patch-2.3.99-pre6 linux/scripts/usb/usbtree

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.99-pre5/linux/scripts/usb/usbtree linux/scripts/usb/usbtree
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Reads /proc/bus/usb/devices and selectively lists and/or
-# interprets it.
-$DEVFILENAME = "/proc/bus/usb/devices";
-$PROGNAME = $0;
-print "\n";
-$TAGS = $ARGV[0];		# save user TAGS
-if (length ($TAGS) == 0)
-if (! open (DEVNUM, "<$DEVFILENAME"))
-	print "$PROGNAME: cannot open '$DEVFILENAME'\n";
-	exit 1;
-while ($line = <DEVNUM>)	# read a text line from DEVNUM
-	# skip all lines except those that begin with "T:" or "D:" or "I:".
-	if (($line !~ "^T:") && ($line !~ "^I:") && ($line !~ "^D:"))
-	{
-		next;	# to the next line
-	}
-	chomp $line;		# remove line endings
-	# First convert '=' signs to spaces.
-	$line =~ tr/=/ /;
-	# and convert all ( and ) to spaces.
-	$line =~ tr/(/ /;
-	$line =~ tr/)/ /;
-	# split the line at spaces.
-	@fields = split / +/, $line;
-	if ($line =~ "^T:")
-	{
-		# split yields: $level, $port, $devnum, $speed, $maxchild.
-		$level  = @fields [2];
-		$port   = @fields [6];
-		$devnum = @fields [10];
-		$speed  = @fields [12];
-		$maxchild = @fields [14];
-		$devclass = "?";
-		$intclass = "?";
-		$driver   = "?";
-		if (($devnum == -1) && ($level == 0))
-		{
-			print "/:  Dev# -1, root hub/$maxchild ports, $speed Mbps\n";
-		}
-		next;
-	} # end T: line
-	elsif ($line =~ "^D:")
-	{ # for D: line
-		$devclass = @fields [5];
-		next;
-	}
-	else
-	{ # for I: line
-		$intclass = @fields [9];
-		$ifnum    = @fields [2];
-		$driver   = @fields [15];
-	} # end I: line
-	if ($level > 1)
-	{
-		$temp = $level;
-		while ($temp > 1)
-		{
-			print "    ";
-			$temp--;
-		}
-	}
-	print sprintf ("|__ Port# $port: Dev# $devnum, If# $ifnum, Class=$devclass, Ifc=$intclass, Driver=$driver%s, $speed Mbps\n",
-		($maxchild == 0) ? "" : ("/" . $maxchild . " ports"));
-} # end while DEVNUM
-close (DEVNUM);
-print "\n";
-# END.

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: