __attribute__((unused))
+		= (struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *)host->hostdata[0];
+#if 1
+	/* sanity check the register */
+	if((reg & 0x3) != 0)
+		BUG();
+	return bS_to_cpu(value);
+static inline void
+NCR_700_writeb(__u8 value, struct Scsi_Host *host, __u32 reg)
+	const struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *hostdata __attribute__((unused))
+		= (struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *)host->hostdata[0];
+	writeb(value, host->base + (reg^bE));
+static inline void
+NCR_700_writel(__u32 value, struct Scsi_Host *host, __u32 reg)
+	const struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *hostdata __attribute__((unused))
+		= (struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *)host->hostdata[0];
+#if 1
+	/* sanity check the register */
+	if((reg & 0x3) != 0)
+		BUG();
+	writel(bS_to_host(value), host->base + reg);
+#elif defined(IO_MAPPED)
+static inline __u8
+NCR_700_readb(struct Scsi_Host *host, __u32 reg)
+	const struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *hostdata __attribute__((unused))
+		= (struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *)host->hostdata[0];
+	return inb(host->base + (reg^bE));
+static inline __u32
+NCR_700_readl(struct Scsi_Host *host, __u32 reg)
+	__u32 value = inl(host->base + reg);
+	const struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *hostdata __attribute__((unused))
+		= (struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *)host->hostdata[0];
+#if 1
+	/* sanity check the register */
+	if((reg & 0x3) != 0)
+		BUG();
+	return bS_to_cpu(value);
+static inline void
+NCR_700_writeb(__u8 value, struct Scsi_Host *host, __u32 reg)
+	const struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *hostdata __attribute__((unused))
+		= (struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *)host->hostdata[0];
+	outb(value, host->base + (reg^bE));
+static inline void
+NCR_700_writel(__u32 value, struct Scsi_Host *host, __u32 reg)
+	const struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *hostdata __attribute__((unused))
+		= (struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *)host->hostdata[0];
+#if 1
+	/* sanity check the register */
+	if((reg & 0x3) != 0)
+		BUG();
+	outl(bS_to_host(value), host->base + reg);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: